#dapper inserts: magi
2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 for the self insert lore asks?
I'm gonna answer about my M.agi s/i for this !
2) Normally, I fit my s/i's in as early as I can into canon. For this s/i, she is introduced a little later, but also fairly early in the series. Phrasing this with as little spoilers as possible, she is introduced when Morg and Aladdin are traveling together to Balbadd. The scene she first comes in is pretty inconspicuous; they simply run into each other in a small town in the desert, and they have a short conversation; it's mainly meant, in a meta sense, to briefly introduce her and set the scene for her proper introduction a couple scenes later in the same episode. This scene gives a taste of her personality and as she's walking away, Aladdin notices she is wearing a djinn metal vessel on her hand.
4) She's a main character; she travels with the main cast sometimes and is fairly important overall.
5) Because of her djinn metal vessel, she can control plants. She can basically make any plants grow, but it has to be theoretically capable of growing in that environment either way, like not necessarily native but has to be able to be cultivated there; she can manipulate those plants freely, and can shape them creatively somewhat. She is capable of creating oasises, this takes substantial magoi. Something else her djinn metal vessel allows her to do is convert sunlight in magoi, appearing sometimes as if she simply has nearly infinite magoi, though to balance this I'm thinking she can maybe only do it while she's djinn equipped (something all djinn metal vessel users can do where they like invite their djinn into their body and transform). Also something I invented and I think would be neat in canon, I like thinking maybe she can do an extra ability I call full djinn equip, which is essentially fusing with her djinn, but this is pretty dangerous since it requires a lot of magoi and she is only able to do this because of her ability to turn sunlight into more magoi, and she can only do this with constant sunlight, if she was away from sunlight for a second the transformation would stop; also she has to be super careful to not fuse with her djinn too much, as if she fully fused then the djinn's magoi is far more powerful than her's and she would basically never be able to seperate from her like she would just become a part of her djinn, but this form is stronger than normal djinn equips. Again as far as I know thats not anything in canon and it's an op move I just invented.
6) No, but I do want her to have some lmao
7) I do have other M.agi crushes, and I think they have little crushes on her. Namely Ren, who is honestly close to just being an f/o; when she's in the kou empire they get pretty close and he does get some feelings for her (which makes Sinbad jealous the second he sees that lmao)
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