adastrvs · 4 years
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                              ❛    how would you feel about . . .    ❜    alessandra trailed away as she went through his door. she had one hand in her bag, searching for something  in particular. she took out a few old-looking cassettes, a bright smile gracing her features.    ❛    noir movies !  i found these at an antique store and if i remember well, they’re either about crimes  or they’re horror  movies. so what do you say ?  movie night ?    ❜     (  @defyingrcvity​  )
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kingofnxwyxrk · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR: kat plumber && jack kelly @defyingrcvity​
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         KATHERINE was exiting the stage door of the theatre when she ran into the familiar face ( almost literally ). “ jack kelly ! ” she sounded surprised. she wasn’t sure if she was more caught off guard by his mere presence, or the fact she didn’t expect to run into him in this area of town. ( then again, she was well aware about how little she knew about him... should she really be surprised? )
       she leaned against the building as she continued, “ i didn’t expect to run into someone like you around these parts. ” her lips pulled into a slight smirk. “ or at least, i’ve never run into you ‘round here before, considering how often i am ... ”
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Like Minds >> Aliz Cleaves
Even before giving birth, Katharina hadn't been much of a club person.  The loud music usually left her ears ringing the next day, and in her early twenties she could be counted on to be the girl emptying her stomach into the toilet before the night was over.  Nowadays, Katharina could hold her liquor a bit better, and she'd grown to enjoy the party atmosphere...To a point.  That aside, she wasn't here to get blackout drunk or to find a partner to bring home, she was here to spend time with her friend, Aliz, whom she hadn't much luck finding yet.
Sitting at the bar, Katharina was sipping her strawberry daiquiri and keeping an eye out for a familiar face.  Out on the dancefloor, she noticed a young woman (early twenties probably) had been dancing alone when a guy came up to her and grinding against her from behind.  The woman shrieked, which was only just audible over the music.  With his arms around her waist, she was having a hard time turning around to smack him or otherwise get away from him.  Katharina was up in a heartbeat, drink abandoned at the bar and over to the two of them, nudging and pushing people out of the way.  Grabbing a hold of the back of the man's collar, she back handed him hard enough to make him let go of the girl on impulse.  
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"Disgusting."   She spat, and continued to look unimpressed as he got up in her face to scream and call her names.  She wasn't afraid, however, cause it looked as though someone else in the club had come over to play hero at the same time.  "Help me escort this pig outside, would you~?"
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musicalhqs · 4 years
⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ harry styles, cis male, he/him ⊱ i think i just saw DANIEL ‘ DANNY ‘ ZUKO walk across trafalgar square, singing to MY PREROGATIVE ( BOBBY BROWN ). you know, the TWENTY-FIVE year old FORMULA ONE DRIVER ? people claim that they are just like DANNY ZUKO from GREASE. it must be because they are CHARISMATIC and SELF-INVOLVED as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at CHICAGO apartment. { sien ! }⌝
⌞ʾ⁎ 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪┆congratulations SIEN, and welcome to musicalhqs ! we cannot wait to see what DANIEL ZUKO will bring to london. you have 48 HOURS to send in your account and read through our CHECKLIST. have fun, dear friend ! HARRY STYLES is now taken ! xoxo
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It wasn’t exactly a conversation that Donny wanted to be having, more one he felt completely stuck in and now couldn’t get away from. He had stopped listening a while ago and was only now realising that might not have been his best option. So when he saw someone else, he took what option he had to try and get out of the conversation. “Sorry, you can honestly slap me in a moment for this, but I just said I was meeting a friend, and your timing sucked because you walked past. But I now no longer know if she’s talking about her son, grandson, or her dog, and really need an excuse to leave the conversation”.
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tangcmaureens · 4 years
[asks] cosmos, full moon & earth
cosmos: what's one thing you wish you could say to someone you are no longer friends with?
That I’m sorry for putting all the blame on you when I needed to take a step back and reflect on myself instead of blaming others, also that he’s a decent singer when he actually writes something that doesn’t make me want to gauge my eyes out. 
full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
I hope to be someone who...lives life to the fullest without hurting other people? I tend to be pretty selfish, which I can admit to, but I hope to grow a little more in that part of my life. 
earth: where do you feel most at home?
Is it totally corny of me to say on stage? 
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mirrorbluemelchior · 4 years
[asks] galaxies, 11-11 & soothe
galaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?
“help donate/raise more awareness for mental health and trauma for young kids, climb mt. everest, and start a family.”
11-11:what's something you want, but feel like you will never have?
“a good relationship with my father, eh probably something like one of those hoverboards? i feel like i’ve always wanted one although, i know it’s a recipe for disaster.”
soothe:what's one thing that always makes you feel better when you're upset?
“that’s easy, my friends, moritz, mina, chrissa, and ernst always seem to be able to pick me up with my down.”
