#dear god I've not been able to stop thinking about this for 24 hours
yzafre · 6 months
Still processing my thoughts on tmnt 2012 even though I've moved on to very slowly watching 2003 (which I am enjoying quite a bit); still picking apart the writing to figure out why it hit my brain weird (as mentioned in my last brain dump). So of course I've got thoughts stuck in the brain spin cycle desperate to get out like.
Chewing on the walls thinking about the way the writing started out in the first season absolutely dripping in the attitude of circa 2010 US culture and even as it mellowed out as the show went on it still had an effect on the tone and shaped the eiting over all, and wondering how that might affect the way people perceive the show now. (I binged the show, and I remember about 3 episodes in having the very distinct thought of "oh, god, we really were all just Like That, weren't we?" Jump-scare of your past self.)
Pacing in circles hypothesizing about the way the extremely character-focused writing of cartoons of the past 10 years might have shaped/redefined people's expectations re:character writing and how that might affect interpretations of the show if you're not willing/able to understand the fact that this show isn't really About the character stuff, it's About the plot, and so it's going to be written differently.
Like at this point I feel like I could write mini essays on my thoughts on these even though they're not really important in the long run. And also why am I putting this much thought into this kids show. But. I just have ideas and wonder if there's anything to them so I keep having imaginary conversations with people in my head about them and wow I think I need to go to bed now. So. Goodnight void I'm shouting into. Hopefully my brain will be free in the morning.
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Changes chapter 24
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It had been three days since Star had run from her home, taking her little brother along with her. She'd left in a rush, not wanting to alarm the people inside. No bags were packed, and no things were taken - they just left with the clothes on their back. Star sighed as she looked at her reflection in the broken mirror of the motelroom she'd broken into. Laddie was fast asleep, snoring loudly.
She tucked him in, making sure he was comfortable before quietly leaving the room. She had to go back. She had to go and get her mom and get answers. How could her grandfather be doing something so horrible that his own daughter was terrified of what he could do to his own grandchildren?
Star quickly walked across the parking lot towards the busy road. Even now, in the middle of the night, cars sped past. She stuck her hand out, standing underneath a streetlight, hoping someone would see her.
She stood there for a while. Cars rushed past her, no one bothering to stop. Only when it began to rain, and she was completely soaked, did an old rusty red car stop. A woman in her late thirties sat behind the steering wheel.
"Are you alright?"
"I need to get to my mom!" Star called out over the heavy rumbling of rain.
"Get in!" The woman popped the door open. "She must be worried sick! What are you doing out here in this weather?"
Star got in and shut the door, shivering slightly. "I got lost on my way home, I lost my wallet, and I've been trying to hitch a ride with someone for the past three hours, but no one stopped."
"Oh dear," the woman looked shocked, not noticing the lies Star just told her. "Well, I am glad I stopped for you, dear. I'm Lucy, by the way. Where do you need to go?"
"Star, and thank you, really." She smiled, directing the woman down the road, leading her all the way to COL.
As the car came to a halt, Star quickly stepped out, thanking Lucy as she did so. Before the kind woman could say anything in return, Star had taken off, running into the woods. She just hoped no one would see her. No guard would spot her and drag her back inside. She needed to get in and out unnoticed, making sure she could take her mom with her and-
She fell backwards as she ran into someone, a large man with angry yellow eyes glaring at her.
"Shit, who are you?!"
"Who am I? What are you doing here? This place is bad news."
"As if I don't know that," Star got up, wiping the dirt from her skirt. "My mom's in there. I need to get her out."
"You know a way in?"
The girl nodded. Max grinned. Ever since the boys had left to go inside, he hadn't been able to contact any of them. David and Dwayne were God knows where, Max really had no clue, and Marko and Paul nad disappeared into the building. Ever since that happened, he had lost the feeling of being controlled by someone - which, on one hand, caused him to feel a little more at ease, but on the other hand worried him. The lack of control on him meant - most likely - that that control was exercised on someone else.
"I'm Max. They got my daughter in there and my sons. I'll make you a deal," he looked at the girl, glad to see she was open to his proposal. "I'll help you get your mom out if you help me find my kids."
Star thought about it for a moment, looking at him. "Why would I do that?"
"Because, dear," Max' face changed shape, becoming more batlike, "I am the muscle you need to get past the guards."
Star nodded, thinking to herself, not allowing herself to get freaked out by the man in front of her. She needed to fix this, and she could freak out later, when it was more convenient. "Alright. But we get my mom out first."
