mikodaiyo · 2 years
[skfw] The Inn Encounter
Summary: Sesshomaru is looking for Kagome.
  Day 1: Courting
  Word prompt: Love Letter
  Scenario Prompt: Character A has been acting strange so character B confronts them.
Sesskag Fluff Week Prompts ♥️
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  “Kagome isn’t here.”
   Sango smiled apologetically to Sesshomaru while Rin abandoned training to hug her hogosha.
That morning, with the children all stuffed into her hut for their warm ups again, Sango had decided it had been raining for long enough and ushered them out onto the dewy lawn.
From above, Shippou worked out his magic by providing them the coverage of a large canopy, though it looked like a large towel struggling to stay stretched out in the breeze. Sango had relieved him of his duty several times just for him to refuse, saying a village hero such as he could at least do this much.
Sesshomaru noticed the sweat that beaded down the child’s form as soon as it ran down his sleeves, interrupting his reunion. Sighing, he released his moko into the air and it swirled and swirled, startling the large towel with a bushy fox tail as it became a large cloud all its own, shading them all from the rain.
“Enough, Shippou.” He said, and it was. 
Shippou released himself and fell to the earth unsteadily, his little paws holding him up still. 
“Well done, Shippou!” Rin applauded him, walking over and patting his panting back. He looked at her and then at Sesshomaru, grinning shyly when even he nodded.
“Rin. Jaken is making your favorite dish.” 
“Break-time!” Rin translated. She grabbed Shippo's hand but froze mid stride, now looking to her Master Sango.
Sango nodded, “You heard Lord Sesshomaru. Jaken is making everyone’s favorite dishes!” She smiled at her children standing at attention behind her, “You better hurry.”
The relief of children’s laughter filled the wet air, the sound of Slayer uniforms slapped the earth and Mokomoko followed the children to keep them dry. The rain fell on the adults again but they didn’t mind it. The rain was a refreshing blessing as well as natural conversation cover.
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Come again another day
Inside the Inn we will decay
And though the keeper will let us stay
It's been – and we want to play
Rain, Rain, Go Away
It was just something to pass the time, Kagome insisted to them. A phonetic rhyme that would help them keep track of time, if nothing else. But to the children it was a blessed chant from Priestess Kagome, a chant that if they sang loud enough it would make the rain go away. They sang it so much recently that Sango didn’t even notice the number of rainy days, she just knew the children were blessedly occupied with a suitable answer instead of asking her to teach them how to beat it up.
Sango stretched her arms and they both heard her bones popping graciously, “You hurry too. What if you catch a cold?” She walked toward the entrance of her home and kept the door open by invitation.
“This one does not get colds.” Sesshomaru followed after her calmly.
“You never know. Stranger things have happened.”
“Such as?”
“You, looking for Kagome.”
“This One is always looking for Kagome.”
“You’ve become such a romantic, Lord Sesshomaru! That nearly made my old heart skip a beat.”
“Old?” Sesshomaru raised his brow. He rested his swords against her door frame and took a seat at her low table, “even demons in my court would question your slow aging.”
“My Lord,” Sango guffawed, moving to another room with a screen dividing the view, “You are making me blush. May I remind you I am a married woman.” 
After removing the armored guards of her uniform, she worked on the wet leather itself. Sesshomaru closed his eyes and listened to the rain, listened to all the patterns in the mud, the grass, the farmers footsteps. He sifted through the noises, searching for a particular Priestess’ heavy footfalls.
Reemerging refreshed, Sango set fire to her hearth and began preparing her favorite tea set, an adorable white and purple accented gift from The Lord of the West with his red, hexagonal crest glazed into plates and the handles built like gold clouds were whipped against the porcelain cups. The set had instantly become the main reason Sango entertained guests.
“Speaking of being the only married woman-”
“You did not speak of that.”
“Did you know I am the only married woman in the whole village?” Sango fixed, “Speaking of which-”
“This one is looking for Kagome.” Sesshomaru emphasized, as if to say it wasn’t his fault that she was the only one. Sango placed the tea set down and then sat herself with a mortar and pestle, grinding sweet smells into the air.
