#davey jacobs x redaer
The Park ~ Davey Jacobs x Reader
And in that moment, David “Davey” Jacobs fell in love with you.
He saw you. He saw you. He saw you.
Holy shit this is long. And not requested. I haven’t done a Davey Jacobs thing yet so here’s one. Let me know your thoughts, please! I’ll give you cookies!
WC: 3,298
Warning: Parental death, Like one swear word
David “Davey” Jacobs was never one to love something with all his heart. Except Les, of course. He’d normally just really enjoy things or maybe have a little crush on someone but nothing more.
That was, until he saw you.
No, it wasn’t one of those mushy “love at first sight” kinda things.
It was when he actually saw you. When he saw you for who you really were. When he saw all your perfect imperfections. When he saw all your hopes and dreams. When he saw how sweet and caring you were.
That’s when David “Davey” Jacobs knew he loved you with all his heart.
But this was after months of knowing you, so let’s start from the beginning.
“C’mon, Davey! We’re almost there! Can’t have my goil waiting,” Les said as he ran towards the towns park.
David sighed, barely looking up from his book as he walked slowly behind his brother. “I’m coming, Les. And she wont be waiting. It’s still another ten minutes before you told her you would meet her,” the older boy explained.
Les laughed and continued on his way. A few minutes later, the brothers had arrived at the small park. David promptly sat down on a bench and continued his book. He would glance up every once in a while to make sure Les was still within his sight. Speaking of, the young boy straightened out his clothes and fixed his hair as he waited for his girl to arrive for their date.
Eventually, the ten minute mark had arrived, but there was no sign of his girl. His smile did falter a bit, but Les still stood proud and presentable as he waited.
Five minutes passed and still no sign of her.
Seven and Les lost his smile.
Ten minutes and Les didn’t bother to fix his hair when the wind blew on it.
Fifteen and the little boy sat on the ground.
Twenty and Les knew he had been stood up. He sighed and played with the blades of grass. Les heard footsteps and was met with someone crouching down next to him.
“Hey, little dude. You okay?”
Les looked up to see you smiling at him. He sighed and shook his head. “Nah really. My goil didn’t show up.”
You frowned and ruffled his hair. “I’m sorry about that. Maybe I can be your girl? That way you can make her jealous,” you said with a wink.
The little boy smiled. “Really? Youse do that for me?”
“Of course! Now come on, last one to the slide is a rotten egg,” you laughed and started running towards the play set.
Les laughed and chased after you.
David looked up from his book when he heard Les laugh. When his eyes landed on you, he quickly got up and ran over to his brother. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing with my little brother?”
You raised an eyebrow in confusion as you sat at the top of the slide. “What does it look like? I’m playin’ with him.”
“Yeah, well, don’t!”
Les sighed. “You don’t want someone playin’ with me, Davey?”
You stifled a laugh. “Davey? Is that really what it says on your birth certificate?”
David blushed lightly, but kept his glare. “It’s David, actually. Davey is just what my friends call me. I’m sure your name isn’t any better.”
“Y/N. That’s the one I was born with. My friends don’t have a nickname for me. Not yet, at least,” you shrugged.
“Davey, let us get back ta playin’,” Les said.
“No. We’re going home, Les,” David commanded and grabbed his brothers arm, starting to drag him home.
“Hey! Relax, Davey,” you said and hopped off the slide. You stepped in front of him, blocking his path. “Les just wants to play for a bit. You can join us if you think I’m gonna hurt him.”
David frowned. “Don’t call me ‘Davey.’ And we’re going home.”
“Please, Davey. Let me play with my goil,” Les said, pouting with his bottom lip.
You smirked and crossed your arms over your chest. “You wouldn’t separate your brother from his girl, would you, Davey?”
The older boy rolled his eyes. “Fine. Thirty minutes. And again, don’t call me Davey.”
Laughing, you grabbed Les’ hand and pulled him to the monkey bars. “Sure thing, Davey.”
Soon enough, thirty minutes came to an end, and David was sure to let you know by grabbing Les’ hand and beginning to walk away. “But Davey, Ise still playin’.” Les frowned, trying to convince him to stay longer.
