#dead immediately dont bother calling 911
the-navistar-carol · 2 years
Yall i am HOWLING this was just unbelievable-
Context: my family and I are Angels fans, we live local to the stadium. I have a Mike Trout jersey that I usually pair with a white shirt, but I didn’t want to change my bra because it would easily show through the white. I did not want to change my bra.
So I wore a green Top Gun shirt that I got from Etsy, since it was already being worn.
(yes, you can crucify me for not wearing red or white to an Angels game. those are the team colors Dani get it together)
So I went to the Angels/Twins game tonight, and oh my god the game was a blast. It went into the eleventh inning, fireworks were going off, there was a double-play in the tenth, we had an in-field home run. It was PHENOMENAL. Literally everything from baseball movies. Absolutely wonderful game.
As we were leaving, though, we (my dad and I) were talking with one of the employees, and she points to my shirt. “Is that your college?” she asks, completely and utterly earnest about it.
The shirt says “Seresin” over the chest, because it’s a Hangman shirt (my Bob shirt hasn’t come in the mail yet), and it says “Top Gun” underneath it with the logo and everything.
The part that says “Top Gun” is quite a bit smaller than the SERESIN emblazoned over my chest.
you’d think this was where i would die of mortification. wrong.
I found it hilarious (still do), and corrected her — “nah, this is a Top Gun shirt, it’s the name of one of the characters” and the conversation moves on. We leave the stadium, everything’s fine and great, the Angels won so we’re all happy.
i almost die of mortification from nearly eating shit on the ramp down.
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uno-duo-triotale · 7 years
who would like to read a really long backstory Post on Serif?
cause i wrote it out for,,, some reason. it’s kind of written in a loose biography fashion so its not very good. its also probably... horribly spelled and full of typos
Serif is the oldest recognized son of the famous and well recognized, highly esteemed scientist, WD Gaster. Most of his life was spent growing up on the military bases where his father worked and lived, was homeschooled, and often looked after by other military personnel- most particularly a high-ranking Mage Soldier, Grillby, incredibly well known for his Fire Magic. Grillby was who initially taught Serif how to use Human soul-based magic, an art highly valued by humans as it can only be taught by a highly skilled mage, or a monster, who were on incredibly unfriendly, tense terms with humans. Grillby was assigned to Gaster as a test subject, as Gaster's focus was on creating super soldiers based on magic, and so Grillby was frequently around, and much closer of a father figure than Gaster (incredibly neglectful, emotionally manipulative and at the worst of times physically abusive) would ever be, and a very uncooperative test subject for gaster, with no desire to allow magic to be gifted freely to human soldiers and increase killing. Another dear friend of Serif is another army brat- Undyne. she’s a year younger than him and they meet when they’re around 10 and 9. She’s the adoptive daughter of a very high official- Asgore- who’s militarily charged with Mt Ebott and the monsters inside it, and works closely with his father.
after several years of dead ends where grillby refused to cooperate with the magic tests, gaster turned to his own son's quickly growing capabilities. in the secret of their own home the experiments would take place and eventually Serif was condemned to the basement as a test subject and experiment. at around the age of 12, after being isolated for over a year, grillby finally gets through via threats of turning gaster in, and serif finally gets to leave the basement again. he comes out of the basement to the discovery that he now has a pair of twin brothers- sans and papyrus. his father doesnt even remember their mother's names and hints that he only had the children for the purpose of more test subjects at one point, ordering his son to begin teaching them magic (an insane thought, considering both of his brothers were only 5 months old at the time). the experiments are far from over, and continue for the next 4 years. over the course of these years, serif frequently takes his brothers to see Grillby, who- despite being discharged from the military (assumedly by gasters influence after the threats), continues to follow them around and set up near whatever military base. both his brothers show incredible talent for magic, just as Serif did when he was younger, and just like his father. Grillby agrees to help teach them at serif's request. during timespans where Gaster forbids them to leave the military bases and not see Grillby, they go instead to see Undyne. by 11 years old she’s vigerously training with her dad and other people to join the military herself when she’s older. Serif trains with her- papyrus joins in, too. both Papyrus and serif look up to her- she looks up to serif, too; she wants to learn magic. he tells her its a very bad idea. dont bother.
