#dctv femlash
thefirelordazula · 7 years
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DCTV Femlash Week Day 4 - Special Guest Star
Sara Lance/Guinevere Medieval Warrior Queens AU with @jessicajcnes
No time travel involved. Sara was just born in this time period and she and Guinevere fell in love
They'd totally be badass warrior queens who care a lot about their people and constantly battle assholes who underestimate their power
They have an all female royal guard 
They're obviously very kind and caring. They actually listen to the people's concern and do everything in their power to help them 
They're also out there in the field when battle needs to be done, not like most royalty who just usually send their knights to do the fighting (Much less queens, but they don't care about all that gender crap)
So it isn't like canon Sara that has the modern mind (because no time travel) but she is incredibly modern and so is Guinevere, so they don't care about people's ignorance 
Of course they have to face a lot of intolerance from some people, but almost everyone loves them because they're such good leaders/fighters/people over all 
Powerful but just queer queens, hell yeah 
Laurel is the one to pull the sword from the stone and that gets her acended to the queens’ right hand
It’s a nice parallel of Laurel being just a lawyer (just Sara's sis) to becoming Black Canary (Sara's right hand)  
Neither of them want a huge wedding, and they're also afraid that some ignorant asshole will try to ruin it so they don't want a huge public ceremony or anything. What they do instead is they gather up their closest friends from arrowverse (which in this case they're knights or from the royal court or even royalty from other kingdoms) and they have a small ceremony in an outdoor garden
It's all just cute and romantic and perfect for them 
Then they get really drunk at the afterparty and have really kinky sex all night long because they're cute but also, it's Sara. She has to balance cuteness/sexiness out 
They met when they became allies in a battle. After they’ve won Guinevere (who was in full armor this whole time) takes her helmet off Sara is like *heart eyes*
 Eventually she leaves Arthur (who in this case is just a regular king and hasn't pulled the sword out of the stone) and goes be with Sara
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thefirelordazula · 7 years
DCTV Femlash Week Day 3 - AU
Thea Queen/Sin Buffy The Vampire Slayer AU with @jessicajcnes
(We’re using nonbinary Sin)
Thea would play Buffy’s part and Sin Faith’s (With some changes, of course)
Laurel and Sara are their Watchers, respectively (Sara is much better than Wesley
Arrows with wooden tips to stake vampires
Sara as Sin's Watcher would prevent Faith's arc of turn to evil and everything, so she just gets all the best qualities
Sara would absolutely make sure Sin has a place to stay and has food and attempt to get them to go to school but it wouldn't work
Okay so they meet because Sin saves Roy in an alley outside Vertigo, and he's like "You'd get along great with my friend"
Tha is a bit jealous at first. Sin gets to have all this fun, meanwhile Thea has so much responsibility
But then Thea realizes how shitty Sin's life was before being Slayer and meeting Sara and all hard feelings are forgotten
Ollie as Dawn but he's the older sibling in this case and his personality would be pre-gambit (at least during the first few years of Thea being a slayer, eventually he’d join the team and become more mature/experienced in battle) 
And their parents don't get divorced like Buffy’s (Also Moira is way better than Joyce)
So Thea had grown up with the nice perfect family meanwhile Sin has the exact opposite
Sin has that parallel with Faith where they don't really know how to react to Thea taking them in at first so they makes excuses when they get invited to her house but eventually they cave in
And part of it is that Thea lives in a mansion. An honest to god mansion. That's just so excessive and so much compared to Sin out on the streets that they don't know how to act. They’re so overwhelmed by everything at first. They’re scared to even walk, afraid that they'll leave a stain on the carpet or something
It’s the 90s and the lack of cell phones makes them more likely to patrol together, which makes them bond by having each other's backs and talking when there’s no monsters to kill
It also means that people are less tolerant about Sin's pronouns and it means Thea can beat assholes up and it makes Sin love her even more
"I could've done that myself” 
"Im well aware"
But secretly sin is flustered cause nobody except Sara has ever really stood up for them
Sara and Laurel love that their Slayers are in love. It's great cause Sara's known Thea since she was a kid, so she's about the only person she trusts not to hurt Sin
Roy is their Scooby, their support who fights out there with them and who sometimes plays mediator between them
He's great at mediator because he's been partners with Thea in this for awhile now, but he can relate more to Sin and their life experience
Sin and Thea are at Vertigo one night, after a bit of slaying, and they're dancing together. Sin looks incredible in the club lights, and before she realizes what she's doing, Thea is kissing them
She needs some space after that to figure out exactly how she feels about them and Sin gives it to her but after like 2 days they're like "Fuck it" and they climb through Thea's window
Thea is like "Sin wtf are you doing here? It's like 11 pm" and Sin has this huge speech (that they're lowkey embarrassed about bcs what are feelings??) about how amazing Thea is and how they really want her in their life even if it’s just as friends because she’s too important to them
That's when Thea kisses them and they're both a nervous wreck but it's cute and gay and pure
Sin would be so bad with feelings but have a lot of feelings for Thea so it's hard
Thea is a very feelings-based person, so sometimes she gets frustrated that Sin doesn't communicate their feelings easily. That's something they have to work on
Sara and Laurel would be great because they get along way better than Giles and Wesley. They sometimes bicker just because they worry about their Slayers, and the best ways to do certain things to keep them safe, but they're family so they work it out. And they are so loving with their Slayers
Once Thea and Sin get together Thea makes the same stupid pun over and over again. Whenever Sin does something cute Thea goes "it's sinful how cute you are" or any variation of that
She does it so often that Sin threatens to fight her if she does it one more time, but Thea always gives them a kiss and smiles "I know you won't do that"
Sin is always left a gay mess, but they also wonder why they date such a dork
Just, Sin and Thea as badass slayer girlfriends 
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