#definitely requires more finesse on my behalf
ragnarot · 1 year
I never fully wrote a full response , but I’m going to have to eventually . but @lunarscaled answered a prompt once where lyric ripped out jack’s magick eye , and it’s a concept I just … adore . it’s gross & nasty , of course , but it is such a turbulent event TO HIM , that it’s its own little timeline on this blog . :) because whoever has the audacity to even try to go for that with Jack , it was a master stroke of writing on dogma’s behalf . Jack , as anyone could imagine , is the worst in that timeline . it’s … special to me :)
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junionigiri · 5 years
Just Another Secretary Story - Chapter 1 - For the first time in nine years
Summary: Todoroki Shouto is the young hotshot executive of Endeavor, Inc, talented in many ways but clueless in plenty of aspects outside of work. Uraraka Ochako is his reliable secretary for the past nine years--driven, hardworking, never complaining, a perfect subordinate who does all of his bidding without question. They have a perfect, harmonious relationship together-- that is, until the night Secretary Uraraka tells him, "I'd like to quit my job."
Rating: T
[for safri -- happy birthday! I know it’s been a while since I wrote something so I might be rusty, but I sure hope you still enjoy this.]
Secretary Uraraka Ochako, 29 years old, single, finds herself at the home of award-winning actress Yaoyorozu Momo. She has a bouquet of yellow roses in her arms and a smile that tries its best to deny her pollen allergies.
It’s not the best place in the world, but this isn’t the worst thing she’s had to do all week.
Yaomomo, as her fans and stans have affectionately named her, gives her that award-winning smile and a curious tilt of the head. “Uraraka-san! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here all across town? And all by yourself?”
Ochako gives her the sunniest smile she can muster as the actress relieves her of the armful of allergens, thanking all the gods that she hasn’t sneezed her soul out all over the celebrity. “Director Todoroki is otherwise occupied at the moment. However, he did not want to miss the opportunity to be the first to greet you on your recent best actress nomination, so he sent me here for a visit.”
“Is that so?” Momo regards the bouquet with grace, slender fingers picking up the greeting card within it. “And this is from Shouto too, I suppose.”
“Yes ma’am,” Ochako says, as Momo reads the message within the card. You are a beautiful person inside out. Congratulations. S.T. A very personal message, one that Ochako had deliberated upon and hand-wrote carefully on the ride to the agency.
“That’s sweet of you,” Momo says with a serene smile. Putting down the bouquet next to her, she looks at Ochako with a knowing raise of one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “You have something else to say.”
Ochako exhales slowly and gives an executive sort of nod. “Yes, ma’am. Unfortunately.”
She pauses to give the actress a moment to brace herself, yet Momo seems more than prepared for this moment as she only motions for her to continue. Well, if she is that prepared, at least they won’t be wasting any more time. Without the smile wavering from her face, Ochako announces, “While it pains him to do so, Director Todoroki would like to inform you that he cannot see you anymore. He wishes you all the best in your future aspirations.”
She says all of this in a polite, even tone, akin to how one would give a performance report at a business meeting. Funnily enough, Momo listens to her as if she were in the same meeting too--merely an executive at the other end of the table, keeping her composure despite news of her investments dropping in value.
“Is that so,” Momo says after a beat of silence. Inhaling quietly, no doubt counting one to ten in her head, she shakes her head and gives another smile, albeit a pained one. Yet, too graceful than the situation deserved. “Thank you for going all this way to tell me this, Uraraka-san.”
This isn’t the first time Ochako had to do this. After all, it has been exactly thirty days since Yaomomo and Todoroki Shouto, the young Executive Director of Endeavor Inc., started officially dating. Thirty days of going out in formal events and stuffy parties, smiling politely for the cameras and answering insipid questions about their relationship for the magazines, dealing with paparazzi and the unsavory showbiz rumor mill.
It has also been thirty days of Director Todoroki subtly pushing Momo’s hands off of his arm as soon as the cameras are away, and thirty days of Ochako buying the actress jewelry on behalf of her boss and his credit card to keep her happy.
Ochako came prepared for the worst. She’d had to deal with meltdowns and insults and threats to her employer’s good name. All things considered, Yaoyorozu Momo simply removing the 18-karat white gold diamond encrusted necklace that Director Todoroki gave her during the last awards ceremony is one of the most elegant ways to handle rejection that Ochako has ever seen.
“All in all, I expected this,” the actress tells her in a careful tone. “It must have been a bad sign that it was our fathers who pushed us into this relationship. I wonder if I could have done more to keep him interested, though.”
Dammit, she’s too good for this. Ochako finds herself wondering if she could have done more to convince Director Todoroki to think about this further. Then again, it isn’t worth the argument. Her boss has always insisted that relationships are a distraction from his work, and simply an inefficient way to spend his time.
Ochako smiles at her, sincerely this time. “Yaoyorozu-san, it isn’t you. Simply put, he’s a brat. You gave him more patience than he deserved.”
“You shouldn’t say things like that about your boss,” Momo says, with a laugh. “Still, I wondered if I gave it enough time, I could have melted that icy barrier he seems to always have around him, Uraraka-san.”
“Maybe,” Ochako says, probably much more honest than what is appropriate, “but take it from someone who’s had to work for him for as long as I have. You really don’t want to see past his ‘cool exterior’.”
Director Todoroki is famous for more than just his intelligence, finesse, and keen business sense. His icy exterior, paired with that beautiful face, gets a lot of people hoping to be the one to melt it. It seems that not even Yaomomo is immune to that sort of fantasy. Yet Ochako knows that behind that pretty face is a twenty-nine year old child who’d probably die immediately once left alone. Whether it’s through a traffic accident from seeing a cat in the streets, malnutrition from eating nothing but cold soba, or dying simply to spite his father.
The Director is blissfully unaware of his inability to function like a sensible adult, however (case in point, this situation right here). Ochako’s full time job doesn’t even give her the luxury to pretend like he is.
Momo gives an affirmative sound. Her hand cups the contour of her perfectly symmetrical face in interest. “That’s right. You’ve been his secretary for… five years?”
“Nine years,” Ochako answers, suppressing a sigh. “Yaoyorozu-san, you are easily my favorite among all the people he’s had to date, so I hope you trust me when I say that you dodged a bullet. I worked for him for a long time, and I’ve never ever seen him take anyone seriously. You also know how he gets about people touching him. Plus all he thinks about at any given point in time are one of the three things: work, work, and work, so I don’t think a relationship with him would be good for anyone.”
Well, he also thinks a lot about his snobby cat, Victoria. Oh, and tormenting Ochako with care of said cat.
Momo hums, dark eyes perusing her carefully. “He does seem to only care about work and not much else. But you touch him quite frequently, don’t you, Uraraka-san?”
Ochako blinks once, and shakes her head. “Me? Not at all.”
The actress smiles at her patiently. “But you do. And when we’re together for our dates, he speaks to you more than he does to me.”
Chasing after the absent-minded Director with a lint roller for his suit, frequently readjusting his tie for him, and doing every single one of his biddings don’t count. Ochako laughs awkwardly. “Well, he doesn’t see me as a person, much less a woman. So you don’t have to worry about that.”
It definitely isn’t the first time that Ochako has been accused of having an affair with her boss. She hopes she doesn’t have to defend herself in front of Yaomomo. She’s just sick of all the jealousy for ‘monopolizing’ Director Todoroki’s attention. Ah, if only they knew.
Thankfully, the actress does not pursue the topic any further. “Thank you for your courtesy, Uraraka-san. I wish the same for Shouto… I mean, the Director,” she says, and adds after a thoughtful pause, “... and you. The two of you.”
The knowing smile remains on her mouth. Ochako only returns this with her most professional smile and bids her farewell.
Well, Yaomomo might have meant something entirely different with her words, but with what Ochako is about to do that evening, she could use all the well-wishes she can get.
“At the end of the day, nine years is just nine years,” she mumbles to herself, as she takes a taxi back to the Endeavor Towers at the center of the city.
Director Todoroki Shouto, 29 years old, single, is one of the youngest major executives of Endeavor Inc, one of the biggest conglomerates in Japan. It’s not as impressive as it sounds since he’s also the fourth child of Todoroki Enji, the man who owns it, but he’s earning his rep as much as he can.
He begins a typical productive day waking up in the penthouse of Endeavor Towers. It’s a lot smaller than his own space in the family estate, but it’s only a few floors above where he works all day so it’s pretty convenient. Also, he has total control of the security there and only allows a handful of people in--his bodyguard/chauffeur Shoji, his personal chef Sato, Midoriya (but only if there’s work to be done), and of course, Secretary Uraraka, who is required to be there the moment he wakes up. Having his privacy is great, and not having that annoying old man there makes it a hundred times better.
If he didn’t entrust Victoria in Secretary Uraraka’s care for any reason, the British Shorthair would be gently tapping his face with her royal paw at around six in the morning. He gets up, brush his teeth, and then take a shower infused with vitamins and minerals designed to give him energy. He spends twenty minutes eating breakfast cooked by Sato and dresses up for work afterward.
