doof-doofblog · 4 years
EastEnders Iconic Episodes:- Shirley Confesses
Tuesday 11th August 2020
Good evening folks! Hope you have all had a good week! It's been another busy week for myself working and sorting things out for future possibilities! But enough about that, i'm back tonight with the follow up of the recent iconic episode. This episode I believe is the one where Shirley reveals to Mick that Dean is in actual fact, his brother! This episode was originally aired 26th December 2014! Oooo it looks as if the Carters were at centre stage during the Christmas episodes! Let's jump straight into it!
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Okay, the episodes seems to start right in the heat of it all, I'm not 100% certain if Dean has already raped Linda? Was this the episode everything came out in the open? Was Mick out for revenge and Shirley couldn't let one son destroy the other? Mick is standing above Dean and Shirley is in tears as she says "He's your brother ... and I'm your Mum!" ... this was the first Mick had any idea about Shirley being his mother, all his life he had believed she was actually his sister! Understandably this was a huge shock to the Carter family ... it seems only those who knew were Sylvie and Aunt Babe! 
Ooooo remembering Aunt Babe gives me the chills! Do you guys remember how twisted and cruel she was? I'm sure she was a perfect villain during her time on the Square! And oh yes ... Stan and Sylvie, another two characters who sadly passed away on this soap! It's sad how many of the Carter family have left the soap, originally Shirley was the only one until the writers decided to bring in a family for her, she firstly had her son Deano (now known as Dean) and her daughter, Carly. Eventually they both left the square and in time along came Mick, Linda and their 3 children Lee, Nancy and Johnny, and of course Tina! Shirley has had many gripping story-lines but I think this one has to top them all, it was such a big reveal and I think everyone didn't expect it! Shirley reveals to the family that Mick's biological father is Buster, who just so happens to be Dean's father also. Poor Shirley tells everyone the story, she was pregnant at 14, a terrified teenager who was told to keep her pregnancy a secret. How much she wanted to tell Mick everyday that she was in actual fact his Mum. Mick can't seem to believe what he's hearing, he simply says to her "I'm not your boy! - That thing is not my brother, and if he is, it changes nothing!" 
Mick leaves the pub to escape the situation while Linda follows. The rest of the family are reeling from Shirley's confession, Stan recalls that it was when Sylvie and Babe took Shirley to a caravan, it was only meant to be for a week but they ended up staying longer, he can't believe himself that Sylvie and Babe made him believe that Mick was actually his! It's awful how many lives have been torn by this deep secret not just Mick's but Shirley's, Dean's and Stan's has all been a lie! I think this was the moment when the viewers came to really hate Babe, as she (if i'm not mistaken) was the one who thought of the plan in the first place, when Sylvie states she did what she had to do, Babe is throwing all sorts of insults at Stan - saying how he'd never realised they were gone in the first place and also throwing a dig in about how desperate he was to have a son. 
Linda joins Shirley outside, I guess as a Mother, she sympathies with Shirley, but then Shirley decides to throw it back in her face and says she blames Linda and say to Mick that everything was a mistake and none of it would've happened. She demands Shirley to collect her things and leave. She goes back inside the Vic and heads upstairs, Nancy then whispers to Lee that she can't understand why her Dad would want to rip into Dean, and Lee replies "He obviously did something to deserve it!" ... are the kids not yet aware of what Dean has done to their Mum? Has that secret not been revealed yet?! 
Meanwhile on other parts of the Square, Kat and Alfie are over at Stacey's having Christmas dinner with Tommy and Lily. Does anyone remember what is going on between Kat and Alfie during this time? There is quite a bit of tension between them at the dinner table. Where they not together at this point? Suddenly, the doorbell rings and Stacey goes to answer, it's revealed to be Linda wanting to speak to Stacey. She's actually looking for Mick but Stacey questions why Mick would be round at her house on Christmas Day, for then Linda to admit to Stacey that Mick knows about the rape. The scene then changes to Nick, Charlie and Ronnie all in Dot's kitchen ... what was the reason behind them wanting to get rid of Nick? They hand him an envelope full of cash before Dot enters the room, Nick then says that it's time for him to leave, which leaves poor Dot feeling crushed that her son has to leave so quickly on Christmas Day. I love that during Linda's ordeal, she befriended Stacey and she can completely understand how Linda is feeling, as it also happened to her. All the emotions Linda is going through, Stacey went through the exact same thing. It seems that talking to Stacey helped Linda immensely. Linda explains that Dean seems to think that it was consensual, and Stacey also explains that Dean is actually lying to himself. Linda shouldn't have to worry about Dean anymore and just focus on herself and Mick. Rape is always such a difficult subject to portray as there are so many ways it can go, and by that I mean ... the person who did the attack may or may never get caught. The one who was the victim, is left to feel so small and abused and violated and struggles to come to terms with what has happened to them. I think there have been quite a handful of women who have been raped in EastEnders ... Stacey, Kat, Linda, Little Mo, Ruby, Ronnie to name but a few. 
