magicicephoenix · 1 year
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Day of the Father time!
not quite a redraw of this bc different ocs, radical design changes, and also chalice is here now :]
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onmyyan · 6 months
I hate how addicted I've become to the Delmont boys, specifically Caspian and Ricky... so I decided to fuck them up with a HAIR SWITCH--
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I like to imagine this was their hairstyles many years ago; Caspian because he feels more connected to his mother and Ricky because he's not supposed to have "feminine" hair in his line of work - however!! - over time Caspian realized his long hair gets kinda bothersome when he's baking, and Ricky... idk, he just wanted to be mysterious and he hated having short hair? Whatever, it gave me an excuse to draw Caspian with long hair
I'm on mobile so if anything is fucked up, that's my bad - here have another one!!
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Catching Wild Beasts Alive
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DELMOT, Joseph
Published by Hutchinson, London, 1931
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goldfizzle · 4 years
Watched o brother where art thou yesterday and I loved it. There were a few bits I had to skip bc they were awkward but that’s the same for most good movies and shows. I especially liked the whole dapper Dan thing, not sure why it just appeals to me
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kiurit · 4 years
laszlo kovacs, delmot mulroney & the gay best friend trope in copycat and my best friend’s wedding
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thewonderwhatshop · 4 years
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general information:
FULL NAME: Mars Delmont
DATE OF BIRTH:  11 October 1968
NATIONALITY:  Australian
OCCUPATION:  Ex-soldier/ Martial Arts Instructor
FACE CLAIM:  Manu Bennett
HEIGHT:  5′9
WEIGHT:  185-195 lb
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Can make his eyes glow red when angry or when he feels threatened. 
HOMETOWN (WORLD):  Melbourne Australia
EDUCATION LEVEL:  Left school at 16 and enlisted in the military when he turned 18. 
FATHER:  Thomas Delmot
MOTHER: Martha Delmont
SIBLINGS:  Noah Delmont (Younger brother) 
SPOUSE:  Monique Delmont CHILDREN: Morgan Delmont, Lupin Delmont, Cherri Delmont, Archie Delmont and Priscilla Delmont.
tagged by:  No one tagging: anyone who wants to do this.
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New IPCC Report Warns of Vicious Cycle Between Soil Degradation and Climate Change
Digital Elixir New IPCC Report Warns of Vicious Cycle Between Soil Degradation and Climate Change
This Real News Network interview with Greenpeace’s Diana Ruiz discusses the new IPCC Climate report, “Climate Change and Land,” which issues a dire warning about how climate change and destructive land use reinforce each other, leading to serious threats for soil quality and hence human survival.
MARC STEINER: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Marc Steiner. Good to have you all with.
The IPCC, which is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, released a new report. The last report showed us the dangers of a 1.5 Celsius degree rise in temperatures, and what that could do to us, what it is doing to us. This new report, called “Climate Change and the Land,” shows the disastrous results of how two very complicated issues intersect to endanger our future. It focuses on how our use of the land contributes to climate change, and how climate change affects the land. As climate change makes farming more difficult, our methods of farming also devastate the wetlands, forests, rainforests, which exacerbates and increases the intensity of climate change itself. The end of the report offered some solutions, but we’ll explore what all that means in this conversation with our guest, Diana Ruiz.
Diana Ruiz is the Senior Palm Oil Campaigner for Greenpeace USA. She’s based in DC, and she’s leading the work to make zero deforestation in Indonesia a reality. No easy task. She has worked to make change and hold United States corporations accountable in countries including Indonesia, India, Peru and Ecuador. And Diana focuses on the range of issues that draw from industrial chemicals systems to pesticide regulations, climate mitigation and adaptation, which means that she’s a very busy woman and took time to talk to us today. And Diana Ruiz, welcome. Good to have you with us.
DIANA RUIZ: Yeah. Thank you for having me.
MARC STEINER: So let me begin by showing this clip that actually from the IPCC report itself, when they offered the report, and this is one of the co-chair’s report, giving her overview of what the report is.
VALERIE MASSON-DELMOTE, IPCC CO-CHAIR: The way we produce food and what we eat contributes to the loss of natural ecosystems and declining biodiversity. When land is degraded, it reduces the soil’s ability to take up carbon, and this exacerbates climate change. In turn, climate change exacerbates land degradation in many different ways. Today, 500 million people live in areas that’s experienced desertification. People living in already degraded or desertified areas are increasingly negatively affected by climate change.
MARC STEINER: So that was the Co-chair of the IPCC. And so let’s talk a bit about what she was saying. This was the overarching look at the report because it does something that I think that has been very hard to do. I understand the report had over 170 people in the 7,000 research projects they put together to come up with this report. But showing the interaction between the earth itself and climate change and how they interact is something that most people have not yet really considered in terms of looking at what we face for the future.
