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Colin Farrell’s Celebrity Confession (x)
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arabviral-blog · 6 years
كيفية عمل قفص عصافير
كيفية عمل قفص عصافير ، تربية العصافير من الهوايات الشائعة عالميا، والعصافير مخلوقات حساسة ورقيقة تحتاج إلى ظروف خاصة لكي تعيش بصحة جيدة، لهذا سوف نقوم اليوم بتقديم موضوع هام للغاية لهواة تربية العصافير تحت عنوان كيفية عمل قفص عصافير؟ ويتم شرح التفاصيل بطرق مبسطة ليسهل على الجميع فهمها.
كيفية عمل قفص عصافير
وسنتناول في هذا المقال كذلك كيف يكون شكل القفص وكيف يكون حجمه وما هي الأدوات التي يتكون…
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necessary compilation: colin + tied hair
“It’s tragic, I’m actually addicted to massages. A lot of that is to do with touch because I love being touched – I’m a big hugger. I love a good hug and a two-handed handshake that nearly turns into a handhold.”
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solitaryfossil · 6 years
hate-mongering maniac.
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ddcartsfoundation · 3 years
Unrestricted Support for Artists
Support for artists is a bedrock priority of the Arts Program. Artists reflect, inspire and connect individuals and society, and although there is widespread societal agreement about the value of the arts, there is far too little support for the artists themselves. Artists need direct support that gives them the flexibility to take creative risks unfettered by institutional obligations or the need to deliver a product. In response to this need, DDCF not only provides funding for artists’ projects, but also unrestricted support to artists to help them meet their personal and professional needs. This support is a concrete expression of the high regard in which we hold artists, as well as Doris Duke’s interest in assisting them to fulfill their ambitions. Goal To strengthen a fair and sustainable system of unrestricted support to individual artists across the country.  Initiatives Doris Duke Artist Awards – Awards flexible and unrestricted multi-year support to exemplary individual artists in contemporary dance, jazz, theater and related interdisciplinary fields to empower them to take creative risks and pay for important needs not typically funded by project-related grants. DDCF-funded United States Artists Fellowships – Provides unrestricted funding awards to individual artists in jazz, dance and theater through the selection process of United States Artists.DDCF-funded Dance/USA Fellowships to Artists – Provides unrestricted funding and artist services to individual artists who use dance as a vehicle for social change through an application process of Dance/USA. Artistic Creation and Touring Goal To support projects, organizations and artists creating innovative, new artistic work in the fields of contemporary dance, jazz, multi-disciplinary performing arts and theater. Initiatives The Arts Program supports innovative projects and artists in dance, jazz and theater through national, competitive initiatives. Funding helps support creation, residencies, touring and grantee meetings. All funds under this strategy are distributed through the re-grant programs of intermediary grant-making organizations. Grant seekers must apply directly to the intermediaries. Visit the links below for more information on funding opportunities through intermediary funding organizations:
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synapsearts · 6 years
Jumping for joy #welovetodance #rehearsal #gettingready #touring #ddcf #detroitbound #bouncycostumes
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he is so awkward (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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droply7 · 4 years
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hoodies1com-blog · 6 years
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almasdare · 6 years
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إقامة أول قداس بشبه الجزيرة العربية خلال رحلته المقررة للعاصمة الإماراتية أبوظبي في فبراير المقبل، يقيم البابا فرانسيس قداسًا مسيحيًا هو الأول في شبه الجزيرة العربية بمشاركة 120 ألف شخص. سيقام هذا القداس  في الثالث والخامس من فبراير داخل أحد ملاعب مدينة زايد الرياضية حيث سيشارك كنائس عديدة من مختلف الدول . هذا وستوزع  معظم الدعوات بين الكنائس الكاثوليكية في الإمارات وعمان واليمن، فيما سيخصص جزء صغير منها للكنائس في البحرين والكويت وقطر.  وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن البابا فرانسيس سيعقد  في المسجد اجتماعًا مغلقًا مع أعضاء مجلس حكماء المسلمين.
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myloverhammurabi · 6 years
my lover olin taciturn avant-garde fetish bateau pancreas excretion
my lover olin taciturn avant-garde fetish bateau pancreas excretion
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Colin Farrell for the Homeless World Cup.
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