acidbodywoman · 21 days
vincabwnnie isnt even a polycule anymore this is folie a trois .....or however da HELL they say it!! !
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revunant · 4 months
I KNOW this guy has gone through iterations. What's something that used to be true about him as a character that isn't anymore as he's evolved?
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 (always accepting)
there are... a lot of somethings... i definitely used to be a lot looser with his characterisation and his motives and his backstory - i kind of just did whatever seemed the most fun. jean spent a lot of his early years as one of the Big Bads of the rpc i played him in, and in my experience people didn't seem to mind too much that i was impulsive and inconsistent as long as i was stirring the pot/creating dramatic conflict/giving them some angst fodder for their muses (all of which i had a great time doing, mind!)
i try to be kind to myself in hindsight, but i do kinda cringe about the way i did things back then. i leant heavily into a lot of clichés and magpie'd tropes & ideas & plot beats from whatever my current hyperfixation was (something i'm still guilty of, just to a lesser and more regulated degree) and while there's nothing wrong with that, i still..............ehhhh. jean's characterisation was sloppy and fickle. he did a lot of things "just because" that i had to retcon in motivation for years after the fact. even his undeath was me wanting to write him being killed (usually as consequence for the aforementioned Being A Big Bad) and continue writing him after without having to declare that death non-canon, and originally had no concrete cause or explanation.
i like to think he's a lot more pinned down now, even if the consequence of me filling in those previously unexplained footholds is that there's kind of a lot of information to take in (i promise you do not need to know all of it upfront). i only "finished" the retconning in, like, 2022, and i'm still finding shit that needs to be fixed, but he makes a lot more sense now. i think.
the biggest change is his morality, i think. he used to be fully chaotic evil, killed people just cuz he liked doing it, dentist from little shop of horrors kind of guy. very extroverted, not even particularly secretive about anything. yeah there are human organs in the fridge in his basement, who cares? whereas now even tho (in his main verses) he's usually true neutral, he usually ends up aligned with the Good Guys in any given conflict, even if he's a bit of a liability for them.
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morttodea · 10 months
Skeptical? + Demonic possession (:<
Accepting! X
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"Y'know, before I turned into one myself, I always thought it was pretty silly for demons to possess people or things. Why they gotta hide if they're so powerful? Don't they got better things to do? BUT," The demon raised their hands in a 'what did you know' "Turns out doing so is my kind's bread and butter, our snail's shell.~ I think great, it's like bunking in a creature's mindspace or soul space.~ It's been a loooong while since I possessed something of my own. My first was the little roachie you see me as.~"
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shiningsilverarmor · 1 year
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also, cherr- say it. do it. I double dog dare ya.
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somnum-nyxtibius · 5 months
@d-d-disgusting Count X
One would see it unnerving to hold a kill in front of a beast whose gaze can chill a soul in the place, whose stance can contradict the soul and urge it to run. But not for Onna'ril, while it does make the griffon disheartened to know it took them being this low to indulge in things like this. But it's because of this is why they are her spar partner, there are no resignations, no hesitations, there is no more giving. All there's left is to take and render flesh and ichor that mocks flesh! This semi-wilted sunflower feels like they're one of her fogmates at this point, she doesn't mind teasing a hungry beast! Once Vincent crouched down on all fours she twirlled around, letting the wind engulf her small form to grow in size. No bigger than a jackal for her trickster mood! She sports no wings, there's no need to keep to the air when both of them can jump and climb trees.~ And where she wanna run, it may just get in the way.
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She lets out a rapid couple of squeaks, mimicking chuckles that trailed off into a defensive growl. Poofing up reaaal big before making a break for it, into the forest! If... All goes to plan there may be something else in store for the winner of this chase.
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kaengeru · 1 year
@d-d-disgusting   /   starter.