DIANA RUIZ: Yes. The, the IPCC land report really exposes the reality facing the world’s forests, and how we use our land for key agricultural commodities that are used in everything we consume and also in beauty products. For example, palm oil is one of those key drivers of deforestation that is putting a lot of stress on lands, especially in Southeast Asia. And soy is another key agricultural commodity along with the production of meat and dairy.
MARC STEINER: One of the things—What you just said to me is one of the glaring pieces. On the one hand you have this report talking about palm oil production, and production that has nothing to do with eating or the food that we consume, but is completely corporate-driven in terms of what they’re trying to sell to the world like palm oil, devastating rain forests to build these giant plantations.
But even here in the United States, the report shows that, I think they said we had 591 million acres in cropland, but only one fifth of that land is used to grow crops that feed human beings. The rest are soy and corn for industrial use to feed livestock like pigs and cattle. So it really, in many ways, we can talk about the desperation of people and what they’re trying to farm around the world, but in many ways, this problem is being driven, it seems to me, by corporations, the need for profit, what to sell us.
DIANA RUIZ: Well, you bring up a good point when you look at the United States. What we’re seeing now is more of an increase and it’s not just the United States. You’re seeing it in Brazil. You’re seeing it in other parts of the world. But the intensity and the increase of, for example, soy and palm oil that is being produced to feed cattle or poultry as part feed, and it’s that part of that sick system of the way agricultural production for these types of commodities is aggressively converting land. We’re at a critical point where we face a limited amount of land. That is having huge implications on the security of the future of the production of food.
MARC STEINER: I mean, so not only does the deforestation of our planet to create these plantations create greater pollution because of the methane and everything else that it releases. And when you destroy wetlands, I was surprised to see how much more in gigatons that it releases in the atmosphere, on top of what’s happening with our fossil fuels to get us from place to place. That’s something else that I think don’t really put their hands around yet – is the extent to which how we farm and what we farm actually does contribute to the pollution that we’re facing.
DIANA RUIZ: Yeah, absolutely. Agriculture is one of the… It is the leading driver of deforestation together with forestry and other land use. It represents 23% of human greenhouse gas emissions.
MARC STEINER: So the question is—Well, let’s take a look. This is an interesting clip. This has to do with soil devastation, and that came out this report. This is a British scientist and we’ll watch what she has to say.
KAREN JOHNSON, DURHAM UNIVERSITY: Life is at risk ultimately and that’s because all the things that we take for granted, resources that are more at the top of people’s minds like water and air, healthy air, et cetera, are related to healthy soils. Unfortunately, because we’ve not been looking after soils, we’ve been taking out more than we’ve been putting in. But if we year on year don’t return 30% of all organic matter that we take out of the soil, we don’t return it to the soil, then we see soil degradation because that organic matter is the glue that holds the little bits of rock, the minerals together.
MARC STEINER: So, and that was Sarah Johnson—Karen Johnson, excuse me, who’s professor of environmental engineering. But so what she describes here has a couple of – really attacks things in a couple of ways. I want you to comment on this. One has to do with what they’re doing to the soil itself, and what that’s releasing into the atmosphere, but also destroying the soil so we can’t grow things. But B, one of the things that side bars all this, and a major one, it forces migration because people aren’t going to sit around and just starve to death. They’re going to go somewhere to find food. So it hits the earth and our countries in more than one way.
DIANA RUIZ: Yeah. It increases the conversion of more land for agricultural use. And the issue raised around soils, it just underscores the importance that forests play in regulating our climate, as forests are a safety net for humans and for all living beings. Forests breathe in carbon. They’re able to absorb carbon. They end up regulating our atmosphere. And there’s some forests that are very carbon-rich; for example, peatland forest. And peatland forests are an ecosystem that is being threatened by palm oil plantations.
And you see the similar situation in Brazil with the savanna grasslands, known as the Cerrado, that also has rich, carbon rich soils that is also being cleared for cattle grazing. That’s part of the story of how we’re getting to desertification of these lands. Because essentially with forest areas that are very carbon-rich like peatlands, you’re essentially detonating a carbon bomb when you drain those peatlands, and then you clear that land for agricultural production.
MARC STEINER: What was also shocking on top of that and part of that is to raise cattle and to raise other livestock, that what I think I read in the report was that it was equivalent to releasing as much methane in the air as 600 million cars released in the air. Not methane, but—So that to me, those are shocking numbers. So the question becomes, the end of the report, they really tried to wrestle with what to do and how to mitigate this and how to change this.