Having been there since five in the morning, Secretary Uraraka meets him in his dressing room, ready with her choice of his clothing for the day. In that particular morning, she chose midnight blue and grey. “I deemed this appropriate for the conservative group we are meeting today at nine,” she says, tying a Windsor knot around his neck with ease. “We are expecting a long day. Will you take any caffeine today?”
“Ristretto, exactly 2.5 fluid ounces, 87 degrees centigrade, no sugar.”
Uraraka nods, signalling Sato behind them, mouthing demitasse as she is supposed to. “And about Yaoyorozu Momo—“
“Yes, I’m aware of the upcoming Daytime Drama Awards,” he says with a huff. “Best actress and Best Onstage Kiss, right? As well as Best Ensemble Cast for their performance in The Goddess of Creation--”
Uraraka gives him her standard customer service smile. Her eyes flash meaningfully as she says,“That, and her birthday is coming up. Will you give her anything?”
Shouto keeps himself from muttering under his breath. Shit, he almost forgot. “Just the yellow roses. Don’t mention her birthday.”
Just the yellow roses, meaning it’s time to let her go.
Secretary Uraraka blinks, eyes flashing again, but her smile does not waver as she gives a half-bow. “Understood.”
It’s been a month or so since he appeared in public with Yaoyorozu. Endeavor has been pushy about him seeing her, given her looks, talent, and old money background. He would have refused to do it, except that Yaoyorozu was a decent person from University and he didn’t want to make things difficult with her and her own pushy parents.
But she won’t make his work any easier, and she deserved better. He supposes this is an acceptable time to end things amicably. Well, as amicably as a break-up via proxy can get.
They make their way to work down the elevator to the main building, with Uraraka listing their daily agenda from her neat plastic file folder. An array of salarymen and women whose names he can’t quite recall bow to him all the way to his office. When he makes it to his desk with a view of the city, the priority documents are already arranged neatly in front of his seat, 5 cm away from the edge as is his preference.
“All right. Let’s get to work,” Shouto says, twisting his wrists in anticipation.
“Yes, Director.” Uraraka does that polished half-bow again and takes her place beyond the glass doors of his office.
When she leaves, he easily goes into the rhythm of office work. It gets dull from time to time, and when his eyes wander, he sees her with her eyes focused on her desktop computer, no doubt working on the next project proposal.
Efficient, accomplished, no complaints. The sight of someone working hard to keep up with him fills him with determination.
The rest of the day is a whirlwind of activities—an executive meeting with the board, another meeting with the legal office, a teleconference with their associates from India. He only remembers to eat lunch when Uraraka gets back from her assignment at Yaoyorozu’s and reminds him to eat the vegetables that Chef Sato prepared along with his soba. And then it’s more paperwork and meetings, and then evening comes and they both have to rush to a social event.
Shouto goes back to his penthouse, spends about an hour playing with Victoria, grooms himself and changes into a tuxedo. When he’s done, Uraraka meets him at the lobby. She’s garbed in something made of pink chiffon the same shade as her round cheeks, with just enough jewelry to make her look acceptable in this group of socialites without being too overboard.
“The Milan group will be arriving at the M hotel fundraiser in approximately twenty-eight minutes,” Uraraka tells him, her pink-padded fingers flying up to his bow tie in efficient movements.
“Let Midoriya entertain them first. We shouldn’t take too long, though,” Shouto says, as Uraraka straightens out his collar and wipes his shoulders free of any micro-creases that her laser eyes may have detected.
The quiet Shoji takes them to the event after that. The drive takes them twenty-nine minutes instead of twenty due to traffic, probably longer if Uraraka hadn’t navigated them through the side streets. It’s good that she’s there to get them out of the imminent gridlock. He supposed the fact that she commutes daily to work is useful in situations like this.
Eventually they make it to the ostentatious lobby of the hotel, where the equally ostentatious fundraiser is being held. Shouto knows that a famous celebrity photographer called Spiral is auctioning off his photos, and that all proceeds are going to go into educating orphans or something. He supposes he should care more about orphans--orphans are always a good cause to support, even though his last brush with orphans earned him the unsavory title of five pee-pee man--but right now all he is concerned about is that Milan group lurking in the shadows, waiting for him to find them.
And he didn’t mean to steal everyone’s attention away from the auction, but it isn’t his fault that he’s so eye-catching. With his heterochromatic eyes and hair and the scar and all. If it were up to him he’d get rid of the red, scarred half of his body, but then again his most important business partners tend to look for any signs of Todoroki Enji in him, so he can’t do that just yet.
Holding on to his right arm, Uraraka subtly pulls him toward a certain direction away from a flock of women looking his way. “I can see Chief Midoriya over there.”
They begin to approach the mess of green hair at the other end of the ballroom. He seems to be doing a decent job entertaining them with tales about his idol, Governor Yagi (which is the usual Midoriya fare). Or at least, the polite Italians seem to be doing a good job of listening to his impassioned speech.
In any case, when Uraraka clears her throat behind him, Midoriya turns his freckled face and gives them a large, sunny smile. “Oh! And here’s the Director, just in time!”
“Buona sera,” Shouto greets the guests with a smile of his own. “I hope you weren’t waiting for too long,” he says in fluent Italian.
“Not at all,” the leader tells him, and proceeds in various small talk about how they love the city, the food, the women, etcetera. It’s all small talk that he’s able to respond to flawlessly, yet Shouto notices the way they eye Secretary Uraraka at this last part, which gives him pause. One of them says something in Italian about her alluring looks, and asking her candidly if he can get her a drink.
Unfazed, Uraraka merely smiles and tucks a bit of her auburn hair behind her left ear. Somehow the man steps back, takes a good look at Shouto’s stare, and says nothing more.
“If you don’t mind,” Shouto tells them, after adjusting the sudden harshness of his tone, “let’s talk about partnership.”
It can’t exactly be called a business meeting since all of it is informal, yet it’s equally important all the same. As bothersome as socializing is, it’s important to impress investors with more than just numbers and data. All in all It is an easy and straightforward conversation, and Shouto managed to get their confidence in their business partnership without much trouble. After a toast and a round of handshakes, Shouto allows them to have their fill of the rest of the party while he retreats to his own company.
“That went smoothly,” Midoriya tells him with a congratulatory pat on his back. “Congrats on getting them to say yes. They’re notoriously hard to deal with, but also notoriously loyal.”
“Of course,” he replies with a sip of his whisky. Shouto wasn’t expecting any other answer than yes. He knows he’s that good.
“Gotta say, I was a little worried for you back there,” the green-haired Chief says. “You seemed close to losing your temper.”
Shouto gives him a bored stare. “You must be mistaken.”
Midoriya laughs and glances at Secretary Uraraka’s direction. “Maybe I was.”
Oh, speaking of which. “Uraraka, I didn’t know you knew Italian.”
Uraraka gives him a bright smile. “Apart from the types of pasta, I don’t know a word of Italian.”
“But you understood that that person was offering you a drink.” He wouldn’t have minded the flirting in an ordinary setting, but it’s a waste of time in this one. It’s a relief that he didn’t have to deal with it during the conversation.
She shrugs. “It’s obvious he was flirting. Even if I don’t really get what’s going on, all I have to do is this.”
She tucks her hair behind her ear again, much the same way she did before. Shouto wonders what her white sapphire earrings have to do with anything, until Midoriya laughs at her in awe. “Hey, now when did you get married, Uraraka-san?”
There’s a silver band on her ring finger, with obvious fake diamonds on them that she shows off with pride. “Since I won this at company day last year. It’s saved me a lot of trouble in the past.”
“Wow, you’re really ready for everything, aren’t you?” Midoriya says with a dreamy sigh. “No offense to Secretary Hagakure, since she’s pretty great too, but I’m so jealous of the Director for having a secretary like you! You’re like, a whole other level of efficient.”
Of all the things to be jealous of, Midoriya picks his secretary. What then about his skills and unparalleled genius in business? Shouto doesn’t hide his offense at that.
“Oh, don’t worry director, you’re pretty good at that too. No question,” the green-haired executive says with a bright smile. “You’ll be CEO in no time. I’m sure of it.”
It’s mere flattery if it came from anybody else but Midoriya, who has been by his side since business school. He accepts the compliment.
So the night wears on. Shouto poses for a few more pictures, talks to as few people as possible (which is still a lot--politicians, celebrities, models who want his attention and who are good potential business partners), and excuses himself when the threshold for politeness has been reached. Shoji comes to pick him and Uraraka up, and he collapses at the back of the limo feeling pretty pleased with himself.
“That went well,” he tells her as he pulls off the bowtie and allows himself to breathe properly. His voice is a little sore from talking too much, but it’s all worth it in the end.
“Agreed, Director,” Uraraka says with a nod. “You were exceptional in dealing with everyone tonight. I’m sure this will be good for the company.”
“Objectively speaking, yes, I was good.” He really is getting better at talking to people and sealing deals, so he’s proud of himself. “You did well too, Uraraka.”
She gives a cheery smile. “No, I could have done better. As you said, I need more accent training for my English.”
It’s a minor detail, pronouncing ‘business’ as bijiness, but Shouto is a stickler for details and perfection and Uraraka needs to address that problem. Still, if he had to rate her performance tonight it’d be a good solid 98.65%, which is pretty impressive for a high stakes event such as this.
