The Wall Maiden, Cont’d
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
“Yes, please make sure to aim for something non-vital. Like my foot or two feet above my head.” To tell the truth, Magda hadn’t expected that sort of reaction from Vulga. Laughter, yes, but not the full body shaking, bringing tears to the eyes sort of reaction. It made her smile, and she offered a handkerchief to the other woman. “I told you I begged for my life and made promises to the Countess, did I not? That’s what possessed me. I do my best not to lie and my word is my bond, Vulga. I don’t make promises in earnest often, but when I do, they are heartfelt and true. Play your cards right and maybe you will end up with a castle. Or a tower.”
Magda considered Vulga’s explanation carefully. It was an interesting point she made. Were they human? Yes and no. “I would never consider them mindless killer, but you are right. They’re malleable. When I first came here, I was only so many steps away from being food. The daughters didn’t see me as a person until I was here for three years. The Countess…?” She paused, thinking and remembering. “She saw potential, I think. Or at least I gave her potential to see. I’ve made progress, I know I have, but I also know that I’ve only gotten so far with Alcina. She… some days I can’t read her.” Then Magda realized her error. Yes, they were predatory as well as human, but Alcina had a third aspect that the daughters seemed to mostly lack. “She’s titled. She’s the elite and nobility. That is the word I was lacking. I don’t know how old the Countess is, but I’d guess easily over a century, at least. Judging by her taste in clothing, I mean.” And the portraits of herself and her daughters, but Vulga didn’t need to know about that. “We’re commoners. The hired help. I knew that for a while, but it just didn’t click, for some reason, until now. But you’re right, I’m a favored commoner.” Again, she smiled a little. “I’d love to be able to leave, or at least be able to live out the rest of my life safe in the knowledge that I won’t become a bottle of her latest vintage.” That said, Magda gave Vulga a gentle look. “She is my employer, you know. You have fun calling her foolish and disrespectful.”
Cocking her head at the money statement, Magda began reevaluating Vulga. “Either you steal everything you need, or you live life in the moment, letting the wind take you where it may.” She mulled that thought over for a bit. “I don’t think I could do that. I’d last maybe a year. I enjoy some steadiness in my life. As for what to stretch out a bit?” She waved her off. “I’ve changed my mind. Write what you want, true or false. I won’t influence you. It’ll be funnier that way.”
“Perfectly average people doing the dumbest shit alive? Isn’t that a fancy way to say ‘Americans’ or ‘college aged students’?” she joked. “But, I appreciate the statement. I, for one, have never jumped off of cliffs. Or most tall structures, for that matter. I play it safe… so says the seamstress who lives with unusually tall vampires that enjoy dining on the occasional castle staff member.”
The seamstress allowed Vulga her dramatic moment, thoroughly enjoying it. “Of course, I understand. The space beneath my floor is always open to you, Vulga. A nice throw rug, maybe a few pillows. It’ll be lovely. And should you not return, I will craft you the most glorious funeral garb, lay it under the floor, and place your found bag on top of it. This I swear,” Magda replied with the utmost solemnity.
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dani-dimitrescu · 3 years
 “ observing my talents, are you ? “ - (ddomesticfucker)
"Yes, simply out of curiosity." Daniela replied with a grin. "Does it make you nervous?"
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A New Plaything, Cont’d
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
“All right, all right. You clearly know what you’re talking about and what you’ve experienced, so I’ll shut up about how to deal with the other lords,” Cassandra sighed dramatically, fitting with Vulga’s tease. “The one time I try to be nice…”
The cat and mouse moment over with, Cassandra stood back as Vulga backed away. Wanting to relieve the tension just a bit more, the brunette stretched and popped her back. The motion was oddly human. She had expected Vulga to take that opportunity to vanish into the washroom, but the girl was taking her sweet time with moving. Had she really been scared that much? Was she really that intimidated? That was the weird thing about mortals… one moment they were brave, and the next? Terrified and begging for mercy if you so much as looked at them intensely for too long. It was times like this that Cassandra honestly wondered about humans and almost everything about them.
