So, has been a while since I wrote and posted it in wattpad. I did it in my native language while I was really inspired because I love Near with my entire life, lol. It took me a while to translate because I was not in the mood and I do not see a lot of people who like the character, too. But I really wanted to post it again before 2021, I liked it the first time I did and it was the first scenario that I finished, so it has a special place in my heart, tehee.
I hope you like it and have in mind that english is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. Good reading. 💕🐢
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    The man who was once called Near was in his nerves. The notebook that caused so much loss and pain was now being sold and the easiest way to stop it was reaching the Shinigami. An easy thing to do, you may assume. The problem was the lack of eyes. Only six people, including Near himself, were able to see the Death God, and look for him with only those twelve eyes... well, it would take way more time than they had.
   With this thought in mind, the now L was trying to develop a mechanism that should be able to recognise a shinigami's face, or at least Ryuk's. The 3D image of Ryuk without his eyes would be enough to make a child cry (to be honest, even an adult), but not L. He kept the usual patience that made it possible for him to become the sucessor of the World's Greatest Detective while wondering himself if it wasn't pointless to try to do something so out of reach.  Even though he already knew it was near to the impossible to create a mechanism of that level, have to repeat that out loud to Lidner kinda that made him feel a little upset. It was not looking right to him.
      While putting the second eye on that monstrosity's replica, L wondered himself if the orders he was giving to Lidner and Rester were somehow different of just telling them to stay still. Not that move in some way would make any difference, A-Kira was truly smart, and seemed to be acting with extra caution. He really was a hell of a rival. The albino was feeling as if the whole situation had just become senseless. He wasn't really against A-Kira, he just got interested in him because of his intelligence, so way to go so far? But, even like that, the idea of just stand there frustrated him.
      He accepted his fate when Aizawa sent the security cameras fotages. Since that moment, he knew there was nothing else to be done.
— I see...
His monotone voice was present, passing a fake image of his usual cool temper while making the replica he had worked for the past few hours explode.
— That's it.
Was all he said while laying again on his back, taking off a piece of the replica that got stuck on his face when it blew.
— "That's it"? L, aren't you going to act?
— If the Shinigami is really moving under the floor, there's nothing much we can do. We can't localise him and even if we could, we would not be able to reach him — the man said while breathing heavily again and resting his left arm on his forehead — all we can do is to sit and wait.
Lidner was kinda worried. She had known the detective for long enough to know when something was wrong with him and it was not normal to see him admitting fate. But there's was nothing she could do while leaving the building together with Rester.
While his mind was lost in a fine line between one million of thoughts and any thought at all, Nate's eyes reached his phone, sitting next to him. Even if he wasn't really someone that into cellphones or things like that, for some reason he felt as if he couldn't avoid to look at it.
It didn't take long for him to grab it and disk the only number he could think of.
— ... L?
Only hearing her voice already made his heart slow down it's beats, making his muscles relax and his body release all the pressure, but he was not experienced enough to say it to her and leave the indifference behind.
— If you're not busy, come over.
      Only thirty minutes passed since he received a positive response to his "invitation" when it was possible to hear the sound of  the elevator opening, followed by sounds of steps that Near scarily could recognise.
— Hey... I'm here.
The characteristic softness of her voice sounded like an hearing therapy to Nate. But him, obviously, didn't even bother to look at her while kept piling balls and dices in what would become an endless tower if he wasn't stopped.
— L, what is that?
She asked already in front of him in the bed, referring to what used to be a replica of Ryuk.
— A Shinigami's wreck.
He answered in a simple way, without even looking at the female.
She blinked a few times, trying to process if he was being serious or making some kind of joke. The second theory didn't sound probable to her.
— Ok, this is... definitely not weird.
Her brow was furrowed in confusion, but she had a smile in her face.
The detective's company walked to the carpet beside his notebook's desk, where the biggest part of the "Shinigami's wreck" was found and started to take the pieces one by one, cleaning it.
— I wonder how you could break it to this level... it almost look like you blew it.
She said that as a joke, but was right. It was something common to happen, by the way.
— That's because I did.
— You... what?
She took a moment to process it, but soon after looked at him with an annoyed expression that was rare to be manifested in her face.
He already knew he was in trouble, but being her, it was easier to just sit and hear her scold.
— Near, why did you do that? You could've got hurt! If you wanted to get rid of it, you could just trow it on the trash or even ask Gevanni to do so!
The fact that she called him by his childhood nickname did not passed unnoticed by Nate, that secretly found the action adorable.
He left the pile of cubes and balls that was working on (that by the way now was already way bigger than it was when the girl first arrived) and now sat on the edge of the bed, in his usual posture, this time hugging his right leg and resting his chin on the right knee.
- Who knows.
She was mad because of how irresponsible he was with himself and it made she feel mad about his indifferent behavior towards his health too.
— Afterwards, why did you call me? Did you need me for something?
Her hands were now resting in her hips while she glared at Nate with a definitely not friendly face. She looked like an angry mom waiting for an answer.
He was going to answer, but didn't have time when she noticed the small cut in his cheekbone.
— Nate, you're bleeding...
She stated while approaching him, touching the cut's place in a delicate way.
— That thing cut you when it blew, didn't it?
— ... yes.
It was all he could answer while habitually started to play with a strand of his hair, maidely avoiding her gaze.
At this time, she didn't even bother on scolding him, just left the room without saying a word.
Near was divided in 50/50 if she was either walking to calm herself down or if she was looking for some weapon to finally kill him. Maybe both.
It didn't take long for her to come back, though, carrying a tiny towel and a single band-aid with her.
River watched carefully as she approached him and gently took his chin in her left hand, raising slightly his head so she could pass the towel slowly over his cut, cleaning it.
The man flinched lightly under her touch and she furrowed her eyebrows in the failed tentative to mask the fact that she felt bad for "hurting" him.
— This is you fault. If you were more careful, I wouldn't have to be doing it now.
Both Nate and the girl didn't notice what his eyes were doing, but he was staring at her. She looked so beautiful when focused that it was almost impossible not to feel mesmerised by her features.
He only realized that was gazing when she put herself to talk again, after finishing taking care of his cut.
 — I think I overreact... it was not that bad as it seemed.
Said and put herself up again, but before the she could leave, was surprised by a pair of arms evolving her waist. At first, she didn't know how to react to that. It's not as if they never hugged before, but it's been a while...
 She kept her hands in the air for fraction of moment, feeling her heart warm as River borrowed his face inconsequently in her chest.
— Nate...
— Let's just stay like this for one more minute.
— ... ok.
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imagining-deathnote · 7 years
As this is a new blog and no body knows what I’m comfortable/won’t write, i thought it’d be best to begin with a list of rules.
•I don’t write attempted rape/rape, pedophilia, incest or anything along those lines as they are all disgusting and quite frankly revolting.
I will however write about the reader being a victim of one of the above- e.g., Light’s reaction to finding out reader had been raped.
•I won’t romanticise abuse so if you request one of the characters hitting reader for example, it will have a sad ending like most real life abuse situations.
•Although you can request some specifications about the reader (chubby, brown hair, blue eyes, dark skin and etc.,), I won’t name the reader or be extremely detailed about her appearance so don’t ask me to.
•I have the right to reject any request if I’m uncomfortable/it goes against the rules, most of the time I’ll let you know.
•Depending on the request, I will write NSFW but only if I’m comfortable with the kink/plot.
I think that’s all but if there’s anything I’ve forgotten, I’ll add to this post and let you guys know.
Please feel free to request!
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ehud1564 · 3 years
Harry Potter blocklist
For batch blocker:
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