#dash commentary ( nell. )
stillresolved · 2 months
and since i'm still here, here are...some potential dynamics for my muses ( both old and new? ):
felicity price:
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exes from college ( or if you really want- her toxic high school boyfriend ) - no endgame though because she's already spoken for
friends or colleagues from before her 'time traveling'....imagine their shock upon seeing her 5 years later :'D
coworkers in the office / friends for real!! she's not the best at keeping them it seems ^^'
nell jones:
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a hookup/situationship that can potentially become something more if you wanted....the obstacle is nell trying to balance her vigilante life with the relationship tho :'D
also friends and exes from college since her priorities had shifted drastically in college
a rival!! in hacking of course <3
amara bennett:
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again, former classmates/friends from school who probably thought she died but here she is alive...rougher but alive still
in both verses anyone who wants to be part of the revolution with her? maybe they went down with the arena/building and also survived....but she didn't realize it ( or they didn't we can also write this in her past <3 - alternatively....this person can also be the one who gave her the explosives :3 )
just friends? who don't mind her committing vandalism and being the equivalent of a feral cat :'D
alfred kim:
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honestly, a camaraderie with someone who also grew up in a rough neighborhood? like yeah he can blend into high society but he doesn't feel at ease with white collar workers as much as blue collar workers
gym / boxing buddies? bro's gotta keep up with fitness somehow
a fellow criminal looking for refugee at the coffeehouse? he'll cover your muse's ass :D
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abelladxnna · 1 year
// the current discussion of Fairy-types reminded me of this old art of Nell I did years ago:
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
quick tag ur muse in one of these categories:
Would never stab anyone: Calum, Patrick, Nell, and Annie.
Would stab in retaliation: Raphael, Yoojin
Yells “I won’t hesitate bitch” first: Lamon, Suki
Would stab without warning: Mana, Felicity, K, and Alfred
Would stab as a warning: Myungdae
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clemencetaught · 1 year
nell: his least favorite questions are 'who, what, and why'- alfred: but he also hates 'when, where, and how'. myungdae: *glaring* i can hear you both 😒
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fxtelism-moved · 2 years
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“Now I want a cinnamon roll…” And her lunch time was so close, and yet so far away.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Alter
Genre: Fan Fiction
Pairing: Henry Cavill/OFC
Warnings: Fluff.
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Thank you @agniavateira​ for helping me with this :) It is massively appreciated. 
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Henry Cavill Master List
This was it.
Years of waiting.
Years of heartache, joy, and more love than he knew was possible.
Henry sighed and rubbed his hands against his slacks, licking his lips nervously, he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. Oh god. Oh god! He bent forward, fighting the urge to vomit. Why the fuck was he so nervous? It's not like this was anything new. He'd been madly in love with her for years, even when they weren't together he had held some sort of twisted hope for this very day.
Not to be that man, but Henry had been somewhat in love with her from the first week he'd met her. All of those years ago, some days it felt like an entirely different life.
“Dad,” Ivan laid his hand on Henry's arm.
“Are you okay? Do I need to get Uncle Charlie?” His blue eyes watched his father with great concern.
All morning the house had been consumed in chaos. Henry had taken up residence in the office, at the opposite end of the house from where Nell had been getting ready upstairs. His brothers – and Nell's, fathers, mothers, Ivan, and Kal had been in and out of the room a hundred and one times. Until his mother had the sense to ask them all to get out. With the exception of his best man and his dog.
Henry was thankful for the bit of silence, before the actual ceremony.  Evidently he wasn't hiding his nerves as well as he had hoped to.
“No, wild boy, I'm fine. Thank you.” Henry forced a smile to ease his son's worries. “Have you seen your mum?” Henry hadn't set eyes on her since this morning, when he was woken by Ivan jumping on their bed and urging his dad to hurry downstairs.
Ivan smirked, his eyes sparkling as he nodded eagerly. He had never seen her look so pretty, he may have even cried a little. “Dad, she looks like a princess! But without all the stupid frills and no singing mice.”
Henry laughed at Ivan's details. Leave it to Ivan.
With some tradition, Henry had yet to see the dress that Nell had picked. His only hint had been that it wasn't a traditional wedding dress, although she was confident he would love it all the same. She was head over heels for her dress. The delicate blue and white beading at the top gave way to a flowing emerald satin skirt. She'd found it while looking for bride's maid dresses.
Since they were getting married in their own garden, Nell felt that a relaxed look would be acceptable. Besides, she had no interest in putting on a big poofy, over the top dress, only to take it off an hour later and never wear it again.
Unconfirmed, Henry had a sneaky suspicion that her dress in some way matched the attire she had found for him. Nell had convinced him to go with a dark green waistcoat and slacks,  who was Henry to argue. She had been dressing him long enough to know what he would look good in. Ivan looked adorable in his matching attire.