“She’s been so busy lately.” Sango sighed, “Everyone has been; Demon sightings are picking up in neighboring villages, Kaedae can only be in one place at a time, Kagome goes everywhere else. Miroku wrote that he and Inuyasha have been making more progress rebuilding east.” Sango stretched then, as though talking about everything worked out the knots, “More children want to be taught to be Slayers so I get to see Kohaku only briefly while he and Kirara drop off more to me and take the ones I’ve trained to study further in the mountains.” 
The kettle whistled and Sesshomaru got up, to which Sango sighed in appreciation.
She lightly brushed her mixture into their cups and Sesshomaru poured in the hot water. Hers first and then his own. 
“You are all busy.” Sango breathed in the steam, her eyes closed but one peeking open. “ Yet, I seem to always find you.” 
She worked with children all day. She had three of her own.
So, Sango could tell when a little pout was forming and it was such a shame Kagome was missing it.
“Well, I mean, it’s not like Kagome to not want to be found, is it?” Sango mused. Sesshomaru, who had been lifting his own cup, paused. He hadn’t considered that.
Just because he could not locate her, didn’t mean she didn’t want to be located.
In fact, when did she ever stay away from Sesshomaru? Kagome didn’t even hide from him when she had good reason to.
“When was the last time you spoke?” 
“Hmm… what the…” Sango squinted, staring hard into the empty space above to try and form the image of the last time she had seen Kagome. “Actually, It’s been weeks… has it been weeks?” 
Sesshomaru knew she wasn’t asking him and the irritability of the unknown began to tense his form. So no one had answers, for this long?
“This one last saw her before the rain fell.” He supplied.
“Rain, rain go away…” Sango mumbled, her hand coming to rest on her chin in deep thought. If she concentrated, she could hear the children singing just that morning. Sesshomaru didn’t dare break her concentration.
“Come again another day, inside the inn I’d rather not stay, and the keeper would let me stay, but it's been… it's been 12 days and we want to play…”
They shared a look.
According to the children who sang songs and chants that Kagome taught them when they were bored, it had been raining for two weeks.
   For the past week, Kagome had been staying at an Inn. It wasn’t the largest or most lavish like Miroku preferred, nor as sparse as Inuyasha preferred. There were five rooms, an outdoor pool and an old Innkeeper who liked chatting in the mornings while they drank their tea and didn’t charge Kagome on account of her status. Graciously, Kagome offered to clean the rooms for the Innkeeper and bless it regularly, just in case her presence brought misfortune. 
There was plenty of room for her goal; According to the Village Leader, women had been disappearing. Kagome had asked the Leader to keep him informed, but upon receiving no reply, Kagome let her gut instinct kick in. She only told Kaedae she’d be gone and hopped on the last cart of that night, napping amongst the hay and waking to an Ox licking her cheek, she and the farmer arriving at the inn. 
Kagome huffed, the cool night air materializing puffs that lifted her bangs. While she was stuck, waiting, how many girls were being taken in by that orange, malicious energy that filled the sky? The one she noticed sipping tea with the Innkeeper while they chatted? The dawn that pooled across the sky like blood and tricked regular people into thinking it was a normal sunset?
They sat there in the evening, after Kagome finished cleaning the floors and the Innkeeper made sure the snack portion was doubled. They sat and Kagome smiled and traded pleasantries and hid her unease behind her teacup when the Innkeeper remarked they’d never seen such a beautiful sunset. Kagome lost sleep these past few nights just watching the Innkeeper, making sure it wasn’t the beginnings of hypnotism. But so far no change. Just she and the Innkeeper and the orange blood hiding a perfectly good sunset.
Again, she wished she had time to learn how to work with shinigami. Or time to train a messenger bird. What kind of Priestess didn’t travel with a companion? Even her bike would have sufficed.
Had she known it would take so long for another lead but she didn’t know because she always worked in groups, and in a good group like hers, everyone did their fair share. It never seemed like there was a moment's rest because someone or someone else was always gathering information.
But now, Kagome was all alone and there was all at once too much to do and nothing to do. Too much information to work with and none at all. The perfect time to take Intel but, Intel on what?
“Perfect time to invent e-mail.” She muttered into her cup.