You frowned and followed after them. “Davey, let Les play longer if he’s having fun. You don’t control him anyways.”
David turned on his heel. “Oh, and you do?”
You stepped close to him so that you were only a few inches apart. “That’s not what I meant. I meant Les is his own person. Let him decide how long and who he wants to play with.”
The tall boy let out a huff. “I see. You think he’s your own brother, don’t you? You want to take care of him ‘cause you’re his ‘girl’.”
“I never said that!”
“You didn’t have to. I did.”
Your fists clenched as you stood on the tips of your toes, leveling your eyes with his. “Alright. Listen here, David…whatever your last name is.”
“Whatever! I don’t care! The point is just because you want something to happen doesn’t mean everyone else has to follow! You’re not a union leader; no ones following you or looking to you for guidance!” You look down at Les. “I’ll be back here at two tomorrow if you want to continue playing,” you said, giving him a soft smile.
The little Jacobs smiled brightly and nodded. “Ise see you then!”
David glared at you before tugging Les away. “Yeah. We’ll see you then, Y/N,” he spat.
You crossed your arms and watched them walk away before letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Tomorrow. Right. We’re gonna make it to an hour.”
The next day, you sat on a bench while you waited for the brothers to return. Soon enough you heard Les call out your name. You stood up and smiled him. “Hey, Les. Good to see Davey didn’t lock you in a cage to keep you from playing today.”
“Ha, ha. Very funny, Y/N,” David mocked. “And it’s David. Not Davey.”
“Yeah sure it is,” you said, waving your hand carelessly. “Race you to the slide, Les!”
The little boy laughed and sprinted to the slide. You giggled as you watched him go before turning to his older brother. “So, how long does he have to play today?”
David crossed his arms and walked with you to the swing set beside the slide. “I wanted thirty minutes, but Mom said we were spending too much time inside so we have to stay out for at least an hour today,” he explained.
You nodded and sat on one of the swings. Slowly, you let your legs rock back and forth till you started swinging. David sat in the swing next to you and took out his book.
“Davey, come play with us! We’s gonna play tag,” Les said when he walked over to you two.
“Oh, that would be fun! Tag is so much better with three people than two. Right, Davey?” You pulled the book out of his hands and put it in his bag. “Come play with your brother and his girl.”
David frowned and adjusted his cap. “Fine. One round and then I’m going back to reading,” he mumbled and stood up.
“Awesome,” you smiled. “Nose goes!” You and Les quickly touched the end of your noses with your finger while David stood confused. “Looks like Davey’s ‘It’ first! Ready?”
Les nodded and got into a running position. “Set! Go!” The two of you ran off in different directions.
“Hey, wait! Shouldn’t we go over the rules before you run off like that?” David asked as he ran towards Les.
About two hours later, the three of you had finished your game. “Wow, Davey. I gotta say, you don’t strike me as a sprinter. Could’ve sworn it was a pair of noodles under those pants,” you laughed and elbowed his side.
David let a small smile grace his lips. “You’re not so bad yourself, Y/N. Honestly didn’t think you’d be able to outrun me so many times.”
“Well it wasn’t easy, let me tell ya,” you smiled.
“Wasn’t easy on my part, either,” the boy laughed.
“Davey! Quit tryin’ ta steal my goil,” Les said, standing before you two.
Both you and David blushed; your cheeks turning a light shade of red. “Les! I’m not—we’re—just—no,” David somehow managed to get out.
The little boy grabbed your hand and dragged you to the monkey bars. “Y/N is my goil, Davey! Get yer own!”
You laughed at David’s shocked expression and pulled Les to a halt. “Hey, bud. I’d love to keep playing, but I’ve actually got to get home now. I’ve got to make dinner for my Dad.”
Les frowned and threw his arms around your waist. “Aww, okay. Ise see you tomorrow?” Les asked.
You hugged him back. “I’m not sure. I’ll have to see if I have plans.”
