#das my favorite 2hu!
pokemonxhyperfixation · 6 months
Happy Birthday to me!
So, since today (When this goes up, I'm typing this a week in advanced so I don't forget lol) is my Birthday, I thought I outta do something a little silly!
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Like a trainer card for my favorite Touhou Character! I was also doing a run of pokemon BW2 with this team, but kinda gave up on that outta boredom/wanting to do other things.
Politoed is here for its hidden ability, which is drizzle. While there are three drizzle mons, no way am I giving Kogasa a fucking Kyogre, so that just left Peli and Politoed, and Politoed is my favorite outta those two, so here they are. For reference btw, I feel like an umbrella having a rain setter makes sence because she would want to get used! Helps that I HC her as having both abandoment issues and a NEED to feel useful. (Both sourced from how the Youkai she is based on forms.)
Stoutland is the weakest link. I knew I wanted to give her an Intimidate mon, and frankly Stoutland was just the path of least resistence given that I was playing her in Gen 5. You could probably replace stoutland with any of the dogs with intimidate and it would work. (Most other intim mons are too mean for her. Except Incinroar, that could work I guess.)
Camerupt is here to serve as her forge! She is a blacksmith afterall, so having a volcano pokemon to serve as her forge felt right! Not much else to say about Camerupt really.
Golbat is basically meant to represent her actual umbrella because it kinda bares the closest resemblence. For reference, it's NOT a Crobat not due to lacking the friendship requirement, but due to Kogasa really just not battling enough for it to actually evolve.
So, I knew I wanted Kogasa to have a ghost type, both because she's kinda sorta not really a ghost herself and also because ghost types are usually up to similar shenanigans as her. Went with Rotom for a few reasons. First, Rotom's flavor of anticks felt most fitting for Kogasa. Second, I feel that since Rotom is possessing objects all the time and being used to power tools nowdays, I think Kogasa would get on well with one. and the third reason was that I also wanted her to have a thunder spammer because rain team and did this for role compression.
Last is Escavilier. I knew I wanted her to have a steel type because of the whole blacksmith thing. I actually went with Escavilier specifically because of how it is a steel type SPECIFICALLY because of it's equipment. I like the idea that instead of this Karablast evolving via attempted Shelment homicide, it evolved because Kogasa just made it the equipment!
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gluttonygirls · 6 years
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: I love the way they play fukawa tbh, it’s always fun to read
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: all of them tbh
My thoughts on their unique characterization/intepretation of their muse(s): they write the softs so goooooooood
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: very good and very fun to read
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: the big fats and the big burps
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: Debumonogatari duh
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: they write goooooood
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: They’re really sweet, really caring, and a huge cutie.
What I Think Are Their Strengths: they’re lovable nature and their incredible friendliness
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: all of them tbh
Why Others Should RP With Them: they’re great and cute
How Others Should Approach Them: nicely
Anything else I want to say about them: they da best
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them: Ibuki annoying Fukawa to deathA muse I want to introduce to them: get u into 2huA ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: Ibuki setting Fukawa up on a dateA thread with them I’m excited about: all of them tbhAnything else I want to say: THEY”RE SUPER CUTE AND RAD
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