A soft knock on the door, with something mumbled through from the hall, indicated that it was time for Henry, his best man, and his dog to take post in the garden.
“Coming,” Ivan called back, smiling like the cat who'd found the canary.  
“Kal,” Henry whistled, the big dog lifting his head and huffing. Slowly standing with a yawn, Kal licked his lips and sauntered over to big Henry shaking his head. This silly blue bow tie that they had put on him was beginning to get in the way of a good nap. “Come on, bear. It's time to roll.”
“Dad,” Ivan walked beside Henry, his hands in his pockets.
“Are you happy to be marrying mum?”
“I have no words to tell you how happy I am, wild boy.” Henry beamed. “Are you happy about this?”
“I guess,” Ivan shrugged and smiled. “If it makes you and mum happy. Why not?”
“Always the supportive one,” Henry rolled his eyes, chuckling at Ivan's passive demeanor.
The groomsmen looked smart, well put together, and turned out better than Henry could have imagined. Ivan stood straight, his hair styled to match his dad's, with Kal at his side. One bride's maid, then two, a third, then fourth, by the fifth Henry was again feeling like he was going to vomit. Deep breaths. Hands sweaty, he wished he'd asked to see Nell before hand. He would have been able to tell her how spectacular she looked while crying like a baby, in private.
No use wishing for that now.
As the music began, he could feel his hands shake. Kal whimpered beside Ivan and nudged his nose into Ivan's side, moving him closer to Henry. Smiling at his dad, Ivan reached out, taking his hand.
Nell had spent the morning fretting over every tiny detail of her day. Was her hair the right way, her make up as she had sampled? Did her dress fit and fall the exact way it had the moment she'd fell in love with it? Would Henry be pleased? Would he be as shaky as her? Crying and trying to catch breath.
More than once, Nell had felt like she was being sat on by an elephant. Only to be filled with sudden excitement and wanting to scream in pure delight. Her sister and mother had barely left her side since she'd woken. Ivan had come barreling into the room before dawn, jumping on the bed and shouting for Henry to get out. Leave it to their son.
Her father had assured her that Henry looked every bit dashing and handsome as she had wished. Perhaps more, now that she saw him in his perfect wedding suit. They couldn't have planned this better. The weather was amazing, for a mid November day. Nell had worked hard on her garden, since they'd moved in a few months ago, making sure it was perfect for the day.
“How is your dad?” She'd asked Ivan a few hours ago.
A mischievous grin, the wild boy shrugged. “He looks like a prince, but without the stupid Disney animation.”
Cheeky. Like his father.
Taking her father's arm, Nell inhaled and exhaled slowly. Her hands trying to steady the bouquet that she held in her left hand. Around her the music began to play, when asked about music for the ceremony Nell had casually mentioned how cool it would be to have an instrumental version to one of her favourite songs. What she hadn't been expecting was Henry to deliver.  One bride's maid...two...She closed her eyes, willing herself not to cry before she got down the aisle.
“Deep breath, Nelly.” Walt winked gently patting her hand. Nell nodded and smiled. “You're going to knock him dead, sweetheart.”
“Thanks, dad.” Her voice barely cracked above a whisper.
“Ready?” Walt looked at his youngest, smiling wide.
A slight nod, Nell took her first step forward, humming to the music to soothe her. The distance from the back door of the house to where Henry waited in the garden was exactly 152 steps, at the pace she would be going. She had practiced a time or two, while she had been home alone – using Kal as a stand in for Henry. In the garden a few chairs were placed, along with a delicate arrangement of lights. Who would have thought she'd be able to pull this all together in less than four full months.
60 people, all who were close and meaningful, around the garden to share in the day. Nell could feel the tears welling. At the end of the meticulous stone walkway, Henry stood with Ivan clutching his hand. Neither one of them did a very good job at keeping the tears at bay. Ivan reached up, wiping his sleeve across his eyes. Henry swallowed the lump in his throat trying not to sob loudly.
Ivan had been right when he'd said Princess. Nell was somehow more spectacular than Henry had imagined. Walter stopped, giving Nell a kiss on the cheek and Ivan a quick wink. Stepping forward to meet his bride, Henry let out a breath and a low whistle.
“Thank you,” He gave his father in law to be a quick nod.
Muttering back a quick congratulations, Walt took his seat in the front next to his waiting wife. Kal leapt forward a little greeting Nell with an affectionate “boof!”.
“Kal, sit.” Ivan quickly hushed the big dog.
Giving the couple a quick moment to sort themselves, Michael smiled and patiently stood. Henry had asked him to marry them, off the cuff, since he and Nell couldn't agree on anyone else to do the job. A soft laugh from the crowd when Kal tried to wiggle free from Ivan, again.
