#date: june 9th 1904
dinah-stmaur · 2 years
The Adventure of the Mischievous Fairy
WHERE: Asten Manor, Masquerade Ball WHEN: June 9th, 1904 WHO: Open to anyone dressed as a fairy/Puck
Dinah had been warned about a mischievous fairy—someone who could be truly dangerous to her and her family—and ever since she had received such a warning, she had kept a closer eyes to anyone who looked like it had come dressed as the fairy Puck. It wasn’t easy, as it felt many people had preferred to come as fairy folk rather than the Greek lovers or their King and Queen, but she still tried. Ira had been right, she hated the idea that she would fail at this task and so since they had parted ways, she had been on alert, navigating the sea of people in search of her target, using this mission as also an excuse to keep her mind off him leaving—her—his job to go back to Manchester.
In her hand she held a glass of wine, it was not full but she had not drank from it. Instead she had kept it purposely only half full, sprayed a few droplets of wine on her lips so that anyone would think she had been drinking. And any time she spotted someone that could be a Puck, she clumsily moved towards them.
 “Ops! I-I’m so s-sorry,” she said, stuttering, slurring her words a little, after she had bumped into them. “A-Are you a-alright? I-I haven’t stained y-your dress, h-have I?”
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whoiscredencept2 · 2 years
About Credence’s Age
I am about to rant about Credence's age because nobody seems to know his age but with the help of google, putting it together was a little easier but not really and I’ve thought about this information before when the first film came out.
I will warn you now before clicking on the keep reading part, this is a mess of thoughts that I tried putting together but his age is just one big plot hole. 
Credence being born in 1901 makes absolutely no sense when his adoption papers say it’s 1904. Tell me how one is supposed to forge a birthdate on an adoption paper saying he is four years older when he is a newborn. Please tell me. (I guess money but hush. That’s stupid.)
(( I also might have forgotten Irma when thinking about all of this. I was thinking about it more before making any changes to what I said but Credence could have been a little bit older than Corvus but they were around the same age whenever Leta switched them. You can fight me on that and I will fight back. ))
I would also like to add that they were saying he was around 18 in the first film when actually back in the 1920’s or probably till the 1970’s you were not considered an adult at 18. It was 21 and both Chasity and Credence were considered adults in the wiki. My boy was probably 22 years old and that’s where it makes sense for him to be born in 1904. (This is the information that could very much be wrong because Google is a little fuzzy when trying to get certain details like this.)
The only reason they would say he was born in 1901 is to make it make sense that he is a Dumbledore that is all. This still actually does not make sense when if the girl was to get pregnant in the summer of 1899 then wouldn’t she have Credence in 1900??
Going off of what our modern calendar says of when summer begins and ends you have from June 21 to September 21. And I will also add that I recently found a Credence‘s birthday is on November the 9th. I think that was also on his adoption papers but let that sink in. If you count back from November you’re gonna end up in February. Please, I know I’m looking too into this. So if he was to be conceived in the summer he would actually be older than what he actually is or what is written on the paper. 
I’m gonna say it. The original plan for Credence was not for him to be a Dumbledore. Perhaps, that is very obvious. I’m pretty sure it’s her fault for just pulling the shit out of her ass as she went on but that’s where she has created the biggest plot hole and this is what she thought was the best thing to do to fill it, I guess, but I mean come on. Credence’s a story could’ve been so much bigger than what it was.
Some last thoughts as I’m looking back at the certificate of adoption. It does say date and country of birth of infant is November 9, 1904 and of course there is no country under it but then there is a date of entry so I am assuming that date of entry is when Credence was adopted so he was in the orphanage for about a year before he was adopted by Mary Lou.
That is all. I am so sorry if you read this chaotic mess. I just really needed to say something about it because it makes no sense no matter which way it comes around almost so this is all the information I could muster up this morning
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St Enoch Presbyterian Church W.W.1 war memorial and roll of honour. Duncairn, Belfast
All information is provided in good faith but, on occasions errors may occur. Should this be the case, if new information can be verified please supply it to the author and corrections will then be made.
Erected by this congregation in honour of those who Volunteered in the Great War 1914-1918
These all died.
Thomas Rainey AGNEW.  Stoker 1st Class SS/113435, Royal Navy on HMS Vangard. Born 1892 to Samuel and Dorothy Agnew, of 138, Spamount Street., Belfast.  Commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent.  
Robert BOYD.  Rifleman 582, 10th Royal Irish Rifles.  Born 1879 to Mrs. Jeannie Boyd of 17 India Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 1 July 1916 aged 37 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
William Hatchell BOYD.  2nd Lieutenant, 9th Royal Dublin Fusiliers.  Born 1887 to the Rev. Samuel T. Boyd, B.A., and Mrs. Boyd, of Dublin.  Killed in action 9 September 1916 aged 29 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
John BOYLAN.  Private 12558, 15th Royal Irish Rifles.  Born 1898 to John and Annie Boylan, of 166, Alexandra Park Avenue, Belfast later of 23 Annadale Street, Belfast.  Killed in action  1 July 1916 aged 20 years.   Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
Hugh BROWN. 2nd Lieutenant, 6th attached 1st  Royal Irish Rifles.  Killed in action 31 July 1917.  Commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belgium.
John Brown.  Royal Irish Rifles.  Unable to find the correct record for this person recorded with the CWGC
James CAMERON (Military Medal).  Sergeant 160496,  50th Canadian Infantry.  Born 1892 to James and Sarah Cameron, of 52, Brookhill Avenue, Antrim Road, Belfast, Ireland.  Formerly of Ballymena, Co. Antrim.  Died 5 June 1917 aged 25 years.  At rest in Barlin Communal Cemetery Extension, France.  
William CARLISLE.  Rifleman 11211, 1st Royal Irish Rifles.   Husband of Elizabeth Carlisle, of 14, Court Street, Belfast, Ireland.  Killed in action 23 October 1916, aged 24 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France
John CARSON Rifleman 24/991 2.3rd  New Zealand Rifles.  Killed in action 15 October 1917.  At rest in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium.  
Jack CRICHTON  Lance Corporal, (Private) 642640, 4th Canadian Infantry.  Died of wounds 5 July 1917  Downview Avenue, Belfast.  At rest in La Targette Britisg Cemetery, Neuville-Sain- Vaast, France
William CLARKE.  Private 18818,  2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Only son of Robert And Agnes Clarke of  40 Christopher Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 3 July 1916 aged 22 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.  
James Wilson CORDNER. (Military Cross) Lieutenant 2nd Royal Irish Rifles. The Manse, Drumbo.  Killed in action 16 April 1918.  At rest in Minty Farm, Cemetery, Belgium.  He was onetime assistant minister at St. Enoch’s Presbyterian Church, Belfast and became a minister in the United Free Church in Lisburn.  London Gazette dated 3 August 1915. Royal  Irish Rifles. The undermentioned to be temporary Second Lieutenants James Cordner. Dated 7th June, 1915. Edinburgh Gazette dated 22 July 1918.  Military Cross Citation. T./Lt. James Wilson Cordner. Royal Irish Rifles. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while in charge of a wiring party. He wired 500 yards of newly captured trenches in daylight in full view of the enemy and under heavy fire. His coolness and determination were an inspiration to his men. At rest in Minty Farm Cemetery, Belgium.
