thrillridesz · 4 years
the one with the puppy ▫ changmin
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➳ pairing: changmin x reader ➳ genre: fluff ➳ word count: 1.7k ➳ warnings: n/a ➳ requested? : yes
a/n: unedited!
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“Is that an actual puppy?”
Changmin asked in a high pitched tone full of excitement, eyes wide with surprise and glee as he watched you let the little ball of fluff run across the living room.
“I don’t think robotic toy puppies are going to be that realistic,” you laughed at his reaction. The two of you had been talking about getting a puppy for the longest time but somehow have never found the time to actually go adopt one. This was definitely a surprise for him and if you weren’t sure earlier about how he’d react, you are now certainly reassured.
“It’s so cute!” He practically screamed and you winced as he shot you an apologetic look, “Sorry.”
“It’s ok, I agree.” You smiled, taking the puppy from him and rubbing your nose affectionately against its small, black nose.
“I love him so much already.”
For some reasons at your words, Changmin felt a sudden pang of jealousy and clinginess in him which was a weird feeling to say the least since it wasn’t like him at all. He watched quietly as you fawned over the little puppy, wondering when was the last time you looked at him the way you are looking at the puppy right now. In his eyes, the little creature had all of a sudden became infinitely and significantly less adorable.
“So... So do I.” He gave you a small smile.
“I bought some snacks too,” you began and immediately, Changmin lit up.
“Snacks?” The happiness in his voice was clear but it dulled as he noticed the strange look you were giving him.
“I meant for the puppy, silly.” You chuckled, drawing a bag of dog biscuits from your bagpack and the smile fell off his face faster than the excitement that bubbled in his heart earlier.
Changmin could only take the biscuit from you wordlessly, his eyes observing your every move. The way your face was so radiant and all smiles with the puppy and your melodious laughs that rang through the apartment as the puppy licked at your face. Subconsciously, he began to chew listlessly at the biscuit in his hand.
What was this feeling?
He was so deep in thought that he barely realised the look of horror that passed over your face.
“Changmin! Is that the dog biscuit you’re eating?!”
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“Y/n! Shall we go for some waffles later at the new café down the street?”
Changmin bounded up to you from behind, enveloping you in a back hug as you leaned back in your seat from studying.
You could only shook your head as you patted his arm which was draped over your shoulders.
“I can’t. I have to finish these project slides and then take Nana for a walk.” You sighed, not noticing the slight frown on his face.
“Can’t you take Nana for a walk after?” He asked in an apprehensive tone.
“I can’t. He’s been growing impatient for the past hour, I have to.”
“But it’s waffles...”
“I know Changmin, we can always go after?” A grin tugged at your lips as Nana scurried into the room towards you and you rubbed his fluffy head lovingly.
For a moment, Changmin didn’t say a word but eventually, he relented reluctantly.
As he left the room, he couldn’t help but shoot the Nana a glare. Closing the door behind him, the jealousy and possessiveness threatened to overwhelm him as he leaned despondently against the door
It seemed like you never did have much time for him anymore. You were almost always busy with school and when you weren’t you were preoccupied with Nana. Of course, he loved Nana too but not when the little pupper was taking up so much of your time. Unexpectedly, it stirred up this clingy side of him he never knew he had.
Smacking himself on the forehead, he chastised himself.
“What are you doing, Ji Changmin? Getting all clingy and jealous because of a dog?”
Yet, he couldn’t help himself. Staring at the polaroid picture of Nana you had pinned up on the refrigerator door in the kitchen from afar, Changmin narrowed his eyes as he puffed his cheeks in annoyance.
“I love you Nana, but...” He straightened, “it’s on.”
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Over the next few days, you weren’t particularly looking out for any sort of weird activities going on around the house but it didn’t take long for you notice something slightly amiss even as you were indulging in your work.
Was it just you or was Changmin acting a lot more... Clingy?
Whenever you were busy working on something on your laptop, he would pop by randomly with all sorts of baked treats or snacks and proceed to hang out in your room with you. Since he knew you were the type to prefer total silence when you were working, Changmin would just lounge around in the room, essentially doing nothing and just trying to keep you company. What was very strange, was the fact that he seemed to be becoming almost too attentive to Nana’s every need. At times, it would feel almost as if he didn’t want you to have any form of interaction with the little puppy.
Changmin would insist on walking Nana, holding Nana and even showering the feisty ball of fluff which the both of you knew could become such a long ordeal. When you did have the time to hang out with Nana, he would grow quieter and even if he may not notice what he was doing, you could somehow feel his gaze on you when you played with the puppy. It was odd to say the least and secretly, you wondered if he was okay.
On a particular day, you were busy jotting down some notes from an online lecture you had when he burst into the room with a wide dimpled smile on his face and a plate of cinnamon buns in his hands.
