luntian-berdengguhit · 10 years
dauntless-retaliate replied to your photoset:[sauce] I WANT A YASU AND I’LL MAKE A TADAKATSU...
T-t-the Keiji one ;3;
Ahaha! ;U; Look at his smile~!
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woshixia · 10 years
"Pooo... Mama hasn't been able to pop around as much as she pleases.." =A=
   "Mother?" Ottis questioned, raising his eyebrows slightly. "What's the matter?" Obviously, she can pop around as much as she'd like... right? Was it too difficult to come and see him?
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    "Maybe we should move to China... or you can join the Shepherds. I'm sure Great Uncle wouldn't mind you joining. I think you would be a valuable asset to our forces."
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artofstrategy-blog · 10 years
The young male clad in rich orange and blues was at a complete loss. The Mori study, library and even his own personal collection of books were already read through by him. Every genre he could think of, every kind of book thick or thin--- All things he'd already read. It was a bit disconcerting, as reading was the only thing he was able to enjoy. He even had considered reading over a book again, if not for the simple fact that he'd practically done that with most of these books more than once..Quite frankly it was beginning to get a little old. He could probably recite these books by heart if he wanted. Although uncharacteristic of him to willingly venture out, he knew that if he'd any hope for his own hobby and sanity to be salvaged, it was unfortunately the only course he have to take. He hadn't even planned to travel too far and if there was a lesson to be learned from all of this, it was to never fall asleep on a ship no matter how tired you were. You'd probably wake up exactly as Takakage, in a strange place you were unfamiliar with. Rubbing at his eyes, still exhausted as he stepped off the ship, he supposed he would have to make do. There was absolutely no use in panicking over everything. The ship wasn't leaving until tomorrow morning, leaving him lots of time to spare. Perhaps he'd be able to still fulfill his need for literature anyways. "Excuse me, miss...?" Smiles, crossing his arms. "Do you know where there are any places around here to purchase books and the like?"
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flourpicker-blog · 10 years
What if Owain and Mingxia had a kid---
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
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Name: Ottis (Chinese Name: Sima Tengfei 司马 鼟飛)Gender: Male, because please imagine Mingxia scolding her son-General Appearance: Ocean blue eyes with raven black hair, always slicked back. It’s rare to see him with his hair down.Special Talents: his looks because he’s so damn attractive i mean what, he his strong and fierce in battle, but he never gets the chance to use his talents in battle, due to his illness. if he manages to get into the army, he ends up pursuing the path of a scholar, but he is highly reluctant to do so, preferring to become the hero of the battlefield. Who they like better: OwainWho they take after more: MingxiaPersonal Head canon: A bit bashful about things relating to more intimate actions (wink wink) and romantic gestures. Mostly keeps his cool, and is a silent and brooding man obviously. A TSUNDERE. Also a bit sickly, since being sick runs in the Sima family (whispers yuqing i mean what). Also shares Owain’s hero complex, but unfortunately, he was limited due to his illness. When he was little, he would come home with dirt smeared all over his face, causing Mingxia to angrily scold him for leaving. Owain, on the other hand, would be slightly delighted that he also wanted to know how to be a hero, and offered to teach Ottis the way of the sword.Face Claim: 
Ryoji Mochizuki from Persona 3
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academycasanova-blog · 10 years
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"It’s you! I didn’t think I’d be granted another chance to see you again!"
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Send in a “ψ" and I’ll tell you which Greek God/Goddess/Mythological Figure your Muse reminds me of.
Atalanta comes to mind-
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luntian-berdengguhit · 10 years
dauntless-retaliate How does it taste like??? oAo Gah, I wanna try lambanog, too! O7o *gets high* Hnn, lambanog those are the one with bubble gum flavour, right? 8D Gaah! ›7‹
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reticentwings · 10 years
      The black-haired girl is unfamiliar. Where does she hail from? The thoughts swirling in his mind, he is hesitant to approach the woman. Her presence irks him, however... why is it like that?
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     "Speak. Who are you?"
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luneincendie · 10 years
{☽} — Olden scents and structures spark curiosity within the officer's core, immediately knowing that he is no longer in the realm of deities and youkai, but the faint stench of war and politics. He feels himself being stared at, wearing Heian attire and bearing golden strands for hair. Some even approach him just to look into those turquoise orbs and piercings that none of them have. Infants, without him even realizing it, also tug and grab at his strangely colored hair, only to be shushed and scolded by their mothers.
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           He hides by the entrance of a remote place surrounded by trees, leaning against the stone wall behind him. Curses and swears are muttered in foreign tongue by those petite lips of his. That is, until he hears the rustling of leaves and moves to hides behind a tree, peeking only as much as the corner of his eye could see.
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luntian-berdengguhit · 10 years
Tagged by dauntless-retaliate. Thank you for tagging me, papa Jiang Wei!<3
1. I love watching weather forecasts! Specially if I know a friend who lives in a certain place. And what I mean friend, I mean followers. o7o I like it when I know about their weather. Sooo, before I follow, honestly, I look at where they live. >///>;;;;;;
2. I'm all talk... /)/////(\ I say so much things but might just do 1/4 of them and the rest are forgotten... /)/////////////(\;;; So if ever I did promise something and it's taking forever, I appreciate it if you'll remind me about iiit. *throws self off a cliff* How embarrassing...
3. Height differences is my weakness. I loooove small characters with lovers taaaall as a building! /////7/////
4. Have bad time management. QuQ
5. I don't like doing household chores. >,> I do them once in a blue moon. x'D
6. Have the thing for dark skinned characters. >,>;;;;;
I taaaaaaag crocus29, striga-galanthus, solisxmedia, scarletfiend aaaaand everyone can do this too if ever you want. >w< <333
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jiananfeng · 10 years
dauntless-retaliate this-sworn-lullaby oshudragon
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"Hey, you..Yes, you. Be my servant." She greeted them. Wait, is that a proper greet...? She is not so sure. She pulled a paper to take a look back on the guide to a proper meeting. 
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