Hampton CRAWFORD. Corporal, (Private) 25239, 9th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Son of Samuel and Mary Ann Crawford of 3 Trinity Street, Belfast.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.   CWGC have his rank as Private
David FERGUSON. 14599, 9th Royal Irish Rifles.  Killed in action at the battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916.  At rest in Serre Road Cemetery No 2, Somme, France.
Frederick George FRENCH.  Private 874792,  27th Canadians.  Son of Thomas and Anne Jane French of 26 Cumberland Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 10 April 1917 aged 31 years.  At rest in Nine Elms Military Cemetery, Thelus, France.
Stewart FULTON.  U S National Guards ?. Residing with his parents at 11 Rosewood Street, Belfast.  Killed in action.  (No further information available).
Frederick William GIRVAN. Captain, 8th Devonshire Regiment.  Son of Robert and Isabella Girvan of 115 Cavehill Road, Belfast.  Later of 24 Easton Gardens.  Killed in action 26 October 1917 aged 24 years.  Commemorated on the Tyne Cot memorial, Belgium.
R GRIBBEN. The CWGC have only two R Cribben’s (no varients)
Robert GRIBBEN.  Stoker 1879T, Royal Naval Reserve of HMS  Queen Mary. Son of William and Eliza Gribben, of Larne; husband of Maggie Gribben, of Larne, Co. Antrim.  Killed at sea 31 May 1916 aged 39 years.  Commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire.
Robert GRIBBEN.  Rifleman 23/1393, 1/3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade.  Son of James Gribben, of The Race Course, Lower Broughshane, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.  Died 17 June 1917 aged 28 years.  At rest in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord France.
Archibald McMillan HANNA.  15th Royal Irish Rifles.  Residing at 27 Court Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 1 July 1916.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
Charles HANNA.  Private 745394 2nd Canadian Infantry.  Son of William and Catherine Hannah.  Killed in action 6 November 1917.  At rest in Oosttaverne Wood Cemetery, Belgium.
Arthur HEENAN.  Private 8966,  1st Royal Irish Rifles. Son of John and Mary Jane of 8 Suir Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 9 May 1915 aged 26 years.  Commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium.
John KELLY.  Lance Corporal, (Private) 10489 6th Royal Irish Rifles.  Residing at 278 Crumlin Road, Belfast.  Killed in action 10 August 1915.   Commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Turkey including Gallipoli.
William John LAVERTY.  Rifleman 949, 1st Garrison Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles.  Born at Drumagh, Omagh, County Tyrone, Ireland. Husband of Minnie Ann Laverty, of 36, Willow Bank Gardens, Antrim Rd., Belfast, Northern Ireland.  Died in India 10 November 1916 aged 47 years.  At rest in Cawnpore Cantonment New Cemetery, India.  
Thomas Edwin LOWRY.  Lance Corporal, 10/15177, 10th Royal Irish Rifles.  Husband of Minnie Lowry, of 33, Matlock Street, Belfast, Ireland.  Died 12 June 1918 aged 23 years. Laid to rest as Thomas Edward Lowry 15 June 1918  Plot P Grave 300 at the  Belfast City Cemetery.  His wife is also interred in the grave and she is named as Mary Ann.
James MURPHY.  Sergeant 5/12045, 5th Royal Irish Fusiliers.  Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy, of 23, Jennymount Terrace, York Road, Belfast.  Later of 96 Henry Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 10 March 1918 aged 23 years.  At rest in Jerusalem War Cemetery, Palestine including Gaza.
Alfred McCLELLAND.  2nd Lieutenant, 5th Royal Irish Rifles. Son of James and Charlotte Miriam McClelland of 34 Shore Road, Duncairn, Belfast.  1911 his occupation was an office apprentice.  At the time of his death his parents were residing at 105 Cavehill Road, Belfast.   Died of wounds 13 October 1917 aged 24 years.  At rest in trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenerck, Nord France.  
Hugh Beggs McCLURE. Sapper 64264 150th Field Coy, Royal Engineers.  Born 17 February 1885 at Mead street, Larne to Thomas Beggs and Margaret Jane Gleghorn McClure, nee Meekin the residence of his parents. They later resided at 8 Newington Street, Belfast, Ireland   Husband of Maud, nee McClure of 63 Everton Street, Belfast. He was married on the 13 April 1911 at Magheramore Presbyterian Church, County Antrim.  His wife died at Maternity Hospital in Belfast 9 October 1915 of heart failure and septicaemia after child birth.  His son Lorrimer Drummond Mclure died aged 5 weeks at his grandparents Robert and Ellen McClure residence 197 Crumlin Road, Belfast on the 28 October 1915.   On the 11 February 1915 aged 29 years he joined the Royal Engineers and then was posted to the R.E. Depot, Chatham, civilian occupation painter.  On the 30 November 1915 he was posted to France.  He was killed in action 6 October 1916 aged 30 years. His effects went to his father in law Robert McClure, retired compositor.  At rest in Pond Farm Cemetery, Belgium.
Two of his brothers were also serving in the war.
James McClure, married, was serving as Sapper 89976, 145 Army Troops Coy, Royal Engineers Some notes from James’s army record. Born 19 October 1880 at Inver, Larne to Thomas and Margaret Jane Gleghorn McClure, nee McMeekin.  He enlisted at into the Royal Engineers at Larne and joined at Londonderry as Sapper 7156 on the 24 November 1900 aged 20 years, occupation painter.  He married Elizabeth Jane McClean at St Michael the Archangel, Aldershot, Surrey on the 23 April 1904. He was aged 24 years and stationed at Stanhope Lines, Aldershot.  His wife was aged 29 and she resided at Alexander Road, Aldershot.  At some time, his wife died and he remarried in 1913 to Tabitha Hunt.  On the 23 November 1912 he was discharged from the army on the termination of the 1st period of engagement.  No other records to show when he was called to the colours.  His birth certificate show he was registered as James.  When he remarried he used the name of Jams McMeekin McClure
Robert was Born 8 December 1890 to Thomas Beggs McClure and Margaret Jane Gleghorn McClure nee McMeekin of Back Road, Larne.  His father was a house painter.  Serving as Private 18229 12th Central Antrim Regiment, Royal Irish Rifles, Ulster Division at Masters Stores, Base Depot, Le Havre, France.  Both demobilized to Class Z Army Reserve Some notes from Robert’s army record. He joined up at Larne, County Antrim 15 September 1914 aged 24 years and 9 months, occupation, painter.  He was posted the same day to Clandeboye Estate Army Training Camp, near Bangor, County Down.  His parents Thomas Beggs and Margaret McClure of 8 Newington Street, Belfast were his next of kin.  He embarked to join the BEF in France 15 September 1914 and left 18 January 1919, having one period of leave.  On the 16 February 1919 he was demobilized at Dublin to his residence at 5 Newington Avenue, Belfast after serving 4 years and 155 days.  On the 24 October 1927 he wrote to the army requesting a character reference for employment purposes.  His residence at that time was 21 Frampton Street, Strandtown, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Robert Harper McELRATH.  Private 25459, 1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers.  Born 1886 to James and Mary McElrath, of "Mill Farm", County, Antrim.  Died 21 October 1918 aged 32 years.  At rest in Dadizeele New British Cemetery, Belgium.