Dean is then seen in Denise's salon cleaning himself up, meanwhile Linda eventually catches up with Mick, she explains that Shirley has always been there for him regardless of the secrets she has kept, she tells him that perhaps in a few months time he'll be able to come to terms with Shirley being his Mum. But Mick states that Shirley hasn't even crossed his mind, the only thing that is going round and round in his head is Dean and what he did to his wife. Linda tries to persuade Mick that she can live with it, and that the only thing that worries and scares her is everyone finding out, especially their kids. As Shirley gets her bags together, Stan stops her and tells her to join him in the kitchen and he asks her if she remembers everything, he starts to reminisce and recalls when they brought baby Mick home, and how so unhappy Shirley looked as she stood by the car in the pouring rain and watched as her baby was brought into the family. I guess Stan also sympathises with Shirley as he too has been lied too, believing Mick was his. He asks as to why she never told him once her mother had left, but Shirley claims that Mick was the one thing that made him happy, how could she ruin that for her Dad? Then, Stan says how much he wishes Sylvie had never done that, Shirley reveals that she didn't want her to go through with it in the first place, then it clicks - to the both of them, Babe!!! Babe was the one behind it all and the cause of such a horrible secret!
Eventually the Vic is then opened up for the locals, Phil, Sharon, Ian and Jane and everyone make their way into the pub. Mick and Linda arrive to see everyone in their boozer, poor Linda looks at Mick with worrying eyes but he plants a kiss on her lips to put her at ease and tells her everything will be okay. Upstairs of the Vic, Stan and Shirley go into the living room where Sylvie, Tina and Babe are sitting. Stan demands Babe to leave! He's disgusted with what she has done to the family, he reveals everything to Tina. I think this is the moment we also see the fact they Babe has been twisting everybody's mind, manipulating them ... even Sylvie. She looks over at Sylvie for backup but she remains silent. Shirley is even looking at Babe with daggers, she remembers how much Babe was behind it all. Babe is acting all innocent claiming that she was the one who kept the family together and that if it wasn't for her, Mick would've been sent to an orphanage. 
Mick then makes his return to the Vic, wanting to know why Shirley was still there. This is when Stan pleads to them all to try and talk it through as a family should, I don't think I liked Stan to begin with, but over time and especially during this episode - its as if he was being the rock of the family. The one who was speaking to reason, trying to make Mick understand that Shirley is also a victim in this scenario. Mick might've been given a huge blow as to who his parents are, but Shirley was also the one who had to suffer in silence for years and years. He's even trying to support his daughter, Shirley ... when he says the words to Mick, "That's your Mum standing there!" ... Mick's eyes begin to tear up, okay she's not his sister, but I don't think he loves her any less! Only thing that seems to go wrong then, is for Stan to claim to Mick that he has a brother, that minor fact makes Mick's stomach turn and he basically states he wants nothing to do with Dean! Tina begs Mick to explain what it is that Dean has done wrong so they can sort it as a family .... Oh yes, and even Shirley claims to Mick that Linda was lying ... during this heated discussion Linda is making her way up the stairs and she hears everything that is being said as she hides behind the door, then - clear as day, Mick shouts at Shirley "Your son raped her! Your son raped my wife!" - after promising he wouldn't tell the family, Linda listens and looks in horror as the secret she has kept has been revealed to other members of the family. 
