#hiding a secret and eventually shows his whole self
dadbodbensisko-moved · 9 months
Deep Space Nine is a Community of Misfits
I feel like we don't discuss the fact that the Deep Space Nine Federation crew was basically sent there to rot. It was a shitty assignment, and likely issued to officers that weren't very promising. But when the wormhole is discovered, they rise to the challenge. When the war starts, they rise to the challenge. The Bajorans initially see the Federation as more conquerors (see: Kira Nerys) and they know the Starfleet officers don't want to be there, so they're openly hostile, which makes the federation hostile right back. They absolutely don't trust each other. The odds were not in their favor. Deep Space Nine should have failed.
And yet, miraculously, Deep Space Nine fucking THRIVED. The wormhole had nothing to do with that. If anything, it made it harder. With little very functioning equipment and people who are likely less than stellar at their jobs, Deep Space Nine should have collapsed under the pressure. But it didn't! Starfleet used Deep Space Nine as their trash can, and yet the officers proved themselves to be remarkable. They weren't stellar at first but they became it.
For realsies? I don't think Deep Space Nine could have succeeded in the way it did under anyone other than Sisko. Sisko knew what needed to be done and his... flexible morals ensured that it got done. Like using Nog, a child, as a bargaining chip to keep Quark on the station.
The crew, and indeed the whole station, are a community of misfits; ones who are saddled with baggage and trauma no less. Each character defies expectations and becomes so much more than the sum of their parts. GOD. I don't know how to end this but like.
Deep Space Nine is where outcasts and the broken go home.
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radiance1 · 6 months
Danny wears sunglasses 24/7.
So much so that slowly it's been ingrained into everyone's minds that he's never taken them off. Like, they can't even remember a time where he hasn't worn sunglasses.
It's just like, his thing.
Why does he wear them? Well, because Danny's previous blue eyes changed to a startling, glowing green that he knows the GIW would eat up and use as a reason to force him into their custody.
His parents? Oh yea they went all in when he they found out why he was wearing them (Reveal gone right au babyy). They made them extremely durable; they can film audio, take pictures, take videos, see through walls and even track down ecto-signatures for whenever he's tracking down a ghost in human form, see through walls and self-cleaning.
(The ectoplasm tracking system is for when they aren't close enough to set off his ghost sense.)
He honestly believes his parents watched a spy movie before they built him these, but it's not like he's going to complain about it. The only time he isn't wearing them is when he goes ghost, you know as a way to not link him to Fenton or whatever.
So, Danny meets John Constantine while the both of them were on the hunt for a ghost who was causing problems in the area. Danny manages to find them first, the ghost in question being an animal who was terrorizing a place because it didn't understand the fact it was dead yet and wanted to protect it's children.
John Constantine comes while Danny is pacifying it. He watches as Danny calms it down enough to get to the babies and sends it to the Ghost Zone after promising it to get them somewhere safe.
John Constantine also saw his eyes, because he pulled his sunglasses off to show them to the ghost as a silent sign to trust him. John Constantine of course asked what he was going to do with the babies, and Danny just sent them over to Sam.
After that he decided to keep an eye on Danny because of his eyes. Which were the eyes of a ghost, and he was genuinely thinking Danny was possessed before that went out the window. So he thinks Danny is a ghost pretending to be human and wasn't able to hide his eyes so he wore sunglasses.
Danny neither confirm nor deny that.
So Danny just kinda followed him around until Constatine eventually made him into a contact whenever he was dealing with ghosts that he could peacefully deal with instead of just forcefully banishing them to the Infinite Realms.
This, eventually, comes to light when Constantine goes "I know a guy." In front of the whole Justice League, bonus points if they somehow come to the conclusion that Danny is Constantine's secret child, sidekick or both.
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How They Tell Their S/O They're Spider-Man (& Spider-Gwen) - Spider-Crew x GN!Reader Headcanons
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Miles - The king of acting like he isn't a nervous wreck. Honestly, it takes Miles months before he finally has the courage to come out and say it. He'd ask Gwen and the others over and over for advice. He prepares a big speech, invites you out so the two of you are alone. And though he has it planned out, he acts nervous the whole date and it's pretty obvious something is up.
Miles can barely remember his speech, but he tells you about how much he cares about you, and how he's been struggling keeping something from you. Eventually, after fighting himself a bit, he tells you he's Spider-man, unzipping his suit to show you the suit under it.
After telling you, he's ten times more relieved. He's just happy he has someone who he can actually talk to about it (besides Genke), and he says up all night telling you about the cool things he's seen. He'd enjoy calling you while on patrol, when he's handling a 'villain-of-the-week'.
Though his biggest hope is that it doesn't change the way you see him, because he's still Miles first, Spider-man second.
Gwen - Gwen really struggles with this. She'd fight the hardest to keep it under wraps, coming up with white lies to keep the peace. It kills her inside, and makes her paranoid knowing that one day she might slip up. But she tries to play it cool, and shrugs it off if anything comes up.
But being confronted is a lot for her to take. The thing Gwen fears the most is hurting the people she loves. If confronted, Gwen would deny it at first, get defensive, then eventually just break down and admit it.
There may be tears, but she's just so done hiding everything from you. She'd hold you, and tell you she's really sorry for lying and hiding everything. The guilt gets to her the most. But afterwards, she's just happy that she can finally show her whole self to you. no more secrets.
She's much happier having someone she can go home to. And even though she doesn't talk about the stress a lot, having a shoulder to lean on really helps her.
Pavitr - If we're being honest, Pavi makes little to no attempt to hide it to begin with. Why? Because being Spider-man is fun, it's the best! Why wouldn't he want to share that with the person closest to him?
It only takes a couple weeks, maybe a month or two before he can't take it anymore and just blurts it out to you. He's nervous, but excited, more hyper than usual. And unlike Miles, he can't beat around the bush. He just says it. One second you're hanging out with your bf, another second he's telling you he's Spider-man, and hanging from the ceiling.
Pavi really likes to show off. He wants to share with you all the cool things he sees and does, and hiding things from his partner for long doesn't sit right with him. He wants to feel close to you, and he can't do that when he's hiding stuff.
Right after he wants to take you web-swinging, or show you all his cool stunts, but he understands if you need a little time. He kinda tells you with little warning.
Hobie - Hobie leaves it up to you. He trusts you and he knows you're smart. That's why he's with you. He knows that eventually, you'll know something is off. So he just lets you piece it all together.
He'll leave parts for his web-shooters around, he won't hide his bruises, or clean the occasional blood off his boots. He may catch something a bit faster than a normal person would, or seem to 'sense' something before anyone else.
He's strong in his morals, and he isn't going to lie to you or try to hide it from you. If he's going out, he'll text you and tell you. And if you ask where he is, you'll get a sarcastic answer. He's not hiding it, he just isn't saying it.
If you decide to not bring it up, fine - it's squashed. If you do come out and ask him, he'll tell you the truth. He'll give you his mask. But he'll also play it off. He doesn't want it to be a big deal, because being Spider-man isn't something he does for fun. Or fame. He does it because his dimension is shit, people are suffering, and someone has to do something.
Really, he hopes it doesn't change anything between the two of you, that he can just be his (super-powered) self, and you'll love him for all the other cool shit he's got going on.
Thanks for reading :) Let me know what you think loves bye
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jubileemon · 8 months
Explaining Huskerdust slowburn
Huskerdust is one of the most popular ships within the Hazbin Hotel fandom, which started with their first interaction in the pilot.
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From the outset, Angel Dust shows a clear attraction towards Husk, which is evident from his immediate flirtatious behavior upon Husk's arrival as the hotel's bartender. This attraction is not subtle as Angel Dust is overt in his advances, often pushing boundaries. On the other hand, Husk was initially dismissive and annoyed by Angel's flirtations, responding with expletives and a general attitude of disinterest. Yet, this sets the stage for a relationship that promises to evolve slowly over time.
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Although they started off bad, with Husk often finding great irritation in Angel's continued advances, their relationship would begin to deepen as the series progresses.
In the beginning, Husk made it no secret that he was forced to stay at the hotel because of his ties to Alastor and would gladly get as far away as he could if able to. He's addicted to gambling, much the same way Angel is addicted to drugs and sex. He used to be an Overlord but gambled away his bound souls until he got desperate enough to sell his own soul to Alastor.
While his words were poorly timed, pushing Angel's buttons after he'd just suffered a night of abuse from Valentino in "Masquerade", it's hard to deny that Husk is right to be frustrated with Angel's sexual harassment. He's cuttingly accurate when he points out how Angel's lewd and carefree behavior is all a self-destructive act that he hides behind to avoid his problems, and that nobody in the Hotel is particularly impressed with or taken by the front he puts up.
In the episode "Masquerade", a pivotal moment occurs when Husk rescues Angel from a potentially dangerous situation at a club that shows a protective side under his gruff exterior. Afterwards, Husk continues to remind Angel that he can stop his act. However, Angel, shedding tears and expressing his sadness, lashes out at Husk as they argue, explaining he needs to be who he is in order to break himself, both to wash away his misery and escape Valentino.
Saddened by this, Husk helps Angel recognize the parallel misery, which led to them both admitting their regrets and Husk revealing his past as an Overlord to Angel.