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@thctgolden @wundcrlust @pcper-fcntcsy @gonnabxwounded
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viwards · 5 years
♡╰  ❛ closed starter for: evelyn — @defyingrcvity​​ !
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“  UM , I THINK you dropped this , ”  vivian warned the other woman , handing her the paper that had been lying on the floor . she wasn’t sure whether it was hers or not , but she had seen her with quite a few files before , so it’d make sense if it belonged to her .
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neverstcpdreaming · 5 years
ASTROLOGY ASKS: aries, scorpio (kristoff) + pisces, moon (vlad) + sun, jupiter (christian) + venus, leo (giselle)
𝓴𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓯𝓯 𝓰𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓶𝓪𝓷
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〖 ARIES: what are you passionate about ? 〗
“ about nature. its beauty, its resources. my dog also belongs on this list, of course. and then lastly, my dad’s business, because i realize how much he’s done for me and invested in me and i want to give back as much as i can. and you know, prevent future regret on his side. ”
〖 SCORPIO: do you trust easily ? 〗
“ no. maybe i used to, but i’ve learned my lession the tough way. i have to truly know a person first. ”
𝓿𝓵𝓪𝓭 𝓹𝓸𝓹𝓸𝓿
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〖 PISCES: describe someone you love ? 〗
“ it’s kind of funny, there’s one person that immediately comes to mind but i haven’t seen or talked to her in years. my little rose. she was ravishing. beautiful inside and out. she had a great sense of rhythm – i still remember our first dance like it was yesterday… she was also so incredibly feisty and i feel like we never agreed on anything. i think we brought out the best and the worst in each other, you know. but alas, i was young and foolish and i hurt her immensely by leaving her behind. there’s no way on earth she’ll ever forgive me. ”
〖 MOON: what’s your favorite song ? 〗
“ that changes all the time, but i basically love any record from before i was born. i have a soft spot for jazz songs from the 60′s. the crooner time period. ”
𝓬𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓽
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〖 SUN: describe yourself in three words ? 〗
“ passionate. authentic. dreamer. at least, that’s what i try to be. ”
〖 JUPITER: what moral do you live by ? 〗
“ four things. freedom, beauty, truth and love. ”
𝓰𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓼
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〖 VENUS: what’s your aesthetic ? 〗
“ glitter and star confetti on everything. tiaras. gowns made of layers and layers of baby blue tulle fabric. curly blonde locks. perfectly decorated sugar cookies. ”
〖 LEO: name something you love about yourself ? 〗
“ oh, i love how well liked i am around everyone ! let’s add a cheeky little bonus too, i love my amazing sense of fashion and also, my degrees because they show how much i’ve accomplished.  ”
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notafairytale · 4 years
[nonverbal] rest ( tony on gabriella )
[nonverbal] rest ( tony on gabriella )
They had a pretty busy day, it was one of their typical Thursday hangouts, getting coffee in the morning and exploring the city all day long. Even though she had been in London for a few months, she still hadn’t explored all the places she had wanted to, being bogged down with school work and tutoring sessions on the side left her pretty burnt out. It was nice to have someone to roam around with, waste the day with fun sightseeing, and then ending it at Gabriella’s small apartment. They had been eating a pizza and watching a movie, but she didn’t even notice the way Tony’s body began to get tired until his head fell over and rested in her lap. A small smile spread along her lips, “You tired there, Ton?” She joked, fingers dancing along the top of his head before leaning back a bit on her couch, nodding her head a bit as she glanced down at him, “It’s been a long day, but...thanks for accompanying me, spending time with you always makes everything better.”
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walkingmxuth · 4 years
(asks) DAVEY : full moon, sweet dreams & nightmare // JOHNNY : sunset, 11-11 & earth // GROVER : soothe, ponder & galaxies
full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
The kind of person my friends and family can always rely on.
sweet dreams: are you happy?
For the most part. There are moments, of course, but I think everybody has those.
nightmare: what are you most afraid of?
Answered here.
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sunset: who is someone you thought would be in your life forever, but you no longer talk to?
My mom. I’m not sure what happened, but she won’t answer my calls anymore.
11-11: what's something you want, but feel like you will never have?
Memories of before. It’d be nice to know who I was.
earth: where do you feel most at home?
The Blue Wisp, for sure!
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soothe: what's one thing that always makes you feel better when you're upset?
Answered here.
ponder: what do you want to do with your life?
I just want to make the world a more inhabitable place. We’re destroying it and I think nature deserves reprieve from the shit it’s going through.
galaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?
Talk to my dad again, eat so many enchiladas I’m literally not able to move, forgive myself.
