#definitely didn’t answer your question I’m sorryyyyy
greg-montgomery · 1 year
Thinking about study buddy college hotch <33 (yeah I’m gonna also be in your ask box about it sorryyyyy)
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Easy to say when you don’t have the real life manifestation of a disney prince right next to you. Were you really at fault for not paying attention to the words of your textbook when the butterflies in your stomach were throwing a party?
“I’m trying,” you tried to defend yourself.
Aaron smirked as if he could read your thoughts. Some times you were genuinely convinced he did. “What’s distracting you?”
“Shut up,” you said, biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from smiling.
Your crushes on each other were like a shared secret. Neither of you ever openly talked about your sparkling chemistry, but it was there anyway.
Aaron cleared his throat and took his pen in his left hand, slowly filling the blank paper in front of him with notes. You turned your attention back to your book but it only took you a minute or two before stealing a glance at him.
His brows were furrowed and his glasses had slightly slipped down his nose. He looked delicious.
Before you had the chance to turn your gaze back to your book he looked up at you. He caught you staring; again.
With the corner of your eye you saw him grinning but you pretended not to notice. Well that was until you felt his eyes on you this time.
“Now who’s not focusing?”
“Please, you’re the one to talk,” he answered fast.
“Shh…” you heard someone from the library say.
You threw a scolding look at Aaron and grabbed your pencil with a serious expression that you didn’t at all mean.
You didn’t get to write anything though because he grabbed it from your hand. You thought he was messing with you but instead you saw him writing something down on your notebook.
‘Wanna study in my room instead?’
You replied right under his question.
‘Only if you behave’
His boyish smile let you know he definitely wouldn’t.
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izupie · 3 years
2, 4, 9, 11, 22, 23!
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
I kiiiind of answered this already, with Bev and Richie - but it's not a hugely popular ship really. But my previous opinion on them still stands - to me they're super super close best friends and I just can't imagine them in a romantic relationship,,
Zuko and Sokka are a huuuuge ship now since the release Atla on netflix?? But I just see them as such a great brotp! I can't ship Sokka with anyone but Suki I'm sorryyyyy
another controversial one! Eleven and Mike - stop booing me I'm right - because I really wish they'd have taken them in the direction of brotp, rather than romantic interests. I just think it would have given them an even stronger bond and would have fed into the idea of Found Family even more (which is one of my favourite tropes). Then Hopper and Mike wouldn't have had the 'cringey dad with his daughter's first boyfriend' conflict either.
I wish shows and movies would stop downgrading familial love, because it can be just as powerful as romantic love.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
I sort of answered this one too in the previous batch of answers - any ships involving Pennywise. But ship him with any of the Losers especially, and I will be fetching my broom.
Oh! Also, Myra and Eddie. I don't even know if anyone actually ships that??? like, does that exist????? But I will cringe so hard I might cease to function if I see any fics or art tagged Eddie/Myra, grossgrossgross - a definite notp for me
Don't even go to this fandom any more, so I don't feel bad about telling everyone that Kirib*aku and Bakud*eku were both huge notps for me and I could never admit it because I didn't want the fandom to come after me. I just didn't get either of those ships at allllll. And the fandom was feral for both of them, and I was like, am I missing something??
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Pennywise lmaoooo - because he's on all the IT merch and I'm salty about it. I need more Losers Club stuff,, but also because he kills poor lil Georgie and Eddie and indirectly kills Stan. go home, clown!
Sonia, Myra, Bev's dad, and Bev's husband who I think is called Tom? (I could google it, but he doesn't deserve it) because they're all horrible people basically.
And Billy from Stranger Things, because I already mentioned how awful I find him and I would lump him up into the same category as the gang of assholes above honestly. I don't care about his 'tragic' backstory or being 'possessed', I really don't. He basically abuses his little sister! being possessed doesn't give him a get out of jail free card, and deciding at the very very last minute that he's actually not totally evil is too late for me lmao
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I can't actually think of an example for this one ahaha. Maybe Audra? Bill's wife. I like the idea of Bill being able to fix his marriage, just because it's another angle on adult relationships after ch2 - Stan's happily married, Eddie and Bev get divorces, and Bill repairs his marriage - but it's a very unpopular opinion because everyone sees Audra as an obstacle to Bill and Mike getting together. Don't get me wrong - I love Bill and Mike, but I like Audra too!
Also Nancy from Stranger Things! If they can fix her character and take her back to being badass again, I'll be happy. I don't like her as much after season 3, but I like her more than the fandom in general does lmao
22. Popular character you hate?
aahhh I answered this in question 9 with Billy~
23. Unpopular character you love?
oh no I don't think I have one??! If a character is unpopular, at best I might like them more than the fandom does, but I don't think I'd 'love' them. They're usually unpopular for a reason??
