steveng-rogers · 4 years
Hostie and Wine PRIEST AU(happygowriting kinktober day 1=Food Kink )
Pairings: Stucky(StevexBucky), Dandy(DaytonxAndy), slight Ducky(DaytonxBucky) Dark-ish!Steve and Andy. College boys Bucky and Dayton. 
Rating: M+ (to be clear that is Mature, meaning if you’re under the age of 18 DO NOT READ or INTERACT)
Word Count:  4,143 
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ ONLY. M/M. Heavy blasphemy kink. Food kink. Restraints, gagging(not too heavy). Dirty talk, mild degrading. Alcohol. Demonic chants(not too weird, translation will be at the end of the fic) the real warning is the bad Latin. Blowjobs, hand jobs, anal sex, male giving and receiving. Praise kink. (If there are any thats not listed and you think I should list, let me know)
Summary: Harmless fun for Bucky and Dayton turns into a fantasy filled night with the help of father Steve and Father Andy. 
A/N:  I used CPDV(Catholic Public Domain Version) translation of the Bible because it’s easier to understand. I don’t know any Latin, so what you find here is google translated. Don’t repost this anywhere unless you have asked me for permission. I worked very hard on this :) thankyou for curtisbb for proof reading this and happygowriting for providing this awesome prompts. 
    Morning Sunday mass, early, boring, and so hard to pay attention to. It’s 
their day off and if it were any other colleges, they would be in bed and do
 whatever they desired. But being in a Catholic private college means they live
 under a strict rule of Catholicism and their many masses and some might say
    Dayton White and Bucky Barnes are now sitting on the third row from the 
altar. Not stiff enough to sit on the very first row and not rebellious enough to
 sit in the back row like those hooligans. Plus they have enough heads to keep
 them from getting in trouble from talking to each other and from here they 
have enough distance between those heads to steal glances at their new
 priests. That is exactly their topic of whispers for almost three weeks now. 
    They look at each other, giving each other the “eyes” when the Bishop is 
trying to use slang or use any remarks to be funny. 
    “In our reading today we learned that Jesus was brought out by the spirit to
 be tempted by Satan. Now as you all know Jesus was or rather still is the OP
 (Over Powered)  man and God. He refused to be tempted you see..”
    Dayton rolled his eyes, really OP? “What is this? A video game convention?”
 Bucky laughs quietly at Dayton’s comment, making sure to bow his head so it’ll
 look like he’s coughing or something. Dayton smirks and pat Bucky’s back to
 make it more convincing to others that are watching. The angels and the
 heavens are not the only ones who've been watching the two, there are two
 pairs of glistening blues who already set their eyes on them. They know their 
ticks and their subtle coded movements. 
    Dayton felt the burns of their stare and because he is Dayton White he
 dares to look at the two priests. Father Andrew Barber holds up a finger to his
 lips, ever so subtle and quick to tell him to “hush” and Father Steve Rogers on
 the other side of him, just raised his eyebrows at the younger men. Dayton
 nudges Bucky’s elbow and points with his chin to them. He looks up, a little too
 quickly and finds Father Steve already looking at him. They look away and
 back to the Bishop. Both of the young men feel the cold shiver running down 
their spines, making them clutch the matte black blazer of their school’s 
uniform tighter around their body. Something is amidst. Something dark.  
    “And just like Jesus said in Matthew 4 verse 7, you can say to Satan that
 they cannot tempt you for you are a child of God and your faith will save you.” 
    When the time of the communion came, their favorite part. They wait for
 their turn and go in line to receive their hostie and wine. The body and the
 blood of Jesus. 
    Father Andrew holds out the white, round hostie and Dayton submissively
 opens his mouth to receive it. And father Andrew places the hostie in Dayton’s
 mouth and gives a light pressure on his thumb as it reaches the top of
 Dayton’s tongue. Bucky on the other hand is on his way to receive the wine
 from none other than Father Steve. Father Steve extends the gold chalice to
 Bucky and Bucky couldn’t help but to lick his lips. The wine is not the one he
 had in mind to satiate his thirst and father Steve saw that in his eyes. So he
 tips the chalice to Bucky’s mouth, his index finger brushes lightly against
 Bucky’s lips as it was so strategically placed on the outline of the chalice by
 father Steve. 
    No one noticed when these exchanges happened, for they are subtle and
 very easy to miss. But for the four of them, it leaves them breathless and
 wanting more, so much more. 
    Long after the mass was done and dinner was served, Bucky and Dayton
 decided to lounge around their common room. Dayton is sitting on the sofa,
 close to the window, catching up on some assigned reading and Bucky is
 sitting close to the fireplace finishing up his essay. After hours, both boys grew
 bored. Their minds start to idle and they can’t seem to concentrate on their
 task. And the saying goes, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” Usually 
Dayton is the one who would come up with things to do, but today Bucky came
 up with something. Rather devilish. 
    “Dayton.” Bucky closes his laptop and sits towards his bestfriend, a playful 
grin on his face.
    “What is it?” Dayton looks up from his book and raises his eyebrows at him,
 clearly interested. 
    “You know when the priests and church staff go to sleep right?”
    “Yeah, around 9 oclock. Why?”
    “What do you say we steal some hostie and raid the wine cellar?” Bucky
 suggested and Dayton just shakes his head, impressed at how reckless Bucky
 is being right now. 
    “No and you know why.”
    Bucky stood and went over to Dayton. “They’re not yet blessed, so we'd only
 be guilty of stealing. Plus the confession room opens tomorrow and you know 
who is going to be there.” Dayton thought about being alone in the room with 
father Andrew and he’s sold. 
   “Okay fine, you got me. If we get caught, you’re taking the blame.”
    “Alright so you’re calling cauliflower?” Bucky said their code word and
 Dayton gave him a nod. The plan is locked and loaded. 
     Around nine oclock, the two best friends waited until the light on their hal
l was dimmed. Then Bucky leads them to a room where the unblessed hostie
 are made. Dayton waited outside while Bucky went in to snatch some bags of 
hostie, sure they tasted like nothing but when you’re tempted the devil will help
 you indulge. 
    Then out of the corner of his eyes, Dayton saw two figures walking towards
 where he is at. It was so dark and Dayton can only see dark shadows and by
 God, if these are ghosts he’s gonna make a run for it. Then as they walk
 closer, Dayton can make up the outline of a face and oh. Oh. He knows that 
beard, those broad shoulders, and the cross necklaces. It’s the twin priests.
 They were too busy arguing quietly until father Andrew saw him and father 
Steve followed his gaze. 
    “Mister White? What are you doing out so late?” Father Andrew raises his
 eyebrows in question and Dayton can feel his palms getting clammy. 
    “And where is mister Barnes? You two are usually together, are you not?” 
Father Steve asked as he looked around for Bucky. Dayton smiles nervously 
and reminds himself to be calm.
    “Oh well, Barnes and I are looking for uh..” He trails off as he hears Bucky’s 
footsteps getting closer to the door. “Cauliflower!” Dayton exclaimed, loud 
enough for Bucky to hear and the footsteps stopped abruptly. 
    “Cauliflower?” Father Steve and Father Andrew look at each other and back
 at Dayton. 
    “For what?” Dayton cursed in his heart, damn it. “For a project that we’re 
working on.”
    “Well, I better not find you in the confession booth tomorrow confessing
 about this lie. Or they will be severe punishments.” Father Andrew 
emphasized on the word punishment and that sends chills throughout Dayton’s
    “Yes, father.” With that the two priests left him there and once they’re out of 
sight, Dayton exhales and knocks on the door for Bucky to come out. “Oh my
 god, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Bucky laughs with the bag of hostie in
 his hands. “Shut up, we almost got caught.” Bucky grins and throws one of the
 bags at Dayton. “But we didn't, so come on. One more stop.” 
    Dayton went inside the wine cellar this time and Bucky was outside, to look
 out for them. Once they got the goods, they head back to their dorm room 
completely unaware that they’ve been followed. 
    The clock strikes midnight and the two boys are enjoying their wine and 
hostie in their dorm room. They’ve spiked the wine with vodka, a gift from their
 Russian friend Pietro. They’re a giggling mess, the slight buzz was a nice 
feeling, and the tasteless hostie somehow is sweeter in their mouths. 
    At exactly 12:12 am, the door opened and the boys were met with large 
figures standing on the door. “You didn’t lock the fucking door Barnes.” Dayton
 glares at Bucky, who is now looking up at father Steve. “I’m sorry..” 
