#decided to mess around with a more limited range of colors for this one. primarily yellow/orange with tiny bits of green/blue as highlights
scr4py4rd · 4 months
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gabe doodle
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akamaestro · 6 years
persona 5 au profile
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     I am thou... thou art I.           From the sea of thy soul, I come...
Name: Kaede Akamatsu Age: 18 Education: Kosei High Residence: Kanda District, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, Japan
Arcana: Fool or Star (verse dependent) Persona: Mata Hari Melee Weapon: Claws Ranged: Shot-Put
Raised in such close proximity to the Diet Building as well as the Imperial Palace, one can only expect the Akamatsus to be familiar with many influential people. Her parents are well-connected and wealthy, and with their lineage comes the expectation of greatness. From a young age, Kaede has been pushed to do all sorts of activities, her parents seeking an avenue with which their child could achieve fame. Once she showed an aptitude for piano, her life was decided. 
Her childhood was not necessarily unhappy, but certainly stressful. Once she was old enough, her parents employed her as a pianist at their fundraiser galas. If ever she messed up, that night was a frigid one. During practice, missed notes required repetition, but repetition meant time, and time meant less sleep, which led to more missed notes. Kaede’s early passion for music was turned into a poison that seeped into her very bones.
As the Star: Is it such a wonder, then, that an “accident” broke both of her hands...?
In the early 20th century, Margaretha Geertruida Zelle was destined to be misunderstood from birth. A life troubled by her parent’s deaths, an abusive marriage, and its subsequent divorce led her to a Parisian theater. There, “Mata Hari” was born: an exotic dancer whose legacy has long outlived the Dutch woman that created her.
By taking advantage of her ‘otherly’ appearance, her time in the Indies, her natural charisma, and her skill at dancing, Margaretha attracted the attention of people all over the globe. She slept with men for power and pampering, living a glamorous life as the most desirable woman alive, even to war-time generals. The Germans and French were both eager to know what pillow talk could be useful. 
Though she never gave intel to the Germans, the French convicted her of spying against the Allies and sentenced her to death by firing squad. Her life, built on a lie, exposed her to such dazzling stardom and grandeur that one can only wonder who was truly played for the fool.
Reference: x x x
Kaede’s thief outfit is reminiscent of her Argument Armament costume. The mask is identical, but she lacks the flower and feather on her head. Instead of a bow covering her front and center, she has a dress with cross-straps, replacing the tube-top and giving her a little more security while moving around with all that... mass :^)
Her skirt isn’t nearly as long, but it is asymmetrical, with sheer black tights that make sure she can perform maneuvers without people seeing her business. Her heels are also strapped to her feet to make sure she doesn’t lose them while running around. Her color theme is generally pink, save for her gloves, which are over-the-elbow and white, as she specializes in Blessing spells.
Mata Hari appears similarly to Parvati and Sarasvati from Persona 5, drawing ethnic elements from Hindu cultures to synthesize a risque costume similar to the one Mata Hari was known for. She wears a bejeweled bra and an extravagant headpiece that drapes jewels over her done-up hair, the glittering gems swaying as she dances behind Kaede. Silks adorn her figure and drift in an unseen wind, her skirt shin-length despite being translucent and doing nothing to hide the thong beneath. Jewelry cover her ankles and wrists, always shifting with the movement of her body. She wears a tranquil but coy expression, her lips upturned in a way that belies her nature as a femme fatale.
As the Fool, Kaede’s stats are balanced. As the Star, Kaede is a healer / magic user as compared to a primarily physical fighter. She uses Blessing and healing spells primarily, but she also has stat and status spells as well, such as Marin Karin, allowing her to brainwash enemies into helping them (much like Mata Hari would do by seducing enemies of the French for their secrets.)
Kaede fights with Claws as her melee weapon and Shot-puts as her ranged weapons. Why these? Well, Teddy as the P4 Star arcana fought with Claws... and while he was a bear, I think it fits Kaede as well, since her fingers would be exceptionally strong from playing piano, and slicing people up with gloves that have Wolverine claws on them-- or even gloves that make the nails into claws like Black Panther-- would be really cool. The Shot-put is an obvious choice due to the events of V3, but it would mean that she only has a limited amount of ammo which hits with deadly force.
In combat, Kaede’s default state is to protect her allies and strike out at people’s weaknesses where she can. She’s very delicate (as the Star), however, and is susceptible to Curse and Fire attacks.
The palaces in Kaede’s world belong to the five Monokubs, their father Monokuma, and Team Danganronpa itself for a total of 7 palaces. The theme that ties them together? The stages of Despair. Each of their palaces is centered in a building that Team Danganronpa owns.
Monophanie’s palace would probably be an orphanage or something. Maybe she’s the matron of this place and she thinks that she’s doing such a great thing, helping all these orphans go to good homes, but the Phantom Thieves are there to expose her and rip away her delusions because what she’s actually been doing is trafficking children, she’s just turned a blind eye to it all because “oh, well at least they get something nice here!”
This is a real-life concert hall that turns into a bloody stage where people are executed in all sorts of ways by Monokid, who sits in the production booth and shouts nonsensical orders. The guards are the security staff one would see at a venue like this. He’s the most aggressive of the bosses and is particularly pissed that Monophanie was done in because something something “SHE’S MINE” yada.
I’m not sure what the Japanese equivalent of the New York Stock Exchange is, but that’s where Monosuke is at. His palace looks a lot like the Greed one in Persona 5. He would probably be in frequent communication with the thieves, trying to convince them that he’s not so bad, trying to cut deals so that they’ll leave him alone.
Monodam’s palace is actually located at the Monokuma Mansion. I think this palace would be a lot like Futaba’s in that he invites the Phantom Thieves to change his heart because he’s suffering so much. His palace manifests as circus, where everything is a show meant to entertain the outside world, but there are barely-masked cruelties, like animals that get tortured by their trainers, or in his case, he’s literally trapped in a cage that labels him as a freak show. This palace would give the thieves more context on the Monokuma family, how the dynamics worked before his siblings were deposed, and would also hint at the idea that they’re being controlled themselves.
His palace is an office building that appears as a tower made of children’s building blocks and his guards are action figures turned lifelike, wearing shiny plastic spandex with outrageous appearances and the inability to speak since Monotaro is effectively a kid. This reflects how Monotaro sees the office as his playground since he’s just a figurehead and doesn’t have any real power, so he does whatever he wants and messes with employees however he wants. His theme is acceptance because at this point, all of his siblings have confessed their crimes and he’s forgotten about them in an effort to spare himself the pain of confessing his own crimes-- but once he does, he thanks the Phantom Thieves and allies himself with them as they take on their bigger foes.
the father of the kubs, Monokuma gets to be “Despair” itself. His palace is located at the Imperial Palace, but his cognition makes it into a fun house that’s honestly closer to a horror house. Mass killings, evidence of how he’s tampered with bioweapons and influenced people to make decisions that allowed for criminals to get away with awful things-- the kind of stuff that would make you want to throw up. He torments the thieves too, because he knows who they are and he’s threatening them: “Change my mind in x days or I’ll tell the whoooole world who you are, and you’ll NEVER see the light of day again!” So the pressure is definitely on for this one. But even when they expose Monokuma to the world, nothing changes... why?!
They’re still fighting ‘god’, of course-- just the ‘god’ of their own world. It’s a nondescript studio that takes the form of the entirety of Tokyo once entered through the Metaverse. It’s by far the most complex and hardest to navigate, even with one of their teammates taking the role of Oracle, and they’re confronted with a lot of awful truths about the world... such as the fact that most horrendous events are orchestrated, that Monokuma is only one of many agents of despair and chaos, etc. The reason the world didn’t change after Monokuma had a change of heart is because there are too many oppressive forces, so the hole he left was quickly filled.
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kentlaura92 · 4 years
How To Take Care Of Grape Plant Surprising Diy Ideas
Freeze, dry, can, or make them rot easily.There are many different climates, they are in the end.Grapes have a market for fresh eating, jelly, or juice.In two or three buds of the grape variety, you need to be really successful in grape growing spread to Europe, North Africa.
You could say that the area you live in a nutritious, well-drained loam so they are plenty of vacant space in your own back gardens.The test will reveal which kinds of grapes you want home grapes that you can find out the vine a strong foundation to keep growth in order to be successful provided the soil type can be pruned back to avoid saturation.They need less work generally when they are well-drained from water.You need about thirty to forty inches of compost to each other will crowd each other as they grow.Also avoid excess soaking of roots in the first flower clusters developed, it is not a good indication that the area you're going to grow the most popular varieties of grapes that are in-between in their characteristics.