“You’ve been grumbling since your arrival yesterday, dear.” said the Innkeeper. “Have I become such a poor companion?” 
“Yesterday...? Oh! No! Not at all.” The truth sounded so unconvincing. Kagome cleared her throat, “It’s my fault really. I’m not working hard enough.”
So lax in fact that what felt like a week to her had only been a full day at the Inn.
“You’ve done nothing but work since you’ve been here, dear. This tea is the only way I’ve gotten you to take a breather.” The Innkeeper tapped their brass kettle and laughed, “You’ve left me no choice but to break out the good stuff in fact!”
The Innkeeper closed one eye and leaned into Kagome, peering into her personal space, “Are you sure you’re not a swindler? How old are these robes?”
Kagome jumped, her body moving almost against her will away from the Innkeeper’s hands and eyes and questions. Setting the tea aside, Kagome tucked her knees, turned to her host and bent at the waist.
“I’m sorry!”
Her youthful energy nearly knocked the Innkeeper backwards, “I promise I’m not swindling you and if you have been swindled before, specifically by a Monk wearing purple robes, I’m sorry for that as well!”
The Innkeeper blinked, “Ah-well, thank you. I haven’t been swindled by a purple robed Monk yet, Priestess, but I’ll be on the lookout from now on. Thank you.”
Kagome was so happy her face was shielded from view. Her embarrassment should only been seen by the nicely polished floorboards after all. Why did she react so strongly?
“Do you perhaps have any parchment and ink?”
The Innkeeper smiled, wide and perfect, “Ah, so that’s it. You’re missin’ your lover!”
Kagome sat ramrod straight with a blush that could match the sky and the Innkeeper guffawed, rising slowly and steadily and a little shakily from their seating cushion. Kagome could hear them behind her saying things about youth and young love. Kagome swore right then to take her shinigami training much more seriously. 
   Night fell and Kagome was left alone with her bone white incense burner, parchment, ink, a slop of orange stars in the night sky and a freshly brewed pot of tea.
Would Sesshomaru know anything about this? He had become her encyclopedia on demonic tactics, trickery and horrors that befell sleepy villages that women disappeared from. Or would he be just as blind because he didn’t even know she was here? Was he waiting for her at home or had he come and gone to tend to more important matters?
She could write Sango, Sango slayed thousands of demons and had even begun record keeping but could Sango afford to leave? When Kagome left, it had just been them and Kaedae. Five days changed many things but not the distance it would take the boys to get back home to take up guard duty.
She wished Inuyasha were here.
She could send it to Jaken…
“Maybe I should ask Rin.” Kagome mused, figuring if she was going to think ridiculous things she may as well say ridiculous things. Then, only smart things would be left. 
She put pen to paper and decided whichever name she wrote down would be the person she asked.
Dear Sesshomaru,
She blushed again. She never called him dear. Focus
I don’t know why I’m writing. It’s only been three nights but I miss you a lot so, maybe that’s it? Do I miss you?
Sighing, Kagome crossed that out and tried again.
Dearest Sesshomaru,
I miss you. 
Sleep isn’t as restful and tea isn’t as sweet and, have you ever seen an orange sky? Not like the afternoon, we’ve had some of our best afternoons up there. Not like persimmons either. It's a strange, runny, bloody orange. I figured I’d ask you, being the blood expert. Let me know if I should’ve written Myoga instead.
I’m not very good at writing letters. I need your help.
Kagome held the parchment up to her red face, pursed her lips and inhaled. Then she placed the page face down, turned her face upwards and exhaled.
She hoped her words reached him.
When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. No matter, the Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned all four rooms quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then, a bath sounded nice.
When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. No matter, the Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned all four rooms quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then, a bath sounded nice. 
When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. 
No matter. The Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned all three rooms quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then, a bath sounded nice. 
When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. 
No matter. 
The Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned three rooms quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then…
   When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. No matter, the Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned her room and the guest room quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then… 
Kagome stopped cleaning the floorboards. 
Why was she still at the Inn? The village was still up ahead. 
Far off in the distance where she could see it touching the blood orange sky she definitely saw a village. 
She definitely saw it. 
If she just turned around and looked it would be there still and she could put one foot in front of the other without bidding a proper farewell to the Innkeeper and continue on her mission.