"We get them all out in order of who we come across first." Max said, a finality in his tone making it clear to Star that there was no point in arguing.
Lucien sighed disappointedly as he saw Julie. Her dazed expression, her lack of fear or emotional recoil - it saddened him. He enjoyed his games, and when a participant didn't want to play anymore, it was simply time to clear the playing field.
"Juliebug, " he crouched down in front of her, forcing her to look at him, "I really don't get why you're so afraid. After all, I never hurt you. Doctor Gregory did. Not me."
Julie glared at him, trying to look away, but his hold on her chin got only stronger. She winced in pain as she felt the bone protest against the force practiced upon it.
"No, I only ever brought you sweet release. I brought you life," he grinned, showing his fangs, "I brought you a family."
Julie pushed him away. No. He did not give her life. He did not give her a family. He fed her lies, he messed with her minds and memories, and he ruined what was supposed to be a wonderful human life. She got up, taking in a deep breath as she tried to steady herself. This was it. She needed to concentrate.
"Ah!" Lucien laughed, getting up himself as well. "I hoped you'd be willing to fight more."
Julie didn't bother to listen to him, instead attacking the second he moved up from the ground. It was easy to get him off balance, to pin him on the ground. She pinned him down. He trashed against her, hands pushing against her chest, her throat, her face - but Julie didn't let go. She pushed back. When a hand wrapped around her neck, she gasped for air. She snarled at him. She lashed out, her long, sharp vampire nails digging deep into his eyesocket. Lucien screamed, clutching his eye. Julie slashed again, opening up his wrist. Again. Opening up his chest. Once, twice.
She was covered in blood, covered in sweat and tears, but Lucien didn't give up. He didn't back down. When she looked away for a mere second, distracted by a loud thump above her, she was thrown across the room. Before she crashed against the wall, she redirected herself. Flying up into the air, she tried to jump Lucien, but he was on to her. He grabbed her foot, dragging her down and slamming her into the ground.
A silent scream escaped her as she felt her arm being ripped out of its socket as he lifted her up and slammed her down again. She gasped for air. Lucien grinned as he stood over her, lifting her up and slamming her against the wall.
Cracks formed in the concrete where she'd collided, pieces of rock falling down. Julie laid there between the ruble, struggling to get up. She leaned on her arms, one of them giving out the second she put any force on it.
"Are you done yet? You can't win from me, fledgling. I am your sire, I control -"
Lucien flew backwards. Julie landed on top of him, a large red brick in her hands as she pinned him down to the ground. Lucien laughed loudly, noticing how desperate the girl seemed. But then the brick hit his face, his damaged eye officially popping out. Then she hit again, his nose breaking. Again.
And again.
David silently cursed to himself as he realised he had lost sight of the van. He and Dwayne had promised her that they'd be there for her every step of the way, but now? As quickly as they could, they drove through the streets, making their way down the highway. They sped past cars, moving left and right to avoid crashing into them.
"We'll get there in time!" Dwayne called out. He was a couple of feet behind David.
"We better!" David sped up even more, moving off the freeway as he saw a sign stating Berkeley was close by. Dwayne quickly followed. They dropped their bikes in the woods near the main street, deciding to fly the rest of the way. It would be faster, and the chances of them being seen would be minimalized.
Quickly, they flew through the night, seeing a building rise at the horizon. It was the same building Max had described to them hours before, the same building Julie was held at.
Dwayne was the first to land, landing on the edge of the roof. "She's here," he said, sighing with worry. "Max is still outside, but the others are inside as well."
"Max was supposed to go in," David hissed, annoyance lacing his voice. "Motherfucker."
"Let's make sure we find Julie first. Afterwards we can deal with Max."
They walked across the roof, David easily ripping the metal door of the roof entrance of its hinges. Quietly, the two men stepped inside, swiftly walking down the stairs, making sure they didn't make a single sound. They opened the door at the end of the stairs, ending up in a dark, carpeted hallway.
David was about to say something when they heard a man's laughter. They looked at each other without saying another word.
They flew down the hallway, crashing into the room where they'd heard the man. David and Dwayne looked up, seeing the same man whose head they'd seen in that box days before. Seeing him laugh as his face was being smashed to pieces by Julie, who was crying tears of anger as she smashed the brick in her hands down and down again on his face. Pieces of blood, skin, eye and brain stuck to it, creating a sickening noise as she pulled the rock away only to bring it down again with such force that the remainders of the skull scattered to pieces.