    “What do we have here?” Father Steve crouches down and grabs the 
opened bag of hostie from Bucky’s hand. 
    “This doesn’t look like a cauliflower, does it?” Father Andrew asked as he 
inhaled the tip of the wine bottle. 
    Bucky and Dayton weren't sure on what to do other than to look up to the 
two men. “But you knew that Dayton and Bucky?” Father Andrew looked into 
their eyes. Both boys look down, shame burns the words out of their mouths. 
    “Come on, you two are smart right? Use your words.” Father Steve edge on.
 But they can’t even whisper a word out. “Get up both of you.” Dayton can feel
 his legs wobbles as he slowly stood. Bucky was not much better because he’s
 still on the ground. 
    “Bucky.” Father Steve warns and Bucky immediately stands. “We can expel 
the both of you for this. Do you want that?” Father Steve said, tilting Bucky’s
 chin up to look at him. Both boys shake their heads. “Didn’t I say use your 
words?” He warned them, annoyance laced his tone. “N-no father.” Bucky 
managed to stammer out. 
    “Please we’ll do anything to not get expelled.” Dayton finally spoke. “Hm 
anything?” Father Andrew hums as he locks the door behind him. “Yes, father 
Andrew anything.” He stalks over and stands in front of Dayton. “Call me 
Andy.” Dayton swallows the lump on his throat and nods. The older men
 exchange a knowing look to each other and when they turn their heads to the 
boys, the pupils in their eyes grow dark. The younger boys gasp, prickles of
 arousal dance down their bodies as the men extend their hands out to them. 
    Steve snakes his arm around Bucky’s waist and Bucky voluntarily steps 
closer to him, pressing their bodies together. Andy runs his index finger down
 Dayton’s jawline slowly, eyes following Dayton’s lips. 
    “Kiss me.” They whisper to the boys with their lips so temptingly close to 
    Bucky and Dayton close their eyes and kiss them. Dayton almost whimpers 
when Andy returns his kiss, so demanding his kiss was. He kissed Dayton so 
deeply, almost as if he wanted a taste of the wine he’d been drinking. 
    Bucky inhales deeply when Steve kisses him back, so soft as if he is to savor
 Bucky’s lips with his. He wraps his arms around Steve’s shoulder, one hand 
running through his golden locks and he tugs as Steve bites down on his lips. 
That earned Steve a hopeless moan from Bucky. 
    Andy backs Dayton to his bed. His lips find its ways to Dayton’s neck as he 
pushes him down to his bed. “Been wanting to taste you. Ever since you lick 
my finger on our first communion. You know exactly what you’re doing to me.” 
Andy whispers with his thumb brushing against Dayton’s lower lips and he bites
 down on his thumb teasingly. “ ‘course I do father, had to lay my claim on you.”
 Andy chuckles, dark and deep as he tugs Dayton’s white button down off. 
    Steve has Bucky’s legs wrapped around his waist as they kiss hungrily.
 When Bucky lays down on the bed and looks up, Steve’s black button down
 was already half opened thanks to Bucky’s wandering hands. Steve ripped his
 shirt open and maybe it’s the alcohol, but Bucky lost it as he looked up, seeing 
Steve’s bare chest and the little sun tattoo just underneath his left collar bone.
 He groans and moans out, “Daddy.” Steve smirks down at him. “Oh? You’re 
daddy’s boy huh?” Bucky’s face flushed red, pupils blown darker than the new
 moon. “Hm.” And he nods. Steve huffs, hand palming Bucky’s crotch “Use your
 words Bucky.” He gasps out, “Yes! I’m daddy’s boy.” 
    Andy pulls down Dayton’s pants along with his red briefs, then he starts to 
stroke his length drawing sweet little noises from him. “You’re already
 throbbing baby. What happens if I put my mouth on you hm? Are you gonna 
cum right away like a horny teenager?” Dayton groans in protest. Sure he had 
been deprived of this kind of fun, but that doesn’t mean he and Bucky hadn’t 
fooled around or that he was an inexperienced virgin. “Why don’t you find out
 mister Barber? Put your mouth around me and I’ll prove to you how 
‘inexperience’ I am?” Dayton smirks, he can see a flash of anger on Andy’s
 dark eyes. “You think you’re in charge here? Oh I don’t think so.  I am and 
you’ll do as I say.” Andy pulls his belt off his waist and runs the metallic tip on 
Dayton’s bare chest, making him tremble. “I told you there is going to be a 
severe punishment if I caught you and here we are.” 
    Bucky was bare as the day he was born, a quivering, and a flushed little 
thing Steve thought. “Play with yourself sweetheart, imagine it was me just like 
you’ve been confessing in the booth.” Bucky bites down on his bottom lips,
 trying to contain his moans as he slides his hand up and down his own cock. 
Steve grabs the bottle of wine and takes a huge swig out of it, palming himself 
as he watches Bucky play with himself. “Don’t bother being quiet, come on let
 daddy hear how good you sound .” Bucky’s toes curl as he moans out Steve’s
 name. “O-ohhh S..S-Steve, daddy please touch me, touch me.” Steve takes 
another swig of the wine, then he leans down to kiss Bucky, filling his mouth 
with the red liquid. “Good boy, keep going. Keep touching that pretty thing. 
Make daddy proud.” Bucky is a sucker for praises and Steve amplified that, 
with his husky and soft voice and Steve, he goddamn knows it. 
    Dayton’s hand is now all tied up to the upper railing on his bed, his fingers 
bare down on his palm, making his knuckles white as Andy toys around with 
his nipples. “Don’t you make a fucking sound. Or I’ll edge you and make you
 watch your best friend get fucked like you wanted while you’re here,
 pathetically begging for me to make you cum.” Andy sits up and takes his 
black button down off him, showing off the little moon tattoo under his left collar
 bone and that makes Dayton’s mouth water at the thought of having his mouth
 all over that tattoo. “Maybe I like to be edge Andy, won’t be the first time I 
watched my best friend get his way.” Now that was a mistake and Dayton was 
too late to pull back. Andy fished out his white, clergy collar, and enfold it
 around Dayton’s jaw, muffling his mouth. The priest breaks down the hostie 
into smaller pieces, placing it down Dayton’s chest to his happy trail where the
 skin glistens with Dayton’s precum. “I want you to remember that verse from
 Luke 22nd, about the last supper. Recite it, the last of verse 19.” Andy pulls 
down the collar just a little so Dayton could talk. The younger man breathes 
heavily as he tries to remember it. “This is my body, which is given for y-you. 
Do this as a commemoration of me ohh...” Andy growls as he licks and eats
 the white pieces of hostie along Dayton’s body. “Good, good boy.” He coos
 softly, putting the collar back on to Dayton’s mouth. 
    Bucky almost came under Steve’s watch and of course, Steve being the 
sadist that he is pulls his hand away. Bucky whined, closing his legs to hide his
 painfully hard on from Steve. “No sweetheart, keep it wide open. I want you to
 recite the memory verse I have given you. Come on I’ll help you, Luke 22nd,
 the last of verse 20.” Bucky’s wine stained lips quiver as he struggles to
 ground himself, Steve is all but smiles and proud because he knows Bucky
 could do it. “This.. uhm chalice is the new covenant in my blood, which will be
 shed f..f-for you.” Steve opens up Bucky’s jaw and pour the remaining of the
 wine into his mouth. “Drink sweet boy and don’t waste a single drop.” Steve
 commands him and Bucky gulps it down like he was told to. Before Bucky 
could finish, Steve wraps his hand around Bucky’s neck and squeezes it, 
enough to make him gasp and then he kissed him like a starved man. His 
other hand, strokes Bucky’s cock making the younger man moan into their 
kiss. “Bucky, sweetheart. Cum on my hand. You deserve it, for being so fucking
 good to me.” He whispers as he licks the droplets of the red liquor along 
Bucky’s lips and like the command of God, Bucky moans out and came all over
 the priest’s hand. “Ah! Steve-oh god, da-daddy..ah.” Bucky’s whole body 
trembles as Steve strokes his cock some more. 
    Andy and Steve are prepared to have this moment with them, have been 
planning it for months, and it’s finally here. They came willingly, well one of 
them certainly did. They glances at each other as they grab the small pack of 
lube that they’ve brought with them. Once they’ve stripped themselves naked 
and on their knees above their chosen ones, the twins starts to chant 
something like prayers under their ragged breaths. 