Feeling very generous, he tells her, “Since you did a great job tonight, I can give you one thing you want. Anything at all.”
Uraraka looks up at him in mild surprise. “Anything?”
Shouto nods, even gives her that little smile that women like, for some reason. “Just say the word.”
He wonders how she can make her eyes sparkle like that, when they’re brown like chocolate and there’s only the city lights rushing past them to give her any light. Still, she continues to glow, her pink cheeks lighting up impossibly, pink-padded fingers tapping her chin in excitement.
It’s only out of pure impulse that Shouto said anything like that at all, but there’s a second between one heartbeat and the next when he’s sure he really will give her anything she wants. A new car, a new apartment, a new wardrobe, a better ring for her finger that isn’t as cheap as the one she’s wearing now. Heck, if she asked for it, he’d be willing to even give her a day off. And he’d pay for whatever it is that his secretary wants to do in her spare time. All she has to do is say the word, and--
“I’ve decided,” she says, after a moment. “Director Todoroki,”
Shouto nods, readying his mouth to say done,
“I’d like to quit my job.”
His heart pauses again, for an entirely different reason.
Quit her job? This job? Maybe she has some other job, even though it’s a breach of her contract to work part-time, but that’s the only thing that makes sense.
“I’d like to quit being your secretary,” Uraraka repeats with a patient smile.
The city lights blur behind her head, giving him a quick bout of nausea. An unnamed emotion rises to the back of his throat like bile, irrational and unpleasant, one that he refuses to let win.
“Okay. Done.”
She smiles at him and bows her head. Her hands come up to her chest as she gives another half-bow. “Thank you very much, Director.”
Shouto tries not to show an ounce of hesitation when he asks, “May I ask why you’re quitting?”
“Personal reasons,” she answers easily, and adds nothing more.
It’s nice, brief, and acceptable, just how Shouto likes his answers, but not this situation. For the first time in a long time, he’d like to hear her excuses, apologies, inane reasoning. Anything to make her decision make sense. Anything to make sense of the whirl of unpleasant feelings at the pit of his stomach.
But Uraraka remains silent, eyes staring straight ahead, with no indication of regret or remorse over her words. There’s a smile on her face too, one that’s too relieved for what she has just said.
For the first time in nine years, Shouto wonders if the smile he knows is merely a mask after all.
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moodring89 · 7 years
Dragons & Bambi
Tumblr media
 The above is inspiration :)
Pairing: Yoonji x Reader (F X F) Rated: M / NC-17 Genre: Gender bend!AU Warnings:  Light degrading, Possessive love, Jealousy, Anal play, Dildos, Face riding, Spankings     Summary: You were going to war against Yoonji. If she hadn’t cut and dyed her hair, she’d made for a stunning Mulan. Ah, yes. You could see it now. Yoonji – sneaking off into the middle of the night to fight on her father’s behalf, being sassed all damn day by an ancestral guardian, and getting trained rather poorly, by you, no less. No – damn it. You had to quit doing that. This is the sequel to Snow White & Bambi. I recommend reading it first, although it isn’t absolutely necessary.
Notes: 1. This will be the last of the Yoonji x Reader series. I loved writing it, but I’d put other ideas on hold to make this sequel, and I’d like to return to them. 2. There is a section in this story about polymorphic relationships. Yoonji is not down for it and neither is the reader, however that doesn’t reflect how I feel on the matter. Love is love and that’s it. I’ve written a polyamorous story with Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok on my ao3. It’s called SOAK. I’ll probably write more in the future. Sometimes readers will take what is written to base an opinion on the writer, but that’s not how things work. 3. Bad Dragon is real. It’s super real. I love the site. Those of you who are of age, definitely take a look. That being said, the Seadragon is real, too. 4. I edited this so fast, it probably sucks, but a promise is a promise :)   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragons & Bambi It had all started with War, which wasn’t real original, but most of the best laid plans weren’t…all that fucking original. How the hell were you expected to play a four way game of War? Yoonji had two decks of playing cards, apparently. Your beautiful, stormy princess liked to gamble. You could tell by the way she effortlessly listed off card games you’d never heard of. Taehyeon herself only knew how to play Uno and you were only vaguely familiar with Black Jack. Jimin couldn’t bear to be typical, claiming that she was merely out of practice, but that she wouldn’t mind relearning Poker. Right. That was the moment when it was decided that you were going to war against Yoonji. If she hadn’t cut and dyed her hair, she would have made for a stunning Mulan. Ah, yes. You could see it now. Yoonji – sneaking off into the middle of the night to fight on her father’s behalf, being sassed all damn day by an ancestral guardian, and being trained rather poorly, by you, no less. No – damn it. You had to quit doing that. Today was supposed to be spent appreciating Yoonji’s cozy studio apartment and her new sleek, black Fazioli. She’d been saving up for the piano for so long, which was why she hardly ate at lunch, and lived off of Costco sized boxes of ramen. She’d played earlier for you and your friends, all parties had been entranced by the way her delicate fingers bent into each key, each stroke graceful and precise. You had to wonder if basketball was just a hobby and this was her real passion. A discussion for another time. Things had changed since thirty minutes ago, what with how your two friends and girlfriend were now sitting on her fluffy mint carpet, emptying their purses out in some sad attempt at upping the stakes. It was Yoonji’s suggestion, of course, since she was a goddamned criminal! You would make it a point to question her about her shady past. Perhaps on a day where you’d be down with losing your girlfriend, turning her in for bounty. You honestly hadn’t been expecting this outcome and you didn’t have any cash on you. You didn’t believe in the stuff anymore, using your credit card for literally everything. Yoonji stared at you, expectantly, “Well?” You zipped up your bag, defeated, “I’ve got nothing, unless we can throw in some tampons?” “Oh, Tampax or Playtex?” Taehyeon asked, seeming genuinely curious. “She wears Always pads, because she’s too afraid to use anything else,” Yoonji mused, thoroughly enjoying the flustered look that washed over you then, like the doom had settled in deep enough to take up residence. She shook her head at your friend, “The tampons are mine and aren’t to be used as currency.” Holly, Yoonji’s toy poodle, padded its way on over into your lap. Pouting as she spoke, your girlfriend shared an idea, “Why not just offer yourself up? Winner gets to do whatever they’d like with you.” Now that – that was interesting. Any kind of scenario where you would get to piss her off was advantageous for you, since Yoonji’s retaliation was often at times an experience. “Anything they’d like with me?” you reiterated, slowly. Yoonji stared between Jimin and Taehyeon. You could tell that she wasn’t in the least bit threatened by them, “I trust your friends, unless you don’t?” Taehyeon peered over at you pitifully, a small tremble to her bottom lip that made your heart sink with a heavy, tangible guilt you had no right to be feeling. Wow, your girlfriend sucked. “Of course I trust them,” you said, immediately. You then scooted towards Taehyeon, gingerly cradling her to your chest in an attempt to comfort her. Goodness, she was adorable. You hushed her softly, “I trust you, Tae-Tae.” Jimin was all too aware of the game that you were currently playing. Not the card game that was about to commence, but the, ‘let’s make Yoonji have regrets’ mind game. She scooped up her cards once Yoonji had expertly shuffled and dealt them out evenly, which – why was that so sexy to you? Jimin decided to go ahead and try her hand at acting, “Jeongguk’s still dying for that threesome, preferably with another girl. You wouldn’t mind helping me out with that should I win, would you?” “Looks like I don’t have much of a choice,” you said, trying your best not to cackle when Yoonji’s body grew stiff from out of your peripheral. She grew quiet then. Taehyeon covered her shocked gasp behind her deck, wide-eyed, “Unnie! I was just gonna have her reorganize my closet or alphabetize my games, or maybe walk Tanie a few times. So, like, okay, I was gonna make her do all of the above, but sexual favors? How could you?” Goddamn it, Taehyeon. Stop being so fucking cute. “Well, after the humiliation he faced during the whole cafeteria debacle a few weeks back, I’m sure that he’d be thrilled to finally get to have at least one of you…” Jimin sighed for the dramatics, looking less like soft mochi and a hell of a lot more like devil’s food cake. She stared hard at Yoonji, using the thugged-out version of her Busan dialect for the occasion, “…Jeongguk would love to play with your precious baby Bambi.” Oh, ho, ho, ho, Merry fucking Christmas. Jimin just delivered. “I’d just like to be invited,” Taehyeon joked, oblivious to the tension that was slowly consuming the air in the room, suffocating those of you who were clued in on the situation. The metaphorical storm clouds were just starting to roll in, casting a shadow that loomed overhead. “Play your cards,” Yoonji said, the tone in which she spoke with uncharacteristically light, as she maintained an eerily calm demeanor. If you were being honest, it was kind of terrifying, but in a way that also made you want to straddle her hips and start kissing her pale neck – wait, no. The game started with the four of you flipping your cards down in unison. It was law of the universe, which you both loved and hated. For some reason, things always seemed to go this way. You’d anticipated a couple of different outcomes, even though War was a game of chance. It required no skill to be played, zero finesse whatsoever. You thought Jimin would have her victory or that you’d end up a few dollars richer. Maybe you’d even become Tae’s personal dog walker, but no – it never, ever truly went the way you’d like it to, and the odds were never, ever in your favor. Because Yoonji had won and if you knew your girlfriend, she wouldn’t hold you to anything, especially since she already had you, right? And she often used you however the hell she pleased, so no real excitement there. Being extra petty about it, she refused any challenges for a rematch, using the excuse of it being late, and that she was tired, even though she usually doesn’t fall asleep until four in the morning, and it was only ten in the evening. The girls left shortly after that, being chased off by Holly, until they were out the door. You stood at the center of the room, rather awkwardly, while Yoonji quietly picked her Naruto printed cards up from the floor. You’d thought things would calm down some, but the tension had only amplified the moment you two were alone. After what had felt like an eternity of unbearable silence, you’d gathered up enough courage to ask her, “Am I staying the night or am I going home, Yoonji?” To