#darkling gets himself some saintly ally(s)
Ruins of Faith - Grishaverse fanfiction
Also available on AO3
The night – or what passed for it at this time of the year – was not quite over, but the Palaces were buzzing with life.
Genya stepped over the metal construction the Nichevo’ya had knocked from the roof.
She felt her heart sink when she recognized David’s style in the design.
Please, be okay.
She knew the Darkling focused his attack on the main palace, but she worried David might have tried playing hero.
“Impressive build.” her companion, a Suli woman who looked Genya’s own age, despite having been the leader of Grisha forces on the Shu border long before Genya had been born. The other Grisha had called her Karina. The Darkling had referred to her as Marya. “Your boy’s work?”
“Looks like it.”
“If it wasn’t aimed at us, I’d like to see it at work.” Karina chuckled. “I’m sure he’ll turn up.”
“Right.” Genya nodded and followed the Fabricator to the ruins of the Little Palace chapel.
Ruins felt like a strong word, if Genya was honest with herself. Pile of stones and dust.
“There’s no way anyone survived that.” Genya looked at Karina with worry on her face.
“He’s a lot tougher than he looks.” Karina assured her, stretching. “Give me a bit of space.”
Genya wanted to protest there was no way the Durast would be able to clear the rubble by herself, not in a timely manner, anyway, but she remained quiet.
Karina’s confidence left no room for questions.
Karina looked almost bored as she went through her motions. One by one, the stones rose up and moved to the side.
Genya held her breath.
Finally, the stones revealed a figure dressed in a black kefta, though it looks more gray than black under the layers of dust.
He was undoubtedly still breathing.
Genya rushed to his side, rolling him over on his back, revealing a second figure beneath him.
Her hair as white as fresh snow, despite much of her being shielded from the dust.
They were both death-pale, breathing shallowly, but breathing none-the-less.
Genya knew it would probably be better to wait for a Healer, but she didn’t want to wait. She slipped one hand through a cut in the Darkling’s sleeve and used her amplified abilities to bring him to consciousness.
He grabbed her wrist and forced it away from his body before he even opened his eyes.
He let go, when he saw her.
“I’m sorry…” she breathed. “I was worried.”
He didn’t say anything, just closed his eyes again and breathed deeply.
“Do you need a Healer? I’ll go find someone…”
“They protected us. I’m just tired.” he replied, propping himself up a little.
“I found another one!” Karina shouted.
He turned to look in her direction, but almost instantly laid down again. “Go look.” he directed Genya.
She stood up, stepped over Alina and went to look at the final dust-covered figure.
“The tracker. Of course.” Genya sighed. He seemed alive, though barely.
“She’s not going to be very happy about that.” Darkling chuckled, already sitting again.
“You look like death, Sasha.” Karina said, stepping closer to him. “Go get some sleep. We can handle the clearing.”
She offered him her hand and helped him stand up.
He looked to Genya.
“Makes sure these two are taken care of. Same rules as on Volkvolny.”
“Both of them to the cells?” Genya asked.
“Him. Take her back to her suite.”
Genya raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
He headed to the Palace and Genya looked curiously at Karina.
“Sasha?” she chuckled.
“Forget about it.” Karina shook her head.
“I’m not sure which is more impressive. That you know his name, or that you talked to him like he was a kid and he didn’t even protest.”
“Let’s just say we’re old friends.” Karina smirked. “You know your task. And I have some cleaning to do.”
(For context, Karina is indeed Sankta Marya, all grown up and helping Aleksander. In this version, she is about Baghra's age and has been doing her best to protect the persecuted (and later primarily Grisha) since she was young, primarily by creating shelters for them (Second Ravka, aka the vast system of tunnel that includes the White Cathedral, may or may not be largely her work). I will go into her backstory/motivations more at some point, because she's one of the more defined allies I've chosen to give to Sasha.)
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