nerv0usm3chanic · 2 years
@deepbluevi​ replied:
"Aw come on Artie, your prowess in terribad puns is unmatched, you know that!"
"And joking aside, I can and will start listing all the things you're legitimately good at. That IS a threat."
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“...you wouldn’t dare...”
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If Vivi asked you to come up with a new name for her (her old one got stolen or something idk) what name would you give her?
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He taps his fingers together. "Um..... I don't know. Maybe.... Chihiro? It's pretty and it means something like thousand questions, I think. And Vivi's got loads of them. And it's the girl from Spirited Away who always makes me think of her when she tries to hard to do good and persevere despite things." He also maybe had a little kid crush on her, too. "Plus it's japanese, I think? So it might be nice if she wants to keep something that kinda aligns with her family and where they're from. Unless I'm off on that."
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“Let’s go somewhere, Arthur. Let’s just— get out of here for a little while, okay? Do you want to come visit my version of Tempo? Or we could drive out somewhere and camp. But let’s get you away from this place and these fae for a little bit.” She takes his hands. “Let’s go, Arthur. I’ll keep you safe.” [[ deepbluevi ]]
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mxchanical · 3 years
@deepbluevi liked for a starter!
Someone had left flowers at his grave. It’s been a long time since that’s happened, and he couldn’t help but to wonder who’d done it. Certainly not Lance, not anymore. And why would he, he had his nephew with him every day again. And Lewis hadn’t even bothered to show up to his funeral... he frowned down at the flowers in his hands as he thought about the possibility that Vivi had left them. He didn’t want to imagine it but it was the only possible answer. And that meant... she still thought of him. Maybe even missed him. He remembers her face at his burial, like all the life had been drained out of her, too. It hurt, he desperately didn’t want to remember her like that. He didn’t want her to remember him either, not at all. Not if it was only going to hurt her.
He hugs the flowers tight to his chest, closing his eyes so that he could imagine it was actually his dear friend in his embrace. He’s walking back from the graveyard with them in his arms— he’d made habit to collect the flowers anyone left for him, to dry them out so they could be preserved forever. But he bumps into something sturdy, something that’s... definitely a person. LED eyes fly open as he backpedals, glowing dimly in the dark of the night. The shape before him, oh god, it can’t be. Arthur retreats farther away, one hand moving to cover his mouth. Oh no, oh no.
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icecoldtwin · 4 years
“What the *fuck*?” [[ deepbluevi ]]
"Hey it's not my fault it's so obvious! If you don't want people commenting on it, maybe wear higher heels." 
 Lucifer rolls his eyes before looking her over with a hand on his chin, glancing around behind her quickly. Was it her? Why was she alone if it was? 
 "Where's the others? Did you guys get separated? Did you guys purposely split up to cover more area? That’s fucking stupid if you did, honestly."
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@deepbluevi said: It’s the sound of water that draws Faith towards the cave more than anything. It’s not as though the cold bothers her into needing shelter. Nor does she need to rest, and therefore a safe place to do that.  But she’s more lost than she’s been since the night she woke up dead and drifting along the sea floor, and that sound— it’s the only thing for what seems like miles that feels familiar, and she can’t resist its call.  It’s quiet inside, except for the distant splashing, and the only light comes from her pendant, dim and quivering.   She ventures into the murky dark, unbothered, and guides her way towards wherever the water is by sound, moving through the air like she was swimming. Without seeming to realize it, she begins to hum along to the irregular chiming splashes— no tune to speak of, but it feels musical in her non-existent throat all the same.
The sound of splashing was from the black and white spirit, standing knee deep in the green water, staring downward. His eyes were blank as he looked for a reflection, and found little to nothing. Taking a deep inhale of stale air and exhaustion, he entertains the idea of crawling under. But upon the first step, a sound pulls him out with a flinch.
Turning his head, and splashing the water, he scans the interior of the cave. The light shocking him out of his stupor, and the distant form did just as much.
Sloshing through the water, Mono clears his throat. “Wh-who’s there?” He says, stepping out out the water entirely, “You shouldn’t be here. Its not safe!”
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s1lveredw1ngs · 3 years
@deepbluevi asked:
She followed the darting silvery light as stealthily as she could, keeping enough distance to be relatively sure she could avoid detection-- or at least hope that she could. It was hard to be certain how good its vision was when it had no eyes, or features at all.
Whatever she was expecting to find at the end of its journey, it wasn't an isolated mansion. The building was decidedly aged but well maintained: ivy crawled along the white-washed walls, but it was trimmed down so that the effect was artful rather than dilapidated. The windows were all fully paned and the glass was clean. The roses planted around the steps to the porch looked healthy, all glossy leaves and fat lavender blossoms.
"How-- how the hell did I not know this place was here?" she murmured to herself as she stepped out into the clearing around the opulent house. She started down the walk towards the front door, but soon a particular sound distracted her-- a voice. A man's voice, soft but warm and rich as butter. She couldn't make out the words in that voice, but the pitched moved and flowed in rhythm. Perhaps he was singing?  Vivi crept around the side of the manor and to the back, following the voice but hugging the side wall to remain as hidden as possible for as long as possible.