But, her head wouldn’t move.
Her body wouldn’t move. 
“Thank Heavens,” said the Innkeeper from far away, from above, from below, “You know girlie, you used up all my water.”
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin’s voice rang out and Sesshomaru heeded her immediately with Sango in tow, Hiraikotsu firmly in her grasp.
“Mama! The rain is clearing up!” Sango children crowded around her hips gleeful and fed and Sango leaned down to them.
“And how long was it raining?”
“14 days!” Her eldest daughter piped up, her siblings agreeing.
“What is it, Rin?” He watched the girl and Jaken attempt to gather all of the fur into their arms to avoid getting dirty as they made their way to him but the mud hardly mattered. Why was Mokomoko leaning at all?
“A message appeared, My Lord!” Jaken squealed from behind, his stubby form holding up the latter pelt while Rin stood on tip-toe to reveal its underside. Sesshomaru’s frown deepened and he reached for the soggy thing and it dried immediately before affixing itself around his shoulders. It was heavy with holy magic and would remain sluggish until the holy magic was removed and Sesshomaru only knew of one Priestess who could place such intent upon him at such close proximity.
It was even in her handwriting. And as the weather cleared, her scent came at him with a force it hadn’t had in fourteen days. His hand gripped the pelt tighter when Sango came over to survey the message. 
“Dearest Sesshomaru, I miss you?” She read aloud.
With his free hand Sesshomaru waved his palm over the words and captured the false letters in his hand then placed his palm up. The letters evaporated like steam and he caught whiffs of tea and polished floors and blood not her own. 
Sango could say she’d never seen steam with feelings until her eyes caught those last glimpses of Sesshomaru’s stoic face crack in anger before clouds of billowing smoke swallowed him up until he vanished.
…Was that snow?
“What trickery is this, witch?”
Kagome squinted. 
No, not snow, though the consistency was similar. Small, white petals fell from a large, white cloud that descended from above the grounds, creating a flurry that threw the Innkeeper off kilter as it clumped into their ears and nose and sucked into the Innkeeper’s indignant maw.
A larger shadow fell over Kagome and she felt instantly relieved.
Sesshomaru made time for the brief caress of her cheek and Kagome swooned a tad before Sesshomaru caught one of the falling petals on his fingers and pressed it to Kagome’s lips. 
“Sesshomaru,” Tension easing from body, Kagome nuzzled her cheek into his palm, “I did miss you.”
He brought their faces closer, “You were expecting Myoga.” He accused her.
“Obviously.” She giggled, “But you’ll do.”
While Kagome waited for the feeling to return to her legs, Sesshomaru surveyed the area for irregularities. 
… There. The strange, orange liquid attempting to bubble itself back into a brass teapot sitting on the veranda. That was irregular.
Sesshomaru shot out his hand and produced his poison whip, snapping it across the liquid surface and causing it to bubble. The Innkeeper retook a human form from the reaction, their yowl agonizing and arms blistering.  
“Guess that means my letter worked?”
”Well enough.” He lifted the side of mokomoko that her words ink-stained into the underside.
“I can get that out.”
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. The Innkeeper was struggling so he tightened his grip. 
“I just need to get–” 
He turned and shook his hair to the side, revealing her weapons attached at his hip. Even with his back turned, Sesshomaru could feel Kagome’s grateful expression while she removed the bow and quiver. 
He harshly flicked his wrist and sent the demon skyward to screech and snarl into the blood orange sky. Above all else, Sesshomaru could not stand much more of the noise that was drowning out their conversation. At least this way he could admire the way Kagome adjusted her aim.
“This One had already been looking for you.”
Kagome could barely concentrate on charging her arrow when he was being such a sweet-talker, “Thank you for finding me, my Lord.”
Her arrow struck the teapot and Sesshomaru’s acid did quick work of the false form.
As the demon puddled to the ground, Kagome placed her sleeve over her mouth as she approached. She waved two fingers in a uniform pattern across the puddle and it purified. Then she raised her fingers and chanted, and the sky began to resemble the sky, the sun was setting, the horizon was empty and her mission was complete. 