Next chapter > available on September 29th
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mouse507 · 5 years
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#24: My stars look at you...
with John lennon:
(not my pictures)
@in-the-frap-of-the-gods I hope you enjoy this! Sorry it took FOREVER. I've been dealing a lot.
  It started out as days, and hour long calls. “I’ll see you soon love.” he’d say to you. Then weeks, and eventually months. As the time passed he got bussier, and the clls got shorter. So many meetings and concerts, but he always sent you post cards, letters from where he went. He always sent you polaroids of him and the boys, writing hearts on the back. You even started a small memory shoe box to put them in, so you could look at to remind yourself he was coming home. 
  Finally the day came, you were counting down on the calander for when he would come home, the final day of his tour.  When he called you that night, you were so damn excited. “Hello love!” you answered, you sat up on the counter in your kitchen, holding the phone tightly. “Dear, I’m so excited to come home, I’m in my hotel right now about to leave for the airport. Just wanted to call before I left” He was packing the rest of his things in his bag. The callbox under his arm, while he ran around the room and picked up extra things like socks, a comb, and other miscellaneous things throughout the room. “Ok baby, well I love you so much. What time do you think you’ll get home?”  you asked. “Well, if the flight doesn’t get bloody delayed or canceled, I should be home around seven or eight p.m.”  After talking a bit more you hung up, and had this fantastic idea. YOU’ll make him some dinner, have a nice at home date. 
 You left the next morning to go grocery shopping picking up a some chicken you planned on baking, you also picked up a few seasonings, milk, mash potatoes, and cornflakes.  You came home and immediately started cooking, Slow roasting the chicken, so that’d it’d be ready as soon as John came home. As thing slow roasted you chose to “doll yourself up”. You wore the cute red dress John said he liked, You pulled it out of the closet. You haven’t worn this dress in months, you only did for special events. You laid the dress on the bed and set up the balcony outside the bed room. 
  You turned on the lights to the porch, and lit some candles to place on the table.  Grabbing some wine to put in the center, the table is set. You check the time, it’s six thirty you have time to finish cooking and do some makeup. Light eyeshadow, blush and mascara, too much makeup would make you look unnatural. You looked at yourself in the mirror, “I hope he likes tonight...” you said. You wanted everything to be perfect tonight, a nice dinner, talking about his time around the world, cuddling and sleeping peacfully. You finished up the finer details on the dinner, The chicken was nice, good mash potatoes, and some steamed vegetables. Once you started plating the food the door opened, you gasped so loud it scared John. You ran from the kitchen and jumped into his arms. “Oh my gosh I missed you so much.” you said. You kissed his cheek all the way to his mouth. 
    He held you so tightly, both his hands were wrapped around you holding you up, and when he kissed you, it felt like you kissed for the first time all over again. It was so love filled and satisfying, he set you down and loked at you. Taking in your being, and being able to hold you, see you, and kiss you without border. He placed his hands on either side of your waist. “My stars...look at you” he said and he did look at you quite alot. He noticed your hair had gotten longer, you skin was paler, due to it being winter, you painted your nails recently and they has started chipping. “ Love it’s cold, can we close the door?” you said laughing. He chuckled and closed the door, he took his jacket off and put it on the rack.  He lifted you up, and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “ Put me down!, I have a surprise.” you said, “ A surprise? what is it?” he said setting you down, “Now if i told you it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?” he laughed. “ OK love, turn around” you told him. He slowly turned around facing the door. You rushed to the kitchen and finished plating for you and John. you rushed to the balcony to finish setting the table. Pouring two glasses of wine, and lighting the candles again, they went out due to the winter winds.
    “Ok love hang on!” you said. you went up behind him and covered his eyes “Ok follow me.” He laughed “Dear what have you done? Is it a dog?” he asked “No my love, it’s not a dog but we’re almost there.” you two finally got the balcony and you uncovered his eyes. “Surprise!” you said. He smiled so wide “Love you didn’t have to do this.” 
 “Oh yes I did, you totally deserve it, you’ve been so busy and I haven’t seen you in so long, so I wanted to make you dinner.” He leaned down and kissed you, you wrapped your arms around his neck, “I love you so much dear.”  he rested his forehead on yours. “I love you more” you said.  You both sat down and enjoy the wonderful dinner you cooked. You stood up to take the dishes to the sink, to wash up. “Dear let me wash up,” He said, closing the door behind him the balcony. “No I’ve got it.” you said. “No, you cooked for me, I'll clean up. You go get ready for bed. I'll be there soon.” said John. You smiled, and got on your tiptoes to kiss his forehead.  “Thank you dear.”