keep yourself busy, you started nervously pulling at the Lord of the Rings sheets, making them neater. It was the extra set from your place that you’d given to her upon learning that she’d only had the Lord Nermal ones. No one should have to live under those conditions. An odd sensation hit your chest when she didn’t answer you at first. It felt like a hand had reached its way in and squeezed tight around your heart, Temple of Doom style. “Staying,” she’d said, finally. It killed you that Yoonji even had to think it over. How long had it taken her to decide that she wanted you there? You already knew what you did wrong, but that hadn’t stopped you from inquiring, “What did I do? Was it the Jeongguk thing? I know you don’t really know Jimin very well yet, but she’d never make me do something like that. It was only meant as a joke.” She looked at you, seriously, “Well, I didn’t find it funny, especially when Jeongguk had actually propositioned us.” So, that was it, then. You’d managed to really upset her, which hadn’t been your full intentions. Now you felt awful. “I don’t want him that way and it’s not something that I would ever let happen, because I…” She narrowed her eyes at you, waiting for the rest of that sentence. The word ‘love’ hadn’t come up yet, but it was true. You loved Yoonji. “I thought it was pretty obvious, considering that I’m with you.” “Yeah, that’s another thing,” she said, getting up from her spot on the floor. The way she started to pace gave away to how strongly she felt about it, how important it was to her. You steeled yourself for whatever the hell it was, as she continued, “I don’t understand how your friends can just give each other away so freely. Could you lend me out? Could you watch me fuck someone else? Could you do it? Would you risk me falling for someone else?” You took a moment digesting her words, “I’m not into polyamorous relationships or spontaneous three ways. So, no…I wouldn’t risk it, and I don’t really want to share you. I don’t want to care for anyone else this way…” She’d just opened herself up to you, so it was only right that you should return the favor. “Sometimes, I feel so much for you that it scares me? I’m really not used to it. ‘Kay, like Tinkerbelle, I think my heart is too small to love more than just one.” Oh, shit. Wait. “I meant, like, liking more than just one…” You covered your face, because one, it was fucking embarrassing, and two you were so close to saying that you loved her. You loved her too much to add another person and you were a selfish being with your own jealousy issues. Yoonji had always made you feel so secure in your relationship that you never had to show it, but it was there. Holly was one or two licks away from being homeless, piano skills or not. Yoonji’s hands were cold when she placed them atop of yours, gently prying them away from your face, so that she could look at you. There was a small smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, smug, “I love you, too, Bambi.” That was one way to break you completely. The words could now safely be shared between you both and she hadn’t even teased you about your ridiculous metaphor. Ah, Yoonji. You leaned into her and hid your face into the base of her neck. You could cry from the happiness, but you wouldn’t. Maybe you’d save it for tomorrow during your shower. Instead, you enjoyed the way she held you against her, slowly rocking you from one foot to the other. “I didn’t think you’d get this upset,” you sighed, somewhat shakily given all the emotions coursing through you at the moment. You smoothed your hands along her back, clinging like a koala. She smelled so fucking good, like fabric softener and that fancy brand perfume she always wore. “Really, I didn’t mean for it to go that far, but this talk had to happen.” You felt a chill run down your spine when she’d paused, chuckling dryly, “Were you trying to upset me, baby?” Too much time had passed to the point where the answer had become obvious. What was the use of denying it now? “Yes, but I regretted it the moment I realized that you were angry.” “Awe, but you got your way…” Yoonji said, slipping her fingers through your hair in soothing strokes, comforting and baiting you all at once, “…again. So, how am I expected to believe that you’re being sincere with me?” “Well, if you’d just…” believe me? There was no way out of the hole you’d just dug yourself in. You knew that – she knew that, as she gently pulled your head back so that you were staring up into two stones of onyx. Despite how soft the action had been, you knew that she’d felt tested, and that patience had been lost on her a long time ago. She commanded you, softly, “On your knees, sweetheart.” And the only reason she was soft, was because she knew that you would do it, regardless of the tone she used on you. Accomplishing this task meant you had to move slowly, due to the fact that she’d yet to release her grip on your hair. Once you were kneeling on the floor, she used her other hand to grab at the side of your face. Long, ring adorned fingers were splayed out across your cheek, roughly dragging her thumb over your bottom lip. “Open up for me.” The voice she kept using was notably rich and smooth like honey, which had its own pleasant effect on you, especially when it was obvious that Yoonji thirsted – fucking thirsted for you. You could see it in the way her drowsy catlike eyes settled on your mouth, while she waited. You parted your lips, her skin skimming past your teeth when she pushed two slim digits inside your mouth. Yoonji was all about sensation play – already hissing at the warmth she was met with, enjoying the wet velvet beneath her fingertips. Your brows creased when she pushed in deeper, her two fingers spreading around your tongue, mimicking the in and out motion of being fucked. She sighed, deeply, “Jeongguk would love this, wouldn’t he? He’d love nothing more, than to slide his cock inside your hot little mouth.” You whimpered at the husk in her tone, the implication of her words – Yoonji was still upset with you, and for that, she would be relentless. The saliva dripping down past your chin only served to spur her on, as she took a step closer, her legs pressed to your knees. The angle forced you to arch your back, small hands grappling onto the hem of her hooded sweatshirt for balance. She leered down at you, “Look at how well you take me. Are you sure you’ve never done this before? You’re making such a mess, Bambi.” You breathed through your nose, focusing more on suction, cheeks hollowed as you met each thrust of her fingers, slurping around them lewdly. Three was your limit when your jaw had started to ache and your scalp was screaming, when she gave a particularly hard tug at the roots. It was like the more you tried pleasing her, the more annoyed she’d become. “If I had a cock, I’d never stop fucking you,” she said quietly, removing her fingers from your mouth and bringing them to the curve of her lips. “The best part would be…” She slowly licked each digit clean of your saliva, pink tongue flashing, and curling. “…filling you up with my cum and if you spilt it, I’d just fuck it back into you with my fingers. I’d make you hold it in, until you’ve understood that you’re mine.” You swallowed at the lump in your throat, overwhelmed by the picture she’d painted for you. “This is going to be very difficult for you to hear and I’m sorry to have to disappoint you, but I really don’t want Jeongguk,” you said, resting your shaky hands on the tops of your thighs. “You and the fact the you’re a girl, everything…Your body is what’s attractive to me, especially your…” Your eyes stared past her lower stomach, hinting at it, because there was no cute way to say it, in your mind, anyway. Yoonji narrowed her eyes at you, sneering, “My what, baby? My pussy? It’s funny how you can’t even say it, yet you claim to love it so much…” She unbuttoned the top of her jeans, the black ones with the many tears in them. Being pleasured wasn’t Yoonji’s favorite part. There’d been truth to when she’d stated that getting you off, got her off. Whenever she came to you for release first, it was like a special occasion. You felt as the excitement pooled at the pit of your stomach, watching in silent enrapt as she started stripping down into her sports bra, and boy-shorts. Yoonji was a sight to behold. All fair skinned and delicately toned in such few places, and was softer in others. You moved onto the bed, kicking your lazy egg skippers off carelessly. The mattress shifted beneath her weight, as she joined you, your legs falling around her waist to pull her closer. ‘You can’t even say it…’ “I love your pussy,” you breathed out across her lips, bravado there and gone, as you hid into a soft kiss, teeth pulling at her lips the same way she often used against you, hoping that it would wipe her mind clear of your abrupt statement. Her breath hitched with a short laugh, as she removed the pillows from under your head, and tossed them behind her. You knew what she wanted just from that single move, that she would want you to eat your words. “Mm, you also love eating it, too,” she husked, confirming it your beliefs – gathering your hair into a knot at the top of your head, getting it out of the way. It was the small things that Yoonji did that reminded you that she was the one in control. It was how you both preferred it to be. Cupping your face for a short, soft kiss, Yoonji steadied her intense gaze on you, “…and I’m going to ride your mouth, however I want, for as long as I want.” “Come on, then…” you encouraged her, trailing your fingers down her sides and to her hips, guiding her forward. She was very careful when spreading her pale knees over your shoulders, leaning slightly so that you could pull her panties aside. The material was already soaked through with her arousal, the scent of her thick and heady – your mouth practically salivating, eager to taste her. She lowered her hips, slotting herself perfectly against your mouth, all firm and tight without any plausible escape then. The first taste was always satisfying to you, like sweetened salt on your tongue that you wanted to drink in. “Ah, fuck…” she hissed, one hand gripping your hair with the other twisted in the sheets, using both as leverage to grind down onto your tongue. You knew that it wouldn’t take much with Yoonji being so sensitive, even more so than yourself. She’d spiraled fast, coming in a myriad of shivers and filthy expletives. Yes, fuck your mouth, fuck her, and fuck you again. She hadn’t moved off your mouth, when she guided your fingers towards her dripping entrance, tilting her head back when you eased two of them into her slowly, one at a time despite how slick she already was from coming. You pumped your fingers in and out of her tight warmth, mindful of whenever she moved back against them. Her hand grew tight in your hair, “You’re so good, baby. You’re so, so, so good…” She was going to be the death of you… You moaned at the appraisal, the sound of it reverberating against her clit – her back curling, much like a cat’s, in response to the pleasure thrumming throughout her entire body. You dug your nails into her skin, knowing that anywhere you touched was bound to leave a mark, as was the curse of Yoonji’s pale skin. She groaned at the sharp sensation, as she started to undulate her hips in earnest, caught between the quickened thrusts of your fingers, and the wet strokes of your tongue. She’d chased her second orgasm, until she’d