Enya was all but bouncing on her feet as paced, waiting, excited... Of a sort. Muttering as she did. Trying with some success to get her energy, real and true enthusiasm, up! Had to! Was going to see Vince again, after far too long and with so much in between. Wanted to talk to him, about all the things happening, the things he had going on. A true and honest equality with someone she could firmly call a friend.
Still. That constant and swirling anxiety that sat like a rock in the pit of her stomach wouldn't leave. It sat, heavy and aching, like a true stone, impervious and unmoved by her pelting it with positivity. She needed this! And, unsurprisingly, nothing.
Optimism she rarely held kept her straight and moving. It would be different. Expectations high, sure, but it would work. Her mind was a, mess, but a true moment would do good.
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⌖ (Either Tolya or Vincent!)
(For Tolya)
1. They're always here even when I don't see them on the dash. They're in the plants and in the natural rot and decay within the woods.
2. I want to hug them and I never want to stop interacting with them. They help me find the good in things. To not give up and to keep hope.
3. I wonder, would they still like hot dogs? Would they have a hot dog with me again?
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thegodofdecay · 1 year
not so oppressed as you once were, yeah? with us helping spread the deserved .. proper. appreciation of you 💖
I must say, the work you have done to organize my worshipers into a more unified flock with a set of core beliefs and dissuade them from their more... unsavory practices. Well, it's obviously more than I've done for myself in many thousands of years.
Tolya, my darling, I think you were always going to be a leader of thoughts and hearts, one way or another.
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youthful-vigilantes · 2 years
While Vincent babysit with the kids, they noticed all the details that makes them, them! This orange one has feathers, the red one got fins, the yellow wyrm has tale plates! Though namely... Those scars of the wyrmlings is what draws their untle’s attention. Sal’s picked spot on their back, irritated, picked at probably not too recently. Looks like they’ve done it with their back talons with the way the scar goes in one direction, some scales in the area looked chipped and feels jagged. They showed Vincent the scar, and having them graze their fingers on the sore spot made them worry. “Is it bad, untle?” its not entirely bad, but sal had a feeling that Vincent still might tell the dads about it. Xico’s watching tv, completely excited about her favorite show getting so good, her tail thwapping on the floor. They can see the bite mark of something that tried it’s best to pull a death roll on her, it looked bad, and judging how it feels? It probably bled a lot, but knowing Xico she was probably super brave about it. “That? Aw, it ain’t nothin. Just a fight I got into, it’s cool right, yo?” Koth’s was both obvious to see but also very easy to miss. Two holes in his left wing, it’s big enough for a kid marker(crayola) to fit through, about an inch long for both. It looked old, as concerning as it was when untle carefully traced their fingers on the wing-web rips, it wasn’t as delicate as when he was a hatchling. Koth was preening that wing when they asked ‘...did it hurt?’. “Mmm,  it did at first, I fell into some sharp thorns on the way down on a landing. Mama moo didn’t let me fly for a year, I know she didn’t want it to get bigger, but it still sucked being grounded.”
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an-ordinary-roach · 3 years
@d-d-disgusting​ X
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“Does it really matter if it’s easier or not easier to swallow? Everyone has their good and bad days.”  A small tsk was made when he flicked the stuff back, they wanted to grin at his horror they smelt from him but they’re trying to be professional here... A small snort before going back to work, like hooking organic wiring to the right places, threading the nerves and blood vessels here and there. “Sometimes the pill is too much to swallow and ya just wanna wallow in it. But today’s a pill and full support and praise of friends, type of day.” They mused while pulling their hands out of the cavity, checking out if everything was in order. “So what if it’s easy? You expect yaself to not take the win when ever the opportunity arises? Self deprecating can only get ya so far, it’s worth tricking the brain into thinking it’s not an anxious bundle of fat.” Like they even have one-
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interminal · 3 years
|| @d-d-disgusting​ | from here. 