After he washed up, he walked up stairs to your bedroom. He scooted into the covers and spooned you. "I missed you". You said. "missed you too dove." You both laid there for a while, you falling asleep before him. You both missed the feeling of having eachother in your arms, it was strange to go months without sleeping next to someone. You woke up so refreshed that day, and you spent the next few days spending as much time together as possible. You know you two could get through anything together, nothing could stop you. It was You and John, against the world.
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storytaeme · 7 years
confession – day 24
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spoopy kinktober drabbles – NC17
➵ Pairing: Min Yoongi x Kim Namjoon
➵ Prompt: Church Sex   ↪ content: anal fingering, semi-public, anal sex, riding, religious themes
➵ Word Count: 2,560 words
The door clicked shut on the other side of the barrier. Yoongi heard the resounding snap echo through the empty space. There was some rustling before the noise faded away, bathing the booth in silence. Yoongi couldn’t see the priest, nor was the priest able to see him. The screen between them was thick enough to maintain anonymity which was important in situations like these.
It felt tight and stuffy, the air seeming to tighten its hold around his lungs. However, what Yoongi was more concerned about was perhaps the hand that was slowly sliding up his bare thigh, brushing over the hem of his white shirt and eliciting a delicious shiver out of him. Namjoon propped his chin up on the older boy’s shoulder, humming quietly. His voice only reached Yoongi’s ears, barely above a whisper that tickled the skin of his neck. "Go on, Yoongi, time to confess your sins."
Yoongi could only swallow the clog in his throat, feeling his breath hiccup in his chest as he attempted to keep his reactions in check. "Father," he began just as Namjoon's hand slid up again to stroke the insides of his thigh, touching the smooth, soft skin and relishing in Yoongi's provoked shivers.
"Go on," Namjoon murmured again. His breath was hot against Yoongi's ear, a reminder that he was still there and would always be.
Closing his eyes, Yoongi gulped again as he started again. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned." He paused, biting on his bottom lip as Namjoon cupped his balls. Yoongi wanted to scream. He was so, so painfully hard. Namjoon had stimulated him so much earlier, had teased him endlessly to the verge of tears and left him pleading for more. However, the priest had entered before they could finish and Yoongi was left to his own devices. "I-it has been two months since my last—" Namjoon's hand tightened, Yoongi choked "—my last confession."
The priest said nothing, awaiting for Yoongi's next words, which were supposed to be an admittance of all of his sins. Though, that might take a while considering he was more than mildly distracted by the warmth radiating from Namjoon's palm unto his skin. It felt like it was searing fire straight through his flesh, burning with the energy of a thousand suns. Yoongi's cock twitched in Namjoon's hand as he bit back a whimper, nudging forward so Namjoon could keep working on it. Instead, the younger only gave him a quick squeeze. "Come on, Yoongi-hyung, you can't keep Father waiting. The Lord is busy after all."
Whatever the priest had to deal with, it surely couldn't be as miserable as the torture Yoongi was undergoing at that moment. He regained his composure, taking another deep inhale before continuing, "Since then, I have committed mortal sins. I accuse myself of the following sins," Yoongi sank his teeth into his tongue to stop the moan from escaping when Namjoon bounced him a little on his lap. He prattled off a few that he could name when searching through his mind for the right words to say, but he could barely process any of it when Namjoon was still toying with his skin.
Fuck, the sensations, the nudging on his ass and the feeling of his cock bouncing in Namjoon's hand were enough to have Yoongi throwing his head back, pressing the side of his face against Namjoon's. The younger peppered his bare neck with kisses. His partly unbuttoned shirt was holding on for dear life off his shoulders, dangling haphazardly around his body. Namjoon proceeded to bob his knees, causing Yoongi to shift on his thighs. The tall man's leg dug into his ass where it was settled, the tent in his pants a good sign of how hard Namjoon was.
Namjoon ran his fingers through Yoongi's hair and tugged back, nipping the boy's ear swiftly. "You're being awfully slow, Yoongi. You know Father has no time for this."
Yoongi slammed his eyes shut and nodded quietly. "Admitting one's sin to oneself is far from easy, Father. It had taken me some time to grow accustomed to the truth that I have gone against our Lord's wishes," Yoongi whispered, trying to keep his voice as low as possible to hide his pained whimpers as Namjoon began to stroke his cock. His long fingers wound around his shaft, moving up and down with his spit on his palm. Namjoon used his fingers then and flicked his wrist faster, pressing tighter around the sensitive length. Yoongi gritted his teeth, "I have been thinking of another, Father, another of my kind. Although the Lord has taught us through you time and time again of the wrongfulness of such attraction, I can't help but find myself falling into temptation each time."
