#dar al bayda
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gregor-samsung · 7 months
“ Era il 1973, c'era la guerra, la gente faceva capannello attorno alla radio. Ascoltavano Radio Cairo, ancora increduli che l'esercito egiziano potesse attraversare il canale di Suez, che gli arabi potessero vincere contro Israele. Stava in piedi assieme ad altre persone, Zayn 'Alúl, davanti alla bottega di Abu Khalíl, sorseggiando tè e facendo quattro chiacchiére. A un certo punto le chiacchiere avevano preso un'altra piega, si erano trasformate in una discussione a proposito dei fatti della Bank of America. Era successo che alcuni elementi della polizia libanese avevano fatto irruzione nella banca, ucciso due degli uomini che l'avevano occupata, arrestato gli altri due e liberato gli ostaggi. Con il risultato che la banca non aveva scucito un petacchino per lo sforzo bellico arabo, scopo ultimo dell'operazione, stando alle condizioni dettate dal capo del commando, poi abbattuto. - È stato un errore, - diceva Abu Khalíl, - la guerra è in Israele, a che pro occupare una banca qui? - La banca è americana, gli americani sono Israele. Sí insomma, lí e qui è la stessa identica guerra, - aveva ribattuto uno dei ragazzi che facevano ressa attorno alla bottega.
Abu Khalíl aveva preso in mano il giornale e si era avvicinato alla luce che usciva da dentro il negozio. - Date retta a me, ragazzi, è stato un errore. 'Ali Shu'ayb ha preso in ostaggio e poi ammazzato un americano che non c'entrava niente. Leggeva, Abu Khalíl: - «L'americano John Conrad Maxwell è stato assassinato da 'Ali Shu'ayb. Quest'ultimo, ricorrendo a uno degli ostaggi perché non in grado di esprimersi in inglese, ha comunicato a Maxwell di aver deciso di ucciderlo poiché la dilazione concessa alle autorità era scaduta. L'americano ha implorato per la propria vita, ma 'Ali Shu'ayb gli ha sparato alla schiena. L'americano, supino al suolo, ha urlato e supplicato, ma 'Ali Shu'ayb, coadiuvato da un altro componente del commando, presumibilmente Jihàd As'ad, lo ha preso a calci e ha nuovamente fatto fuoco, colpendolo al ventre e togliendogli la vita». - Ma vi sembra possibile, ragazzi? Non son cose che si fanno, - aveva concluso Abu Khalíl: - E poi il problema è con Israele, la guerra è li. È stato un errore. - Tutte balle, - aveva esclamato Zayn 'Alúl, - sono tutte balle. “
Elias Khuri, Facce bianche, traduzione dall'arabo di Elisabetta Bartuli, Einaudi (collana L'Arcipelago n° 126), 2007¹; pp. 133-134.
