demcngeneral · 6 months
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“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
Indies Ni Tian Er Xing from Burning Flames Heavily Headcanoned as loved by Snowy. | --[]Rules[]-- | --[]About[]-- | --[] Memes[]-- |
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 5 months
@demcngeneral continued from here
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Kexin nods in agreement. Sunshot was indeed a needed war. Perhaps, they should have even started it sooner. The other Sects had just chosen to turn a blind eye when the signs were there that the Wens would try to push their power over the line. But it can't change anything now.
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"Thank you," she says, accepting the tea. "You make a good point. Sunshot left a lot of damage behind. No one really escaped unscathed. So everyone is having to rebuild. The gentry would be more than stupid to try and start another war so soon," she muses. That's not to say that she was completely convinced that a lot of them weren't stupid enough to do so. "But boredom does beget not so great things a lot," she frowns.
She tilts her head as he speaks, interested. This tea house had been burned down had it? They really had loved their arson. One wouldn't be able to tell now, if they hadn't been patrons for a long time.
At the questions he directs to her, she frowns, thinking. Changing, surviving, rebuilding. She was doing those things. But, it still affected her badly a lot of times. Even if she was good at hiding it. After a moment she replies, "I think I'm somewhere in between,"
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evcryopeneye · 5 months
@demcngeneral asked: ❝ i’m here for you. and i mean it. wherever. whenever. reach out. ❞
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Here for her?
That didn’t feel true. Though he could tell her a thousand times and she still wouldn’t have believed it. For someone who considered herself a factual person, she has a hard time accepting anything that was supportive to her. Being independent was good, sure, but Feng Wu had managed cross that line into having to do and survive everything by herself. 
Why trust people…when you knew that eventually they would walk away. Even if he seemed dedicated right now, who was to say that it was going to be so in the future. After all, it was better to do without and struggle, than to get used to something nice and it it ripped out of your hands. 
The real question was how did she accomplish that without offending people?
She had a hundred things she could tell him that would cut this conversation dead, refuse help, and managed to put a brick wall in between them… Except she’d noted that when she did that, it seemed to upset people. They were hurt by it. That wasn’t what she wanted to do to people, so instead she was standing there in silence, thinking far too deeply and hard about the subject. 
She didn’t know what to say. How strange was it, that kindness seemed to be the one thing that rendered her stunned and quiet? “I know you are,” she she didn’t think he was lying. It wasn’t after all his intention to lie. It was her problem not his. “But you don’t have to be, this isn’t your fight, and it’s not…I’m starting to think it isn’t something I should be dragging people into either.”
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antihxroiism · 5 months
☾. ༺ letter received from @demcngeneral        Ni Tian Er Xing ༻  ‘ you’re not to partake in a fairy feast. don’t you know it’s the food that will devour you ? ’
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          the young fairy pursed her lips, as her hands tugged her long braided hair as she shifted slightly from one foot to the other.      ❝  but i am a fairy too... why can i not eat these fairies food ? what makes them so different from the food from the heavenly realm ?  ❞    she paused for a moment, thinking upon the warnings her Bàba and Mulan gave before she had decided to ignore their warnings and venture off to the great unknown.
          worry had not set in as of yet, instead she felt a little upset that she could not eat anything that smelled so good ━━ so much so she began to whimper as she lightly stomped her foot.       ❝  how can food that is meant to be devoured is now what will devour me... do i even taste good ?  ❞    she looked up at him, with doe-like eyes.      ❝  will you be eating it ?  ❞
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adversitybloomed · 6 months
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🌸  ┊ letter received from @demcngeneral         Zhu Zhingting:  ❝ a tender heart is a courageous thing to preserve. don’t ever be ashamed of having one. ❞ / affectionate  and  affirming  prompts.
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          she did not look at him, instead stared at the lotus that floated within the large pond. the waters were still, save for a small gusts of wind that blew upon it, her hair joining within the movement as it flowed around her frame. her body rested upon her knees as she knelt by the water, her silk hanfu pooled around her as her hands rested upon her thighs.
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          while she knew that he was right and most days, she was proud of the fact she had a caring heart, but today she could not help but feel as if she had failed at her duty to protect those who truly needed it ━━ especially since despite her best efforts, she had not made any progress with the council or with the emperor to act for what was best for the people.      ❝  what good is a tender heart when it fails to save those that truly matter ?  ❞    she spoke at last, the question lingering within the air as sorrow laced within her voice.
        ❝  tenderness will not save the lives of the innocent... i do not have the luxury or time to show tenderness. at dawn, war will reign and the people will suffer for it, regardless of my warnings, the villagers will not leave their homes and they instead seek council from a seer who’s skill I highly question as he says there is nothing to fear from these invaders...  ❞    Mulan paused for a moment in order to contain her frustration, a deep breath taken before she released slowly as her fingers curled in silent anger.  
