rosiebutler · 3 years
closed starter for @dannyrhcdes
   a bar in downtown phoenix isn’t the first place you’d think to find the best fucking strawberry sorbet in the city-----  but sid’s a local with fourteen years of experience tucked under her belt.  so it’s the hard-hitting craving she gets while wrapping up the ballet class.  the stretches in cool down never last as long as when you’ve got somewhere you need to be.   is that what this is?  a need?  jesus,  sid.     it carries an obscene amount of her attention from phoenix dance academy to match market  &.  bar.   and....  well,  can you guess the terrible news?  they’ve sold out,   a devastation that refuses to be concealed in wide eyes and grimace.  to make matters worse,   some bigot slurring on his slurs has the spotlight.   a crowd grows,  yet no-one seems to put him in his place.       you must understand-----   what happens next has nothing to do with the grief for her dessert.  sid rips him to shreds with her words because it’s the right thing to do,  obviously.    (  perhaps she goes too far,   perhaps there are too many references to how small his dick must be  )     hardly the show expected from a woman donning leotard  /  leggings  /  slick-back bun.   are ballerinas not supposed to be poised?   sid shows none of it.    once the man with tattered pride scurries the crime-scene,   she’s not totally sure what to do with herself.  it’s a fleeting feeling,  the very next instant sliding in the dude’s seat and ---  yeah,  she takes a swig of his abandoned rum ‘n coke.   what?  bad morals don’t equal bad taste in booze.   all in piss-on-his-grave fashion.
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