[1ª Edizione originale: الوجوه البيضاء, (Wujuh al-bayda), editore Dar Al Adab, Beirut, 1981]
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docpiplup · 1 year
Banu Qasi triology: Locations (+ Maps extracted from the book and modern reconstruction of plans of some cities of that period of time I found on Internet)
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(* Some towns and cities that already existed are not in this maps, but probably were not included in the maps because maybe they're not relevant for the story, X, X, X )
Zaragoza (×) (although this one represents the Zaragoza from 11th century, due to the presence of the Palace of Aljaferia (×), although a watchtower existed since 9-10th centuries in that place, the Troubadour's Tower, that currently forms part of the palace)
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Tudela, but here's a video of Pamplona/Iruña
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Córdoba (Here's a video with the current-day Alcázar and the Caliphal baths)
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Alaba: Álava
Al Bayda, Albayda: Albelda
Al Burj: Borja
Al Busherat: Las Alpujarras
Al Faru: Alfaro
Al Garb: 'the west', Algarve
Al Hamma: Alhama
Al Hamma: site that corresponds to the current Baños de Fitero
Al Hamra: 'the red', the Alhambra of Granada
Al Lura: Álora
Al Maghrib: current Maghreb area, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania
Al Mahdiyya: capital of the Fatimid Caliphate founded by Al Mahdi
Al Mariya: Almería
Al Mahsan: Almazán
Al Mudawar: Almudévar
Al Munastir: Almonacid
Al Qala't: Alcalá de Henares
Al Qāhira: Cairo
Al Qastil: Carcastillo or Murillo el Fruto
Al Qila: Castile
Al Qulaiya: Alcolea
Al Qubba: Talavera
Al Rawda: one of the interior gardens of the alcazar of Córdoba, where most of the emirs were buried
Al Sarqiyya: Axarquía, in Granada
Al Xaraf: Aljarafe
Al Jazira: Algeciras
Almunya de Aisha: Muniesa
Al Sajra: Azagra
Antaqira: Antequera
Arnit: Arnedo
Aryiduna: Archidona
Askaniya: Cascante
Asturqa: Astorga
Astīban: fortress located in the current-day Alhambra
Aura: Fortress next to Barcelona, ​​possibly in present-day Valldaura
Aybar: Aibar
Bab al Qantara: the Bridge Gate, in Córdoba, also known as Bab as-Sudda or the Azud Gate
Baghdad: capital of the Abbasid emirate
Bagúh: Priego
Bahr Algarbí: Atlantic Ocean
Bahr Arrum: Mediterranean sea
Balaga: Balager
Balma: place located on the left bank of the Ebro river next to Calahorra, it may correspond to the town of San Adrián
Balansiya: Valencia
Balterra: Valtierra
Bambaluna: Pampiluna, Pamplona
Banu Basir: Benameji
Baquira: Viguera
Barbitaniya: región of Sobrarbe, that included Jaca, Barbastro and Boltaña
Barsaluna: Barcelona
Baskunsa: place name that would correspond to the fortress of Rocaforte, which after the Reconquest, it would give to the current Sangüesa, located at the foot of this valley
Batalyus: Badajoz
Barbastur: Barbastro
Bayanna: Baena
Bayāna: Pechina, important trading city of the Mediterranean sea, replaced by the port of Almería
Basta: Baza
Bilad al Ándalus: Hispania
Bulāy: Poley, Aguilar de la Frontera
Burbaster: Bobastro, Umar ibn Hafsún's shelter
Cantabria: mountain range that borders river Ebro by the north, next to Logroño
Castro Muros: San Esteban de Gormaz
Dar al Islam: the lands of Islam
Dar al Rahn: the House of Hostages, in Córdoba
Daniya: Denia
Daruqa: Daroca
Deio: Monjardín
Dus Amantis: the Rock of the Lovers
Falah'san: Falces
Fās: Fez, capital of the Idrisi emirate
Finyāna: Fiñans
Galaskiya: Land of the galaskiyun, the gascons
Galipenzo: Gallipienzo
Garnata: Granada
Girunda: Girona
Hardaris: Ardales
Hisn Asar: Iznájar
Hisn Qámara: castle of uncertain location, near Colmenar and Casabermeja, in the province of Málaga
Hisn Qastuluna: the ancient Roman city Cástulo, in Jaén
Iacca: Jaca
Ifriqiya: Tunisia
Ilbira: Elvira, next to Granada, capital of the distrit with the same name.
Isbāniyā: Christian chroniclers called the peninsula as a whole Hispania. For the Arabs, Al Ándalus is only the land dominated by Islam. They call the Christian land by the name of their kingdoms, and the term Isbāniyā is reserved for the entire peninsula, although it is rarely used.
