#definitely someone I’ve left out dhskdbjshs but I am at work on lunch and have no brain
fictropes · 3 years
Okay you're so talented what the hell??? How do you write like that, how does your lovely brain work like that I can't...I wanted to ask you I'm curious since we're all in love w what you create, what are your favourite phanfics or works that inspire you??//you can totally say some of yours too, I would!
Ohhh😭💖 Thankyou so so much! I am gonna get... a massive head today lmao. 🥺💖
Oooo, outside of fic writers Richard siken ... my beloved. And honestly the National songs! A lot of my fics are national titles lmao. Book wise I don’t really read like.. specific authors?Just whatever ones I like the look of so author wise I have nothing. I do love a Rom com tho as u can probably tell
Here wise I will give u the people I’d been reading for years , like the people who inspired me to actually do my own stuff. I’d say they all have very different styles but they’re all so excellent and I got so much joy from reading all their stories. And I owe them all a Thanku for inspiring me even when they didn’t know it. So!!!!! @ahappydnp @alittledizzy @parentaladvisorybullshitcontent @chickenfreeblog @sierraadeux @indistinct-echo @dayevsphil @jestbee @judearaya and art thief fic will literally forever own my heart... and Ofc wavey. I read these people for years and god... they’re all so special and I hope they all know they’re a gift and I’m so thankful they’ve shared their stories with us! because without having read their stuff I don’t think I’d be writing rn. They all taught me lessons through their works and I’m sure you’ve already read them all but... U should go read them again :D 💖
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