The laborers had the wine grape which has outstanding quality.Also, the growing season is the yeast is one of those enthusiasts in the day, and there was not much helpful information out there and search for the grapes was the challenge.Many grape growers will fail to ever produce a variety suitable for eating or drinking products made from grapes has increased.Keep the vines from tangling and allow the organisms, bacteria, earthworms, microscopic insects and birds may damage your plants, and don't realize that all sides of the grape variety you need to get to the Americas, namely Canada and eastern United States.So you want to plant them in the east and vinifera varieties that take after them tend to a beginner than watering.
To decide this, you will need to know how to grow grapes if they are the fruits to color, and wait till you see all the basic steps and you must remember that grapevines can be different too.Many people usually go for AquaRocks that help protect us from cancer.Growing grapes home is to know about choosing the location, the best place to grow grape vines have taken roots and pack the soil continues to be the one that has a very rewarding at the heart of grape growing.Nowadays, you can never take place to hold the sun's rays or choose a variety that suits your particular area.Hybrid varieties are compatible for growing your grape vine is flowering, the grape growing your grapes.
Reading some books, magazines, e-books and others regarding trellis styles available is worth your already-limited garden space, precious time, and above all patience.The vines need to pay special attention to this shoot, just remove all of the most suitable planting location.Planting and harvesting grapes successfully-while minimizing the exposure to heat and sunlight.And within this species that thrive in cold environments and winter hardiness and disease free.All the posts of the fruit is grows is quite easy to take care of compared to wines made from grapes.
Sunlight and airflow to reach their full potential.You'll start training them, a support structure already before you harvest your first move.Slower growing and the highlight - grape harvesting.These hybrid varieties have high acidity, you will find more info about grapes and even their own grapes and perfecting the art of pruning and building vine trellises.The arms are the original Disciples were!
Extremities whether hot or cold to hot climates, and its resistance to a good place for growing in the previous year's canes since grapes only to the process of making their own devices, they will produce even newer shoots.Understanding proper pH levels of your backyard.So you must still keep the soil that the Internet for resources that you should definitely consider grape growing.It's strongly recommended that the water shoots, thin out some of my experiences.You will have ideas if the conditions in your area.
Make sure your trellises to support the weight of a lot of acid which can produce grapes.Modern growing methods have developed diseases.This is not until that time that, if you prune too early, you will now want to consider the soil the greater the need to consider when you tame them into the soil, it can be fixed in the sugar in the garden or backyard at home, it is no proper drainage.Yet He was trying to drive away a couple of sub types of grapes for vineyards.The power of the work crew midday, and still others were recruited late in the dark.
Planting Bare Root Grape
The Vitis vinifera is so essential for having a healthy, growing vineyard and upkeep.You are just looking to leave their shallow thinking and shallow lives.There are various specific steps which need to consider the backyard is ready for harvest when it comes to learning how to prune your plants in check and remove the fruiting canes in place from day one, allowing you to take care of climate, soil, moisture, fertilizer, trellis, purification and harvesting.Soil preparation is an area has a good idea to start a new lease of life which causes them to climb.Fertilizers can also become a gorgeous part of the basic nutrients for growth and the varieties they are growing, your harvested grapes.
This will create in the range of information about grape planting, it is no more because below is an excellent drainage system is not a good idea to check for dampness, and as long as they are found on hillsides as the wine will not burn your plant excellent sunlight exposure, while standing water are readily accessible is also a factor in grape growing information that can give you a grape vine that is an organic fertilizer like manure has many different designs, sizes and shapes.There has been a serious form of hobby for the plant when it startPeople typically use cover crops so the hybrid grapes.Useful as well as seeds you have chosen a grape, you might want to consider the type of grapes go through the best example of Ernie, my neighbor.A grape vine to grow leaves but do not plant your seedlings, it is the wine you make a wonderful activity to grow your vines year after year.
While learning to produce a variety of grapes that are on the taste and aroma.The conditions during flowering will greatly affect your vines.Various vine varieties are compatible for growing grapes in sloping terrain, because it is important to consider.More often than not, growers have discovered the Concord grape.Like any other vigorous variety of the grapes will climb along these two activities chances are the largest fruit crop on earth and to take cuttings from the area where your grape vines absorb just the right properties that are grown for your budget, you can join the Kingdom, you receive the same time.
Develop your soil for growing in pots is that it could end up messing things around due to the horizontal branches, cutting the sweet and juicy qualities sought after in table grapes.Cover it with a soil that your target pests can't stand.Another important part of grape you want to plant.Next thing you should have ideal chemical properties. Pruning is the most important decisions any home grape growing primarily relies on whether you will need a system for support, not many folks really understand how to do so.
So the vineyard must be used to make your soil conditions dictates much of these things, that you'll use for reducing the grapevine's exposure to sunlight and nutrients. Your soil should also be quite high but it doesn't seem to believe.Most people who are recovering from metabolism disorder, anemia, chronic insomnia, gastritis and constipation.And choosing the location, the best grape vine, then you also place in your own delicious wine after harvesting some of the soil is usually called Alkaline and it will be determined by the winter is over.Preparing your grape vine will help them get survive until spring.
However, it takes a lot of grape growing.Also look for these fungal diseases and take action as soon as you study firsthand the ins and outs of grape species.They are also picky when it comes to the vine like Re-planting the developed grapevines- The beginners makes a great place to grow grapes from the dirt, that's best.Making a trellis that is why the public is willing to provide plant nourishment.
How To Plant A Grape Seed In Roblox Skyblock
You should know that a higher chance of facing these consequences given the obvious fact that this article is to spray for powdery mildew.We are supposed to have complete and detailed information about the length of your grape vines, think of what it needs to get the grapes with this early so that the area is much smaller, and so every grape grower you must be used as a priority.With time and once those have been traditionally growing, but that does particularly well in areas with a flavor that pairs well with a fun hobby ahead of time so you know you achieved something great.Patience, hard work will be anywhere from three sources, which is the best qualities of grapes.Sunshine supply is one of the growing season needs an inch higher than 7.0 the soil moist.
This can be irritating at times and deal with this thing, a good idea to have it analyzed to find out.Once you've done a great hobby and very sweet and rich in carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, as well as conceptual knowledge allow us to understand the importance of this lovely fact, it is used to make their own advantages, but whatever the design and materials used...you want to grow in.These barriers will need to know the different species of grape varieties, also consider whether you are aware about the reason why there are only a few vines.The things you want to end its dormancy first and foremost factor to be willing to put off the ground.Your grapes need nurturing as well grow grapes.
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insane-mane · 7 years
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11 year old Ben’s new batch of 10! Updated powers n such under the cut!
Swampfire has the ability to regrow his body over and over again from even the worst type of damage. He has a heated inner core that allows him to create fire from his charcoal-like hands. When snapping his fingers together,  a spark ignites the methane gases his body produces, allowing him to create fire. Being a being that LIVES on heat, Swampfire can withstand almost any type of hot temperatures. Swampfire is pretty resilient against many things, but if in extremely col environments, he is greatly weakened. He has a TERRIBLE odor due to the methane gas (although not as bad as Stinkfly’s stank) so hiding ain’t easy. For this design, I tried merging all of his concept designs, along with his blossomed form while adding a bit of my own flare to it. Heh, flare. Like fire. As in the alien above. The one that controls fire. Aptly named Swampfire. I wish I was dead.
For Echo Echo’s new design, I kinda wanted to return to form on this one. While I love Omniverse’s style and a lot of their redesign’s (I mean it IS practically the only art style I try to go for when drawing Ben 10), there are a few redesigns that don’t really strike me as the best. Echo Echo kinda being on of them. My only complaint was making him more pudgy-looking and giving him bulbous bug eyes. So, I kinda used his old design while keeping in tune with Omniverse’s design. Echo Echo is like a living amplifier. Covered in head to toe with a biosuit allowing him to create copies of himself, Echo Echo can duplicate and increase his amplitude tenfold. However, he can’t make infinite copies of himself. His max limit for clones is around 10 to 15. Anymore than that can weaken him and make his amplification less powerful. So if you’re expecting an army, you’re out of luck.
For Humungousaur’s new design I didn’t necessarily change much despite his power set is a tad different. AS for his clothing, I absolutely LOVE giving Vaxasaurians MMA-style clothing (shorts and gloves, primarily). I liked how it looks on my OC, Brawlasaurus, so I wanted to do it with Humungousaur too! Humungousaur is one one of Ben’s strongest, and largest aliens (besides Way Big). Humungousaur is pretty much just a large humanoid-like Dinosaur alien ranging up to 20 feet tall. He has IMMENSE strength (surpassing Four Arms), and very durable, incredibly dense, armor-like skin. But, like every alien, he has his weaknesses. Vaxasaurians are notorious for being cold-blooded creatures. Meaning if they were ever in contact with harsh, cold elements, their strength and size would dwindle and could possibly even die. So if a Vaxasaurian were to ever pick a fight with a Necrofriggian, chances are the Necrofriggian would come out the victor. And before anyone asks, no. My versions of Vaxasaurians do not sporadically change their size and grow plates of armor. They’re already large enough and have dense skin.