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adastrvs · 4 years
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                  after she finished her shift, alessandra waved her co-worker goodbye and left. she was off work tomorrow and she was happy she got to leave this early. to start off right, she decided to walk home instead of taking an uber, since she wasn’t rushing anywhere this time. when the girl reached the webbers’ parking lot, she noticed something was going on: there were lots of people talking and cameras flashing. curiosity was one of her main weaknesses  —  high heels tapping on the cobblestone, alessandra walked across the parking lot until she reached the loud crowd. somebody important must be here, she thought, seeing all these paparazzi around. she tried to get a better look at whoever they were photographing, so she circled them until she found a good spot. that’s when she saw him. even from behind, alessandra could recognize him in any given moment. she knew him like the back of her hand, how could she not recognize him ? her heart felt like it was about to jump off her chest. he was here. her lips parted, a single word coming out,    ❛    danny ?    ❜  (  @defyingrcvity​  )
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kingofnxwyxrk · 4 years
CLOSED EVENT STARTER FOR: kat plumber && jack kelly @defyingrcvity​
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         KAT was having a lot of fun tonight ; so much so that she had reached that level of intoxication where she was getting a bit sentimental. however, with her feelings suddenly being more out in the open, she was more than likely to let a few things slip. for that reason, the journalist seemed to be avoiding a certain jack kelly.
         it couldn’t last forever, it seemed. on her way to get a new drink ( which she probably didn’t need ) , she almost literally ran into jack. “ oh , i’m - ” she cut herself off, realizing who it was. an awkward laugh escaped her lips. “ jack ! hi ! ” if she didn’t watch her words, tonight surely was going to be an interesting night...
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pcper-fcntcsy · 4 years
[asks] LATE NIGHT : galaxies, full moon & earth ( claude ) // contemplation, midnight & soothe ( hero ) // candle light, sweet dreams & slumber ( true ) // waxing, night light & 11-11 ( collins )
late night asks...
galaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?
“Well, first of all, world peace, obviously. The acceptance of gay and trans people’s human rights all over the world, and uh, the Community movie.”
full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
“The truly free kind.”
earth: where do you feel most at home?
“Barefoot, walking in space.”
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contemplation: if you could wake up one morning and everything in your life was perfect, what would that look like?
“Well, I’d have a wife to start. Maybe 2 or 3 kids, but that’s more up to my wife to decide if that’s perfect for her. I’d like to get at least a few gold medals before retiring as well, so maybe those would be displayed somewhere. I’d like if I could spend time with the family too, not always be exercising or in interviews.”
midnight: are you a different person late at night than in the early morning?
“I don’t think so, but I am a different person when competing. I’ve been told I get really quiet and in my head, and then once the race is over, it’s like Normal Hero, everything’s fine and dandy!”
soothe:what's one thing that always makes you feel better when you're upset? 
“Giving my parents or a friend a call. Friends like Lily always know how to make me laugh, or Julia knows how to level me out and give good advice. It sort of depends on the situation.”
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candle light: are you an indecisive person?
“No, I’m quite the opposite. In fact, I can be rather stiff in my decisions, I either do something or I don’t, and I like for that to be the end of it.
sweet dreams: are you happy?
“Happiness is relative. In the sense of true, spiritual happiness, I suppose I’m not, but I’m not a particularly spiritual person anyways. I’ve been happy before, so it’s not impossible for me to be happy, but right in this second, I’m more neutral.”
slumber: what's one thing that helps you fall asleep when it feels impossible?
“Putting on an exceedingly boring audio book. I quite like the sound of some people’s voices, though if the book is too engaging, then it’ll wake me up even more.”
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waxing: what is your proudest accomplishment?
“College degree, baby. First one in my dad’s family for two generations.”
night light: who/what makes you feel safe?
“Physical contact, holding somebody. Being able to really talk to somebody, and not worrying about any judgement. Walking, no- dancing with somebody!”
11-11: what's something you want, but feel like you will never have?
“Huh. I guess you could say financial security. I would definitely hope that once I become a professor and hopefully get tenure, that there’s a small chance I’ll pay off my student loans before I die.”
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musicalhqs · 4 years
⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ charles michael davis, cis male, he/him ⊱ i think i just saw HADRIAN DESTIN walk across trafalgar square, singing to ARSONIST'S LULLABYE ( HOZIER ). you know, the THIRTY-THREE year old POLITICIAN/CRIME BOSS ? people claim that they are just like HADES from HERCULES. it must be because they are ANALYTICAL and HOT TEMPERED as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at the CHICAGO apartment. { sien, who else 🙃 }⌝
⌞ʾ⁎ 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪┆congratulations SIEN, and welcome to musicalhqs ! we cannot wait to see what HADRIAN DESTIN will bring to london. you have 48 HOURS to send in your account and read through our CHECKLIST. have fun, dear friend ! CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS is now taken ! xoxo
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“You want to run that by me again?” Kayden asked, his expression was fairly neutral, but he was honestly just trying to figure out if he had actually heard them correctly. It didn’t exactly sound right to him, but then he was never all that sure. “Think I must have misheard you because I don’t really believe you would have just said that otherwise” or he had, and that was a whole over thing he would have to now think about... great. 
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