reignthem · 11 months
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@dangerouswomxn said: i don't know. just be hot.
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" oh, i see. " she shucks her shirttails straight, making methodical work of the buttons until she's up to her collar. she hikes her chin so she can slip the last one through under the half-smirked chuckle bobbing her throat. they're making eye contact through the mirror when sam says: " ----- i'm your arm candy. "
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stcrmsung · 11 months
🍬 go trick or treating - ( Fearne ) @dangerouswomxn
Dorian had NEVER really gone trick or treating before. His parents had always thrown a big party for him and Cyrus, where kids had been invited, but he still feels like he missed out on the opportunity, and maybe he wouldn't have taken this one either, if it hadn't been for Fearne nagging him, in her loving way, to come along.
He still thinks they're a bit TOO OLD for this, but apparently there's something like 'adult trick or treating' which honestly sounds like code for some sexual thing if he's being honest. "You sure you wanna do this?" He asks, shuffling from one foot to another. "We could also just...go somewhere else, I don't know."
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byzcntine · 2 years
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@dangerouswomxn​​ sent: ( sms ) : wanna do fake proposals at fancy restaurants for free food? ( emily @ jj )
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[ sms to triple word score 45 ] ↦ a part of me feels as though i shouldn’t encourage this sort of behavior, but the other part of me is interested to see how people around us would act in the moment.  [ sms to triple word score 45 ] ↦ people always seem excited for those in moves/tv. [ sms to triple word score 45 ] ↦ do you think it’s always like that?
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khrused-archived · 2 years
CONTINUATION   WITH: @dangerouswomxn [ re: dylan ]  ,    ... " 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚞𝚜 𝚜𝚊𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗... "
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she  blinks,  further  surprised  by  the  woman's  reasoning  ──────  breath  hitching  at  the  tender  caress  of  her  fingertips,  relinquishing  the  drink  into  her  grasp  as  she  falls  onto  her  lap  with  whispered  "  oh.  "  a  frown  deepens  the  crevices  folding  between  her  brow,  disbelief  and  confusion  a  titillating  dance  within,  "  i  never  knew  i  did  that.  "
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bledf1rst · 2 years
DAISY JOHNSON dash games [...]
how does your muse carry emotions?
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rules: please repost, don’t reblog! bold and italicize what applies accordingly.
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anger ... jaw     clenching,     hands     balling     into     fists,     teeth     grinding,     yelling,     going     nonverbal,     vocalizations,     stuttering     speech,     rushed     speech,     slow     concise     speech,     rambling,     quiet,     arms     crossing,     shaking     head,     curling     lip     upwards,     baring     teeth,     tearing     up,     animated,     expressionless,     projects,     internalizes,     vents,     withdraws,     tighter     movements,     passive-aggressive,     direct,     physical     outbursts,     verbal     outbursts,     pacing,     going     still,     anger     boils     over     in     the     heat     of     the     moment     but     cools     down     quickly     afterwards,     anger     brews     slowly     but     lingers     longer,     will     act     out     of     impulse     when     angry,     will     stew     on     their     anger     and     plot     revenge,     holds     grudges,     forgives     easily,     forgives     but     never     forgets
joy ... easy     smiles,     fighting     back     grins,     suppressed     laughter,     loud     laughter,     giggles,     chuckling,     smirks,     whole     body     laughs,     covers     mouth     when     laughing/giggling,     throws     head     back     when     laughing,     slaps     leg,     touches     people     around     them     when     laughing,     looks     down     when     laughing,     looks     for     eye     contact     when     laughing,     sparkling     eyes,     bubbly     happiness,     quiet     subtle     happiness,     obnoxious     happiness,     wants     to     spread     joy,     quietly     savors     joy
sadness ... crying,     bottling     it     up,     seeking     distractions,     wallowing,     meditating     and     processing,     avoidance,     seeking     out     comfort,     withdrawing,     swallowing     thickly,     talking     it     out,     internalizing     it,     sad     smiles,     depression     naps,     using     alcohol,     using     drugs,     seeking     out     sources     of     joy,     fidgets     with     sentimental     item,     sits     in     silence,     broods,     gets     moody,     wants     someone     to     share     the     misery,     tries     to     hide     negative     emotions,     nurtures     others     to     make     themselves     feel     better
embarrassment     /     shame ... blushing,     looking     away,     rubbing     at     the     back     of     the     head,     running     a     hand     through     hair,     clearing     throat,     covering     the     face,     laughing     nervously,     laughing     it     off,     overthinking,     letting     it     go,     self-deprecating     humor,     deflecting,     getting     irritated,     smiling,     withdraws,     crossing     arms     over     the     stomach,     crossing     arms     over     chest,     hands     in     pockets,     shoulders     sinking,     shrugs,     falling     into     silence     until     comfortable     again,     talking     a     lot     to     compensate