“I’m sure you’re pretty enough. Besides, this will be more about talent and value, not so much being a pretty face,” she reassured her. Cassandra let Vulga take her time changing. She didn’t rush her or say anything, letting her proceed at her own pace. In fact, part of her wondered if the girl didn’t take this opportunity and try to slip away. Not that there was anywhere to slip away to in that washroom, but she’d find it amusing if an attempt was made. But, judging by the sounds coming from within, Vulga was honestly taking her time to look presentable.
When Vulga finally did reemerge. Cassandra was notably impressed. Yes, she was still wearing black, not that the color really matter, but her appearance was definitely an improvement. “You clean up nicely,” Cassandra commented. “You almost look cute and harmless like this. The pearl buttons and frills are a nice touch. Are you ready?”
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A New Plaything?, Cont’d
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
A small hitch of the breath? Her heart briefly changing speed? Eyes dilating slightly? Cassandra smirked slightly upon seeing Vulga’s reaction to her curtsey. She did love it when they got like this. It made the blood just a little richer… Wait, no. Noooo, Vulga was a friend, not food. She had to keep remembering that. Besides, she’d likely been crawling around in filth if her clothes were any indication. Food usually needed to be clean.
Now it was Cassandra’s turn to raise an eyebrow at Vulga’s interest in the reservoir. “Really? You want to see what essentially amounts to an old flooded portion of the village? When the hydro-electric dam was built, that’s what happened. Water needed to be stored, and people can be paid to move. Left a lot of things there. Underwater. I’ll help you find the place, not that it’s hard, but you’re crazy for going there. Moreau may seem stupid, and I’ll be the first to say he’s isn’t the sharpest knife, but he does have his moments. Depending on how you approach him, he may be friend or foe.” As for the thought of Donna having clowns? Cassandra just shook her head, chuckling. “No, no clowns. Angie doesn’t need that idea.”
Head cocked, she watched the emotion pour over Vulga’s face while her fingertips rested on the butt of her sickle. Watch the girl’s eyes. Don’t act before she does. Unneeded death, while not entirely unheard of, was a bitch to clean up. Not that she would be doing it. But calling staff away from their normal duties was… an annoyance mother didn’t always care for. So, best to wait and listen before acting. But then again, if Vulga gave her an excuse? It just meant more food for supper.
She listened to Vulga, not just her words, but the manner in which they were delivered as well. There was an honest fascination in her voice. One of wonder and awe. The pieces of the puzzle were now falling into place. It was like the ugly duckling seeing a swan for the first time and realizing they were the same thing, just at different points off their lives. Had Cassandra lived a different life, she likely would have felt the same upon seeing someone like her mother. She had no real concept of celebrities or movie stars, but royalty? Or glimpsing something rare in the forest? She had once seen a pure white deer running through the woods, and what did the great huntress do? She simply stood there, mouth open in shock, watching the animal run until it was out of sight. So yes, Cassandra knew what it was like. At that realization, her hand removed itself from her sickle and she held it out to Vulga.
“All right. I’ll take you to her.”
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A New Plaything? Cont’d
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
Cassandra smirked at Vulga’s cute little act. There was no way in hell she fully believed this girl’s line of just being an escape artist. The brunette wondered if there were going to be long nights of stalking the halls and following this interesting individual in order to make sure she was telling the truth and all that. She also found it cute that the girl was practically bending over backwards to prove she wasn’t like the usually people who came to this castle.
“You know what I like about you, Vulga? The fact that you are trying so terribly hard to show that you are something you aren’t,” she grinned. “I think it’s cute. Sort of like a meal that repeatedly states how terrible it will taste. Something along those lines. That’s why you’re doing what you’re doing, isn’t it? Trying to connect you and me together, saying how we’re the same? Family? Not like them?” she said, pointing to the portrait Vulga had used as an example. Cassandra didn’t even know who those people were. Relatives? Strangers? Someone her mother was friends with? “You shouldn’t worry. You’re far too interesting to be considered a meal. To me, at least. Mother might think differently. But then again....” She just shrugged. “Besides, mother’s particular when it comes to her palette. If she doesn’t like your taste, she won’t eat you. Or make you into wine.” She’d just have you killed outright.
The news that Vulga came naturally through a whole family made Cassandra briefly smile. “You’re the first, you know, that I’ve known to be born with their abilities. Of course, that doesn’t mean much since I’ve only ever seen this village, so who knows, maybe most of the world is born with abilities and we’re the odd ones out. Is yours a big family? Lots of siblings?” Cassandra was just being curious. There was, surprisingly, no malice or plots and planning behind her questions.