William McGOOKIN.  Private 17806, 9th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Son of William and Rachel McGookin, of Black Hill, Cookstown, County Tyrone.  Killed in action 1 July 1916 aged 19 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
James Bailie McQUOID.  Corporal 9681, 1st Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Son of William and Elizabeth McQuoid, of 94, Chief Street, Belfast.  At rest in Shrapnel Valley Cemetery, Turkey including Gallipoli.
David NELSON.  Private 420210, 43rd Canadian Infantry.  Born in Belfast on the 30 July 1880 to Samuel and Annie McDowell Nelson of 32, Marsden Gardens, Cavehill Road, Belfast, Ireland, husband of Margaret who later re-married to Mr Kelly.  Commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belfast.
Samuel PATTON. Private 3422, 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Born in the Shankill area of Belfast. Killed in action 16 May 1915.  His grandmother Anne M was granted a war gratuity 17 September 1917, revised 1 October 1919.  Commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial, France.
William PATTON.  Private 17460 Durham Light Infantry.  Son of John Patton of 53 Cambrai Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 7 July 1917 aged 38 years.  At rest in Belgian Battery Corner Cemetery, Belgium.
Paul Gilchrist POLLOCK.  Lance Corporal 15780, 14th Royal Irish Rifles.  Son of John and Marion J.F. Pollock, of Duncairn, Antrim.  Killed in action on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916 aged 20 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, France.
John Singleton Henry ROBINSON.  Captain, 13th attached to 12th  Welsh Regiment  Born in Newtown Ards, County Down, Ireland.  Killed in action 24 September 1918.  At rest in Marteville Communal Cemetery, Attilly, France
Joseph ROY.  Private 13457, 15th Royal Irish Rifles.  Son of John.  1901 residing with his father and siblings at 27 Christopher Street, Belfast.  1911 residing at the home of his married sister Mary and her husband George French ay 34 Ballycastle Street, Belfast. Died 25 June 1918.  His brother Robert and sister Mary French were both granted a war gratuity 13 September 1919.   At rest in Sarralbe Military Cemetery, Moselle France.
Thomas SILLARS.  Lance Corporal 17/1301, 8th Royal Irish Rifles.  Born 27 November 1888 to John and Anne Jane Sillars, nee Smith at 158 Argyle Street, Belfast.  Husband of Annie Victoria Sillars, nee Black of 3, Ballyclare Street, Belfast.  Died 2 July 1916.  His widow was granted a war gratuity 1 August 1917 revised 15 November 1919.  At rest in Grandcourt Road Cemetery, Grandcourt, Somme, France.    
Thomas Arnold STEAD.  Driver 785526, A Battery, 312th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.  Son of Sidney and Edith Alice Stead, of 30, Jarrow Road, Sharrow, Sheffield.  Died 29 September 1918 aged 20 years.  At rest in Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery, Nord, France.
Robert James THOMPSON.  Rifleman 3408, 15th Royal Irish Rifles.  Son of James and Mary Ann of 35 Hanover Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 22 November 1917 aged 21 years.  Commemorated on the Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, Nord France.  
John Arthur TREW. Rifleman 689, 12th Royal Irish Rifles.  Born 17 April 1895 to Arthur and Annie Trew, nee Young  of 15, Clovelly Street, Belfast.  Died 25 July 1918 aged 23 years.   Commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium.   Birth registered as John Trew, residing at 57 Willow Street, Belfast .
Frederick Ramsey WALKER. Military Cross.  2nd Lieutenant 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. formerly Sergeant Major.  Husband of Josephine Margaret Walker, of 107, Donegall Street., Belfast. Awarded Medaille Militaire (France).  Fought in the Boer War 1899 -1902   Died in Scotland 6 January 1917.  At rest in Dalry Cemetery, Edinburgh, Scotland.
The following extract is credited to Dukie News Issue 8.  June 2017 Frederick was born in the military barracks in Tipperary on 27 July 1882. His father Tom was a staff sergeant in the 25th (the King’s Own Borderers) Regiment of Foot at the time and his mother was recorded as Mary Susanna (nee Lawson). He was orphaned sometime after between 1891 and 1893; and coming from a military background he was duly admitted to the Duke of York’s Royal Military School in Chelsea on 26 May 1893. On leaving the school on 8 August 1896 aged just 14 he joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise’s).
Extract credited to the newspaper The Scotsman Lt Walker who was born in Tipperary in Ireland and joined the army as a boy soldier when he was 13 years old. He died suddenly at Dreghorn camp, in Colinton, Edinburgh, on 6 January, 1917, aged 34. When he died, The Evening Despatch of 10 January, 1917 reported that a large number of people accompanied the cortege from camp to the cemetery, preceded by pipe and brass bands of his battalion and followed by six hundred men from different battalions. There was a graveside service, and shots were fired.
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higginsarnott · 7 years
Murdoch Mysteries Calendar 2018
Righty ho! Since @mariannenorway requested to have the entire calendar posted, and I am always one to grant people’s wishes, I’ve got the entire calendar here for you!
And don’t worry if you can’t read the writing on the pages, underneath each photo will be the title of the page, notable dates, birthdays and the writing from the bottom of each page! So let’s begin!
Note: For the different phases of the moon, it should be obvious what they are but if not, here you go:
First Quarter - First Quarter of the moon’s phase
Last Quarter - Last Quarter of the moon’s phase
New Moon - Moon phase starts again
Full Moon - The moon should be completely full in the sky
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Current 2017 Months from September to December
Notable dates:
Set in Toronto at the dawn of the 20th century during the age of invention, Murdoch Mysteries is a one-hour drama series that explores the world of Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson), a methodical and dashing detective who pioneers radical forensic techniques to solve some of the city;s most gruesome murders. Murdoch’s colleagues include his wife, the fiery and fiercely intelligent Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy); Constable George Crabtree (Jonny Harris), Murdoch’s eager but sometimes naive right-hand man; Inspector Thomas Brackenreid (Thomas Craig), Murdoch’s skeptical yet reluctantly supportive boss; and morgue assistant Rebecca James (Mouna Traoré), a resourceful young medical student taken under Ogden’s mentorship.
One of Canada’s most successful and longest-running drama series, Murdoch Mysteries is watched around the world in 110 countries and territories. The Season 10 finale ‘’Hell To Pay’’ marked 150 episodes of the series! Do you recognise and of your favourites in the collage above? Season 11 of Murdoch Mysteries will premiere in 2017/2018.