Husk getting through to Angel Dust in the manner he does makes a considerable amount of sense when it's taken into account that the first step to overcoming drug addiction is usually getting the addict to acknowledge they even have a problem. Angel hasn't been able to get better despite having some genuine interest because he's been utterly refusing to admit he has a problem to fix, the moment he does his mood drastically improves as does his motivation.
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The song 'Loser, Baby' became an uplifting melody for Husk and Angel Dust's relationship. It encapsulates the message that while they may see themselves as losers, they aren't alone in their struggles.
The whole song is just "Stop thinking you're special". Some people may see that as a bad message (at first) considering what Angel goes through, but like him, staying in that mindset of "No one knows what I'm going through, no one else knows what it's like to be me, etc." would not be good for him at all as it would create a barrier of isolation. To be clear, the point is that Husk calls Angel a loser because people, especially very hurt people, need to break their cycle of self-loathing somehow. And sometimes, sometimes, people need to hear that they are, in fact, a loser. But that's okay because a lot of other people are too. This is even reflected in the song, with Angel initially assuming Husk is mocking him, but eventually picking up what he's actually saying. The message isn't "You're not special lmao," it's actually "You're not alone in this, and embracing that is a big step in getting out of it."
A small detail many fans have noticed is that whilst Valentino is very forceful with Angel Dust both emotionally and physically, during the song “Loser, Baby,” Husk is never seen grabbing Angel Dust at all during the song, only ever offering his hand out for him to accept. It's apparent that Husk is expressing more interest in Angel Dust, after seeing that he isn't as shallow as he comes off to be. Since then, Angel and Husk have formed a special bond through being vulnerable and honest with each other. But this scene also shows Husk's concern for Angel's well-being, especially when it comes to drugs and a potential relapse.
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In the episode "Welcome to Heaven", Cherri invites Angel and Husk along with Niffty and Sir Pentious to a bar. During this scene, Cherri tries to motivate Angel to take drugs as a way to relieve stress. Husk reminded Angel it would destroy his progress. Husk then admits that Angel succumbing to drugs would really disappoint him. Angel declines the offer, making Husk smile, but later starts heavily drinking, something Husk disapproves of.
This concern is reciprocated when Angel Dust takes care of a drunk Niffty, suggesting a shift from his earlier, more self-centered behavior. The confrontation with Valentino, where Husk is ready to defend Angel Dust, further cements their bond.
Angel was very attracted to Husk and didn't hide it, with his constant boundary pushing flirtation. After being called out for this behavior, Angel not only begins a genuine bond with the cat demon but also stops the annoying, aggressive flirtation.
As they were preparing to fight the exorcists, Husk unconsciously makes a sex comment saying that "Angels won't stop coming", and Angel laughs at this remark. Husk realizes the double meaning of it, and laughs admitting his mistake.
During the bar scene in "The Show Must Go On" an instrumental of "Loser, Baby" plays in the background during Angel and Husks' conversation, which further underscores the hidden depths of their bond. Angel takes Charlie's words to heart about living however you want that night since it may be your last. How does he choose to do it? By simply having a drink with Husk and Cherri Bomb. Husk even notes that he's changed quite a lot since he came to the hotel.
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Also, the way he looks at Husk and the little piano reprise of "Loser, Baby" playing in the background. Angel's feelings for him may run deeper than they seem... 😍
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myfaveisfuckable · 9 months
Shang Qinghua:
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The guy's a head of logictics in a magic kung fu school in fantasy ancient China. Like his department is basically the normalest guys on the whole mountain. Also in the world where important characters' appearances range from 11/10 to 20/10 hes like a solid 7.
And no one knows he is the literal creator of the world they live in. As in, he's a writer who was reincarnated with memories into the world of his own novel. Like, ppl come to him if they need a roof one of their superpowered teenagers broke fixed and he looks at them and knows their entire life with all of the secrets and traumas they hide, ya feel?
And in addition to that, he's also, in this world, a spy for the demons and a trusted advisor to one demon lord. And eventually they get together. So like imagine if your school's head accountant showed up one day with a huge demon on his arm like Hiiiiiii this is my new bf one of the kings of Hell. And that's Shang Qinghua.
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Introduced as a bland everyman only made exceptional by circumstance, slowly revealed to be the most batshit, suicidally depressed, bisexual maniac in existence. Uses self-sacrifice like a tool and is completely unaware of how beloved he is by the people he keeps pulling into his fold because he is so deeply and utterly convinced that he is fundamentally unlovable. He's like sixty foundational traumas stacked in a trench coat and he's always sixty steps ahead of everyone else and he loves the people he chooses so so dearly and people keep calling him ugly even though he's canonically pretty average and holy shit dude get some therapy please
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sunny-porridge · 8 months
*Taps mic* *leans in* It is, the Wizard.
Imagine this, Wild for the sake of fun, dresses as Dark Link. He starts to stand ominously stare behind trees in the costume, and eventually goes for a full jumpscare.
How would the guys react?
asjsjskdjsjkadfs hi Wizard hope this email finds you well
Sky: he saw Wild changing into the Dark costume a few weeks ago. Wild made a “shush” gesture and Sky nodded solemnly, Comitting to The Bit. He’s hiding behind some bushes making creepy noises with a flute he whittled specifically for this purpose.
Wind: at first he thought it was a friendly ghost (it’s more likely than you’d think) but he started getting more and more paranoid as the apparition would never speak to him or show its full form, which is a bad omen. The moment Wild jumps out, he knocks out a Light Arrow, which luckily only plucks the hat off and reveals Wild’s hair tucked into a messy bun.
Four: at first he thought it was a friendly shadow (it’s more likely than you’d think) but there was no way that creature wasn’t stalking them, possibly to give information to Ganon. He tried chasing it a few times but never got close enough before it disappeared. He turns into the Colors and quickly pins Wild on the ground who just grins and offers a deal to keep a secret for a secret.
Legend: knows a transformation trick when he sees one. Sure, he has his shield and sword out in an instant, but a quick look with the Magic Mirror confirms the truth. He decides to whip out the most chaotic items he has just to mess with Wild. Think: cane of Somaria, quake medallion, tornado rod, fire gloves.
Hyrule: he’s been saving his Thunder spell for just this purpose. He knows better than to try to fight his shadow in melee combat. If Thunder doesn’t knock him down, there’s always Fire.
Twilight: fights shadow with shadow, so he’d turn into wolfie and tackle him in record time. After which he’d recognize him based on scent and let some drool fall on Wild’s face as punishment.
Warriors: at first I thought he would be the most impulsive Link (one does not survive what he did at the Temple of Souls without significant trauma) but after some thought I think that whole experience left him with a lot of insight and self control. Thus, he would notice the foe is not made of actual darkness (Wild has his own shadow after all) and tie him up to interrogate him. Wild would Commit To The Bit for as long as possible. Sky is still making creepy noises behind a bush.
Time: The suit in BOTW / TOTK resembles him specifically. Those damn red eyes bring up the worst memories of his quest, no, quests. For this, I crown Time as Most Likely to Cause a Lethal Wound. He’d become friends with Mipha though so it’s fine.
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neinofthem · 1 year
brief vent in your inbox- it's such a big pet peeve to me when people take things like the cat's paw scene as essek instantly being in love with/wanting to bang caleb when matt confirmed he's demisexual. like, we'd know how wrong it'd be to ship beau with a man, but people won't show the same respect for essek's demisexuality
you’re actually so correct. like essek was definitely manipulating caleb on actual purpose. he had his own reasons for sort of flirting that had nothing to do with attraction or lust or anything, he very plainly wanted to get in good with the nein to figure out how they worked and how to swing that to his advantage. to me he reads as a very. ‘use everything at my disposal’ sort of person, and what he had at his disposal was looks, charm, etc. also, caleb was trying to set up a honeypot which essek definitely clocked and was playing into. maybe he thought caleb genuinely wanted to fuck him or whatever, it doesn’t really matter, the point of playing along and doing their batshit mating ritual wasn’t oh wow love at first sight it was oh, jesus, these people have never had a relationship that wasn’t wildly toxic and now they’re trying to bait the other into thinking that they have their shit together and should be trusted with capital S Secrets.
this to me also reads as a symptom of the woobification of essek thelyss, where he goes all doe-eyed over caleb immediately when, at first, it’s canon that he absolutely hated awllll of them very much. caleb intrigued him, yes, but caleb did not compel him to make any genuine overtures of friendship or romance or anything of the kind until much later. this might stem from the need to make essek into the more submissive (in a personality sort of way) between the two in regards to their eventual relationship, which echoes back up along the timeline and makes people think that their relationship has always been like this (with caleb the self confident wondertherapist there to coach essek through unlearning a century of bullshit while essek simpers helplessly under caleb’s fucking electric blue gaze or whatever).
this interpretation of them is problematic even when it’s wayyy postcanon, but people look at this very inaccurate summary of their dynamic and go, ‘oh, shit, essek must have been hiding his inner softboy all along, this changes their whole story’ which, no! if he wasn’t a bad person who did bad things for bad reasons in the beginning (yes I know that this is oversimplification, it’s going to be ok I prommy), then his redemption holds no weight! what’s the point of a narrative about change and growth and building a better self if the character most central to this theme didn’t have to actually make anything new, he just had to scrape away a layer of mean exterior to get to the gooey domestic homemaker big sweater wearing pet name calling somftboi interior? no point. there is no point. fuck!