Mick then realises he's made a huge mistake by blurting it out to the family. He demands that Tina and Stan keep the information to themselves and don't treat Linda any differently. Meanwhile Dean goes knocking on Stacey's door asking for shelter as he has nowhere to go. It's interesting as they were once friends, years and years ago. Stacey would not want anything to do with him now, now she knows about him attacking Linda! Shirley then decides to leave the Vic quietly, without causing a scene. She bumps into Dean and they both hug in floods of tears, Dean is in despair asking his Mum what to do. Mick then finds out from Lee that Linda had been upstairs during the conversation he had with the other members of the family, it becomes clear to him that she possibly could've heard him reveal her secret, after promising to keep it to himself. He calls for her and goes in the bedroom only to find her ring on the dressing table. Where had she gone? Is her now panicking that he could've lost his wife after obeying her trust? He then makes his way downstairs and demands everyone to leave, pushing everyone out of the pub and throwing the Queen Victoria bust over the bar. He's clearly in deep distress and anger that he can't control his actions ... reeling over Dean, the news about Shirley being his mother and now Linda disappearing. He smashes everything to pieces, even throwing a stool and punching a piece of glass on the wall. Poor Lee looks on in shock as he too has no idea what has caused his Dad to lash out in such a way. Dean and Shirley watch as people flee from the Vic, Linda is then seen walking away with a suitcase in hand! Is she leaving the Square? Is she leaving Mick for good? At that point in time - we didn't know! Mick slumps onto the floor as his family watch, he holds his wife's ring in his bloodied hands. 
This episode was a big Boxing Day aftermath of Shirley's reveal from the day before. Luckily Linda did return and Dean got his comeuppance. Mick accepted the fact that Shirley was his Mum and over time he understood what she went through as a young teenager and eventually it all got turned round on Babe! They blamed her for everything and eventually removed her from the family. I remember now, for a long period of time, Shirley believed Dean. She was backing Dean's story, it's true that Shirley and Linda had never seen eye-to-eye from the beginning, but I think this was the time when Shirley and Linda fell out the most. Shirley couldn't believe what Linda had said ... Shirley could not and would not believe that her son was a rapist. This did last for quite a while, a couple of months maybe? Eventually Shirley did come to realise that Mick and Linda had been telling the truth and Dean eventually paid for his crimes after getting away with it for so long! During their time on the Square, the Carters have become such an iconic family ... they've been through so much since moving to Walford, but something tells me they've got many more story-lines to come! I want to applaud Danny Dyer and Linda Henry in this episode, they were both absolutely brilliant! 
I also have some news to share with you this evening, as far as i'm aware the next iconic episode to be aired next week is going to be Pat & Frank's Affair! If I remember rightly, that was the episode in which Peggy reads out Frank's letter to her to everyone in the Vic, Pat and Frank are stood next to her as she reads it out and she lays a slap on each of them! I'm looking forward to re-watching that episode! In other news, it has been revealled that finally our favourite soap has been given a date to when it'll be back on air ... Monday 7th September is when EastEnders will be back on our TV screens! Okay the episodes will only be 20 minutes long, but we will be back to 4 episodes a week! I for one am incredibly excited to see what's in store. A lot of spoilers have been revealed in recent weeks ... Is little Amy Mitchell going to be accused of lying? Is something dark going to be revealed or visited from Denise's past? Will Chantelle's abuse from Gray finally be revealed? And also - the return of Kim Fox!!!! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I'll be back next week following the next iconic EastEnders episode! Thank you guys! Look after yourselves! xXx
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itisisam · 10 years
I finaly got myself into creating a twitter account
so, follow me I guess...? https://twitter.com/DeanCarter
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
EastEnders Iconic Episodes:- Who Killed Lucy Beale? (30th Anniversary)
Tuesday 28th July 2020
Good evening everyone! I'm sorry for the late post, but with lock-down slowly easing. I am now back at both my every day jobs, and also looking making some huge personal changes too, it's been a busy for me that's for sure! But I am now back and I'm happy to see that the latest iconic episode to be shown was the memorable revelation as to who killed Lucy Beale? This was a brilliant, live, hour-long special episode to celebrate the soap's 30th anniversary, everyone went crazy with the #EELive! What amazes me is that it has been 5 years since Lucy died? That has flown super quick! I remember this episode was another gripping one, it was also people had been waiting for for 10 months! Who did kill Lucy? Everything was about to be revealed in this episode which originally aired 19 February 2015!
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As you can see from the picture above, there were many characters in the front line who could've been possible culprits. These were the ones the soap kept teasing to us ... from left to right ... Pam, Lee, Cindy, Max, Denise, Ian, Peter, Abi, Jane, Ben, Whitney, Les and Jay! As far as I know, each one had had a run-in with Lucy up until her death. But who had committed the murder?!