            “Satanas Domino, per gratiam tuam
            Concede mihi precor te 
            Ut ad virtutis in 
            Mente consipere ac reddere 
            Quam ad facere cupio.” 
    Steve teases the rim of Bucky’s hole and he shudders, still sensitive from 
coming too hard. Steve hush him quietly as he slides his lube coated fingers 
into him. Stretching him open and getting him ready for him. “Barely put up a 
fight with me. Was I always the subject in your wet dreams Bucky? Those 
things you’ve confessed to me in that dark booth, all me huh?” Bucky thought 
he was being subtle, but the shame of getting caught shot arousal to his dick
 and he tightened around Steve’s digits. “Answer me.” Steve demands and
 Bucky whimpers out, “Yes, yes. ‘S all you Steve.” 
    Dayton is painfully hard, he wanted to protest, but his mouth is stuffed and
 not in the way that he likes. Andy chuckles darkly at his attempts and without
 warning he drips the cold liquid of the lube on Dayton’s red rim and that earns
 him a choked out moan from Dayton. “You’ve finally found your match? 
Somehow you know only I can make you like this, you came with me with your
 inappropriate comments thinking that I might blush and came again wishing
 that I do them to you.” Andy slides his digits in and made a scissoring motion 
inside him, Dayton bites down on the collar trying his hardest to be quiet. Andy
 adds to the torture as he licks and sucks on the top of Dayton’s cock. 
    They toy and play around with the two for what feels like hours. They want 
them savored and teased like Satan did to Eve in the garden of Eden. 
    Steve strokes himself and with Bucky all ready for him, he slid inside him 
slowly. Bucky immediately tightened around him, feeling every veins on Steve’s
 cock. “F-fuck Steve.” He moans desperately, cock already twitching and 
wanting to cum again. “By God Bucky, don’t you cum before I tell you to.” Steve
 sets a slow pace until he’s all sheathed inside him. “Fuck. Oh yes, all hot and 
tight for me. All for me huh Bucky? Goin to fuck the sweet sin into you.” Bucky 
wraps his legs around Steve, hands on his back with his fingers clawing at the 
older man’s back. Steve’s words, his cock, and the way his hand squeezes his 
legs made Bucky desperate to let go, but he can’t it all feels so good and all he
 wanted is for Steve to have him like this for the rest of his days. “Daddy oh 
god, ngh- please fuck me, harder Oh!” Steve grabs the headboard and starts
 to fuck him slow and hard, making Bucky feel every inch of him. 
    Andy has Dayton’s legs on his shoulders as he keeps teasing him, sweeping
 the tip of his cock and slowly putting it inside Dayton but not quite fucking him. 
Dayton let out a frustrated, pushing his hips down to seek more of Andy. 
“Darling you’ve got to earn it, you know that don’t you?” Tears slipped down 
Dayton’s flush cheeks, he’s so unbelievably hard and he hasn’t cum in the last 
hour. He’s aching and desperate for Andy to just fuck the daylight out of him. 
Andy took the collar off Dayton’s mouth, wanting to listen to Dayton’s pleas 
more clearly. “Andy please, you’ve tortured me enough, ah-I can’t please.” 
Andy smiles devilishly, kissing Dayton’s wet cheeks. “Can’t what hm? Take it 
anymore?” Dayton nods, his walls finally crumbling down under Andy’s touch.
 “I love hearing you beg. That honeyed voice of yours darling.” Andy gave 
Dayton what he'd been pleading for and Dayton swore he saw the halo on top 
of Andy’s head as he felt the delicious stretch on his hole. Dayton’s hole 
swallows Andy’s dick almost all the way in and Dayton is already a whimpering 
mess under the priest. Andy pushed in some more till he bottoms out, making 
Dayton cry out in pleasure, “Jesus-ah! Andy, A-ah Andy.” The said man starts 
one unrelenting pace as he pressed Dayton’s legs up to his chest to fuck him 
deeper. “Sweet heavens, you felt better than I’d imagine. Look the way you
 take my cock. Like a good fucking whore.” 
    Steve fucked Bucky until he’s on his third orgasm, Bucky is all but a writhing,
 sweet thing under him and Steve hasn’t even come once, but he’s so 
goddamn close. Steve’s hand closed around the metal railing of the headboard
 as he moves his hips hard against him. “Steve, Steve oh daddy. Fuck, fuck. ‘S 
too much.” Bucky whined, high pitched and breathy and that edged Steve on
 even more. “Almost sweetheart, daddy’s gonna cum in you yeah? Fill up that 
sweet ass of yours and make you cum again.” Bucky clenches around Steve, 
making Steve bend the metal in his hand. He rams his hips harshly as he 
finally spills his seed inside Bucky and Bucky moans lewdly as his own cock 
twitch and he came for the fourth time. “Ouhh daddy. Steve hahh.” Steve holds
 Bucky close as he rides his high, his hand loosened around the metal and he
 moans deeply in Bucky’s ear. 
    Andy has Dayton on all fours, his reddened ass in the air and his face all 
flushed against the pillow. Andy spanks Dayton’s ass as he rails him from
 behind, making Dayton whined all high pitched into the pillow that he’s 
clutching. “Fucking Christ Dayton, darling look at you. All nice and fucked out.
 Want me to cum inside you hm? Fill you nice till all you can feel is me?” Andy 
whispered in Dayton’s ear with his deep voice that made Dayton shiver. “Yes,
 yes. Give it to me. Fill me up, fill me up -ah!” Andy rams that sweet spot of 
Dayton’s as his hand snakes down to pump his cock. “Cum Dayton, you’ve 
earned it. Be a sweet boy for me darling, make me fucking proud.” Dayton’s 
mouth falls open, but not a whisper of word comes; instead his ass clenches 
around Andy’s cock as his cock shoots out hot, white cum on the sheet 
beneath him. “Yes, there you go sweet boy. You’re my sweet boy, keep coming
 baby.” Andy gave a couple of hard thrusts till he came inside Dayton, his head 
falling upward like Cain did when he worshipped God. Andy growled deep and
hoarse as he filled Dayton up, Dayton hums sweetly as Andy leans down and 
kisses down his back. 
    The twin cleans their partners up with warm towels, making sure they’re 
going to be comfortable come morning. The clock strikes 3 am and the two 
priests quietly slip out of the dorm room. Their eyes gave out glints of red, a
 devilish smirk painted across their lips as they walked side by side. “Who 
would’ve thought?” Steve chuckles. “You know what he said,  fruits taste better 
when they’re forbidden.” Who would’ve thought that demons only prey on 
beautiful women? They prey on beautiful men too.
Translation of the Latin piece: Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do. 
16 notes · View notes
mindiangrowl · 10 years
It's raining men
This is a labor of love ive been working on for a bit an Au of sorts based on diamond dan and written for evmlove, special thanks to my girls hiphopsoulqueen lizzylizard84 and sednarb for help with some aspects Ana on twitter and all the other supportive mindians, enjoy this, its unbetaed and feedback appreciated. this does contain smut FYI
"Are we ready ladies?" Mindy said walking out of the hotel room bathroom. She was dressed in a short black dress, dangling green earring and stylish heels and she wore a sash that said maid of honor across her chest and a cowboy hat that read Bachlorette crew.
"I'm ready to see some strippers, hell yeah!" Maggie yelled from her spot on the bed.
"I second that." Alex said as she touched up her lipstick in the vanity of the hotel suite.
"I don't know girls, I think we should just do clubbing and drinks, strippers might be a little too much." Gwen said , she wore a sash similar to Mindy's but hers said 'the bride'. She also had a tiara on that said the same thing.
"Don't be a buzz kill Gwen, it's your last night of freedom, before you marry some old dude, live a little, or at least let us live a little." Maggie said.
"Shut up Maggie, I can too live a little, and Carl isn't that older,he's just older than us." Gwen said defending her fiancee.
"Don't you tell me to shut up, we're here in Jersey for you, I don't see why we couldn't have done Vegas instead. You denied me Vegas, you can't deny us strippers." Maggie said.
"Everyone calm down. Tonight is going to be perfect, you know why, cause I planned it and everyone will get what they want, but we gotta get a move on, we're on a tight schedule." Mindy said stepping.
"You and a tight schedule that is a first. Alright, alright lets go I need a drink." Maggie said when Mindy gave her a glare.
"Good, first ,shots to start us off." Mindy said pulling out a bottle of tequila and a couple of shot glasses.