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bridenore · 1 year
HD Books / Writing fic recs
Here are a few drarry fic recs involving books or writing. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Annus Mirabilis by Ren [39k]
Harry and Malfoy are trapped at Hogwarts around the time the school was founded. Stuck with a different way of doing magic, with no chocolate, and with each other, they have to find a way to work together if they want a chance to go home.
Dear Diary by AWickedMemory [20k]
 // This can’t possibly go worse than the last time I kept a diary. // After the war, Harry picks up a journal to write in… and it writes back. Luckily, it’s not a Horcrux on the other end this time.
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout [29k]
Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he’s here, and he won’t stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by @letteredlettered [40k]
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life.  Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life.  Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t.  Instead it has Indian takeaway and a blue jumper and people wanting a whole lot of what they can’t have, discovering themselves as they discover each other. 
If We Were Honest by daisymondays / @gracie137blogs [26k]
Two years ago, Draco and Harry had a whirlwind secret romance that ended in heart-break. Since then Draco’s written a best-selling novel based on their relationship, but with one key difference—the characters get a happily ever after. Now Harry and Draco are reunited for the first time since their break-up, but can they rewrite their own ending?
Love Bites, Or How Draco Malfoy Learned to Let Go and Celebrate His Allure by @m0srael [50k]
Recently-turned Draco Malfoy is doing his very best to be a normal, productive, contributing member of wixen society. So far, he’s managed to keep his bloody little problem a secret, even from his best friends. But when the professional opportunity he’s been dreaming of finally   falls in his lap, he finds himself with much more than just a potential promotion. Will a profile on a new creature-exclusive dating app, a wolfy stranger who seems hellbent on liking Draco just the way he is, and a little self-confidence help Draco finally love himself and his newfound community?
Orion in the Sky by space_wingding [30k]
Draco Malfoy owns a bookshop in the Lake District. He’s also cursed. Enter: Harry Potter.
Per Solum Lacuna: By Words Alone by Azhure [560k]
A set of enchanted journals bring solace to two very unlikely lost   souls. Whoever said the art of penmanship was lost? This is a wizarding twist on the old fashioned art of correspondence (or the modern art of Internet chatting). What will happen when the mystery writers finally   discover the identity of their counterpart? Join this star crossed pair as they obliviously chat to each other; along the way learning about   life and love. Find out what will happen when their own voyages of self discovery lead them to the most unlikely of places. This is eventual   HP/DM, but other pairings for the protagonists along their journey.
The Price We Pay for Wings by Frayach [13k]
Books have the power to shape young lives. At least that is the hope of the anonymous author of a best-selling series about a Muggle boy and his best friend on the eve of a world war. But stories do more than just shape the future: they can redress the wrongs of the past as well. But only as long as it’s not too late…
Reading Malfoy by @femmequixotic [15k]
After thirteen years of hiding himself away in Muggle London, Draco Malfoy shows up again in the wizarding world–with a wickedly amusing memoir in hand. Harry doesn’t want to read it. Really. He doesn’t.
The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas by @bixgirl1 [39k]
When Draco, forced into sharing a room with Potter for the year, finds out that Potter has a sleepwalking problem, he expects the odd conversations and the weird games of chess. What comes as a complete shock are Potter’s other activities…And why he seems so intent on having Draco join him. (Relax. It’s just like a holiday Hallmark movie! …With, uhm, sleepwanking.)
Sourdough by @academicdisaster24 [17k]
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
Sunseeker by @shiftylinguini [15k]
Harry is a struggling writer. Namely, he is struggling with: writing his next book, dealing with his agent, finding a decent tea strainer, fielding his friend’s concern over the aforementioned book, and figuring out who the cat loitering in his garden belongs to. He also has a slight liking-Malfoy problem. Okay, he has a massive liking-Malfoy problem.
Teach Me, Life; Guide Me, Love by @kiraohara [79k]
Revelations both painful and joyous set the markers in the path of every life. Thankfully, Draco has spectacular company for the journey.
Verba Volant by shushu_yaoi_lj / @orange-peony​ [34k]
The first letter arrives after the Trials. Harry unfolds the parchment and his eyes open wide when he realises who it’s from. He soon finds himself waiting for those letters to arrive, staring at the window in search of Malfoy’s owl. He wants to know more.
When It Alteration Finds by momatu [55k]
After the war, Harry left most of the Wizarding world behind and built a new life for himself in the Channel Islands. He opened a bakery and is happy with his life. Draco is a fiction author who writes under a penname, and he’s currently suffering from writer’s block. His agent suggests he try writing in a new environment and rents a cottage in the Channel Islands for him.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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kholnt · 3 months
Can you tell us more about lost and there relationship with the chain?
oh lordy theres an entire doc for this that kay n i worked on earlier so i'm just gonna copy and paste that :thumbsup: and if some things dont make sense uhhhh problem for later me under readmore bc its long asf
PRE-TOTK: Not that close with Twilight but very close with Wolfie. Wolfie is basically his therapy-dog so Twilight knows some of the secrets/details of his life that Lost has been keeping from the rest of the Chain. Twilight struggles with respecting Lost’s privacy but also wanting to help him work through what he’s going through.
He tries to incorporate Lost into the group in little ways. It’s small but it’s the most he can do at the moment and he doesn’t want Lost to be completely isolated from their group.
If Wolfie's reveal happens Pre-Totk their relationship is soured. Lost kept all those secrets secret for a reason and Twilight knowing them messes with him a lot. Lost probably thinks that Twilight was only keeping tabs on him to make sure he wouldn’t be a problem to group despite what Twilight says in response.
If Wolfie Reveal happens Post-Totk + character development, Lost is a Lot More understanding as to why Twilight kept the whole Wolfie thing a secret. Twilight basically becomes his older brother (he was before but now Twilight gets to actually show it outside of being a wolf) and they’re really close. Twilight is the #1 Lost Defender.
PRE-TOTK: Time struggles a lot with trying to help Lost because he can Tell Lost has a lot more going on under the surface. Twilight confirms this is the case but will not go into details for the sake of Lost’s privacy unless he Has To. But he can’t do much since Lost is still very much afraid of him and puts the soldier front on with him. Also struggles with the fact he doesn’t really Know Lost.
Lost has a lot of respect for Time but Also Time reminds him of his dad and that’s scary for him and also bringing up past trauma. (DADDY ISSUES!!!!!)
POST-TOTK: The first/one of the first to give Lost a hug after the Horn Incident. Lost is still working out his daddy issues but he’s a lot more open with Time. Lost’s relationship with Malon improving also helps a lot in this aspect too.
PRE-TOTK: Lost feels the need to prove himself to Warriors because he’s The Captain and his own past issues with authorities figures. Warriors in turn struggles with the fact that Lost appears so Afraid of him all the time and tries to alleviate that fear, but it doesn’t do much. 
Warriors also is Not a fan of self-sacrificing Lost is. Tries to gently scold him and discourages him but this only makes Lost get better at hiding injuries and discreetly healing himself after fights. Warriors (+ Time) doesn’t like ordering him around but it’s the only way to get him to listen to them when it comes to proper self care and allowing others to help.
POST-TOTK: After Lost learns that he outranks Warriors he sees their dynamic more equally and removes a lot of tenseness from their relationship. Lost becomes a lot more involved with planning and strategy and helps Warriors with planning attacks/defense/etc. which helps improve their relationship a lot too. 
PRE-TOTK: Tense. Legend sees Lost as a “suck-up” and tries to be understanding of his mentality and such, but it’s still frustrating for them both because Lost is trying to “impress” Legend and prove his worth and Legend doesn’t see Lost as genuine. This eventually leads to an argument between the two of them.
POST-TOTK: After the Horn Incident™, Legend apologizes to Lost about the things he said and did pre-totk, their relationship vastly improves after that. 
PRE-TOTK: Lost has Feelings about Hylia but he respects Sky’s relationship with her + another case of complete respect since Sky is the one who made the Master Sword. There’s a healthy dose of fear from Lost almost dying from the blade as well, so he tends to keep his distance as well.
POST-TOTK: Sky has Feelings about the fact that Lost turned himself into a dragon to repair the Master Sword. Lost talks about repairing the Master Sword and how he didn’t consider any other option because “it's what you would have done”. 
PRE-TOTK: Lost is the least “afraid” of him. He’s willing to talk more about himself with Four because they’re the most similar. They both have their own secrets, and they understand that. Four is also very observant of Lost, and is the first one to learn how Lost displays his emotions, and will generally come to his aid when someone in the chain is (usually worriedly) hounding him.
POST-TOTK: Not much changes between them, for better or for worse. Lost is a lot more open to asking more personal questions, and they get to know each other much better. Plus Four got to show Lost what blacksmithing is like, so that’s a very big bonus
PRE-TOTK: Wary respect.Lost has respect for Hyrule’s medic abilities but is Unsure on how to feel about the magic healing. The only person he knows who is able to heal with magic isn’t a Hylian. Possibly wary of if Hyrule is actually a Hylian? + Hyrule probably reminds him of Mipha and that's Probably Not A Good Thing
POST-TOTK: Hyrule allows Lost to finally have some sense of individuality by allowing him to escape and go out adventuring by themselves. This starts a snowball effect of Lost learning things he’s interested in, nature and a drive for learning being the first few.
