sebadstian-blog · 8 years
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do you cry over daredevil on a daily basis? maybe it’s consumed your whole entire life so you think about it way too much? do you want to be part of a daredevil squad in which you can cry with? look no more, fam.
wanna join?
must be following this noob
reblog this post
fill out this survey
it’d be nice if you had at least some daredevil on your blog
this must reach 30 notes or more
in search of..
kind and respectful people that love daredevil, that’s it 
an organized tagging system is only a bonus
you will have a spot on the #squad page which is now in progress
you can make new, amazing friends here who like daredevil and maybe even share a same favorite character with you
pals to reblog your gifs, graphics, selfies, and other things
other things..
i will accept 20-25 members within the first picks. i will be picking asap when i’m not busy.
the #squad page is in progress (as i said before), i’m very picky on themes
make sure to track the tag #daredevilsquad
33 notes · View notes