"That's what I'm talking about." Maggie said hopping off the bed.
"To Gwen and her upcoming nuptials!" Mindy said and they all cheered touched glasses then downed the alcohol.
After the shots. the girls made their way out of the hotel room and down to the lobby. As they walked through the lobby and toward the waiting area for cab services they earned cat calls whistles and a couple of congratulations from the strangers they passed. Mindy smiled in the cab as she thought about her four point fail proof bachelorette party plan. Point one was the shots and point two was dinner , point three was more drinks and dancing in one of the finest clubs in Atlantic city. And point four was strippers at the number one rated male strip club.
 Points two and three were successful and passed quickly ,and before they knew it try had arrived at point four. "Exquisite butts? Really Mindy." Gwen said as they stood outside the male strip club .
"Come on it will be fun, we wont even stay long." Mindy said when Gwen gave her a nervous look.
"You girls can stand out here all night, I'm going in." Maggie said walking toward the entrance of the club.
Gwen, Mindy and Alex followed behind Maggie. Mindy walked in last , she took a minute to stop and take in her surroundings. Loud Techno music was playing and lights were flashing, there were scantily clad men wearing thongs. Some of the men were dancing on poles while others wore thongs and tight leather vest walked around serving drinks to the female and some male patrons. Suddenly Mindy felt something or rather someone bump into her from behind.
"Exqueese..me." Mindy said pausing as she turned around and took in the dark haired man behind her. He was short, handsome, and she could see the outlines of muscle underneath his dress shirt, he also had on a pair of red glasses.
"Yeah, watch where you're going lady." The man said then walked away.
"Rude much." Mindy said then followed her friends, who grabbed a table near a center stage.
"Hello ladies, welcome to exquisite butts, our main show will be starting soon, can I interest anybody with something from the drink menu." A waiter with a british accent said coming up to their table.
"Only if you're on the menu hot stuff." Maggie said.
"Maggie, stop, we're good for now thanks.." Mindy said.
"Party pooper." Maggie said, hitting Mindy on the shoulder.
"Ow, what the hell Maggie." Mindy said.
"Hush you two, the show is starting." Alex said as the lights switched up and the techno music switched up and a voice came over the speaker system and It's raining men started to play .
"Ladies and gentlemen Exquisite butts presents to you Cowboy Casey, Fitz and Chips and the star of our show  Diiiiiiamond Dan!"
The announcer said and out came three male strippers, the first to walk out was a tall pretty boy blonde, dressed ,as his name stated ,in a cowboy outfit, he wore a hat, vest and daisy dukes. The second stripper Fitz and Chips was the British waiter that had come to take their orders, he wore a thong with the British flag on it and nothing else. The third stripper and the star of the show was the man that had bumped into Mindy. Mindy couldn't stop starring as he walked out in a pink thong with the words Diamond Dan bedazzled on it.
The three men pumped and gyrated their hips on the stage as the crowd cheered. Fitz and Chips and Diamond exited the stage leaving only Cowboy Casey. The music switched to American Woman as Cowboy Casey did his routine. Alex, Gwen and Maggie's eyes were glued on him, but Mindy was still recovering from Diamond Dan. Cowboy Casey finished his routine and out came Fitz who did a routine to 'push it'. Again Mindy spaced out during his routine, her cheeks flushed as Fitz finished up and the announcer once again introduced Diamond Dan, this time fully clothed in a leather jacket tight jeans a white shirt and tie.
Sexyback by Justin Timberlake started to play and out he came performing crisp and sexy movements as he practically glided across the stage. He shook his perfect butt and gyrated his hips before throwing off his jacket into the crowd. As he came closer to the edge of the stage his eyes met Mindy's and without missing a beat he held her gaze as he ripped open his shirt to reveal his taut chest and abdominal muscles, continuing to move he threw his tie and it landed in Mindy hands much to Maggie's chagrin. He moved back toward the center of the stage continuing his dance and removal of clothes till only the thong remained. He did one last move then walked off the stage as the music ended.
"Damn Mindy, that guy was totally eye banging you." Maggie said.
"Huh, what ." Mindy said still feeling the heat from her intense eye contact with the male stripper.
"Shut up he was not, he's a stripper they're suppose to make eye contact with the woman so they'll throw dollars, its all part of the show." Alex said.
"So what, he was hot they all were gorgeous, the blond one looked like a model. What I can still look." Gwen said, when her friends  gave her a look.
Mindy brushed it all off, but couldn't help but cling on to the tie before sticking it into her purse, a part of it sticking out. They ordered some drinks, and when Gwen refused to let them buy her a lap dance, the girls decided to call it a night and head back to their hotel rooms to drink and pass out.
"I'm gonna head to the little girls room, I'll meet you girls out front." Mindy said .
She washed her hands, touched up her face and headed out, she turned left and walked toward a door she thought was the door leading to the front exit but found herself outside in an alley.
"Maybe I shouldn't have had that last drink." She said with a giggle.
"You lost ?" A male voice said startling Mindy.
"Hey man, don't hurt me, just take my wallet, and if you're gonna kill me, do it quick." Mindy said putting her hands up and throwing her purse at the man.
"Whoa, hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." The man came out of the shadows and Mindy saw it was Diamond Dan."
"I know you, you're the stripper, are you smoking? I'm a med student and that is so bad for you." Mindy said.
"What, No?! And you're the chick that apparently doesn't know its dangerous to stop in front of a entrance." He said quickly dropping the unlit cigarette.
"It's not my fault you didn't look where you were going." Mindy said.
"Is that my tie?" he said reaching into her purse and pulling the tie out.
"How dare you!" Mindy said snatching her purse back.
"it's my tie!"
"So what you don't stick your hand in a woman's purse without permission. "
"Sorry, I don't mean to be so rude, its been a rough weak, shouldn't take it out on a pretty lady. I'm Danny by the way." Danny said sticking his hand out.
"It's ok, everyone has bad days, and I'm Mindy." Mindy said with a smile.
"I think you should keep it...looks good on you." Danny said taking the tie walking closer to her and slipping it over her head and around her neck, his eyes locked onto hers just like when he was stripping on stage. He didn't know what came over him, but when he'd spotted her in the crowd there was this instant connection, and it wasn't a fluke because he was feeling it again, here in this dimly lit alley.
"Th-thank you." Mindy said , again she found herself in a locked gaze with Danny.
Neither was sure who leaned in first but before they knew it, their lips like their gazes were locked. Danny's tongue was in her mouth entangled with hers, Mindys hands was gripping in his hair as his arms wrapped around her waist. Mindy never did this kind of thing, but this was like one of those instant attraction things, and clearly Danny felt the same as his hands roamed her body. Mindys hands moved from his hair to his waist as she scrambled to unbuckle his jeans. She wished he was still wearing his outfit from earlier, but he'd changed into jeans.
Danny's hands slipped underneath her black dress and Mindy gasped as he ran his hands up and down the outside of her panties, feeling the moisture , before bending down and lowering her panties with his teeth. He wanted to taste her and had a feeling she tasted as good as she looked. Mindy's hands pulled at his hair as he delved his tongue into her folds, plunging in and out, licking and sucking till his ministrations pushed her over the edge.
"Whoa nelly." Mindy said panting. She leaned against the wall for support.
Danny stood back up and kissed her, pressing her against the wall . She could feel his growing erection and worked quickly to continue her earlier task of freeing him from his jeans, he was still  wearing the diamond dan thong and she slowly slid it off of his pelvis. Once free, she grasped him and began to pump him as he sucked and kissed her neck, nipping her and there before capturing her lips. He didn't want to cum in her hand, he wanted to feel her walls clench around him as they did when his tongue was inside of her. He gently removed her hand from his cock and took a few steps back to catch his breath before lifting one of her legs to wrap around him. Their eyes met again and she nodded before he quickly entered her in one swift motion.
Danny pumped slowly in and out of her, before increasing his pace as he fucked her against the alley wall. Mindy moaned with each thrust, she bit into his shoulder as her orgasm begin to build again, stifling her cries of ecstasy as her walls clenched then released, a few minutes later Danny joined her. They both stayed silent panting hard and clearly out of breath.
Danny pulled out and put his underwear back up as well as his pants, while Mindy smoothed her dress, she knew by now Gwen and the others would be worried about her.
"Just so you know, I don't normally do this. I'm actually in med school too, this is just my day job." Danny said.
"Oh. Yeah me either." Mindy said.
