#definitely need to refine and streamline my process or I will fizzle out
rtnortherly · 1 year
Yo! I'm Soon To Be Taking a Break From Sword & Scale (for a tiny little bit)
I am just about caught up to what I have done so far for S&S (one more page and it looks fire y'all), and I'm thinking about taking a bit of a break. I’ve got some commissions I need to work on, and I want to do some writing too (there’s another chapter for Good Intentions that’s been percolating for months and its stupid and cute and I need to make people cringe by throwing it at them). There’s also work stuff and my birthday coming up so I'm going to be busy again— mostly I’m just really bad with feeling like there are too many things on my plate, no matter how pressing or not-so-pressing they are. Just feels like clutter is drowning me, y’know? Anyway. I just thought I'd declare it so I could feel less pressure while I do recuperate. But no fear, said break shouldn't be too long. Maybe a week, at most. And Tumblr will update with the next little 'segment' first (if not more slowly since my stockpile has been depleted and I don’t fancy dancing with burnout) as always. In the meant time I just want to say I've been astoundingly touched by y'all's support and kindness. Thanks so much! It's been making me smile everyday, and has definitely been encouraging me, even when I feel like I’m about ready to toss my stylus at a wall and embrace insanity. Also maybe I'll drop a few sketches from Arboren's mermaid design phase and stuff in the interim. They’re gross and also bad, but I’d love to revisit some of them (I always say I’m going to revisit stuff and never do, but who knows? Maybe one day it’ll stick. That’s what happened with comic making, and look at me, a wee baby fledgling with so much to improve on, but I am here, doing the thing! As I said I would. Just took time.)
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