percentstardust · 2 years
There's something off about how she is acting. Head tilts to the side. He's done this before to other people with abilities like her. They weren't as strong as she was, he easily overtook them just to experience a chance at living again for a while.
He got curious and he wanted to see if Sam would be easily possessed like the others. She is a fighter and he knew he would have had a hell of a time possessing her. She fought, but, he eventually won. Or maybe, she just gave up. She seems quiet right now. Maybe because he hasn't done much of anything......yet. He's just been wandering around her apartment, getting used to the body he is in now. Her brain is a little much, but, he can handle that. She thankfully remembered to take her medication earlier, so, he won't have to worry about her mood swings or mania for the moment. He turns when he sees Vicki enter the apartment. Huh. She's given her Aunt a key. How nice. He's watched their relationship progress. He finds it funny how she's seemingly latched onto Vicki since her step father abandoned her and her mother doesn't claim her. It makes him feel sentimental. He gets bored watching things from the sidelines. Yeah, sure, he can make himself known to everyone else besides Sam but what is the point? He’s still dead. This way he can experience some semblance of living again.
Head tilts to the side again as he watches his sister through his daughter’s eyes. “You’ve gotten so old.”
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@deflvwered asked ❛ winter is for hibernating. i’m going back to sleep. ❜ ( nicole for billy )
"When you're late for the test we have today in History class don't come crying to me about it." He shakes his head and looks at her "On second thought you're not looking so good so why don't you go back to bed, and I'll bring you back someone's notes to study and make sure you don't get in trouble with the teacher." Billy then gestures to the couch "The couch might be more comfortable than the bed but that's just my thoughts on it."
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vihilum · 2 years
Loneliness is a paralysis. More often than not, she feels excluded from every circle of friends she tries to join. Always other, outcast, it’s hard to be the life of the party when people don’t invite you around anymore. Riley blames herself, for all the bridges she’s burned to get to this moment.
She had chosen to seclude herself, isolate, so why was getting back to this world she left behind so hard? Why did it matter if she fit into the box?
Because it wasn’t meant for her to squeeze in.
@deflvwered said, “if they’re going to gossip, why not give them something to talk about?”
She’s at her desk when the voice’s disruption stirs her from her phone, where she’s been scrolling mindlessly for longer than anticipated. She’s jumpy, easily startled, and she pivots on her chair.
“I don’t want people to talk about me,” she didn’t know if that was sufficient, if it could fill the void, knowing their warmth surrounding only the mention of her, not the sight, “I don’t need people talking about me.” There was a bitter edge to her voice, “I’m tired,” and lonely, “I don’t want to do this right now.”
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iblewthewhistle · 2 years
“Your head looks pretty bad. I’m sure it’ll need stitches.” ( from kirsty )
Moving to sit upright, Waylon didn't even register her voice at first. He blinked through the terrible headache, his gaze shifting sluggishly over the young woman's form.
" Mmhm. Who...?" He managed to slur out, before he dropped his aching head into his hands, eyes screwed shut against the pounding.
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scribedhorror · 2 years
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@deflvwered​ || meme || accepting “the old girl scout comes through again.” ( from kirsty )
“You and Stan should have a meeting. Girl scouts and boy scouts coming together to save the world one knot at a time,” Bill teased, arms crossed casually over his chest, shoulder resting against the trunk of a tree while the opposite leg was kicked over the other leaving him balancing on just the one. 
“Really though, what did you manage to cook up?”
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therapardalis · 2 years
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[Public Transport Meme from @deflvwered​’s Ellen Ripley.]
“We need to get off. Come on.” ------------
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“Hm?” Thera raised her head, blinking. There was a joke in some circles that a Marine could sleep just about anywhere - in the dirt, in full pack, standing up leaned on a wall. It was also pretty much true, which made the slow, grumbling railcar from the accommodation levels to the docks a piece of cake.
Face scrunched a little she squinted out the grubby window, half-hoping that the other woman was mistaken, but alas the familiar outlines of cranes and loaders loomed outside and she sat up, scratching at her hair. “... fuck ...” Amended right after with a grunt and vague wave, “Thanks ...” At least ... Ellen? Yeah, Ellen ... had been kinder about it than the driver would have been, trying to get them all off his car so he could start on back. “I’m still getting used to the routine ...”