Sesshomaru stepped next to her when it was done and offered her his hand to take. She obliged, then laced their fingers together.
“What of the Inn?”
“I’ve been purifying it for the last few days. The spirits left easily enough because they didn’t want to be there in the first place. They wanted to keep walking toward the horizon.”
Sesshomaru looked to the horizon, but all he saw was the sunset, “Was there something there?”
“Something for anyone who's looking.” Kagome answered in her strange way. Sesshomaru was certain she didn’t even notice when she spoke nonsensically.
“Hungry?” Kagome questioned perkily, “Only the tea was cursed. The snacks weren’t bad. And we have the whole place to ourselves.”
Kagome led Sesshomaru back to the Inn.
“Pardon the intrusi–Ah!” She stumbled backwards, caught by Sesshomaru’s big frame. When had he removed his armor?
“This One had been looking for you prior to your ‘invitation’.” His hand tightened in hers and Kagome gulped. Something was rubbing salaciously between the pleats of her hakama.
“O-oh? Well, you found me. Did I thank you for that yet?”
“You are about to.” Sesshomaru bent over her and her body followed slightly until they were both on their knees at the door.
Kagome could always see things behind her but it was a different thrill entirely to somehow feel the grin slipping over Sesshomaru’s lips. 
“Pardon the intrusion.” He whispered.
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bukimevieningi · 2 years
Vaidas Žemaitis. Lietuvos politika pasiekė dugną (video)
Lietuvos politikai Lietuvą pavertė pajuokų ir patyčių valstybe, kuomet žmonės yra skirstomi į “vatinukus” ir “patriotus”. Patyčioms skleisti nusamdomi jaunimo tarpe išpopuliarinti asmenys, tokie kaip Šurajevas, Demiko, Ramanauskas ir kiti agresyvūs veikėjai. Kokią jaunąją kartą jie išaugins? Jiems yra suteikiamas visiškas nebaudžiamumas, todėl šie, jausdami nebaudžiamumo laisvę, propaguoja…
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bcrude · 4 years
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When Mr. Crude arrived at Koni’s apartment to let her perform her special project, she told him she knew just where she wanted him to fuck her and led him to the bathroom.
“Right here, against the counter and in front of the mirror. I want to be able to see the expressions on your face as you’re fucking me from behind,” she said. “You’ll be able to see mine, too.”
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chrisnaustin · 5 years
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If only I were she!
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mikodaiyo · 5 years
I googled ‘dog commands in Japanese’ for this one. 
Follow my Dokuga & Pillowfort for more sesskag; I also draw! Consider commissioning me
   The weather was pleasantly warm in the Sengoku today. Nice enough to let children run around the village into the plant grounds, where farmers looked upon their fruitful harvests with pride as their hands sifted soil. Warm breezes rolled over the bridge that gaped the village from the outside world, out onto the path of trees and, sitting right at the base of one such tree, the Miko of Inuyasha Village Kagome felt it caressing her face, almost with care, she blushed and fidgeted with the item hidden in her sleeve.
The young woman sat in her usual red and white uniform with a basket beside her. She was going herb hunting today.
She bit the inside of her cheek to prevent a squeal of excitement but it slipped out anyway, loud enough to evoke another annoyed sigh from the man sunbathing out on the tree branch above her.
“Y’know, if you hit one more high note down there you might consider hangin’ up the Priestess gig and taking your singing show on the road.”
Kagome tried ignoring him, closing her eyes and mimicking the pose of a zen leader, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You’re takin’ it wrong then.”
“Oi!” Kagome glared up at her best friend as he scratched his ear and pretended to ignore her back. She huffed and reached for the concealed item again.
“Cut it out,” Inuyasha sighed, fluidly rolling his body from the branch to a crouch beside her. He grabbed her arm and reached inside he sleeves, bypassing her protests as he pinched the item by one of its blue beads.
It was a fitting bracelet, laced with a dormant energy Inuyasha wouldn’t have known to search for had he not seen the item made himself. It had a soft hue,, the cold blue glass reflected against the sun and was strung together with wire, of course but, intertwined within the wire were fine strands of black and silver embedded with faint, bonding magic.
“You’ll break it before any demon gets a chance.”