“Y/n, I brought you some treats fresh from the bakery! Here you go,” he chirped, gingerly placing the plate next to you and taking a seat on your bed. Smiling at him appreciatively, you accepted the treat as you mumbled your thanks.
“Where’s Nana?” You asked carefully, your mouth full of cinnamon goodness.
You didn’t miss the look of disappointment that briefly flashed across his face which he quickly concealed with a grin.
“Nana’s sleeping after playing at the park earlier. Our boy really got invested in our game of Fetch.”
“Right,” you replied and before you could help yourself you asked, “are you just going to hang around in my room again?”
The words must have sounded less harsh in your mind than they did when actually spoken aloud because Changmin’s smile dropped almost instantly as his eyes widened instinctively. You felt your heart drop when you saw the look of hurt in those eyes.
“Um, do you not want me around?”
“No, no! That’s not what I meant!” You rushed forward, reaching out to hold his hands in yours.
His expression softened at your touch and with those large, soulful doe eyes, he stared into yours as he laced his fingers between yours.
“Then what is it?” He asked cautiously.
You looked at your clasped hands.
“I was just wondering why you’re suddenly so affectionate is all. Why are you suddenly like this since Nana’s arrival?” You said softly, tightening your grip on his hand and feeling him stiffen at your question.
“Is there something you are not telling me?”
“I just...” Changmin trailed off, his face turning red at an alarming rate.
“I... I... hate how you don’t really have time for me anymore.” He whispered in a soft voice with his head downcast so he didn’t see the surprise in your face.
“I don't know why I even think this way, I’m sorry if this just makes me look weird but I feel like even before Nana joined our little family, you were already too busy to be able to spend time with me but when our little boy came around, it felt like we weren't even physically together much anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I love Nana and always will but I just wish we could spend a little more time together, just you and me.” Changmin admitted and you felt your heart drop.
You would never have realised just how much you were neglecting him until he pointed it out and realising that only now, you couldn’t help but feel extremely sorry for him. You knew that he loved spending time with you as a couple and to treat him so carelessly, you felt almost guilty.
“I’m sorry, Changmin. I really am.” You said softly, looping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. Jolting, he almost jumped back from surprise but he melded into the hug quickly.
“It’s ok, love.” He said and you could hear the smile in his voice.
“I promise I’ll try to spend more time with you! I’ll devote an equal amount of time to my boys!” You laughed, holding up three fingers in a girls’ scout salute style to which he chuckled merrily, his eyes shining with amusement.
“You don’t have to be so serious about it! I guess all I needed was some reassurance.” Changmin said, holding your hands in his as he rubbed your fingers gently.
“So do you mean to say now that you’ve got that reassurance, you won't be giving me any special treatment anymore?”
You raised an eyebrow at him playfully, causing him to shoot you a rather affronted look.
“I’m offended, y/n. Those came from the heart.”
“Sure, it did.” You teased, pinching his cheeks to which he scrunched up his nose cutely at.
The moment between the two of you was interrupted by barking from the kitchen, followed by a crash. Standing up, you were about to investigate what had happened when Changmin held onto your wrist.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’ll go check it out, you focus on your work and enjoy that cinnamon bun. I’ll settle everything.” He smiled warmly before stepping out. Peeking out from the ajar door, you watched as he lifted Nana up, his melodious laughs ringing through the apartment.
“Aw, Nana! Look what you did!”
You felt your heart flutter as he fussed over Nana.
Maybe this time, it’s your turn to become the clingy one.
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thrillridesz · 4 years
《2:03am》 - Hyunjae
“Sir, please. Let us stay like that for a moment longer,” you whispered, almost cowering into Hyunjae’s chest.
From a distance, a rugged looking drunk man staggered out from the nightclub. Whipping his head from left to right, there was a flash of confusion on his face as he looked for you.
“Darling~ Where are you...?” He drawled, a leery smile on his scrappy face.
You whimpered at the sound of the man’s voice and wrapped your arms tighter around Hyunjae’s waist. As he looked down, you had your face practically pressed against his chest and he felt his heart skip a beat at the closeness.
“Um, miss...” He mumbled, red faced.
“Please!” You cried softly, desperation in your voice.
Hyunjae looked down at you and found himself staring into a pair of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Yet, those eyes were almost glassy with tears of fear and he suddenly felt the urge to protect you. The last thing he wanted to see in those eyes was fear and sadness. You looked so terrified that there was no way he could have just left you alone.
As the man approached the two of you, Hyunjae wrapped his arms around you protectively, playing along. He felt your trembling figure stiffen for a split second before melding into the hug. He didn’t know you but for some reasons, you have triggered his protective instincts. At that moment, any shred of embarrassment dissipated and all Hyunjae knew was that he had to protect you at all costs.
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