I want to say the demon pomeranian in ch2, but a lot of people like the pomeranian too lmaooo
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etherealxch · 6 years
something like this
word count: 4078 
[a/n] : im baaaaaaack. ok. started this on a whim and it kind of ended up being so long. sorryyyyy. anyways, this is my first scenario of 2019, the first of *hopefully* many to come. as always, i’ll be glad to hear your comments, just hit up my inbox! ps. if you guys reblog this don’t be shy to add something cute in the tags❤️❤️! alsoooo don’t forget to support ASTRO on their comeback guys! 
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The frozen yoghurt shop is unusually quiet today. It’s 1:32 pm and there’s only been 6 people in here. I check the containers, making sure the cubes of fruits are properly cooled. I wipe a few stray drops of yoghurt from the machine with a cloth and thoroughly rinse that too.
My co-worker, Kailo, looks up from her phone to ask me a question, “Hey, did you know that there’s a new flavour for toothpaste?”
I look at her, wildly amused. “No, I do not.”
Excitedly, she nudges up to my side and shoves her phone in my face.
“But please, enlighten me.” I deadpan, taking the phone from her. I can barely hide my disgust as I read the article. “Oh, that’s just very wrong.”
“Eh, I guess.” She shrugs one shoulder, back to scrolling through her daily newsfeed. That figures; Kailo is the kind of person that would come into work wearing the weirdest things and is still able to pull it off. She is very adventurous and likes trying new things. She told me she once tried kale ice cream and actually liked it.
The front doorbell tinkles, signalling a customer. Kailo takes her order, tapping at the computer screen. I grab a small cup and fill it with fresh frozen yoghurt, then with languid strokes, drizzle cookie sauce over the top and hand it to the customer with a napkin.
“Enjoy.” I offer a smile, handing her the yoghurt. The doorbell tinkles again and Moon Bin enters this time. He waves hi to both me and Kailo.
“Hey. Class finished?” I ask as he walks over to my side of the counter.
“Yeah,” He nods. He sighs. “I kind of need to talk to you about something.”
“Is everything okay?” I look at his expression. He briefly glances at Kailo.
“Not really.” He looks at the clock behind me. “Your shift ends at 2, right?” I nod.
“Then, I’ll just wait here for you.” He orders a medium sized yoghurt and takes his usual spot by the window at the very end of the room, like he always does when he comes here to wait for me. When I had just gotten this part time job, my manager, Sammy and Ji Ah, two other part time workers, and Kailo would always ask me if he was my boyfriend because sometimes if I worked the late night shift, he would swing by and wait for me until my shift ended. He would walk me back to campus then, making sure I safely gotten into my dorm.
They soon got used to me denying me and Moon Bin dating and stopped asking questions. Although Kailo occasionally comments on how she thinks he’s pretty hot. I teased her once about it, offering to help set her up with him and her exact answer was, “Honey, please, he’s not my type.”
I’m pretty sure she doesn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s just he’s really not her type. She usually dates really quickly and the longest I’ve ever her date was with a guy who had his own pet hedgehog. To think of it, I’m not even sure what her type is.
The two hours tick by, with a large group of sleep deprived students walking in and demanding we serve them coffee in between, until I pointed out that the cafe is next door. They eventually ordered frozen yoghurts, apparently too tired to even walk to next door. Sammy enters just in time, to take over my shift.
She clocks in on Moon Bin immediately and then gives me a knowing look.
“Honestly.” I shake my head. Sammy is the only who won’t stop pushing me and Moon Bin together. Sammy has classes with the both of us so she knows Moon Bin as well.
I clock out and grab my staff from the back. Moon Bin is already standing by the counter, waiting for me as I come out from the back. We go outside, the heat of the afternoon blasting from the ground.
“So, what’s wrong?” I ask, as we come to a bench under a shady tree. I’m still in my white cotton collar shirt which is the uniform and am sweating down my back. Moon Bin notices my discomfort.
“D'you want to go home and change first?” He asks.
“No, it’s fine, don’t worry.” I shake my head. “What’s up?”
“You know the show I have to do next Friday?” He says. I nod in response. “Yeah, that’s also the same day my parents are coming to see me.” He waits for the ball to drop.
“Oh. Oh.” I raise my eyebrows in realisation. Moon Bin’s dad doesn’t know that he is enrolled in the Performing Arts Major. His dad wasn’t really supportive of his choice but his mom covered for him and then told him to choose whatever he wanted. If they come this Friday…
“Yup.” He nods gloomily.
“Well, your performance is at night. Maybe they’ll have left by then?” I suggest.
“I…I want to tell him.” He exhales.
“I don’t want to lie to him anymore.” He says, turning to me. “I keep having to think of answers to questions about aerospace.” He looks so positively terrified. In spite of myself, I give a small laugh.