Ignoring the bit of commotion around him, Henry was lost in the sight before him. The soft, gentleness was Nell through and through.
“Oh, my darling.” Henry cooed, holding her hand tightly. Kissing the back of her hand, he smiled warmly. “You look,” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “You,” he sniffled. “Janelle, my darling.”
“Dad,” Ivan nudged him with his elbow in the back, Kal contained by his uncle beside him. “Tell her she's pretty! Don't just stand around and cry.”
A camera flashed and a few chuckles filled the air, from those close enough to hear Ivan's commentary. Rolling his eyes, Ivan sighed and gently shook his head. Adults.
“Shush, you.” Henry chuckled at Ivan, tears on his cheeks. “Nelly, you are...wow. Absolutely wow!”
“I love you,” Nell smiled, kissing his cheek. “And you, wild boy” she peeked at Ivan, “stop teasing him.”
“I love you all, and I hate to rush this moment, because you look fantastic.” Michael shook his head, trying to stop his own flood of tears, his baby sister looked absolutely stunning. “But...” He gestured to the crowd.
Nell giggled and Henry laughed. “Of course, of course.”
“I love you,” Nell mouthed quickly to her big brother.
Reciting vows that they had written for one another, exchanging their rings, and listening as Michael recited some words about love and marriage – no doubt something he had found when he went online to become ordained, Nell couldn't help herself as she became lost watching Henry. A time or two she had heard their guest chuckle, which prompted her to giggle along. Words lost to her, as she admired the man before her.
The crinkles on his eyes, the soft dimples when he smiled, or the smoothness of his voice when he read her the vows he'd written. God she had been so lucky.
“You are now husband and wife.” Michael happily announced, “Henry, I know she's my sister, but...this once I'll encourage you to kiss her.” he teased, slapping Henry's shoulder. Everyone sharing in their happiness.
Rolling his eyes, in typical Cavill fashion, Ivan groaned as his parents stood in front of everyone kissing like a couple of teenagers. His uncle shielding his eyes, Ivan giggled loudly. Thanking him for the help. He was bound to have nightmares over that kiss. Gross!
Kal wiggled and bounced on his leash, trying to convince whoever had a hold of him that he could be a good boy. He had spotted a squirrel earlier, on the east side of the house, in his duty of wedding dog, he didn't have a chance to properly investigate.
Around them people clapped, cheering the happy couple as they turned to face their guests, for the first time, as husband and wife. Nell wiped a few more tears away, sniffling. Henry smiled softly, his swiping his thumbs across her cheeks.
“Mum, momma, mum.” Ivan broke their moment, gently tugging at Nell's arm.
“I love you. And I think you look really pretty. I told dad you looked like a princess, but I don't think he believed me.”
“I didn't say that.” Henry rolled his eyes, taking Nell's hand to step forward to join the guests waiting to mingle and personally congratulate the couple.
“You two are something else.” Laughing, Nell snagged Ivan gently pulling him into a hug. Kissing the top of his head, he was nearly as tall as her. Catching her mother's eye, she smiled, “I think they're waiting for us.”
“Do we have to take photos?” Ivan groaned, walking beside his parents, glancing around to see where Kal had gone off to. As best man his duty was to see his dad didn't freak out and to keep Kal out of trouble.
“Only a few, then we're having lunch and you are free to do whatever you want, for the day.” Nell instructed. “It won't be that bad. We're taking some photos here, so we don't even have to leave.”
She had opted to do as much as she could at their house, the property allowed for space to set up and still have room to wander off a little. If one didn't want to be directly in the crowd, they were welcome to take a walk around the few paddocks and wander down the small lane.
This was certainly not the lavish and large wedding that one would expect from a well known celebrity. Henry had snorted and groaned when Nell had informed him, a few days ago, that people were speculating about their upcoming wedding. The only people who mattered were those invited, as far as Henry was concerned. They had made a proper announcement about their engagement a few weeks ago, although their family and friends had known days after they had initially discussed it.
“Don't forget, tomorrow morning Bridie and Joe are coming round to take you for the afternoon.” Henry chose now to remind his son of his former Nanny's visit. “And you owe Sophie a dance.”
“I won't forget.” Ivan had been waiting weeks to see his friends from his former life in Ireland. He had marked off the days on a calendar in his room, even. He was excited not only for a party, but to see those he missed and didn't often see with his parents' work schedule.
“And you, Mrs. Cavill.” Henry winked, “Need to be ready by noon, tomorrow.”
“I will be, but I wish you'd tell me where we were going.” Nell pouted.
Henry had set up a four day escape to Rome, since they would be traveling for The Witcher press in a couple of weeks the honeymoon would be short. They had agreed to take Ivan along for the press tour, spending a few weeks together as a family. Between interviews and appearances. Easier said than done. But Henry wanted them with him, it would be nice to retire to a hotel room and have his family.