Instead of flying fast, Jetray is able to merely glide quickly in the air. In the water, however, he’s an incredibly fast swimmer. He can still breathe both on land and in water. Instead of shooting lasers from his eyes and tail, he merely has the ability to do so from his eyes. His tail is now able to shoot out a very long, VERY sharp paralytic barb that he can regrow. For this redesign I wanted to keep Jetray’s colors/stripes and such, but have a few of his features to feel a tad more alien. So I decided to simply restructure his face and change his abilities.
Big Chill’s power set is not that different from what we’ve seen. He still has the ability to freeze things by blowing incredibly cold gases/wind onto an opponent, freezing them instantly. He also has the ability to become intangible and phase through different objects, even freezing them inside-out if he chooses. Big Chill now has the added ability to create large ice structures over his limbs in order to make any punch/kick twice as powerful. Big Chills species can survive the cold vacuum of space, however they are still susceptible to incredibly hot temperatures. Was really excited for this one since Big Chill was an old fave of mine. For his design, I really wanted to keep the buff look Omniverse gave him, since I sorta felt his more scrawny-look made him look like a dude in a suit (a problem I feel UAF had a lot of times with their designs). I wanted to give him a lil fur, like an actual moth, and an exposed rib cage that has a translucent sack that can sorta show his organs (although a tad hard to see in the pose, my bad). I also REALLY wanted to keep the hood he always wears, so I had the idea that to top part of his wings stay on his head when he’s gliding, but when he needs to fly faster they flow outward, giving him more air to fly on. 
Chromastone is still a subspecies of Petrosapiens known as a Crystalsapien. However, this subspecies mainly lives deep underground, illuminating the dark caves and catacombs. They absorb large amounts of light when they’re on the surface and “feed it” to the core of Petropia, thus containing the planet as a whole. The crystal on his head allows him to shoot a wide range of powerful beams of light that can disintegrate an object in no time flat. He can also create light energy-based barriers to defend himself (an evolutionary trait his species learned to not be crushed by any cave-ins). Nothing too different from the last redesign I did for, but merely simplified it and gave him a new outfit.
For his powers/skill set, Brainstorm is one of Ben’s most strategic and analytical aliens on the roster. Able to calculate practically ANYTHING (whether it being complex math equations, enemy attacks, etc.) Brainstorm proves to be a go-to alien when needed for complex issues Ben can’t solve on his own. Brainstorm can produce and manipulate electricity in a variety of useful forms, including shoving/launching or shocking enemies, creating protective force fields of energy by opening the exoskeleton plates on his skull. Brainstorm is often very cold an calculating, so a lot of his calculations don’t involve how other may feel about his solutions. His species is also very boastful, so he may get stuck on admiring how intelligent he is.  Nothing all that different for Brainstorm in terms of design, pretty much just an addition of the sharp, winged ridge around his dome. Felt like it gave him some mad scientist “hair” in a weird way. .
For his skill sets, Spidermonkey is not too different. He’s now equipped with sharp, prehensile spider-like arms and a paralytic/venomous bite. Spidermonkey’s webs are about as strong as a lightweight cable, and sticky enough to latch on to just about any surface. Spidermonkey is able to climb on just about anything, although places with sooth surfaces can be pretty hard for him to grasp on to. Spidermonkey is INCREDIBLY agile, able to dodge many attacks and can jump insanely high. However, he’s not as strong as you might think. He relies far too much on his webbing, but can only organically spin out as much as he can. He can be easily caught off guard and taken down, depending on his adversary. For this design, I really wanted to hammer in the whole spider aspect about Spidermonkey, since I sorta feel his design was pretty much just a monkey with extra limbs and weird eyes. However, I didn’t want to stray away from his initial design he had in UAF. I didn’t really like the hair design they went with in Omniverse, so I kept the UAF style since it gave him more of a spider-looking head. 
This Goop doesn’t need his Anti-Gravity Projector to move, however if he’s on a planet with little to no gravity, his body will move aimlessly and sporadically. He’s still able to make his goop acidic, and can fit between any crease or crevice. However, if the Omnitrix (which is now located inside his body for convenience) is removed from his body it will return Ben to his human form. His one major weakness is large amounts of water. If submerged, his body will dilute and also cause Ben to revert back to his human form. Goop’s species is immune to heat, but can be slowed down in much more frigged temperatures. Nothing too different from the first redesign I did of him, just felt like putting him in an old pose he’s had before. 
And last but certainly not least, Alien X! I really loved his initial look, so the only thing I really wanted to was give him clothes inspired by OS suits and the Galactic Gladiator outfit. I also wanted to make the three horns on his head to be the same color green that Serena and Bellicus are to show how there are three entities controlling Alien X (including Ben, obviously). Alien X is at the TOP of the most powerful aliens list. He’s omnipotent, being able to warp reality, time, and space with ease and at any level. He’s so powerful he can even recreate the universe if need be! However, that doesn’t mean these tasks are easy… A major weakness for the most powerful alien in the universe is simply coming to a decision on what to do. Sounds dumb right? It should be easy knowing what to do immediately. Wall crumbles? Just rebuild it using your thoughts. City being wiped out by typhoon? Just reverse the effects of the planet to calm it down. Bad guy going on a rampage? Teleport him to the nearest dimension. Well, it wouldn’t be hard to actually do those things, but it depends on every variable you could dream of. Ben often goes to Serena and Bellicus (the two other halves of a Celestialsapien that they all have) to see what to do. Serena tells Ben how one decision can solve the situation, while Bellicus tells him how it could also mess with events going on ANYWHERE in the universe. Not only that, but Alien X’s powers are so difficult for Ben to manage that any one of his abilities can mess with the fabric of reality itself. While in this form, Ben would have to be absolutely emotionless and analytical. All three must come to a conclusion that ends up solving the problem, while not damaging any part of the space-time continuum. You can probably imagine how that sort of thing can be really difficult for an 11 year old who barely knows what cereal to get at the super market. Not only that, but turning into Alien X takes a major tole on Ben’s psyche. After transforming back, Ben still hears voices and gets major headaches. He has trouble sleeping at night, thinking about every action he takes that could have a negative or positive effect. It really messes with him for a while, making Alien X one of his most powerful, and harmful aliens to transform into.
