#derek has also always patiently listened to stiles' fears and ideas and concerns
andavs · 7 years
What do you think of Lydia? (and to a lesser extent, Stydia)
I love Lydia–or I love what she has the potential to be since the show somehow managed to sideline everything about her while still giving her a ton of screentime. She went from a fussy and petty queen bee to getting down and dirty and wanting to fight her way through an angry mob. I love that.
There are definitely areas I wish the show had explored more, like all of her abilities and the whole banshee thing, since that’s still vague and murky and there’s no rhyme or reason to what she can do at all. I would’ve loved if they continued to show her training, maybe taking a martial art of some kind at a gym, hiring a trainer. Or even continuing with Parrish and giving them a solid relationship, even if it’s platonic, since they spent an entire season setting up this connection between them and then ditched it completely.
(Oh, if Allison were still around, can you imagine her training Lydia? Them going at it in the gym while everyone else gathers around to watch because these girls are going to kill each other, but then they jump up and high five and go get smoothies.)
So I love Lydia.
But I very much dislike her with Stiles.
The Jackson reunion scene in the finale sealed the deal there, because that relationship makes Stiles into a dick, more so than usual. Like the second he “gets” her, he reverts right back to that creepy, possessive little gremlin from the first two seasons.
And I have a rant about this that I really wasn’t expecting, so…
Lydia hasn’t seen Jackson in, what, two years? Seems like they haven’t been talking much since she didn’t know about Ethan, he isn’t a threat in the least, and Stiles pulls them apart after like ten seconds. If he has that little faith in his girlfriend and their relationship, he probably shouldn’t be with her since they’re going to school in different states. And I don’t remember him acting like that with Malia, so I don’t think that’s just how he is in relationships.
Yes, Stiles is possessive of people in his life, but pulling Lydia apart from her friend she hasn’t seen in two years? Really? Dickish and childish, even if it’s Jackson.
And I don’t really understand why he came back so insecure and possessive of her if he’s been totally fine with, I assume, very little communication from Lydia this entire time. I mean, he didn’t know there was anything going on in Beacon Hills, had no idea there was anything wrong, did he even know she was back home? She was supposed be at MIT already in the first episode, so…did she just not talk to him at all? Ignore his calls? Lie about going to class? 
Because if she told him she was sticking around in BH, Stiles would want to know why, and if there was a hint of a problem, a hint of her covering up a problem, he would’ve gone back. Even if he thought Scott left for school and Malia was off in France, his dad’s there. He would go back in a heartbeat. I know they were working around DOB’s schedule, but at the very least they could’ve had a few shots of her on the phone assuring him everything’s fine, her mom had knee surgery and needs some help, but everything is fine, your dad’s fine.
That would imply that he trusts her, her judgment, their relationship, etc. instead of implying that they’re only a few months into their relationship and already go for very long stretches with no communication at all.
Not great.
But then he comes back, finds out everything is not fine, and his dad was ousted from the Sheriff’s Station and is kind of in hiding, and his pack is being hunted down? Pretty sure he’d be seriously pissed about the lies and/or radio silence, and it would also probably stir up all kinds of issues about feeling like the useless human everyone has to protect at the expense of possibly their lives. Probably not a great feeling for a guy who was really proud of himself for landing an FBI internship so he can protect people.
Also, Lydia seems to be so far beyond high school relationships, done with teenage boys who fumble through basic relationship shit, and Stiles seems like he would fumble. A lot. He’s matured, he’s seen some shit, he’s off going to college, but he’s still had one relationship that didn’t last very long, with someone learning to be human. And it didn’t go great. I can’t see Lydia being patient enough for that. 
Yes, Lydia is still learning too, since her dating history is spotty as well, but I don’t think she’s looking for someone her age to learn with along the way. I think she would aim for someone who’s already there that she can adapt to and catch up with without having to haul anyone else along. She’s got a faster learning curve than Stiles when it comes to people and relationships, and I think she would get very annoyed with little things that quickly become juvenile and tedious. Like maybe being too possessive and insecure?
And even if he backed down from this crazy Lydia-specific possessiveness, Stiles is still pretty intense with everyone in his life. He practically growled at Isaac every time he got within ten feet of Scott. I don’t think Lydia–trying to build a life in a new city, at school, making connections–would put up with that even as a friend. She would tell him to back off and stay out of it, and then he’d get more insecure and it’s all a mess.
Anyway, to make a long story short (too late) I think they would realize very quickly that their personalities don’t work together romantically and agree to be friends again.
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