comradeupdog · 1 year
We have passed the depression stage of being home and entered the ungodly sloth stage where my pre-exsisting conditions that make living hard for me dial it up to 11 for no decreeable reason other than being home
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risenwraith · 1 year
#127 Hope Scarves.
There is a little sign by the reception desk of the oncology unit at the hospital about 'Hope Scarves'; it says that if you are in active treatment you can ask for one. I'd seen it and meant to ask, but chemo brain or distractions or shyness prevented me. Finally I did.
What I thought a Hope Scarf was: a pretty charity-given scarf for someone doing chemo. 
I was not prepared for what they actually are. They are not a grab-bag of random donations. They are carefully and beautifully presented in individual organza bags displaying a folded scarf like a wedding gift. I wish I’d had more time to look before choosing. (‘That one has a bit of purple,’ said one of the nurses betting on an almost sure thing.) But maybe it’s right that I didn’t have time to deliberate: I picked one on instinct that was a lush blood-red alizarin colour with no immediately decreeable pattern.
When I got home and unwrapped everything... there is so much more than just a scarf.
The idea is that a scarf is donated and along with it a story - a story of someone's hope and journey. You keep the scarf for as long as you feel is right for you, and then you send it back to the charity along with your story and encouragement. The scarf is dry-cleaned and parcelled back up for the next person to pick. It's like a chain-letter or email, only instead of mild annoyance, a scarf and a story and encouragement are passed on to the next recipient.
It's a truly brilliant and lovely idea.
The only downside is I’m a witch who survives through chittens, coffee, art, spite, and the kindness of far away friends. Aaaand I don’t think most people would find that inspiring or comforting really. I shall have to think very carefully about the right story to tell.
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relliliv · 2 years
“A Journey Home”
By Mx Rėlli
After long enough trapped in the emotional turmoil of an existence that feels like it’s being ripped apart from the seams, for no decreeable reason . . .
Well it all just starts blending together, into a striking collage of pain, joy, dread and a deep disconnect from one’s self.
As time passes that disconnect grows deeper, until the difference between love and pain grows meaningless.
As long as you are in free fall from your own self, none that would care for that self could know it from the distance at which you have locked yourself away.
Nor would you have any hope of seeing those precious lifelines, leaving yourself to tumble through an endless web of emotions you no longer know how to tell apart.
You are worth the work to close the gap between you and yourself, both have always been worthy of the effort.
Even when it hurts so bad that it likens to ripping your own flesh away, eventually you can tear deep enough to reconnect with what it is to feel your own being and experience.
If you have any chance to notice a opportunity for a connection that leads to mutual healing and real growth, you must first know yourself well enough to understand what you need from and can offer to that connection.
This pain doesn’t just melt into the emotional static, it stands on its own as the terrifying feat facing your ignored demons has become.
Tearing away what no longer belongs to you burns in a satisfying way, only to be felt once the difference between harm and care is relearned.
Broken and bruised from retracing the path you once laid for distance, you come to a familiar stranger wearing your face.
Much has changed since last you laid eyes on one another, and now the real work begins.
*thump thump*
The sound you had been waiting to hear for so long you thought it must be a fea tale.
*Thump Thump*
It pulls with a familiar gravity that you know you could not have matched just months ago.
It’s HOME . . . Now life can finally begin.
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mrm101 · 2 years
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DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) a spacecraft built by John Hopkins Applied Physic Laboratory (APL) for NASA Planetary Defence Coordination Office (PDCO) will impact Dimorphos tonight at 00:14BST (Tuesday). Dimorphos is the smaller partner, at 160m (525ft) diameter, of a binary Near Earth Asteroid (NEO) the other being (Asteroid 65803) Didymos, 780m (2,559ft) diameter. It will hit at a speed of 22,531km/h (14,000mph) and it is oped it will change the smaller asteroids orbit around its parent by 0,4mm/sec, slowing it and therefore reducing the orbital period by ten minutes from 11 hours 55 minutes. The idea is to demonstrate the feasibility of deflecting any asteroids found to be on a collision course with Earth when they are some distance away where tiny changes will result in a big change of its path in relation to Earth, like playing snooker with asteroids. A binary asteroid was chosen because the change to the tiny orbit of the companion will quickly be apparent to ground based optical a radio telescopes (plus Hubble, James Webb and the Lucy probe on its way to Jupiter). Of course this would have to be scaled up about 100 times to actually perturb an asteroid the size of Didymos.