I love that right at the beginning of the episode, they kinda remake the opening of EastEnders' very first episode from 19th February 1985, absolutely perfect to mark it's 30th anniversary! It starts with Stacey, Martin and Kush breaking into someone's house and Stacey stating "Cor, it really stinks in here, doesn't it?!"  ... there looked to have been a fire in the house and as they make their way into the house, they find the body of Nick Cotton, (absolutely mirroring the first episode where the cast find the body of Reg Cox) ... as I'm watching it now, I can't believe the difference in Martin ... clean shaven and he looks like he has a baby face! Absolutely brilliant!
As far as I remember, it had been the second wedding of Jane and Ian ... it had come to light to Peter and Jane that it was someone in the family who had murdered Lucy. Lauren had given Jane a card to say that Lucy had been killed inside the house, but how and why? I re-watch this now and can't believe how brilliant the acting is considering it's live! Adam Woodyatt and Laurie Brett in particular are fantastic! So there look to be different things going on, Stacey realising that Dot knew Nick was staying in house and also mystery of who killed Lucy. Questions are being thrown from different directions, Ian is sat on the couch taking every bit of information in, it seems the Beale family believe Denise may have something to do with Lucy's death, as she was living at the property at the time. Ian leaves to go and find Denise but then he gets distracted by Martin asking him for help regarding Dot.
There's so much to take in, I can't quite remember what was happening with previous characters, Mick being aware of Dean's return, and then we see Lauren be sick in the sink while Abi looks over her.  Also the difference in Sharon then as she is now! Much more glamours with the long blonde hair and face full of make-up! We know what is to be revealed at the end of this episode, but for quite a few weeks Phil had been playing up, keeping secrets and having his phone ring constantly by an unknown caller! What the heck had Phil been up to? Also it looks as if Kim is pregnant with Pearl in this episode and if I remember rightly, she gives birth to her in the Queen Vic toilet with Denise at her side! I am thrilled to hear that Kim will be making a comeback when the soap returns later in the year, it's been so long since we've seen Kim. But her comeback will be one of the best, she's a character who brings such light onto the soap!
I thought it was really clever when Peter entered the Vic, everyone asking him genuine concerned questions. Asking if he was alright, where Jane and Ian were? You could see that everywhere he turned, he couldn't help but think one of those people had potentially killed his twin sister, and with everyone asking how he was, he had to get out of there! Wow, so many moments where you question if it was a specific character who killed Lucy. When Ian and Sharon were around at Dot's making sure she was okay, she explains to them both how she let Nick kill himself and carried on without saying a word to anyone and how can live in peace now she was able to tell someone. Ian's face looks as if he's worked out who killed Lucy, but also looks as if he understands that someone keeping a secret to protect someone that they love is important.
Then the scene after where Jane is on the phone to Masood is another brilliant scene! We know that Jane and Masood did have a thing for one another a while ago, whether or not it was before all this Lucy story kicked off, Masood does care for Jane ... as a dear friend, and maybe just that little bit more. But he knows something isn't right, he's convinced Ian has done something, but Jane won't tell him. I remember watching this thinking, "She has told Masood to tell Bobby that everything is going to be alright, plus she is looking so guilty when she doesn't respond to Masood, but yet also, that could just be because she knew Ian was on a mission for answers from Denise!" .... so it was a difficult one to say whether Jane knew something or not, I love how much this soap made us change our minds over and over again to who the actual killer was!
Also Denise plays a huge part in this story-line, she was living with Ian during the time Lucy was killed and this particular episode, it looks as if Ian and Denise went their separate ways and at the very beginning of the episode, she made a comment about Jane and how she almost didn't say "I do!" to marrying Ian. Denise is clearly heated up about something and taking it out on Kim! I loved that moment when Kim is in labour in the toilets and Denise goes in to apologise for slagging her off earlier, only to realise her sister is in labour and the first thing she says is "You're not due for another two months!" ... like it's her fault! Haha! Typical sisterly love right there! I also think it's brilliant when she runs out to get help from Sonia, and she is covered in cake after being insulted by Kat ... Sonia tells Denise abruptly "If she's ill i'm off duty!" for then Denise to say "She's not ill!" and suddenly it clicks, both Sonia and Tina follow Denise into the girl's toilets.  