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typhoidcaught · 2 years
❛ what a load of bible - pushers. ❜ ( from veronica sawyer <3 )
"Tell me about it. I think small towns are only obsessed with religion because they know how close to death the whole place is."
He smirked and looked at the group before them.
"Who do you think gets called to heaven first, Sherwood or Uranium?"
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harbingercfdeath-a · 2 years
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@deflvwered asked ❝ ew, it’s covered in spit… ❞ ( a wild first interaction from cassandra )
Issac makes a face then and chuckles "Sorry, my dog must have got hold of it, he likes to cover everything he sees in spit but it's not like he can help it, he's just one of those dogs that slobbers a lot." He shakes his head and takes the tennis ball from her throwing it back out into the park for Bert to chase "I hate it when he brings his ball back covered in it though."
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carelesswhispersx-a · 2 years
@deflvwered asked “We all go a little mad sometimes.“ ( from vicki )
"I went a little mad when I thought starting a band would be fun and something I could make a go at." Connor chuckles and runs a hand through his hair "Turns out that having a band is a bunch of hard work and not all fun and games like I thought it would be." He looks at her, tilting his head to the side with a cocked eyebrow "So hwo have you gone a little mad lately Vicki?"
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akcsha · 2 years
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@deflvwered ❛ you can’t keep me here forever! ❜
She laughed and sat beside the human without fear. “I did not intend to keep you so long ,” She said. “You shall not even last the night.”
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percentstardust · 2 years
billy and vicki both share a brain cell. i love these murder siblings. @deflvwered
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@deflvwered asked “ever done anything like this before?” ( vicki to tate )
"What? Kill someone? Yeah, I've done it a few times and have enjoyed it really." The ghost says as he looks to her "I mean have you ever done anything like this before and did you enjoy or not enjoy it." Tate brings out a knife and plays with it as he looks at her and tilts his head to the side "I've never tried killing that I didn't like it with any type of weapon. I set my stepdad on fire didn't kill the dick but hurt him a whole lot and I just turned around and walked away, cool as a cucumber."
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soleiltm · 2 years
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@deflvwered​​ said: “I know you worked hard! But sometimes…you just got to know when to bail“ ( from adeline )
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❛ I know, I just... I really thought it’d work out this time, y’know? I was hopin’ things would finally go my way. ❜
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cosmicveiined · 2 years
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@deflvwered​ asked: briefly ending my temporary hiatus so corana can kiss her gf happy birthday ok bye
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blake is happily welcoming the birthday kisses from her gf! maybe later she and corana can sneak away to another planet for the rest of the day uwu
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vihilum · 2 years
@deflvwered said, “all this suffering is for something.”
He never sought lessons from scripture. Learned experience came outside the text. Taking steps forward of his own accord. Finding out his own way to survive beyond the night. He thought at one point, his hardest trial would be the night he lost his mom, but he had confronted Jason more times since that night, witnessed more death, and felt responsible for every life after that. Everything was staggered, and stacked, atop each other.
“What do you think it’s for?” Genuine curiosity pivoted towards the seer of hell. They’d entered their respective domains, but the view had been different. What had she seen there? What had it meant? “Cause I’m drawing blanks.”
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therapardalis · 2 years
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[Richard Siken Starter from @deflvwered​‘s Padme.]
❝There are many names in history, but none of them are ours.❞ ------------
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“Forgive me, Senator,” Thera cast an eye into the groundcar’s rear view mirror, “but I doubt that will remain true of your own.” And if it did - if it dared - then it was more than certain other voices would be raised in outcry. The Senate, the Jedi, most if not all of Naboo ... Amidala had done enough for all of them to be remembered forever.
Though as for Thera herself ... well, the less said on any official channels, the better. Her name meant something in other circles, and what it meant was very rarely good - and better off not mentioned. For now, she was just a civilian aide attached to the GAR, seconded in a pinch to drive Padme where she needed to be.
“I’m not usually in this Sector, Ma’am, not this high up. When we get closer, you’ll need to give me directions .”
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