felt properly wrecked by it, trembling so hard that you had to hold her still. The guttural sound she made when you pulled your fingers from her made ache at your core, going from dull to acutely uncomfortable. She loosened her grip on your hair and leaned back, so that she wasn’t smothering you for the time being. You licked at your swollen lips, chest heaving for air. It wasn’t as though you were oblivious to the fact you’d been painfully turned on since the moment she asked you to kneel. You knew that inside your panties was an embarrassing mess. Your eyes closed, breathing out, “How do you always taste so good?” “It’s because I’m part peach and we aren’t done yet. I still want your tongue, so stick it out…” her voice was throaty and raw – doing things, doing things to you. And a part of you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, but you did as she asked, extending the muscle into a point as best as you could. Since Yoonji was taller, it was easy for her to sit up to align her soaked entrance with your tongue. She sank down, pulling at her bottom lip with her teeth at the soft, velvety intrusion. It would take much longer to do her in a third time, but you were enthusiastic. The shallow thrusts of your tongue hadn’t been enough to do her in alone, as she rubbed herself to completion. When she’d finally released, you soothed her through it, trailing the flat of your tongue against her slick, cleaning her in the same manner she so often did for you, enjoying the small jolts of her body, still over sensitized. She rolled off of you, throwing her limbs about wherever. Your girlfriend was gorgeous when she was utterly blissed out. Her skin was lightly covered in a blanket of sweat from the exertion, flushed a pretty pink from her ears down to her chest. Her nipples were painfully erect, visibly showing through the thin material of her sports bra. You wanted, but you were not permitted to have. So, you tried to focus on something else, finding that Holly was in his bed with his back turned, a paw placed on one of the keys to his mini piano, asleep. Thank god. After deciding that she wasn’t going to fall asleep easy, Yoonji tapped your arm. You looked over at her and were met with a thumbs up. Your heart was still racing from being engaged in sexual congress for what had felt like several hours with her, lips swollen and tingling as a result. You were so horrifically turned on to the point where you were half-tempted to ride one of her stuffed animals for relief. Thumbs up. “I’m gonna go shower,” she said, promptly patting the space between your legs, where you were practically throbbing. You covered your face with your arm, biting into the skin, because what the actual fuck? A slight curve of her fingers and she was firmly cupping you into her palm. Oh, my god. The way she pressed in revealed just how soaked you were, but there was no invitation sent your way, when she wordlessly abandoned you there. Was Yoonji still angry with you? At the thought of Jimin using you in a threesome that would never, ever happen? You laughed into the quiet of the room, thoroughly annoyed at the situation. It wasn’t a common thing, since Yoonji could do no wrong in your eyes, but this was just absurd. When she finally returned, her silver hair was mostly towel dried, and she was wearing her favorite black sheep pajamas, the pair that you’d secretly coveted. You’d only just managed to calm yourself down, when she slipped under the sheets. Before bed, she usually liked to enjoy the splendors of Reddit, pawing at you to look at whatever she found to be particularly hilarious, but tonight went differently. Instead, you were being engulfed by her slender limbs wrapping around you like vines. You grew still when you felt her mouth pressed hot and wet against sensitive shell of your ear, as she spoke quietly, “You lost the war, Bambi and now you’re all mine. I’ve already thought of what I’m going to do with you.” Oh, right. That happened. “Didn’t you already get what you wanted?” you asked, fighting chills when her breath fanned over your skin with every exhale. It was effortless for her to turn you on, which really wasn’t all that fair. “Like, three times?” Yoonji chuckled short, “You know I’d never let you off that easy.” “You didn’t let me get off, at all,” you grumbled, trying to push her hands away from you, when she pulled you to the wall of her chest. “You’re right, I didn’t and I’ve got news for you, baby. It’s only going to get worse, because I’m not going to fuck you,” she said, as she secured her arms around you more tightly, anticipating your frustration. “Not until I’m sure that you’re desperate for it.” You dared to ask, “Desperate for what, exactly…?” She nuzzled into you with her small nose, teasing the skin at the back of your neck, despite dropping words that were about to make you shudder, “For when I cum inside you.” What? ---------------------------------------------------- The war was ready to come to an end. You were grateful for that fact, having paid dearly along the way, always being reminded of your loss. At first, the thought of Yoonji not touching you was ridiculous. You’d thought that it would be impossible for her to adhere to such rules, but each day she’d proved you wrong, pulling back from your kisses long before they could deepen. You were allowed to get yourself off and you did – countless times, but it wasn’t the same. When would you be deemed as desperate enough? You’d even asked nicely the one day with ice-cream and Netflix prepared, but she’d dismissed you with a single look. Now, you couldn’t dance. Not at all, but that hadn’t stopped you from trying to seduce her, shyly looking away from the heavy scrutiny she’d fixed you with. Perhaps you should have worn something racier than Jimin’s cow onesie? You trailed the zipper down as your hips swayed mostly off rhythm. You hadn’t been wearing a bra beneath it, since the fabric was practically fitted to you anyway. Jimin was less curvy – still curvy, just less. The moment you were about to spread the material apart, she’d quickly grabbed your wrists, stopping you. ‘You really are the cutest, Bambi,’ she’d said, pressing a soft kiss to your nose, successfully deflating you. A few days later she’d finally told you that she ordered a couple things, special toys for your growing collection. The only thing that kept her from destroying you was time. You wondered what else you two could possibly need. Nevertheless, you waited – cursing Sunday when it had rolled around. The tension in your body was steadily building, until you felt as though you would collapse. Literally everything Yoonji did was sexy in some fucked up way or another. It could be something as simple as tying her shoelaces to slurping her ramen. Two packages had arrived the next day. You signed off on them, since Yoonji was busy with putting together a bookshelf, possibly to hold more of your things and not her own. Fixing and building things was something she did often, and was actually quite good at. You held up the boxes, showing them to her. The two were differed greatly in size, one of which had a dragon printed on it. “Your stuff came in,” you said, placing the boxes down on the couch. Holly pawed at the cardboard, confused and intrigued by its existence. “Can I take a shower or do you want my help?” She’d denied you several times already, claiming that the bookshelf was her project. “Go shower, baby,” she said, before stilling in her work, deciding on something. “You should take the smaller package with you and try it on for me.” You picked it up, finding that it was rather light. Perhaps it was clothing? You walked down the hallway and stepped inside the bathroom. Your clothes, along with two fresh towels were placed on the counter earlier. You used a pair of scissors from the sink drawer to cut through the packaging tape, feeling your way past the protective materials, and pulled out a small box. It read: Black Alloy Purple Jeweled Anal Plug? It was about two inches in height and one inch in width, so decently tiny, but you’d never worn a plug. The furthest Yoonji ever went was teasing the pad of her finger against your rim or catching you with her tongue when she sloppily ate you out. You weren’t adverse to the experience, not at all. It was simply just – new. The shower was longer than usual, as you spent a considerable amount of time washing, and rinsing the suds from your body. It’d been a full week, since Yoonji last touched you, which made you feel anxious and self-conscious all over again. You stepped out of the tub and into a towel, patting yourself dry. You skimped on lathering yourself up with lotion, when you’d only end up showering again later. It would have been better if Yoonji had assisted you with this, but there was probably a good reason why she hadn’t. Her lack of patience, her obsession with building that bookshelf, or perhaps her inability to stop once she started? You removed the plug from its plastic and inside the box was a sample packet of lube. It was a generous amount, despite its size, coating the bulbous tip of the toy and around your hole with it. Your fingers were already wet, as you slowly eased one past the tight resistance. You knew then that this was going to take awhile and it did – as you alternated between your pointer and middle fingers, releasing a shallow breath at the odd sensation. With more lube, you were able to push them both in, as you stretched yourself further with each thrust, until you felt ready for more. The cold, smooth feel of the plug made you shudder, as you teased it past your already drenched opening, and felt it catch on your rim. Pressure and warmth filled you up, when you slowly pressed the toy in all the way, the jewel nestled against your hole. You were trembling at the knees, laughing. You were honest to god laughing at how ridiculous the situation was, how such a small thing could completely destroy you. The fact that you were doing this for Yoonji as a punishment had you deliriously turned on. She’d reduced you to this state, leaving you pathetically desperate and needy – all according to her plan. You didn’t bother with getting dressed, settling for the robe that was hanging on the back of the bathroom door. It was fluffy and soft on your sensitive skin. Holly was waiting for you when you stepped into the hall, rolling over onto his back for love, which you passed up on – no matter how cute the little devil was, you weren’t about to bend down just yet. The main room was essentially the bedroom, with Yoonji’s bed against the wall with the only window in the room. And on it – sitting pretty and clearly waiting for you, looking almost twice as impatient, was your girlfriend. Judging from the unopened bags of screws and bolts on top of the written instructions, the shelf had been abandoned long ago. Probably the moment you’d turned the shower on. “I wanted to watch,” she admitted, her dark eyes following your every movement, wetting her lips like you were a meal. “The thought of what you were doing nearly drove me mad. I couldn’t even focus on that damn shelf.” You smiled, shyly, as you stepped closer, “What was in the dragon box?” “We’re going to be the proud parents of a baby fire dragon. The egg is under a heating lamp in the kitchen,” she bantered, not skipping a beat. “I’m thinking we can name it Pete, no matter what the gender, and teach our child to roast apples and sweet potatoes. We can live on a farm, sell them locally.” “Oh, yeah? I think