sunflowerbaka-blog · 8 years
It was weird how things worked out when one didn’t suspect it. How many years had it been since she last ran into the green hair ghoul?
A few years back? Was it two? Three?
Hide couldn’t remember after having accidentally bumped into the author on the street, mostly her fault for being in a rush.
“Sorry, I didn’t--!!” Hide had already been turning to apologize before it died on the tip of her tongue as brown hues spotted the familiar green. While Takatsuki Sen was familiar to the blond from years spent listening to a best friend talk about her work, Hide doubted there by an familiarity towards her.
After all, they only met once during a signing and back than, Hide looked different as she did now. Her hair was short and messy hidden under a baseball cap, wore clothes a bit too big to hide the female body beneath, gaining a more ‘male appearance and her right arm was completely bandage from shoulder to fingers with a bit of scarring on the right side of her neck up to her jawline, flesh discolored from being torn.
No, Hide looked different from then but her personality still in tact.
Brown eyes widen at realizing just who’d she bumped into. “Ah! Takatsuki-san! Long time no see!” She greeted other in such a friendly manner as if they been friends for a while.
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infcrmant-blog · 9 years
@defecitdeus liked for a starter!
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                                    “Well, well...” She smiled, a crooked, sinister grin, lips curling with glee. “I’m not sure if I should feel honored the famous author Takatsuki Sen is here, or the infamous Eto is paying me a visit.”
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whitejxker-blog · 8 years
[10:53:27 AM] Kakuja.: Your OTP has reunited. [10:57:16 AM] Rotten Follow.: I'M SO HAPPY EVEN IF IT WAS ALL A HALLUCINATION
Eto really does ship HideKane hardcore.
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whitejxker-blog · 8 years
Charcoal irises gazed onto sea green irises. Feeling Eto’s slender fingers entangle within the strands of Kaneki’s black hair, optics would narrow. Slowly, arms raise as slender hands gently pressed against the flesh of her cheeks.
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whitejxker-blog · 8 years
“So what if a few people have to die?”
“So what if a few people have to die? You seem to ignore the fact that MANY people have died, some who didn’t have to be involved in this senseless war in the first place, those who didn’t even need to be involved. Both humans and ghouls continue to distort this world, I’ll be one that fixes it.”
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whitejxker-blog · 8 years
@defecitdeus "Little does Eto-san know that while she has been gone, I have been making love to all her waifus."
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whitejxker-blog · 8 years
[9:06:30 PM] Fruit-chan.: Furuta is my new waifu [9:06:58 PM] Foggy Nelson.: Oh. [9:07:02 PM] Foggy Nelson.: You can have him then. [9:07:23 PM] Fruit-chan.: I drew him with a really nice ass last night and accidentally fell in love
This is why I love Eto.
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whitejxker-blog · 9 years
[10:42:21 PM] Ace of Hearts.: No messes with the girl who licked my eyeball. [10:44:10 PM] Game Over.: Thanks, maybe I'll do it again one day.
@defecitdeus and I have the best Skype convos.
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sunflowerbaka-blog · 9 years
Brisk morning usually made Hide feel sluggish. Perhaps cause the sky was clouded and the air was cold like it sap away her energy. Or maybe Hide just really wanted to be back in bed where it was warm and comfortable then out here, making her way to work.
Believe it or not, Hide wasn't really a morning person. You think she was with that outburst personality, but it took her a while to get going in the morning and out the door.
Making her way down the sidewalk, scarf kept up to protect her nose, Hide passed by a café’s large window before taking a second to back track andas she spotted someone familaor. Blinking some, the blonde headed inside to see if it truly was the person she thought it was.
"Oh, you're that author--” Hide began as she drew close enough, scarf being tugged down. “Takatsuki Sen!”
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