PRE-TOTK: Guard. Wind wants him to be a big brother, but he forgot how to fill that role due to Reasons™ Instead, he fills a guard role so he’s still able to protect Wind in some way. (Wind has mixed feelings about this)
POST-TOTK: After Lost learns more about himself and finally allows himself to have some fun, they get along like a house on fire. Please never give them access to a hill it’ll be terrible for everyone’s hearts.
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phantomposting · 2 years
My mind is jello please excuse spelling errors and grammar mistakes I haven't slept much lately due to issues with insomnia. Either way I hope you guys have been enjoying the silly little writing prompts I make :D I like day dreaming when I can't fall asleep. Sorry in advance this one is a bit long.
Trigger Warning: injury, dissection/vivisection
This is another Danny and Damian are twins au. In this AU we got the there can only be one heir thing and Damian is the one to come out on top due to how protective Danny is of his sibling. So Danny ends up in Illinois and goes down the path to becoming Phantom.
Eventually Danny's parent's discover he's Phantom and try to study and dissected him and Danny has to go on the run deeply injured physically and emotionally. His running leads to him being homeless and hiding in Gotham. He's super paranoid and trusts nobody trying to keep his distance from people so he hopefully doesn't get caught and dissected molecule by molecule.
One day Alfred is out grocery shopping when he spots the terrified injured teen in an alleyway and it's the weirdest thing. This kid looks almost exactly like Damian except his eyes are an icy blue and the poor kid is skin and bone. He looks to be about the same age as him aswell.
Alfred tries to offer the injured child some help but the kid vanishes. The whole situation is baffling but he was never one to give up that easily and he can absolutely tell the kid is in a dire situation and really needs help. So he decides the best course of action is to take it slow and try to slowly earn the kid's trust.
Every day Alfred goes "shopping" he goes to the grocery store and leaves a meal and supplies for the kid. He can't really tell the others especially Bruce due to how paranoid the bats can be. All signs point to possible league activity but Alfred can tell the kid isn’t dangerous just terrified. If he had to guess he would guess the kid was going to be used in some league plans but managed to escape. He knows Bruce would be far too harsh with the kid and that's the last thing someone so terrified needs right now.
So Alfred's secret meetings with the kid continues slowly gaining the kid's trust more and more until eventually he gets the kid to talk to him. He learns Danny's name and Danny thanks him for the help and kindness. Everyone can see Alfred is acting a little cheerier after that and nobody knows why. They won't really question it though the man is baking cookies more than he used to and well his cookies are worth staying in the dark for.
One day though Danny doesn't show up to their meeting. Alfred begins to worry something feels wrong. He decides to contact Barbra and ask her for help locating the child. He trusts her to not overreact and he knows she's the best person for the task.
Barbra can absolutely see why Alfred kept this a secret once she locates Danny. This kid's resemblance to Damian is scary the only thing that makes her believe this might possibly not be a clone is the ice blue eyes. Locating Danny reveals he's been heavily injured and Alfred rushes out to aid him.
Upon arrival he realizes this is a bit more than he himself can manage especially in some dirty Alleyway and with the possible league ties he knows he can't take the kid to the hospital so he has to give in and tell Bruce about the situation. Of course at first he just starts with a call saying to bring in Dr. Thompkins which makes Bruce anxious as hell.
Danny is brought into the batcave out cold and Bruce of course is his paranoid self. The rest of the family is quite curious about the odd child that Alfred brought in and is hovering around. Damian doesn't understand why the others are so nosy that is until he catches a glimpse of the kid and realizes it's his dead twin brother.
Damian has his guard up majorly after that. The doctor helps Danny and the Y shaped wound from his run in with his parents is discovered and its not doing so great so this kiddo is gonna need a lot of bed rest aside from the odd burns.
Turns out Danny had a run in with the GiW they located him in gotham and he barely escaped. He's out for a hot minute tho so that leaves all the family to speculate. Bruce is being super paranoid and a bit hostile with the kid but Alfred vehemently defends him.
Damian is deeply conflicted he doesn't feel his brother could possibly want to hurt him. He knows how protective Danyal had been. He knows Danyal gave his life to make sure he would live on, but there's no way Danyal can be alive without the League's involvement. Damian refuses to leave Danyal's side until he knows for sure what is going on, of things will be safe, and if Danyal will be alright.
This leads Bruce to question him and thats when everyone discovers Damian and Danyal are in fact twins. Bruce is heartbroken he never even got to know about his 2nd son and this stirs conflict between Damian and Bruce. This also makes Bruce want to believe that Danny is safe and would hopefully join the family, but this also makes him far more anxious about league involvement and makes him raise his guard.
Eventually Danny wakes up and is forced to explain things though he tries to leave the half ghost stuff out and everyone can see he's hiding something making paranoia grow within the batfam members but everyone also tries to give Danny a chance. It could just be processing trauma after all and if he was really after something he would have made a move by now right? The only one fully trusting of Danny is Alfred whom has become rather close with the child. Alfred is happy to have another grandchild to bond with.
Eventually Damian forces the whole truth out of Danny since Danny's ghostly obsession makes him desperate for family and he deeply doesn't want to risk losing Damian again. Damian promises to help keep Danny's secret but tries to reassure him that it's okay to share it with Bruce and that they'll help keep him safe but Danny's fears make it very hard for him to do so.
Eventually the truth forcibly comes out when the GiW comes knocking down the front door for Danny. Danny runs for it absolutely terrified and Alfred threatens them with a gun. We all know Alfred isn't afraid to kill in order to protect his family. Eventually the bats are able to sneak in and knock the agents out but Danny is missing.
The bats bring the Agents to the cave and interrogate them and Damian goes looking for his brother. The Agents tell the bats Danny's secret and demand they hand over the "Ecto Scum" the Bat's are pissed with the agents and now understand why Danny was so secretive.
Damian eventually locates Danny and is able to comfort him and get him to come back to the manor with him. The family doesn't tell him they know his secret. He gets to share it when he feels safe enough to. They do however work hard and get the anti ecto acts repealed.
Eventually Danny gets adopted, the Fenton's go to jail, and Jazz, Tucker, and Sam are reunited with Danny and Danny gets to have a healthy life in Gotham with his new found family. Eventually becoming a Gotham vigilante and getting back on track with things in school. Basically everyone gets a happy ending :D
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milkybonya · 2 years
!: nothing but fluff because my heart is always soft for big naughty boi
#: rapper boyfriend!big naughty x (gn)reader, a lil studio date vibe <3
[💌: idk why but suddenly im just like my biggest fear is Donghyun somehow finding my fics about him and being like ew blockedt ,, he is a child of the internet lowkey im scared LOL I SHOULD SLEEP]
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you knock on the door to Donghyun's studio. not hearing a response, you open the door just slightly to find your boyfriend sitting at his desk, headphones on and probably producing music.
carefully, you walk towards him and once you're close enough, you draw a heart on his back. immediately, he knows it's you. it's like your secret little signal for each other: if someone draws a heart on your back with two fingers, you know it's Donghyun, and he also knows it's you if it ever happens to him.
he removes his headphones and turns around with a smile he just can't hide despite trying to. he doesn't wanna seem like he's absolutely head-over-heels in love with you but he just is.
"y/n?! when did you get here?" he asks, hand over his mouth as he hides his smile.
"just now," you reply, kissing the back of his hand.
he jerks it away from his mouth and whines, leaving you laughing.
"is producing going well, big baby?" you ask, patting and stroking his head. he looks adorable under your touch and you melt.
"i'm not interrupting, am i?" you ask, suddenly worried.
he shakes his head and says, "no, i was just about to take a break anyway!"
he pulls you onto his lap, letting your legs rest on the seat inbetween his own legs. you relax against his chest and he takes hold of your hands, slowly swivelling from side to side in his chair as he basks in your warmth and scent.
"did you eat?" you ask Donghyun.
"was gonna," he replies quietly, hoping he wouldn't worry you.
"shall we order some delivery?" you ask.
he giggles in agreement, but also because of the way he can hear your voice vibrating through your body and onto his own chest, which you still lay against.
you pull out your phone and scroll through the different restaurants, Donghyun watching behind you and humming in approval as you show him the options. eventually, you both decide on something and as you wait for the food to arrive, Donghyun plays some of his unreleased songs for you.
he has you sit in his seat as he stands up and gives you a half-live performance, singing and dancing along to his self-produced beats. seeing you crack up as he twerks makes him laugh, too, and you both get butterflies seeing each other in such a happy state.
once the food arrives, you both sit on the floor to share the meal, Donghyun playing whatever movie or youtube video you both decide to watch in the moment. he shares his food with you and you do the same, smearing ketchup on his nose and calling him rudolph.
"ahhh y/n you can't do this to me! right when i'm about to eat? all i have is soup in front of me, i can't even defend myself... unless i pour it on you, but it's scorching hot!" Donghyun complains.
you shrug your shoulders at him, sticking out your tongue until he quickly bring his face close to yours. his wet, ketchup-y nose gently touches yours, spreading the sauce onto your own face, too.
"now there's two rudolphs," your boyfriend points out.
you lean forward this time, cleaning his nose with a single kiss. Donghyun scrunches up his face and balls up his fists while whining the whole time, but he's blushing when you pull away, hiding his face.