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Notable dates:
January 1st - New Years Day
January 2nd - Full Moon
January 4th - 1 Year Anniversary of the Henry Higgins Trash Club
January 6th - Epiphany
January 7th - Orthodox Christmas
January 8th - Last Quarter
January 14th - Orthodox New Year
January 15th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the USA
January 17th - New Moon
January 24th - First Quarter
January 31st - Full Moon
In the series premiere, ‘’Power’’ (Episode 101), the electrocution of a young woman finds Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) in the middle of warring rival electricity suppliers, one being Nikola Tesla (Dmitry Chepovetsky) himself! In a case that’s further complicated by bribery, scandal and dirty backroom dealings, Murdoch must find out who killed the woman - and why. This month marks the 10th anniversary of the world premiere of Murdoch Mysteries!
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Notable dates:
February 7th - Last Quarter
February 12th - Georgina Reilly’s Birthday and Family Day in British Columbia, Canada
February 14th - Ash Wednesday and Valentines Day
February 15th - New Moon
February 16th - LACHLAN MURDOCH’S BIRTHDAY WOOOO! (Also Chinese New Year, Year of the Dog)
February 19th - Provincial Holiday in the following Canadian provinces:
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
It’s also President’s Day in the USA
February 23rd - Heritage Day in the Yukon and the First Quarter
February 28th - Purim begins at sundown
In Episode 714, ‘’Friday the 13th, 1901′’ Crabtree (Jonny Harris) drunkenly challenges Leslie Garland (Giacomo Gianniotti) to a curling match and is forced to hurriedly assemble a team. Unfortunately, Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) is hardly in the mood for games after his proposal to Ogden (Hélène Joy) was rejected, leaving Crabtree and Brackenreid (Thomas Craig) to appeal to Murdoch’s affinity for science in hopes of luring him out to the rink. This February, at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, Canada will defend its gold medals in both Men’s and Women’s curling.
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@sibylle1898 you’ll like this month’s photo :)
Notable dates:
March 2nd - Full Moon
March 9th - Last Quarter
March 11th - Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 17th - New Moon and St. Patrick’s Day
March 20th - Spring Equinox
March 24th - First Quarter
March 25th - Palm Sunday
March 30th - Good Friday and Passover begins at sundown
March 31st - Full Moon
In Episode 701 ‘’Murdoch Ahoy’’, a new passenger liner bound for Rochester is about to set sail, and Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) and Brackenreid (Thomas Craig) are called aboard by the owner, who is concerned about threats. When Murdoch spots Ogden (Hélène Joy) amongst the guests, he suggests they stay and monitor the situation. This episode was filmed aboard the S.S. Keewatin, the only remaining Edwardian passenger steamship in the world, which is now moored in Port McNicoll, Ontario. Built five years before the RMS Titanic, the S.S. Keewatin utilizes similar machinery including a quadruple expansion steam engine and Scotch boilers.
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Notable dates:
April 1st - Easter Sunday and Orthodox Palm Sunday
April 2nd - Easter Monday
April 8th - Last Quarter and Pascha (Orthodox Easter)
April 16th - New Moon
April 22nd - First Quarter and Earth Day
April 23rd - Maureen Jennings’ Birthday and St. George’s Day in Newfoundland and Labrador (as well as over here in England)
April 30th - Full Moon
In Episode 1002, ‘’Great Balls of Fire, Part 2′’, a massive fire consumes Toronto, complicating Murdoch’s (Yannick Bisson) investigation into the murders of two young women. When Ogden (Hélène Joy) is trapped by the intense fire, Murdoch braves the flames to rescue his wife. On April 19th, 104, Toronto’s business district was consumed in flames in what is known as The Great Fire of 1904. While no lives were lost in the fire, the cause of which was never determined, more than 250 firefighters worked to extinguish the blaze. Over 100 buildings were destroyed and 20 acres of the city levelled.
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Notable dates:
May 5th - Cinco De Mayo in the USA
May 8th - Last Quarter
May 13th - Mother’s Day
May 15th - New Moon and Ramadan begins at sundown
May 16th - Yannick Bisson’s Birthday!
May 21st - Victoria Day all across Canada and National Patriot’s Day in Quebec
May 22nd - First Quarter
May 28th - William and Julia’s Wedding Anniversary and Memorial Day in the USA
May 29th - Full Moon
In Episode 804, ‘’Holy Matrimony, Murdoch!’’, wedding bells finally ring for Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) and Ogden (Hélène Joy) in the landmark 100th episode of the series. When best man Crabtree (Jonny Harris) loses the ring, Higgins (Lachlan Murdoch) comes to the rescue by finding it just in time for the nearly derailed ceremony. Despite a case nearly getting in the way of the wedding, everything comes happily together for the lovebirds in the end. The two were wed on May 28th, 1902.
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Notable dates:
June 6th - Last Quarter
June 13th - New Moon
June 14th - Eid al-Fitr begins at sundown
June 17th - Father’s Day
June 19th - Henry Higgins Trash Club’s Birthday! (aka my birthday)
June 20th - First Quarter
June 21st - Summer Solstice and National Aboriginal Day in Northwest Territories of Canada
June 24th - National Holiday of Quebec in Quebec
June 25th - Discovery Day in Newfoundland and Labrador
June 28th - Full Moon
In Episode 1008, ‘’Weekend at Murdoch’s’’, after two witnesses in a murder trial are killed while birdwatching, Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) and Crabtree (Jonny Harris) must protect the third witness. Much to Crabtree’s dismay, the witness is Roger Newsome (Cyrus Lane), the obnoxious playboy who flustered him during previous investigations into crimes at his automobile, golf and puzzle-solving clubs. Unfortunately, Newsome fails to grasp the risk to his life and when he sneaks out and is shot and killed by a sniper, Murdoch devises an outlandish ploy to keep the case alive and smoke out the killer by faking Newsome’s survival.
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@detectivewatts I believe this is your month :)
Notable dates:
July 1st - Canada Day
July 2nd - William Murdoch’s Birthday! (born in 1863)
July 4th - Independence Day in the USA
July 6th - Last Quarter
July 9th - Nunavut Day in Nunavut and Orangemen’s Day in Newfoundland and Labrador
July 13th - New Moon
July 19th - First Quarter
July 27th - Full Moon
In Season 10, the rumpled and gruff Llewellyn Watts (Daniel Maslany) arrives from Station House No. 1. Upon hearing about Brackenreid’s temporary departure, in addition to being asked to leave his home station over personality conflicts, Watts decides that Station House No. 4 needs another detective and decides to make himself comfortable in the Inspector’s office.
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@crabtreee your month I presume?
Notable dates:
August 4th - Last Quarter
August 6th - Civic Holiday in every Canadian province except the following:
Newfoundland and Labrador
August 11th - New Moon
August 18th - First Quarter
August 20th - Discovery Day in Yukon
August 21st - Eid al-Adha begins at sundown
August 26th - Full Moon
In Episode 912, ‘’Unlucky In Love’’, the electrocution of an elderly groom leads Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) to suspect a black widow, while Crabtree (Jonny Harris) meets Lucy Maud Montgomery (Alison Louder) at a writing class he teaches. While the charming constable is arguably a romatic at heart, it seems that he hasn’t quite found the right person at the right time, though at the end of Season 10 he may be falling back into the arms of Nina Bloom (Erin Agostino)...
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Notable dates:
September 3rd - Last Quarter and Labour Day in Canada and USA
September 9th - New Moon and Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown
September 10th - Muharram begins at sundown
September 16th - First Quarter
September 17th - Daniel Maslany’s Birthday!