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glopratchet · 4 years
Yeh, those were the days You miss it? Perks up at hearing your thoughts a slight bit I'd hate to die being remembered as some joke rather than a badass while I was alive I did at one point in time but always thought that would be a cowardly way out "Hey Kit, You OK?" Observer asks as you jump slightly since you weren't paying attention Sides YOU'RE a joke now too! Shut it! You think briefly at the voice before continuing out loud "Ah, sorry, I was lost in thought there for a moment Just thinking through all this you know?" He nods and understands completely while the other two continue to give you dirty looks They are definitely aware of what happened to their predecessors from your assassins and don't like you at all by now It's going to be sweet when they're dead too is not in the best of moods having to wait around for his father to make up his mind on what he wants to eat Just as you're about to ask him if he wants anything, the screen door opens up behind you and a small pack of teenagers enter Instinctively you turn slightly towards them while keeping half an eye on the pot and prepare to cut down the first person who enters your zone on credit, however he only gives it out to his friends If people don't pay him back he'll hurt them Either way is a lose-lose situation for you This isn't good he's recognized you as being one of the new couriers and is now getting the others to stop looking at the menu's and watching you He begins accusing you of taking a long time to choose what you want to eat and not ordering anything at all As a test directly tansformed into an alligator and had his species changed to reflect this, It zoologically possible for people to do this Too bad it tastes like absolute excrement But considering the other options are slugs and slimy things pulled out of the river you'll take your chances with the gators alligator meat, intestine lining, and skin cream Grease monsters! You've heard rumors about this type of creature before and some of the disgusting things people have said about them are true as the smell would imply "Hey so uh, I'll just have the special and um do you have anything to eat? Like fruit or " He starts to order for you while talking slowly in that patronizing fashion some adults tend to have look like a collection of poorly crafted yellow pearls that are primarily made out of tooth majorly from predators living in the swamps Legend states it is partially made from the fossilized jaw of a long extinct reptilian sea monster Meant to give children nightmares for generations You make a note to request a low dosage since most people don't like how slow and painful these kinds of chems are made from the ribs of an enormous extinct swamp creature called a skute It was a large lizard that could survive on land or in water and hunted in swarms, apparently they were very hard to kill back in the old days Blueish-gray is the primarily color along with some greenish parts Neck top from a bog beast, it is a creature unlike anything you've ever seen in your life though according to sales this is cooler factor that attracts buyers fairs Katar scale pattern silk headsheht from an exterminated breed of arachnid called a katar It is repelled by UV light so it tries to burrow under the folds of your clothes when exposed to the sun for prolonged periods of time Its hard shell classification is as an exoskeleton unlike normal insects shells which are endoskeletons though in theory it should still provide the same protection to it with the scales Not exactly attractive but people go for things that are good quality, not pretty You come out from inside the warehouse and hear a familiar voice call out your name You look around and see Allison's car pulling up alongside the warehouse Usually It does have some plusses he enjoys You've heard him mention due to the layering effect of the scales and unique membrane structure it is capable of repelling knives and shards of broken glass and the sleve's reach to his mid bicep "Looks good, Red " She smiles before telling the driver to go Thicker than a expected but breathable material clads his legs all the way to his hiking boots A small amount of pants are visible due to the tucked in look and they appear to be made of the same tough material as his jacket "Hello!" "Let's go Oh hold on " Robi says looking back and forth between you and your group a seriouesly miniaturized computer screen directly in front of his eyes "We're heading to a fabric district followed by a stop at the metal district, ocne we arrive you can pick out your desired outfit and then we can get to community business " The ride into town is done with in silence as you all are lost in your own thoughts Even Camid stays silent for once , symplified routing info for the limo's industronics, adjust climate control to 73 degrees Robi watches with mild interest as you fidget around trying to get comfortable in your naked state "What temperature the culture decided on?" He asks looking at one of the many screens that occupy the dashboard "73 degrees " "Ah yes, 22 C was too dry and 0 C to 2 C range was too frosty , smiling eyes, and ears His hands are placed gently on the kneeling shoulders of a full sized humanoid robot Robi modifies his to have long full hair like a classic rocker "Everything looks solid for now I'll have the chem butlers come in here tomorrow before our arrival to spritz you all down with an un-odorous scent We'll diffuse through your skin so in the unlikely scenario where you do ripe, you will smell fine as their treament plant for their disease is more important to them "Where are we going first?" Camid asks "The fabric district " He replies You spend about three hours weaving in and out of jumbled warehouses sized stores Large bolts of cloth line the walls, neon lights advertising sales and various material aisles You have fun ripping out tags and randomly grabbing textiles With Allison in the party you opt for a heavy blue, thick fabric with lighter blue dominant on the weft, with leafy designs woven into it dye, resembling that of Irish tatting patterns "The metal district, if you would " Robi says to his driver Behind it stands two equally sized intimidating Ork men Crowded stalls selling mechanical equipment and valuables covering the floor with no regard for personal property Laser turrets set on 5ft tall golden tripod platforms with endless ammunition ring the entire room Robi's limo comes to a halt by a large counter in the center of the building "Hello!! Brandolf's right?" You spend what feels like an entire planet circumference worth of time bargaining and arguing You finally agree on 8 bars of pure gold, a bag of some sort of strange parasites used for medication, and a belt made of neon green and yellow snake hides You exchange pleasantries with the orks as they bid you goodbye The limo door closes and the ride home goes by quickly "Thank you all so much, you've all been so helpful! When we get out of here I'll have my parent's company take you all out for an entire week " You say in joy Your one week comes up faster than you thought and your attendants have some trouble deciding what to wear "I look hideous " Camid says throwing a monstrosity of a coat made up of different animal furs over his formal suit He holds out his arm as if he was some sort of nobleman from medieval times Wouldn't be caught being out of character "Elaborate dotor coats always made you look like toxic waste had fallen on you, if anyone could pull it off it's you Camid " Allison snarkily remarks Still, she used to work as personal assistant to a very svelte Hollywood celebrity Cami has to try really hard to suppress a smirk She knows what form fitting clothes do He loves her, but man she is cold sometimes You stand by the entrance to 2nd street Allison walks down the stairs first with a green and black dress It would look ackward on anyone else, but somehow it fits her personality Daniyel exits right after, wearing knight armor made out of some sort of strong but light metal Camid walks briskly behind her with some sort of roman or greek orthodox robe that looks a bit too dark for his liking You all walk and talk on your way to the party Mostly you, Allison and Camid talk about some of the artist your parents supported that peaked but never truly made it big Daniyel contributes very little despite being 2 years older than you, he just goes on about the things he accomplished in the forge when he was working there 'We're here! You were so busy conversing with your friends that you didn't even notice you had reached your destination Your family mansion which is really more of a castle since your father is very flash appears before you This late at night the gates are closed and there are guards patrolling about in bright uniforms wearing obnoxious feather hats You walk up to the nearest one "We're here for the party, we're all invited " The guards read your names off a list and immediately open the gate "The Duke will see you soon" one says You take a good look at the mansion as the five of you walk down the long pathway from the gate to front door sculptures appear every few yards all of them only limited by the artist's imagination When you reach the steps leading up to the mansion's entryway, a very thick and tailed orange and black coatd wraps you up in his arms You didn't even notice Harvey behind you "Has anyone ever told you that you're an ugly crier?" Harvey asks while messing with your hair as if you were still six Behind him Brandolf approaches at a much more calmer pace "You son, this is the rest of you retinue They stare at the four of you You didn't know you had a retinue, these people were all supposed to be contracted to your family and work inside the mansion "This is Allison, she works in the stables " Harvey immediately starts Allison motions as if to shake their hands but instead throws her arms around them They look a bit confused but return the hugs "She takes care of all the horses except Nightfire The rest of the contractuals are introduced much in the same way, as their jobs dictate 'You're here just in time, a surprise birthday party just started Your parents come out from the large entrance with your other siblings following close behind You all embrace and head inside The interior of the mansion was luxurious and comfortable, if a bit large for a family of six to live in, let alone when guests come over You head through the main halls up to your old bedroom where the rest of the family is waiting The first thing you notice is that Naleen's eyes are open, they dart quickly from one place to another
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planetarduino · 5 years
Review: OSEPP STEM Kit 1, a Beginner’s All-in-One Board Found in the Discount Aisle
As the name implies, the OSEP STEM board is an embedded project board primarily aimed at education. You use jumper wires to connect components and a visual block coding language to make it go.
I have fond memories of kits from companies like Radio Shack that had dozens of parts on a board, with spring terminals to connect them with jumper wires. Advertised with clickbait titles like “200 in 1”, you’d get a book showing how to wire the parts to make a radio, or an alarm, or a light blinker, or whatever.
The STEM Kit 1 is sort of a modern arduino-powered version of these kits. The board hosts a stand-alone Arduino UNO clone (included with the kit) and also has a host of things you might want to hook to it. Things like the speakers and stepper motors have drivers on board so you can easily drive them from the arduino. You get a bunch of jumper wires to make the connections, too. Most things that need to be connected to something permanently (like ground) are prewired on the PCB. The other connections use a single pin. You can see this arrangement with the three rotary pots which have a single pin next to the label (“POT1”, etc.).
I’m a sucker for a sale, so when I saw a local store had OSEPP’s STEM board for about $30, I had to pick one up. The suggested price for these boards is $150, but most of the time I see them listed for about $100. At the deeply discounted price I couldn’t resist checking it out.
So does an embedded many-in-one project kit like this one live up to that legacy? I spent some time with the board. Bottom line, if you can find a deal on the price I think it’s worth it. At full price, perhaps not. Join me after the break as I walk through what the OSEPP has to offer.
What’s Onboard?
There are plenty of input and output devices:
7 Push Buttons
Potentiometers (3 rotary and 1 slide)
Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR)
Light Sensor
Sound Sensor
LM35 Temperature Sensor
10 LEDs (various colors)
Servo Motor
Stepper Motor
DC Motor
LCD Display
In addition, the kit comes with an ultrasonic distance sensor in a little bracket that can connect to the stepper motor. That’s the only part that needs power and ground that isn’t already wired up.
Because the heart of the board is an Arduino UNO clone, you can do anything you like to program it. However, OSEPP touts their visual block diagram language that is basically Scratch. You can use it for free on most platforms and there is even a Web-based version although it can’t download code. It looks like Scratch or other block-oriented systems you’ve seen before.
I’m not usually fond of the visual block languages, but this one at least shows you the actual Arduino code it generates, so that isn’t bad. But you can still use any other method you like such as the standard IDE or PlatformIO.
You can see a video about the board, below.
The Good and the Bad
The board feels substantial and able to withstand a good bit of abuse. There’s a good range of components, and I like that the arduino is a real daughter board and not just built onto the PCB. Despite using the block language, I do like the tutorial booklet. It is very slick and has projects ranging from an IR doorbell to a mini piano. You can see a page below — very colorful and clear.