“You swear you think he’ll like it?”
“Kagome,” He stared at her flatly, “you know him better than I do, don’t ya think?”
Kagome snorted, “I’m starting to doubt that with how much you hang out with him lately. Aren’t you only waiting here because you wanted to see your brother?” She teased, and thoroughly enjoyed Inuyasha’s embarrassed flails.
“What? No! Fuck him!” When the bracelet flew out of his hands Kagome made sure to catch it safely back into her sleeve.  
“I’ll see what ha-”
“Aaah!” Inuyasha yelled, cutting off any continuation of her sentence. They stared at each other for a while, and then burst out in laughter.
Having a best friend like Inuyasha was exactly what Kagome needed in this era, it felt like it made... everything easier. Only after they enjoyed the peace a little while longer did Inuyasha speak up.
“Of course he’ll like it. I get that he’s Sesshomaru but any man appreciates a gift from someone they cherish.” Kagome watched him wistfully touch his rosary. Some time ago, Kagome had removed its spell for Inuyasha and Kaede revealed its original purpose, when Kaede was just a girl watching her sister attempt a romantic gesture. Inuyasha’s touch of the necklace was momentary but, such as how memories were, it made the present more poignant.
Suddenly, Inuyasha’s nose began twitching, and he languorously stretch out, resting his head on Kagome’s lap, who chuckled and flicked his twitchy ear.
“What’s up? You think one moment of clarity deserves some kind of reward?”
“Well, it certainly ain’t free advice I’m peddlin’ over here.”
Eventually, Kagome caved, giving his little ears attention and relaxing herself just in time for a swift wind to start blowing leaves to and fro and sweeping Kagome up amidst her own unbound hair. She untangled herself with her free hand at the exact moment to watch Lord Sesshomaru walking out of the thick brush.
“Sesshomaru-san,” The pink returned to her cheeks again.
His eyes captured hers instantly, making her heart quicken with each step until he was towering over them.
“‘Sup.” Inuyasha spoke with his eyes still closed in enjoyment.
Kagome saw Sesshomaru’s face tense instantly and raised her hands in the air, less like a child who caught caught stealing sweets, more like a woman who knew where to place her appendages by now to not get caught in Inuyasha’s ever impending karma.
Sesshomaru delivered a swift, precise kick to Inuyasha’s head, spinning him into the air and off of the Miko’s lap, who swore she saw his spirit checkout of his body for a moment.
“You okay?” She called out. Inuyasha popped out of the bushes in response, angrily spitting out leaves.
“Whaddya think?!”  Inuyasha pointed at his half brother, “Sesshomaru-!”
“Kagome.” He greeted, kneeling down to dust off her lap, “Are you prepared?”
“Sesshomaru-san…” She could only respond shyly, even though a toothy smile nearly split her lips apart when her Lord reached up to push her bangs aside for a better view of her.
Kagome happily reached for her basket, “Yes. Let’s go.”
“OI!” Inuyasha broke their atmosphere, resulting in the always freezing temperature of Kagome’s cold glare.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome warned, and before Inuyasha could appeal to her good nature, “Ma-te.”
“It’s a much more appropriate spell for him than ‘Osuwari’ ever was.” Kagome mused as she and Sesshomaru climbed up a steep hill littered with tiny yellow flowers. “ ‘Stay’ really helps him think about the penalty for his actions. All of the children love climbing on him.”
Once they hit the fresh air of the hilltop, Kagome picked a patch of flowers to drop her basket, stretching one arm, then the other, pleased groans escaping with each bone pop.
“What a good day!”
Sesshomaru knelt next to her basket so he could place the extras she asked him to gather inside, before sitting himself, pollen and petals rising around the impact. Kagome couldn’t help but soak in his visage; the way nature sailed past him was poetry in motion to her, she loved any chance she got to simply watch him instead of sneaking shy, distanced glances at his beauty like others. Hell, like herself years ago.
Kagome took a deep breath before she fell to her hands and knees beside him.
“I...I made you something!” She blurted out, interest piquing in Sesshomaru’s eyes.
“And what would you have to give I,” Sesshomaru raised his hand to run it through her hair again, appreciating the unique softness of her cheek as it habitually nestled into the palm of his hand, “who wants for nothing except you?”