Pete is a beautiful name for our fake dragon baby,” you said, bringing your hands to the tops of her shoulders, allowing her to pull you in closer by your hips. You were standing between her thighs, staring down at her, wondering if she could see how badly you needed her. “Bad Dragon is a company that makes very interesting toys,” she explained, while running her hands over the back of your thighs, gripping the flesh there abruptly, before she released you completely. It’d been too close to where you were already so sensitive and full from the plug. Your eyes closed for but a brief moment, trying to pay attention to her words. “There was a rather broad selection. Most of the wearable dildos were made specifically for cum play.” She drew the familiar straps of leather from behind her back, the dildo already secured. It was small in size and silver in color, shimmering with sparkles when she angled it to show you. Yoonji wasn’t into realistic textures, as you’d found out in the past. It didn’t matter to you either way, but the shape of the dildo was unusual – not human. From the base to the tip, its curves and ridges were enticing. “It’s called the Seadragon.” That made more sense to you. She then held up a bottle that contained a milky white substance. Snapping the cap opened, she poured a droplet onto her thumb. “It looks like cum and it’s sticky like it, too.” It was thick and webby when she tapped her pointer finger against it, showing you just how similarly messy it was to the real thing. You’d stayed quiet during her presentation, too hyperaware of how stimulated and sensitive you were to everything – wanting Yoonji to finally take you. Strap up and fuck you before you lose your mind. Her eyes stared up into yours then, her voice filled with heat, “Do you like it, baby? All of these fun things I bought for you?” ‘Baby’… Ugh, yes. You nodded your head in response, not trusting your voice not to sound like nonsense at the moment. “So, how do you wanna do this? You want me to dress up like Lego-ass or how about that weirdly cute bald creature who was obsessed with Frito’s magic cockring?” Gollum. Once this was all over, you were going to sit her ass down to watch the franchise from the beginning, starting with the Hobbit. You untied the front of the robe you’d borrowed and let it fall to the floor, tossing aside your previous apprehension, as you climbed onto the bed, ignoring the pressure below your tailbone. You were flat on your stomach, grabbing onto the cookie-shaped plush with the odd eyebrows. You looked over at her with all the adoration that you could muster, giving her your best look of faux-innocence, despite what was soon to come, “I wanna get fucked...” That was how Yoonji wanted this to go, right? The way her fingers curled into the sheets, almost in warning, made you continue. You bit at the side of your lip, teasingly, “I don’t want you to stop, until you’ve filled me with every last drop of your cum.” That was enough. She sighed out heavily, as though that single breath was the only thing keeping her anchored to all manners of self-control. Now it was gone. Yoonji stood up from the bed, arms crossing at her sides to pull her shirt off. Her breasts were so small that she didn’t bother with wearing a bra. Today was one of those days. You drank in the routine without shame, convinced that you’d never get sick of watching her get undressed. She discarded her panties from off the tip of her toe. “You have no idea how difficult it’s been trying to keep my hands to myself,” she said, her voice an octave away from growling. “That ridiculous dance you did the other day, even though we both know you can’t dance for shit, somehow got me wet after I’d just fucked myself in the shower.” The black leather straps cut into her pale skin, as she fastened it tightly around her slim hips. Moving out of your line of sight, she’d straddled your legs. You kicked them up, lightly knocking into her a few times, until she caught you by the ankles. Yoonji didn’t even have to verbalize for you to stop, for you to cease movement entirely. The Shooky plush in your arms had done little to prepare you for when her palms bit into your skin, the sound of impact startlingly pleasing to the both of you. Warmth radiated over your skin when she repeated the action, spanking you again. “A-Ah, Yoonji…” “I could do this all day,” she said, possessively grabbing at your ass cheeks on the third sting of her hands, spreading you wide until her eyes fell to the purple jewel against your rim – the area around it was pink, and wet still. “It looks sore, baby. Did you take your time prepping yourself? You’re practically dripping right here.” Beneath the plug, your entrance was glistening with arousal, walls clenching from just the light touch of air – at the fact that she was fixated on your most intimate places. Another firm slap made you jolt forward, even though there was no place to escape to. “Raise your hips.” She’d made enough room for you to do just that, but was unwilling to stop touching you. Black painted nails skimmed over your skin, pressing in hard until pink lines followed her every stroke up and down your sides and down the back of your legs. The bite of her nails was enough to make you beg, “Yoonji, fuck me, before I fuck myself.” “That’s not how this works, Bambi. You’re going to be patient for me,” she mused, her hand skimming down the cleft of your ass, taking the jewel between two of her fingers – watching the way your rim stretched when she’d begun pulling it out slowly. “…while I take my time introducing you to a new type of play. I’m gonna make you love it.” You felt so empty once the toy was removed, the heat you felt there gone when she leaned forward and dragged her tongue over your hole. You cried out, digging your nails into plush, “Oh, Yoonji, please…” No amount of begging was going to make her be more merciful towards you. You’d learned that lesson the hard way. Instead, she pressed the small tip of the plug back inside you, watching how well you swallowed it up, before thrusting the point of her tongue into you – wet and soft, determined to prod you as deeply as the alloy had done. She poured the milky lube over your rim, using the plug to catch it before it could ooze out, and pushed the toy back inside of you. She cursed low, “Fuck. I wish you could see yourself…” You whimpered when she started fucking you slow with it. The lube on your skin was a lot like cum, which only added to the appeal as she kept murmuring vulgarities about how good your pussy would look stuffed with it. The filthy sounds of each intrusion would have killed you, if you weren’t already dead. “It has no flavor, which is good…means it won’t muddle how you taste,” she said, teasing her tongue around the jewel, as she started tapping two of her fingers against it. Fuck. You could cry, it felt so good, but you needed to be touched where you ached the most, deeper – you needed more, but she kept avoiding the rest of your body. Bringing a hand between your thighs, you started rubbing over your clit in a familiar routine. You felt struck by the pleasure washing over you then. The extra stimulation felt so good, you could barely keep your eyes opened, snuggling further into the plush. Relief was within your grasp, soft sighs and moans flooding the suddenly quiet room. You hadn’t even noticed that Yoonji stopped what she was doing, until the slap came – the sound of it worse than the sting, when her palm met the tender flesh of your bottom. You’d already been sore from when she’d spanked you earlier. Each breath you took was shaky and uneven. Not bothering with apologies, you slowly withdrew your hand. “Not fast enough for you?” she asked, as she forcibly turned you onto your back. The sheets felt rough against your sensitive skin. The pain was a welcomed pleasure that you’d never had to openly clarify in order for her to understand. Getting Yoonji angry like this was a benefit for you. It was how you’d gotten yourself into this situation in the first place. She parted your thighs with the strength of her own and leaned so that her face was close to yours, her breath reaching your skin, “How’s this, then? You said you wanted to get fucked.” “I’m glad you finally heard me,” you breathed, sighing at how the heat and weight of her body felt so, so good, keeping you pinned to the mattress. She smirked audibly at your rebuttal. The sound was enough to send a chill down your spine, as she guided the dildo up and down between your slick folds, steadily driving you mad. A press of Yoonji’s finger forced some of the thick lube to spill out of the tip, as she continued coating you with every stroke. Punishment in its rawest form was Yoonji’s outright rejection, even though she was about to fuck you senselessly, thus giving you what you wanted, but she wouldn’t kiss you. She wouldn’t place her pretty kitten mouth where you needed it to be – on purpose. So, it would still be a win and loss, despite this entire evening being about you and your pleasure, and your new experience. She brought the curved head of the toy to your entrance and halted, allowing you to feel her there with a hand placed on your hip, holding you still. “You might be too small, baby,” she breathed, the tip of the dildo already stretching you so wide, despite how petite it was, she’d never given you more than you could withstand – her dark eyes flickering from where your bodies were connected to the furrowed expression on your face, as she started pushing into you slowly. Her hips didn’t let up, until you were filled to the brim. The added pressure against the plug inside of you was intense and made you feel deliciously full in both holes. “Fuck, Bambi…” she hissed out, teeth pulling at her bottom lip. “You always look so fucking good when you’re under me, eager to take whatever I give you, so greedy and willing to be wrecked by me.” She emphasized each word with a hard slam of her hips, making you cry out each time. “You always. Want. More.” The flat base of the dildo pressed more firmly against her swollen clit the deeper she pounded into you. Yoonji was meticulous in the way she paid close attention to how close you were by going off of the sounds you were making. She could read you very easily, familiar with all your obvious tells. The way your eyes fluttered shut, mouth parted – how soft sighs had turned into sobs. You were lost in the pleasure licking its way up your thighs, as you cupped your own breasts. She licked her lips at the action, digging her nails into the back of your legs, bending them far enough to capture a nipple into the wet heat of her mouth, sucking down hard enough to make you arch your back against it. You pulled her face to the side of your neck, gasping when you felt her teeth graze sharply over your skin. The new angle allowed her to thrust in deeper and more controlled. You were nearly there, muscles clenching tightly around both toys. “I-I’m so close,” you gasped, arms going around her neck to hold on. You fought your eyes to stay focused on the dark intensity of Yoonji’s half-lidded stare and physically trembled. Why must she be like this? She finally brushed her lips over yours, her voice broken. “I’m gonna cum.” The words were all for show, but you appreciated it. You careened in bliss and were held closely when your orgasm tore throughout your body – coupled by the liquid heat that had started to fill you. Yoonji’s cum gushing out of you as she slowed her hips, easing you through it. She