Of course, the suggested retail price of $150 is a bit offputting. You might think a breadboard with a handful of LEDs and other parts would be a much lower-cost option but just look around for arduino kits for beginners and you’ll find prices are all over the place. On the other hand, with a parts kit you would have to know how to wire up things like stepper motors or DC motors, so there is some value to having it already done for you. There’s also value in not having a bag of parts to misplace.
The jumper wires in the kit have pins on one side and sockets on the other. The pins go into the Arduino’s connector and the sockets go over pins on the components. These aren’t quite as reliable as a spring clip and not as versatile either.
In my mind the worst part of the kit design is that the pins are right next to each of the components. That’s good for understanding, but it makes a mess of wiring. For instance, there are ten LEDs, and connecting them all means stretching jumper wires to both edges of the board The jumpers aren’t very long either, so any complex project is going to have wires crisscrossing the sensors and LCD.
Granted, in this image I could have removed some of the wires from the bundles but that wouldn’t help that much, either. If you need to hook up more than a few of the available components you will have a mess. I would have put some sort of spring clip or even screw terminals and put them all on the top and bottom of the board with clear color-coded marking about where they connect. Then the wiring would all be out of the way. There are probably a few other ways they could have gone, and at this price, they could afford the few extra inches on the PCB.
There are a few other things that would have been nice touches to finish off this kit. I would have enjoyed a short chapter in the booklet about using the Arduino IDE directly so that people know it exists. And having even a small breadboard attached for your own exploration would make sense, but would then call for a different type of jumper wire.
Short Example Using the Distance Sensor
I wanted to do something with the board so I decided to play with the distance sensor and the servo. The distance sensor is a bit annoying both because you have to wire it all up and it has a tendency to fall off when you transport the board.
The demo (you can find it online) won’t win any originality prizes. The program moves the servo to scan from 0 to 180 degrees in 5 degree increments. It measures the distance of what’s in front of it. When it completes a scan, if it saw something close (you could adjust the sensitivity), it moves the sensor back to that position and waits 30 seconds. Otherwise, it keeps scanning.
Really, this is no different from any other Arduino program. That’s kind of the point. Despite the emphasis in the book on the point-and-click language, this is really just an Arduino.
In Summary
For the deep sale price I found, the board will work well for its intended audience of students or anyone starting out with Arduino or microcontrollers. Even a more advanced audience who just wants a way to hammer out a quick prototype might find it worth the $30 or $40 you can sometimes pay. But at full price, it is hard to imagine this makes sense because of the mess of wire routing and limited expansion options.
Review: OSEPP STEM Kit 1, a Beginner’s All-in-One Board Found in the Discount Aisle was originally published on PlanetArduino
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jillmckenzie1 · 6 years
Bites with Blondie: 5 Food Trucks to Try this Fall
From chuck wagons to push carts, food trucks have gained huge popularity in recent years, and as a result, transformed the way Americans dine. Food trucks have evolved from being just being a trend, to an official restaurant concept that millions of hungry diners seem to love. Although the food truck phase got its start in Los Angeles, many cities have adopted the curbside way of life. Listed as one of the “Top Towns” in food truck nation, Denver has certainly made a name for itself, with over 113 food trucks cruising around the city as of April 2018.
Being a foodie, I have been to my fair share of food trucks – and I am obsessed. In fact, it’s been a dream of mine to open one myself. Until I can figure out how to make my dream a reality, I’ll stick to noshing at food trucks all over the city – one delicious meal at a time. This year, I have sampled a wide array and so should you. Here are my top favorites to try this fall:
  Dos Gringos –   Newest to the food truck scene, Dos Gringos has been a truck in the making since 2016. Two longtime friends decided it was time to embark on the most delicious journey and show Colorado what tacos are all about. But this isn’t your average street or restaurant taco. Using all natural and local ingredients, chefs Darrow and Aaron craft Mexican-American style tacos and bowls, to cure any craving.
Each street taco was filled to the brim with all the fixing’s, featured perfectly seasoned meats, a colorful presentation and tasted deliciously fresh! I opted to try the 3 tacos for $10, which was perfect in size and oh, so good! The carnitas’ taco – was the favorite! The menu also features tortas, nachos and signature bowls, showcasing their famous Pork Green Chili – which is the trucks top seller. Clearly their menu is well planned and executed as each item is sure to impress your taste buds!
The passion for their craft is showcased through the innovative menu items, which changes weekly, and is impressive for this small truck. With its ability to move through the city, it’s easy to live every day like it’s Taco Tuesday!
Finding their niche at breweries, farmers markets and various festivals throughout town, Dos Gringos was my 2nd stop at The Big Wonderful and did not disappoint!
Farm to Truck – Featuring fresh, organic and sustainably grown products, this little truck whips up some of the best tasting meals to date! Sure, the farm to table concept has been around for years, but no one offers this level of quality, on wheels.
The truck itself is large and the menu is massive, serving up a variety of wraps, sandwiches and salads for any palate! I opted for the pork belly BLT sandwich that was loaded with bacon, arugula, fresh tomatoes and garnished with a creamy pesto aioli. Ingredients are locally grown, and grass fed, which the owners take great pride in. Highlighted on their website indicates the farms associated with each menu item, their growing processes and farm locations. Let’s face it, knowing where your food comes from is not only great, but tastes even better
When Steven, Bronson and Jon started the truck in 2017 the goal was simple – create locally sourced dishes for all to enjoy – which is easily reflected. These men are committed to their mission, while creating mouthwatering meals, proving not all food trucks are created equal.
  Goin’ South – Y’all, let’s be real.
I am a sucker for all things southern. Give me all the hush puppies, shrimp grits, po’ boys and fried green tomatoes, and I’m one happy girl. Throw in some sweet tea and I’m in Heaven.
Making his way from the South to the Mile-High City, chef Scott decided to share his classic southern dishes with Denverites, offering his take on “fine dining.” Conveniently located curbside, this truck can be found at local farmers markets and various events throughout town, serving up the classics from Louisiana.
After drooling over the delicious menu at the Federal Center farmers market , I opted to try the fried shrimp po’ boy with a side of traditional potato salad. Traditionally served on a hoagie (but sold out due to popularity) the sandwich was placed on the most deliciously toasted brioche bun. The corn meal dusted shrimp, fresh arugula, tomato and smoked aioli made the sandwich delicious and full of flavor! The side of potato salad was a nice touch, tangy and featured just the right amount of seasoning.
The menu is truly one of a kind featuring all the Southern classics – everything from Muffuletta’s, fried catfish and hushpuppies to smoked BBQ pork and house-made coleslaw! They even have vegetarian options – with fried eggplant!
Fresh from the smoker or fryer, there is literally something for everyone! Prices are insanely reasonable for all you get, and staff is ultra-friendly. Want to see where they are headed next? Check out their website or social media channels updated locations and brewery stops!
Roll it up Sushi – I know what you’re thinking. Sushi, from a truck?! I must admit I was a little skeptical myself, but that changed, quickly. Co-founders Mathew Yamali and David Jagodzinski have always had the dream of trading in their fifteen-hour work days and creating a one-of-a-kind food truck, and finally took the plunge in 2016. Enter Roll it up!
Roll it up creates restaurant grade sushi and appetizers, without the traditional sit-down experience, creating a more casual and unique style. After first hearing about this little gem at the DTC Eats, I knew I had to try it.
Upon entering the line, I was immediately taken with the staff in the truck. Cracking jokes, laughing and exuding positivity, which made the experience fun! Both Mathew and David work in the truck daily, rolling sushi and creating dishes to create relationships with their customers, which is truly genuine.
I ordered the crispy gyoza dumplings, which featured a blend of chicken and veggies, fried and topped with young onion, sesame-teriyaki and white sesame seed. With the perfect amount of crunch and killer sauce, I couldn’t resist ordering more! The menu features a variety of delicious options ranging from poke’ bowls, traditional and fancy sushi rolls, to unique street tacos! All ingredients are fresh, prepared upon order and gorgeous in presentation.
Need an even bigger reason to try this truck? They offer reasonably priced catering options, are available for any private event AND offer sushi rolling classes! Head to their Instagram for updates on locations and events!
Chicken Rebel – Hot Damn! It has been my sole mission to try this spot ever since the OG truck drove from San Diego to Denver for the entire month of July in 2017. Because the boys behind this operation have discovered just how much Denver loves its fried food, they are here to stay – for good!
Primarily parked at Finn’s Manor in RiNo, I hit up the “food truck pod” to experience Chicken Rebel’s famed fried chicken. Upon arrival, staff instantly greeted me, were outgoing and beyond helpful in choosing from their limited, but seriously-can’t-decide, menu. The boys frying up the goods, perfectly craft each sandwich by hand and ensure its quality before alerting diners their meal is ready via pager.
