#dapper translyrics
dapperrokyuu · 1 year
RULER OF MY HEART (Studio LICO | Alien Stage: Round 5 Song) - English Translyrics
Hi! Alien Stage BANGER? Time to make lyrics! Not much to say other than Round 5 has Changed Me(TM) and the fact that Ruler of My Heart sounds so good doesnt help, lol. Now we can sing along with society's prince, Luka... *tosses him like a hacky sack in my mind* AND OUR LOVELY MIZI, UWAHHH-
As always, feel free to use, as long as you credit me! If anyone wants further thought process clarification for any lyrics, feel free to ask too! I have notes under the Read More to that end and some alternative lyrics as well! Have a wonderful day, fellas!
Translation Base: Captions in original video.
You can turn away from– You can even outburn– The light and sun, my star.
You’re the perfect subject, With the whole world within Those saddened eyes of yours.
My savior is such a beautiful soul… I don’t believe. You’re a liar. When our darkness starts to overlap each other, Let me take it all away…
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart,
Your beauty is eternal.
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart…
The walls are so endless… It’s a fall with no ground.
In a single moment, breaking down–
My sight comes to an end, My ears start to go deaf. Collapsing, my world.
My savior, such a beautiful lady…. Make me your god, I can give you everything. When our darkness starts to overlap each other, Let me take it all away…
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart,
Your beauty is eternal.
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart…
— Break —
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart…
Ruler, ruler of my heart Ruler, ruler of my heart Ruler, ruler of my heart…
NOTE 1: First stanza was the most awkward to make and probably still is the most awkward in general. But I couldnt think of an alternative thats without even more awkward sentence structure. And I think it works out in terms of Luka uncomfortably dogpiling Mizi with compliments, while also calling her “The light and sun, my star.”
NOTE 2: Sad vs. saddened has an odd difference in nuance in my mind but using a synonym for sad felt more jarring and excessive. Left it as is because it does get the point across, and maybe its just me overthinking it, lol.
NOTE 3: Ive considered changing “I don’t believe. You’re a liar.” to something like “Dont believe it,” or “Dont believe you,” but I try not to change lyrics that are already in English. I also think the awkwardness serves to portray Mizi’s state (of struggling to sing) in Round 5 very well and that there may be some intentional play on words of taking the “You” from “You’re” to finish the first phrase, so it works out.
NOTE 4: The original translation of “The endless walls / A fall with no ground” is actually pretty interesting to ponder about and I encourage others to do so about Luka’s character!
At first, I personally interpreted it as walls being obstacles to a goal, in which, no matter how much you overcome, there is another to face. And then the fall part is simpler to understand and just illustrates the hopelessness and despair of such a situation.
Thinking more, I considered joining the two lines and perceiving the walls' “endlessness” in terms of “height,” which would be why the fall would be perceive as "with no ground." Even if you were to overcome and stand at the top of such a wall (potentially referring to Luka’s position as a winner of Alien Stage), the situation is terrifying. And of course, falling from such a height (dying) is terrifying too. So this lyric could refer to how Luka views life as terrible either way (theres no winning) and/or that, despite his “advantageous position,” he’ll never be able to properly overcome his circumstances as a human pet.
Anyways! *kicks my feet* I translated the wall line as ambiguous to either interpretation because the ambiguity is likely the intention and I think theres value in all those takes.
ALTERNATIVE LYRICS (Line 9 and 27): “When our darkness overlaps onto each other” You have to pause on the “o” in “overlap,” which is a bit awkward. The current lyric works out well since the syllable that needs to be paused on is a single word (“starts”). This line rhythmically was probably the most difficult to tackle, haha.
ALTERNATIVE LYRICS (Line 14 and 32): “Your beauty is forever.” As someone who prefers not deviating from a translation as much as possible, to be frank, that just sounds bad, imo, lol. But if you prefer that option, go for it, I guess!