Cassandra wasn’t quite sure how to answer the of how long she had been here. “I don’t…. I don’t really keep track of years. Decades are easier, but even then… I’ve been here easily since the second world war. That I think was the earliest event I remember…Many soldiers came through here. Or at least tried. They didn’t last very long. One of the perks of being in this village, I suppose. Wars tend to avoid you after a while. Mother, though? Mother I couldn’t say how long she’s been here. This castle has been in our family forever.”
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The Wall Maiden, Cont’d
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
“I could also call you ‘little gerbil’ or ‘hamster’,” she chuckled, noting Vulga’s reaction to the mouse nickname. “But if you insist, I’ll call you ‘little rat’ if it makes you happy.” After a moment, she added. “Oh! What about Queen Rat? Too fancy? Too much? Should I simply stick with ‘little rat’?”
“Yes, I know what you mean. Thankfully, things have actually gotten easier for me the longer I’ve been here. Is that an odd thing to say? I’m sure it is. But, it’s the truth.” At least for the time being. Her status with the Dimitrescu family could change at the drop of a hat, and Magda knew it. For now, at least, she was living comfortably, even if her job was demanding at times. “Believe me, if I was allowed to travel, I would. I absolutely would. But, I would always come back. My family is here. Not out there.” If she could travel, maybe she would pay her old family a visit. Just to see how they were and to show them she was neither dead nor a soul-selling monstrosity.
She grinned as Vulga briefly described her adventures. “You actually went into the catacombs? I did a brief tour with a few classmates when we visited Paris while at university. It gave me the shivers, what with the enclosed spaces and being underground. At one point, our guide had us all turn our lights off and stand still for about a minute. It could have been someone fooling around, but I swear I heard something down one of the tunnels. Perhaps it was you,” she joked. “I’m sure you saw areas most haven’t. As for Pripyat?” She just shook her head. “I’m not partial to the idea of being radioactive. Despite that, you enjoyed it, didn’t you? Whenever you do finally settle down… if you ever do finally settle down, you’ll need to write a book about your escapades. People write memoirs all the time. I don’t think it would matter if you kept everything in. I’m sure people would just consider anything odd to be allegories or something.” Magda put on an educated English accent. “Ah yes, the unusually tall countess was simply a method in which to convey the author’s lack of a mother figure and her desire to have one. As for the seamstress? Hell if I know. Some vagrant perhaps,” she laughed. “Even just your photos… I’m sure you could make a whole book of them. I could show you more than a few views from the castle that are breathtakingly gorgeous. Actually, there are many places around this village that have the potential for interesting photographs. We might need permission in some places, but…” Magda shrugged, not finishing her thought.
“Oh, I am so glad that I’ve given you such a wonderful idea to use in the future,” she replied, mostly in a sarcastic manner. “Just promise to use it against your enemies,” Magda smirked. “Trouble. There, that is your nickname. It suits you so incredibly well, what with how you get in and out of it so easily.” At mention of the ‘ugly sons of bitches’, the seamstress nodded. “Lycans are the dogmen found basically anywhere but the castle. Fast and armed, like you said. The thralls as usually relegated to the castle’s dungeon, though some have escaped and evolved wings and currently nest at the very top of the castle spires. They’re… they’re…” The sparkle and happiness briefly went out of her eyes. “They’re what happens when a servant is taken into the cellar and drained. Or experimented on. I’m not really sure. But yes, they’re easy to avoid if they’re alone. In numbers, though? They can dangerous.”
Magda did raise an eyebrow at that contemplative expression, unsure if it was another act or not. Once it dissipated, she just nodded. “I won’t touch it. If the board needs to be replaced, I’ll make sure it’s not fully nailed down, giving you a nice little way in and out.”
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A New Plaything?
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
“Like I said, most haven’t. I’m one of three in all existence that can do this little trick,” Cassandra grinned. She never learned why or how she could turn into a swarm; become potentially hundreds of individual little flies that had their own sort of initiative and then be able to collect them back into herself. To her it was magic. To her it was fun. Every time her own senses split and shattered and grew, it was enjoyable. Yes, her eyesight may go to shit at first with the environment splitting into tiny, little facets, but then she saw so much. She felt so much. She could even taste the air. None of these humans had any idea they were so deaf and blind compared to her.