September 18th - Yom Kippur begins at sundown
September 21st - UN International Day of Peace
September 22nd - Jonny Harris’ Birthday!
September 23rd - Autumn Equinox
September 25th - Full Moon
In Episode 1005, ‘’Jagged Little Pill’’, James (Mouna Traoré) has been studying to become a doctor at the Medical College for Women at Ogden’s (Hélène Joy) urging. But when one of her fellow students is found drowned from an apparent suicide, she is convinced something is amiss and begins her own secret investigation. She soon discovers some unsettling information with repercussions for Murdoch’s investigation, leaving her in a quandary over whether to reveal her meddling or stay quiet.
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Notable dates:
October 2nd - Last Quarter
October 8th - Thanksgiving Day in Canada and Columbus Day in the USA
October 9th - New Moon
October 13th - Arwen Humphrey’s Birthday!
October 16th - First Quarter
October 21st - Hélène Joy’s Birthday!
October 24th - Full Moon and United Nations Day
October 25th - Kristian Bruun’s Birthday!
October 31st - Halloween and Last Quarter
In Episode 1016, ‘’Master Lovecraft’’, the discovery of a young girl’s dead body and some grotesque sketches lead Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) to suspect a gang of death-obsessed teenagers, which includes a young H.P. Lovecraft (Tyler East). Meanwhile, the macabre seems to be spreading to civilized society when Margaret Brackenreid (Arwen Humphreys) finds out her reading group has chosen Dracula. After a creepy run-in with Lovecraft, Margaret soon finds him haunting her subconscious when literature’s most famous vampire (East) pays her a visit... in her nightmares!
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@tommy-two-cakes this is your month I imagine :)
Notable dates:
November 4th - Daylight Saving Time Ends
November 7th - New Moon
November 11th - Mouna Traoré’s Birthday, Remembrance Day in Canada and Veterans Day in the USA
November 15th - First Quarter
November 22nd - Thanksgiving in the USA
November 23rd - Full Moon
November 30th - Last Quarter
In Episode 1006, ‘’Bend It Like Brackenreid’’, as Murdoch investigates the strange death of a footballer, the player’s death puts his team’s run for the Olympics in jeopardy. Brackenreid (Thomas Craig) gets caught up in the team’s training, and finds himself in a position to coach Galt F.C. and the opportunity to bring Olympic glory to Canada. Galt F.C. went on to win the gold medal at the 1904 Summer Olympics in St. Louis in a tournament played from November 16-23, 1904.
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Notable dates:
December 2nd - Advent and Hanukkah begins at sundown
December 4th - Thomas Craig’s Birthday!
December 7th - New Moon
December 15th - First Quarter
December 21st - Winter Solstice
December 22nd - Full Moon
December 25th - Christmas Day
December 26th - Boxing Day
December 29th - Last Quarter
In the holiday special ‘’Once Upon a Murdoch Christmas’’, brazen robberies target Toronto’s wealthiest businessmen just days before Christmas. Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) and Brackenreid (Thomas Craig) realise that their jobs are under fire if they don’t quickly solve the case. Meanwhile, Jackson (Kristian Bruun) and James (Mouna Traoré) team up to bring Christmas spirit to the Station House with a police choir, Crabtree’s (Jonny Harris) latest novel finds some unlikely fans, and Ogden (Hélène Joy) is stalked by two street urchins who need her help. All the while Murdoch works to surprise Ogden with a mysterious gift.
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hoshvilim · 5 years
מוהילב – מוגילב (Могилёв-Магiлёў) היא עיר בבלארוס, בירת מחוז מוהילב. העיר שוכנת לצידו של נהר הדנייפר. [לא לערבב עם מוהיליב-פודילסקי בבאוקראינה.] משפחתי התגוררה סמוך לכאן בשקלוב. הגעתי לכאן מפני שתנאי הלינה במוגילב טובים יותר משקלוב. אז גיליתי שגם למוגילב יש סיפור יהודי עצום.
Mogilev is a city in eastern Belarus, on the Dnieper River. As of 2018, its population was 381,353. It is the third largest city in Belarus.
מפת דרכים שקלוב-מוגילב           Road Map Shklov-Mogilev
  כיצד מבטאים מוגילב? בבלארוסית: Магiлёў; ברוסית: Могилёв; ביידיש: מאָהליב
תולדות מוגילב – Mogilev
The first signs of settlements in ancient Belarus date back approximately 100,000-35,000 years. Ancient cultural relics have also been discovered in the Mogilev region.The city is mentioned in historical sources since 1267. In 1577 Polish-Lithuanian King Stefan Batory granted it city rights under Magdeburg law.
Mogilev changed hands from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and after the First Partition of Poland (1772) Mogilev became part of the Russian Empire.
Mogilev castle . 18th century engraving                                                                                                                                              ארמון מוגילב במאה ה-18
  צילום של הצייר Napoleon Orda של מוהילב ב-1877                                                                                                                                    Mogilev in  1877
  Mogilev in the nineteenth century     מוגילב במאה ה-19
  לפי מפקד מ-1897 היו במוהילב 41,000 איש, מתוכם כ-50% היו יהודים. אוכלוסיתה ב-2017 הית 380,440 תושבים נפש.
Illustration from Brockhaus and Efron Jewish Encyclopedia (1906—1913); Russian Imperial Governorate of Mogilev                                                                                         מפה של מחוז מוגילב 1906-1913
במהלך מלחמת העולם הראשונה בשנים 1915–1917 העיר הייתה מקום מושבו של הפיקוד העליון של צבא האימפריה הרוסית.
In the years 1915–1917, during World War I, the Stavka, the headquarters of the Russian Imperial Army was based in the city and the Tsar, Nicholas II, spent long periods there as Commander-in-Chief.
לאחר המהפכה הרוסית, העיר הייתה תחת כיבוש גרמני קצר ב-1918, הייתה חלק מהרפובליקה העממית של בלארוס קצרת הימים, ולבסוף ב-1919 היא נכבשה על ידי כוחות ברית המועצות והפכה לחלק מהרפובליקה הסובייטית הסוציאליסטית הבלארוסית.
Following the Russian Revolution, in 1918, the city was briefly occupied by Germany and placed under their short-lived Belarusian People’s Republic. Then, in 1919 it was captured by the forces of Soviet Russia and incorporated into the Byelorussian SSR.
תולדות הקהילה היהודית במוגילב – The History of the Jewish Community of Mogilev
These are Jewish buildings in Mogilev – former synagogues, yeshivas, kheder, etc. Now most of them are now abandoned buildings or have been adapted for other purposes.
Mohyliv. Synagogue on the vilenskoj street. The beginning of the 20th century
  בעבר היו בעיר חיים יהודיים פעילים ופוריים, היו מספר לא מבוטל של בתי כנסת שכיום משמשים לבניינים ממשלתיים ויהודים רבים גרו בה.
The presence of Jews in Mogilev is first attested in the 16th century, when a Jewish man by the name of Ezofowicz was granted a lease to collect taxes for the period of three years. Ezofowicz also held a lease over a wax factory and several taverns in the city.
