#dear god it's like the whole world is underwater like i'm SCREAMING OUT UNDERWATER I FEEL LIKE I'M UNDERWATER THESE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
pardonmydelays · 18 days
~ Imagine Dragons Concert ~
First of all, Dan sounds good live!
"We're Walking the Wire" was beautiful live. 🥹
I loved the uplifting, encouraging songs, such as "We're Walking the Wire" and "Whatever It Takes".
The backdrops with the moving graphics for each song was gorgeous! I have so many videos and screenshots so I can't recall which exact song(s) I liked the most as far as graphics go, but "Sharks" was neat. The backdrops were basically set up like underwater (obviously) with sharks swimming. A few close up of sharks too, which was cool.
Hearing some of the songs from the 2010s like "Thunder" and "Radioactive" was nice.
Apparently "It's Time" was on the setlist, but I swear I do not recall hearing it! ... And I love that song. 🥺 I was lowkey hoping that they would play that. I definitely would have recorded it.
I was not expecting Dan to take his shirt and shorts off, but there we were... Lmao, and my God, was he ripped. We're talking muscles, 6 pack, etc. The whole package, Poppy!
I loved hearing my favorite songs live and the whole concert itself, but one thing that really stood out to me was Dan talking about mental health. He proceeded to tell us how Imagine Dragons came about followed by things he struggled with growing up in his teen years and even now as an adult. He ended his (2.5 minute) speech by assuring us audience members that we are loved and to please not leave this world.
(I'll post the video on my account soon!)
Again, I have a lot of favorite songs, but the ones I enjoyed the most were "Bones" and "Enemy".
That's...about it! It was a wonderful concert overall. 🩷
dan's voice is absolutely incredible! i hope he was screaming a lot during your show because, oh dear lord, i do love guys who scream (*cough cough* tyler joseph *cough cough*) and dan just happens to be very good at it (my favourite imagine dragons songs are actually the ones where he screams lmao)
walking the wire will always be one of the most important songs to me. it was their newest single when they had a show in poland in 2017 and they actually performed it live for the first time that day AND I WAS THERE. i was there. good all days. beautiful song. ahh.
the thing about sharks makes me so incredibly happy for the dumbest reason ever (not because i love the song but because i fucking love sharks shhjdvjsevjh i'm sorry)
i'm pretty sure they still sing radioactive at every single one of their shows which is pretty cool because i love this song so fucking much and i know a lot of people hate it because it's their most popular song, but that could never be me, radioactive is my baby forever and always. i also love thunder. used to sing it all the time with my best friend (who's no longer in my life. but i always think about him when i hear this one. i hope he's doing alright)
what do you mean they didn't perform it's time, it's the most imagine dragons song ever, WHY OH WHY JAIL FOR THEM!!!
he DID WHAT NOW... what do you mean dan was stripping on stage, oh dear lord. to absolutely no one's surprise, i used to have a huge crush on him (why do i always have to have a crush on my favourite artists genuinely what the hell is wrong with me but dan is really hot ok ok), i would probably fucking die. oh dear lord. omg. can you hear mE SCREAMING-
oh, i absolutely fucking love it when he talks about mental health. it always makes me cry but also i always felt so fucking proud because i can only assume how hard it is for him. i know he's been struggling a lot in his life. it's always nice to know you are not alone. makes you feel seen.
i know nobody asked for it, but i found an old video from my show from two years ago and i just want to share it with you. i was really close. and he was wearing a very slutty shirt that day. you're welcome.
i'm so glad you had fun!!! can't wait to see the video from your show!!!
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yououghtaknow · 2 years
girls when i didn’t expect to see you here – i mean outside, smoking. i’m more of a nicorette girl these days. i’m joking. i mean, i did quit, but who feels like joking now? i’ll see you your scowl and raise you a furrowed brow. anyway. anyway. do you remember how we used to read? rilke, joyce? and we barely understood it, but it gave us a voice or a language… i don’t read poetry anymore. but if i did, i’d be reading it tonight for sure. oh. oh. i keep thinking about how the timing seems false, how some days seem faster than my fucking pulse, and others go so slow, like this morning feels like a month ago. oh. oh. oh. oh. i feel like i’m underwater. i feel like i’m underwater. i feel like i’m underwater. anyway. anyway. there’s this building you pass on the subway to queens. it’s on the l or the r or the one that’s green. it’s covered in tags, bright hieroglyphics. these fifteen-year-olds, they’re so fucking prolific. i’m commuting, i’m eating my goddamn apple and they’re secretly painting their sistine chapel, but whatever. it’s like they know their odds. if you're gonna die young, you'd better live like gods. gods. gods. and me? i’m not doing anything. i’m not helping or cleaning, i’m not even crying. i’m not doing anything. she’d be so goddamn helpful, well, fuck her for dying ’cause i, i’m not writing her elegy. not me. i’m not writing that down. and they would scrawl her name on a city wall but i’m a fucking clown. i’m making jokes so i don’t drown. i feel like i’m underwater. i feel like i’m underwater. i feel like i’m underwater. i feel like i’m underwater. like the whole world is underwater. like i’m screaming out underwater. i feel like i’m underwater these days. anyways. anyway. i didn’t expect to see you here. i mean – thanks for coming. i thought you’d oppose the use of religious rites as numbing. i mean, it is dumb, but what if she can hear them pray? i mean what the fuck do we know? who are we to say if there was any way? anyway.
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