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soundingstars · 3 months
@demcngeneral x
Death was something that Wei Wuxian had experience with because of the dead that he was able to summon and falling to it himself. Not that he was going to talk about his downfall that easily. It was a touchy subject while only a few people actually knew about it since they were there when he left this world. A world that he found himself dragged back into because of the decision that was made by Mo Xuanyu. 
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A shrug of his shoulders “That I can not answer. The god involved if there was one I did not meet. I doubt they would be willing to show their face to me if they decided to play apart in this mess. Someone else was the reason for my return though.” 
“I wouldn’t be surprised, I’ve dealt with a few insufferable people sometimes.” While interacting with gods was something that Wei Ying had never experienced, there were plenty of insufferable people who he has managed to cross paths with. They probably thought the same when it came to him because of his hyperactive personality, but he was easily an outgoing person. With a nod, he gave a smile “I am. I might possibly have some business there.”
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hetaoren · 5 months
@demcngeneral sent a help meme: "oh, it's no trouble at all. let me take care of this."
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There is a lot that needs to be done to make Cloud Recesses livable again and Lan Qiren is doing his best to work tirelessly at making his people feel safe again. To give them a home, a purpose, to try and support them by being a good example. It's not easy, not when his beloved home is in ruins, one nephew taken by the Wens and the other at an unknown location, maybe even dead. Not to mention that his brother is dying. However, now it's not the time to indulge in emotions, so Qiren works on. Helps clearing and building. Helps organising and caring. Helps protecting.
Thankfully, they're not alone. A man had appeared to their aid and although Qiren is a little vary of him, more so after all that has happened, he has done nothing to warrant distrust. They were currently talking about what's still more urgently needed when their new ally spoke up. Lan Qiren looks at him, his face as unreadable as always. "If you are certain, then you may do so." He isn't really comfortable with it, but the sect needs help and he is just one man, he can't do everything by himself and most of the surviving Elders are too old to be of much help and anyone with a high enough cultivation and decent enough fighting skills are on a rotating guard duty.
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battleguqin · 5 months
@demcngeneral inquired ❝ i want you to feel safe with me. ❞
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"Of course I feel safe with you." he said to Erxing as he glanced to the demon marshal. His head tilted to the side. "It might seem odd to have a companion who is a demon--but not truly so much Erxing." he said seriously. "My baba is a necromancer, the grand master of demonic cultivation--" he stated fondly. "I promise you that your not the strangest friendship I have cultivate." he motioned to the road ahead and glanced back to him.
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"There is a tea house in this town that makes a very good Clear Soup, and with the weather growing colder it is a Lan Favorite. " he smiled good naturedly "They put carrots in it."
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 6 months
He had appeared in the Unclean Realm and tended to come and go at his own leisure since Huaisang's interest in Garuda. Of course he felt the invitation was more to his great bird than him. He got invited by association. Though it didn't dim the affection he felt for the Nie Sect Leader. He waited in the garden sitting in the sunlight a small ornate box on his lap. It was open and held feathers and a most unique gift among the colorful fluff. An Egg.
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He would wait until Huaisang came to feed his birds or paint in the garden he was not hurried today. He had been in the aviary and Garuda had offered something she had only ever offered to his own people. So this was a gift unlike any other that could be given.
@demcngeneral || random ask
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The day had been awful. Huaisang really hated audience days. Not because he minded common people asking for help. Those questions were usually fine, even if he had to keep up his charade even for them a lot. What drained him was the pettiness of rich families or minor cultivation families that fell under the Nie area or sought help from them rather than any of the other sects. Worst of all, one of them kept trying to match their oldest daughter with him. By the time he can finally head out to his aviary, he's surly, tired and with an oncoming headache. Thankfully, his mood improves almost as soon as he sees his guest.
It is true that at first he had given the standing invitation due to Garuda, but Huaisang had come to like the demon general. Of course, he kept his friendship a secret, knowing that other cultivators might not agree with the other man's heritage. Huaisang isn't as black and white in his thinking, knowing that good and evil comes in all shapes and forms, and that most are capable to both. He certainly is.
"If I had known you were here waiting, I would've excused myself sooner. Would've spared me another try to match me with a woman I have no interest in and who has no interest in me." Unlike most other in his position, he wanted marriage for love, not politics. "Any specific rea-" As he walks towards his friend, yes he sees him as that now, his words just... freezes, as does he. Eyes wide with amazement, his gaze glued to the egg. The egg is just as beautiful as the creature he assumes it comes from. Before he knows it, he is kneeling, a hand reaching out towards the precious egg. "Is that..." Huaisang whispers, like he's in a temple and afraid to speak too loudly as not to disturb the other worshippers.