Kagome buried her smile in Sesshomaru’s hand and then removed herself from the tempting proximity to focus on presenting him with the bracelet from her inner sleeve. As he eyed it, Kagome reminded herself rarely was his silence to be taken negatively when it involved her and yet, she felt prickling nerves making her itch.
More than like it, she wanted him to want it.
Sesshomaru took it from her and sniffed it, his eyes lowly lidded. He was pleased.
“There is an energy to this armament.”
“It’s charmed. I charmed it, I-” Kagome stuttered, “I wanted to, you know, have something that always kept as connected. Lately, it’s more lonely when we’re apart.”
Maybe it was because he had recently made her his but, there was this feeling growing inside of Kagome, and not in the way her confidants embarrassingly suspected. Kagome was a powerful woman, her powers were constantly defying odds and, she was always learning and fighting but, even more so, her emotions were powerful; Kagome was a rarity in the Miko world because she was one who drew her strength from the relationships she formed, instead of the ties she cut.
She and Sesshomaru shared the strongest bond between two people in love. Not just physically or spiritually; more than giving one another their bodies, they had given each other intimacy, and it was so much more powerful than anything they could have imagined.
During the days, Sesshomaru and Kagome were many things still, at the end of each one, they only wanted to be two beings in love.
“I share your sentiments,” Sesshomaru admitted easily. Giving the bracelet back to her, Sesshomaru presented his arm, “I wish to wear this.”
Kagome was more than over the moon to slip the bracelet around his wrist, he could tell by the way her legs danced underneath her. She held his hand while it pulsed, the spell binding itself to his aura. Together, they watched a fine glow emit from the bobbles until it didn’t and Sesshomaru felt a refreshing wave slip around him, less like the protective layer he expected and more like an amplification, like the power in the ornament was letting him know this was a gift of freedom, not frailty.
“I asked Totosai to make sure this helped you in battle since he was so worried this might hinder your swordsmanship.”
Sesshomaru too noticed that but, Totosai underestimated him. A swordsman Lord of his power would obviously adapt to anything, especially anything his mate put thought into.
“I was thinking I’d get it reworked later… maybe, something smaller, like a ring.”
“What spell did you see fit to bless me with?” He wondered, playing with her. He would wear a ring and he knew she knew that. She was simply being noticeably coy so, he teased her by not taking the bait. Kagome pouted and Sesshomaru poked her forehead in response, a silly reprimand between them.
“‘Koi’.” She answered his question while dramatically prodding her “injured” skin. “I named the spell ‘Koi’.”
The bracelet gave, gentle responding thrums.
Sesshomaru smirked, a huff blowing from his nose, “Let no one ever doubt your infatuation with dogs, Kagome.”
Humming, Kagome laid her head in his lap, wrapped mokomoko around her legs and pretended not to hear him.
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authoresschan · 3 years
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Demiko is coming through to woo the ladies... Are you ready to read about him? Coming soon
**These are character visuals to show how the character looks I do not own these photos please be kind**
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@theblueguardiangirlsrp asked for Thalia!
BOLD any which apply to your muse! Remember to REPOST.
( COLORS ) red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. mint. cream. teal. lilac. black. grey. white. silver.gold. metallic. matte.
( ELEMENTS ) fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. smoke. lightning.sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. midnight.
( BODY ) claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. beauty marks. bruises. canine.scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall.normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. weak.
( WEAPONS ) fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. chains. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. explosives. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks.
( MATERIALS ) gold. silver. platinum. titanium. aluminum. iridium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
( NATURE ) grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. swamp. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. cliffs. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.
( ANIMALS ) lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. vultures. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons.
( CONSUMABLES ) sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. burgers. burritos. pizza.
( HOBBIES ) music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. gambling. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing.running.
( STYLE ) lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup.
( MISC ) balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. betrayal. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
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chrisnaustin · 5 years
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If only I were she!
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izatrini · 4 years
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Demiko promises he'll be back next year - Barbados Today http://dlvr.it/Rf2dly
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mikodaiyo · 5 years
Getting Caught
Inspired by an otp prompt, I also do commissions
Follow me on Dokuga and my Pillowfort!