“That’s what you told him you were studying?”
“I panicked.” He says defensively.
“Bin, I think that it’s great that you want to tell him the truth but are you sure?” I ask him.
He looks down at his fists. “Yeah. I’m sure.”
“Well, okay then,” I bump my fist at his arm. “I have your back. If there’s anything you need me to do, just tell me.” I smile at him.
We move on from this subject and talk about how rehearsals are going. He digs out the tickets from his pocket and hands them to me, one for me, the other for Sammy, my roommate and Jin Woo’s girlfriend.
“Don’t lose them. You know what, just ask Sammy to take them.” Moon Bin has zero trust in me.
I roll my eyes. “Just because that one time I lost the train tickets–”
“And we had to run all the way back because you’d lost yours and everyone had to re-buy their tickets for the later train.” He reminds me darkly.
Ignoring his words, I tell him that I’ll keep them safe no matter what. It’s his first performance with his parents there, I’m definitely not missing this for anything in the world.
*** “That will be all today. Thank you class.” Our lecturer switches off her slide and packs her laptop up all in one swift movement. Everyone else is either leaving the class or talking to their friends. I check my phone, slightly frowning. Why isn’t he replying?
I flop my bag on the desk, putting my notebook and textbook inside. I check my phone one last time before shoving it in my jacket pocket. As I walk along the hall, passing some students taping a poster on the wall, I spot Rocky and Jin Woo among the crowd.
“Hey, guys,” I catch up to them. They turn, surprised.
“Hey,” They both say, smiling.
They should know where Moon Bin is. “Do you know where Bin is?” I ask. “He didn’t come to class today. And I can’t get hold of him either.”
Rocky glances at Jin Woo before answering. “Oh, he’s probably practising again.”
“Um, see the thing is,” Jin Woo sighs. “He hasn’t stopped since 3 in the morning.”
“What?” My tone is sharp and the two guys in front of me visibly straightens up. “He hasn’t slept?”
Rocky winces. “We rehearsed last night and finished at 10. We went back to the dorm at 10:30–”
“He went out at 3 in the morning to practise by himself again.” Jin Woo explains.
“So, technically, he did sleep for about 4 hours–” Rocky stops when Jin Woo nudges him. I sigh.
“It’s his dad, isn’t it?” I look at them. They both nod slowly.
“He was really stressed out before and now he’s even more stressed than ever.” Rocky says.
“Maybe you should go talk to him. At least get him to stop for a few hours to get some rest.”
They tell me which of the building to go to and what practice room he is in. Two girls and a guy look at me suspiciously as I walk down the corridor blindly before finally giving up and asking them for directions. Standing outside the door, I can hear the thump of the music and someone’s feet moving rapidly. They don’t stop even when I knock on the door.
Moon Bin finally looks up as I enter the room. “Ae Ra.” He stops dancing. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to check up on you.” I say. I watch as he turns off the speaker and plops down on the floor, exhausted. I grab his towel from a chair nearby and toss it at him, landing on his head.
“Bin–” I start, sitting down in front of him. He wipes at his face, refusing to look at me.
“I know, you want me to get some rest. But the show is two days away. I can’t afford to waste any time.” He finally says, lowering his head while fidgeting with the corner of the towel.
“You’re exhausted, Bin.” I say. “Did you even eat breakfast?”
When he looks back at me, his eyes wet around the rim. “I’m just so scared.” He says. “I mean, it’s my dad. He’s never approved of my interest in performing on stage, says it’s a waste of money.
How am I going to impress him, Aera?” His voice cracks slightly. I scoot closer to him to hug him. He leans his head on my shoulder, taking a deep breath.
“You don’t have to impress him, you know?” I say softly. “Just show him what you can do. You may disagree on somethings but in the end you’re his son, he’ll love you no matter what.” I pat his hair, slick with sweat, wince a little and try to discreetly wipe it on my pants. He gives a soft chuckle.
“I can see you through the mirror.”
“You’re disgusting. Please go take a shower.” I deadpan. He laughs as we pull apart.
“Thank you. You seem to always find the right things to say.”
“What? Like asking you to take a shower?” I joke.
He chuckles and absentmindedly pecks the top of my forehead. I stare at him, startled by this out of the blue yet affectionate action. His eyes shift; contemplating something. He slowly leans in and to my surprise, I do too.
“HEY BIN–” Our lips barely touch when Rocky bursts through the door. We pull away with the urgency of a dog chasing after a cat. Rocky stares at us, speechless.
I stand up abruptly. “I have-have a, um, shift.” I say to no one in particular. “So I, yeah, um, okay, byeeee.” Shit, I sound like Jake Peralta. But there’s no time to dwell on that as I leave the room at top speed. I’m so concentrated on leaving that I almost knock down Sammy by the stairs.