Ishbiliya: Sevilla
Istiba: Estepa
Istiya: Écija
Kabbaruso: Caparroso
Kara: Santacara
Larida: Lleida
Ledena: Liédena
Leqant: Fuente de Cantos
Liyun: León
Lizarrara: Estella-Lizarra
Madinat Selim: Medinaceli
Madinat al Faray: Guadalajara
Malaqa: Málaga
Mārida: Mérida
Martus: Martos
Milīla: Melilla
Millas: Mijas
Muish: Muez
Munt Sun: Monzón
Munt Liyūn: Monteleón
Mursiya: Murcia, also known as Tudmir (this name comes from the Visigothic count Teodomiro, who ruled it by the time the Muslims arrived to the Peninsula)
Nasira: Nájera
Niebla: District that corresponds to the current-day province of Huelva
Orreaga: mountains of Ibañeta or Roncesvalles
Ossa: Huesa del Común
Qabra: Cabra
Qabtil: Isla Menor (Sevilla)
Qadis: Cádiz
Qala't al Hajar/Qalahurra: Calahorra
Qala't al Hans: Alange
Qala't Gazuan: Alcalá de Guadaira
Qala't Ayub: Calatayud
Qala't Musa: Calamocha
Qala't Rabah: Calatrava
Qarmuna: Carmona
Qarqar: Cárcar
Qasida: Cáseda
Qarcastil: Carcastillo
Qasr Bunayra: Casarabonela
Qayrawán: Kairuán, capital of Ifriqiya, current-day Tunis
Quluniya: Clunia
Qumaris: Comares
Quriya: Coria del Río
Qurtuba: Córdoba
Qustantaniyeh: Constantinople
Qutanda: Cutanda
Raya: district that corresponds to the province of Málaga
Rasif: A promenade in Córdoba that ran along the right bank of the Guadalquivir river
Resa: fortress located on the banks of the Ebro, near the mouth of the river Arga
River Eiroca: River Iregua
River Iberus*: River Ebro
*the Iberian peninsula takes its name from the river Iberus/Ibero, the river Ebro
Rumiya: Rome
Sabta: Ceuta
Salubāniya: Salobreña
Santabariyya: Santaver, Muslim district that corresponds to the province of Cuenca
Saqunda: village in the suburb of Córdoba, on the left bank of the Guadalquivir river
Sajra Qays: Qays rock, fortress located near the current-day town of Huarte Araquil, in the Rock of Echauri, northwest of Pamplona
Saraqusta: Zaragoza
Seqontiya: Sigüenza
Siduna: Medina Sidonia
Sirtaniya: La Cerretania, in the Aragonese area of ​​the Pyrenees, around the valleys of the Gállego and Cinca rivers. This denomination disappears from the sources from the 10th century, when the County of Aragon appears
Siya: Ejea de los Caballeros
Suhayl: Fuengirola
Sumuntān: Somontín
Tahert: city in the north of Africa, in Algeria
Tahust: Tauste
Takurunna: one of the corias of Al Andalus, with capital in Ronda
Tarraquna: Tarragona
Talyayra: fortress located below Bobastro, over the Guadalhorce river.
Tarasuna: Tarazona
Tāy^ula: Tíjola
Tulaytula: Toledo
Turtusa: Tortosa
Tutila: Tudela
Uādi al Hamma: River Alhama
Uādi al Hiyara: Guadalajara. At first, the name of rhe city was Madinat al Faray, but later it adopted the old name of the river Henares
Uādi al Jurs: River Guadalhorce
Uādi al Kabir: River Guadalquivir, 'the big river'
Uādi al Walid: Valladolid
Uādi Anna: River Guadiana
Uādi Aragun: River Aragon
Uādi Aruad: River Arga
Uādi Cinqa: River Cinca
Uādi Duwiro: River Duero
Uādi Eyroqa: River Iregua
Uādi Ibru: river Ebro, and by extension, the Ebro valley. (Also known as Uādi Abro or Uādi Ibro)
Uādi 'Ís: Guádix
Uādi Nahar: River Henares
Uādi Qalash: River Queiles
Uādi Salit: River Guadacelete
Uādi Salún: River Jalón
Uādi Sanyil: River Genil
Uādi Tadjo: River Tajo
Uādi Uarba: River Huerva
Uādi Urbiqo: River Órbigo
Uādi Yallaq: River Gállego
Uādi Zidaq: River Cidacos
Uakhshama: Osma
Uasqa: Huesca
Ubbada: Úbeda
Uksunuba: Faro (Portugal)
Ulit: Olite
Uriyuwala: Orihuela
Ushbuna: Lisboa
Vareia: Varea
Welba: Huelva
Yabal al Bardi: Las Bardenas Reales, in Navarra
Yabal Sulayr: the mountains of the Sun, Sierra Nevada
Yabal Tariq: 'the mountain of Tariq', Gibraltar
Yayán: Jaén
Yilliqiya: Asturias (and by extension, Galicia). It's also writen as Illiqiya or Gilliqiya.