But I must say that having read the last part of the report, it didn’t leave me in a really good mood, nor very sanguine about what the future might hold because what it will take to stop this is a major change in our culture and not just the corporate world, but our culture, the way we eat, the way we think what we need, that corporations keep pushing on us about what they think we need. This is real. And I think it’s something that we don’t understand, I think, the depth of danger we’re facing.
DIANA RUIZ: Yes. No, we agree completely. I think what the report underlines is the consequences and the urgency. I think everyone has a role to play. I think as consumers, we have a role not just in terms of shifting our consumption pattern, but we also have a role of putting pressure on these companies. Because as long as you are a company that is making multi-billion dollars off of snack foods where the key ingredient is palm oil, then you need to change course. And what changing course means is you need to change your business model so that you’re operating under environmental boundaries, that you’re taking the needs of the planet into consideration now because time is running out. It’s about stopping deforestation, but it’s also about forest restoration.
MARC STEINER: Right. I think it also clearly shows that there has to be some fairly radical measures on this planet if we’re going to save ourselves and the earth that we live on. And I think that’s part of what we’re going to be facing in all those elections taking place here in the United States, across the globe. And it’s increasingly a really serious matter. I deeply appreciate the work you do, by the way, at a Greenpeace, Diana Ruiz. Thank you so much for taking your time with us today. I look forward to talking to you a great deal more as we explore this report in greater depth.
DIANA RUIZ: All right. Thank you so much.
MARC STEINER: Thank you so much. And I’m Marc Steiner here for The Real News Network. Good to have you with us. Please let us know what you think. Give us some of your ideas. Take care.
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New IPCC Report Warns of Vicious Cycle Between Soil Degradation and Climate Change
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neoraven · 7 years
Some Things To Watch In 2018, part 1
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So, I got a Nintendo Switch in November, and proceeded to severely drop off my TV and movie watching at the expense of destroying people in Splatoon and doing all the Mario Things possible. Anyways, I'm going to slowly uh, come back, show by show, episode by episode, piece by piece, movie by movie. And for whatever reason I'm gonna go through each and make a large, intimidating list.
Top Chef - 2 episodes, 9 Last chance Kitchen I have been watching this week to week. Some episodes I paid more attention, and some loosely were playing in the same room that I was in. I really dig the Last Chance Kitchen thing, but I've let all those episodes pile up. Some of it got spoiled on the main show, but I still wanna go back and watch through them all. The Colorado setting so far is going pretty well. Hyped for Restaurant Wars!
Superstore - 5 This show is so funny. I'm pretty mad that I forgot about it and let so many episodes slip through the cracks!
Star Trek Disco - ALL I'm a monster for not watching this. I like Star Trek and everything indicates this will be way up my alley. I just keep building up and trying to set some magic non-existant perfect big chunk of time to catch up. But I will at some point.
9-1-1 - ALL The snippets of wild shit I've heard from Ryan Murphy's latest has me way more interested in this than the next American Crime Story. The cast also can't be beat.
LA To Vegas - ALL I'm betting this is a fun workplace comedy. I'll also be forever thankful for the Dylan McDermott and Delmot Mulroney face off that set most of the critics I follow a-twitter. Can't wait to see it.
Screeners! The Post, Molly's Game, Coco, The Disaster Artist, The Florida Project, Three Billboards, Lady Bird, I Tonya This list is woefully incomplete, but these are at least some sort of first pass. I hold out hope, even as improbable as it definitely is, that I might see some of these in the ol' theater.
Horror! Happy Death Day, mother!, The Snowman, Mayhem, Leatherface, It Some of these I have much higher hopes than others. And some of these I am watching just for the trainwreck factor.
Action! Thor Ragnarok, Geostorm, Kingsman 2, Mayhem, Logan Lucky, Valerian, Atomic Blonde A fun collection! I think I will very much like Logan Lucky.
Drunk History - 2 There's a Xmas special and a premiere, so not so far behind. This show is really dumb and great fun background and I'm really glad that there's so much more of it!
Corporate - ALL I've heard some good things about this new show, another Comedy Central one. It was described as Workaholics, but more meaner towards Capitalism, and I have to support that!!!
Black Lightning - ALL The CW Superhero lineup hasn't had a complete miss yet, so I'm definitely excited to watch this. I've really liked the lead actor since he was the hunky mayor from Hart of Dixie. I have no doubt he'll make a great jump from supporting actor to lead.
Ghosted - 5 There was a really promising start to this show, but it fell into the classic FOX Sunday trap where an episode got messed up on the DVR and I suddenly ended up several weeks behind.
The Last Man On Earth - 6 See Ghosted, except it's a show I've been watching for years.
The Orville - 5 Another one where the DVR borked an episode, then I forgot about the show, despite thoroughly enjoying it. I know FOX isn't listening to this, but COME ON Y'ALL.
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