“Woah, hey,” She says. “Have you seen Jin Woo?”
“Uh, um,” I clear my head, trying to think of an answer. “No.”
“Oh-kay,” She frowns. “Are you alright?”
“Me? Yeah, yeah, totally fine.” I swallow. “Listen, I gotta go. I have….a class.”
I scurry down the stairs and out of the building. I walk and walk with no actual sense of direction. Walking keeps me occupied. If I stop, I keep thinking of…that. Eventually, my legs tire out and I plop down on a bench. How did that happen? My face heats up even at just the thought of it and despite myself, I feel a bit giggly on the inside. He’s my friend! I shouldn’t be having thoughts like this.
We barely talk on the phone, our usual routine, for the next few days until the show. I’d like to say it’s mainly because he’s busy practising and I’m busy with my shifts and assignments. We do text back and forth, but avoid talking about what happened. Texting is easier, because we don’t sound awkward at all. We still sound the same, playful banter, some nagging.
“Lighten up.” Kailo hisses at me. I’m slumped behind the counter, playing with a plastic spoon. The doorbell rings and a couple of people walk in chattering. I get up from my seat and grab a cone to fill. I drizzle cranberry sauce on it and wrap a napkin around half the cone before handing it to the customer.
After giving the customer her change, Kailo turns to survey me. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing. Assignments,” I reply automatically, back in my slump seat.
“Something happened with Moon Bin?”
I sit up, alert and suspicious. “How did you know?”
She puts up both of her hands, her eyes wide. “I didn’t. I guessed.” She says.
“Oh.” I mumble.
She looks at me. “Whatever it is, it’ll eventually work its way out.”
I wince. “I’m not so sure about this.” She moves her attention away from me when the doorbell tinkles. She urgently nudges my arm and I’m about to give her an annoyed look when I see the people standing in front of me: Moon Bin and his parents.
I scramble up, face red and unable to look at anything except for the countertop. I can feel Moon Bin’s eyes on me but I resolutely stare at the cup and cone model that shows our customers what the different cup sizes look like. I start making their orders, three cones. As I hand it over to them, I smile politely at his parents; over the five years I’ve known him, I’ve seen his mother more than his father. I surreptitiously glance at his dad’s expression, which is hard and realise he must have told him already.
As they leave to take a seat, I grab my phone. There are 5 unread messages all from him.
‘I’m having lunch with them now.’
‘Probably going to tell him now.’
‘Going to find somewhere to talk.’
'Headed to the yoghurt shop.’
'You busy?’
These were all sent before they came here.
I look at them talking by the window. It seems like Moon Bin has got everything under control, although his father doesn’t look too happy. I look worriedly in the direction of the washroom; Kailo’s been in there for a long time. As they get up to leave, I shoot a questioning glance at Moon Bin, who nods slightly at me.
I don’t really understand but it must mean that his dad is willing to give him a chance. Kailo emerges from the washroom looking pale with one hand clutching her stomach.
“Kailo! Are you okay?”
“Ohhh, I think something went wrong with my lunch.” She sits down heavily. Her expression is pained as she drinks from her water bottle.
“What did you have?” I ask.
“Sushi.” She pauses as her stomach makes a weird sound. I offer to go the pharmacy to buy some medicine but she shakes her head, saying it’s all out of her system. That doesn’t seem to be the case even after two hours, I’ve been manning the cash register and making the orders for the customers while she sits weakly behind the counter, out of sight from customers.
“Kailo, I think you need to go to a clinic.” I frown, getting her a cup of warm water. Her hair plastered to her forehead from all the cold sweat.
“But, you have to leave soon and if I do too, no one is going to be here.”
I check the time. The show starts at 7. If Ji Ah makes it here by 8, I can still make it. “I can stay until Ji Ah comes. Just go to the clinic Kailo.”
She doesn’t even bothering protesting anymore. Before leaving, she gives me an apologetic hug. I tell her to tell me when she’s at the doctors to be safe. I look at the clock. I won’t have time to go home and change now. Business is slow between dinner hours so there’s really nothing much I can do, except pray that Ji Ah arrives here as soon as possible.
8:11 p.m. I am about to scratch the walls with frustration. Where is Ji Ah? I text Sammy to check if Moon Bin, Jin Woo and Rocky has performed yet.
'Almost. Where R U???’
I sigh and shoot off a quick reply. Ji Ah rushes through the door, out of breath. “Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.”
“Okay, I’ve got to go, bye!” I’ve been ready ever since 7:45 so I just grab my bag and hurry out the door. Sammy comes out to meet me when I arrive at the auditorium. She grabs my hand, pulling me inside. We pass rows and rows of seats in the darkness. I glance briefly at the stage just as the three of them emerge on stage. The music starts as I take my seat, trying to catch my breath. Moon Bin’s eyes flicker towards the crowd and then spots me. He gives the smallest smile and then resumes his performance.
