#dax is a misfit in someway i know it i'll get back to you
dadbodbensisko-moved · 9 months
Deep Space Nine is a Community of Misfits
I feel like we don't discuss the fact that the Deep Space Nine Federation crew was basically sent there to rot. It was a shitty assignment, and likely issued to officers that weren't very promising. But when the wormhole is discovered, they rise to the challenge. When the war starts, they rise to the challenge. The Bajorans initially see the Federation as more conquerors (see: Kira Nerys) and they know the Starfleet officers don't want to be there, so they're openly hostile, which makes the federation hostile right back. They absolutely don't trust each other. The odds were not in their favor. Deep Space Nine should have failed.
And yet, miraculously, Deep Space Nine fucking THRIVED. The wormhole had nothing to do with that. If anything, it made it harder. With little very functioning equipment and people who are likely less than stellar at their jobs, Deep Space Nine should have collapsed under the pressure. But it didn't! Starfleet used Deep Space Nine as their trash can, and yet the officers proved themselves to be remarkable. They weren't stellar at first but they became it.
For realsies? I don't think Deep Space Nine could have succeeded in the way it did under anyone other than Sisko. Sisko knew what needed to be done and his... flexible morals ensured that it got done. Like using Nog, a child, as a bargaining chip to keep Quark on the station.
The crew, and indeed the whole station, are a community of misfits; ones who are saddled with baggage and trauma no less. Each character defies expectations and becomes so much more than the sum of their parts. GOD. I don't know how to end this but like.
Deep Space Nine is where outcasts and the broken go home.
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