"Good, i mean, that neither of us do this normally." Danny said wanting to hit his head against the alley wall.
"I should go.. my friends, they're waiting." Mindy said grabbing her purse.
"Yeah. Come back anytime, if you want." Danny said nervously running his hand through his hair.
"Maybe I will. See you around Danny." Mindy said kissing his check and walking away.
Danny stood there watching her walk away and hoping that they'd indeed meet again.
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
St Barths Chapter 3
Here is the third chapter of  my one-shot turned multichapt fic St Barths, I've included links to the first two chapts if you havent read them yet as this continues where chapter 2 left off, and pasted the unbetaed version of chapt 3 below as well, enjoy.
Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1810579/chapters/3885559
FFnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10495248/1/St-Barth-s
Chapter 3: First Date
Danny gave Mindy one last kiss, before walking out of her hotel room. After she closed the door, he took a few steps then stopped running his hand down his face.
" What are you doing Castellano, this is crazy." Danny said before continuing to walk.
Truth was he had fully intended on staying in Mindy's hotel room, but when she'd got up to answer her phone. Reality started to hit Danny, and along with it fear. Danny was scared, scared of Mindy and his, dare he think, already strong feelings for her. Danny hadn't felt this way about anyone in a very long time . Just her smile and touch got his heart racing, that hadn't happened since Christina.
He and Christina had been separated a full year before they'd legally ended their marriage. The day Danny found Christina in bed with another man, a man he knew and worked with, Danny's marriage had ended and his heart had broken then encased itself in ice. Danny had dated, if you could even call it that, but the minute he could feel the girl getting attached or serious he pulled away and the relationship ended. He'd kept the secret of his divorce as long as he could. Of course he'd had to tell his Ma and his brother Richie right away ,both of whom admitted to never liking his wife. When the papers were signed and he'd stopped wearing his wedding ring, it all started to feel real.
Danny sometimes still thought about her, but it was always feelings of anger. Anger at her for breaking his heart, for sleeping with one of his business partners and reinforcing his distrust and abandonment issues. Danny would be fine with being single, throwing himself into work and brewing of his beer, but then he'd get lonely and seek out some temporary comfort. Meeting Mindy, this could change things, he didn't want something temporary with her and that, that scared him most of all. Because with a smile and her eyes meeting his, the first icy layer around his heart had started to melt.
He thought about canceling the date, about booking a ticket back to New York, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't be like his namesake, he told her he wasn't going anywhere and he would be true to his word. Danny got into a cab and headed back to his hotel room. After showering ,changing and checking in at the practice he called down to the hotel desk to inquire about local restaurants. He chose one that wasn't too far from the hotel Mindy, Carl and Gwen were staying.
"You can do this Castellano, it's just a date, it's not like you're going steady or anything yet." Danny said to himself in the mirror as he got dressed for his date with Mindy a few hours later. His palms were sweating, he furiously rubbed them on his pants and hoped they would dry by the time his cab arrived at Mindy's hotel. He grabbed his phone and wallet and just as started to walk out of his hotel room his phone started to ring. He looked at the caller ID and saw it was an unknown number so he ignored it and exited the room.
Catching a cab outside of his hotel room, he headed toward Eden Rock, the luxury hotel Mindy was staying at. Danny had jumped on the trip last minute , Carl had been trying to invite him for weeks prior. It took Jeremy, his office manager and fellow senior partner at his medical practice forcing him to go on paid vacation, to finally accept. That and the fact that Christina would be in New York the same week as the trip for a week long show at one of the local gallery's in his neighborhood. Danny felt sick to his stomach thinking about how close she would be, so he called up Carl saying he'd come but that he'd pay his own hotel.
As he stood in front of Mindy's hotel room, he smiled thinking about how funny life was, cause who knew running away from Christina would lead him right to something he didn't even know he needed. Mindy was like a breath of fresh air, she'd shaken him out of his daze with that first sentence spoken and had been drawing him in ever since. He took a deep breath before lifting his hand and knocking on her hotel door.
 At six o'clock sharp Mindy heard a knock at her hotel room door. She had grilled Gwen earlier about Danny, when they had met for lunch, and Carl had mentioned that Danny had always been a stickler for time. So she had started getting ready for her dinner with Danny right after she'd eaten, or rather right after she'd purchased a new outfit from the hotel boutique. She opened the door to reveal Danny looking sharp in slacks and a dress shirt.
"Hi." Danny said.
"Hi." Mindy replied.
"You look amazing." Danny said taking in the green dress Mindy had on that showed of her curves nicely.
"Thanks you don't look too bad yourself." Mindy said .
Neither knew how to really great each other after the initial hello, should they kiss, lips or on the cheek. It ended up being an awkward hug and after Danny asked if she was ready to go . Mindy nodded grabbed her small clutch then exited her hotel room. They walked down the hotel hallway in silence but it wasn't awkward they were just enjoying each others proximity.
Danny was a perfect gentleman opening  doors for her ,and as they crossed a small intersection to the area where hotel guest could catch a cab he gently placed his hand on the small of her back, the touch was warm and so quick, she found her self missing it the minute his hand went back down to his side. They got into a cab and Danny gave the driver the name and address of the restaurant.
"So what kind of restaurant is are we going to?" Mindy asked.
"It's some local fusion ,French and Caribbean food. " Danny said glancing out the window then turning to face her as they rode in the cab.
"Cool, I only ask cause I'm curious. I'm not a picky eater or anything , I eat basically anything except Chinese and Ironically Indian, just doesn't sit well with me." Mindy said and Danny just laughed.
"Ok." Danny said. He didn't know why he was so nervous. He certainly wasn't when he was ravishing Mindy the night before, must of been the liquid courage. He both liked and hated that she was so blunt and care free, the complete opposite of him. He mentally face palmed himself, he needed to relax and just enjoy this date, and just go from there.
"You ok?" Mindy asked noticing the preoccupied look on his face.
"Yeah." Danny said offering her a smile.
Before Mindy could respond, the cab slowed to a stop in front of the restaurant. Danny paid the driver then got out and opened Mindy's door for her, extending his hand out to help her out of the cab as she was wearing heels. They walked inside of the restaurant and since it was a nice night out, they were seating outside with a view of the beach .
"Welcome to Chateau Papillon, my name is George I will be your server today, can I start you off with something to drink?"
Danny ordered a beer and Mindy a glass of red wine. George went to get their drink orders, and they perused the menu. Danny didn't typically like to go to fancy restaurants, but he wanted to take Mindy somewhere nice and the concierge said it was a local favorite amongst guest who frequented the island. Danny ended up ordering the baked salmon which came with cous cous and grilled vegetables, and Mindy ordered the  chicken cordon bleu which came with fried plantains and rice.
" So tell me a little more about your practice?" Mindy said after they'd ordered their food.
"Well it started off just me and my mentor Dr.Schulman, then as the practice grew we had to bring in two other doctors. Schulman retired two years ago, one of the doctors left, and now its me, my other senior partner Dr.Reed and a junior partner Dr. Roman. " Danny said.
"I gotta admit I've been to your office before, well the building anyway. My ex kind of works in that building. Sorry I probably shouldn't mention my ex on a date." Mindy said nervously running her hand through her hair.
"It's fine, I told you all about my ex, it's only fair I listen to you talk about yours, if you need to." Danny said.
"Thanks. Cliff notes version we were together two years, he cheated on me with my neighbor, dated us both till we happened to bump into each other in the hall. Apparently he'd told her that we'd broken up, so she had no idea she was his mistress. I dumped him and have just been focusing on my practice since." Mindy said shrugging it off like it was nothing.
"What a jackass." Danny said.
"Oh yeah." Mindy said.
"Now that, that's out of the way, what else can you tell me about you?" Danny asked
"Hmm, I don't know where to start. Should we like twenty questions it?" Mindy said.
"Twenty questions?" Danny said confused.
"Yeah, you know generic get to know you questions, whats your favorite color,  do you have a secret love child, that kind of thing." Mindy said.
"Ok, it's blue and no I don't have a secret love child, that I know of anyway. You?" Danny said with a half grin.
"Good to know. My favorite color is green, but I also like purple and sometimes yellow, I guess you could say I like colors in general. No to the secret love child ,though most people can tell the answer to that right away cause clearly I don't have the hips of someone who's bared a child. " Mindy said with a smirk.
"Also good to know. Guess its my turn to ask you a question. Did you always know you wanted to become a doctor?" Danny asked.