The three of them work in perfect harmony, moving to each beat. I look around and see his parents a few rows over. His mother looks positively proud while his dad leans back against his seat, an unreadable expression on his face. The audience gives a loud cheer when Rocky does a spin mid-air, earning a bashful smile from him.
The performance ends with the crowd hyped up. After two vocal performances and a small skit, the show ends. There’s the sound of people talking and feet shuffling as they get ready to leave. Sammy and I make our way out and manage to find our way to backstage. We find the guys, with three of their other friends, Sanha, Eun Woo and MJ already with them.
“You guys were awesome!” I say, while Sammy gives them the thumbs up.
“I honestly thought I was going to trip and fall at one point.” Rocky says.
“That’s because you almost stepped on my foot.” Jin Woo shakes his head. As they bicker on, Moon Bin’s focus shifts to behind us; his parents. He excuses himself to walk over to them. We move farther away so as to give me some privacy in all the hubbub at backstage. MJ starts showing them the video he took of them on stage.
“That’s so unflattering.” Sanha comments. He whips out his phone. “You should look at the one I took.” They argue who recorded the best video with Jin Jin exasperatedly chiming in to say at one point, “None of you are Steven Spielberg. None.” and Rocky saying, “You should’ve taken it from my left.”
I look away from their tirade as Moon Bin hugs both of his parents, who leaves and walks toward us, a look of relief on his face. “Everything okay?” I ask, as he nears. Everyone turns their attention to him.
“Yeah,” He exhales a little shakily. He gives a smile. “He doesn’t get the dancing.” We pause, unsure how to response.
“And you’re smiling because…?” Eun Woo asks.
“Because he said I could continue my major, even though he didn’t understand it.” He gives a small laugh. “He’s letting me stay on!” We cheer, hugging him all at once, ignorant to the other looks in the room.
My phone vibrates a message from Kailo who tells me she’s at home now. I see another one from her when she was at the doctors. I tell them I’m going out to make a call where it’s quieter so I can actually hear what someone is saying.
“Hey, are you feeling better?” I ask. “What did the doctor say?”
“I’m feeling sooo much better now.” Kailo’s voice, although not yet back to her normal tone was sounding much more alert than a few hours ago. “It turns I have a very weak intestine and I’m technically not allowed to eat anymore raw fish.”
“I told you, 'Fish are friends not food’.” I quote 'Finding Nemo’ to her.
“That’s just because you don’t eat raw fish.” She says. “Say that again when you’re eating battered cod with chips. Maybe then I’ll believe you.”
She yawns and I tell her to go to bed. She says she will but not before watching an episode of Kim’s Convenience. I hang up, turning to go back inside when I see Moon Bin waiting for me.
“Where are the others?” I walk up to him.
“They went to celebrate. I told them to go ahead first.” Moon Bin says.
“Oh.” Awkward silence. Not wanting to feel weird around him, I hold up my phone.
“I just got off the phone with Kailo. She was feeling unwell just now. Ate some sushi. She had to go to the doctors and there was not anyone to stay at the shop. That was why I was late to the show.”
He lets out a breath that I didn’t know he was holding. “Oh. That’s why.” He scratches his neck. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”
“Why would you think–” I pause as realisation hits me. “Oh.”
“Is she feeling better?” I look up at him, confused, then realise he means Kailo.
“Yeah. She’s okay now.” I nod. There’s another pause where neither of us says anything, then as if he can’t stand it, he says, “Should we talk about what happened the other day?”
I bite the inside of my cheek. “Yeah, I think we should.”
We walk around, finding some place to sit, heading towards the campus park. Not for the first time ever, I marvel at the size of this entire university. It’s like a small village could literally just live here. We walk along the path, lined with small grey pebbles and small lights installed on the ground, so that it looks like one of those airplane runways.
“So, I guess I should apologise first.” Moon Bin says, as we take a seat on one of the park benches.
I open my mouth to protest but he stops me. “Just–let me finish.
What happened the other day. I shouldn’t have done it. I was feeling helpless and you were there as a friend and I shouldn’t have kissed you,” He continues. “That wasn’t how I…” He trails off.
“You what?” I ask, catching his hesitation.
“It wasn’t how I…,” He scratches his neck again, an action he does when he’s embarrassed. “…imagined I would kiss you. Not in that situation.”
I stare at him dumbly, too stunned to speak. There’s so many parts to his explanation that needs more explaining.
“I-I….” I swallow. “Um, okay.”
He lets me take my time, albeit the concerned look on his face is kind of endearing. “Moon Bin, what do you mean it was how you imagined?”
