#dazz all hehe i know it has been a while since i actually talked abt wtvr here but
grvntld · 1 year
i find it interesting and strange (((in a good way, giggle-worthy even))) when i notice or realize changes that are happening to me such as actually enjoying chores and having them as a stress reliver now that im an actual adult.
i had a busy start today and so by noon, i was already feeling tired. i took a nap twice and decided to cook our dinner. yes, i can now confidently say that i now know how to cook and that for some reason, i feel at peace when cooking like everything is in sync and im floating. my mind is just really quiet and focused when cooking, i guess.
i also feel that way when im folding clothes. i used to dread folding clothes. i swear my clothes would be piled up for weeks back when i was younger before i even push slash force myself to get up and actually fold them; but now im always looking forward for the clothes to finally get dry so i could sit down, fold them, and just relax.
another chore that i seem to enjoy is mopping floors. i dont really know why but i do enjoy basking in the fact that our floors are squeaky clean when i mop them. theyre so clean that we can see our reflections on them, i swear. there was even this one time that borg got startled and confused as to why there was another dog beneath him on our tiles, not realizing that it was his own reflection. lmao. he's such a cutiepie.
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