I love how there are so many people in the one room at Dot's house, talking about how they're all going to keep Nick's death a secret. It's true that each and every one of them in that room care about Dot and none of them are willing to let her get in trouble with the police, I believe so far, it's the best kept secret in the square, it's true that Nick's death has never been mentioned since!! Does anyone remember what's happening with Kat during all of this? She makes a show of herself in the Vic, assaults Sonia and then she's weeping to Stacey on the bench, saying she tried so hard ... has this got something to do with Alfie? As we see, before she kicks off on Sonia, she goes to head towards Alfie in the Vic, but Sonia comes in her way. Was this the time they briefly broke up? Was this during the time Alfie was engaged to Roxy? If anyone can remember, please let me know! I do feel for Kat sometimes, I love since she's been in the square, we've learnt so much about her past and her character. To me, Kat and Alfie have always been the iconic EastEnders couple ... before Mick and Linda! I always thought Kat and Alfie would be together forever, they were literally soul mates ... and for some horrible reason, they keep falling apart and getting back together months later!
Did anyone else see the episode of Secrets From The Square last Monday (20th July 2020) of Diane Parish and Tameka Empson? I loved how they described Tameka filming that childbirth scene during the live episode, Tameka was hilarious how she explained it. They'd count down from 5 until they were due to go live and she'd leap into the sounds of labour and then stop and relax as if nothing had happened seconds later! I thought it was brilliant! You can see in these live clips how everyone's performance is shining through! Now, we see Dean has creeped into the Vic ... what is doing back in the Square? I'm assuming he has already raped Linda before this, which is why Mick is wanting to keep Linda unaware of Dean's presence being back in the square. Dean takes out what appears to be a petrol can, from a bag ... your mind suddenly races, is he going to threaten to set the Vic alight?!
Okay, so if i'm right in thinking ... the moment when you see Ian walking towards his house, alone in the street and Mick calls to him to come back into the Vic to celebrate his wedding. Is it the moment where Ian knows something? He knows that someone in his household killed his daughter! Hense why he asked the question to Mick, "Have you ever killed someone?" "How long can you hide it until you crack?" I believe that was the moment everyone kinda thought "Hold on!" Ian knows! Is he about to confront the person who killed Lucy?" It's a bit of an awkward conversation for Mick, but it's amazing to see how Ian knows who it potentially could be! Even Mick clicks "You know don't you? You know who killed Lucy?" I remember thinking "Oh shit!" Hahaha!
Awwwww early stages of Martin and Stacey!!! Martin leaning in to give her a kiss and she backs away, clearly he hasn't been back on the Square long! It's incredible to think how far they've both come within the past 5 years! Awwww and there we have it, Pearl being brought into the soap, I remember panicking thinking the poor child hadn't made it when everyone was silent, and then there comes the babies cry and everyone is celebrating! It's amazing how many different emotions have happened in this episode, a birth and the revelation of a death! Simply amazing! I also want to point out that Patrick is slurring his words, this would've been his slow recovery from the stroke he had! I remember worrying thinking Patrick wasn't going to survive, but I am thrilled he has been on the soap for so long! I don't think the Square would be anything without Patrick!
Ahhh so this is a very memorable moment, we see Phil is waiting for someone, looking at his phone in a deserted area and decides to head off, but before he leaves a taxi pulls up! I remember thinking who the hell is he meeting up with? Most guessed it might've been Grant or Lisa?! But Oh My Goodness no one expected it to be Kathy!!!!! What an iconic memorable moment, and in such EastEnders style, slowly walk up and those words "Hello Phil!" ... I realise now that the next two people you see after Kathy being revealed is Ben in the pub with Jay, and then Ian on the swings ... how amazing that editing is!!! Kathy arrives back to Walford and both her sons are shown not having the foggiest idea that she's back!!! Brilliant! I can't applaud the writers enough, I just thought it was so so clever!!
Another face no longer in the soap is Vincent, and yet when Kim is being taken to the hospital with her new born baby, he looks on from afar ... it's sad that Denise and Kim have this fall out. If only Kim had known Vincent was there! I still think he should've made himself known and then Denise would've swallowed her words and Kim would've had someone with her when she went to the hospital. But of course Denise never meant to hurt Kim's feelings, as we have seen in recent years Denise loves little Pearl and she has become a beautiful child on the Square.
Ah okay, so Kathy was begging Phil to let her come home, am I right in thinking that he had known for a while that Kathy was alive? This secretive behaviour with Phil had been happening for quite some time, and it wasn't completely known what he was getting up to. It's amazing to have such an iconic character return on such an epic episode! At first Phil refuses to let Kathy come back as it would mess up Ben and Ian's heads, but before she leaves, she begs him to let her return! Next minute Peter is approaching Denise claiming that it was her, even calling her a bitch! Denise has absolutely no idea what is going on, luckily Ian interferes before anything kicks off and basically states to Peter that he has got it wrong and leads Peter away. It's not going to be long now until the killer is revealed!