Yussana: Lucena
Etymology II Characters
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Woman from Morocco, Casablanca, ad-Dar-al-Bayda.
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moosa7000 · 3 years
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‏‎هدايا الرياض --- #سوارفيسكي‬⁩ #هديه‬⁩ #هدايا‬⁩ #هد‬ايا_الرياض #بوكس‬⁩ #بوكسات‬⁩ #بوكس_سعاده‬⁩ #ورد‬⁩ #ورد_طبيعي‬⁩ #ورد_صناعي‬⁩ #بوكس_الشاشه‬⁩ #بوكس_شاشة‬⁩ #سناب‬⁩ #سناب_شات‬⁩ #سنابي‬⁩ #سلاسل‬⁩ #اكسسوارات‬⁩ #توصيل‬⁩ #مندوب‬⁩ #الرياض‬⁩ #هدية‬⁩ #محل_هدايا‬⁩ #بالون‬⁩ #بالوانات‬⁩ #بالونات_هيليوم‬⁩ #حروف_هيليوم‬⁩ #طباعة_على_الاكواب‬⁩ #طباعة‬⁩ #طباعة_تيشيرتات‬⁩‎‏ (في ‏‎Ad Dar Al Bayda', Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzimCcpGKx/?igshid=6aulp0334quz
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roseannrobledo-blog · 5 years
Al Bayane (Al Dar Al Bayda’, Morocco).
When arriving to a brand-new nation, it consistently creates life less complicated if you can talk a minimum of some of the main languages of that nation with complete confidence. Throughout his lifestyle, Cash had a lot of prosperous albums and hit songs including Folsom Jail Blues, Obtain Rhythm, and Ring of Fire. Penetration of international music has actually caused the marginalisation of nearby societies as well as standard music in Zimbabwe.
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Some family and friends will explain the number of methods it may make a mistake, exactly how you will definitely shed your work in the process and inquire you what will certainly happen you, Perfectbodydiet.info when inevitably you return property, in whose property you will collapse ... I indicate, nevertheless, partnerships fall short day-to-day without including the moving away" component to the dish.
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The globe has acted in curbing little one death, stunted growth and also various other poverty-driven troubles, while being overweight, alcohol abuse as well as partner physical violence has actually risen, a significant evaluation of UN wellness targets pointed out Wednesday. Rainy days are actually one of the most romantic as well as amazing times for me. Lots of people appreciate bad patches and also few people get disrupted by it. Among the places in India is actually the Cherapunzi is the highest possible rains area on the planet. Bob, who at twenty-one wed an attractive Trenchtown Sunday university educator named Rita as well as kept wed to her till his death He fostered her daughter as well as they possessed 4 little ones all together in the course of their marriage Marley also contended the very least 8 more little ones with 8 various females.