“Oh. That.” He says, as if he hadn’t thought of explaining that part to me. “Um, see, I kind of, really like you.” He fixes his eyes on mine. I think I can fully comprehend what the phrase 'heart beating against ribcage like a freaking earthquake’.
“Well,” I find my voice again. “In what situation would you have wanted to…kiss me?”
He gives the cutest/ most bashful smile ever and leans in to peck me on my lips. “Something like this?”
In spite of myself, I smile, feeling giddy. “Could you do that again?”
He smiles, leaning in again but this time I do too. This kiss lasts longer than the former and when it ends, he gently kisses my forehead. “Thank you.” He chuckles softly that my heart does a small skip.
“For what?” I laugh, even if it isn’t that funny.
“Just.” He shrugs. “Thank you.”
“You know, if you’re trying to be all mysterious and romantic like in dramas and stuff, it really isn’t going to work on me, because I won’t understand a thing you’re doing.” I joke, smiling.
You just never know when you’re going to open your eyes and fall for someone who’s been by your side this entire time.
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[DRABBLE REQUEST] Jealousy!Jeonghan (Feat. Jihoon)
Prompt: Jeonghan gets jealous when you meet up with your long time best friend Requested by: Hina Word count: 2,091 Genre: Fluff with slight angst Warnings: None!
A/N: Hey all! So sorry for being on hiatus the past god knows how many months, all the other admins and I are really busy with work and the time we have dedicated to write is really limited. Nevertheless, i hope ya’ll like this Jeonghan drabble, thanks also to admin Jihooned and Wooed as well for providing some ideas :) Cheers!
- Scooped ✌️
Pulling down the hems of your shirt to your waist, and turning around once more to look at yourself in the mirror - you were perfectly ready for a date with your boyfriend, Jeonghan.
“Unknown Number” your phone screen read.
“Hello…” No reply.
Just as you were about to hang up, thinking of the call as a prank, the other side of the line, a male with a shy, timid voice, finally spoke up.
“Do you remember me?”
Nostalgia kicked in as you remember where that voice came from. He had many firsts with you - not in a romantic way, but he was your bestest friend ever. The both of you would hang out literally all the time. Straight after school everyday without fail, the both of you would get hamburgers and fries, then you’d spend the afternoon playing sports or just hanging out at each other’s homes. Only positive memories, you recall, until that fateful day when he left for America, to pursue his studies and his dream for becoming a music producer.
“Hey! Long time no see!”
“ITS REALLY YOU!!! JIHOON AH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? ARE YOU BACK IN KOREA…” you were so, so, so happy that you ended up bombarding him with countless questions, and immediately after you found out he was back in Korea, you invited him over so that the two of you could catch up.
Feeling satisfied after the phone call, you immediately left your home to the grocery store with the intention of cooking a welcome home meal for jihoon, and that’s when you remembered about your date with Jeonghan.
As you were about to call Jeonghan to cancel your date, your phone lit up to reveal a text from him.
Jeonghan: “Hey babe, I’m outside. Open up. 
Y/N: “Babe, I’m so sorry, I kind of forgot about our date. Can you meet me at the mart nearby my house? I promise i’ll explain everything. I’m so sorryyyyy :( :*“
A few minutes later, you felt an arm around your shoulder. You turned around and immediately put your shopping basket down, giving the tall, slim stature behind you a big, tight hug.
“Hey babe, what’s this all this about?” Jeonghan chuckled, as he looked over to see your almost-full shopping basket.
“Jeonghan, there’s someone I want you to meet today!” you smiled, pulling away from the hug.
“Who is it? Do I know him or her?” Jeonghan said, walking past you to help you carry your shopping basket.
You looped your arms with his, explaining about Jihoon. You talked about how he was the one who you had so much fun with as teenagers, playing badminton everyday with each other, cafe hopping together, and even how he lent a shoulder to you during difficult times.
Jeonghan just smiled, looking at how happy you were. He definitely didn’t feel 100% good about it, about you being close to another guy other than himself. Afterall, he knows that you never had any guy whom you considered close to, since you were with him all the time after the both of you got together.
As he helped you unpack your just bought groceries, you started to prepare your speciality and also Jihoon’s favourite - Mushroom Cream Spaghetti. Well, hopefully it still is, since you’ve not seen him for almost 2 years.
Chopping up the onions in a flash, Jeonghan stared at you in awe as he observed you cooking.
“So, this is the behind-the-scenes of your famous cream spaghetti,” Jeonghan said, as you placed the uncooked noodles into the boiling pot over the stove.
“Yep, I hope you’re not sick of it yet!” you chuckled, turning back over to see Jeonghan leaving his seat, walking towards you. You stared at him - he was the perfect height. His fringe fell perfectly over his forehead, and he looked so huggable wearing the casual tracksuit he had on.
You didn’t realise that he was already by your side, arms circling around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder.