guilt ... avoiding     eye     contact,     shoulders     sinking     low,     head     hanging     down,     crying,     chest     aches,     lashing     out,     internalizing,     apologizing,     deflecting,     communicating,     withdrawing,     grand     gestures     for     forgiveness,     accepting     fault     easily,     punishing     themselves,     martyrdom,     victim     complex,     over-active     guilt     complex,     healthy     conscience,     internalizes     even     after     forgiveness,     seeking     redemption,     moves     on     easily,     denial,     shuts     off     empathy     to     cope,     lack     of     guilt/conscience,     sorry     they     got     caught     more     than     caused     harm,     can’t     handle     knowing     they     hurt     others
fear     /     anxiety ... trembling,     crying,     sarcasm/sass     to     cope,     humor     to     cope,     rambles,     going     quiet,     going     nonverbal,     getting     angry,     fidgeting,     freezing     up,   impatience,     clenching     jaw,     picking     at     nails,     chewing     at     the     lip,     pulling     at     clothes,     adjusting     jewelry/clothing/hair,     pacing,     swallowing    thickly,     eyes     widening,     over-reacts,     under-reacts,     calm,     logical,     panic,     irrational,     overthinks,     carefully     analyzes,     talk     to     themselves,     breathing     exercises,     flight,     fight,     withdraw,     fawn
tagged by / @girlofsteel ( ily ) tagging / @ruinedtendencies, @supager, @breaksmen, @enginire, @whtwclf, @dangerouswomxn, @twingerine, @propertyofseagate and whoever is on the dash!!! >:ooooo
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aerynxsun · 2 years
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“  i’m a little disappointed - i expected a bit more of a struggle.  ”    the woman, apparently, had something of a reputation. since they’d arrived on this commerce planet, they’d been warned about about her - and about the safety of their cargo. it was perhaps inevitable then that they would meet her like this, having apparently helped herself into their transport pod. as aeryn approached, the unfamiliar sounds coming from with him set her on alert and she drew her pulse pistol from the holster on her thigh. it wasn’t exactly the warmest of welcomes.    “  turn around. now. and tell me exactly what you think you’re doing...  ”
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                                          @dangerouswomxn​ liked for a starter!
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enclovir · 2 years
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 ❝ ────── i don't expect anything to change when i leave... ❞
@dangerouswomxn , 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎 : 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚊 𝚣𝚒𝚎𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚛 / 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚢
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mysfated · 2 years
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she  dips  forward  ──────  tender  brown  eyes  daring  a  peek  into  the @dangerouswomxn  forlorn  face  before  offering  a  smile.  "  ―  want  some?  "  riley  questions  gently,  a  soft  chuckle  falling  from  her  lips  with  a  cloud  of  smoke  as  she  offers  the  other  her  pen.  "  looks  like  you've  had  a  pretty  hard  day,  too  huh?  "
starter inspired by filling out my interest tracker
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lcgends · 2 years
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@dangerouswomxn​ asked:   "My flight was awful, thanks for asking." (From Donna)
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“    did it?    huh, didn’t see that coming, except i did.   i warned you, didn’t i?    but no, you insisted.    ”    the doctor tried really hard to keep the amusement out of his tone, but he was far too proud, and far too annoyed that she refused his very generous offer to be anything but his annoying usual self.    “    told me not to say i told you so if the flight sucked, just keeping my promise.    ”     he added, tone veering into smug territory. 
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crossing his arms over his chest, the doctor leaned back against the console, looking her up and down.   “     so...    how was the....   vacation?     ”
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inbox.     I       accepting.
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ruiduscreated · 10 months
❝ i know somewhere quiet. somewhere intimate. somewhere we can…indulge in each other. ❞ (fearne. is she serious? who knows)
baldur's gate 3 sentence starters / accepting
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at first, the words didn't fully register in imogen's mind; there were far too many voices in there, static noise in the background, pulling at her mind like strings vying for her attention. she still recalled the way it stung many years ago, before she had any semblance of control (young, she was so young), the way it felt like her head was exploding. she blinked; once, twice, forcing her mind to close enough to drift back into focus, back to the conversation at hand.
that was when fearne's words registered in her mind, and she felt a new sensation overtake her as blood rushed to her cheeks, a dull pink flushing onto her features as she was visibly caught off guard. "oh," she said, the gears in her brain shifting as she then moved into the next stage of acknowledgement. "oh." she glanced at fearne, who was known to flirt with everything and everyone, but not usually like that. "i mean... really?"