It was difficult—it was becoming increasingly, ridiculously difficult to keep his libido stable when Namjoon's fingers were doing wonders on his dick. His fingers expertly twirled around the hardened member, his thumb digging into the slit and seeming to peel open his opening. His other hand roamed carelessly to fondle his balls and caress them in his palms. Yoongi could feel everything. The booth's suffocating space contributing to the lack of oxygen that was unable to fill his lungs.
"Will you specify your temptation, child? To confess your sins means to admit all your doings," the priest finally spoke, his voice soft and gentle. His words, kind. Words Yoongi certainly didn't deserve considering his state at that moment.
"I have been involved with another man," Yoongi confessed, and this was true. "We have a mutual understanding of our attraction and we have, unfortunately, acted upon it."
He heard Namjoon snort softly in his ear. "Unfortunately," he echoed mockingly.
Yoongi jabbed his chest with his elbow, which earned him another cock squeeze from the man. Wincing, he continued, praying that the little squeak that he had let escape hadn't been caught by the priest. "We've done things…" His sentence faded when Namjoon's wet fingers, he guessed with lube, was beginning to prod at his entrance. Yoongi's lips trembled as he felt one slick digit slide inside of him, curling in the thick ring of muscle. God, it was amazing to finally have some friction inside of him.
But the priest was not pleased, instead pressing further, "My child, elaborate your sins further."
"I've—I've lain with him, have lain with another man. We've worshipped each other's bodies and rid ourselves of our purity," Yoongi gasped a little when Namjoon pushed another finger in and nudged him forward just a little. With his hands pressed up against the walls of the booth, he had his ass up towards Namjoon, exposed and open for the taking. The younger, of course, wasted no time before he was fingering the daylights out of Yoongi. His long, long fingers twisted and spread inside of him, stretching him open. Yoongi could only hope that the lewd squelches didn't carry to the other side of the confessional.
Namjoon's hand grabbed onto his ass, pushing it apart so he could see how Yoongi's rim enveloped his fingers nicely, circling tightly around the constantly moving digits. He let out a pleased noise when Yoongi jerked forward, Namjoon having touched a particularly sensitive spot. The tip of his fingers kept rubbing on the prostate, stroking the tissue until Yoongi's thin legs were quivering.
"He's… he's a beautiful man, a son of God truly. We both are. But perhaps we have fallen too far into our temptations and sins to be redeemed from them," Yoongi professed with honesty dripping in his voice. He could hear some of his desperation leak into his tone. "The two of us believe in the Lord and His words, believe that He is our savior and messiah."
Namjoon tugged him back again, slower this time, and Yoongi found out why when he could feel a thicker poking on his opening. Looking over his shoulder, he could see the smug smirk Namjoon had playing on his lips. The smile of the devil, some might say. This wasn't the first time the younger had messed around the church—perhaps Catholic boarding school had certainly done a number on him.
A number in which Yoongi took pleasure in as Namjoon slowly inched himself inside of the older boy. His hands grasped Yoongi's small waist as the boy cautiously sank down on the thick length, the girth that pried open his entrance forcefully. His ass was stinging with how big and thick Namjoon was inside of him, but it was the kind of pain that sent delicious jolts of electricity coursing through his veins. He swallowed back a groan and nearly creamed himself when he finally bottomed out.
"Go on, Yoongi, tell Father everything we did, tell him how I fucked your ass open in detention, how you tasted my cock in the back of the chapel," Namjoon grinned, his teeth sliding along his skin, nibbling and tasting the soft flesh. "God, I remember how fucking sweet you were. I could listen to you beg for me to come down your throat for hours. Do you remember swallowing my come, Yoongi?"
Yoongi barely managed to suppress a whimper as Namjoon nudged his cock deeper into him, the tip of it seeming to reach the deepest part of the tunnel.
"Bounce on my cock, baby," Namjoon muttered, tugging him back so Yoongi could lean against him. "I want to see that pretty ass bounce on my cock, see your little cock flailing around."
The elder mumbled something incoherent and lifted his hips up before dropping back down, letting Namjoon's cock fuck deep inside of him. The movement pulled a moan from deep in his throat and he froze for a second, wondering if the priest had heard him.