“I know I’m not sick of you,” Jeonghan whispered into your ear, placing a kiss on your temple. You smiled, enjoying the skinship that Jeonghan is giving. Turning off the stove and placing the just-cooked spaghetti noodles in a bowl next to you, you turned around, facing him.
His lips were already, dangerously close to yours.
You looked up to meet his eyes, having feeling his breaths becoming slightly faster, and leaned in for a passiona-
You pulled away at the doorbell, just before the both of your lips touched, to see only Jeonghan’s slightly irritated gaze. You chuckle at his reaction, but tiptoed to give him a peck before pulling away from his hug to get the door. Meanwhile, Jeonghan dragged his feet and slumped back into his seat.
Opening the door, you were excited to see your old friend. “Jihoon ah! Long time no see!” you said, giving him a big hug at the same time.
“(Y/N)! You’ve grown!” said Jihoon with a wide grin on his small face.
“And you… haven’t gotten any taller!” you chuckled, teasing to break the ice, “Come on in!”
You walked Jihoon to the kitchen and introduced the two boys to each other. Afterall, they were two of the most important people in your life, so you hoped that they’ll get along.
“Babe, this is Jihoon! My best friend from school, and Jihoon, this is my boyfriend, Jeonghan,” you smiled, however only sensing a negative vibe from Jeonghan.
“Hi! I’m Jihoon, nice to meet you!” Jihoon said, as he reaches out his hand to shake with Jeonghan’s.
“Yeah, hi,” Jeonghan said cooly, ignoring the handshake, not minding about anything else other than his fingernails. You see Jihoon fold back his fingers, feeling intimidated.
“Haha, em, well, Jihoon, please take a seat! The food’s almost ready,” you said to break the tension that was forming.
You cooked the spaghetti quickly, minding the awkward silence behind you. Occasionally you tried to make small talk for the both of them, mentioning similar hobbies since the both of them loved to sing, however it was always cut off by Jeonghan’s one word replies and slightly rude answers.
“Jihoon went to the states to learn more about producing music,” you said, placing a plate of spaghetti in front of each of them. “Isn’t that cool, Jeonghan?”
“Well if it was that cool, why did he have to come back?” Jeonghan snickered, picking up his fork to dig in.
“Well, what about you, Jihoon? How was your learning experience?” you asked, not minding Jeonghan’s attitude.
“Oh, I had such a good time, I’ve met and learned from so many amazing people there,” Jihoon explained.
He told you and Jeonghan his adventures, how he met so many producers that taught him many things, giving him tips on how to produce quality music, and all the amazing takeaways he had from the 2 years.
You were so engrossed into his stories that you didn’t realise that you stained the corners of your mouth with cream, and upon seeing this, Jihoon picked up the piece of tissue and held it up, reaching forward to wipe it for you.
“You’re still messy as ever,” Jihoon chuckled as he wiped off the creamy sauce on your mouth.
Jeonghan suddenly stood up, gave you and Jihoon a stare, and marched out while saying, “Have fun, lovebirds, I’m going upstairs.”
Jihoon stared at the door that Jeonghan just exited, and then looked over to you,”I think I may have done something wrong… I’m so sorry…”
“No, it’s fine, i’m sure he’s just not in a good mood today, it’s not you, i promise!” you said, trying to keep the mood up, “I’m sure he’s just tired from work, you know how work can be..”
“No,” Jihoon cut you off, “It’s alright, we can always meet another time, go talk to him,” Jihoon said with the kindest smile ever, as he stood up to leave.
“Sorry about that… and yes, let’s definitely meet up again soon, maybe next week? Ddeobokki?” you asked Jihoon, “the one that we always had.”
��It’s a deal,” Jihoon said, as you sent him off.
You went up to your room’s door, taking a deep breath. You knew the reason why Jeonghan has been acting like this the whole day, but you didn’t know that it would take such a big toll on him.
Jeonghan was jealous.
It was the first time; you’ve never seen him jealous before, and that’s when you realised, there was probably no chance for him to get jealous anyway, since the only guy whom you were close with was him.
You realised that you’ve most probably crossed the line with him when you allowed for such intimate interaction with Jihoon, and the latter probably didn’t realise it too as his amiable gestures, despite the long time he had spent away from you, came as practically second nature to him. It was not Jihoon’s fault at all, and you felt guilty for not telling Jeonghan about his existence earlier.
You twisted the doorknob, and carefully opened it, revealing Jeonghan. He was sitting at the corner of your bed, leaning against the headboard. His eyes were closed and his earpiece was plugged in. The sunlight from the window, shining on his face, gave it away that he had a few tears roll down his cheeks.
You got flustered, really flustered. This is the first time, Jeonghan has ever shown that he’s upset, and it shocked you, since he had always been the kind, and patient, amazing boyfriend that you’ve never had in the past.