“Sorry, no can do. But I have things packed for you, Sadie helped me. I will tell you this, you're going to love it.” He kissed the back of her hand.
“Fine,” Nell sighed. “Since you're not going to tell me, shall we go around to the front and find the photographer? Before our mothers come over here.”
More than once, she had spotted their mothers watching, allowing them a few moments alone as husband and wife. Yet, keeping track of time.
“You're right, let's go around.”
The Cavill and Stewart clan were vast. Multiple siblings, spouses, and children. Trying to wrangle everyone, Kal included, into one or two large group photos had been a task. Nell was glad that the photographer was gracious and understanding. Attempting to get that many people in a space and all looking the same direction, succeeding in the second try – miracle or possibly witch craft. Nell wasn't sure, but she was in awe.
Henry's favourite photos would no doubt be the ones of his own little family. The three – four with Kal – of them together, happy and content. Nell sighed and shook her head, when Henry and Ivan went about their usual antics. Nobody else was bound to have a photo of their husband with their son thrown over his shoulder, while their giant dog jumped up trying to get in on the playfulness.
After photos and lunch, as promised, Nell gave Ivan the go ahead to do as he pleased. As long as he didn't retreat to the den and spend all day playing video games with his cousins. He had to still be around, if needed for more wedding activities. Like watching people Ooh and Awe over silly things. Did that many people need to cry over his parents dancing? His dad often looked like a wounded duck, although it never stopped him. Ivan could watch his parents dance to that nauseating Thomas Rhett song any time. His dad said it perfectly described how he felt about his life.
Whatever.  After his dance with Sophie, who he was gaining height on, he disappeared with a couple of Henry's nephews and Kal. As long as they didn't set anything on fire, they were allowed to roam and play on the property.
After a dance or two, Henry and Nell agreed to split ways for the moment. Mingling and enjoying their guests. It would be rude of them not to engage. Taking a little break, Nell stood at the back of the garden, enjoying the last bit of warmth from the day before the cool evening set in. She'd hugged, kissed, and thanked so many people that her head was beginning to swim a little.
“Has anyone told you that you look an absolute vision,” Nell's older sister, Sadie, approached extending her arms and embracing her little sister, kissing her cheek.
“I have heard that a time or two, but I think they were only saying it to be polite.” Nell winked and laughed. Gently fanning herself with her hand, it was far from warm outside, but the commotion was enough to make anyone sweat a little. Fanning herself, she blew out a breath, her cheeks hurting from all of the smiling. How could she not? If there was ever a day to walk around with a perma-smile, it was today.
“Let me guess, Hen can't stop complimenting you.” Sadie teased.
“He's said it a few times, too.” Winking, Nell beamed.
“You know, Nelly,  I'm just happy that you are happy. Cliche, yes, but as your big sister that is my job.” Squeezing her sister's hand, Sadie smiled fondly “It hasn't been easy, but what good romance is?”
“Looking back, I think we had to grow and excuse the corny, if it's yours then you need to let it go.” Nell shrugged, stealing a quick glance at Henry across the garden. Standing with one of their guests, chatting happily. “Had we not been apart, I don't think I would have realized or appreciated how much I need him. Or how much I love him.”
Henry had asked her to marry him several times in the past, getting shot down each and every one. Looking back, had she agreed, surely they would have been facing divorce by now. At the very least angry and bitter with one another, trapped in a loveless marriage with kids they resented as much as they did one another.
Life worked out for a reason.
“Sweetie,” Sadie hugged her sister, holding her tightly. “I'm so glad this worked out, because honestly, I can't think of anyone better for you. He loves you, so much.”
Hugging her sister tightly, Nell sniffled, trying to hold back another flood of emotions. Thankful, when she heard Henry gently clearing his throat, asking to steal his bride away for a moment. Hugging him as tightly as she did Nell; Sadie smiled waving them along.
“So, Mr. Cavill, what's the urgent task?” Nell linked her arm in his, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Don't be mad,” Henry smirked, glancing around, nobody seemed to notice them escaping. “I wanted to have a moment with my wife, nobody else around.” He chuckled when Nell looked up, she'd been following his footsteps allowing him to lead her.
Around the other side of the garden, she giggled and hugged his arm tightly. “You rascal. Leading me astray, well I'll be.” She joked.
“I love you,” He whispered, kissing her temple.
“I love you, too.” Nell smiled, leaning into him. “So, this is it huh? Married life?”
“It looks like,” Henry beamed.
“I'm glad you accepted my proposal. Despite how awkward it was.”
“I would have been crazy not to, my darling.” Kissing her softly, Henry sighed happily. “I feel as though we've barely seen one another today. Would it be rude to say good night and sneak upstairs?”