Oh gosh, Nancy walks into the cellar after also smelling something dodgy, she walks in a Dean grabs her from behind. She shouts out to her Dad and Mick walks in to find Dean holding on to his daughter. They tell him not to even think about setting the Vic alight, Dean decides to let Nancy go as his argument isn't with her, he states all he wants is the Vic. I remember watching this on the edge of my seat. Does anyone remember what Dean was like before he became a rapist? Before he returned! He was a bit of a teenager and everyone seemed to fancy him, perhaps a little bit off the rails but nowhere near as bad as he was now, he had become such a brilliant villain and to be honest, I found it incredible to watch! How had he been transformed into such a hated character?! Brilliant script writing! Mick and Dean are both talking, Dean claiming that he's not a rapist and what Linda had said was all lies, Mick doesn't believe a word and grabs a fire extinguisher from behind him. Nancy informs Dean that Shriley, Dean's Mum, is in the Vic with everyone else ... this briefly distracts Dean and Mick takes his chance and goes for Dean with the extinguisher, forcing the lighter out of his hand, only to then knock him backwards, onto the floor and step on his throat, almost choking Dean. Nancy drags her Dad away as Dean lies there lifeless, I remember thinking, "Oh crap! Has he just killed Dean?!"
Oh how sad! Dot being sat in the back of a police car and saying goodbye to her son. That was a moment I think everyone didn't expect to see. She didn't kill her son, not really. She just didn't help him. There is a difference isn't there? Dot had gone through years of abuse from her son, it was about time he got his comeuppance. Even though she was his Mum, she loved him dearly and she would've done anything to support him, even if he was in the wrong. She was only doing what was right as a mother, everyone knows that! I can't recall much of Dot's story-line, but I'm sure she wasn't in jail ... and even if she was, she wasn't for long.  
Oooooh I remember this! Everyone in the Beale household approaches the phone as it rings, but before anyone can answer it, it goes to Ian in the cafe. "It's me ... I know it was you who killed Lucy. Get everyone out of the house. I'm coming home!" .... WHO WAS HE SPEAKING TO????? I remember shaking, i'm shaking now reliving it! Everyone was desperate to know who it was! Peter, Jane or Cindy? They are the only possible 3 people it could've been!!!! We see Ian walk into the house on his own, no one in sight until we hear footsteps coming down the stairs, Ian picks up a picture frame of Lucy, turns around and says "Tell me exactly what happened that night!" ... to JANE!!!! I remember gasping! I didn't think at all it would've been Jane, I didn't quite believe it to begin with, but as we know, the next episode revealed that she was covering for Bobby. Bobby was the one who actually killed Lucy. Jane would've done anything to save her son from being in trouble with the police. I just remember being gobsmacked ... for 10 months we had no idea who had killed Lucy and for it to be all unravelled the way it was, was absolutely brilliant! Am I right in thinking that it was 2 live episodes that covered the reveal? What an epic way to celebrate an anniversary!
I loved these episodes so much and I'm thrilled that the reveal of Who Killed Lucy was chosen as an iconic episode, because it really was iconic! The reveal of a death, a birth, a return from the dead ... it had everything! We have just had the 35th Anniversary, I know it's a way off yet, but I can't wait to see what big plans they come up with for the 40th Anniversary! If it was anything as big as this then i'm certain it'll be epic! I've loved seeing the cast all the way through this episode and seeing what they were like back then, it's sad seeing characters who are now no longer in the soap ... Abi, Lauren, Tanya, Dot, Nancy, Lee, Dean, Fatboy, Christian, Carol, Vincent ... it's wonderful to see all these familiar faces! It makes me sad that some of these brilliant actors and actresses aren't in it anymore! I would love to see so many of them come back, wouldn’t you? Out of the ones I have mentioned, who would you like to see return to Albert Square? Please feel free to message me, I’ll always reply to your comments! I believe the next iconic episode to be shown will be the Christmas episode of Max and Stacey's affair being revealed, another brilliantly written episode! I can't wait to write up about that one!
I hope you've all enjoyed this post, I can only apologise on how late it is. I'll be back with the follow up post of the iconic episodes very soon! Thanks again everyone, look after yourselves xXx  
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