In 1585 the Jews were to be expelled from the city by the order of king Stephen Báthory, yet the order was not carried into effect.
In 1654, the townsmen negotiated a treaty of surrender to the Russians peacefully, if the Jews were to be expelled and their property divided up among Mogilev’s inhabitants. Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovitch agreed. However, instead of expelling the Jews, the Russian troops massacred them after they had led them to the outskirts of the town. The Jewish community was re-established when the city was restored to Poland-Lithuania in 1655.
במהלך מצור של האימפריה הרוסית ב-1654, אנשי העיירה רצו להיכנע וסיכמו עם הרוסים שהם יגרשו את יהודים בעיר ותושבי מוהילב יחלקו ביניהם את רכושם. למרות שהצאר אלכסיי הראשון הסכים לכך, הכוחות הרוסים הוציאו את היהודים מחוץ לעיר וטבחו בהם.
After the first partition of Poland in 1772, Mogilev was annexed to the Russian Empire and became the capital city of the Mogilev governorate. The numbers of the Mogilev Jews increased significantly in the course of the 19th century. The census of the Russian Empire in 1897 registered 21,539 Jews who constituted half of the city’s population.
In 1904 a pogrom against the Mogilev Jews was perpetrated by tsarist Russian soldiers. Another pogrom occurred during the tumultuous period of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) and the ensuing Civil War. At the beginning of the Soviet rule there was in Mogilev an impressive  Jewish presence and an increase in the number of Jewish institutions. As the Soviet rule took root, particularly throughout the 1930s, the Jewish life in Mogilev underwent significant socio-cultural and occupational changes which characterized not only the Mogilev Jews but the Jews of the Soviet Union at large. These were due in part to Jewish attempts to adapt to the new reality of the Soviet rule and in part to the gradual implementation of the Sovietization policy which entailed a comprehensive offensive on religious institutions, national organizations and free trade.
Demographics – אוכלוסיה של מוגילב
Mogilev had a significant Jewish population.
Population in 1880: 40,536 (20,735 men and 19,801 women, including 20,742 Orthodox, 2,583 Catholics, 173 Protestants, 17,038 Jews).
Population in 1897: 41,100, 21,500 were Jews (i.e. around 50 percent). The numbers of the Mogilev Jews increased significantly in the course of the 19th century.
Population in 1906: 51 959 (27,407 Orthodox, 3,305 Catholics and 20,682 Jews)
Kaltershul in Mogilev – בית כנסת קלטר במוגילב
3D model of wooden Kaltershul synagogue in Mogilev (Belarus) and unique drawings of Haim Segal (beginning of 18th Century
Mogilev in July 1941                                                                                                                                                                            מוגילב 1941 בארכיון הגרמני Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-138-1091-29A / Kessler, Rudolf
מוגילב (בלארוס) בית הכנסת העתיק העשוי עץ שנשרף על ידי הנאצים ב-1939 Photo:David Fisher
יהדות מוהילב בשואה –  The MogilevJewish Community during the Holocaust 
Jews of the Mogilev ghetto during forced labor Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-138-1083-20 / Kessler, Rudolf                                                                                                                      אסירים יהודים עובדי כפייה במוגילב
During the Operation Barbarossa, the city was conquered by Wehrmacht forces on 26 July 1941 and remained under German occupation until 28 June 1944. Mogilev became the official residence of High SS and police leader (HSSPF) Erich von dem Bach. During that period, the Jews of Mogilev were ghettoized and systematically murdered by Ordnungspolizeiand SS personnel. Heinrich Himmler personally witnessed the executions of 279 Jews on 23 October 1941. Later that month a number of mentally disabled patients were poisoned with car exhaust fumes as an experiment; the method of killing was thereafter applied in several Nazi extermination camps. Initial plans for establishing a death camp in Mogilev were abandoned in favour of Maly Trostenets.
Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-138-1083-29, Russland, Mogilew, Zwangsarbeit von Juden                                                                          עובדי כפיה –  אסירים יהודים  עובד כפייה במוגילב  הארכיון הפדרלי הגרמני Blue pencil.svg wikidata:Q685753 Propagandakompanien der Wehrmacht – Heer und Luftwaffe
בערב השואה היו בעיר בסביבות 20 אלף יהודים, שהיוו כחמישית מהאוכלוסייה הכללית. במלחמת העולם השנייה העיר הייתה תחת כיבוש גרמניה הנאצית מ-26 ביולי 1941 עד ל-28 ביוני 1944.
Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-138-1091-31A, Russland, Mogilew, Juifs rue du village à Moguilev/ Juden auf Dorfstraße  יהודים במוגילב הארכיון הפדרלי הגרמני                                                                                                                                                   Blue pencil.svg wikidata:Q685753 Propagandakompanien der Wehrmacht – Heer und Luftwaffe (Bild 101 I)
לאחר פלישת גרמניה הנאצית לפולין בספ��מבר 1939 הגיעו למוהילב מאות פליטים יהודים מפולין. עם פלישת הגרמנים לברית המועצות ביוני 1941 ברחו חלק מיהודי העיר מזרחה לעומק ברית המועצות, חלק התגייסו לצבא האדום וכאלפיים מהם נהרגו בקרבות כיבוש העיר. משרדי הצבא הגרמני של מפקדת מרכז רוסיה וה- SS  שכנו כאן במוהילב. תחילה הגרמנים קבעו עוצר לאחר 17:00 וחובה לענוד מגן דוד צהוב בחלק הקידמי והאחורי של הבגד. אסור היה ליהודים ללכת על המדרכה. נעלצו היהודים לעבוד בעבודות קשות. היה אסור לאוכלוסיה להיות בקשר עם יהודים ביוחד אסור למכור להם מזון. יהודים רבים לא היו בבתיהם עקב הפגזות גרמניות נגד הנסיונות של הרוסים לשחרר את העיר. אחרים פשוט סרבו למסור את הפרטים לגרמנים.
הגטו הראשון הוקם ככל הנראה כבר באוגוסט 1941, באזור פודניקוליה (Podnikolye), סמוך לבית העלמין היהודי, ורוכזו בו גם יהודים מכפרים ועיירות סמוכות.
להגטו השני: ב-7 בספטמבר החליטו הגרמנים להקטין את שטח הגטו. ב-25 בספטמבר 1941, על-פי צו של אוטו ברדפיש (Otto Bradfisch), מפקד איינזצקומנדו 8, הרשויות האזרחיות הבלרוסיות המקומיות הורו ליהודים לעבור לגטו חדש, מעבר לנהר דוברובנקה (Dubrovenka).
הגטו השלישי או נקודת איסוף לפני הוצאה להורג היה ליד Mogilyov Hotel של היום. גטו נוסף היה בבית חרושת Strommashina  של מוהילב. היהודים נאלצו לעבוד ולא סיפקו להם מזון. הגרמנים גזזו פיאות, הרביצו, וסתם רצחו יהודים ללא כל סיבה בכל מקום בגטו ובבית הקברות היהודי  Mashekovka.