An advantage and disadvantage to spending their wedding night at home. They could call it an evening anytime they wanted, but then it felt forced and rude. As if demanding guests to leave, which is not what they had intended. Nell had made it very clear that she wanted people to stay and enjoy, having car service to take people wherever they needed to go after.
“It's only 7pm.” Nell smiled, leaning into Henry, shivering slightly. “Do you really want to go in?”
Smiling mischievously, Henry wrinkled his nose. “Maybe? Is it wrong that this is our wedding night, but all I can think about is going to bed and snuggling with you?”
“Among doing other things.”
“Ah, yes. Of course.” Glancing around, Nell furrowed her brow. A few spots had fresh dirt and Kal tracks. “Have you seen Kal lately?”
“He was with mum and Simon.”
“Hmm, well before we do anything tomorrow. We need to fix these flower beds. Someone found another squirrel it seems.”
Laughing, Henry looked at Nell for a moment, a sly smirk playing on his lips. “You are something else, my darling wife.”
“What? The dog tore apart my garden, I can't leave here with them looking like...”
“Nell, we can worry about that tomorrow. I can have Ivan and dad fix them, if you want. Or we can hire someone. I can't allow you to spend the morning of your honeymoon gardening. Which, by the way, I think we should discuss.”
“That top secret honeymoon? Are you going to tell me where we're going?”
Henry shook his head. “No, but I will tell you that it's been a while since we've been there, together,” Nell frowned. That could be just about anywhere. “We land and check in, then I have dinner reservations. The next morning, late morning, because I intend to keep you in the room as long as possible.” He bit hit bottom lip, “I have made us a booking for a couple's massages and then...”
“You have this all planned don't you?” Henry nodded, Nell winked, “what if I don't want a massage? What if I want to stay in our hotel the entire time and...”
“But we did that last time, this time...” Henry paused, eyes wide. Shit.
“Are you taking me to Rome?”
“I didn't say that.”
“You didn't have to. I think you gave it away pretty well. The only other place we've stayed in a hotel the entire time was the second trip to Jersey. Unless we're honeymooning in Jersey. Which if we are, I am fine with that, but Rome? Oh my god, Henry! Ugh, I love you! I love you. I love you! That is the perfect honeymoon.” Nell bounced eagerly, and she wondered where Ivan got it.
“I suppose you would have found out at the airport, anyway.” He teased, “So? You really like it?”
“Oh my god, of course! Henry! This is amazing. I could not have picked a better place.” She flung her arms around his neck, kissing him softly. “You are a fantastic husband. Have I told you that, today?”
“I don't know that I am as fantastic as my wife, but I certainly try.”
Take Us Home – Alan Doyle, is the song I had in mind for Nell’s entrance 
Blessed - Thomas Rhett is their first dance 
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camillacarusi · 6 years
Click-by-Click commentary
Eft to Newt
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La schermata iniziale è, per quanto semplice nella possibilità di scelte (Indica infatti soltanto il titolo del gioco, che rimarrà comunque sempre visibile sulla sinistra assieme al nome dell’autore, ed il tasto start), reso particolarmente simpatico dalla presenza dell’axolotl che interpreteremo nel corso del nostro gameplay.
You wake to the sound of your phone going off. Same as always. Slowly you climb out of bed. Your head is pounding, but you can't remember what you were doing last night. You put your hand to your forehead, surprised at how clammy it is, and head to the bathroom
L’inizio del gioco ci presenta una situazione perfettamente normale (“same as always”), per quanto siano presenti delle dissonanze con la routine che ci lasciano un po’ perplessi, e si accenna ad un possibile hang-over. Se si decide di proseguire cliccando sul telefono, il gioco ci rivela la nostra suoneria (“A Horse with no Name”), che verrà comunque menzionata più avanti. Scegliamo di dirigerci verso il bagno.
The bathroom is pitch dark. You blindly grope around looking for the faucet, lights or whatever else you can find to establish your bearings
Segue una descrizione di come ci muoviamo per il bagno scarsamente illuminato, tastando in giro alla ricerca di interruttori della luce.
You find the lightswitch and flip it. Finally you can see the bathroom around you. Your eyes are drawn to the mirror. >>Mirror
Mirror costituisce qui una scelta obbligata, che dà luogo ad una descrizione del nostro nuovo aspetto:
The face you see in front of you is a long, flat oval. Two beady eyes stare back at you, and a tiny mouth opens and closes. There is no nose on this pale pink face, but on either side of the head are a pair of bright red, feathery gills. It is the face of an axolotl salamander, and through the sleep and possible hang-over addled brain of yours, you slowly awaken to the idea that this is your own face. You need a few seconds to process if this is normal or not.
