#dean stuck his dick in that exhaust pipe. sorry
pussypopstiel · 2 years
Cas tells dean he has a ford truck and dean says “Oh come on, that’s the gayest truck you could get!” So cas says “oh” and dean thinks that’s the end of that, but after a moment of silence cas says “And what’s your car?” Dean, confused, asks “what do you mean” and cas says “What sexuality is your car then, considering you declared my ford truck gay, inanimate automobiles must have sexualities now and I’d assume they operate on the same spectrum of sexuality humans do. So, is your car a gay car, a straight one, a bisexual one?” And dean splutters and is like “She’s a total chick magnet” to which cas says “oh so you have a lesbian car, very interesting” and he walks off leaving dean sitting on his bed looking into empty space. Sam watched the whole encounter with his 😦🤨 mixed face and says “what the hell was that about?” And dean, who forgot Sam was even there, turns tomato red and storms out of the hotel to lock himself in the impala for a while. In the dead of night he quietly says “lesbian car huh, kinda hot”, and after realizing what he just said he gets that he wide eye look of fear and hurriedly exits the car, telling Sam he went for a drive. This is before the human impala episode, where we confirm the Impala is an old gay man.
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