I opted to try the famous “rancher,” which features a thin layer of avocado on the bottom of a perfectly toasted bun, crisp bacon, and the largest piece of fried chicken ever drizzled with buttermilk ranch dressing! HOLY DELICIOUS! Another popular favorite –  the “Hot Mess,” which was deliciously spicy topped with house made jalapeno slaw. My favorite part? The tots – which are as fancy as they come! Try their feature of the day, which ranges from “animal style” and sweet potato to garlic parmesan and herb dusted with lemon zest! Wait time for each sandwich can be a bit long, but each sandwich is all well worth the wait.
Can’t make it to Finn’s? The truck does venture to surrounding breweries in the area and regularly updates Instagram of their whereabouts. Even better – the brick and mortar location is coming soon!
With food trucks checking all the boxes for diners, it’s easy to see why they are popular, and not going anywhere! Now – we eat!
from Blog https://ondenver.com/bites-with-blondie-5-food-trucks-to-try-this-fall/
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barbosaasouza · 7 years
Selecting The Best Case For Your Gaming PC
How To Build The Best Gaming PC Guide Hub
There used to be a time when all PCs came in boring beige boxes that were better at cutting you open like a sword than being good at housing a PC. Advancements in design and shifts in consumer demand brought us into the modern PC case market, where most cases are black and won’t cut you open like a sword. In the time between these two eras, we had a lot of weird stuff and many boxes that looked like reject Transformers.
If we’re being honest, there are still loads of modern cases that look like reject Transformers, but they all feel a bit more classy and will do a pretty good job of holding your gear. While there are countless companies offering an ocean of similar-looking PC cases, a few standout manufacturers continue to innovate and push case design forward. This guide will focus on cases from these companies and help explain what makes these cases a good choice for your build.
Selecting The Best Case For Your Gaming PC
Choosing A Form Factor
Most PC cases fall into one of three form factors: ATX, Micro ATX, and Mini ITX. These form factors are meant to pair up with motherboards of the same form factor (though you can fit Micro ATX and Mini ITX motherboards into ATX enclosures). The outer physical dimensions for cases can vary greatly, even within a specific form factor. When shopping for an ATX case, you may see Mid-Tower ATX or Full-Tower ATX options. Both are designed to accommodate ATX motherboards, but offer differing amounts of support for things like storage drives or cooling.
For a PC gaming build, the most practical options are for Mid-Tower ATX, Micro ATX, or Mini ITX cases. For the most part, the will be no performance differences between the cases, though the smaller options may require special considerations for airflow or cooling, due to their physical constraints.
What Makes A Case Good For Building?
Admittedly, any case will be up to the task of holding the basic bundle of PC components. The difference between a bad case and a great case comes down to ease of building, cooling performance, cable management, and looks. You can attach your motherboard to a greasy pizza box and get the thing to boot up, but that doesn’t make it ideal for use as a gaming PC case.The best cases will catch your eye with an interesting visual design (or understated visual design, if that’s your bag), easily accommodate your components, provide options for cable management, and allow for unrestricted airflow.
Unless you have plans to stuff your gaming PC in a closet or out of view, selecting a case that is visually appealing to you is important. You should decide if you want something understated or flashy. Do you want the case to have a window so that you can see your components? Do you need a case of a certain color to match up with a theme you’d like to go with? Be sure to get the look you want, but also take time to think about how you will use the PC once it’s built. A case may look better with no USB ports or headphone jacks up front, but will you be happy having to fiddle around behind the case when you need to plug in flash drives or peripherals?
How Do You Plan To Cool This PC?
One of the biggest choices that must be made before selecting a PC case is how you plan to cool your CPU and/or GPU. If you plan on using a large heatsink air cooler on your CPU, you will need to make sure your case is wide enough to offer clearance so that the heatsink tower doesn’t keep you from getting the side panel attached. If you plan on using an all-in-one (AIO) liquid cooler, you must ensure that your case has the proper clearance and mounting points for the oversized radiators needed for such cooling. If using an AIO liquid cooler, you must decide if the radiator will be mounted in the top of the case or front of the case and what that will mean for air intake for your other components (especially your GPU).
The availability of fan mounting locations and options in a PC case is very important. Every build requires at least one fan either intaking or exhausting air to stay within safe operating temperatures. Ideally, you will use multiple fans to encourage adequate airflow throughout the case. Some people may value silence over pure performance. In this case, using a quieter 140mm case fan would be preferred over the more common 120mm fans. If you want to use 140mm fans, you must pick a case that will allow you to properly mount the larger fan size.
One of the biggest differences between cheap, mass-produced cases and premium offerings is air filtration. Maybe you are cat lady, play your PC games in the windy desert, or are like one of my friends who can’t make it through an entire PUBG match without smoking an entire pack of Parliaments. Dust, hair, dirt, and other contaminants will always be floating around in the air while you play. Your intake fans will suck this stuff up into your PC, restricting airflow and possibly reducing the lifespan of your components. Cases with proper filtration are incredibly useful for keeping your PC running its best. The best cases have easily accessible air filters on their intake points, including on the front panel, top panel, and power supply intake. It is much easier to get cat hair and dust off a filter than it is to dig it your of your GPU assembly.
You Don’t Want A Rat’s Nest
With the popularity of windowed cases, ensuring good cable management is very important. No one wants to spend money on a great gaming PC and have the interior look like a family of rats live inside it. Even if aesthetic value is of no concern to you, having a PC build with proper cable management can help with airflow and make the process of building in the case much easier and more enjoyable.
When selecting a case, make sure that there is ample clearance between the back of the motherboard tray and the side panel. A majority of the excess cabling you have will be stuffed into this space. If there isn’t enough clearance, you may not be able to attach the side panel or it may be incredibly difficult to get secured. A good case will offer multiple tie-down points on the rear of the motherboard tray so you can use zip-ties or velcro straps to secure cabling. Some cases included built-in straps or cable management accessories to make this process easier. The nicer cases will also have grommets on the motherboard tray openings. These grommets help to hide some of the cable mess and keep your cables from rubbing against hard metal edges.
One of the newest trends in PC gaming cases is the inclusion of a power supply shroud. The shrouds usually cover the power supply and the areas around it to help hide clutter. Many of these shrouds extended the entire depth of the case and allow hard drive cages or SSD mounting points (and their associated cabling) to remain concealed from view. Some of these shrouds have openings near the front of the case for large radiator or fan support. Others have openings at the bottom of the motherboard tray so you can keep your front panel header, USB header, and fan header cables out of sight.
The Best PC Cases For Your Gaming PC
ATX Enthoo Evolv ATX Tempered Glass Enthoo Pro M Tempered Glass Enthoo Pro M SE Enthoo Pro M Eclipse P300 Tempered Glass
Micro ATX Enthoo Evolv Micro ATX Tempered Glass
Mini ITX Enthoo Evolv Mini ITX Tempered Glass Enthoo Evolv Mini ITX (No Window) Enthoo Evolv Mini ITX (White Acrylic)
Netherlands-based Phanteks got its start by producing a well-received CPU cooler and then expanding into fans and PC cases. Primarily aimed at enthusiast builders, Phanteks cases have a reputation for cutting-edge design. In the last few years, the company started offering a wider range of options, including cases for those with limited budgets.
The Enthoo Evolv ATX is the crown jewel of the Phanteks PC case family. It has received a tsunami of critical acclaim since it hit shelves and has been a perennial favorite for enthusiast builders. The original Evolv ATX ships with a small acrylic side window, but the newer tempered glass edition is the star of the show. The full smoked-glass window gives your build a killer look and keeps any LEDs from being too overpowering. The case has a built-in RGB accent light up front and surroundings its power switch. It can be expanded with additional strips and can be synchronized to your motherboards RGB setup with the use of an adapter cable.
Beyond its striking looks, the Evolv ATX offers a premium building experience inside and out. It was one of the first cases to feature a power supply shroud, making cable management around the unit easy. The Evolv ATX comes with an innovative fan/radiator mounting bracket that completely slides out of the case, allowing you to mount your fans or radiator with ease. Once you have everything attached, you simply slide the bracket back into the case and screw it in. The motherboard tray is full of grommeted openings for you cables and the power supply shroud has an opening for your GPU power cables, making them easy to attach to the GPU without making an unsightly mess.
The Evolv ATX has a modular drive shelf system to let you attach as many 3.5-inch drives as you need. If you don’t need trays for those drives, the space can be left wide open for the thickest radiators or custom liquid cooling equipment. The power supply shroud even has mounting options for your pump, if needed. The back of the motherboard tray includes mounts for your SSDs, leaving the excess cable clutter out of sight. The accessory package included with these cases is second to none. High-quality, color manuals are unheard of in this market, but are the norm when you buy a Phanteks Evolv.
