#dani plays batim
candyredterezii · 7 years
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Taking a break for now
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demon-animatronic · 7 years
BATIM Fanfic: A Different Tune AU - Chapter 3
Note: Basically a shortened version of Chapter 3. Next chapter will be better and will be posted in a few minutes. 
Hours later, Dani woke up and rubbed her head as she slowly sat up on the infirmary bed. Wasn’t very comfy but it was either that or the hammock and Boris seemed content with sleeping in it.
After stretching, she checked her phone and saw it was now 10 A.M.
“Whoa.” Her eyes widened. “I was more exhausted than I thought. Hard to believe we were here at around 7:00-7:30 P.M. and it’s now morning.”
After grabbing her MP3 off of the floor, she got up and walked out of the room towards the table Boris was sitting at with her phone in her hands. She tried to text and call someone but still no luck.
She didn’t hear any police walking around so what the Hell? Did her friends not get help and leave her to die instead?
“Of course I wouldn’t have service now with being deeper in the studio and all. Couldn’t even get it on the main floor.” She mumbled to herself but loud enough that Boris heard.
As she sat down, Dani put her MP3 on the table and she looked up to finally seeing Boris staring at her devices in a curious way. She glanced down at both of them and realized he probably never saw something like it before.
“Oh. You never saw a smart phone or a MP3 player before. Did you?” She asked him and he shook his head.
Checking the percentage on her phone, she noticed she still had close to 70% left. No harm in showing him some stuff. Right?
“Come over.” Dani motioned him over. “I’ll show you it.”
As he did, he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a question on it.
“What year is it? I don’t remember anything after the 1950s.” 
“It’s 2017.” Dani replied, making him give her a startled look.
“That long!?” Boris wrote. “I can’t believe this! I didn’t know that much time has passed! Explains how far technology seems to have come. Right?  What are your things with you?”
“Well, this is a smart phone. You can call, text, play games, send and receive email, use the camera in it, and all sorts of other stuff.” She held up the bigger device then pointed to the other on the table. “And that’s a MP3 player. It plays music and can hold a lot of songs. You can even text and do mostly everything but call on it too.”
“Can I see the camera? What is this… text, that you speak of? And email too?” Boris questioned.
Dani began to show him what texting and email was. As well as some social media accounts and games she had on her phone. After showing him how to call someone on it, she ended with the camera.
“Smile!” She held the camera up. After taking the picture and showing it to him, she continued. “Congrats! You took your first selfie!” She giggled then showed him the other side of the camera too and how it can switch and even record video.
After she was done showing him everything on her phone, she decided to do the same with her MP3 player. Skipping over everything similar that it can do like her phone and going straight to the music.
Boris pointed to her ear buds as she unplugged them from the device.
“Those are to make sure I’m the only one that can hear the music playing so I don’t disturb others.” She then showed him a few of her favorite songs.
About a hour later, she had made some bacon soup for them, still unsure how old it actually is but she was starving and didn’t know when she would eat again.
As they ate, she answered more of Boris’ questions about life nowadays and how much the world has changed. 
Dani decided to stick with the new technology stuff so she didn’t have to go into all the history and other things that had happened since the 1950s. As well as other happy stuff.
“I wish I could leave this place.” Boris suddenly wrote.
“Can’t you? Or are you worried about what people might think about the whole cartoon character being alive thing.” Dani asked.
“That. And I don’t know if I can leave this place. The ink machine… it’s sort of trapping me here.”
“Kind of like what happened with Sammy?” She asked and he nodded.
“We’re all trapped here really. Only one that can leave is you. Speaking of which, why don’t we head out?” Boris suggested and she agreed.
Once all of her stuff was back in her pockets, she started cursing herself for not bringing a small purse at the very least. Then they headed out the door and into the hallway.
As they wandered through the dark hallways, she decided to use a nearby flashlight so her battery wouldn’t die faster on her phone. Eventually they had to be separated so Boris could open the door.
Dani walked through the toy department, hoping she would find Boris again soon. She couldn’t help but squeeze and listen to the pleasant squeaking noise that the plushies made. It made her want to bring a Boris one home and maybe even a Bendy and Alice too.
She found another recording and listened to it, feeling like the voice sounded familiar to her.
‘But it couldn’t be.’ She laughed to herself.