"a-are you obsessed with kissing me today or something?" he stutters.
you stick your tongue out at him again, trying to return to what's playing on the computer screen when Donghyun kisses the ketchup away from your nose, too. you immediately feel warmth bubbling up from within you, your nose tingling from the contact.
you both stare at each other for a few moments before laughing it off, properly wiping the ketchup away and tucking into your meal.
at some point, you both end up laying on the floor, using Donghyun's arms as pillows: one went beneath your head and the other went beneath his own. side by side in your food coma, you listen to Donghyun as he hums a song.
"we should probably walk the food off instead of laying here.. it'll make us feel worse," you point out.
"but i prefer laying here with you," Donghyun whines, turning towards you and snuggling into your side.
your fingers automatically come up to run through his soft locks, and he almost sounds like he's purring as you caress him.
"okay, Donghyun-ah... let's stay here," you say, quietly.
his breathing evens out and you think that your pretty boy has fallen asleep while laying on the ground by your side. you turn to gently kiss his chin, since that's the only spot you can reach, before starting to fall asleep, yourself.
you don't notice the way Donghyun smiles brightly to himself, having been awake and still reeling from the way you tenderly petted and kissed him.
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aomori-division · 6 months
"this is how the fire starts, this is how we burn"
Aoi Yamamura also know by his moniker Blue Wolf is a toymaker and the leader of Aomori division Howling Moon
once a war bomber and arsonist infamous for his madness and destruction after leave the army he used his talent on machines and pyrotechnics to make toys, eventually opening his own or rather second toystore
But under his aloof, joy and fatherly personality the toymaker has his own secrets....perhaps related to the rumors about "Aomori's werewolf" or his losed memories... that's well could maybe be his reason to join the DRB, related to his biological children he cannot remember
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Despite have around 40s Aoi is tall and muscle handsome man who not apparently more than 20-30s. looking younger than his real age. He has skin pale as ivory and tousled light blue hair until the back of the neck with two locks longer to his chest. Aoi's eyes are gold yellow with a mischievous and calm glow in them. Something noticeable is that the whole right side of his face is darker for the burn scars he has on the face and his left eye has a cut scar
Aoi's daily outfit consist of a long sleeve black shirt that shows his clavicle and a bit of his chest with a leather jacket that has the image of a wolf howling to the moon on the back in silver colour. His lower body is covered by baggy gray jeans and combat boots, as accesories Aoi wear blue piercings, necklace with a cross over the bandages around his neck and a black eyepatch on his right eye
"the blue wolf"
Dad (by Hisui,Ruka Kururi and Eden)
Father (by Aoba)
"Aomori's werewolf"
"the toymaker"
Biographical info
Age-??? (Apparently around 40s)
Birthday-august 8th
Hair color-light blue
Eye color-yellow
Height-208 cm/6'10
Star Sign-leo
Piercings-lobes,double helix
Markings-burn scars on all the whole right side of the face, scratch over the left eye, tattoo of a howling wolf on the upper arm, scratchs all around the body
Mother (desceased)
Father (desceased)
elder son
middle daughter
Adoptive younger son
Adoptive son
Adoptive daughter
Voiced by-Eminem (rapping)
Fun facts
MC name:Blue Wolf
Team:howling moon
Favorite food:beef
Least favorite food:tomatos
Likes:fire,explosions,happy children, make toys,his toystore,moonlight, forest, wolves
Dislikes: Hisui's self-destruction habits and health problems,his children's sadness,be unable of remember his biológical children,headaches,full moon, wake up make a mess after his wolf transformations
Hypnosis microphone
Aoi's hypnosis microphone is a hand mic that takes the form of a open jack-in-the-box in blue,black and white colour. the microphone itself is inside of the toy and looks like a normal black mic but the screen seems to be made of dark blue sapphire
Aoi's speakers takes the form of a full moon and a black wolf howling to it. The speaker itself is a circular and is in the Center of the moon. The moon is hide by clouds and shows when Aoi starts to rap
Aoi's rap ability is called "Wolf Howl" when he use it the wolf of his speaker let out a defeaning howl that terrorize and distract the opponents
Aoi's rap themes are around things like how he loves things like fire and explosions, rapping with mentions of his past as war bomber/arsonist calling himself a "lurking wolf" who craves for more and more"burning art". He also mentioned his love for his children adoptive and biológical, Aoi raps about how frustrate he is with his lack of memories (on those moments he sometimes mention his biológical children and how he wants to find them and finally meet). Aoi also make references to werewolves and wolves on his rap calling himself "Aomori's werewolf" or "pack wolf", and how he will to protect his pack no matter what he should do
Contrary to his delinquent appearance Aoi is a person very calm and joy who enjoys of teasing people in a friendly way and act with joy calm almost always. nice and creative he thinks is funny when poeple enters to his toystore for first time and how they look surprise when find that he is not only the toystore owner but the toymaker too
Something that anyone can say after see Aoi interact with his adoptive children,Hisui and Ruka, and the kids who go often to his toystore is his surprisingly fatherly personality, when Hisui and Ruka he act patient and attent, taking care of and worry of them acting like a father figure and seeing them as his own flesh and blood. Despite his joking teases towards them
But something that only people close to him can say his how Aoi is more smart and analysting than he looks at first glance, besides Aoi is a great pyromaniac who in the past was infamous for the deadly explosives and massive arsons he provoked in the wars. Aoi recognize he not lament all destruction he provoked with his own bombs and arsons but he enjoyed of them and he still enjoying of the destruction via fire...
About his "wolf secret" he is quite neutral, liking the feel of freedom he feels from his memories as a wokf but Aoi also feel dislike for the pain of his tranformations, how lose all control of himself and wake up without memories of the full moon nights plus, the confution and ausence of memories he feel when try to remember around of few years ago...but the thing he hates more is know as that he has biológical children out there and he cannot remember them but he just try to looking for answers
Despite being so infamous as war arsonist/bomber Aoi admite that he just joined to army only for have a excuse to "plant bombs and set shit on fire without aftermaths"
Aoi's MC name "blue wolf" is the same nickname he got on the wars, especially after his most infamous act of bomb a whole mountain just for his own fun
Aoi always knew that Hisui was in the same supernatural/scientist lab as him despite Hisui escaped after him
His toystore is named "Okami", is a toystore decorated with a rustic style and drawing/painting in a traditional japanese art with colorful decoration
Aoi knew about the supernatural since his childhood and had the werewolf genes inactive since kid, he just turned into a werewolf after the supernatural experiment on him to "wake up" the genes
Due to his job as toymaker Aoi meet much people in DRB who is related to children (like Kisouna Yuzairu, Ayumu hayami,Seiji tsukimoto etc)
He is very worried for Hisui's healt problem caused by the experiments on him, in part he is in DRB trying to find a way of cure him (even if is little probable that problems would ve deadly)
During the war he met assasins like "black dahlia" and "the reaper". but Aoi is not sure of can recognize them fue to his amnesia
Aoi is one-eyes because the burn on his face let him blind of the right eye so he cover that eye with the eyepatch
Although never met each other just in the surface too much people noticed that Aoi is almost physically identical to Aoba Yamamura of Kumamoto, just that Aoi looks more male than him, and anyone with enough brain can see how they are related
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ideas for Curse of Strahd I had you can steal (for dms)
there's a lot of things for my CoS campaign as DM I'm changing from the book for multiple reasons and I figured I'd share my changes in case anybody would wanna use em too
(spoilers for CoS btw warning also really long and infodumpy)
Strahd and Rahadin are around the same age. they were both like 25 when Barovia became part of the domains of dread (mainly cuz I like the idea of Strahd and Rahadin being like childhood friends that also went to war together)
Strahd getting rid of Sergei was calculated like he casted disguise self or something so nobody would find out it was him. I imagine he had some way of distracting\incapacitating Rahadin so he wouldn't hurt disguised Strahd or stop him from taking out Sergei. Rahadin has no idea Strahd is the reason Sergei is dead and probably blames himself deeply for what happened. (I feel like since Strahd is a really smart man he would've at least tried to hide his crime like he did in I, Strahd also I like the drama of Rahadin eventually learning Strahd was the culprit and in the book I couldn't find any mention of if he knew about Strahd killing his brother or his feelings about it since he's loyal to the Von Zarovich line as a whole I think)
The Vistani as a whole do not work for Strahd only a specific clan of them do which is Madam Eva's clan but the other clans have their own feelings and opinions of Strahd (mainly so no one thinks all Vistani work with Strahd and to differentiate the specific groups of Vistani)
The dusk elves after Patrina was stoned were punished by a curse via a Vistani that worked for Strahd to where they couldn't have kids for 100 years but Strahd wasn't too happy when he found out about that not only because that wasn't the punishment he had in mind and the curse also effected Rahadin. Regardless of the curse Strahd ordered Rahadin to cut the ears of the elves that took part in Patrina's death as a lighter punishment. The campaign starts on the 99th year of it (I didn't feel comfortable having all the dusk elven women killed and it gets rid of the plot hole of the dusk elven men just having half elf kiddos as well as trying to give a plotline of Rahadin having to decide if he wants to have an heir or become a vampire since he's still mortal and is literally 50% of Strahd's impulse control)
No normal Barovian knows that Strahd is a vampire the only people who do are on his side or who want him dead they all assume Strahd is like Strahd the forth or something (there's not really much of a reason character wise I just wanted Strahd being a vampire to be a plot twist to the group also to show how secretive Strahd is)
Doru in the campaign won't start as a vampire spawn at least not til the second chapter of the campaign. He's going to be a temporary member of the party (maybe as like a cleric or bard of spirits). He gets turned by Strahd as a warning to the party after whatever the party decides to do with Escher cuz they need to deal with the consorts and Rahadin to get to Strahd and he gets angrier each time a consort gets dealt with. (I wanted to make the reveal that Doru was turned to be more upsetting since the party would've known him as a friend)
Sergei's ghost possess the Sun Sword (I thought it was cool and so that the party could hear about the truth of what happened from Sergei himself also cuz I never really hear much about Sergei being implemented into the campaign outside of the Krezk pool)
this is all I've got for now uh lemme know if you'd wanna hear more of the ideas I had or if you like em
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hegoeshardasfuck · 2 months
tangled in the willows (now our tongues are tied)
wordcount: 4.4K
tags: fingering, genderbending, grinding, lesbian F/M yuri...? theres some considerable genderfuck, porn with plot, femdom
synopsis: Okay, so, how exactly would one even tell their wife they want her to rail the shit out of them while in a sex swapped state?