“Well, here.” You turned, letting go of Les, to see David standing in front of you holding out his phone. “Why don’t you put your number in here and we can let you know when we’re free tomorrow. Then maybe our times will match up,” David explained.
You smiled and took his phone, putting in your information. “Sounds like a plan, Davey.” You handed it back to him. “Text me so I get your number and I’ll talk to you guys later!” With a small wave, you ran down the street back home.
Later that night, you got a call from your Dad.
“Hey, Y/N. Listen, I’m so sorry but they’re keeping me for the late shift again tonight,” he said through the phone.
You nodded as you finished whipping the mashed potatoes. “That’s fine, Dad. I’ll keep your dinner in the fridge so you can heat it up when you get home.”
He sighed. “Thanks, Sweetie. Are you sure you’ll be alright on your own? I can always tell them I can’t.”
“Dad, you know we need the money. Plus, you might not even get called out tonight. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to just sleep through your shift,” you smiled and got out a plate for yourself.
Your Dad laughed. “That would be awesome.” You could hear the sound of a firetrucks horn going off. “Shit. Just got a call. I’ll talk to you later, Y/N. Call me if you need anything! Love you!” And with that, he hung up.
Sighing, you whispered, “Love you, too,” before putting the phone on the table. You quietly filled your plate and sat at the table. Before you started eating, your phone buzzed.
Unknown: Hey, Y/N. It’s David.
You smiled at his appropriate use of grammar before replying.
Y/N: hi Davey. so my dad wont be hanging with me tomorrow so im free to go to the park whenever
Davey: Oh, alright. How about the same time as today?
Y/N: sounds great! ill c u then!
For the next few weeks, you would meet up with Davi—Davey and Les at the park and hang out for a few hours before heading home for dinner. Your Dad had been too busy at the Fire Station to come home most nights, so you entertained yourself with long texts conversations with Davey. Nowadays, you two would Skype during dinner so your conversations could become more in depth. Of course, they would continue at the park the next day.
You two soon became close friends as you shared everything together. Hopes, dreams, books, songs, really anything that popped into your mind you shared.
Even the story of your Mother.
“Y/N…I’m so sorry,” Davey said when you first told him. Les was off playing with some friends around his age so you two sat alone on top of the monkey bars.
You wiped your eyes and forced out a smile. “It’s fine, really. It’s not like it’s your fault or anything. That’s why my Dad became a Firefighter. He didn’t want anyone to loose their loved ones in the same way we did,” you explained and bit your lip, holding back a sob.
Davey frowned and wrapped his arms around you. “Don’t hold it in. It’ll only make you hurt. It’s okay. I’ll hold you ‘till you’re done,” he whispered.
Your heart clenched at his kind words. You felt your eyes water. Gripping his shirt tightly, you let the tears pour. All the while, Davey rubbed your back, telling you it was okay and that he’s got you. Eventually, you finished and pulled away from him. “Thanks for that,” you said.
Davey smiled. “Don’t mention it.”
At the moment, you knew you had fallen in love with David “Davey” Jacobs.
You saw him. You saw him. You saw him. So, you smiled back.
And in that moment, David “Davey” Jacobs fell in love with you.
He saw you. He saw you. He saw you.
Bolting out of bed in a cold sweat, you tried your best to steady your breathing. It had been a few weeks since you told Davey the story. Dreams of your Mom and what happened that unfortunate night were coming back to haunt you.
This dream, though, was the most realistic one yet.
Scrambling through the darkness, you reached for your phone to call your Dad. It was who you usually called when you woke up from these dreams. Shaking, you typed “DA” into your phone and pressed the call button. You didn’t wait for your Dad to say “hello” after he picked up before you started to explain what had happened.
“Dad, this dream was so realistic! It was like I could feel the flames! I saw her! I tried to reach out for her but she wouldn’t grab on! I tried going back in for her but they wouldn’t let me! They wouldn’t let me, Dad! I was right there! She was so close and—“
The voice brought you to a halt. That wasn’t your Dads voice.
“Y/N, are you okay? What’s going on?” Davey asked. You could hear him rustling in the background. “Do you need help?”