After a few minutes found herself in another room. The lights went out and she stopped in the middle of the floor as…someone was singing a song right when the screens turned on.
“I’M ALICE ANGEL!” A figure jumped up and banged on the glass as she screamed at her.
Dani’s mouth dropped, unsure of what she saw as she started to shiver in the darkness.
"I see you there. A new fly in my endless web. Come along now. Let's see if you're worthy to walk with angels.” The female voice chuckled.
Soon, the lights turned back on and the door that had been shut before was now open.
Slowly, Dani walked through and came up to two different rooms. An angel and a demon path? Which one should she take?
‘Hmm I had enough ink for a while.’ She shuddered, looking at all the ink in the demon path.
Going over to the other room, she jumped when she heard a door shutting nearby. Figuring it was the other room, she continued on without looking back and pressed the ‘play’ button on the recording on the couch.
“Everything feels like it's coming apart. When I walked into the recording booth today, Sammy was there with that... Allison. Apparently, I didn't get the memo. Alice Angel will now be voiced by Miss Allison Pendle. A part of me died when he said that. There's gotta be a way to fix this!”
“Well… that sucks.” She muttered. “What a way to be told you’re being replaced by someone else.”
Dani continued on her journey and felt relieved when she came across Boris the Wolf waiting for her with a pipe.
“Boris! You scared me to death! I see you found something we can use to protect ourselves with?” She said as he handed the pipe over.
A few minutes later, they were in the elevator and that… Alice Angel continued to talk to her.
"You're so interesting... so different. I have to say, I'm an instant fan. Looks like you've got a date with an angel! Come to me now. Level Nine. Just follow the screams.” The voice rang out in the air.
With nothing else to do, Dani decided to do what she said since she sounded and looked dangerous.
“Go on, step out of your cage. There’s a whole twisted world out here.” Alice giggled.
Dani walked down the stairs, stopping to listen to the recording left by Thomas. Then she went up to the door that Boris proceeded to run through once it was opened enough.
“Boris wait!” She called for him.
However, she quickly came to a stop when she saw what he was staring at after running after him.
“Oh God…” Dani stared at the Boris and Butcher Gang clones. She recognized them on a poster she saw just a little bit earlier before being attacked by one of them.
As she took a few steps forward, Alice continued.
"Look around. It took so many of them to make me so beautiful. Anything less than perfect was left behind. I had to do it. She made me.”
“Who?” Dani asked, knowing she wasn’t going to get a response.
Leaving Boris staring at his clone, she gradually made her way to the other side of the room, finding another recording left by Susie sounding… happier. Definitely before she found out about being replaced.
Then she went into the next room, unable to stop herself from stepping forward and staring at the creature getting electrocuted.
She did stop walking when Alice started speaking.
"Hm. Now we come to the question... Do I kill you? ...Do I tear you apart to my heart's delight? The choices of the beautiful are unbearable. How's a girl to choose?” She chuckled as Dani stared at her. “Take this little freak for instance! He crawled in here... Trailing his tainted ink to my door! It could have touched me! It could have pulled me back!!”
Dani tilted her head at what sounded like a voice change.
‘That’s… odd…’ She thought.
“Do you know what it's like? Living in the dark puddles? It's a buzzing, screaming well of voices! Bits of your mind, swimming... like... like fish in a bowl!” Alice continued. “The first time I was born from its' inky womb, I was a wriggling, pussing, shapeless slug. The second time... well... It made me an angel! I will not let the demon touch me again. I'm so close now. So... almost perfect. Yes. I will spare you. For now. Better yet... I'll even let you ascend and leave this place. If you will do a few eensy, weensy little favors for me first. Return to the lift, my little errand girl. We have work to do!"
“Okay…” Dani muttered, doing as she was told and going back to the lift, but being stopped to grab a plunger.
She did have a feeling of relief when Boris was already there waiting.
--- A few hours later ---
It took a while but she eventually did all of the errands Alice wanted her to do while hiding from Bendy and fighting any other monster that appeared to her.
As they slowly ascended upwards, Alice continued to speak to her before she started screaming again.
Dani’s legs began to shake as she tried to hold on as the elevator dropped suddenly and Boris was cowering in the corner.