Noticing his master's change in mood, one of his Myna birds lands on his shoulder, pecking his head to see if he's well. Huaisang tears his gaze away from the egg to glance at his spiritual pet and gives him a gentle stroke on the head. "I'm fine. Don't worry." The bird chirps and then moves himself to sit by the edge of the box, looking at the egg and tilting his head. Feng had always been the more curious of him and Wei, the female myna, and now he's inspecting the new egg. He also happens to be a little protective of his master.
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multeasers · 6 months
@demcngeneral said 🩸- Send 🩸 to find a wound that my muse was trying to hide // taken from here
It seems the days where she could hide things from others easily are long gone!
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And from a stranger. From a stranger! Oo, it annoys the hell out of her! She’s so mad, she’d hit him! On the arm, in the chest and the face, anywhere and everywhere!
The fact that she can’t makes her even madder, but if she were to really reopen her wounds, she’d surely be even worse.
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"Who’re you to go grabbing me?!” She demands of this stranger, this odd man who seemingly came out of nowhere. "Do you make a habit out of grabbing young girls all of a sudden?! Go find someone else to bother!”
In all reality, these are kinder words than she could really be letting loose, but there’s something about this man...something she very much doesn’t recognize, and not just because this is their first meeting. He looks very strong, though, and to piss him off (or to piss him off too much—) while she’s already hurt likely isn’t a good idea.
“Just leave me alone!”
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 6 months
🌧️  to  find  my  muse  in  the  rain  without  an  umbrella.
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Kexin shields her eyes enough to glare uselessly up to the sky as if that would do anything to halt the falling rain. It had seemed perfectly clear when she headed out, with not even an inkling of rain in the future, but that clearly didn't last. Well, so long as it didn't start to storm, she should still be fine to fly on her sword, but it would be annoying, to say the least. She could manage despite having to stay more on alert to keep her balance. She sighed in exasperation. Why was the closest inn so far?
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evcryopeneye · 6 months
@demcngeneral asked: "Do I really look that bad..?"
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“No,” it took just a fraction of a second for Feng Wu to realise that she had said the wrong thing, something ambiguous and if anything she hated being ambiguous. People were hard for her, she much proffered studying science and medicine, there were answers there, there were facts and things weren’t open to interpretation. 
“No, thats not where I meant I-” good god was she going to screw up every conversation she had with this man or was this just her new personality? Sometimes she wondered if she had been this much of a god damn nightmare before her fall but she guessed they would never know now. “I just-” a heavy sigh, “I’m bad with conversations ok. There’s nothing wrong with your face, you have a nice face ok?” 
She wanted nothing more than hell to open up under her and swallow her whole. 
A huff left her, hand reaching over to his side of the desk and tapping the scroll in his hand, “you’re meant to be helping me research not distracting me.” That didn’t sound any better but she chose to swiftly move on with the task in hand. “I could get this done faster without all of this, we just need tp find the stupid recipe to this stupid pill.” Well. Simple but it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack. 
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And she certainly didn’t need to be thinking of him while they were trying to find it. 
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pctaldrunk · 5 months
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"Someday - when we are wiser, when the world's older, when we have learned - I pray some day we may yet live to live, and let live."
@demcngeneral liked for a lyric starter !
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adversitybloomed · 6 months
Happy Birthday Gabby !
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Thank you Snowy !!!! I hope you are having a fantastic day !!
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akivilistarblazer · 2 months
A blog for Akivilli of HSR (honkai Star Rail ) as imagined by Snowy with multiverse to be written. Friendly and open to rp with all levels of role-play. Cross-over/Multi-muse/Multi-verse/ Multi-ship friendly. Semi-selective.
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A study in lost time, traveling, experiencing new worlds, trail blazing, seeking answers, unanswered questions, missing past , learning to let others in and found family.
。⋆。 ゚ ☁︎ ゚。 Rules 。⋆。 ゚ ☁︎ ゚。⋆ About 。⋆。 ゚ ☁︎ ゚。⋆ Memes 。⋆。 ゚ ☁︎ ゚。⋆ You can also find Snowy here @demcngeneral
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battleguqin · 3 months
tagging: @adversitybloomed @javaspirits (Jingyi) @antihxroiism (Xiu) @cuckoo-among-beasts @demcngeneral @sparesovereign
tagged by: I stole it from @priesm
Which of Mamoru Chiba's Fashion Crimes Are You ?
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They See Me Rollin'
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No thoughts, head empty! You constantly occupy yourself with mental and physical tasks because otherwise you'll have to come face-to-face with The Self. You can't stop moving or you'll get sad. You listen to audiobooks while doing errands or chores. You probably love to cook for other people.
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