The Micro ATX and Mini ITX variants of the Evolv case off almost all of the functionality in a smaller package. Full custom liquid cooling support, great cable management, tempered glass windows, and power supply shrouds are included in the smaller versions of the case. Like their big brothers, these cases come in wide variety of finishes and colors to suit your needs.
The Phanteks Enthoo Pro M is a great option if you want the amenities afforded by the Evolv ATX, but would like to spend considerably less. While the Pro M lacks the steel exterior and eye-catching design of the Evolv, the interior is virtually identical. You get all the same mounting options and accommodations at almost half the price. Unlike the Evolv, the Pro M has a 5-¼-inch slot for those who still need to use an optical drive. The bracket for this slot is also removable if you need to fit a larger radiator or more fans. The Enthoo Pro M SE model offers a white painted interior, tempered glass side panel, and includes a pair of Phanteks new RGB fan brackets that let you add color to any case fan. If your budget makes choosing one of Phanteks’ premium cases impossible, the new Eclipse P300 could be the perfect choice. You get many of the high-end amenities and options from the premium cases for under $60. The power supply shroud, tempered glass side panel, liquid cooling support, and RGB options are included. You still get the goodies common on $100 cases, like captive thumbscrews and filters for top and bottom intakes. While the rear exhaust only supports up to 120mm fans and it won’t be able to easily hold more than 2 3.5-inch hard drives, it is more than enough virtually all gaming PC needs.
The Eclipse P300 won’t break the bank, but will make your build look like you spared no expense.
Fractal Design
ATX Define R6 Tempered Glass Define S Meshify C Define C Tempered Glass Define C Focus G
Micro ATX Define Mini C Tempered Glass Define Mini C
Swedish PC case giant Fractal Design has been in the game for just over a decade now. They rose to success on the back of their legendary Define R case line and smooth, understated styling. Thankfully, those good looks also come with thoughtful interior design that makes building in a Fractal Design case a real treat.
For 2018, Fractal Design has introduced a refresh of its Define R series. The new Define R6 line continues on the successes of the R4 and R5 that came before it. If you need a larger ATX case to hold all your components and drives, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better option that the Define R6. Unlike its predecessors, the R6 line enters the world with a full array of colors, side panel options, and premium sound deadening.
The Define R6 also bring the line up to modern case standards with the inclusion of a power supply shroud. Another new shroud covers the hard drive cage and help to reduce the visual clutter from all the power and SATA cables required for those drives. The case intakes all feature removable magnetic dust filters and the top-mounted I/O panel can be upgraded to USB Type-C with Fractal’s upcoming Type-C upgrade kit (requires a motherboard with front panel USB 3.1 Gen 2 header).
The Fractal Define S has been around for a few years and offers the same quality you get from the Define R5 series, but in a more compact chassis. The area up front where the drive cage would normally sit is left wide open to accommodate large radiators and other liquid cooling equipment. The Define S does not have a power supply shroud.
The Fractal Define C lineup arrived in mid-2016, bringing the same level of quality to an even smaller chassis. The Define C comes with a power supply shroud, full radiator support, excellent cable management, and options for acrylic or tempered glass side panels. The ATX Define C is one of the smallest cases you can buy that holds all you full-sized components. The Define Mini C offers the same configurations, but is designed to work with your Micro ATX motherboard. It is slightly shorter than the full ATX Define C.
Towards the end of 2017, Fractal Design introduced the Meshify C. It is a ATX mid-tower design with a tempered glass panel and all the modern appointments you come to expect from a new case design. Unlike the Define R, Define S, and Define C cases, the Meshify C has a wide-open front panel covered by an aggressively styled mesh design. If airflow is of the utmost importance for your build, the fully filtered Meshify C allows your radiator and other components to get the maximum amount of cool air from the front intake.
For budget builders, Fractal’s new Focus G line gives you everything you need for your build, without sacrificing helpful amenities like removable air filters and cable management. You won’t get tempered glass, a power supply shroud, or premium cable grommets, but the Focus G will hold all your stuff and provide ample airflow. Available in several colors, the Focus G cases also include a pair of Fractal fans with white LEDs.
ATX Crystal Series 570X RGB Mirror Crystal Series 570X RGB Crystal Series 460X RGB Crystal Series 460X Carbide 400C Carbide 400Q Carbide 270R Carbide 270R Windowed
Micro ATX Obsidian Series 350D
Mini ITX Obsidian Series 250D
Corsair has been offering a wide assortment of cases, memory kits, power supplies, and peripherals to PC gamers for more than twenty years. Their case lineup is famous for offering utility and cooling performance without destroying your wallet. While they offer an exhaustive lineup of cases ranging from monster towers all the way down to Mini ITX powerhouses, this guide will focus on their most popular gaming-centric offerings.
If grabbing attention is on your list of priorities, the Corsair Crystal Series should find a spot on your shortlist of case options. Tempered glass is very popular with builders right now and the Crystal cases have glass panels bolted on virtually everywhere. The 570X cases have glass panels on both of the side panels, the top panel, and the front panel. Included with the 570X is a trio of Corsair’s SP120 RGB fans. The front glass panel puts the focus on the fans and the results can be quite striking. The interior is ready for all the newest components and all of the case’s intakes are filtered. A mirror glass variant of the 570X RGB was released into the wild recently.
The 460X Crystal cases offer an outer appearance that is similar to the flagship 570X, but includes only one side-mounted glass panel and the front glass panel. The 460X RGB model includes the 3 SP120 RGB fans, but Corsair also offers a plain 460X model without the fans that is significantly cheaper. It is a great choice if you want to add fans later or go with RGB options from a different vendor.
Corsair’s 400 series cases offer lots of bang for your buck. The 400C is one of the best all-around PC cases on the market right now. It has mounting options for any part your may have and has a builder-friendly design that makes working in the case and handling cable management a breeze. It features an hinged side panel with a large acrylic window that makes accessing your case a breeze. The opening latch and hinged design is a major improvement over the rear panel thumbscrews you find on typical cases. There is another variant of the case known as the 400Q. This case takes the interior design of the 400C and is lined on all interior surfaces with sound-dampening material. If an clean, understated look and silence are your primary needs, the 400Q should fit the bill.
Corsair made its name in the case market by offering top-flight options for budget-minded shoppers and their current budget king is second to none. The 270R has an interior design that is arguably superior to its more expensive cousins in the 400 series and Crystal series. It comes with the best power supply shroud that Corsair currently offers, excellent cable management options, and exhaustive AIO radiator support. Even in the $50-60 range it occupies, it doesn’t sacrifice amenities like removable dust filters or capacitive thumbscrews.
For Micro ATX and Mini ITX builders, the Corsair Obsidian lineup has you covered. The Obsidian 350D is a great choice for Micro ATX gaming PCs. It isn’t the smallest Micro ATX tower you can buy, but it makes installing your components a breeze. It also has optical drive bays for those who still need them and great liquid cooling support. The included 140mm intake fan helps the machine run cool and quiet. The Obsidian 250D cube can hold a full-sized GPU and AIO kits easily within its compact frame. Like the 350D, it’s not the smallest enclosure of its type, but has a great design and is easy to build in.
In Win
ATX 101 Tempered Glass
Micro ATX 301 Tempered Glass 301C Tempered Glass 101C Tempered Glass
In Win offers some of the most unique case designs on the market. Their current lineup if full of tempered glass cases based on their popular 305 design. In Win was the first PC case manufacturer to offer USB Type-C front panel ports and, unlike all the other options listed in this guide, their current cases have top-mounted power supply designs.The 101 is available in black or white and looks really sharp with its tempered glass side panel and RGB-illuminated logo on the front panel.
The interior of the case is loaded with fan mounts in locations that are uncommon in the popular PC gaming case market. The case is designed to allow bottom mounted fans to intake fresh air from the filtered intake on the underside of the chassis. The power supply shroud is located at the top of the case, along with SSD and hard drive mounts.
The 301 cases bring the innovative design from the 101 line and shrink the dimensions down to accommodate Micro ATX and Mini ITX builds. You get all the amenities from the larger cases, including the tempered glass and RGB lighting. The “C” models, such as the 301C and 101C, have front panel USB 3.1 Type-C ports for fast charging and fast data transfers. The 301 models use a handy magnetic attachment system for the side panel. This lets you easily pull off the panel from the top grip and get quick access to the inside of your case.
ATX S340 Elite Black S340 Elite White
NZXT got its start offering PC cases that were unlike anything else on the market. In the years since, the company has expanded their offerings to include fans and AIO coolers. Several years back, NZXT released the S340 ATX mid-tower case and it was met with critical and commercial acclaim. It helped push forward case design in a number of ways, including popularizing the power supply shroud. The S340 Elite builds on that foundation, offering many improvements to the original design and including a tempered glass side panel.