All the while, Alice was screaming about how he was the ‘perfect’ Boris and that she wanted him.
“I need him! I need his insides so I can be beautiful again!”
‘Ew.’ Dani thought.
“Now give him to me! Better yet, I’ll take him! Once. Your. DEAD!!”
Dani closed her eyes as she fell backwards and hit her head. When she wakes up again, she’ll be surprised if she doesn’t have any sort of brain damage or a concussion.
---- A short time later ---
“Huh? What?” She mumbled as she was shook awake.
When her eyes cleared up, she saw Boris looking afraid and shaking her shoulders. Boris? What was wrong with him?
She blinked and her headed started to hurt and her vision started to get blurry again.
The last thing she saw was a figure coming up from behind Boris.
“B-Boris.” Dani said, trying to get him to turn around.
But he didn’t. He kept his attention on her as Alice came up and grabbed him from behind.
Dani couldn’t help but start shaking and yelp when she saw Boris getting dragged down the hallway.
Despite her head hurting, she tried in vain to get up and go after them. After standing up for a second, she immediately fell back down.
“Boris…” She muttered as she closed her eyes.
A whine slipping out of her mouth as her eyes began to tear up.
“…Please forgive me.” And with that, she fell asleep.
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candyredterezii · 7 years
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It's going great
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demon-animatronic · 7 years
BATIM Fanfic: A Different Tune - Chapter 2
Note: Meh. I got nothing. 
Summary: This chapter Dani meets Sammy and Boris! And it’s a short one because Chapter 2 was short anyway. 
Chapter 2 -
“Ow my head…” Dani groaned as she woke up. “…What happened?”
Slowly, she sat up, realizing very quickly she was in a pentagram. That’s when everything hit her and her head began to hurt more. Seeing the ax in front of her, she decided to press on, knowing there wasn’t much else for her to do. And she couldn’t go back.
Checking her phone, she saw only a half a hour had passed.
“Wonder if the others went to the police?” She asked herself as she went down the stairs, jumping when a piece of wood fell down and tightened her grip on the ax.
Was written on the first wall she saw as she reached the bottom. Dani was confused. Who was ’he’?  And what’s with this…bacon soup…?
Spotting another recording, she went over and checked it for a name. This time it was from Sammy Lawrence. Curious, she pressed play.
'He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. I see you, my savior. I pray you hear me. Those old songs, yes, I still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final loving embrace. But, love requires sacrifice. Can I get an amen?”
“Fuck no.” Dani muttered.
“I SAID can I get an amen?” A voice said over the loudspeaker.
“AMEN!” Dani yelled out, hoping to please whoever just spoke to her. And if she didn’t know better, that was Sammy himself.
‘But it couldn’t be… he’s probably dead by now…’ She thought to herself, setting the recording, which she was surprised she didn’t drop, back down.
However, whoever that was had heard the recording and as such was near by…somewhere. It wasn’t comforting to know that there was a ink monster and some random guy running around.
Eventually she found her way to the music department and found another recording by Sammy. And to her surprise, some stairs and a exit. Unfortunately, the exit was blocked by ink. But Sammy mentioned a ink pump in his office so she just had to find her way to it.
As she wandered throughout the music department, fighting ink monsters at the same time, she finally managed to get down the hall where another recording from Wally was at.
It took about 20 minutes altogether but she finally found his keys and got into Sammy’s sanctuary too.
“Ahh!” She yelped back when she looked up and saw a…ink guy? Standing up on the balcony. “Well, that isn’t creepy at all!”
She heard a noise to her right and slowly turned to see a Searcher crawling towards her. Letting out another yelp, she began swinging at him and all the others that appeared.
Once it seemed like they were gone, she began walking back and forth and noticed that the man followed her every move. Slowly, she backed up and opened the door, running down to his office after taking care of the other valve in the infirmary.
As soon as the pump was pulled, she hustled to the door, clutching the ax in her hands.
“OW!” She whined as she got hit over the head and fell to the floor.
“Rest your head, it’s time for bed.” She looked up and saw a shadow-like figure before closing her eyes.
Once he knew she was out, Sammy grabbed her by her ankles and dragged her to the sacrificing room, bringing the ax with him. Then he tied the girl upright with roped tied around her hands behind her back and made sure the pentagram under her feet was perfect.  