At age 4, two weeks after serif's 16th birthday, the youngest of the 4 year old twins, papyrus, makes a panicked and frantic call to the 911 operator that his Father is dead in the basement study and something is very wrong with his brothers. Police arrive on the scene to find Grillby already there, called by papyrus immediately before he had called 911. Serif is hysterical and radiating a dangerous level of magic, aglow with fiery lights, in the corner of the room, and Gaster's body lays dead at the foot of the far wall. Sans, unconscious, remains motionless in his arms and clutched to his chest. the mystery itself lies that they could find no reason Gaster is dead- his body is intact and completely undamaged with no cause of death- and despite that fact, Serif and his unconscious brother are horrifically spattered in blood, as is the rest of the room, and papyrus, too. police come to the conclusion there was an intruder. a monster, who was capable of killing a human. tensions had been so high- the assumption of it being a monster was just that- a cruel assumption, and the only guess they could have to what killed Gaster without a trace. Serif has no memory of this night. according to records taken on the younger brothers- Sans had been asked by his father to come to the lab- but as soon as they'd passed the doorway to the stairs, his memory is gone, as well; Papyrus had been woken from bed by horrible screaming and had run down to the basement- by the time he got there the screams had stopped and he'd stumbled on the scene almost exactly how the police had.
It takes Grillby 15 hours to calm the panicked serif to the point anyone can approach him. Sans is mortally wounded- several broken bones, dangerous Magic reactions, and several sudden deteriorating diseases he'd not had before including degenerating bone, flesh rotting, and other issues. serif would be tested to be showing these symptoms, progressing much slower, but over the course of many years. when Serif holds him, sans' deterioration ceases. its a mystery for weeks what is happening until its discovered in the lab some of gasters' notes. a compound known as RaGe has been released into both brothers bodies. Serif's was capable of adapting to it. Sans was not.
another up-and-coming doctor known as Alphys, also studying magic (for robotic applications, not human applications) is given his case. after about 4 months of study where all 3 brothers remain in custody question at the hospital, frequently visited and cared for by Grillby, in which Alphys works closely with the brothers, she finally concludes a possible way to treat them. the need a monster, though- and she... isnt 100% sure they will survive. Asgore, in charge of the mountain, is desperate to help the sons of his close, late partner and top scientist. confronted by grillby, alphys, and serif- he admits he has... ways to get a monster out of the underground secretly. he’s done it a few times now- orphaned children. he’s done it a fewtimes, and as he sets it up he admits it is the the 8th time, now. 
a monster child is retrieved from the Mountain by the name, Frisk. they are given to Alphys- who’s horrified. as is Serif and Grillby. Papyrus and Sans- unaware that Alphys’ original plan will involve possibly killing this monster child- a little goat monster- are quickly curious and already making friends. Frisk seems delighted. Alphys goes back to the drawing board. 
they’ve been sick for about a year, and finally custody was settled around 7 months. despite grillby’s best efforts, they have a will from gaster that his sons are to never be left with him. temporarily they are to stay with Asgore, their godfather in the will, and his divorcing wife Toriel.at about the year-long mark, Alphys has a new solution after studying frisk. this solution will only work with Sans- using frisk’s system to filter out rage. Sans body is not dependant on it nor does it produce RaGe- after filtering, he will be safe. Serif is not so luck- over the years Gaster has altered his body to rely and rapidly produce it. filtering it would make him very sick- and eventually he’d just recreate it. The amount Serif creates, too- it could and most likely would be toxic for Frisk, especially with the added amount in sans decaying his system. over time, Frisk would work it out of their body- monster’s Magic systems are more... porous, and things get worked out of them as they create magic. they’d be okay as long as their system isnt overloaded with RG at one time.
Serif asks frisk if they will save his brother’s life. Frisk -they agree immediately, determined, and without hesitation. the procedure commences within the hour and takes 42- and goes successful. He’s weaker and iller than he should be after so much time with it in his system- he’s got fragile bones and bruises easily, and has a very poor immune system. but he wont degrade any more. He’s going to be okay. Everyone is relieved. Alphys explains to Serif that- well, he was altered to handle this stuff. he’s not going to die from it- not for a long time, at least. but he needs to keep using his Mage Magic. using magic works some of it out of his system- its important to get most of it out. otherwise it will damage him. He doesnt mind- he likes using magic. he can use it for good. Grillby agrees to teach him more about magic- everything he knows. Frisk comes with Sans and Papyrus, now. they like to train. This continues even when Serif and his brothers move in with Asgore and Toriel. Serif spends most of his time now, taking care of his brothers, and training- be it with his siblings- including his newest little sibling Frisk, who stays with them at Asgores- or with Agore and Undyne, his friend. Without Gaster around, he finally agrees to help teach Undyne about magic, to see if she can use it. she’s not as adept as Serif’s family tree of mages. but she trains her hardest- and with her determination she can do just about anything. Their magics are very different, but, she figures out how to work hers out. theyre both delighted.
a week before Serif would turn 19, the tensions between Monsters and Humans have finally errupted and war has begun. undyne has drafted herself for war the day she turned 18- in an effort to come with her, help her, he drafts too. They both join the Army, specifically targeting Infantry and Footsoldier work. they train and train together even before their drafts are called. 
the war grows and gets worse and worse. they are only in training for a year before being deployed. 