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Almost 75 thousand individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa are actually determined to have actually paid a bribe before year - some to get away from consequence due to the cops or courtrooms, but several obliged to pay to acquire accessibility to the essential companies that they frantically require (Openness International 2015). The format, shot in Turner's neighborhood Haleyville, included meetings and also railroad songs carried out through Turner as well as his little girl Dixie. Organisers used social media sites to launch the country-wide action-- one of the largest-ever pro-choice celebrations in Poland-- prompting ladies to stay away from work as well as university to participate in street protests. The registration was actually accepted by the institution after numerous years evaluating the application and became the second Latin American nation to get in the OECD. African-Americans experience bigotry and also microaggressions coming from psychological wellness service providers, specifically those that are without important cultural competency. For even more Country and western you may check the tunes of songs web site. The common United States consumes around one to one and a half grams of MSG while the normal usage for an Oriental is actually 1 1/2 to 10 grams each day. Going in between Lesser and Upper Gornal will make you love the Dark Nation forever. Shadiness parades on its own in numerous public workplaces in Africa as the public servants in the nations mismanage and draw away the general public funds which are intended to be made use of for multinational progression for their private and also private make use of. This study analyzes the parts of American lifestyle, which are actually reflected in metropolitan grooves music particularly the music of Maskiri as well as Xtra Big. " African United States ladies intend to overcome these obstacles to exercise, and we examined lots of African United States ladies that have currently gotten over these barriers by adjusting their hairstyles.
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nextpostnews-blog · 5 years
In Koli Jean Bofane : “Le Maroc est le seul pays sur Terre à posséder une politique d’accueil”
In Koli Jean Bofane : “Le Maroc est le seul pays sur Terre à posséder une politique d’accueil”
Dans son troisième roman, ‘La Belle de Casa’ (éd. Actes Sud), l’écrivain congolais In Koli Jean Bofane déroule une intrigue aux allures de polar. Un thriller social qui décrit les bas-fonds de ad-Dar al Bayda’, une ville “tentaculaire” où les voyous, les trafiquants et les prostituées s’entrelacent sous l’emprise du Chergui, le sirocco du sud.
Par Houssam Hatim
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eliteksa2018-blog · 6 years
تجهيز غرف العرسان #شقق_عرسان #شقق #فنادق_الرياض #فندق #الرياض_جده_القصيم_المدينه_مكه_ينبع_الطائف_الخرج_الباحه_الجوف_سكاكا_حائل #الرياض_جده_القصيم_المدينه_مكه_ينبع_الطائف_الخرج_الباحه_الجوف_سكاكا #العزيزية #اجنحة_فندقية #ديلوكس #شقق_للايجار (at Ad Dar Al Bayda', Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BotQV53lfvI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=an28vkdjk0uo
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4jvq-blog · 6 years
‏‎⠀ ‏⠀‏⠀⠀‏⠀⠀ ‏⠀⠀ ‏⠀⠀ ‏⠀⠀ ‏⠀ ‏⠀⠀ ‏⠀‏⠀⠀ ‏⠀ ⠀ ‏⠀‏⠀⠀ماضاق صدر الرياض وضاق صدر الخبر‎‏ (في ‏‎Ad Dar Al Bayda', Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia‎‏)
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dedenurjaman-blog · 6 years
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Luka terdalam adalah luka yang tidak bisa dilihat oleh mata, dan kesedihan terdalam adalah kesedihan yang tidak bisa diungkapkan oleh kata-kata (at Ad Dar Al Bayda', Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia)