However, Sammy was quite confused. Who was this girl who looked to be a young adult? He knew she couldn’t be any older than 25. Why was she at the studio? Did she come and visit him? It’s been a long time since he had any human interaction. But he couldn’t let his needs get in the way of what must be done to please his Lord.
As he double checked the binds, he didn’t notice her waking up right away and it wasn’t until he pulled back and stood up straight that he noticed she had woken up and even lifted her head a little.
“What…?” She mumbled quietly. So quiet that Sammy didn’t hear.
Her head was pounding now, even worse after her eyes focused on the being standing directly in front of her.
Sammy waited a moment for her to become more aware. No need to repeat himself. Once she was looking at him and seemed more awake, he decided to start talking before she could.  
“There we go now, nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we? No, we wouldn't. I must admit I am honored you came all the way down here to visit me. It almost makes what I'm about to do seem… cruel.” Sammy chuckled.
‘Who is this man? What happened to him? And why am I-’ It was then that Dani realized she was tied up and standing in a pentagram. That’s when she woke up completely and began to struggle.
“-But the believers must honor their savior. I must have him notice me.”
“Notice me, senpai?” Dani felt her deep breathing stop for a moment as she muttered that sentence with a small smile ((I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist))
“Hm? What’s a ‘senpai?‘” Sammy questioned, tilting his head. “It’s kind of hard to explain.“ She said, finding her voice completely.
“Explain the best you can.“ Sammy practically commanded.
“Uh…“ She trailed off. “It’s basically a person that you look up to and love… a lot. Best way I can describe it. Some will even kill for their senpais to be all theirs or for them to be noticed. Sound familiar to the current situation, Sammy?“ Dani asked.
“Ah… I suppose Bendy is my…. Senpai.“ Dani held back a chuckle when she heard that. “Wait. How do you know my name?“
“It was-“ She was cut off.
“Not now. For our lord is calling to us, my little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand! And then, I will finally be freed from this... prison. This inky... dark... abyss I call a body.” She began to hear noises above them. “Shhhhh! Quiet! Listen! I can hear him. Crawling above. Crawling! Let us begin. The ritual must be completed! Soon he will hear me... he will set us free.”
With that, Sammy turned around and headed for a room to Dani’s left.
“Sammy? Come back!” Dani began to struggle again.
Sammy didn’t listen and proceeded to shut the door before getting on over the loudspeaker.
"Sheep, sheep, sheep, It's time for sleep. Rest your head. It's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning, you'll be dead.” Sammy started as she worked on getting the bindings off.
“Well, that’s not the creepiest poem I’ve heard.” She muttered to herself.
“Hear me, Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering! Free me! I beg you! I summon you, ink demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep!” Dani heard a crashing noise as she broke free and immediately grabbed the ax that was nearby. “No! My lord! Stay back! I am your prophet! I am your-”
She held the ax up as she looked towards the door Sammy went in. Flinching, when she heard him scream what was probably a literal bloody- or inky- murder.
Deciding on not wanting to wait around, she ran down the hall that had opened up, chopping her way through.
“Is that a exit?” She pushed her brunette hair that fell out of the ponytail, which was now almost completely covered in ink, behind one of her ears.
Slowly, she stepped towards it, fearfully since the ax had broken just moments before.
Dani nearly screamed when Bendy suddenly popped out of the ink. Instead, she went with running down the other hall and quickly shut and closed the door, noticing that Bendy was indeed following her this time.
“Oh…my…God…” She breathed, now out of breath and feeling ready to have a panic attack.
After waiting a moment, she went through the other door and headed to the room with the ‘Lift’ sign next to it. Then a can of soup rolled out from across the room.
“Hello? Someone here? Show yourself! …And don’t kill me either!” She said and was surprised when Boris came out. “Boris?”
He gave her a small nod.
“You’re…alive? How?” He gave another nod but was more hesitant this time. “Can’t talk?” Boris shook his head. “Okay. Are you going to hurt me?” This time he shook his head again. “Can you…take me somewhere safe?”
Dani asked, feeling that she could trust the wolf. He nods again and holds his paw out. Slowly, she put her hand in it and had him lead her down a little ways to a safe house.
They played some card games, ate some soup, and by the end of the night, Dani felt she could sleep safely.
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