ch4mb3r-blog · 7 years
✂ for a worried text about the receiver ❤ for an affectionate text
✂ for a worried text about the receiver
2:27 PM: You’ve only texted me 16 of the usual 20+ times today, sunshine, you feeling under the weather?
❤ for an affectionate text
7:08 PM: I’m not sure why anyone voluntarily interacts with me, so I appreciate that you do.
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youbutfaster · 8 years
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Bonus Darcy (because who doesn’t love a bonus Darcy)
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readytxcxmply-blog · 8 years
Ties to the Past | Bucky & Darcy
He wasn’t the brightest bulb in the lamp, staying so close to Avengers Tower, but maybe he was just tired of hiding, as little as he wanted to see any of the Avengers, with as muddled as his head was. He knew that they were looking for him and they had tried all his other holes, the hideaways that everyone knew about that he had to burn. And so he had somehow decided that closer made it easier to hide. Something about not looking right in front of them. 
Either way he was slinking to his nearest coffee shop, needing a caffeine fix after he had broken his piss poor pot in his half asleep state that morning.He didn’t want to venture out, not when he knew that this was a busy area and he hated dealing with people, but he also needed the coffee. So he found himself waiting impatiently for his turn to order coffee, ballcap on hiding his features and a jacket and gloves hiding his artificial hand to avoid discovery. He stood completely still, glaring at everyone who got too close, only moving to step forward in the line that seemed forever long, almost overwhelmed by the amount of people around him.  
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Jubilee's outfit for "School's out for awesome" with @darcyfuckinglewis
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hawkeye616 · 8 years
We have to keep meeting like this ll Darcy and Clint
Everyone else had gone straight to their rooms for showers and fresh clothes and sleep, Clint though, after six hours of sitting unmoving in perch followed by maybe forty minutes of fighting, was still wired compared to everyone else that had been boots on the ground.
That meant coffee. It probably didn’t make much sense, given that his problem was that he was already too awake, but its what he was going with. So, tracking soot and debris and who knows what else into Tony’s gleaming kitchen he started prodding angrily at his old foe, the hyper intelligent coffee maker.
After a few minutes of him growling and it beeping and no coffee being made he was joined by a nearly unrecognizable Darcy.
“Lab explosion?”
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ch4mb3r-blog · 8 years
Gangs of New York & Co. // Darcy & Jono
Jono Starsmore was at the mall, and instantly regretting his life choices.
His venue selection was his first mistake -- Jefferson Valley was probably the yuppiest option within a reasonable distance from the academy, and while he wasn’t poorly dressed Jono still stuck out like a sore thumb with his black and leather. His timing was worse, forcing him to face crowds which he tried to weave through by touching as few people as possible, his hand self-consciously resting against the scarf that draped over his bandages.
Further regrets included not waiting until Jubilee could come with him, since they’d had their fair share of mall trolling whenever Emma and Sean had let the Gen X kids loose on holidays. Those times Jono remembered with actual fondness, and while he nearly considered turning right back around, he reminded himself that no, he’d burned through another shirt this morning, and it was time to bite the bullet.
Not particularly paying attention to where he was ending up, Jono ducked into the first clothing store that seemed like a good enough candidate, i.e. one that had a sizeable section of black clothing on the men’s side as well as a women’s section. They always had the fluffier scarves for hiding behind.
It also seemed to be mostly empty, which was of course Jono’s first choice. The last time he’d been here -- maybe a month or two ago? -- he’d had one of the bizarrest run-ins with a human who, for reasons he was beyond figuring out, wouldn’t stop badgering him. And it wasn’t even the usual staring or offhanded unkind remarks, this was a woman who seemed to want to… be his friend, or so it had seemed. It was difficult for Jono to tell what was genuine anymore, so even as he started to sift through one of the racks of dark shirts he only marginally let his guard down.
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ch4mb3r-blog · 7 years
Darce. Duck. Aggro, if she’s bugging him.
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youbutfaster · 8 years
Send 💭 for one thought my muse has had about yours that they would never confess
“This city needs more people like her.”
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youbutfaster · 8 years
The Science of Sarcasm || Lewis and Shepherd
@darcyfuckinglewis  Darcy was definitely not blowing off her boss. Or, okay, maybe she was totally blowing her off. But she needed her ‘Darcy’ time. And that meant being away from astrophysicists and notes and not enough coffee. So she claimed she needed to go on a 'supply’ run, but really she just wanted to get the hell out. For an hour. Or two. Or okay maybe three.
So far she’d managed to buy herself a new pair of shoes (her whole pay check, but whatever), two large coffees, and she had just stopped at the newsstand. She was totally just there for the shitty comics section, but she found herself rooted in place by the guy’s attitude to the one other dude talking. Rude much?
She listened, her face screwing up in obvious distaste, though the expression was wiped clean when she got a face full of young man chest. Her glasses went sideways and her beanie nearly fell off, and the paper she was holding fell, but other than that she was a-ok. Which was better than she could say with some of the 'run ins’ she had with Thor. That left bruises half the time. Damn space abs.
“Stay right there.” She said to the kid that had hit her, fixing her glasses a little. “Hey! Dude face!” She called, giving the guy  her signature Darcy grin. “Nice newsstand. Sorry about your little willie.” She said, wiggling her pinkie finger before she stuck her tongue out at him. “Jerkwad.” When the man’s face got even redder than before, she giggled and blew a kiss before she skipped over to the other guy.
“Sorry for wrecking your escape plan man.”
Tommy was surprised when the woman he almost walked into suddenly told him to stay put; for a wild moment, he thought she was going to be on the other guy’s side and start berating him or something, but he figured there was no harm in sticking around, so he humoured her. His expression immediately shifted when she was suddenly paying out on the vendor as well, and he had to resist the urge to clap his hands together. Oh, that was better than anything he could possibly have hoped for. He shot the guy a mock sympathetic look before putting up his hands as if to say that he had nothing to do with it. 
Tommy made an exaggerated shrugging motion when the woman suddenly approached him again. “Don’t ever apologise for art,” he said with a smirk. He didn’t recognise her from anywhere, but hey, she was cool. Anyone who sassed people for him was a winner in his book. “I’m Tommy, by the way,” he added, sticking his hands into his pockets. 
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