Neither of them talk about that war, or very little of what happens. by the end, there are few to know monsters left alive. not much is known about what happened with them personally- from the very few letters exchanged after they were deployed, its known they got seperated from side-by-side fighting somewhere around the middle of the war. Undyne tore off to fight front-lines style, against bigger warriors. Serif was packed into a small squadron for other missions. he writes one letter to grillby thats perhaps the most gruesome- grillby doesnt end up reading the whole thing, only the first paragraph. the squadron had invaded an area known as snowdin in the cover of the undergrounds night cycle and while monsters slept, they dispatched them- full families in their beds. Grillby stopped readings when Serif admits he kills a goat child and doesnt notice how much they looked like frisk until they were dead. 
Undyne and Serif come home from the war at different times. Undyne comes home first, and everyone waits for weeks for Serif. weeks and then months. it takes 4 months for him to come home- he’s 21 and comes home in the back of a truck. Undyne came home exhausted and haunted but Serif- serif came back worse. he and Undyne dont talk to each other much, and he barely says anything to anyone- barely even responds when Asgore explains he had no choice but to send Frisk to a Holding Facility because they were a monster, or that the temporary custody settlments had finally been settled and his brothers had been moved to Fostercare- they have a good family, staying with the Mr and Ms Froggit, Toriel visits them all the time and takes them to see frisk. All these things Asgore tells him to try and comfort him but Serif never responds or seems to change. He sleeps for about 4 days after coming home. then he gets up, packs up, and goes with Toriel to see his brothers. They’re elated to see him. He cheers up incredibly in their presence. They go visit frisk with them- Frisk is so happy to see serif. he hugs them for a solid 15 minutes and they seem just fine in not being let go.
He goes back home with Toriel. Grillby comes over for dinner, he, Toriel, Asgore, and Undyne and her recently re-united girlfriend Alphys sit at the table. Alphys makes a joke about what he’s going to do now that hes home- he informs them he’s only going to be home for a week. he’s already enlisted to go oversees and continue his service. Grillby is outraged- and so is Asgore. Toriel is horrified. Undyne slams her fists on the table. Alphys looks shocked. Serif- looks just like he did the first 5 minutes he was home. Undyne accuses that they’re supposed to serve they times together and all 3 of his acting paternal figures demand he get more rest, Asgore says something like that cant be legal or allowed he return the quick. serif explains neutrally- he was approached by a man to join a special division. covert operations- survival skills- his magic- they need him there for training next week, he will be deployed as with a special team- but theyll part and he’ll work solo. he explains the foreign territory he’ll work- he talks calmly. 
Undyne slams her hands on the table and leaves immediately. she’s gone on her way to- do whatever she can to end up serving with him. she cant, even with her track record and feild work. in anger she enlists for the soonest deployment she’s allowed in the same area. Serif spends his week visiting his brothers and frisk every day- by night hes out of the house doing god knows what and comes home drunk as hell twice late the next morning someone else leaves his room and leaves the house, having come home with him. he leaves early in the morning before anyone in the house wakes up without a goodbye, everything he has gone. 
he comes home maybe once or twice a year- to see his brothers, see frisk ,see his family. maes quite a few jokes about ‘having fun’ with the locals with undyne- theyre amusing and she jokes along but mentions to gaster that she’s worried about him.
he’s 23 and still doing his mysterious work- ocassionaly he meets up with Undyne covertly- but there's a brewing war with the country he’s in. everyone at home is begging him to come home- undyne included, she keeps tracking him down when she can and asking they both go home, before theres deplyment in the area they can leave. 
That war never comes; his timeline makes a surprising horror-story twist and a few thousand miles from them is ground 0; the news erupts with a story most people dont believe. zombies. a media joke to most of the world, what, zombies? neither Serif and Undyne have heard about it- they’re in the middle of work, no time for the news. Serif has a devious little gnashing teeth encounter- assumes it was a man gone crazy. the second one is too much of a coincidence withing 12 hours of the first-- he aproaches the nearest village with a caution that saves his life. people run and scream and die. he cant honestly believe it himself but he tears off to the North, knowing exactly where Undyne and her team are stationed. The little outpose base is in a panic- they’re here too. with a good use of magic he rids the post of the infected. Undyne and half of her team, alive. She’s the captain and orders they march now to help the village- Serif outranks her, she’s shocked to find. he orders they leave- now. they’re retreating right now- taking the military vehicle and driving to the nearest airport and going home. immediately. no stops. If they dont get home before that don there gets out of hand, they-re screwed. there wont be ny airplanes to ross an ocean, he says. Undyne thinks he fucking crazy, she marches to leave- he knocks her out and throws her in the back seat. the team follows his lead and they pile in. He informs them as he takes the wheel and tears out down a road that they are all officially awol. none of them really seem to care. zombies are a shock. Serif’s a fun liar and with a lot of jokes about how tired his unconscious companion is, he explains to a woman using his military position that they need to board the plane. a bit impressive, in all honesty. 
