#but lydia told him to shut up about losing a toe?
andavs · 7 years
What do you think of Lydia? (and to a lesser extent, Stydia)
I love Lydia–or I love what she has the potential to be since the show somehow managed to sideline everything about her while still giving her a ton of screentime. She went from a fussy and petty queen bee to getting down and dirty and wanting to fight her way through an angry mob. I love that.
There are definitely areas I wish the show had explored more, like all of her abilities and the whole banshee thing, since that’s still vague and murky and there’s no rhyme or reason to what she can do at all. I would’ve loved if they continued to show her training, maybe taking a martial art of some kind at a gym, hiring a trainer. Or even continuing with Parrish and giving them a solid relationship, even if it’s platonic, since they spent an entire season setting up this connection between them and then ditched it completely.
(Oh, if Allison were still around, can you imagine her training Lydia? Them going at it in the gym while everyone else gathers around to watch because these girls are going to kill each other, but then they jump up and high five and go get smoothies.)
So I love Lydia.
But I very much dislike her with Stiles.
The Jackson reunion scene in the finale sealed the deal there, because that relationship makes Stiles into a dick, more so than usual. Like the second he “gets” her, he reverts right back to that creepy, possessive little gremlin from the first two seasons.
And I have a rant about this that I really wasn’t expecting, so…
Lydia hasn’t seen Jackson in, what, two years? Seems like they haven’t been talking much since she didn’t know about Ethan, he isn’t a threat in the least, and Stiles pulls them apart after like ten seconds. If he has that little faith in his girlfriend and their relationship, he probably shouldn’t be with her since they’re going to school in different states. And I don’t remember him acting like that with Malia, so I don’t think that’s just how he is in relationships.
Yes, Stiles is possessive of people in his life, but pulling Lydia apart from her friend she hasn’t seen in two years? Really? Dickish and childish, even if it’s Jackson.
And I don’t really understand why he came back so insecure and possessive of her if he’s been totally fine with, I assume, very little communication from Lydia this entire time. I mean, he didn’t know there was anything going on in Beacon Hills, had no idea there was anything wrong, did he even know she was back home? She was supposed be at MIT already in the first episode, so…did she just not talk to him at all? Ignore his calls? Lie about going to class? 
Because if she told him she was sticking around in BH, Stiles would want to know why, and if there was a hint of a problem, a hint of her covering up a problem, he would’ve gone back. Even if he thought Scott left for school and Malia was off in France, his dad’s there. He would go back in a heartbeat. I know they were working around DOB’s schedule, but at the very least they could’ve had a few shots of her on the phone assuring him everything’s fine, her mom had knee surgery and needs some help, but everything is fine, your dad’s fine.
That would imply that he trusts her, her judgment, their relationship, etc. instead of implying that they’re only a few months into their relationship and already go for very long stretches with no communication at all.
Not great.
But then he comes back, finds out everything is not fine, and his dad was ousted from the Sheriff’s Station and is kind of in hiding, and his pack is being hunted down? Pretty sure he’d be seriously pissed about the lies and/or radio silence, and it would also probably stir up all kinds of issues about feeling like the useless human everyone has to protect at the expense of possibly their lives. Probably not a great feeling for a guy who was really proud of himself for landing an FBI internship so he can protect people.
Also, Lydia seems to be so far beyond high school relationships, done with teenage boys who fumble through basic relationship shit, and Stiles seems like he would fumble. A lot. He’s matured, he’s seen some shit, he’s off going to college, but he’s still had one relationship that didn’t last very long, with someone learning to be human. And it didn’t go great. I can’t see Lydia being patient enough for that. 
Yes, Lydia is still learning too, since her dating history is spotty as well, but I don’t think she’s looking for someone her age to learn with along the way. I think she would aim for someone who’s already there that she can adapt to and catch up with without having to haul anyone else along. She’s got a faster learning curve than Stiles when it comes to people and relationships, and I think she would get very annoyed with little things that quickly become juvenile and tedious. Like maybe being too possessive and insecure?
And even if he backed down from this crazy Lydia-specific possessiveness, Stiles is still pretty intense with everyone in his life. He practically growled at Isaac every time he got within ten feet of Scott. I don’t think Lydia–trying to build a life in a new city, at school, making connections–would put up with that even as a friend. She would tell him to back off and stay out of it, and then he’d get more insecure and it’s all a mess.