authors note: is this self indulgent? absolutely, will someone else out there be interested? most likely
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It was mostly for show really. A jutsu that would be passed around like rumours in a high school. Slowly spreading from person to person, only one scroll with the signs in print. A quiet secret technique of the leaf that served no real purpose.
One that even the Hokage wasn't supposed to learn about, a silly little thing that could never make it that high into the hierarchy. A joke between friends, a simple back and forth to see who could do their transformation better and most exotically.
But, all things have their karma, and it did indeed make its way to Minato. Not the scroll, but word did eventually reach him. The notions were preposterous, a transformation jutsu existing for the sole purpose of a temporary gender swap. What use would it even have on the battlefield aside from a crass distraction?
Normally he would want to go search out whoever designed the thing to get it banned. But it isn't actually doing any real harm, there's a bit of public indecency sure, but that's too small scale for him to care about. That's what the Uchiha's are for, they enforce the smaller scale laws, while he deals with the big stuff.
He's handed a series of pictures of said jutsu in use one morning and he really should trash them. Raunchy photography in the Hokage's office wouldn't exactly look the best. He does hold onto them though, see if he can trace it back to whoever used it. So he can get them in trouble, that's why. Why else would he do so? He's just doing his job, he swears it.
When he finds said location to be the Uchiha compound he feels something twist in his stomach. Even the Uchiha's are using it. He'll have to put a stop to it by hand if he wants it to actually stop.
Still, he knocks on the door of Fugaku's household and finds Itachi instead.
"Fourth Hokage, is there anything I can do to be of assistance?" The heir asked, voice devoid of emotion but polite as it always is. There is a softness too it, not quite the sharp edge that's present for everyone else. Privilege of being a family friend Minato supposes.
Minato pulls out the photos, a faint red rising to his face, "My assistant brought these photos to my attention, a new jutsu is what they described it as." He hands them off to Itachi and watches as a form of horror faintly etches itself onto a normally static expression. "I was wondering if you'd known anything about it."
He clears his throat, "I do in fact know about it, yes. And if you need to get that person busted for public indecency I'd say that it's Shisui. What would you like to know about it?"
"Ah, I'm not here to get anyone punished," Minato quickly backpedaled with, trying to get himself out of the accusation. He takes back the photos and hides them in the pocket of his vest once more. "I'm just here to know if you have the scroll, I want to keep it from spreading too far before we know if there are any dangerous side effects." A half lie, but close enough to a truth he says it anyways.
Itachi gave a short nod, "I don't have the original scroll, but I do have a copied markup of it. Don't bother asking why, as I will not answer."
"Don't worry, I didn't plan on prying, this whole situation is sort of awkward anyways," Minato said, a bit of a laugh on his voice as he spoke. He never would've guessed that Fugaku's first son would have his hands on the detailings of this jutsu.
Itachi is only gone for a few moments and returns with a scroll in his hands. He gives it to Minato without a word about it, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Not that I'm aware of, thanks for the assistance, Itachi. I can always depend on one of you to lend a hand," Minato said, holding out a hand to shake.
Itachi took it, "Any time- would now be a bad time to ask when I get upgraded from Anbu?"
Minato laughed a bit, "Whenever you can convince your dad that being one of my second in commands would be a good idea, that's when I'll have the paperwork ready."
"Alright, I'll keep it in mind," Itachi said, "See you this weekend for dinner."
"See ya then!"
When Minato returns to his office the first thing he decides to do is study the scroll, see if Itachi was pulling his leg or not. He shutters the blinds and locks the door and rolls it out across his desk.
It seems simple enough, minimal handsigns, minimal notes on chakra control, minimal everything really. Just, do it, in simpler terms. He shucks off his cloak and his vest and stands in the middle of the room and does it.
He's probably too old for it to even work.
He still humors himself and speaks the phrase and waits for something to happen, it takes a beat longer than expected but it does work. A burnt tinge rests on the smoky air the comes with any transformation jutsu, and for a moment, it feels like nothing happened. He can't tell if anything had at least.
Same clothing, same body, same height, same weight- did he do it wrong? He walks back to his desk to consult the scroll once more, looking for any mistakes he may have made. When he finds nothing on the first glance he cocks his head to the side, his ears follow.
What the fuck.
His hands shoot up to feel atop his head, finding two fox ears on top of a mess of spiked blonde. Soft fur, fluffed out at the base, relatively sensitive too. More than relatively but he'll ignore that until later.
He spins in a circle and glances over his shoulder to try and catch look of tails. He finds a few, not quite nine, nor as large as they should be proportionate too his body, but still shocking. That jutsu shouldn't've left him with those aspects, should've morphed his body to the opposite sex.
He brushes his hands over his chest, searching for something different. Anything different really. The flesh is more sensitive, maybe a bit more supple, but not enough for it to actually matter. A disappointed almost huffing sound escapes him as he releases the jutsu and returns to looking through the scroll.
He really shouldn't be doing this, but if he has any say in the matter he will be mastering this jutsu before declaring it illegal. Which he might do depending on a multitude of factors, he assures himself it won't just be bias based. It definitely won't be heavily influenced on whether or not this jutsu can bring some more spice into his life. Which holy fuck he hopes it does because this is the kind of spice he's been looking for.
He spends the rest of the day practicing, over and over, to try and get the chakra flow and mental image that goes with any transformation jutsu to perfection. He can't scrap the ears and tails, just comes with the jutsu for him, but his body is getting closer to what he wants. He's not sure what exactly he does want, but he knows that his first attempt was definitely not it.
Okay, so, how exactly would one even tell their wife they want her to rail the shit out of them while in a sex swapped state? Questions Minato never thought he'd have to ponder an answer too, but circumstances change. She's open, she's not opposed to the notions of many things. But there's also the having to explain how he could swap his gender to her.
Maybe words already come to her about the existence of the jutsu. She seems a bit more in touch with society than Minato is, a bit less obscured from the rest of interpersonal stuff. She's definitely heard of it, from Mikoto most likely.
She's already curled up in bed when he decides to bring it up. She seemed pleasant today, nothing bad happened, nothing bad could happen. And if this offer is bad then he can go sleep on the couch.
"Kushina, I've been wondering lately," Minato started with cautiously as he tugged off his shirt.
"About what?" Kushina asked, pushing herself up from where she lay on her side.
"There's this new jutsu that's been going around lately," Minato said, "I'm sure you've heard of it."
When he turns to face her she's grinning, some sort of hunger on her face. Oh so she's definitely heard of it if she seems so eager already. That takes a weight off of his shoulders like nothing else.
"So, the question is, if I knew it, would I be allowed to use it when we have sex?" Minato asked as he laid back onto the cushions and blankets, ankles swayed off the foot of the bed.
"Of course!" The answer comes without a single second passing between.
"How long have you wanted this?" Minato asked, a smile on his face.
"As long as I figured out what it did," Kushina confessed, "I would've mentioned it sooner but I wasn't able to find the combination to use it properly."
"Then let's try it soon," Minato offered.
Kushina has a hard time hiding her exuberance, "Sounds good to me!"
"Go on," Kushina urged as she sat on the edge of the bed, watching her husband disrobe slowly. Thin fabric bordering on rope work with the intricacy rested underneath the usual outfit, she can feel her heart race at the sight of striking red. It's somewhat loose on him, as expected of course.
"I look like a total fucking idiot right now," Minato muttered under his breath, trying not to look down at himself. He put it on in the morning to get used to the way it rested on skin even though he knew he'd only wear it for a little bit after he worked out the jutsu. He still allows himself a moment to trace across the fabric, he spent hours trying to get his own measurements so he could get it right on a special order.
"I heard that, and no, you absolutely don't," She assured from where she sat watching as he placed the palms of his hands together.
Minato tried to brush it off, "You'd look better in it at the least."
It only takes him a second to switch between hand signs and call the jutsu before it works. That same cloud of opacity fogs up the room for a brief moment before swiftly dispelling leaving just him. The tails and ears are still present, he doubts he'll ever figure out how to cut those out of the equation.