" Always, no, when I was little I secretly  wanted to be Meg Ryan, till my Aunt Amrita came to visit when I was nine. She was a doctor in India and she had the most glamorous collection of clothing. She was really pretty and super smart and I wanted to be just like her. She told me I could grow up to be anything I wanted to be and that I should never let anyone tell me otherwise. She died of cancer right before I graduated from Med school, but I like to think she'd be proud of the doctor I've become . How about you?" Mindy said blinking back tears.
"I think your Aunt would be proud too. And me, well like I told you yesterday, after my Dad left it was just me , Ma and my little brother. Ma worked two sometimes three jobs to support us, I worked hard to become a doctor so she wouldn't have to work to the grave.  Also I guess I wanted to prove that I could accomplish something like becoming a doctor despite the fact I didn't have a dad growing up, that I could become something my dad never could be, reliable and successful." Danny said.
"Well it's your dad's loss. He clearly missed out on having a handsome and successful doctor he could show off." Mindy said with a smirk, which earned a crooked smile from Danny. Before he could say anything in response, George appeared with their food. They both dug in to it, taking a few bites before speaking.
"How's your chicken?" Danny asked after taking a sip of his beer to wash down the bites of food.
"Really good actually, I see why this place is so popular. How's yours." Mindy said.
"Pretty good , it's not Italian food, but its not bad." Danny said.
They continued to eat and chat about their current lives, even comparing patient stories, without using names of course. After they were done with their dinner, Mindy wanted to desert and they shared a creme brulee. They both reached for the check , but Danny swatted her hand away, reminding her, this was a date. After the check was paid, they decided to go for a walk on the beach.
"I never got the appeal of sand, or the beach for that matter. I mean look at it, people shouldn't wander into it, they should fear the ocean out of respect." Danny said when they stopped and looked at the waves crashing in on the shore.
"I'm not usually looking at the ocean when I'm at the beach, I'm usually there for the  hot beach bods, if you know what I mean. I bet you would look pretty good in a speedo." Mindy said with a smirk after cupping his ass then running away her heels in hand. Danny caught up to her wrapping an arm around her waist and whispering into her ear.
"You don't get to cop a feel and run away." Danny said his voice raspy.
"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it Castel-lamo." Mindy said.
"This." Danny said slipping his hand lower to grab her ass and effectively pulling her flush against him. She looked up at him staring into his brooding eyes before leaning in and kissing him. Her arms wrapping around his neck as they made out like teenagers .They pulled away as things started to get heated, there were other people walking around that same beach, they'd passed some families with small children and Danny didn't want to get arrested in a foreign country for public indecency.
Mindy started to walk again and Danny laced his hands with hers, which made her smile. They continued to walk down the beach just enjoying the fresh Caribbean air, before walking back toward the restaurant. They continued to hold hands even as they rode in the cab back to Eden's Rock. Danny paid the cab driver then walked with Mindy back to her hotel room.
"This was nice, I had a really good time Danny. Mindy said as they stood outside her hotel room.
"Yeah me too." Danny said.
Mindy looked up at him, a part of her wanted to invite him in, seeing as they'd already had sex, but that other part kind of felt that maybe they should figure out what exactly they wanted out of this before they jumped into bed together again.  Yeah she was spontaneous and he was a friend of Carl's but she'd known him three days. So as much as she wanted to pull his shirt over his head and run her hands and mouth over his sculpted abdomen and chest, she resisted the urge.
"I should probably  get to bed, Gwen and Carl want us to do this boat tour thing early tomorrow." Mindy said.
"Right, yeah, Carl called and told me about it this morning." Danny said trying to shake off the fact that Mindy didn't want to invite him in confused him after the beach kiss.
"Yeah, but we should have dinner tomorrow, just the two of us again. There's gonna be this live band downstairs of the hotel tomorrow." Mindy said.
"Oh, cool, yeah that sounds good. So I'll see you tomorrow morning." Danny yeah.
"Yeah, good night Dr.Castellano." Mindy said before leaning in and kissing him. She quickly tore herself away, unlocked her hotel door and slipped inside before Danny could respond.
"Good night Dr.Lahiri." Danny said with a grin on his face to the closed door before walking away.
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
Run Away With Me
I'm sharing with y'all the prologue for my newest multi-chapter, I wanted to get some feedback on it before I sent it to beta and published the story, itll be at most five chapters depending on my muse. I know this AU is pretty impractical, but I couldn't shake it from my head so I had to write it, and I hope you give it a chance. Special thanks to hiphopsoulqueen for being my soundboard with this idea, hope you enjoy the prologue.
She was taking comfort in her going away cake, when Danny found her in his room. He was going through his own crisis. He was freaking out about how fast things were going with his ex-wife.
As he always seemed to do in times of extreme stress he turned to smoking, dropping the cigarette and lighter once he spotted Mindy sitting on the floor.
She was holding a whole cake platter, a large square piece of it missing , a silver fork in hand .
"Danny, are you smoking? " Mindy said catching him off guard
"Nope." Danny said quickly dropping the cigarette.
"What are you doing in here? Oh, come I mean, really? You're eating the Bon voyage cake? Come on, that's for later."
I'm sorry, isn't that my name on it?"
"Yeah, and so is Casey's and whatever. Okay. " Danny said then took a seat next to her on the floor.
"Are you hiding in here? " Danny said, as he settled next to her, his back against the dresser.
"No, I am not hiding. Are you hiding?" Mindy responded.
"From what, total happiness? No."
"Well, I am happy you're happy."
"Good. I mean, Haiti."
"Yeah, Haiti. It's fun."
"Yeah? "
"It's a fun adventure for me."
" Okay."
"As a mature adult to go to an aids-ravaged country, with my boyfriend of three months."
"By the time you get back, I'll probably be married, living in New Jersey with a tractor. You know, one of those lawnmowers, you...It's weird, because most guys freak out when women push 'em too far too fast, but not me. I'm not thinking of slipping out that window, vanishing into the night. No way, not me."
"Yeah and I should just hop out the window with you." Mindy said then took another bite of cake .
"You should. We should just slip out the window, clearly neither of us is really happy about our current situations." Danny said standing up.
"Wait, what? Danny, Danny, I was joking."
"Oh, yeah, me too." Danny said sitting back down.
"Wait, Danny, were you serious?" Mindy said putting her fork down.
"No, it was a joke a stupid joke, we should get back to the party." Danny said.
"No, you know what, yeah lets do it , lets run for it. I don't want to go to Haiti and clearly it's Danny Castellano, and not Danny and Christina, for you." Mindy said putting the cake aside and standing up. She walked toward the window going through it and onto the fire escape.
"What are you doing?" Danny asked still standing by the dresser.
"Vanishing into the night, what does it look like? Come with me." Mindy said stretching out her hand like a dramatic moment in a movie.
"Come on Min, come back inside this is crazy." Danny said not moving.
" No, either way I'm leaving, you can stay here and be miserable or you can come with me."
"But where would we even go?" Danny said subconsciously moving closer to the window.
"Anywhere but here, Haiti, or Jersey." Mindy said with a smirk.
Danny looked around the room, at the letters on the wall, toward his living room where Christina stood talking about her craft, then back toward Mindy's smile and outstretched hand and he knew what to do.
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
Orange is The New Brown
This was written for clrmyr for her birthday, sorry its taken so long to write but I hope you enjoy what my muse managed to whip up. I will also be gifting this to the lovely and talented aconstipatedmeerkat who's birthday is today, if you haven't already make sure to wish her a happy birthday. This is a slight AU of s1ep19(My cool christian boyfriend), for the sake of this story Danny and Alex are not dating and this is unbetaed so all mistakes are mine and a betaed version will be posted soon, I just wanted to get this out it does contain smut so NSFW , anywho enjoy!
"Where's Mindy" Danny asked walking around the aftermath of the prison riot inadvertently started by Mindy and a candy bar. He'd temporarily gone unconscious and saw that everyone was accounted for except for Mindy. "I saw Dr. L getting dragged off by a prison guard  after she maced Morgan, she was kicking and screaming . I hope shes ok." Betsy said popping out of the corner she was cowering in. She'd been tough earlier when one of the female inmates, Judith, had mistaken Beverly for some lady named Susan, but when the shit hit the fan, her survival instinct to run and hide had clicked in. "That sounds about right." Danny said then went off in the direction Betsey pointed to. Danny was about to give up his search when he heard Mindy's distinct voice. "This is so not cool, I demand to speak to the warden person. I've obviously been detained because I'm a women of color. I've got a fancy law and order type Jewish lawyer that will sue the pants off of all of you!" Mindy yelled.