[ The worst part is that Jean sees it all. The innate need to help, the fear that he won’t be able to, the switch into autopilot. Vincent’s just trying to make sure he doesn’t die here. He’s helping. If you hurt him, or kill him, or scare him away - or worse, antagonise him into finishing the job himself - you will die here. ]
[ Rationality tries so hard to win out. It doesn’t. Fear is too persuasive. ]
[ Jean spits some blood instead, and digs his fingertips a little deeper into Vincent’s throat. That hand stays still as stone, but the one holding his wrist still trembles violently along with the rest of his arm. There is a kindness, though, and it sticks around the next time he speaks. ]
« You are here to pick my bones. Or finish what they started. Vulture. »
[ Друг, he thinks, friend, please go. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want you to hurt me. He’s watching his own movements from somewhere behind his body, no longer in control. He watches as his titanium palm, previously kept loose, presses its heel into Vincent’s trachea. This one’s never done him harm. This one never intended to do him harm. Jean barely knows him, Jean’s so slow to trust, and yet he feels a kinship. ]
[ Down the drain now, with the rest. ]
« Turn and leave. I can forget you ever made this mistake. Don’t make me hurt you. »
[ The hand powered by the energy the resistors in his joints generate stays firm and steady. The hand powered by the energy in his body is losing his strength. He does this on purpose, leads with the left, lets people think he’s got more fight behind him than he actually has, but he’s not so confident it’s going to work now. ]
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acidbodywoman · 21 days
abw's two partners who wear the metal cage wolf heads . the future liberals wanted
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revunant · 6 months
What is Jean's weapon of choice? Is there any preference at all beyond the practical? Is there a single object he prefers, or are all weapons of that kind equally viable?
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 (always accepting)
Earlier life would often put a gun in his hand, and he's a good shot (even more so now, given how steady and accurate his prosthetic is) but he's not particularly attached to any one weapon, no. He likes the feeling of security that he gets from carrying a firearm, and he likes being able to strike someone down from a distance, from the shadows — and he likes bringing a gun to a knife fight. But while he'll always choose to have the advantage if it's available to him, he'll just as readily bring a knife.
His weapons of "choice" back on the Gilgamesh were primarily snipers, though his loadout varied. Even in closer quarters he found himself with rifles in his hands — Pieter seemed partial to a Kalashnikov — but his equipment lost its sophistication as he became increasingly expendable. Sometimes when Pieter knew he was sending Havik out on a suicide mission, from which he was confident his body would be safely recover, he would pack him with little more than a hunting knife and a prayer.
Proficient in improvised weapons for sure. In the absence of a gun or a blade he's very comfortable with grabbing the most weapon-shaped thing in his proximity and using it with gusto. He's done serious damage through the medium of liquor bottles, coffee mugs, table legs. In times and verses where he uses a cane, he's more than willing to crack it over someone's temple. Anything he can get his hands on. He has no favourites, really. He's an opportunistic and unfair fighter. He'll use anything and everything available to him, so long as he thinks it'll work.
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morttodea · 1 year
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( Whoops.)
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shiningsilverarmor · 2 years
We have our likes. And then we have our DISLIKES.
"I don't like that you're living by yourself out there so far from others. Not that living by yourself is bad, but... I feel you can really shine out here with your skills.
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Also, your hair. Let me brush it. I have just the simplest of combs if you would let me."
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sullenchoir · 3 years
continued from: x
“Is it..”
There’s no emotion in Vincent’s voice, quiet and subdued. He’s not sure how Marion could possibly be worried about him, if it’s worry for him at all. It shouldn’t be. They both know it shouldn’t be. He keeps his pace, but turns to move closer, staring at him-and then around to see if there’s anyone else.
“Then. What are you doing..?”
“I can handle myself, dear.” 
That, and coupled with a lack of self preservation that he does not make known, Marion knew the place inside and out. The things that go bump in the night were not simply fables. Marion cocks his head, observing the taller individual with a quizzical look on his face. He feels bad for startling him, but it was better that he knew lest something happen.
“Have you no place to stay?”
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