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ Samar continuava a parlare con quel suo strano fervore: - Ascolta, tu non ascolti, dobbiamo spiegare che la nostra causa è giusta, bisogna che rendiamo pubbliche le pratiche dei fascisti, gli omicidi, gli stupri, le ruberie, i transfert, le case distrutte. Il cinema di denuncia, è questo il suo ruolo. Rendere di pubblico dominio. Bisogna... - Ma anche noi... Le ho detto che anche noi commettiamo degli errori, che anche noi ammazziamo, anche noi... - Non è vero, quel che dici non è vero. - Giuro che è vero! Damour. Noi a Damour... - Non parlare di Damour! Ti sei dimenticato del quartiere dei mattatoi, di Karantina, di Na'aba, di Tell al-Za'atar? - Compagna, non parlarmi con questo tono! Sta' calma, sto solo dicendo la verità! - No, non è la verità, la verità dev'essere al servizio della rivoluzione, questi sono discorsi che turbano i nostri militanti. - La verità è al servizio della verità. Ascolta. - Ascolta tu. La guerra è guerra. - Lo so, giuro che lo so, si fanno errori in tutte le guerre, la cosa fondamentale è la questione politica, però commettiamo anche noi degli errori. - No, tu la fai troppo grossa, come fa un combattente come te a parlare in questo modo? - Giuro, sorella, io queste cose le, so. Eppure combatto e continuerò a combattere. Sí insomma, tutto questo non c'entra. Però è la verità. Io rimango, dove vuoi che vada? Alla fine di quella conversazione, Samar mi ha consigliato di tornare all'università. Ma che università e università, come faccio a studiare? L'occhio sano non è mica sano, quando leggo per un po' mi diventa rosso e mi piglia un dolore insopportabile, all'università non posso tornare e un altro mestiere non lo so fare. E poi non voglio. Come posso dimenticare? Metà dei miei amici sono morti martiri, come faccio? Li lascio nella tomba e scappo via, come ho fatto con Samíh? No. Si è alzata, il cameriere ha portato il conto. Voleva pagare lei, non gliel'ho permesso. “
Elias Khuri, Facce bianche, traduzione dall'arabo di Elisabetta Bartuli, Einaudi (collana L'Arcipelago n° 126), 2007¹; pp. 185-186.
[1ª Edizione originale: الوجوه البيضاء, (Wujuh al-bayda), editore Dar Al Adab, Beirut, 1981]
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Woman from Morocco, Casablanca, ad-Dar-al-Bayda.
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nextpostnews-blog · 5 years
In Koli Jean Bofane : “Le Maroc est le seul pays sur Terre à posséder une politique d’accueil”
In Koli Jean Bofane : “Le Maroc est le seul pays sur Terre à posséder une politique d’accueil”
Dans son troisième roman, ‘La Belle de Casa’ (éd. Actes Sud), l’écrivain congolais In Koli Jean Bofane déroule une intrigue aux allures de polar. Un thriller social qui décrit les bas-fonds de ad-Dar al Bayda’, une ville “tentaculaire” où les voyous, les trafiquants et les prostituées s’entrelacent sous l’emprise du Chergui, le sirocco du sud.
Par Houssam Hatim
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nextpostnews-blog · 5 years
In Koli Jean Bofane : “Le Maroc est le seul pays sur Terre à posséder une politique d’accueil”
In Koli Jean Bofane : “Le Maroc est le seul pays sur Terre à posséder une politique d’accueil”
Dans son troisième roman, ‘La Belle de Casa’ (éd. Actes Sud), l’écrivain congolais In Koli Jean Bofane déroule une intrigue aux allures de polar. Un thriller social qui décrit les bas-fonds de ad-Dar al Bayda’, une ville “tentaculaire” où les voyous, les trafiquants et les prostituées s’entrelacent sous l’emprise du Chergui, le sirocco du sud.
Par Houssam Hatim
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nextpostnews-blog · 5 years
In Koli Jean Bofane : “Le Maroc est le seul pays sur Terre à posséder une politique d’accueil”
In Koli Jean Bofane : “Le Maroc est le seul pays sur Terre à posséder une politique d’accueil”
Dans son troisième roman, ‘La Belle de Casa’ (éd. Actes Sud), l’écrivain congolais In Koli Jean Bofane déroule une intrigue aux allures de polar. Un thriller social qui décrit les bas-fonds de ad-Dar al Bayda’, une ville “tentaculaire” où les voyous, les trafiquants et les prostituées s’entrelacent sous l’emprise du Chergui, le sirocco du sud.
Par Houssam Hatim
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