He and the group board and fly and split up on-landing, instructed to go get their families and, if they want to join up, meet up at a specific location. Serif picks his alphys’ lab and orders them all meet there by 3 days. He takes off with Undyne, who after so many hours of unconsciousness comes to in the car he stole. he points out to her they’re already back home. she’s shocked. he states firmly that he’s kidnapping frisk when they pull into the complex to Undyne. double the shocked. she comes with him. smiles and all- the personell know Serif. he gets to frisk. they smile and hug and joke. Frisk calls him sweaty and dirty- he very much is, fresh from the field. He picks up frisk, still smiling and joking with a glance to the monitoring personel near by, and holds a hand out to Undyne. his still shocked companion takes it- and promptly the three of them are shortcutted out of the holding facility and into the parking lot. He buckles frisk into the back seat with a hum, the kid thoroughly confused. Undyne- who’s shortcutted with him before many times, just gets in the passenger door. Serif tears off in the stolen car before the surpised personel at the facility can even raise an alarm. theyre gone. Serif changes out his stolen car along the way. He pulls up to the school he knows his brothers attend and walk home from. they wait for a few moments there. despite frisk frantically asking confused questions, he only smiles and jokes. Undyne his quiet and squinting, and when the school lets out an hour into waiting, breaks him from his jokes at frisk to inform them that Sans and Papyrus are coming out. She yells out the window, and hearing her voice, the come running immedeatly, expecting and soon confirming that Serif is with her. They’re even happier when they climb in the car and discover Frisk. they’re so excited, asking if Frisk is finally allowed to come home again. Serif jokes around more. he changes out his stolen car again on the way home, to the confusion of his brothers who are a bit horrified theyre brother is stealing a car. He and undyne buckle them in. and move on.
They walk into the house that afternoon to Asgore on the phone. the high ranking official has already been informed that his adopted daughter has gone missing, as well as her whole platoon, and upon checking, Serif as well. toriel is pacing the living room with him, frantic. they’re beyond relieved and rush the two. Serif hangs the phone in asgore’s hand up during their hug, and when they pull apart, he asks to take it. Asgore, surprised, agrees. He calls grillby without pause. tells him to pick up everyone he can from the bar- which should be open and is- and head over to Alphys’ lab. dont hesitate. pick up everyone you can. bring as much food and water as you can. 
he hangs up a moment later. He looks at asgore. can you get your hands on weapons? a lot of them? he knows asgore can- they’re on a military base. 
Asgore doesnt hesitate. he already knows- he’s a high official. he sighs. there’s already been a potting in the country, he says, dreading. theyre mobilizing military forces... he wasnt optimistic about what this was going to mean.
a lot of people are very lucky. a lot of people make it to the store house that Serif knew is prepared in Alphys’ lab. the anxious scientist woman had been using her magic and robotics to design a safe house under the lab. a lot of people get there. a lot of people get safe. its almost completely sustainable. 
it’s safe for a whole year down there, too. it was safe a whole year until serif exploded with RaGe in there. until he killed some people- by accident- he cause so much panic. the people fled through the safe doors. there was only 1 zombie in the area and it was all it took. one bite and there were two. and then 4. and then 8. people fled the doors from him when he lost it and many of them died. at least when he had zombies he had something to turn his RG to. zombies and the people screaming withing them died. very few of the people in that safe hatch who survived the year lived. most of them people who knew Serif and new what was wrong- they just stayed away and stayed quite and didnt attract attention. they didnt scream and they didnt flee the complex and they didnt fight against him. 
after that, the few people who’d survived threw him out. understandably. 
his family followed after him and left the vault. he begged them to stay. Grillby, Asgore, Toriel, Alphys, Undyne- papyrus, sans, frisk. children, kids. the people he loved. go back inside.
they refused. 
for two years they lived nomadically. the scavenged and hunted and killed and protected one another. one day they even found theyre way back to the vault- the dors were open. there was no one left down there. 
at the end of that two year mark, the Alternates came. Sayrus informed them thet they were indeed the last people alive and not zombies on the planet, not withstanding a ver few amount of people- a couple groups of canabals who were slowly eating themselves to extinction, a few people running around pilfering and raping and such. there were only a few other people left in the world that they’d deemed acceptable to save- they’d contacted Sayrus’ friend, koyol, and he’d come with His People and saved anyone who was worth it. all that was left now were them. Serif was one of them. Sayrus was offering them a place to stay with him and his blooming Haven of siblings. everyone would be welcome from their group. Monsters and Humans alike. 
serif and his family took the offer.
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