You too were also really confused with your feelings.
You were angry - he mocked you, and he was really, really rude to your long time best friend. Over jealousy? That was really childish. But at the same time, you were also scared - so many what if’s were appearing in your head. What if he was only this way because he’s tired? What if you misunderstood him? What if he decides to leave you?
Countless thoughts were running through your head as you approached the lean figure, and before you knew it, tears ran down your cheeks. You had a taste of the salty tear when it reached the corner of your mouth, and at the same time you sat down in front of Jeonghan, cupping his cheeks, attempting to wipe away the teary residue on his face.
Jeonghan’s eyes shot open at your touch, and immediately, he took your hand away from his face and he gave you a big, warm, hug. You were surprised, of course, you didn’t expect this reaction from Jeonghan, you thought he’d be upset and hurt, you thought he wouldn’t want to talk to you.
Overwhelmed by the surge of emotions from his touch, you began to sob. Really badly. You hugged him harder, tightening your arms around his waist and burying your swollen face into his neck. You felt comforted when he tightened his grip around your waist as well.
“I love you,” Jeonghan said, voice evident that he too, was a mess, “and I don’t want that to change.”
You sniffed your nose as you pulled away from him, looking into his eyes as you started speaking,”I was so afraid that you didn’t want me anymore.”
“Pabo, I was afraid that you were going to hate me for being such an ass,” Jeonghan mumbled, smiling slightly as he looked into your eyes.
“You’re the pabo!” you chuckled, finally smiling and cleaning up the tears from your face.
You felt much better, all the both of you needed was some assurance, and some comforting.
“I’m sorry babe, i’m sorry for my childishness, will you forgive me?” Jeonghan said, twirling a bunch of hair on your head.
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry, sorry for not taking your feelings in consideration,” you sighed, looking into his teary eyes.
Sometimes in a relationship, jealousy is bound to happen one way or another. The feeling is indeed unpleasant, and it may happen unknowingly to the both of you. It always will seem as though you’re losing trust in your partner.
In this case, Jeonghan getting jealous this time round was in a way a good thing, the both of you found out how much you meant to each other, but more importantly, the fact that Jeonghan loves you as much as you love him, overwrites all the obstacles that the both of you have to face.
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goldcaught · 3 years
tagged by my babes @highgaarden & @little-miss-sunny-daisy 💕
1: Why did you choose your URL?
i was looking to change it while simultaneously having zero clue what to change it to lolol so i actually literally took the book cygnet (which combines both the cygnet and the firebird & the sorceress and the cygnet) by patricia mckillip, handed it to my friend, and asked her to flip it to a random page where i would pick from there and LO the words gold caught were chosen and shoved together and here we are!
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
YES i have @likemypulse, my kc caps blog once co-run by the marvelous @habrina and @yearoracentury, also kc related but just for reblogging stuff co-created with my darling evie bee @merrysithmas 
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
oh jeeeeeez i don’t even know how to find this out tbh?? A WHILE. 
4: Do you have a queue tag?
nope! just me and my 537 drafts ✨
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
oh man oh man, i was RELUCTANT - everyone was moving on from lj and i fucking l o v e d lj but the doctor/rose fandom was getting quiet over there and still singing loud over here so the move was made
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
so how could i choose anything else might be the better question
7: Why did you choose your header?
uhhhh let me check what even my header is lol
okay SO i am unclear which thing is my header! if it’s the thing on the side of my page then it’s this mini version of a graphic i am s t u p i d proud of, about caroline and hunger and devouring without guilt - if its the thing that you see when you like hover over my icon then it’s an amaaazing little handwriting graphic my friend carina made for me with one of my FAVORITE FAVORITE quotes from a poem that is the basis of the caroline part of my kc otp tags :)))))
8: What’s your post with the most note
oh definitely the klaus & elijah manip with the coke bottles - i would link but i cant find it! somewhere in my *mine tag, though apparently i didn’t tag it with anything that makes sense sorryyyyy
9: How many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea how to figure that out
10: How many followers do you have?
11: How many people do you follow?
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
i mean.....yes? not intentionally but for example this post thats nothing but drunk klaus writing caroline letters with nothing but arctic monkeys lyrics like, probably counts 
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
sometimes i go a few days without checking it so things really Build and that can lead to me taking even longer to catch up but i always do at some point!!! which all of you probably know because once i do i usually throw out 5-7 of my drafts in a row
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
jfc i’m glad i can’t remember the answer to this
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
16: Do you like tag games?
yesssss even though i am legit awful at them forgive me babes i beg
17: Do you like ask games?
please see my answer to number 16 only with extreme emphasis on being awful at them
18: Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
the idea that all of them a r e n ‘ t is frankly anathema to me
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes all of them
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