In seguito a quella che è la normalissima descrizione dell’aspetto di un axolotl, il gioco ci pone davanti alla prima scelta davvero importante del gioco, che segnerà uno svolgersi degli eventi completamente differente: In caso decideremo di scegliere “normal”, infatti, non ci mostreremo affatto stupiti di essere un axolotl, ed anzi, continueremo tranquillamente con la nostra vita. In caso contrario, invece, il risultato sarà il seguente:
>>Not The beady eyes in the mirror bulge slightly as you struggle to make sense of what you are seeing. How does a normal human suddenly transform into an albino salamander overnight? You think back to your earliest memory from the previous night in hopes of some clue. Back in the bedroom you can hear your phone switch from "A Horse With No Name" to "HangTough". Someone is trying to call you.
Scandalizzati dal nostro riflesso, possiamo decidere o di ripensare agli svolgimenti della notte precedente (o almeno, quanto siamo in grado di ricordare di essa), o di andare alla ricerca dell’insistente cellulare, che, come ci era stato fatto notare prima, sta suonando da qualche parte in camera nostra.
Decidendo che non sia meglio perdere tempo, ispeziono il cellulare
>>Call you You dash back into the bedroom as fast as you can, tearing through the piles of dirty clothes and junk on the floor. "Everybody's always worrying 'bout who's on toooop..."  They're going to hang up soon, you know it. "Thank god you answered! I was worried you wouldn't be able to hold the phone. I can barely manage myself! Something horrible has happened!" You recognize the voice as being that of your sister. "I woke up and Aaron was gone, in his place on the bed was a sea gull! I freaked and tried to smack it away, but when I raised my hand it was this huge... foot... thing was there and I smashed the bed in two!" She begins crying. "I'm some kind of elephant! I had to dial your number with my nose! Aaron panicked and flew into the window and now I think he's unconsious! This has been happening all over the city!"
Facciamo quindi la conoscenza di nostra sorella, che a quanto pare si è svegliata nel corpo di una specie di elefante; veniamo quindi a sapere che anche Aaron (Probabilmente il suo ragazzo, ora una pulcinella di mare) è diventato un animale, e che lo stesso incidente si è verificato in tutta quanta la città.
Decidiamo quindi di accendere la TV, in quanto scelta obbligata.
You turn on the news and see that she is correct. You turn on the TV to see the usual local anchor person replaced by a very distressed looking walrus. He flops around on his desk with a combination of dehydration and confusion. "Wadies anwd gentwelmen. In awl my yeaws ov wepa- wepoa- wepawowa- dowing news fings... I have neva in my wife seen somefing wike vis." "Awl ova the countwy, weguwar human beings have tuwned into animaws." You turn off the tv and go to the window.
Dopo che un tricheco che doveva un tempo essere un giornalista ci conferma ciò che nostra sorella ci aveva appena detto, ci affrettiamo verso la finestra, e cliccando sulla parola abbiamo accesso ad una descrizione di ciò che sta succedendo nel mondo esterno: Il caos più totale
Outside you see complete bedlam.
Cars have crashed as their drivers suddenly lost opposable thumbs. Exotic hoofed mammals and birds struggle to get out of the way. A terrified looking lion clutches its head in its pawsand rocks back and forth while an anteater desperately tries to pull a lobster from underneath a collapsed lamp-post. Whatever has happened to you seems to have effected the whole world. You can head outside to help the other transformed people if you want, but you also still have your sister on the line...
Qua il gioco presenta alcuni personaggi (Un Leone terrorizzato, ad esempio) con cui sarà possibile interagire in caso decidessimo di uscire ad aiutare le persone sulla strada.
La scelta di uscire o rimanere a telefono con tua sorella sarà, come la precedente riguardo al nostro aspetto, determinante per il finale che vorremo ottenere. Trovando poco probabile che un axolotl sia in grado di offrire aiuto a mammiferi grandi il triplo di lui, scelgo piuttosto di rimanere a telefono con mia sorella. Mentre giocavo mi ha fatto sorridere come il protagonista, pur un poco turbato all’inizio, non abbia poi battuto ciglio alla propria situazione, non mostrandosi in alcuno stato di isteria ma anzi, quasi tranquillo nelle sue nuove spoglie di animale acquatico.
>>Still have your sister on the line "Are you still there?" your sister is still freaked out, "I just checked Yahoo News! This has happened everywhere in the world! Every person they can find has been transformed into an animal! I need to get Aaron to a doctor. Please, stay safe!" She hangs up and you think about what you've just heard. Everyone in the entire world... in an instant humanity is gone. But everyone still seems to have retained their intelligence, despite the transformation. What could have done this... There is a sudden knock at the door. You open it and see a beautiful, definitely human, woman standing in the doorway. She looks down on you in obvious disappointment. "Rats, you too. Oh well, maybe the next apartment. I couldn't have done it to EVERYONE." She is starting to leave. You could try to talk to her and figure out what she knows about this.Or you could head outside to help the other transformed people.