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reignthem · 2 years
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“  okay, but this sweater is ... perfect.  ”  sam holds it out in front of her, studying the yarned antlers down to the blinking red nose.  the grin that breaks out across her features is no less than triumphant  when she looks at @dangerouswomxn​​.  “  i thought you said only one matching holiday picture this year.  ”  holiday au starters
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
[ CLOSE ]:          while standing remarkably close to one another, the sender is unable to stop themselves from running their gaze across the receiver’s body, lingering for a moment on their lips, before returning to initiate prolonged, intense eye contact. - @dangerouswomxn (Captain Carter) sent a MEME
There’s few moments of relaxation to be had, when you’re constantly fighting one battle or another. This is one of them - a celebration following a victory. Getting the scepter back from HYDRA was something to be celebrated, considering how long they had been seeking it out and coming across dead ends. And now, a party, drinks all around, friends taking time from their fights and searches. 
It starts to quiet down after a few hours, people trickling out slowly - most of the ones still there would be staying somewhere in the tower. He’s leaning his back against the bar, having just grabbed another drink - more of a socialization tactic certainly, since alcohol had no effect on him - just observing. He notices her in a moment, a bemused look on his face, observing her gaze before she moves closer. 
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Once she’s nearer, is when the look changes, and he has his eyes on hers. Certainly, she’s just as sober as he is, having the same serum in her veins that he had gotten, so this is definitely something else. Now with both of them leaning against the far end of the bar, he follows her eyes until they look up to meet him. They’re both silent for a few moments, before he breaks it: “would you like a drink?” They’re in a room full of people - might as well be alone. 
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byzcntine · 2 years
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@dangerouswomxn​​ • only one bed
since when the hell did every natural disaster known to man try to touch down in seattle? it had been one hell of a year already, with tornadoes and wild weather, and while moisture was something most people assumed to be present in the pacific northwest, this ... this was all something else. and of course, with the wintry mix currently threatening to move in and freeze them all out. why exactly did she stay in this town again? there could be sunshine and palm trees in her every day life. a warm smile had taken over her features as she laid back in the bed she had claimed earlier that day in an on-call room, thinking about fruity drinks, bikini babes and well, just about anywhere but there in that moment. 
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the sound of a familiar voice cutting through the imagined waves caused that whole scenario to shatter pretty quickly. “sharing a bed with a pretty girl like you? count me in.” green hues rolled behind closed lids before she cracked one open and looked up in megan’s direction. “i should make you sleep on the floor for that one.”​
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khrused-archived · 2 years
SHORT & SWEET PROMPTS   WITH: @dangerouswomxn [ re: carina ]    ,    ... " 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚖. "
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she  is  trying  to  remain  gentle  ──────  and  despite  her  fear  and  frustration,  she  trembles,  grasping  at  carina's  cheeks  in  a  desperate  attempt  to  make  her  understand.  "  my  love,  listen  to  me  ―  "  frantic  eyes  search  to  lock  with  her  lover's  gaze,  grasp  tightening  if  only  slightly  to  ensure  carina's  attention  ―  focused  upon  hera's  warning.  "  he  is  dangerous,  and  cruel.  i  need  you  to  promise  me  you'll  be  careful.  i  mean  it...please..."
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amantesmultorum · 1 year
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what’s  your  phone  wallpaper :  my partner and my dog last  song  you  listened  to : lay all your love on me by Abba currently  reading : a string of pearls by James Rymer last  movie : the little mermaid (2023) last  show : Reacher craving : ice cream  how  tall  are  you? : 5'6" piercings / tattoos? : three piercings (ears and left cartilage) , four tattoos (double infinity, turtles, a flower, and a moon with a dagger) glasses ? contacts? : both, put i prefer contacts last  thing  you  ate? : a strawberry popsicle favorite  color(s) : blue current  obsession : the new little mermaid any  pets : my dog, a black lab and pitbull mix. His name is creedence. do  you  have  a  crush  right  now? : my partner. favorite  fictional  character : sharon carter, and raoul de chagny last  place  you  traveled : new jersey :(
tagged :  @dangerouswomxn tagging : @starsallalight @carinaeprincess @hertower and You!
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bledf1rst · 2 years
DESMOND BOGDAN starter call [...]
for @dangerouswomxn ( muse of your choosing! )
" they said I was gonna be somethin' special. brought me up tough- but I was a gentleman. now look at me, sipping coca-cola behind a tesco. how times change. "
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