“Well, mother does seem to enjoy her talents, so I suppose she’ll stay where she is, for the time being.” As far as Cassandra knew, the woman’s sewing talents had been the only thing her mother had enjoyed, except for the first taste test so many years ago. She guessed the woman was off limits. But... if the little seamstress ever did lose her position, Cassandra wondered what all that fabric looked like splattered in blood.
When the smaller woman went over to the vase and stuck a leg in it, she started to say something in protest. The last thing that was needed was for another vase to break. Yes, there were plenty throughout the castle, but knowing her luck, Cassandra would be blamed.
Then she broke her leg.
After that, Cassandra was like Pavlov’s dog, because the sound of breaking bones practically made her mouth water. The wet snaps were particularly her favorite sound, as she knew exactly what had to happen to the joint in order to make that pop. She watched, excitement growing and enraptured by it all, as the girl stuffed herself inside that small vase opening. Admittedly, Vulga was giving Cassandra ideas she probably shouldn’t have, as the witch woman was possibly looking at her new favorite play thing.
“Where have you been all my life?” she asked upon walking over and looking inside, voice a little breathy. “You are incredible…”
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The Wall Maiden, cont’d
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
“Vulga, I’m polite because of my profession and where I work. Also because I’m human and rather squishy. There are certain things that I am careful about bringing up to the Countess because she could absolute take the utmost offense and… react negatively if I said it wrong. I’m sure you can guess what they are,” the seamstress said, gesturing to the tall, custom made dress form that was in the corner. “I won’t ever call you a freak or Twizzler or other names like that. It is a unique ability, and yes, the sounds of your bones realigning will take some time to get used, but I promise I won’t throw things at you or hit you with a measuring stick.”
She laughed a bit at the ‘village puritans’ comment. “Oh, they already think I’m something wrong and evil. Likely think I sold my soul or whatever in order to survive. Wearing pants is probably just a footnote to them. Something said in passing in order to confirm their beliefs. She has a mole, she works well with animals, she wears pants. That sort of thing, you know. Let them continue to wear skirts and dresses and remain babushkas.”
Was Magda happy to see Vulga feel embarrassed or guilty over the truth of her situation? Yes, a little. A small part of her enjoyed it when the truth came crashing down on the heads of others. She could have told the girl more; that she locked her door at night for the first year of her employment, or that she used to have regular nightmares of her being chased through the castle halls, ready to be eaten, all because of a ill-fitting dress. She could have told the girl that some days she did regret her choice of walking up those castle steps while other days she happily saw herself as a sort of aunt to the daughters. She enjoyed seeing the Countess wearing a newly finished garment of hers and she hated seeing her work ruined or a pattern come out wrong. She was living the dream of being the personal tailor for a countess, but she couldn’t likely ever leave her employ. Her life was one of opposites.
“People make mistakes. Believe me, I should know. I promise not to worry, as you are clearly able to get yourself in and out of extremely tight situations,” Magda said with a smirk, fully aware of the bad joke she just made. “I will still wish you good luck as, while I’ve only just met you, I would hate to lose you. You’re an intriguing person to have as an acquaintance or a friend, Vulga.”
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Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Favourite Colour: metallics, blues, greens
Currently Reading: Scottish Myths edited by Jake Jackson
Last Song: Poor Unfortunate Souls
Last Series: The Librarians
Last Movie: The Green Knight  
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: All of the above
Currently working on: writing, costumes, and trying not to kill co-workers
Tagged by: @shireentheunburnt
Tagging: @dani-dimitrescu, @sapphic-alcina-dimitrescu, @sacrificialmaiid, @ladysmaid, @yippie-role-play, @ddomesticfucker, @sora-roi
And anyone who wants to
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Your Result: Skin
Here is the largest organ, seemingly unimportant and forgotten in favour of larger meatier cuts of flesh, but it is living and breathing but wholly on the outside. You feel everything so much all the time. You wear everything on the outside, nothing about you is restrained or held back, authentic and truthful, even to a fault, even revealing all the ugly parts you can’t cover. The blows and injuries you take cannot be hidden, so be cautious. Always remember scars do not heal, they can only fade.