Dopo aver salutato nostra sorella, che ci ha appena comunicato che la situazione è uguale in tutto il mondo, riflettiamo su cosa abbia mai potuto provocare una cosa simile, ma i nostri pensieri vengono interrotti da un bussare alla porta.
Dopo aver aperto, ci troviamo di fronte ad una bellissima donna, che sembra, con le sue parole, suggerire di saperne più di noi sull’origine della trasformazione (o addirittura ad esserne la responsabile diretta.) Abbiamo ancora la possibilità di uscire ad aiutare le persone, ma, incuriosita dal nuovo personaggio sulla scena, preferisco scegliere di parlarle (entrambe le scelte qui costituiscono un’azione, in quanto cambiano lo svolgimento della trama).
>>Talk to her
"Hmm? Oh fine. Yeah, I did this. My name is Circe. Maybe you've heard of me?" I have! Holy crap, I thought you were mythological No, I don't keep up to date on crazy jerks who turn everyone into animal, sorry
Ammettendo facilmente (e con la più totale noncuranza) di essere l’autrice di quella che è una vera e propria fattura, si rivela essere Circe, la strega che trasformò i compagni di Ulisse in maiali.
In realtà entrambe le scelte qua dovrebbero portare più o meno agli stessi risultati, visto e considerato che Circe sembrerà particolarmente loquace e disposta a rispondere alle nostre domande. Non volendo comunque mancare di rispetto ad una sorta di divinità (e temendo alla mia prima run una bad-ending in cui sarei stata trasformata in maiale), preferisco mostrarmi stupita e confessarle che la ritenevo un essere mitologico.
>>I have! Holy crap, I thought you were mythological
"Yes, most people do. I've tried to keep a low profile since the good old days in Greece. However, I was getting impatient with my search so I decided to speed things up with this spell" >>What spell?
La scelta è qui obbligata, e serve soltanto a mandare avanti la narrazione ed a spiegare le motivazioni di Circe. Non avendo provato ogni singola ending nel caso in cui si decida di uscire ad aiutare gli altri animali non posso esserne sicura, ma penso che questa route sia l’unica (fra quelle disponibili qualora non si consideri normale la nostra condizione di axolotl) a rivelare chi abbia trasformato gli esseri umani in animali.
"I've been looking for an appropriate romantic partner for some time. I'm not picky, I just want to meet someone I can spend eternity with who isn't deficient. Sadly, the same thing keeps happening. I meet a man or
woman who seems decent, we go out for awhile, but then they do or say something to reveal just how unworthy they really are.  So I transform them into a beast and move on. What else can I do? I'm a busy witch. This world is full of terrible, petty, small-minded people and I was getting tired of disappointment. That was when I realized my problem was I was searching too slowly. So I cast this enchantment over the world. I specified that anyone I couldn't love would be transformed into a beast. That way the work would be done for me! I'd just travel around until I found the people who hadn't been transformed, and know that I could date any one of them! ...But no one seems to have remained human... Do you have any idea how demoralizing that is? To know that there is no one in the world worthy of you? To be told through infallible, magical means that there is no one you could love? You selfish monsters! Maybe the problem isn't everyone else You're still human
Dopo che la donna si lancia in un lungo monologo sul perché abbia fatto ciò che ha fatto (e fondamentalmente rivelandoci che prova ancora non poco rancore verso Ulisse), assistiamo ad una demitizzazione della figura di Circe, che qui appare principalmente come una ragazza (donna?) frustrata e, come per altro è possibile chiamarla fra le scelte, egoista.
Inoltre la strega appare fin troppo concentrata su se stessa, tanto che dobbiamo quasi interrompere la sua sequela di domande retoriche per poter esprimere la nostra opinione. Decidendo di porre fine alle sue lamentele vittimiste, ma sempre cercando di non inimicarmela, le faccio notare la sua condizione di umanità.
>>You are still human
"So? What does THAT matter?"
Do you love yourself? You can't love others until you love yourself
Procedendo con questa scelta obbligata, spieghiamo a Circe una verità semplice ma importante:
>>Do you love yourself? You can't love others until you love yourself
 "What are you talking about!?" Circe looks down at you very cross. "That is pop psychology bs! So, what, you're saying that my spell transformed everyone on the planet into an animal because I don't 'love myself enough?' I'm AWESOME! I'm an all powerful witch! I... I deserve someone who knows that!" The spell specified only people you COULD love If you're so awesome why is no one else human?
Venendo accusati di essere, in pratica, degli psicologi da quattro soldi (Ed effettivamente la frase che abbiamo appena pronunciato sembra essere stata presa da un qualche libro di auto-aiuto), Circe sostiene poi di amarsi già, e non poco, e che necessita soltanto di qualcuno che sia in grado di capire quanto sia speciale come persona ed apprezzarla.