ALTERNATIVE LYRICS (Line 21 and 22): “I will lose all my sense / I will go blind and deaf” I enjoyed the first half implying that one’s losing their “mental” sense (mind), but felt that it deviated from original meaning too much.
If youve read this far, thank you for listening, haha! Again, have a wonderful day! c:
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dapperrokyuu · 2 years
Unknown (Till the End...) (XENO VIBE and BL8M | Alien Stage: Round 2 Song) - English Translyrics
Hi! Is Alien Stage continuing to consume me? Yes. Was Till’s song a banger? Also yes. Was it also an easy set of lyrics because a significant portion of the song is already in English? Yes, but HEY...
Enjoy, nonetheless, smh. As always, feel free to use, as long as you credit me! If anyone wants further thought process clarification for any lyrics, feel free to ask too! Have a wonderful day, fellas!
Translation Base: Captions in original video.
(Come on!)
(Yeah! Hah!)
(Get with me now!)
Nothing was my everything. Melody filling this empty, It’s you, alright. My feelings are… ERROR: no better options.
I’ve a shaking paradigm, I don’t care if my world is turned upside down, I wanna know all about you! (Oh!)
No more takin’ it slow. My feelings’ edelweiss that bloomed because of you… (You’ll never know.) I don’t wanna stop!
Don’t even– Think this time’s enough! Cause, you baby, still, it's not enough! (For me, alright?) Don't leave me, li li dadada…
Cause, you baby, still, it's not enough! How dare you think this time's enough! Ain't nobody but– You're the one that I'm feeling it's love. Don't be afraid… (Ohhhhh!) (Come on!)
(Ohhh, wa-ohh! Wa-ohh!) (Wa-oh-oh o-ohh…) (Ohhh, wa-ohh! Wa-ohh!)
Cause I like it better… (Feel like I’m crazy! Oh, yeah, yeah!) (Come on!) Can’t refuse this, take this overdose.
This session of translyrics shall feature notes as opposed to the usual alternative translyrics! Because I didnt really have any alternative translyrics this time around, lol.
NOTE 1: The lines “(Yeah! Hah!)” and “(Come on now!)” are based primarily on speculation of what I heard in the original video, it actually did not provide subtitles for those. I just felt it was worthwhile, something WAS sang here, lol.
Ive come to recognize the possibility of “(Get away now!)”...? But contextually, that doesnt make too much sense? Theres an extra syllable, so “(Come on now!)” cant be it exactly, but...ahh, jotted down, at least!
Ive settled on the idea that its probably “(Get with me now!)” fitting the syllables and the context. Ive considered the idea of “(Get on me now!)” but thats, uhh. Raunchy. “(Get with me now!)” kind of fits the persuading tone as well as...Till wants to get with Mizi, lol. The prior “(Come on now!)” has been edited accordingly, but is immortalized here, just for thought process demonstration, lol.
NOTE 2: The last line, “Can’t refuse this, take this overdose.” Ultimately, this line is pretty ambiguous in the original captions (”Can’t refuse, overdose”), so I opted to maintain the ambiguity. You could easily do, “Can’t refuse me,” or “Can’t refuse, so take this overdose” but former took away the ambiguity (and also added vibes that could make Till sound WEIRD, considering his obsession with Mizi), and I think the “this, take this” was a bit of fun wordplay and matched the rhythm a bit better.
I enjoy the ambiguity because you COULD attribute the line to Till himself, but you could also apply the line to how Till and the other contestants cant refuse their situations in Alien Stage. So I personally enjoy the interpretation of, “[I, Till,] Cant refuse this [Alien Stage], take this overdose [him securing his win by all means, even killing someone and shocking the audience].” The whole point is that THE ALIENS CANT REFUSE HIS WIN AT THIS POINT. Its an overdose, an excessive action, its a backlash to his oppressors. Theyre forcing him to play? Hes going to play and win in every way (survival and gratification).