"That's right, show Father how good you take cock, baby. You open your legs for anyone, don't you? I bet you'd let the boys take turns fucking your hole open and coming inside of you," Namjoon growled, sinking his fingers deeper into Yoongi's hips. Yoongi held back his cries, the pricking of Namjoon's nails on his skin surely leaving marks.
"Is there more you'd like to confess, child?" the priest asked, seeming completely oblivious to the fact that Yoongi was silently blabbering his agreement to whatever Namjoon was saying, to the fact that Yoongi was taking Namjoon's cock "like the good bitch that he was."
Namjoon gave his ass a little slap, just enough to surprise Yoongi and drag another shocked groan from his lips. "Tell him, Yoongi, tell him everything we've done."
Yoongi was still riding Namjoon's cock, the length sliding deeper inside of him each time and he hadn't known that that was even possible. It felt incredible, every stroke seemed to ignite up a resistance inside his belly, a flame burning hot lighting his entire being on fire. "I've—We've touched each other in inappropriate places, Father, holy places. Forgive me, Father, for I am aware of the sanctity of those rooms, yet I have defiled them with my immorality."
"Good boy," Namjoon snarled in his ear, yanking his hair back again. Yoongi's scalp ached with the movement but he could feel his cock throb even harder with it. "Tell him how sorry you are, or better yet, tell him how much you fucking enjoyed christening all those rooms."
"N-Namjoon," Yoongi whispered over his shoulder, eyes wide with panic, "please, I can't. I can't take it any longer."
"Then apologize to our Father and Lord, Yoongi. You're not allowed to come until you're absolved of your sins, that would be too impure of you," Namjoon purred delightedly, obviously taking pleasure in the conflict flickering through Yoongi's eyes.
Holding back the profanities and blasphemy towards Namjoon, Yoongi glanced up at the dark ceiling of the stall in search for help and patience. He took a deep breath and went on, "I apologize, Father, for all I have sinned for. I have tainted my own spirituality and have acted against our heavenly father's words."
"Our Father is merciful, dear child, He does not hold onto vendettas or any of your wrongdoings for all of eternity. As you seek absolution from the church, you may pray to our Father to cleanse you of your sins. Despite it being so, the promise to uphold God's words must be kept and your sins thus far may be removed," the priest recited as if he had memorized this by heart. "You may ask for our heavenly father for forgiveness."
Yoongi inhaled a shaky breath, his hips stuttering with the movement.
"Oh my God," he said, more for the fact that Namjoon just raised his hips the same time he sat down on his cock rather than his calling for God, "I apologize for all my sins for I have offended you and your teachings. You are my priority, the one I should love above all. Please allow me to atone for my immorality, to improve myself, and to eschew all that may lead me back into temptation. Amen."
Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's hips harshly, pounding into him every time Yoongi sank down on his cock. The pleasure built up inside of him like vines that coiled around his gut and twisted around his heart. He could feel every touch of Namjoon's surrounding him, his scent overwhelming his senses and the pain that ricocheted through him through his hands.
"God bless you," the priest said, "go in peace, child, and sin no more."
Yoongi made no promises.
"Make the cross, Yoongi," Namjoon grunted, thrusting into him again and again. "Do it."
With trembling fingers, he motioned the cross from his forehead and across his chest. He felt filthy and sinful, absolutely stained with all of his wrongdoings. He surely was going to hell for this but the way to hell seemed sweet if Namjoon were to hold his cock and stroke it like the way he was doing then. Yoongi's cock thumped against his stomach before white strings spurted out from the tip, coating his body and his and Namjoon's legs with the thick semen. Namjoon slapped his hand over Yoongi's mouth as the boy came with an audible, muffled moan. His entire body was still quaking with the force of his orgasm when Namjoon followed after, the warmth of his come coating the insides of his ass and leaking from where they were joined. Even the thickness of the younger's cock couldn't hold in the liquid oozing down the insides of his thighs.
"That's a good boy," Namjoon smiled.
The elder panted quietly, slowly regaining his breath as he struggled back to fix his appearance. He yanked on his pants and buttoned up his shirt before stumbling out of the booth. The air was fresh outside, unlike the humidity and the unmistakeable aroma of sex that had diffused through the air of the confessional. Namjoon slid out of the confessional afterwards, giving his ass one last pat before walking on his merry way back to the dorms.
Yoongi walked to the pew and kneeled, looking up at the figure of his salvation up on the cross. And, as much as he would like to pray earnestly to God for his sins, the only thing he could feel was Namjoon's come still dribbling out of his hole.
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