drew back far enough so that she could look, the leather of the straps, and her lower stomach painted in the creamy lubricant. Each time she rocked forward, more of it came out from around the dildo that was still buried deep inside you. From the way she marveled at the mess, it was obvious that she’d found a new kink. Yoonji pulled out and watched as your raw pink walls clenched and unclenched, pushing more of the mingled release out. “That’s so fucking…” was all she managed to get out, before her fingers went to work on the straps around her hips, until it was dangling from off of one leg, quick to expose herself. She grabbed hold of your leg and brought it to the top of her shoulder in a way that was familiar to you. This was how she typically enjoyed fucking you. And Christ. You were still so sensitive. You turned slightly, so that she could fit better against you. It was then that you realized that your ass was completely covered in the thick lubricant. You could feel it as the air swept over your skin. Yoonji ran her fingers over the sticky liquid, gathering it up with her fingers, before rubbing it around the plug. The fuck… Just as she’d brought her hips forward into yours, she slid the bulb from your tender hole, and slammed it back in. Oh, fuck… Perhaps even you’d found a new a kink. She held onto your thigh, using it as leverage to firmly grind her clit against yours, the friction acute and perfect. Yoonji lolled her head to the side, somewhat lost in watching you from between sharp strands of silver hair. Each roll of her hips was aided by the fact that you were already so wet and slippery. The loud smack of skin meeting skin was absurd, as she continued riding you into the bed – all the while, driving the plug into you at the same quickening speed as her hips, reaching towards oblivion for the both of you. You curled your fingers in the sheets, throwing your head back as the pleasure coiled tightly in the pit of your stomach, threatening to come undone for the second time. Yoonji practically growled the moment she’d come, gasping your name over and over again breathlessly. It didn’t take much more after that, when a few more thrusts sent you over the edge, meeting her hips throughout the waves of pleasure claiming your body. For awhile you stayed like that, catching your breath and staring back at one another like you’d just been taken apart, and were now gradually being pieced back together again. This was the aftermath. She pressed a lingering kiss against the leg that she was holding, before placing it back down gently. Next she removed the plug, the oddly satisfying pressure gone. Min Yoonji was the type to be perfectly fine with cuddling you while covered in sweat and cum. However, you weren’t about that life. “We need to clean up,” you rasped, clearing your throat – you’d screamed so much. She’d snickered like she was proud of it, trying to act nonchalant about stifling the sound. You continued, “Us and the toys, so we can put them away, before Holly gets curious...” She complied once the logic had sunk in, but at a snail’s pace, picking everything up, and bringing it all into the bathroom. You treaded behind her softly, turning the showerhead on and tried getting it to the right temperature. She liked it to be scorching hot, the steam soon flooding the bathroom. You turned to tell her that it was ready and found that she was staring directly at you, giving you that look. The same kind of look that predators tended to give their prey just seconds before they pounced, and devoured them. Shaking your head at her, because no, no – you stepped under the spray. You sighed as you felt the tension leaving your muscles, eyes closing as you stood there allowing the water to hit your back. You hadn’t noticed that Yoonji had joined you, until you were being pressed against the cool tiles. Her hand kept you still, as the water soaked through her hair. It was her turn apparently. She nodded to you, “How was it?” You knew what she was referring to, as this was the first moment you both had to address it. How did you like anal play? How did you like being filled up with fake cum? Honestly. “I really liked it,” you confessed somewhat hushed, despite how it was amplified due to the cramped space. The moment she moved closer, you settled more against the tiles, knowing that this exchange would not be short. You laughed, weakly, “I’m so tired, Yoonji.” “Yeah, that’s nice, but I’m not really sure how to keep my hands off of you when you’re right here, all naked and wet, and open to anal play.” You wanted to argue that she’d been turned on prior to that fact. All you needed was to be in the same room as her and Yoonji was ready to have you again…and again. There was no control. You brought your head to her shoulder, perving in on her small breasts. She’d only come once, after waiting for as long as you had. Truthfully, you wouldn’t have been satisfied with just one, either. You suddenly clamped your fingers down on one of her nipples, drawing a gasp from her lungs. You weren’t very good at this, which was probably why she allowed you to reverse the positions without much apprehension. Her back bounced slightly from the impact of meeting the wall and for a second you feared for your life, when she chuckled low, crooking a finger to call you forward. In a minute. You reached up, which was ridiculous given your height, and grabbed the detachable showerhead. You turned the dial onto a more powerful setting, to where the hot water jutted out rather sharply, and you watched as she jumped when you sprayed her on the leg. “What the fuck!” she gasped, feeling the water slowly trailing upwards. “Stay still,” you said, somewhat warily, knowing that if she had it her way, you’d be filled up all over again. Besides, there was no reason to trust her, even as she nodded her head in compliance. Not even a moment later, Yoonji had already betrayed you, pulling you into a kiss that consisted of teeth and tongue. This girl…You groaned into her, turning the spray in your hand and pressed it between her thighs, letting the water hit her directly. You didn’t allow her to pull away for air, holding onto the side of her face. More sensitive when wet, you dragged her bottom lip into your mouth, tugging hard on it, until she winced. You moved the spray back and forth, when she took hold of your wrist, keeping you still – her breathing becoming harsher, her sounds more desperate. You wanted to hear her better, as you willed yourself to part with her soft lips. You caught droplets of water in their travel with your tongue, drawing hard circles into the side of her neck. “Ah, Bambi, fuck…” she moaned, sliding her slim fingers through your hair, keeping your teeth against her skin. “That feels so good. I want you to mark me…” What an odd request from Yoonji. You sucked bruises along her collarbone, painting her skin in colors of red and purple – the contrast so starkly noticeable given her skin tone. They wouldn’t be there for as long as the ones she’d left on you, but it was still satisfying. You continued down lower to her tiny breasts, your mouth big enough to cover one side completely, before going to the other – taking turns swirling your tongue around her sensitive nipples, each flick causing her hips to stutter. “I’m gonna come,” she breathed, rolling her hips against the turret of water. The hand in your hair pulled you back up to her mouth, kissing you firmly the moment she released, trembling in your arms. You immediately dropped the spray, replacing it with your thumb, so that you could rub her through it, aware of how sensitive she must be, and would need something much softer. Slow, needy kisses, as she licked into your mouth, thanking you without having to say it. Her touches burned your skin, as she dug her nails in. This too, was a new experience for you both. She was vulnerable to you, which was something you cherished. Yoonji wasn’t perfect. You knew that from the beginning, but you’d like understand her insecurities. You wanted to help her put them away the same way she tried helping you with yours. That was love to you. After rinsing off in the then lukewarm water, you put on one of her large shirts, and a pair of panties from your designated drawer that was part of her dresser. She was in a pair of shorts and a tank top, pulling at the dirty sheets, and spreading out her Lord Nermal set. You helped her remake the bed, before climbing into it. Holly jumped up, already familiar with the routine, and settled just below your toes. “Traitor,” Yoonji pouted at her dog, as she plugged in her phone to start browsing Reddit. You curled towards her, placing Shooky down into her lap, so that you had a semi-comfortable pillow. Her fingers were in your hair, lazily stroking through the strands, as she read over articles, “Wait, wait, listen to this one. ‘My girlfriend is obsessed with brand name clothing and accessories. Is there any way to make her happy without throwing down my soul? Why isn’t my dick enough for her?’ Maybe Hoseok wrote this article.” You laughed, sleepily, “That sounds like him. We should invite them over this Friday. I want to watch the Hobbit, so that you could actually know who you’re role-playing next time.” “I’ll probably hate it. The movie, the company, but yeah,” she said, moving her fingertips to the side of your neck, trailing softly. “Sounds good.” “We should invite Jimin, too.” “Seems reasonable.” “She’ll probably want her boyfriend there –” Her hand twitched upon your skin, pausing, “That isn’t gonna happen.” “You need to get over Jeon Jeongguk.” “We’re both nice and showered. So, let’s not rile me up,” she said, sparing you a glance away from her phone. That was what you lived for, though. Which was why tomorrow, you were going to send out a group text, ‘accidentally’ hitting the ‘JK’ contact on your phone. “I can practically see the fucking cogwheels turning in your head,” Yoonji accused, lightly nudging your head with her thigh. “Whatever you’re thinking of doing, know that I’m capable of much worse.” It wasn’t much of a threat. It was more like, the promise of fucking you just how you wanted it. “I’m offended, to be honest,” you said, removing the plush from her lap, and throwing yourself down dramatically onto your side of the bed. “I love you, even though you lied about there being a fire dragon baby in the kitchen. I had checked and everything. My dreams of becoming cartoon Maleficent are crushed now.” She placed her phone on the nightstand, before turning the light off. “That’s what I’m here for, to crush your fucking dreams. I love you, too, baby.” Yoonji kept to herself when she slept, prone to one position and staying there throughout the entire night. However, you’d gotten so used to sleeping beside her that you were comfortable with doing more – anxiety no longer present when lying down with her. In the dark, the silence was too loud for you to fall asleep. You instinctively moved closer – just close enough to feel the warmth of her skin radiating against your own. You leaned your face up towards her, searching for that good night kiss. Despite not being able to see anything, you certainly heard her smirk, when she closed the distance, and kissed you softly. “Good night, Yoonji.” “Mmph…” ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fin~
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ber39james · 7 years
10 Grammarly Blog Posts from 2017 That You Need to See
There’s a lot of writing on the Internet, our blog included.