Tagged by: @dimitresca
Tagging: Oh my god, everyone @fallesto @dani-dimitrescu @sapphic-alcina-dimitrescu @ddomesticfucker and so many others who have probably already been tagged
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Your Muse as the Solar System
BOLD what applies. Repost, don’t reblog!
SUN • egotistical • melted wax wings and fingers • stretching sunburnt skin • the most generous soul • blood in the fruit • halos • anger on fire • high vitality • thunderous laughter • is pride really a sin? • halogenic aura ( 4/11 )
MERCURY • expansion of the mind • silver-tongued • an everlasting wanderer • polyglot • high dexterity • handwritten letters • innately critical • en vogue • eyes in the trees • hidden libraries • there’s always room for improvement ( 5/11 )
VENUS • in love with strangers • iridescent waters • love potions for your mirror • selfless devotion • shattering crystal • seafoam upon sand • the golden ratio • drowning in your own passion • material value & high principles • luring • plush lips ( 5/11 )
EARTH • fresh springs • tree hugger • we can start again tomorrow • a blazing rainforest • respects survival of the fittest • nature’s adversity • lazy bones • constantly evolving • flowers sprouting from wounds • a granite altar • fossilized remains ( 4/11 )
MOON • illusory • silver shimmer off the ocean • secrets and gossip • cycles of reincarnation • a crybaby • physically ethereal • shared glances with a stranger • cat eyes • mistrusting their intuition • fear is a prison • ornate magic wands ( 6/11 )
MARS • healthy competition • attraction and repulsion • magma and rubies • a blade being forged • wrath wrath wrath • malefic • intense eye contact • cannon fodder & fireworks • blood floods • copper taste on your tongue ( 1/10 )
JUPITER • red robes and a suit of armor • beacon of stability • leader by birth • thunderbolts and lightning • guilty but can’t stop • secret rich kid • golden touch golden tears • innate optimist • failure isn’t an option • constantly reaching for more • unfinished symphonies ( 6/11 )
SATURN • traditional • overbearing energy • a sculptor of reality • this existence is a karmic one • has a heart it’s just.. way down deep • law, order & justice • avoid all necessary risk • the sound of shackles clanging • sisyphus’ struggle • grappling with the reality of time • self-governing ( 4/11 )
URANUS • psychedelic funk music • overflowing cups • a rebellion with skin • looking good in photo id • oblivious but caring • middle fingers in the air • double rainbows • icy diamond exterior • holographic • afraid of their own mediocrity • pearlescent smoke ( 2/11 )
NEPTUNE • an elegy for the lost • dissolving boundaries • white horses • the burden of mystical conditions • deceptive • escapism is their reality • a polarizing entity • artists soul • paranoia • searching for the unseen • a siren’s swan song ( 5/11 )
PLUTO • angel statues over graves • power • the cycle of necrosis • transformative • unfathomable depths • an ivory tower toppling over • screaming at the sky • violets and irises • eclipsed darkness • speaks with their shadow • sex, death, rebirth ( 3/11 )
Tagged by: @holy-mothxr
Tagging: @dani-dimitrescu @yippie-role-play @shireentheunburnt @thebeladimitrescu @ddomesticfucker @donnabeneviento-doll @lepusrufus @eliza-mateescu @fallesto @sapphic-alcina-dimitrescu whoever else wants to
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Where should you be kissed?
You give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
Tagged by: @dani-dimitrescu and @traumaqueenie
Tagging: @dimitresca @shireentheunburnt @yippie-role-play @ddomesticfucker @holy-mothxr and you in the back.
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dani-dimitrescu · 3 years
I know I owe a few replies and I promise I'm working on it :)
In my drafts I have:
@the-dimitrescu-seamstress (4)
@bigcatcroissant (2)
@thecassandradimitrescu (2)
@eliza-mateescu (3)
In case I missed someone, please tell me and maybe send me a link to the thread. I get so many notifications, I sometimes loose things.
I also have things in my askbox but they have to wait till I catch up with my drafts.
Thank you all for your patience ❤🙂
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What Chess Piece Represents You?