Anyway, to make a long story short (too late) I think they would realize very quickly that their personalities don’t work together romantically and agree to be friends again.
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walkerwords · 4 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 20 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: The others return to Alexandria as the reader begins to recover. Michonne seeks out Negan while Daryl speaks to the reader. Still dealing with what happened at the fair, nobody is ready to relax and nobody is ready to back down.
Word Count: 3327
Warning: Swearing, Brief Mention of Child Abuse
Song I Wrote To: “Yours” by Ella Henderson
Note: This is definitely a filler, but I enjoyed writing a lot of the conversations.
As the sun rose again in Virginia, everything was covered in blinding-white snow.
You lay in a soft bed as a thick bandage was wrapped around your torso, securing the fresh sutures in place. Negan’s body was pressed against yours as he slept soundly by your side. In the chair next to the window, Siddiq slept as well.
Everything that had happened the previous night came back to you. The storm, the pain, and the look on Negan’s face had you taking a deep breath. The past few weeks had been trying to say the least. You had lost too many people and for a while, you hadn’t let yourself feel the pain of those losses. Yet, as you laid in that bed which you knew was in Aaron’s home, you felt your heart being crushed in your chest. 
What were you supposed to do now? How were you all supposed to get through it? Your thoughts went to Carol and Ezekiel. How were they supposed to move on after Henry? The death of a child was never easy, especially when they were taken by force with violence and blood. 
There was a feeling of loneliness in that room. You began to think about what would have happened if you hadn’t gone after Negan and Judith in that storm. Would they have found their way back? Or would you be looking for their frozen bodies in the bright morning instead? 
You always hated to think of Negan as a Walker, but you had never really let yourself think of him as actually dead. Negan was the ultimate survivor and it was as if nothing could touch him. You started to wonder if perhaps that wasn’t true after all. 
Your injury stung as you shifted in bed, waking up your companion. “Hey,” he whispered. 
“Hi,” you said back, blinking up at him. 
“Get any sleep?” he asked with a yawn. 
“Enough,” you said and then winced again. 
“It’ll feel better in a few days,” Negan said. “Siddiq told me it wasn’t even as deep as my injury. You’re gonna be just fine.”
“That’s good,” you said with a sigh. “How’s Judith?”
“Finally with her brother,” Negan said with a glance towards the closed door. “She wouldn’t leave the doorway until she knew you were okay. Shivering and all with that damn dog at her side. Laura finally was able to drag her away just as you lost consciousness.” 
“I don’t remember that,” you said with a frown. 
“I don’t blame you, you were pretty out of it,” he said, brushing his fingers along your temple. “Don’t do that again, okay?” 
“Do what?”
“Scare the shit out of me,” he said easily. 
“Like you haven’t done it to me,” you said with your brows raised. 
“I’m different,” he said. 
“Not really,” you countered. Negan sighed, realizing he was losing the argument if you could even call it that. Instead, he leaned over and pressed a kiss to the side of your head. 
“I’m glad you’re okay, (Y/N),” he whispered. 
“Me too.”
“Siddiq wants to move you to the infirmary as soon as everyone is up and about,” Negan said. 
“What about you?” you asked. 
“I ain’t gonna leave you,” he promised. “I’ll be there until they can shovel the snow out of my cell.”
“You know,” you began, “as much as I hate storms, they have been beneficial for us.” 
“Amen to that.” 
Exhaustion was still leaning heavily on you as you began to drift off again. Negan kept his arms around you as you succumbed to the fatigue. However, he was wide awake, determined to just enjoy being by your side like this even with the good doctor snoring a few feet away. 
It wasn’t long after you fell back asleep when the door opened. He figured it was Judith or Laura, but he didn’t expect to see Rosita peeking her head in. She noticed Siddiq first and rolled her eyes, however, when she turned to look at Negan her face remained neutral. 
“Do they need anything?” she asked him, watching as you slept. 
“No, but thanks,” he said awkwardly.
His relationship with Rosita was an odd one. While he had murdered Abraham in front of her, Rosita didn’t seem to store that same amount of hate and venom for him as Maggie did. However, she had been the one to try and shoot him after he gutted Spencer in the street.
He also knew that she would never forgive him for all the things he did and he didn’t expect her to. He just hoped that one day they could be civil with one another for more than a few seconds at a time. 
Perhaps that started now. Just as she was about to leave, he stopped her. 