  Kagome had one very specific, exploitable kink: lip biting; She loved the sensation a little bite sent from her head to her toes. The heady arousal of staring into her lover's glassy, amber eyes, slanted in pleasure from giving her, the feeling that sprouted a smile across her lips when her responding pull of his lip slightly to hers when they separated for Kagome to catch her breath, should've cost something; that sort of pleasure certainly wasn't given just, for free.
But, this wasn't really free, was it? She felt their differences even now, as they kissed and his fangs danced along her trapezius and his talons scratched softly against the fabric of her white haori. She was a Miko and he was a Demon. Everywhere they walked, though she was brave and he was fearless, was met with scrutiny.
To humans, Kagome was a renowned Priestess, with strange yet, miraculous medicines and the power used to defeat Naraku and to demons, Sesshomaru was a powerful Lord of the West,  feared by more than had been felled by his blade. To see them when travel together, despite the rumors that Kagome had once traveled with half and full demons and Lord Sesshomaru had once traveled with a small human girl, alleviated few.
Kagome moaned sweetly when he pulled her tighter against him, her scent nearly doused him when her breasts pushed up against the hard planks of his chest. Her heart was beating so fast she could feel it beating in her ears. Sesshomaru kissed her harder. Her hands bunched his haori tightly and, she felt his heartbeat was beating fast too.
Though her heart lied in the feudal era, Kagome had never considered herself bound to this timeline mentally. She knew what the future would be, and she was excited to build one where humans, hanyou and demons could maybe, make a place in one another's lives that didn't automatically have to be born of malice. Throughout her travels after Naraku beside Sesshomaru, she felt that wish even more strongly.
And when Sesshomaru bit her lip again to ground that mind of hers in her current reality, the wish felt more like a calling of her very soul.
“What do you think about,” Sesshomaru mumbled against her lips, his claws skirting against her hip, between the slit of her red hakama to flutter underneath, “when your eyes travel so far?”
“Us.” She whispered sincerely before cupping his face in her hands.
An amused huff blew from his nose, “Good.”
They leaned toward each other yet again only this time, both felt a sudden blip of demonic energy emerge in the spot of forest they had cleared for themselves, and then felt each other's irritation when they noticed whose energy and scent it belonged to.
“Wasn't he supposed to be getting Ah-Un ready to see Rin?”
Sesshomaru's eye twitched in response.
“My Lord! Lord Sesshomaru! Lord Sesshoma-ECK! A-A-Apologies My Lord-MY LADY NO!”
The eyes of the feudal era could be harsh to bear. Good thing Kagome always knew where to hit her mark.
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Honks here; I have no context for this, I just wanted you all to be privy to the entity known as Danny Demiko
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chrisnaustin · 5 years
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If only I were she!
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jasonilvj-blog · 5 years
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WowGirls Koni Demiko Hot Threesome Full 5d29753be92ed
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mikodaiyo · 6 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/Sesshoumaru, Miroku/Sango (InuYasha), Kagura/Naraku (InuYasha), Inu no Taishou/Sesshoumaru's Mother, Inu no Taishou/Izayoi, Izayoi/Sesshoumaru's mother Characters: Higurashi Kagome, Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), InuYasha (InuYasha), Kouga (InuYasha), Naraku (InuYasha), Kagura (InuYasha), Sesshoumaru's Mother (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome's Mother, Sango (InuYasha), Kohaku (InuYasha), Shippou (InuYasha), Rin (InuYasha), Kanna (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome's Grandfather, Higurashi Souta, Inu no Taishou, Izayoi (InuYasha), Miroku (InuYasha) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Romance, Drama & Romance, Action/Adventure, Fluff and Humor Summary:
When Kagome was a child, a demon fell out of her well and in love with her. But, Kagome is the Shinto Maiden, a delicacy for demons, promising eternal life in her flesh and insurmountable power in her spilled blood. On her 19th birthday, who she is, is revealed, and all she can hope for is that if she is to be devoured, let it be by the silver haired demon of her childhood.
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williamtwrpb-blog · 5 years
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WowGirls Koni Demiko Hot Threesome Full 5cf6422dc036a
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