Having completed its mission, the wisp was returning home after guiding another lost soul from the forest. It did as it was commanded and then drifted along...though it was unaware of its follower as it floated along to its master’s home. Coming into the clearing surrounding the manor, the wisp gave a bob and dip, zooming to report its accomplishment. The arc of travel took it around the artfully-maintained home and straight to the back yard where the winged master of the manor stood with other wisps and small, fluttering birds surrounding him.
He had been working on his garden, singing to himself more than anything else as he trimmed the unnecessary branches and leaves. In any such context, someone would expect the song to be something jovial and glad. Something happy to pass the time faster as he worked. In reality, the tone was sad, almost mournful as the little wisps and birds around him tried to cheer him up. Were this unexpected visitor to come closer she would hear the tail end of his song as it faded to its last somber baritone note.
As the echo faded, his wings sagged, feather tips dusting the ground as the wisps and birds took to landing over his shoulders and wings, cheeping and chiming in soft tones to try to cheer him up. Alas, there was no fixing this hurt, not easily at any rate. Sparrow looked upward into the clear evening sky, not sure exactly what he was searching for before he turned to address the new wisp, holding out his hand as it popped into the shape of a silver bird and landed on his finger.
Now, if only he were to turn his gaze a little further...he may catch sight of a most unexpected visitor.
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{ Vivi bursts in carrying the most wretched, cursed looking doll you’ve ever seen} “LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT” [[deepbluevi]]
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bluescarfvivi · 3 years
Vivi worries the edge of her scarf as she tries to work out how to broach this with her alternate— “Hey do you- maybe want to meet my mother? My folks in general. They’re the opposite of everything you said yours are like and once the whole— y’know multiverse thing was explained I’m sure they’d adore you. You can say no! It won’t bother me a bit if you do but— you deserve parents who aren’t shitty, and I’m happy to share mine. I know it’s not a perfect fix but the offer’s there.” [[deepbluevi]]
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Such a meaningful, kind offer. 
Too bad her alternate saw that explosion of anger. 
It’d been years of work gaining control of that troublesome side, yet in instances where touchy subjects shoved themselves on her, that boiling wrath emerged in an ugly manner. She’s tired, that’s for sure, both physically and mentally from the sudden burst. In her moment of cooling, one of her precious alternates stepped forward with a brave suggestion. 
Did she even deserve that right? Another mother....another family coming from one of her altered-timeline twins? 
After dusting off her skirt and shoulders, Vivi loudly inhaled then exhaled in a rough sigh. She kept her back facing the other bluenette, too nervous to even give her the necessary full attention. 
“....I don’t know....”
An unfamiliar response, holding worry and dripping with caution. Should she? There’s too many unknowns in this case, yet the potential for a true maternal figure held itself right there...in the twin’s own hands. How could it be that easy?
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“I can’t say no....but I can’t say yes...for now. Maybe...I can think about it. I’m not really sure but...thank you for your generous offer..”
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🏔️ [[ deepbluevi ]]
Usually after a case was time to go home and decompress. Sadly the snow that had started towards the end of their investigation has picked up and it was no longer safe to drive down the curvy mountain path. They were stuck here, but at least it was determined to be a ghost/demon/whatever free zone. Arthur smiled at Vivi. “What to go for a walk?”
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ecto-rp · 5 years
“People think we’re dating. They think that very loudly.” ((deepbluevi))
Arthur started a bit, almost hitting his head on the vans hood from where he was working on tuning up some things. “U-uh.....who thinks that....and how loudly?”
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Vivi is visibly trembling with the effort of not face-planting directly into The Fluff
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He doesn't say anything at first, but his exhale marks his acceptance at what is to come. "Go ahead, Vi. I know you want to."
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theforgottenpepper · 6 years
There's a knock, and Lewis finds Vivi standing there, looking uncomfortable but determined. "Hey. I just-- I'm sorry, for brushing you off before. Can we-- talk? You're important to Arthur, and it makes me think you should be important to me, too. I don't know how or why you're important or how and why I don't know you, but if anyone can fill me in on that, it's probably you, right?" (( deepbluevi ))
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Lewis stares at the woman at his door in surprise, blinking with wide eyes before hesitently moving to the side so she could walk in.
“I-I...it’s alright. It’s understandable why you did...a-and I can try to uh...fill you in. As best I can. I don’t...know how much I’ll be able to though.”
How much he would be willing to admit, how much he could get through before wanting to run...he wasn’t sure.
“Make...make youself at home?”
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like-clockwork-lew · 6 years
✧ (( deepbluevi ))
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my slife. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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Let’s light a candle together [[deepbluevi]]
“I’m sure they’ll burn beautifully, knowing you.”
((Hey there!! Super excited to see you lacey :D ))
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