“O-Oh, Davey. I’m so sorry! I meant to call my Dad but I guess your name popped up first,” you explained and sniffed.
“Y/N, meet me at the park in ten, okay? I’m already on my way there,” the eldest Jacobs said. You heard a door slam shut and sneakers slapping pavement.
“O-Okay,” you whispered and got your shoes on. “I’ll see you then.”
You spotted Davey sitting at the top of the slide. Hugging your sides, you trudged over to him. “Hey,” you mumbled and climbed up next to him.
He smiled. “Hey.” Davey opened his arms for you to which you gladly accepted, snuggling into his side. “You okay?”
Shaking your head, you replied. “No. I’m not. I’m so sorry, Davey. I’m sorry I woke you up at two in the morning I should’ve made sure it was actually my Dad when—“
“Stop, Y/N,” Davey said, looking down at you. “That doesn’t matter. What does is what happened. So…what happened?”
You sat up a bit so you two were eye level. “I…I had a nightmare…about my Mom.”
Davey sighed. “I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help you. I’ve read books to try to see if I could but so far nothings come up and I know your Dad is rarely home and—“
“Wait,” you interrupted. “You were trying to find stuff to help me?”
The boy blushed lightly. “Yeah, I was. Les actually told me you were having trouble sleeping when he saw the bags under your eyes one day. I kinda pieced it together with your Mom and tried to see if there was a simple way to solve it.”
Your heart soared at the thought of Davey trying to help you. Leaning forward and blaming your exhaustion for your actions, you whispered out a quick “Thank you” before planting your lips onto his.
As unprepared as he was, Davey only took a few seconds to kiss you back. He cupped your cheek in one hand while using the other on the small of your back to pull you closer. You softly tangled one hand in his hair and used the other to steady yourself, holding his bicep.
After a few blissful moments, you two pulled away. You opened your eyes to see Davey staring at you with a look you’ve only seen in movies. You couldn’t help but place a chaste kiss to his lips because of it.
Neither of you said a word, afraid of ruining the moment. Hands intertwined, you both made your way off the slide and walked back to your house. You two went upstairs to your room, removed your shoes, and climbed into bed. After one more short and sweet kiss, Davey pulled you into his chest and hugged you close.
For the first time in that week, you fell asleep with a smile on your face. Your night was nightmare free as he held you.
The next day, you and Davey walked to the park together to meet with Les.
“Davey! Where’d ya go? Mom wouldn’ tell me what yer note said,” the little Jacobs exclaimed as he saw you two approach. One quick glance at your hands caused Les to smirk. “Ya went ‘nd stole my goil, huh?”
Davey laughed and squeezed your hand. “I guess I did. Sorry, Les.”
“Probably for ta best. I got goils linin’ up just ta talk ta me, now,” Les smiled and ran off to where a group of young girls waited for him.
You laughed and faced Davey. “Your little brothers gonna have a ton of girl problems.”
Davey smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “Good thing I only have the one to deal with,” he teased.
You laughed and pulled him down for a kiss.
From then on, Davey made sure he was always there when you slept. And if he couldn’t stay the whole night, he would at least make sure you fell asleep peacefully before he left. Your Dad was okay with him staying over because 1) Davey made you happy and 2) He knew Davey was too shy to even think about trying anything until after you two got married.
It was no surprise when Davey first said “I love you” right before you drifted off to sleep, this night in his house. Your eyes sprung back open.
“Oh my gosh I messed up, didn’t I? I’m so sorry, Y/N. I should’ve known it was too soon. We’ve only been dating for like two months and—“
“Davey, hey,” you smiled and kissed him. “I love you, too.”
The boy smiled and pulled you tight, kissing the top of your head. He then made sure to tell you he loved you at least five times a day so that you would never forget.
In conclusion, David “Davey” Jacobs was never one to love something with all his heart. Except Les, of course. He’d normally just really enjoy things or maybe have a little crush on someone but nothing more.
That was, until he saw you.
And that’s when David “Davey” Jacobs fell in love with Y/N Y/L/N.
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fanficnstuuff · 6 years
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I would like the call attention to Davey’s face.
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