#damn straight ill assign extra homework to homophobes and misogynists
totiredtowrite · 3 years
“ToTiredToWrite” anons as teachers:
Airhead: The attractive biology teacher that’s tired but funny. A few of his students probably accidentally called him dad atone point.
🪶: The vice principal of an elementary school. Seems scary but is actually so sweet and funny. All of the students love him.
🦇: That one high school sex ed teacher that is immune to awkwardness. Probably has a bunch of pads, tampons, and condoms in his desk in case any of his students need any.
🥑: Evil gym teacher that’s actually kind of soft in secret. Seems mean, but cares deeply about his students and will kill for them if it comes to it. His students are shocked to find out that he has a husband because he seems like an asshole.
🌘: That ONE art teacher that people forget isn’t an older student. Goes all out for Halloween and is one of the best people to talk to when it comes to drama because he knows all the tea.
Unavailable: The quiet but snarky literature teacher that definitely plays favourites and assigns extra work to the kids he doesn’t like.
♾: The nice textiles teacher that everyone goes to for advice. Seems parent-like at first but can’t function for shit when it comes to kids— which is why he teaches high school kids.
🪂: The dramatic theatre teacher that comes to school in the most ugly outfits to exist. This link of Sikowits from Victorious.
🖕🏽: That really hot high school Socials Studies/History teacher that all of his students have a crush on. Doesn’t matter if he identifies as a guy or girl for the day, he’s coming in a fucking awesome outfit with great hair. Always powerful when speaking and teaches his students about the darker sides of history, even if they’re banned of controversial. Somehow manages to teach both sides of every event and expects nothing but excellence from his students. Also super snarky and his lectures are always exciting. But everyone loves him because he’s super relatable as well. Was tutored by Airhead when they were both students so they’re inseparable now and spend their lunch break together.
🎹: The band teacher that people hate in the beginning before realizing that’s he’s awesome. So damn talented and learned how to play the piano with his middle fingers (yes, this is a twin dude reference). Best friends with 🖕🏽and 🌙. Students have conspiracy theories about this bitch being an alien. Challenges his students to prank wars during April Fool’s time and always wins.
🌙: The psychology teacher that everyone loves but is kind of concerning. Makes multiple suicide and retirement jokes but everyone thinks it’s hilarious. Somehow.
I spend my free time grading essays in the band room with 🎹
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