Belorussia ,Mogilev, עובדי כפייה יהודים מפנים חפצים מהרחוב.                                                                                                                    Zwangsarbeit von Juden in Mogilev                                                                                                                                                       ארכיון יד ושם, 86FO7
רצח היהודים – Murder of Jews
On October 2nd at 15:30, the 9th companion together with HQ staff of the Higher SS and Police Leader “Center” and the Ukrainian auxiliary police, carried out an action in the ghetto in Mogilev 65 were shot trying to escape. On October 3  Companies 7 and 9 executed 2,208 male and female Jews in a forest outside of Mogilev. On October 19, 1941, a large-scale operation against the Jews was carried out in Mogilev with the aid of the Police Regiment “Center.” 3,726 Jews of both sexes and all ages were liquidated by this action. On October 23, 1941, to prevent further acts of sabotage and to combat the partisans, a further number of Jews from Mogilev and surrounding area, 239 of both sexes, were liquidated.
 Testimony  –   עידות
האקציה הראשונה: ב-2 עד ה-3 באוקטובר 1941 רצחו הגרמנים והבלארוסים 2,270 יהודים מהגטו ליד הכפר הסמוך קזימירובקה. האקציה השניה: ב-17 עד ה-19 באוקטובר 1941 רצחו אלו כ-3,700 יהודים נוספים מהגטו ליד הכפר הסמוך Polykovichi-פוליחוביצ’י, Kazimirovka, ו- Novopashkovo. האחרונים להיהרג היו בעלי מקצועות: shoemakers, saddlers, locksmiths, blacksmiths, carpenters, tailors, tinsmiths, tanners, glaziers and painters.  הם נשמרו ב-Dimitrov plant “Strommashina”.
הימלר ביקר בגטו באוקטובר 23, 1941. עכשיו הגרמנים תקפו את המשפחות המעורבות. היו מקרים שאשה גרמניה רצחה במוידיה את בעלה וילדי הכדי להישאר בחיים. בסתו 1943 הגרמנים אספו שיירי הגופות של ההרוגים ושרפו את הכל.
ב-23 באוקטובר 1941 החלה אקציית חיסול בגטו שבעיר, בה נרצחו למעלה מ-1,000 היהודים שנותרו בו. בדצמבר 1941 נרצחו יתרתם, ככל הנראה במשאיות גז ” Cyclone B “. משארים שכ-12,000 יהודים נהרגו במוהילב.
יהודי מוהילב השתתפו בהתנגדות היהודית בשואה שביצעו יהודים במהלך השואה נגד הנאצים, משתפי הפעולה עימם ועושי דברם, במטרה לעכב או למנוע את השמדתם או במטרה לשמור על צלם אנוש בגטאות, במחנות הריכוז והעבודה, ובמחנות ההשמדה.
A Jewish partisan group of the brigade named after Valery Chkalov.[30] Belorussia, 1943                                       פרטיזנים יהודים
הנצחה בבית הקברות היהודי במוגילב – Memorial in Mogilev Jewish Cemetery
Monument to the murdered prisoners of the Mogilev ghetto at Mashekovsky Jewish cemetery צילום: Vadim Akopyan    אנדרטה במוגילב לזכר נרצח הגטו
אנדרטה לשואה בבית הקברות היהודי במוגילב
Memorial stone “In memory of the Jews of Mogilev – victims of Nazism” near the regional philharmonic society. Photo:Vadim Akopyan                                                                                                                                                                         אנדרטה במוגילב באתר הבטו
תפחלה לנרצחי השואה – Prayers for the Holocaust Victims
מפת מוגילב                Map of Mogilev
צילומי מוגילב משנות 1950-1960
Black and white photographs from the 1950s to 1960s from a private archive showing the history of Mogilev in photographs together with retro music of that time. At Karl Liebknecht Street  #21, the building that housed the former synagogue was transformed today into a fitness center.
אחרי המלחמה שבו יהודים לחיות בעיר. בית-הכנסת האחרון נסגר בפקודת השלטונות ב-1959 והבניין נעשה למועדון ספורט.
Note the Magen David in the decoration above the windows
  יהדות מוהילב כיום – Jewish Community of Mogilev Today – Prayers and Kosher Food in Mogilev – ארוחות ותפילות במוגילב
כיום מתגוררים בעיר מוהילב כ-5,000 יהודים. בעיר מתגורר שליח חב”ד מנחם מנדל אלפרוביץ הפועל מטעם “איגוד הקהילות היהודיות בחבר העמים” אשר מפעיל בית ספר יהודי, בית כנסת ובית תמחוי.
Chabad Jewish Center  Mogilev, Belarus
כיום מתגוררים בעיר מוהילב כ-5,000 יהודים. בעיר מתגורר שליח חב”ד מנחם מנדל אלפרוביץ הפועל מטעם “איגוד הקהילות היהודיות בחבר העמים” לקירוב יהודים ליהדות, אשר מפעיל בית ספר יהודי, בית כנסת ובית תמחוי ומחייה מחדש את החיים היהודיים בעיר.
Komsomlskaya 8a/21     Mogilev, 212030 Belarus
           Phone: 375-222-251803Local Time: GMT +3
www.JewishMogilev.org            Rabbi Menachem Mendel Alperovitch, Rabbi             Mrs. Rivka Alperovitch, Director
  Hyesyet Baruh Evreiskaja Obschina  – בית הכנסת הליטאי
Leninsky 16v str., Moghilev, , Belarus
Phone: +375222310805
בית הכנסת הליטאי
Jewish Reconstruction in Mogiliv – שיקום מבנים יהודיים במוגילב
בשטח הגטו היהודי צמוד לנהר הדנייפר הוכם מגן דוד. בית הכנסת בתהליכי שיקום. לשיקום הישיבה אין עדין תקציב ועומד מאחורי קיר. לעומת זאת בסמוך מוקמת כנסיה.
מבנה בישיבה במוגילב
סיור במוגילב (בשפה בלארוסית)
מוגילב מככבת בסרטי מלחמה
The battle for Mogilev (1941 -1945) \ Битва за Могилев 1941 -1945
The battle for Mogilev (Movie) Battle scene
יומנו השלם של אברהם זלמן כהן: Hebrew autobiograhy of Abraham Zalman Cohen describing Jewish life in Czarist White Russian village of Bogushevichi, Communist Revolution, escape and immigration to the United State, work in New York City and Peekskill, NY and building a family in the Jewish Community of Ossining, NY/
Forty Five Years on the Block – The Autobiography Of Abraham Zalman Cohen: אנגלית
מכתבים ששלח אליהו – צבי – הירש כהן – כגן מבלרוס אל בנו ואל קרובי משפחתו בארה”ב : Letters sent by Eliahu – Zvi – Hirsh Cohen – Kagan to his son, Avraham – Zalman Cohen, in 1927 through 1937
All the links to our pilgrimage to Belarus
מינסק – Minsk
יאמא – Yama
מאלי טרוסטינץ – Maly Trostinets
חאטין –  Khatyn
בורוסוב – Borisov
שקלוב – Shklov
םוגילב – Mogilev
בושאַוויץ – Bogushevichi
סמילביצ׳י – Смілавічы
מוגילב – מוהילב – Mogilev מוהילב - מוגילב (Могилёв-Магiлёў) היא עיר בבלארוס, בירת מחוז מוהילב. העיר שוכנת לצידו של נהר הדנייפר. [לא לערבב עם מוהיליב-פודילסקי בבאוקראינה.] משפחתי התגוררה סמוך לכאן ב
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quincehat2-blog · 5 years
The Dominick Neusch House - 15 Commerce Street
The cast iron areaway railing was updated in the 1840's or '50's with an anthemion-themed Greek Revival design.