On 11 September DART released another spacecraft, LICIACube, but by Italy, it is a 6U CubeSat (toaster sized), which will be a camera spacecraft following DART three minutes behind, however it will fly-by Dimorphos rather than hitting it. Pictured is DART with its solar array rolled up (one of the new solar arrays on a roll or ROSA). LICIACube, LICIACube loaded onboard DART and DART onboard the Facon 9 that launched it on 24 November last year.
DART will take pictures every second as it approaches, pictures it will use to guide itself using the APL developed SMART Nav system (related to missile guidance systems). These will be transmitted back to Earth in only 38 seconds (cause they are pretty close in space terms) to antennas in Australia, processed in 10 seconds and shown on NASA TV.
Transmission from the DRACO camera onboard DART will start at 22:30BST on the Media Channel of NASA TV, a hosted program from mission control at John Hopkins APL will start at 23:00BST. DART will start guiding itself about four hours before impact, Didymos will only be decreeable about one hour before imapct when DART will adjust its aim to head for that (they have practiced, image guidance wise, using Jupiter and Europa standing in for the asteroids). Pictures from LICIACube. which will take shots every six seconds, will take a little longer to arrive. Two images will be sent per day (cause it is a tiny spacecraft with less transmission power). It has two cameras called LEIA and LUKE. Pics: NASA/APL/SpaceX/Argotec(built LICIACube)/ASI
NASA Media Channel
NASA Public Channel
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usurperr-a-blog · 6 years
          HEAD TILTS AT THE RESULTS, VISION FOCUSING again on Damien as Richard’s brow furrows. He really didn’t want their... Confrontation to have to come to this when he’d been made aware that it was the man he’d tried to help in the past. The RK unit never could manage to wrap his head around how to interact with Damien - unlike his partner, there was no decreeable pattern to his utterances. Richard chalks it down to not having enough exposure to the man. “I am not a Narcotics Agent. I am programmed to aid detectives in a range of cases covering a range of areas of focus and to function as a detective myself if anything should happen to my partner. I do not focus purely on the trade of narcotics, Damien.”
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          Richard knows the man is intoxicated. A simple scan and attention payed to his disorderly behaviour was obvious indication to that to say the least. Though he’s not entirely sure why he’d take the man back to his... Apartment. He’d hesitate to call such a place ‘home’ - it’s not exactly welcoming in any respect of the words. Still, he doesn’t concentrate on his own doubts now - rather narrowing his eyes at the man beneath him. 
          “I don’t believe taking you anywhere other than the precinct is beneficial to anyone - least of all you.” The place isn’t exactly equipped for a human. Let alone a drunk one. Despite being able to feel Damien testing the grip at his wrists, Richard leans back ever so slightly - putting distance between them again as much as he physically can with now only one hand on the man’s wrists. Free hand combs through ever so slightly mused hair from their scuffle. It hadn’t been hard really, to overpower the man beneath him. Alcohol tended to throw human’s coordination skills off, Damien was apparently no different.
          Apparently, all meaning behind the man’s words are lost on Richard as he aims for a logical reasoning behind being asked to take him home. He supposes Damien doesn’t know that androids don’t require ‘homes’ like humans do. As for being called cute? His model was based off of the RK800, designed to be able to integrate well with humans based on appearance, among other things. That would explain it. “Do you wish to lay here all night or can I trust you to allow me to take you to the precinct?”
                                                                                      >cont from here. // @bitterfuckbusker.
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