But, it is worth it. There's nothing but predatory hunger on Kushina's face, body language already shifted just a bit. Leaning a bit closer, taking in every inch of her husbands new body- well, husband is a strong word. There's definitely nothing very husbandly about the way he looks now, he is a strong word too.
She steps off and goes slow, afraid she'll spook him into releasing the jutsu if she doesn't. She's grinning, half clothed with the leather of a harness resting above her hip where she knows he can see. His eyes fall to it as they always do, he quickly snaps his gaze back up to her.
"Like it?" He asked. Voice higher but holding the rest of the same qualities too it. The intonation and the cadence of syllables, all the same despite the difference in pitch.
She refrained from reaching out to touch, to grab, to hold, to devour, and instead gave a small nod. "I love it." Her nails dug into her palms to keep herself from taking until there's nothing left to take.
"I wasn't sure about the tails myself, but they are a nice touch," Minato said, as he spoke the set of tails (he's not sure how many exactly) shifted in place. From standing straight up and swaying like they were alive to resting lower in a more lax position. The conscious control he held was minimal.
"Beyond a nice touch," Kushina tacked on as she reached to touch them. They snagged her wrist as she worked through the soft, pastel gold fur. A hand shot to his mouth to muffle the little sounds slipping out of him, they're way too sensitive. She smirked, "And they're a pleasure point, I'm winning tonight."
"You haven't even checked out the rest of me," Minato teased as the tails gripping his wife's hand unfurled and he swiveled to step back closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Each motion held sway, so much sway, and maybe it was always there, but it's so much more evident now. The way waist flares into hip accentuates and the way lithe hands beckon closer make Kushina feel like she's going feral.
Maybe she is, but, it doesn't really matter right now. They're here to have fun tonight, to experiment tonight. She watches with rapt attent as she's beckoned closer and Minato creeps further back till he's pressed against the head board and her hands and knees are squaring her form. Her wrists rest between ankles and as she edges herself closer she takes a moment to inspect the form.
Nothing professional of course, just a once over, get a feel for how it's different. It's definitely different than hers, that she's sure of. How many pleasure points transfer? How many places does the muscle contour the same? How many ways can she make her foxgirl fucking scream?
Well then.
That thought came out of nowhere fast.
But Kushina will never deny a thought like that even if it gives her pause as a hand comes to trace along the lingerie. The fabric is soft, silky in nature but taut against skin that spills over just a bit in some places. She wonders if Minato bought it too tight on purpose, or if he sent in the wrong measurements, or if he just got lucky. He goes rigid as her hands trace across a smooth stomach, the fabric comfortably hugging skin. Lithe fingers trail down to the crux of thighs and grip the flesh, so much more than before, pressed together even when his knees aren't.
Her nails press into plush flesh with ease and she watches as ears perk up and his expression falters from calm and sultry to just wanting. Those same furred ears droop as fast as they raise, her hands slowly riding up past the garter on his thigh and pausing to slide a finger between leather and skin. She encircles his leg with one finger the whole motion, calloused pad of a pointer finger eliciting a rich response against soft skin.
Minato is starting to get it, she thinks, it makes sense why Kushina always wants her to take extra time. Relish every piece of skin, every portion of flesh, bite and kiss and touch until nothing is left unexplored. Sensitivity was present in the past but never enough to make her kick up a leg with just touch to the thighs and up the thighs and-
"Kushina!" A yip follows her cry of her wife's name as Kushina slides her fingers across Minato's engorged clit and keeps her thumb pressed to it as fingers push in. Tails thump against the bed as nails so close to claws fist into the sheets.
She just grins up at her from where she rests between knees. She sits up just a bit, not pulling out her fingers and watching as Minato twitches like a dog under her. She doesn't know how else to describe it as she gently thrusts, watching as another yip escapes her wife.
Her other hand as being used for support but she jeopardizes it to raise up her wife's torso. She knew from look alone that it'd be a hands worth of breast, the way the fabric looked as though it would be ready to give out if there was too much motion was a tell. She picks apart the fabric till more of it is out of the way and the way Minato sings for her is melodic. She just wants more she thinks, and her judgment of was accurate. A handful no doubt, but her hands are too small for it to fit just right.
Doesn't matter regardless. She still let's herself revel in the fact that her spouse has tits. Kneading the flesh as she thrusts and swipes across her clit. Flesh spills over her fingers in a way, just a bit too much for her hand alone. And she would use both but there's something so addictive to the motions of letting Minato try and buck into the motions. A part of the poor foxes brain still fixed on having a cock, as if the motion will truly be effective.
Kushina briefly opens her mouth to speak, but, nothing actually comes out. She doubts she could say much that would effectively cut through to Minato. She's in deep. A fierce fogginess filling her brain and leaving her with nothing but saliva on her lips and want surging through her.
She's on fire she thinks, body limp as Kushina maneuvers her to the point she's rested on her wife's lap. Her thighs go to rest on either side of Kushina's hips and then she feels it. The cool leather of a harness, the firm bulge of what might be the strap, or maybe Kushina really did just find something specifically for bulge like she mentioned.
Regardless of what it is, before she can even be invited to do so with simple motions, she's grinding down desperately. Vacancy leaves her unsatisfied, fabric akin to jean rubs against her slit and it feels like pure pleasure sparking through her veins. More, more, more. So what if her tongue is lolled out like a bad porno, she doesn't have it in her to care.
Kushina's hand rests on her lower back as Minato rolls her hips against her cock, like a good boy. The other hand rests on Minato's hip, gripping her garter like a handle. The striking red fabric tight but with just enough room for Kushina to use it as a grip for manhandling.
Minato is whimpering and mewling and moaning the entire time, ears flopped down and tails writhing as she searches for releasing desperately. Grinding against her wife's strap will only get her so far, she can't vocalize though. Words catch in her throat if they formulate further than a distant notion.
The hand on her hip releases it's grasp on the garter and presses down on her thigh and Minato's back arches. Deft fingers, still damp with the slick from earlier, slide down her inner thigh. She's slow, bating her motions in tune with every roll that's pressed hard against her. The voracity behind the motions is beyond a turn on, but she holds strong still.
In the same second that Minato pauses Kushina grinds the heel of her palm against her wife's engorged clit as she thrusts up. Nothing but sheer pleasure surges through Minato in that instance. A yowly sort of sound rips through as she orgasms, an intense sensation sparking across her body. So much different from having a cock, she has a hard time thinking she'll have to go back, let alone think at all.
Kushina rides her through the motions, watching as fur goes down from puffing out on all ends to relaxing again. Minato's muscles kind of ache, a shakiness deeply set in her bones. She wonders if this is how Kushina feels whenever she gets to climax, Minato wonders how long she's been depriving her wife of this.
Part of her knows that releasing the jutsu would relieve the ache, relieve the soreness. Another part of her likes this- the aftershock of pleasure resonating in her core, the weight on her chest, the fragility of her body. It's all such a change and she welcomes it with open arms even if temporary.
Kushina gently lays her down and places a kiss to her cheek.
Minato gives a pleased chirp in response to the motion.
"How was it?" Kushina asked.
Minato pulls herself up from where she lay, just enough to make eye contact, "Good enough to do it again and again."
"How about tomorrow?" Kushina offered, still riding that afterglow high of watching her husband orgasm so hard she sees stars for the first time. And as much as she could keep going till the sun is high in the sky, she can see that Minato is worn out.
Minato gives a nod before curling herself up next to Kushina, tails furling in on his body just a bit. The jutsu can wait until tomorrow.
Kushina rests a hand on Minato's head to scratch behind her ears and there's almost a purring sound rumbling in his chest. She grins at the pleased sound, "Night, Minato."
It takes three whole days for Minato to actually want to release the jutsu- he enjoys it and who can blame him? A toned hourglass figure is something that everybody wants to have. And he can just fucking flaunt it twenty four hours a day without any fear of anyone looking at him and going "Minato what the hell?" because he's the Hokage.
He's immune to it, he likes to tell himself at least. His son is out on a week long mission anyways, he'll release the jutsu before the week up and act like it never happened. Besides, most people can't even tell under his vest and his cloak, or if they can they think they're seeing things.
He isn't even any shorter, he's just softer instead of sharper and his hair is longer by just enough that it's almost unnoticeable. Sure his voice is higher, but everyone just looks perplexed instead of worried. It's not like he's nearly half as indecent as the rest of everyone else who uses the jutsu.
Itachi is the first one to verbally point it out because of course it's Itachi whose blunt enough to do it. He also feels safe enough around Minato to actually criticize what he does, not many do.
"Before I even ask for why you want me up here, I need to ask why you still have that jutsu on," Itachi declared as he stepped further into Minato's office.
She shrugged, "It's fun, jealous?" He's teasing but there is a shift in expression, almost a flinch.
"It's raising a lot of questions in Uchiha's who hold unease with you," Itachi said as he crossed his arms over his chest, "The Hokage suddenly walking around town with a chest that size could cause questioning."
"I suppose I'll have to go assure them that I'm still perfectly capable," Minato said.
"What you'll have to do is strike a balance," Itachi countered with, "You're the first... Female?"
Minato nodded, "Somewhat, yes."
"The first female Hokage, you should've expected there to be some unrest on the matter."