Your Result:White Rook You are a White Rook. As a piece that can move inwards and outwards, you're a master of self-reflection. You know what needs to be done and when to do it. You're a protector, and would willingly take someone's place in danger in a heartbeat because you know you can handle the pressure. But even castle walls crumble. For all your chivalry and fortitude, everything must come to an end. Will you be there to see the final stages of the war? Or will you have already been discarded in the battle?
Tagged by: @dimitresca
Tagging: @dani-dimitrescu, @donnabeneviento-doll, @yippie-role-play, @eliza-mateescu, @aloraohararesilord, @bigcatcroissant, @ddomesticfucker
4 notes · View notes
The Wall Maiden, cont’d // a closed RP
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
“I usually speak the truth, but I do my best to put it in polite terms. Besides, it was exactly as I meant. You are a wonder with that… body contortion, and you are a mess from crawling around in the walls,” she said, gesturing to Vulga’s clothing. “Unfortunately, I don’t think I have anything that would fit you as a temporary replacement.” She was a rather petite and slender woman, this Vulga.
As she walked around the workspace, Magda did make sure to keep an eye on her. This was something she did with every new visitor, not that there were many new ones these days. But still, it was smart to see how every newcomer behaved while here. She was usually never the sort to tell someone not to touch things, but she was happy to see Vulga look with her eyes and not with her hands, though it did not go unnoticed how she lingered around a few items. Perhaps a deterrent would be needed in the future.
“This room is my life,” she said with a smile, and likely the seamstress meant that rather literally. “And yes, Alcina appreciates what I make for her and for her daughters. As for how I got into this role, would you believe that all I needed to do was ask for the position and it was provided to me?” In actuality, it was a little more complicated than that.
Magda had not intended to come to this village, but she was hard pressed to say no when the passenger van she had been riding in demanded a bit more in terms of a fare; something she didn’t have. So she was left by the side of the road. The village itself she knew of, but only because her family had moved out of it a few generations back. They never said why. So there was a little bit of an ironic humor at the notion of her being stuck here now.
Rather than beg for money from the locals, especially since all doors she approached closed upon sight of her, she saw a few lights on in the nearby castle and made her way towards it, thinking if she could make enough money to get out of here, that was the place to do it. She should have turned around and left when the castle doors opened so easily but there was no one to greet her. By the time the daughters appeared, it was too late.
‘Rarely do we have food arrive so willing,’ the one she later knew to be Daniela said gleefully, as she was dragged back to where the Lady of the House resided. Shocked by the size of the woman, she barely had time to plead her case and give them a reason not to fill wine bottles with her blood. Magda had noticed the current worn state of the dress the Countess had on and immediately made promises to craft better garments; ones of higher quality and out of gorgeous silk fabrics. She had gone to school for this, she knew she could be of use to her! She wasn’t entirely sure of what all she said, but something clearly had enticed Alcina, allowing her life to be spared.
“She had dresses that needed repairing. I offered to fix them. The rest, as they say, is history. That was almost seven years ago.”
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The Wall Maiden // a closed RP
Continued from here, @ddomesticfucker
Now Magda was starting to feel bad for the enclosed woman, as she thought she could hear the frustration mounting in Vulga’s voice. Sighing, she got up from her sewing table and began to walk the floor, seeing if she could hear or feel a loose board under her feet. If one could be found, perhaps the girl could push it from underneath, because Magda certainly didn’t have a crowbar for this.
“Yes, I’ve tended to notice that once in the dungeons, the ones meant for… bloodletting… don’t get out easily. You are a very peculiar person, Miss Vulga. I don’t mean that in a bad way, but you are… full of idiosyncrasies. I think I look forward to meeting you in person.” So long as she was no danger, because any outsider would certainly see this as a horror trope; the innocent girl making friends with the ‘voice in the wall’, before being devoured once it was free. Of course, seeing as how she was already living with vampires, this thought was not occurring to Magda, and she was taking this all at face value.
“Yes, I am the one who makes the opulent garments for her,” she chuckled a little. “I also make clothing for her daughters and the castle staff. I enjoy the work, and she certainly enjoys what I create for her.” A board squeaked a little as she passed over it, making her stop and rock back and forth on it. “I may have found an exit point for you, or at least the start of one.”
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