For the past 12 months, we’ve offered writing tips, advice for job- and promotion-seeking members of the workforce, quizzes to test your lust for language, and much, much more.
Out of the hundreds of posts authored on this here blog, we’ve picked out ten of our staff’s favorite posts. They represent the breadth of content you can find on our blog and our in our weekly newsletter. They also show the value of mistake-free writing and the value Grammarly can provide however you’re looking to improve your writing and communication skills.
And now, (drumroll please), let’s take a look at ten posts we hope you didn’t miss. And if you did, it’s OK, we forgive you, but you should check them out now because it’s December and this is a great time to recap the year.
1 Bear With Me or Bare With Me?
Worth your time because … There are so many confusing phrases in our English language. If it’s not whom or who, or even affect vs. effect, we can all stand to know the absolute difference between these common phrases that are constantly confused. Our “Grammar Tips” section also you covered for any grammar deep-dive you feel like taking during the holidays.
Text to remember … “Here’s an easy way to differentiate bear from bare. You learned that bear as a verb means “to endure.” In its noun form, bear refers to a large furry animal. Combining these two definitions into a silly sentence will help you remember that the correct phrase is “bear with me,” not “bare with me.” A patient bear will always bear with you, but an impatient bear just might devour you!”
2 5 Other Ways to Write “I Hope You Are Doing Well” in Your Email
Worth your time because … We all write emails. Lots of them. Raise your hand if you’re guilty of using a throwaway line like “I hope you are doing well” to introduce your email. Yup, my hand is up, too. We don’t have to live this way anymore. Our blog offers valuable thoughts on how to diversify your standard email icebreaker.
Text to remember … “Anyone who gets a lot of email is familiar with the stock “I hope you are doing well.” It’s the business email equivalent of small talk that begins with “How are you?” We all know that etiquette requires us to answer with “I’m fine. How are you?” Although this back-and-forth exchange is a rather meaningless part of face-to-face conversation, it’s become socially mandated. In email, however, “hope you’re well” comes across as extraneous at best and insincere at worst.”
3 10 Things You Should Avoid Saying in a Job Interview
Worth your time because … Landing a job interview is an accomplishment. Be proud! But also, you should know that it’s easy to ruin your candidacy with a flippant comment. Our “Workplace” posts provide quality advice on how to approach all angles of the job-search process, including things to avoid saying at your next job interview.
Text to remember … “Could the things you’re saying during job interviews be costing you offers? Knowing the right things to say requires practice and a little finesse. But accidentally saying the wrong thing is all too easy to do. Interviews are stressful, and it can be challenging to keep a cool head when your palms are sweating and your heart is beating double-time.”
4 11 Tips to Clean Up Your Dirty, Wordy Writing
Worth your time because … Brevity is your friend in writing. Don’t waste time getting to a very very important point with some kind of worthless phrases and words that like seemingly delay your reader from really and truly understanding the point you’re trying to make. Wasteful words can appear in anyone’s document or text. This post aims to rid the world of a few added phrases.
Text to remember … “Weasel words are qualifiers that make you sound unsure of yourself, like you’re trying to create wiggle room. Don’t get us wrong: in some cases, you need these words. But if you want to convey an idea or make an argument, remove words that make your readers think of slimy politicians trying to avoid stating something directly. Maybe it can make a difference. No, really: it makes a difference.”
5 How Game of Thrones Characters Would Approach a Writing Assignment
Worth your time because … You don’t have to be a GoT fan to enjoy lifestyle-inspired writing tips. Well, in this case, you have to know a few things about the famous HBO show to get the gist of what we’re getting at. Even so, making connections between famous authors and significant moments in pop culture happens often on our blog.
Text to remember … “Jon Snow begins his journey as an underappreciated bastard of House Stark and hesitatingly rises to lead the Night’s Watch. Eventually, he is elected Lord of Winterfell. Jon Snow, guided by a sense of duty and loyalty to his team rather than by ambition, seeks counsel and consensus almost to a fault. This tendency to rely on his support network and the wisdom of his council helps him to lead well, however. This is exemplified in both his election as Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch and Lord of Winterfell, when supporters speak on his behalf. Improve your writing the same way by regularly seeking feedback from respected peers.”
6 How to Improve Writing Skills in 15 Easy Steps
Worth your time because … Many of our readers visit the G blog for grammar tips, career advice, and—what else?—actionable tips on how to become a better writer. This post features fifteen ways to vastly improve your skills every time you put pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard.
Text to remember … “Becoming a better writer takes practice, and you’re already practicing. No, seriously—you write a lot. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a writer, you put thoughts into text more often than you realize. At the very least, you write emails—a lot of emails—post on social media, make updates to your résumé and LinkedIn profile, and message your friends. If your job requires it, you also create things like reports, presentations, newsletters . . . it’s a long list.”
7 Why Mistake-free Writing on Your Phone Is So Valuable
Worth your time because … You might be reading this blog on your phone right now. If you’re not, you have surely read something and written something very important on your mobile device at one time or another. So improve your writing on the go with this post. Now you know.
Text to remember … “Remember when phones were used exclusively for making phone calls? (Hard to believe, right?) Now we use our smartphones for all sorts of fun things . . . like sending text messages, answering emails, posting on Facebook, commenting on our favorite cat videos, and even finding true love. While the freedom and flexibility of using a mobile device is awesome—the frustration that comes from typing on a tiny touch screen is not so great.”
8 5 Basic Proofreading Habits for a More Productive 2017
Worth your time because … Re-writing is writing. The same goes for editing or proofreading. However you want to call it, the truth is that behind every great piece of writing is someone with a keen eye for details. Sharpen your skills with these five, dare we say, basic, proofin’ tips.
Text to remember … “If you can, walk away and do something else for a little while. Then come back and read it again. The more time that passes between writing and proofreading, the better you’ll be at spotting mistakes your brain skipped over the first time through.”
9 “Do You Write Like an Introvert?” Quiz
Worth your time because … Grammarly’s quizzes can test your knowledge in a number of capacities. Are your grammar skills legit? Can you interview like a pro? Or in this case, do you write like an introvert or extrovert? There’s only one way to know. Test yourself.
Text to remember … “Have you ever wondered how introverted or extroverted your work style is? This short quiz will help you understand whether your writing personality tends toward introversion or extroversion.”
10 We Studied 750 Top LinkedIn Profiles. Here’s How to Write Yours Better.
Worth your time because … LinkedIn profiles are quite common these days. Knowing how to create a strong presence on LI will do wonders for your networking and job pursuits. We gained a ton of amazing insights from analyzing 750 profiles from Fortune 500 companies.
Text to remember … “Filling out your profile summary matters, but only 42 percent of the entry-level employees we analyzed seemed to bother. Managers and directors both did so a bit more often—closer to half in our study. We suspect people overlook the profile summary because they’re often busy describing their work experience further down their profile—or waiting until they’re actually looking for a new job to make a proper introduction atop their page. In fact, regardless of their experience level, people proved more likely to fill out the work experience section. Especially among managers, 65 percent did so, cranking out a robust 192 words on average for each job they described.”
Did we miss your favorite blog post of the year? Let us know why you loved it in the comments section of this post. Thanks for reading!
The post 10 Grammarly Blog Posts from 2017 That You Need to See appeared first on Grammarly Blog.
from Grammarly Blog https://www.grammarly.com/blog/grammarly-top-blogs-of-2017/
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