"Well I'm still the fourth male Hokage, and arguably one of the best ones yet."
"And what about your son?"
Minato went rigid, "I'll cross that bridge when we get there- but regardless of all that, the reason I called you up is because you're officially being promoted!"
There's a faint shift in muted expression to excitement, "You're joking?"
Minato tossed over the confirmation scroll, "Nope, congrats on the promotion. Consider it repayment for getting me the details on that jutsu."
Itachi holds the scroll close, "Thank you, Lord Fourth."
"Anytime, and Itachi, do me a favor and tell your mother that me and Kushina would like to visit her again one day," Minato called out as Itachi left.
"Of course, Minato," Itachi called back as he swung open the door.
You know, as many times as Minato uses that dumb little jutsu, there's a euphoria that comes with it.
She can never tell if it's from anticipation of the way his wife will be treating her for the night, or the body itself. But regardless she likes both bodies just fine, both her and Kushina (and Mikoto once a month) like this body.
This time there are ribbons in her hair and her ears and her tails. A little lacy skirt flared off her hips because really it's only there for show, it doesn't cover anything. Same with the collar around her throat, only for show and to hold a bell that rings with every motion she makes.
Kushina doesn't join her right away, instead she's grinning like she's figured out the secret to life.
Minato raises a brow, "What's got you so excited?"
"So, hear me out, I've been thinking," Kushina said, "If the jutsu turns you into your ideal female form-"
"Took me a while to get it nailed, mind you. It could still be better." She speaks mostly in reference to the consistently flared up state of her clit. No matter how much she focuses she can't quite get it perfect, but regardless of that it just makes it easier for oral.
"Right, I did some testing," Kushina said before placing her palms together, "And, it has the opposite effect on me."
"Show me how," Minato said with a gesture of the hand. He leaned back as he spoke, using the heel of her palms as support.
Kushina grinned before swiftly moving through the motions, that same cloud of smoke clearing as fast as it appears and holy fuck her hair. It's so short, choppy and simple and bright red as always. She's also taller now, taller than Minato by a few inches maybe. A single red tail sprouts from her tailbone and a set of sharply pointed ears sprout from her head.
Minato swallows thickly, a whole new sort of want surging through her, "This'll be fun." That same sultry, saccharine grin that was on her face for the first night resurfaces once more.
Kushina grins right back, fox like characteristics of once being a jinchuuriki show through strong. She makes a point to be slow with disrobing and the whole while all Minato can do is wonder just how far they can push the limits of this jutsu.
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wipverse · 1 year
random facts edition #2
what is their relationship like?
Star Sanses Edition
Ink and Dream met shortly after Dream is freed from his stone-y prison. They're allies first, united in their shared goal to protect the multiverse, and over time they become friends.
While they love each other, their relationship is not perfect, and there are still secrets and sore spots they struggle with.
Dream feels like Ink wouldn't understand the more somber, self-destructive angst-y parts of himself, choosing to hide them. While deep down he knows Ink is not the type to judge him for it, he can't make himself share his struggles after a lifetime of keeping up the Forever Steadfast and True Guardian of Positivity mask.
His escapes from obligation come in the form on cigarettes, people who don't know(or care) who he is and indulging in the only piece of his real brother he has left: his books(or, more accurately, what Dream remembers him reading)
Zero's apparent betrayal is another heavy hit on his conscience, and following it he throws himself into helping Core with building the Omega timeline and finding quicker ways to intercept Nightmare and Error's attacks.
Ink feels that his job, besides being the Protector of the Multiverse, is being the comic relief, along with downplaying his genuine fear at being so forgetful at times as just being quirky and somewhat of a klutz.
His coping mechanisms include, besides clowning himself, painting his favorite things, moments and people, helping Core build what needs to be built for the Omega Timeline(most often to his own detriment) and seeking out adrenaline inducing experiences(strong emotional reactions help vivid memories take root).
He struggles a lot with his memory, and how awful forgetting makes him feel, attempting to hide his emotions from Dream by only drinking positive paints, unless the situation calls for him not to, but it ultimately doesn't help his anxiety.
Ink meets Blue while fighting (alongside Dream) against Nightmare, Killer and Dust. Blue insists on defending his home and takes on Dust, freeing Ink from the barrage of attacks. Ink, Dream and Blue win the battle, and Blue expresses his desire to be part of their team and save others.
Ink accepts Blue into the team readily, but Dream is far more reticent to. Ink helps Blue argue his case to the Guardian, and he relents at last.
Ink and Blue's friendship is immediate, and Ink shows his new friend the Center just a few weeks later(which Dream disapproves of).
Blue is able to see underneath the layer of masks Ink wears and help him open up, and in turn the Protector offers Blue support in his journey to emancipate from his limited role in his au and expand his magic ability to include multiversal travel
Blue is the one to come up with the name "Star Sanses", inspired from an au occupant they saved, claiming that the group was " a little light in all the darkness surrounding us".
When Blue first asked to join him and Ink, Dream almost said yes on instinct. He'd been so tired, he hadn't slept the night before and he'd known they needed a new teammate for some time.
But this was a mortal. Moreover, a mortal from a perfectly whole au. He had everything to lose and nothing to gain. He couldn't let the pressure build on the shoulders of someone whose light didn't NEED to be dimmed.
Eventually, he relented. It's a choice he regrets every time Blue gets hurt.
But he does like Blue. He has a vibe to him, as if he just Knows things... and he does.
A few months into being proper friends, Blue manages to get the Guardian talking about it. The pressure, the expectations... the ways he forgets about it.
Blue reciprocates. He tells Dream about his childhood, taking care of Papyrus alone, feeling the weight of the world and faking a smile until it didn't have to feel fake anymore.
They often have "team dates", where they go lay on the soft grass of the Center while playing board games, or, after particularly hard days, just sit in silence, cuddled up under the tree.
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kit-williams · 10 months
40k and D&D crossover Lion El'Jonson
Let's start off in order with Lion El'Jonson Will probably be just as disjointed and chaotic as the initial post
After splitting off from his brothers became a wandering mercenary/sell sword as he did not find exactly a place to call his own
Has a fey horse with 6 legs that can carry his weight
Magnus gave his brother rings to hide their true size but they are all still 7ft to 8ft tall (this is a plot point I'm going back and forth on as a bunch of 9ft tall men wouldn't be super out of place but I also know like Vulcan and Magnus are some of the taller ones) ((Feedback on this would be great))
Eventually the man ends up looking like his current 40k self (I really like the facial hair)
He is still secretive and only slightly less taciturn
After meeting his wife he is slightly less secretive and taciturn with his brothers and really only opens up to her.
He ends up working for a right bastard of a man but the pay is good and his reputation continues to grow and well no one else can seem to pay him off to switch sides.
This is where he eventually meets his wife. Gloria (Her name is up for debate as Gloria will either be her name or Konrad's wife's name.)
Gloria is a handmaiden of the lord, but her position was less than desirable as she was a bedwarmer for the lord. But she likes to call herself a hand maiden to have some dignity.
She was directed to help Ser Lion/Ser Jonson with anything that he needed which the noble figured would be "companionship"
Lion enjoyed Gloria's company as the way she dressed and spoke reminded him of Caliban maidens.
She eventually came clean with what she was after she felt like Ser Lion should not embarrass himself by calling a glorified whore "little dove"
"Lady Gloria I care little of what you are for others but to me you are my 'little dove' ." The words rumbled out of his chest smoothly. "Do not try to impress me with your acts of chivalry Ser Lion. I need not your pity!" Gloria snaps back, hot tears in her eyes. "Little Dove," He rumbled as he leaned down to be eye level with her, "I would not be talking this much if I felt only pity or just pure lust."
Has played enough political games to figure out who is given as a reward and who isn't; Of course he still felt insulted that this poor woman had basically been thrown at him for him to use.
However... Lion El'Jonson wasn't exactly complaining either
Eventually gets fed up with the Liege lord he is serving and decides to part ways but because of his tryst with Gloria he refuses to leave her behind
One evening when he is going to leave he jumps down, in full armor, onto the balcony of her room as he requested her and she was getting ready. This is also more impressive as he landed silently. He tells her to gather her things and that they were leaving. He wasn't going to leave his dove behind.
Had to kiss her after he grabbed her and lept from the balcony to keep her from screaming and alerting the whole castle to their escape.
Him and Gloria have 4 children Eldest son Luthor El'Jonson (this is the son we will follow) Eldest daughter Isolda El'Jonson Second daughter Gwendolyn El'Jonson Youngest son Asmodai El'Jonson
He will call his sons his squires and his daughters princesses
He adores her wit and the way she gets a crude mouth when he pushes her buttons showing that she was not a noblewoman at all and just trained to be what she is.
Seduced his wife with less than knightly flirtations
My man will most certainly get pussydrunk
He is very much touch starved and affection starved (Like most of the Primarchs)
Will get emotional the first few times with her as she also made him feel loved
Gloria has scars on her arms and back from times others felt she was too mouthy and punished her. She just has a bad habit of having to have the last word or to add her own comment to a situation and it's bitten her in the ass, Lion enjoys it as she is respectful but still willful.
He loves his wife as besides being a guide for him in this new place she is something for him to pour all of his attention into as he's never had a woman and him just being a fragment of a full soul allows him to explore his desires.
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