The “Can’t refuse this, take this overdose” also gives the sense that Till CHOSE this action as opposed to “Can’t refuse, so take this overdose” having the feel of responding in a hopeless and helpless manner. Theres just more POWER in the former, so that was that, haha. Thank you for listening to my TEDtalk!
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dapperrokyuu · 2 years
Sweet Dream (XENO VIBE and BL8M | Alien Stage OP) - English Translyrics
Hi! Congrats to Alien Stage to making me want to use social media in general again, lol. Again, I do this as a hobby, they may not be perfect! But I figured I might as well share with others who would enjoy this as much as I do.
This song is a BANGER, and Alien Stage has CONSUMED MY MIND. The video may be my favorite of Vivinos’s in GENERAL. This was a fun an easy time, probably because about a fifth of the lyrics are already in English, but hey. Have a lovely day, fellas!
As always, feel free to use, as long as you credit me! If anyone wants further thought process clarification for any lyrics, feel free to ask too!
Translation Base: Captions in original video.
There aren’t any words that I could say anymore now. It has no meaning, Even that night, so blue with splendid light… (Even this white dress of mine is dyed red.)
And the morning, it does not seem like it is coming. It’s all like a lie. Now if only all this were just a dream… (You hug me tight as if what happened was nothing.)
It’s a sweet dream. It’s happening today, wait for me. I’m going too, you’ll see. Lord, please, when this song is over… Come and save me from this, please.
My father, my universe… Take away this small and weak me. My father, my universe… The edge of a cliff, that’s where I’m standing.
Now I live in darkness, Bring me brightness. Show me proof you hear my sound. Live in darkness, Bring me brightness. Show me proof that you’re here now, lord…
Alternative lyrics!
Line 2: They have no meaning... (Personally used “it” to preserve original translation.)
Line 11: I’ll be seeing you soon. vs. I’m going too, you’ll see. (I just really liked having almost the entire verse rhyme and felt if I used this alternative, it’d stick out too much.)
Line 15: Take away the small and weak me. (This is a matter of preference, but this alternative is more faithful to the original, so yeah. I feel the distinction may be meaningful enough to note here.)
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dapperrokyuu · 3 years
Sora to Utsuro (Sasanomaly | VnC OP) - English Translyrics
Just for fun and myself, I wrote English lyrics for Vanitas no Carte’s first OP, Sora to Utsuro, by Sasanomaly. Im by no means experienced with this sort of thing, but I worked hard and figured itd be cool to share! If you do enjoy them, feel free to tell me! And if anyone cares to use them, uhh!?!?!?!?!?! Youre free to, Id be flattered! Do credit me though! I used the official translation for reference. Below the cut are some little alternate lyrics I had for options, but these are the ones Id choose ultimately. If anyone wants to hear the thought process for any of these lyrics, feel free to ask! Thank you, enjoy, have a wonderful day! --- You are pondering such simple things like human emotions and love, I can only hope that one day you will understand them. With too many wounds throughout your life, Patched up and such a miserable sight... That does not even know the very meaning of being “alive.” No need for "Just the two of us." Or any - thing that sounds close to a vow. I just have a feeling that we can understand each other someday. For now, that’s okay. I’m in love with this world. The wonderful light that only you give to me... Makes the world that I see through these fractured eyes of mine seem-- More gleaming and bright than I thought that it could be. And although there is nothing that is for sure, Right now, you can certainly see me, can’t you? When the sky and void come together to meet,
You should look back to see--The dreams that will come to be.
Alternative lyrics!
Line 1:
You seem to ponder
Line 3:
to many….
Line 4: ...up,
a miserable sight. | ...up
a miserable sight. | ...up,
a miserable sight. (This line in general takes into account how you say “miserable,” btw, I tried to give it flexibility to work either way.)
Line 5: ...the
of.... | ...of
the word
Line 9:
And that's fine for now.
And that’s just okay.
Line 13: ...thought
it'd ever
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