"Once you calm down miss, and if the guard you attacked doesn't press charges, we'll let you go." Danny heard a male voice say.
Danny rounded the corner and saw a disheveled Mindy sitting inside a jail cell. A chunk of her hair was missing from when the inmate had cut it on the right side of her face and there were cuts and scrapes around her lip and the left side of her face.
"Danny, Danny, make them let me out!" Mindy said when she spotted her co-worker.
"What'd she do?" Danny said glancing at Mindy  then back toward the man standing outside of her cell.
"She pinched a guard,  officer Sully Hagan ." The guard who's tag read Sal Sipkowitz said.
"Oh come one, you locked her up for that, look at her hair, and her face, she clearly needs medical attention, you gotta let her out." Danny said concern apparent in his voice.
"I can't, not till my supervisor gets here." Sal said.
"Well, at least, let me in to take care of her face, you can lock us both in, while you go get your supervisor." Danny said.
"Ok, alright."  Sal agreed.
The guard, Sal opened the cell and allowed Danny to enter after he'd fetched his medical kit.
" It's not that bad." Danny said after placing small band aids on her facial cuts.
"I used to have hair here." Mindy said motioning to the side of her hair that had been cut.
"I think we all learned a lesson today , even though I can bench press 200 pounds, big woman sits on my chest, lights out." Danny said referring to the cause of his blackout during the riot.
"Danny." Mindy said.
"I am so embarrassed . I basically started a prison riot so I could prove to everyone how altruistic I am. And I got locked up, I'm basically Akon." Mindy said.
" I don't know who that is, and yeah you did it to impress that pastor Casey." Danny said with a knowing but not judgmental look. Mindy shakes her head in response, and tearing up a little.
"Isn't that the stupidest thing you ever heard." Mindy said choking up as she spoke.
"No it's not, it's ok. Christians only do charity work to impress god and he's a guy. " Danny said. Mindy responded by saying something about god being a women. Which Danny started to argue about, but decided to let it go. "My point is you helped other people today." Danny said. "For one second it felt good, and now I regret it and I basically got scalped." Mindy said still mourning the loss of her hair. "Thank god you're not back in India where that injury would make you un-marriable . That plus your age." Danny side with a smirk. Which caused Mindy to laugh.
" Ow!" Mindy said wincing in pain.
"Sorry." Danny said, he meant to make her laugh,but realized with her facial cuts and bruises it might not have been a good idea.
"Dammit don't make me laugh and fix my face!" Mindy said as she winced at the pain.
"Shh, don't get riled up. " Danny said holding he face up with one hand while the other tends to the bandage on the side of her mouth.
"Ok, ok, I'm calm." Mindy said.
"Any guy would still be lucky to have you, altruistic or not, you're pretty great,hes an idiot for not seeing that."  Danny said.
 Danny's hands then went from fixing the bandage to gently caressed her face, their eyes met, and without realizing it Danny moved in closer and his lips were on hers. His brain clicked  in on what he was doing and just when he was about to pull away, he realized she was kissing him back. Mindy, was kissing him back, she had her tongue in his mouth, her arms had also made their way around his neck. Danny couldn't help but move his hand to her butt, something he realized he had been yearning to touch, every time she walked past him.
Mindy gasped into his mouth as he firmly grasped her ass. Danny moved his other hand to grasp her breast, he couldn't remember if it was Vince or Owen, he was too busy reveling in the feel of it beneath his hand. He flashed back to when he was attempting to be Mindy's gynecologist, the feel of his growing member at the sound of her moans, had caused him to leave the room. Now though, his unlamplike feelings had been revealed and so apparently had hers, so he wasted no time exploring her body through her clothes.
Mindy's hands ran through his hair as she deepened the kiss. As Danny melded his body closer to hers, she felt his growing member and smirked as she grabbed a hold of it through his jeans making Danny gasp in surprise. She then began to unbuckle Danny's jeans as he worked to unclasp her bra, yearning to feel her naked breasts. They had been sitting on the metal bed in the cell, but Mindy pulled Danny into a standing position so she could have easier access to the zipper on his jeans.
Once Danny's jeans were unbuckled and unzipped, Mindy grabbed him through his boxers, not tighty whities, and began to stroke his length. An action that made Danny let out a guttural moan, which enticed Mindy to grip tightly and work it with her hand before bending down taking his full length into her mouth.
"Oh, god, Min..." Danny said his voice now containing a raspy tone.  Mindy continued her ministrations, and right when Danny felt himself getting close, he pulled her up, his eyes connecting with hers before he rejoined his lips with hers.
Danny moved them against the wall, he moved his lips to her neck, while one hand slipped under her skirt, the other cupping her butt, as he basically grinded against her. He slipped a finger into her panties and could feel her heat radiating and dripping wet. He slipped one finger then another into her folds and she gasped before beginning to moan with each thrust of his fingers.
 Their eyes met and didn't leave each other for one second as Danny worked her with his fingers, seeing the way Mindy's face changed with each thrust made him harder as he realized that he was responsible for each moan and look of pleasure on her face. He removed his finger and Mindy whimpered at the loss of contact. . He looked deep into her eyes, saying everything and nothing. Mindy nodded answering his unspoken question. A half smile appeared on his face, as he pulled down her panties before speaking.
"Put your leg up." Danny said his voice raspy. Mindy complied, and Danny slowly eased his penis into her heat, their gazes still locked as he began to thrust into her, slowly at first before picking up his pace. It was so intimate Mindy's facial pain had long been forgotten, as had their current location, it was just her and Danny in sexual bliss. Mindy climaxed first, her walls clenching around Danny before shuddering around him. Soon after Danny came, emptying his warm and sticky cum into her .
Danny cleared his throat to say something, but stopped when they heard footsteps approaching the cell. Danny quickly pulled out,scrambled to pull his pant back up and Mindy to pull up her panties and fix her skirt and bra.
"Dr. Lahiri, you're free to go." Officer Sal said.
"Oh, really, thank you." Mindy said nervously.
"Dr.C, Dr. L. why are you just standing there lets go, whoa, weird energy in here." Morgan said appearing.
Mindy and Danny glanced at each other then they walked out of the cell. Neither said a word to each other, not on the walk to the car, or during the ride back to Manhattan. Mindy could barely pay attention to Morgans lecture about how they should have all listened to them, her mind was still trying to process what happened. She could hardly forget it as her thighs were still covered in Danny's spunk.
She showered when she got home, flashing back to the way it felt kissing Danny, his touches, the way he made her moan. She was shaken out of her reverie by the sound of  knocking on her bathroom door.
"Mindy hurry up, you take any longer in there the place will be closed by the time you get dressed." Rishi said. She'd almost forgotten her brother Rishi was in town, they were supposed to groupon for dinner, a burrito special. She shut the shower off then quickly got dressed, before they headed out.
"You're awfully quiet big sis, you still upset about that Pastor Casey jerk?" Rishi said as they ate.
"No, I'm , well something happened at the prison." Mindy said, running her hand where more hair used to be .
"Well yeah, those inmates did all that." Rishi said pointing to her face and hair.
"No, something else. I uh, I kinda sleptwithdanny." Mindy said looking away.
"Wait, hold up a minute? That doctor you work with, the one you're always talking about?" Rishi said.
"Yes him, and I am not always talking about him." Mindy said blushing a little.
"Yeah, you are. You're always complaining about him to me, 'Rishi you wont believe what Danny said to me today' ." Rishi said imitating Mindy's voice.
"First of all, I do not sound like that, and second, ok maybe I do talk about him a little, ok a lot." Mindy said.
"See. The way I see it, it was gonna happen sooner or later, that guy is clearly into you." Rishi said before taking a bite into his burrito.
"You think so?" Mindy said.
"Well duh. What'd he say after you...you know." Rishi said not wanting to think to much about his sister having sex.
"Well we didn't really get a chance to talk about it." Mindy said.
"Wait, so you mean, he just hit it and quit it?" Rishi said upset.
"No, well, the guards came, and we just didn't get a chance to talk about it." Mindy said.
" You like him don't you?" Rishi asked.
"Yeah, I just never thought he saw me like that , but then he kissed me and well..." Mindy said.
"Then why are you here talking to me, shouldn't you be talking to him, figuring out why he kissed you etc." Rishi said.