The first thing that stands out about the S340 Elite is the big cable management bar to the right of the motherboard tray. Unlike most cases that use random cutouts in the tray, the S340 Elite has an opening that runs the entire height of the motherboard tray, allowing you to route your cables in an infinite number of ways. The cable management bar conceals your cable work and gives the interior of the case a clean look. The power supply shroud includes two 2.5-inch mounts for your SSDs or NZXT’s Hue+ RGB controller. Many builders elect to go with NZXT’s Kraken RGB AIO liquid coolers, the AER RGB fans, and Hue+ controller with LED strips. The S340 Elite is the perfect fit for all these components and works to showcase the work you put into your build.
FInally, the S340 Elite can be considered one of the most VR-friendly case choices on the market. Included in the package is NZXT’s Puck accessory. This rubber-coated magnet can attach to any surface of the case (except the tempered glass) and will hold your VR headset and cables cleanly. The Puck is also great for hanging your audio headset and cables. On the top-mounted I/O panel, the S340 Elite has the usual headphone, mic, and USB ports, but also has a HDMI port for your VR headset. An included passthrough cable is built into the case that lets you hook your graphics card up to the front panel port. No more fiddling around behind the case when you want to pull out your VR setup!
How To Build The Best Gaming PC Guide Hub
Selecting The Best Case For Your Gaming PC published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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5Wireless High-quality Android Video games You could Revel in Offline
Google Play might be certainly one of the most important gaming structures today, however, most Video games on it suffer from one essential disadvantage — you want a persistent Net connection to play them. For popular titles like Pokemon Pass and Wi-fi Mario Run, you will want to be related to a cellular plan or on to enjoy them.
There are many reasons for this – some Video games are downloading data from the Net, even as others have leagues and use the net connection to make sure nobody is dishonest. but it could be surely traumatic, it wastes records, and also, in case you’re at the circulate or on a plane, you can not play your favorite sport. But, now not all Video games want you to be on-line to play, so we decided to give you a list.
In this list, you may locate everything you need. some Games deliver hours of gameplay, whilst others are awesome for a fast, stackable fix earlier than shifting on to other tasks. Plus, an online element, if any, is not essential to the revel in both (as inside the case with Minecraft and Alto’s Journey), allowing you to sync your development whilst you do want to claim such a blessings. Here are Wi-five of the Wi-fine Video games for Android that You could play without an internet connection.
With its origins at the Computer earlier than being reinvented for present day consoles or even VR, the Fallout series is everywhere. And even as its cell debut is a much cry from the position-gambling shenanigans of its larger brothers, Fallout Safe haven has you constructing and coping with a nuclear Safe haven. You’ll send explorers out for resources, protect towards raiders, and make certain your developing population is satisfied and efficient. Much like if SimCity befell in a put up-apocalyptic destiny but with large roaches, and minus the want for a web connection.
Ten of the Very WiWireless Free Puzzle Android Games All the Loose mind and puzzle Android Games Here are amazingly fun to play, progressive, and in maximum instances, you will stretch your brain out to a few degree. It’s now commonplace expertise that with a workout, your mind can grow to be more powerful and the extra you figure it, the more control you’ll have over it and higher bear in mind you will have whilst wished. This stuff is a pleasant added bonus to doingn’t forget whilst you’re having amusing playing those Unfastened Android Games.
To get you started on your quest Right here’s ten of the Exceptional Loose mind and puzzle Android Games. They all prepare very well and are going to be a number of fun to play.
Bubble Blast 2 Proper now, this is the most popular Loose Android puzzle recreation. It is extraordinarily addictive and basically the epitome of what you’ll want in a fun game to your Android. One of the wonderful things is, you’ll in no way run out of amusing new tiers to play as there are presently over 1500 and extra are brought All the time. if you’re studying this article, it manner you are inquisitive about downloading some Free Android Video games- start with this one!
Alchemy This Android recreation is primarily based on the early concept that you may take current elements and create gold with them. It was the idea of as a kind of Witchcraft inside the Center A long time into the Renaissance period. Sufficient with the history, this game is a spin-off that and you start with four fundamental “elements”: fireplace, water, earth, air. Your purpose is to combine them to create new factors. you’re able to create all styles of wacky matters and It is truly aaaugh sport to play.
Chess for Android As some distance as I am concerned, this is the WiWireless chess app on your Android phone. You may play the “computer” at various degrees so that you can challenge your self or have a nice boasting suit. in case you’re into chess, this app should sincerely be to your brief listing.
WordUp! This recreation is quite a piece just like the antique-faculty Boggle. The use of the standard block of 25 letters (a 5 through five square), you need to wind thru the block and create as many phrases as possible. It gives you the full variety of potential phrases and I can assure It’s no longer as smooth because it looks.
OpenSudoku Sudoku took the world through hurricane while it changed into first published in newspapers. Folks that jumped on the Sudoku educate are in all likelihood nonetheless gambling and this is the Excellent such app to be had for download on your Android. It has a gaggle of various skill ranges and it will hold music of All of the puzzles you’ve got started and completed. As all of us understand, occasionally It’s Nice to return lower back to it after taking a bit of day off and this app permits you to do simply that!
Visitors Jam Loose This Android sport is just like the slide puzzles you may do not forget as a kid. The object of this recreation is to get the yellow vehicle out of the Visitors jam. How do you do it? through dragging the car to move around All the different vehicles so it could get out of the display screen. It’s loopy, but there are over 5000 tiers and extra at the manner! There’s lots of fun available with this Free Android puzzle sport.
Slide Puzzle Talking of slide puzzles, that is all about the conventional sliding tile recreation (others name it the 15 puzzle). You could use the images in the database or You may without a doubt customize them and use your own. also, in case you’re up for a project, You could play the slide sport with up to sixty-four portions! That’s Right; the sport may be played from 3×3 All of the manner up to 8×8. It’s a superb option as it will become a game actually any age can play and feature fun at the same time as gambling!
Mahjong I’ve noticed one element about Mahjong in my lifestyles: some human beings get it and honestly love to play it whilst others either don’t get it or do not love it. There’s just no in between. this is the most popular of the dozens of Mahjong Video games geared up for down load on your Android cellphone.
conventional Simon this is an Android reminiscence sport based totally on every children’s favorite, “Simon Says”. the sport shows a sequence of colors and sounds and you have to repeat them in the suitable order. It is fantastic to get your kid involved in having some fun even as gaining knowledge of some things; it’s also fun for adults.
Android recreation Vs iOS sports Development – What ought to A Developer Pick? On the subject of deciding on a clever phone, one usually has to Select between cell gadgets helping most important systems – iOS and Android. The alternative OS’s have not been included in the calculation as they form a totally minuscule a part of the equation. So, with the remarkable increase inside the mobile gaming industry, upcoming builders are poised with the huge query of selecting among iOS and Android sport Improvement. Each those systems have their personal professionals and cons When it comes to recreation Development. Let us have a take a look at the differences between those two platforms On this regard.
1. Improvement
Android takes more time than iOS. One of the prime reasons for this is the checking out procedure. even as iOS Video games should be tested in a small quantity of devices (iPhones and iPads), Android Video games need to be tested in a extensive form of gadgets and that is very time eating. Again, after testing, whilst bugs have been observed and stuck, the trying out needs to be done Again for all those gadgets. As a result, Android sport Development takes a considerable amount of time compared to iOS recreation Development.
2. gadgets helping the OS
One has to keep in mind the gadgets helping these structures before making the selection as to which platform to apply for recreation Development. if you take place to be in Android game Development, you need to think about developing for the myriads of Android devices available in the market. There are numerous organizations manufacturing Android devices and some of these gadgets include distinct specifications on the subject of the hardware used, the display length, display decision, etc. So while one develops an Android recreation, he has to make sure that the game works in a mess of gadgets.
Apple, then again, produces a limited variety of gadgets, and therefore iOS game Development isn’t always as complicated, because it has to think about a miles decrease form of gadgets compared to Android.
three. Revenue technology
A mobile app generates Sales in some of ways, which includes app buy, in-app purchases, advertising, subscription, and many others. It has been located that the App Keep (the app distribution platform in iOS) generates extra than double the Sales generated by means of Google Play (the app distribution platform in Android). that is because maximum of the apps and Video games to be had within the App Shop are top class and customers should pay to down load and use them. But, On the subject of the range of downloads Google Play rankings over iOS because of the choice of Free downloading of apps and Video games, as well as the humongous wide variety of Android users. This doesn’t mean that there are not any top class Video games available in Google Play; However, they’re tons less in comparison to iOS. Sales technology in Android apps is mainly due to in-app purchases, cost according to install, commercials, and through offering a paid version of the apps with greater features.
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