#def will be more Yautja!Raian interaction in the next one heheh
himbo-in-limbo · 11 months
“The newcomer”
Tw kidnapping, gore, violence, intimidation,death,Blood
Yautja!Raian x Y/N the servant! (Gender neutral reader) //Chapter 1// guess I’m making more than one 💀
You don't know what god you might have pissed off to wind up like this...but surely no punishment could have ever warranted this!
All of your life you were treated like scum of the universe...being dragged off one space ship to another. Oh the horrors you've witnessed...
At this point you've become so numb the only feelings you had left were fear...and even that was starting to slip away as you started embracing the thought of the afterlife...
I mean hey, it can't be worse than this right?
Well...I guess you spoke to soon as your current prison
I mean ship was under attack...again...but this time things were looking really bad.. so bad in fact everyone just dipped and decided to abandon ship
There were limited escape pods and seeing how desperate everyone was already fighting for the rights to one you instantly gave up the idea of landing a seat in one...
So you just crawled under your bed and decided to wait for death to come knocking on your door...
Well there was definitely loud knocking and crashing sounds now...ohh lots of screaming too...ohh this was way to much so you just covered your ears and prayed it'll all end soon...
Eventually things got real quite, all those insane noises you heard were replaced by blaring alarms that rang throughout the ship...
No mop could ever hope to clean the bloody mess that laid out before you... skinless body's hanging.. everywhere...organs strewn about...the halls were just filled with blood...it was a total gore fest...
You cupped your mouth to stop yourself from gagging...ough the smell...you were very cautious when making your way to the escape room.. however...it looked like nobody was even able to take one... everyone was dead... EVERYONE...
Not that you had any family to begin with here but...who could have killed them all?! And so damn fast!!!
[a deep growling could be heard]...oh you didn't want to turn around...and you wouldn't have had the chance to, because before you knew it
Something grabbed your neck from behind.
[you screamed in terror of the being that was lifting you with such ease] it's like you weighed nothing to them!! Their hold on you was firm, there was no hope in escaping. And they knew that.
The alien was massive... easily 7-8 feet tall..you could feel how high off the ground you were! It began to inspect you and it made you face him. His skin was as pale as the moon, but at the moment they were drenched in so much blood...you now know who was doing all of the killing.
They began to speak...[HAHAH!!.. Thinking you could escape from me?! Piglet?!] Tears began to swell up but aside from the initial jump scare...you didn't protest much...you just kinda accepted the fact that this is where it'd all end...
The alien began to tilt his head in confusion..[Hah? Your not squirming as much as the others were?... we'll aren't you a brave one 🖤] he began to click in curiosity...
"Yautja!Raian...stop messing with the ooman that isn't our target...these beings are fragile you know..[another alien spoke] this Yautja!Raian fellow growled in response [Feh...] He loosened his grip and you fell hard to the floor gasping for air...you hadn't realized how much you were struggling to breathe
[If there's nothing more for me to fight here then I'm leaving] the burly looking alien stomped away while you were left behind with the other one..
Keep in mind you have absolutely no idea what they were saying...the only thing you could make out was that they were arguing and some how you were chosen to be spared???...you still think you were being punished by a god somehow...
Well the next thing you knew you felt something hit the back of your head and you blacked out...
You slowly woke up to a padded floor...way more softer than your old cell
I mean room, and very quickly you realized something was different with your attire...
Your ears, your neck, your ankles...they all had... jewelry?! Oof the neck piece was a tad bit heavy...ohhh no it's not coming off...and neither was the rest...
As a matter of fact your entire wardrobe was changed!! You were dressed in a white gown [in however manner suits your style] you started to take things slow and analyze your surroundings..
Then you heard a voice..."your the new one aren't you?" You quickly turned around to see other humans next to you! "We didn't want to scare you so we waited until you saw us.." they appeared to have the same jewelry as you....
"don't bother trying to take these off.. their tracking collars to make sure we don't escape..."
Oh good lord...you saw that they were at least 10 other humans with you..and you immediately began to ask questions about anything and everything...
"Were being kept as servants...if you do as your told….there not so bad…but don’t take their lack of aggression for granted!!! If you try to fight them THEY CAN AND WILL KILL YOU!!”
“So if you care about living just do as your told!"
Well you weren't going to protest against that...not like you had much combat experience anyways...
"So is no one going to tell them who their new master will be?" ……..
Huh? Why did everyone go silent? Why did they look so scared all of a sudden?
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eventually you’d soon find out why…
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