"Right, you're right, I should go." Mindy said standing up, she took a second to look at her half eaten burrito.
"Forget about the burrito and just go!" Rishi said.
"Right, I'm going, I'm going." Mindy said walking out of the restaurant. Once outside she hailed a cab, and gave Danny's address.
Mindy stood outside of Danny's apartment door, taking a deep breath in then exhaling out, she knocked on his door. She heard footsteps , before Danny opened it. surprise at seeing her clearly written on his face. Mindy had a whole speech prepared but could only say one word at the sight of him.
"Hey." Mindy said.
"Hey." Danny said back.
"We should probably talk." Mindy said.
"Yeah, of course, come in." Danny said motioning for her to come inside. She walked in and he followed, closing the door behind him, a hopeful smile on his face.
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
Seja Minha(Be Mine)
This was written for my twitter friend Ana aka BrazilTMP for her birthday (July 6th) RL got in the way, but I finally got around to finish this,this is NSFW as it contains plot with smut(my third smut piece) . It is unbetaed as I wanted to get this posted for her but I will be posting the betaed version on the usual sites, enjoy!
It was valentines day and Mindy sat alone in her office. After a string of failed relationships and disastrous dates, she decided this year she’d call it quits and stay single. This was her first valentines day in a long time,without a boyfriend or a date lined up. With the office vacated, she found herself being very productive as she reviewed some charts and filled out paper work while listening to a Rhianna/Beyonce playlist,rude boy was currently playing as she heard a knock on her office. Everyone had already gone home including the custodial staff. So Mindy had no idea who it could be knocking at her office door, she quickly grabbed the bat Danny had given her a few months ago, before yelling out.
"Go away, whoever you are, I have pepper spray and a gun and I wont hesitate to use it, not one second!" Mindy said.
"It’s just me, and if someone was trying to hurt you,I doubt they would knock." Danny said opening the door, but not stepping into her office.
"Dammit, Danny, you scared me, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be going to bed or something?" Mindy asked with a smirk.
"No, I brought you something. Happy Valentines Day, Min." Danny said bending down to pick up something behind him, then walking into the room. He had her favorite flowers and a basket with chocolate, candy hearts and sour straws.
"Danny, what is this? Oh my god are those sour straws?" Mindy said when he placed the basket on her desk.She got up from behind her desk walking over to inspect the basket further.
"Yeah, the lady at the grocery said they could make custom candy baskets. so I got all your favorites, its no big deal." Danny said running his hand through his hair nervously.
These flowers are beautiful, thank you Danny, you didn’t have to do this. That was so sweet of you to think of me, I’m sure you could have been on a hot date with some chick, instead of here with me. ” Mindy said with a smile.
"I don’t have enough time in any day to think about you enough. I’m right where I want to be, here with you." Danny said placing his hand on hers and looking at her in a way she’d never seen before. The way he looked at her and the way he spoke those words, filled her with confusion. His deep brown eyes peered into hers saying so much with one look, she couldn’t quite tell what they were saying though.
"Danny…what are you saying?" Mindy said, staring right back into his eyes as she spoke.
"I’m in love with you Min, and I cant stand idly by while you date these losers, I want to be with you. So I’m putting my heart on the line here, today on valentines day, hoping you feel the same way too. Hoping that you’ll be mine." Danny said taking her hand in his enclosing them together.
Mindy smiled, grabbed his face with her free hand, caressing his cheeks before leaning in and kissing him.
"Honestly I think I’ve been yours for awhile. I just never imagined, you’d want to be mine." Mindy said pulling away from the kiss.
"Are you kidding me, you’re amazing, beautiful and smart. You’re my best friend, probably my only friend ,and I haven’t wanted anyone but you in a very long time"Danny said .
"Really?" Mindy said with a bright grin.
"Yes." Danny said cupping her face with both of his hand and leaning in to kiss her .
Mindy wound her arms around his neck bringing her body close to his as they kissed. The kiss went from sweet to sensual as Danny’s tongue entered her mouth his hands went from cupping her face to her breast and ass.
Mindy moaned as he squeezed her ass and she could feel his growing erection pressed up against her heat. As Danny moved his mouth to suck on her neck, she moved her hands down to his pants, quickly unbuckling and unzipping setting his bulging member free.
Dannys hands slipped under her shirt , making quick work of removing her bra,before massaging her breasts. He removed her shirt then proceeded to take the right then the left into his mouth, sucking and nipping at the swollen buds. His ministrations distracted Mindy from her own of removing his pants.
When Danny went to remove her skirt she stopped him and instead removed his shirt, running her hands up and down his toned chest and abdominal muscles before pulling his pants completely down,then his boxers before starting to stroke and encircle his penis in her hand before covering it with her mouth. Danny staggered back against the desk at the feel of Mindy’s warm mouth as she began to take in his length licking and sucking it.Danny moaned as she continued her ministrations , he stopped her when he felt himself growing close.
He’d dreamed about being with Mindy for so long and as much as he was enjoying the oral, he wanted to be inside her, to lose himself completly in her core.
Pulling her up, he started to kiss her deeply, while lowering her skirt leaving her only in a pair of lacy red panties, Danny moved to pull those down too then stopped.
"I love you, and I’m realizing this is happening kinda fast, if you want to stop here we can, I just , I uh want you to be sure cause once we cross this line there’s no turning back, not for me anyways." Danny said the enormity of what they were about to do hitting him.
"I’m sure, now do me you idiot." Mindy said with a smirk.
Danny didnt need to be told twice as he slipped her panties down her hips , giving her round cheeks a squeeze as he did. Once she was as naked as he was, he slipped one finger then two into her folds, pumping in and out,his hands covered in her wetness.
"Min…you’re so wet.." Danny said his voice low and rapsy. Mindy just moaned as his hands went to her clit flicking and teasing her.
Just as he felt her muscles start to tremble he removed his fingers. He motioned for Mindy to hop onto her desk, she opened her legs and he rubbed his penis against her opening before entering her in one swift motion. Mindy gasped then moaned.
Danny then begin to thrust in and out of her against the desk . Her paperwork scattered,framed photographs fell over as the desk shook , but Mindy didn’t even notice her mind and body focused completely on Danny fucking her, her muscles contracting and building toward her orgasm with each thrust . She held on as long as she could, hitting her climax, her vaginal muscles clenching around him, as she came . Danny came a few minutes later filling her with the warm and sticky cum.
They stayed connected for a few minutes Danny’s arm wrapped around her waist, Mindy’s head resting against his chest.
Danny pulled out, his arms still wrapped around her waist. She lifting her head looking up at him shyly, staring into his eyes.
"I love you too." Mindy said .
"You do?" Danny asked, he didn’t realize until she said it too, that a part of him had been doubting it.
"Yeah. " Mindy said then kissed him.
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
now posted on ffnet as well as AO#, ubetaed version previously posted here for lizzylizard84 birthday and betaed bymy beta numba 2 thewinchesterbaes, enjoy if you haven't already!
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Case you missed it when I posted it on tumblr ubetaed, here is the betaed version, this was written for lizzylizard84 for her birthday on the second and betaed by @thewinchesterbaes(formally imthequeenoftheggs) , both are amazing mindians, enjoy if you haven't already and if you have feel free to reread ;) and let me know what you think. Its late 2am...so will be posting on ff.net some time tomorrow
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
Now posted on fanfiction.net,as well as AO3 enjoy if you haven't already.
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Mindy Project Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Summary:
prequel of sorts to part 4 of my story "May I have this dance". Six year old Mindy Lahiri is constantly being bullied and teased till one day an older boy, eight year old Danny Castellano comes to her rescue. AU
Latest fic, Prequel of slow dance 4 of "May I have this dance",betaed by redrobin2175,  enjoy! Will post on ff.net shortly.
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mindiangrowl · 10 years
"I didn't make you, you needed them, and whats wrong with your glasses? You picked them out yourself. Remember how excited you were?" "Yeah, but..." "But nothing, time for school. You look beautiful in your glasses and you are going to school end of story." Her mother said cutting her off. "Fine." Mindy said pulling the cover off of herself dramatically and heading to her bathroom. Her mother just shook her head and smiled.
-snippet from "My Prince"
My muse chose to work on this and it was so inspired I finished the whole story,sending it to beta but I thought I'd share a snippet for now. FYI this is a prequel to Part 4 of my slow dance fic, if you haven't read it yet although not mandatory to read before this one, you should cause it will help with context.
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