Non volendola stuzzicare più del dovuto (anche se entrambe le scelte portano a risultati simili), mi concentro sulla semantica: >>The spell specified only people you COULD love
 "I... Wait... you mean the spell only took into account people I could love right now, not people I could love in the future?"
>>Exactly! You cast the spell at a time when you aren't ready for a relationship, so no one remained human!
 "... That is possible. Magic can be tricky with wording like that... If you are correct, then that would mean the enchantment will change. People I could love will transform back to human when I am ready. The spell could still be a success!"
That selfish thinking is the problem! You need to undo the spell and work on yourself! So if I help you learn to love yourself and get ready for a relationship, everyone will turn back to normal?
Circa mi dà ragione sulla semantica e su come questa possa influire negativamente su un incantesimo, ma sembra determinata nel perseverare sulla sua posizione nonostante le nostre proteste. Considerando che da sola non ce la può fare e volendo ritornare umana il prima possibile, le offro il mio aiuto, mantenendo sempre il tono cordiale che ormai caratterizza questa mia partita, cercando di dissuaderla come possibile:
>>So if i help you learn to love yourself and get ready for a relationship, everyone will turn back to normal?
"How can YOU help?" I'm a licensed therapist
 "Are you really?" Yes I am No, but I'm not going to let her know that!
Questa è l’ultima scelta della route, che ci porta infatti all’epilogo. In realtà, entrambe le scelte consentiranno all’umanità di riprendere le proprie fattezze, ma, a seconda se decideremo di mentire alla strega o meno, quella che cambierà sarà la nostra fine: Infatti, qualora non avessimo affatto una laurea in psicologia, Circe non solo lo scoprirebbe, ma rimarremmo anche bloccati in forma di axolotl a leggere pdf sulla psicologia e a chiederci dove abbiamo sbagliato.
Volendo a questo punto ritornare umana, decido di aver dedicato la mia vita alla psicologia. >>Yes I am
You meet with Circe twice a week and begin discussing her past and her feelings about relationships. You help her unpack the anger from her relationship with Odysseus, her doomed tryst with Hermes, her brief affair with the artist Arachne (and how she managed to pin the poor girl's transformation on Athena). Over time, you help Circe find the confidence to care for herself. As you do, more and more people begin to transform back to human. The day soon comes when everyone is returned to their original form. Ironically, now that she feels healthier and capable of loving and being loved, Circe has decided to instead take a break from relationships. With her newfound confidence comes the realization that she doesn't need to force a relationship or define herself by others. Now content to let relationships develop naturally, Circe returns to her witchcraft business in Greece. The general public never learns the truth about what caused the transformations, or who helped save them. Eventually it is explained away as a strange, world-wide halucination. Perhaps brought about by an anarchist cell or a mutated neurovirus. But you know the truth. Congratulations! This is ending numero siete. Play again to find them all!
 Il finale indica come questa sia soltanto una delle possibili ending (davvero tante, anche solo a partire dalla nostra inusuale condizione di axolotl), e forse una delle migliori in quanto riporta tutto alla normalità. Ho trovato il gioco estremamente simpatico e divertente (Le frasi di Circe, che allude per altro alle passate relazioni con Odisseo, Ermes e, sorpresa, con Arachne), e la mia passione per la mitologia mi ha portata ad apprezzare particolarmente questa ending. Pur avendo provato altre routes, principalmente incuriosita da come si sarebbe svolta la storia se avessi confermato il mio essere nata axolotl, questa rimane infatti la mia preferita e quella, a mio avviso, più soddisfacente.
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stillresolved · 7 months
i found this rp gif of ky*lie bun*bury that screams nell to me SO MUCH:
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stillresolved · 7 months
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team checkmate is a competent ragtag team of vigilantes that know how to navigate around both law enforcement and criminal gangs
but team checkmate is also those three kids sitting in the same row of seats in detention for the nth time. they are also three kids sitting on the curb of the parking lot waiting for mom to pick them up :'DDD
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
she said she had a ring! ( @mythvoiced :3 )
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“...I didn’t think you'd actually take me seriously.”
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
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would anyone like to go on a date with nell? ( and when i say a date i mean u commit a small minor crime of tres*passing while she commits em*bezzlement from a shitty ceo to help the people he/she/they (because we are equal opportunity trollers in this house ) have screwed over. and if you get caught don't worry she'll bail u out <3 )
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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alfred jinwoo choi. 35. barista/bodyguard. the rook.
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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nell jones. 31. it expert/hacker. the pawn.
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stillresolved · 3 months
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alfred jinwoo kim. 35. information broker & coffeehouse owner. the rook.
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stillresolved · 9 months
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nell jones. 28. barista, IT worker, & vigilante it support. the pawn.
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clemencetaught · 1 year
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verse two -- the knight.
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