#darl dixonxocxrick grimes
trashcanband4 · 5 years
Torn Chapter 1
Torn Masterlist
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Story Title: Torn. Warnings: None yet. Pairing: none yet, eventual Daryl/OC then Rick/Oc then Love triangle. Setting: Pre-apocalypse.
To say that Cassie Harrington and her father Shane Walsh had a rocky relationship would be a massive understatement. The first time she met him was when she was twelve years old, at her mother’s funeral. He sat in the back for the funeral and when it was over he gave Cassie’s step dad his phone number, told Cassie that he loved her then left. After meeting him she understood where her brown eyes and dark, slightly wavy hair came from. A year later when Cassie snuck the number out of her stepfather’s cell phone and called it with her cell, it went straight to voicemail. She left him a voice mail, but he never returned it. From that day on she decided that Shane didn’t care about her.
The next time she saw him was when she was seventeen. After her step father tragically lost his life in a six car pile up on the freeway she was forced to live with the only blood relative she had left. Shane was less than thrilled to have his estranged teenage daughter move into his bachelor pad with him. For Cassie, the feeling was mutual. Having Shane for a father was like living in a house with a drill sergeant. He hated for the house to be anything less than spotless and when the weekends came around he wanted her out of the house. God forbid having a daughter cramp his playboy lifestyle.
When Cassie moved to King County it was during the summer, so not having made any friends yet, she spent her weekends babysitting Carl, the son of Shane’s best friend Rick, so that he and his wife Lori could have a date night. Rick assured her that eventually Shane would learn to be responsible and get used to a teenager being in his house, but he never did. The only fatherly thing Shane ever did was help her pay for collage.
Over the years that she spent in King County the only good thing in her life was Rick. If she was in a bad mood when Rick visited, he could easily tell and would do his best to make her smile. He usually had her smiling and happy again within five minutes of just sitting and talking.
The summer of 2010 she got even closer to Rick, Lori and Carl when the married couple hired her to be their nanny. Why they needed a stay in nanny when Lori was a stay at home mom, Cassie didn’t know, but she needed the money to pick up where Shane had left off on her collage tuition. So saying yes to the job offer was really easy. Cassie had always thought highly of the couple up until she moved in with them for the summer and started hearing the morning and night time arguments she and Rick were having. Cassie hated eavesdropping on them, but it was kind of hard not to overhear when her temporary bedroom shared a wall with the couples.
Cassie was picking Carl up from school when she heard a siren behind her and turned to see Shane and another cop car flying up to the school. It wasn’t hard to tell that something had happened, the look on his face as he came walking over to her with his hands on his hips said it all. “What happened?”
“Rick,” Cassie put her hand over her mouth, holding back for the bad news, “He got shot, he’s in surgery right now.”
“How did it happen?” She asked in a attempt to keep the conversation going so she wouldn’t break down for Carl to see when he came out.
“There was a radio call that said that there was two suspects in a car, but there was a third man. Somebody screwed up.” Cassie dropped her hand and glanced over her shoulder when the bell rang. “I screwed up. I didn’t see him in time. It’s my fault.”
Cassie took in a calming breath. “I’m assuming Lori knows?” she asked trying to figure out the next steps.
“Yeah, she’s already on her way there. She asked me to come get you and Carl.” As he said it his eyes looked past Cassie to where Carl was coming out of the school.
“We tell him nothing until he’s with his mother.” Cassie said as she turned around and smiled and waved to Carl who came running over. “ She has to be the one to tell him. Agreed?”
“Yep.” He told her with a nod before Carl reached them.
“Shane! What are you doin’ here?” the kid asked always excited to see Shane.
“I came to give you and Cassie a ride. Would you like that?” Shane asked and Carl nodded excitedly.
Carl went on and on about how cool it was to be riding in the back seat of the cop car, but all Cassie could do was hope and prey that Rick made it out alive. For everyone’s sake, Rick had to be okay, but her main thoughts were on Carl and how badly his life would be impacted if he lost his father at such a young age.
Tags: @jodiereedus22 @mtngirlforever @zzeacat @winchester-angel @moodygrip @hells-mistress @lighthope08 @sapphire1727 @luisadontcurr @ilkaeliseb @twdeadfanfic @ravengalaxia @1lluminaticonfirmed @my-current-fandom-is @coffeebooksandfandom @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @lonewolf471 @gruffle1 @mblaqgi @calumstuffs @beltzboys2015-blog @neontiger007 @sourwolf-sterek32 @dixonluvv @dotslabyrinth @kayln97 @art-flirt @cbarter @chocolatealmondmilkk @chocolatealmondmilk-blog @daryldixonandfrogs @feartheendlesssummer @brooklynalpha @topsykretts92
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