Perhaps no one was more involved in Greenwich Village's building boom of the 1820's than Charles Oakley.  He constructed dozens of houses and shops, including a row of four Late Federal-style homes at Nos. 9 through 15 Commerce Street in 1826.  Two and a half stories tall and 21-feet wide, they featured brownstone stoops above English basements and graceful but unpretentious decorative details.
The openings wore simple brownstone sills and lintels.  The entrance of No. 15 featured paneled pilasters and narrow sidelights.  One or two dormers would have originally pierced the slightly-peaked roof.
Susan Henshaw lived at No. 15 by 1834.  The widow of William H. Henshaw, she would be the first of several widows to occupy the house.   She died on February 25, 1844 at the age of 75.  Interestingly, there was no mention in local newspapers of a funeral.  Instead, the New-York Daily Tribune said only "Her remains will be taken to Greenwood Cemetery for interment this (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock, from her late residence No. 15 Commerce street."
The next occupant was William F. Godfrey.  A city employee, he had the title of Superintendent of Carts.  He was, as well, highly involved in local politics and in 1853 was chairman of the 9th Ward 22nd Council District.  He held a meeting in the house on October 19 that year to nominate Aaron L. Deveau for the office of district councilman.
It was probably the last gathering in the Godfrey parlors.  A week earlier he had placed an advertisement in The New York Herald that read "A piano for sale--A very fine toned instrument, 6-3/4 octaves compass, rosewood case, with round corners, almost new."  The ad explained that the owner was moving and asked $175 for the instrument.  It hinted at the Godfreys' high-end furnishings, the price equal to about $5,730 today.
Another widow moved into No. 15.  As was common, she garnered extra money by renting out a room.  On June 28, 1859 she advertised "A young American widow, without family, will let a furnished room to a gentleman and lady, without board or with board for lady only, or would accommodate one young lady."
It would appear her tenant opted for board, because three months later an advertisement sought "An intelligent Protestant woman (widow preferred) to do the general housework" and stressed the applicant "must be a good plain cook and first rate washer."  Meals were the only amenity the boarder would received.  The ad mentioned that the applicant would have "only one to wash for."
In March 1861 she was looking for a new boarder.  "A young American widow, living alone and having more room than she requires, would let one Room or a Parlor and Bedroom, with breakfast if desired.  House neat and location convenient."
Whether the young widow remarried soon after that ad, or if the house was rented to Louise Mortimer is unclear.  In either case the Civil War would upend her domestic stability after her husband went off to fight, ending her income.  She looked for a job in January 1862 as she prepared to give up the Commerce Street house.
"A lady, who is about breaking up housekeeping and whose husband is at the seat of war, would like to procure a situation as housekeeper in a gentleman's family; widower or bachelor preferred."
A subsequent advertisement only three months later revealed that Louise had received tragic news.  "House wanted by a widow, without children."
The entrance is an understated example of the late Federal style.
Around the end of the war the house was procured by real estate operator John McClelland.   Following his death his estate sold the property on April 3, 1875 to Dominick Neusch.  He paid the equivalent of $132,000 today.  Exactly one week later he filed plans to alter the dwelling.
The Real Estate Record & Builders' Guide reported on April 10 that he had hired builders Steel & McLaughlin to add a full third story to the house.  The alterations cost him $650, or about $15,000 today.  The seamless addition copied the lower openings and featured an up-to-date Italianate cornice.
It may have been that John Laird was leasing the house when Neusch purchased it.  In any event, his family was living here on April 17, 1876 when his widowed mother died.  Her funeral was held in the house two days later.
Before long, however, the Neusch family had moved in, including daughters Magdalena and Emma.  Dominick Neusch died in the house on New Year's Day, 1904 at the age of 77.  The house was left to his unmarried daughters.  Magdalena and Emma were still living here at late as 1917.
By the early 1920's Anthony DeVola leased the house from the Neusch family.  In March 1922 he rented a room to Salatil S. Gupge.  The 29-year old had left his native India about eight years earlier to pursue his education.  He had been studying at the University of Illinois in Urbana.
The New York Times would later remark "Gupge, always well dressed and polished of manner, became a part of the home life of the DeVola's.  Much of his time he spent in his room perusing books of a philosophical and religious nature.  He seldom sought the companionship of women, though he was courteous and conversational whenever he came in contact with them."
Gupge's father. Sirnker Sitarus, was chief engineer in the town of Kholatur, near Bombay.  The family was "distinguished" in the community.  Gupge did not take his father's surname according to Hindu custom.
At around 11 on the morning of July 30, 1922, Gupge had not come down for breakfast.  DeVola went to check on him and smelled gas while going up the stairs.  The Times reported "His knock failed to bring a reply.  DeVola broke in the door and found the young student fully clothed on the bed, with the windows closed and two gas jets open."
DeVola turned off the gas and opened the windows, and then tried to rouse Gupge while his son ran for a policeman.  When an ambulance from St. Vincent's Hospital arrived, Gupge was pronounced dead.
Newspapers continually described Gupge as a "Hindu" and The New York Herald went even further by saying "a Hindu student of motion picture photography was found dead in bed yesterday in his room in a Hindu rooming house at 15 Commerce street."
An Urbana, Illinois newspaper was not glowing in its recollections of the dead man.  "He was not a brilliant scholar, but was considered a 'plodder,' somewhat handicapped by his lack of knowledge of this country.  There was nothing in his career here out of the ordinary.  He was not known to have any women friends and had very few friends among the male students."
A number of sealed letters, apparently written just before his death, were turned over to the police, who deemed it a suicide.  Others were not so sure.  The New York Herald reported "Anthony De Vala [sic]...and Hindu friends of the dead man expressed the belief that it was an accident, as the jet was not turned on fully."
The Commerce Street block saw an unusual amount of foot traffic the following day.  The New York Times reported on July 31, "The prominence of Gupge...among his own people was attested by the number of Hindu residents of the city who filed into the rooming house throughout the day and discussed the young man's death."
The last of the Neusch descendants to own No. 15 were Mrs. Beulah R. Morse and Mrs. Ida C. Nehb.  On May 13, 1946 The Times reported "A dwelling in Greenwich Village that had been in the family of the sellers for seventy-two years passed to new hands."  The women had sold it in an all-cash deal to "an investor."
Other than updating the plumbing that year, the new owner did not make any significant changes to the old house.  One of the two renovations in 1953 and 1968 included the stuccoing of the facade.  A gut renovation was begun in 2013 which resulted in what a realtor calls "a stylish, light and open plan."  No trace of the historic interiors remain.
photographs via DouglasElliman. com
photographs by the author
Source: http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/2018/10/the-dominick-neusch-house-15-commerce.html
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