“Rosita,” he said and she turned to look at him. “Uh, I—” 
“I know,” she said quickly. It wasn’t much and he knew it was never going to be okay, but it was something. He nodded to her and then with a nod of her own, she left the room, closing the door tightly behind her.
Michonne and the others arrived home as soon as the storm calmed down. 
After a cheerful reunion and a few snowballs thrown back and forth, Judith finally told her mother what had transpired the night before. And so, Michonne went in search of her Daughter’s hero. 
Negan was leaning his forearms on the side of your bed in the infirmary when Michonne pushed open the door, letting the cool air in. Siddiq had ordered you to the infirmary as soon as it was clear enough to walk. Negan hadn’t even let you take a step without lifting you in his arms and taking you himself. 
While you were finally feeling as if your toes weren’t going to fall off, the pain in your side was still near excruciating. You were asleep before Negan could even place the blanket over your shoulders. He had been watching over you all morning and didn’t want to move. However, the look on Michonne’s face had him getting up and walking around the corner, careful not to wake you. 
Negan stood before Michonne awkwardly but eventually made the first attempt at a conversation. 
“Look who’s back,” he said quietly. Michonne then placed her hands in front of her and looked him in the eye. 
“Thank you, for saving her,” Michonne said and Negan nodded to her. “Again.” She went on, “let’s try not to make it a third.”
“That one’s on her, Boss,” Negan said. 
“Yes, I suppose it is,” Michonne said with the faintest hint of a smile and then glanced over to where you were sleeping. “How are they?”
“Bit busted up,” Negan said with a sigh. “But they’ll live.”
“Not a good feeling, is it?” Michonne said. 
“Thinking you’re about to lose someone you care about,” Michonne finished, but there was no malice behind her statement. Negan ran a hand over his head, feeling every beat of his heart in his chest. 
“No, no it is not,” Negan admitted. “I thought I’d be waking up to white eyes in the morning rather than tired ones.”
“I know that fear,” Michonne said and then they were both quiet until Negan once again broke the silence. 
“You know,” Negan said, “Dr. Babydaddy said that you got caught in the storm with the Royalty Brigade. Is everyone okay?”
“Do you care?” Michonne asked with raised brows. 
“Look, I don't know any of those people from Adam,” he said. “I do know what it's like to lose a kingdom, see things fall apart. And it sucks ass.”
“The Sanctuary’s a shithole,” Michonne said as she leaned against the wall next to her. Negan chuckled slightly. 
“Well, hell, I could have told you that,” Negan said and then something dawned on him. “You cut through Alpha’s territory,” he realized. “Ballsy.”
“We don't even know if they were there,” Michonne said. 
“They’ll know you were there,” Negan said. “Something tells me they got eyes everywhere.” 
“That’s reassuring,” Michonne scoffed. 
“I ain’t trying to be reassuring, Michonne. I’m trying to be real.”
“I know,” she said. “I know you are, you’re not a bull-shitter.” 
“No, I’m not.”
Michonne nodded, getting where he was coming from. No matter what people thought about the man, he never lied when it mattered and he wasn’t going to sugar coat anything. 
“How bad is it?” Michonne asked then, gesturing to you in the bed. 
“How bad is what?” he asked. 
“You forget that I’ve been with them through all the ugly shit, Negan. I know about the way they have nightmares and how they shut down and internalize everything.” Negan frowned, but he knew what she was talking about.
“I can tell that they’re closed off, even to me. They told me a little bit of what happened, but I know there’s more,” Negan said, glancing over at you. 
“Do you know much about Terminus?” Michonne asked. 
“(Y/N) told me,” Negan said. “Some fucked up shit.”
“Yeah,” Michonne agreed. “(Y/N) wouldn’t eat for a while afterward. Even after we got here, they could barely look at food without gagging. The nightmares came the first night after we got out of that slaughterhouse and I still see them flinch when raw meat is in view. No matter what they tell you, there’s always going to be more.”
“I’m not sure I’m equipped to handle that,” Negan admitted. 
“You are,” Michonne told him. “Can I trust that you will help them through this?”
“What exactly are you asking me to do, Michonne?” Michonne pushed off the wall and headed for the door. As she turned the doorknob she gestured to your sleeping form. 
“(Y/N) helped you,” Michonne reminded him. “It’s time to return the favor.”
The next time you woke up, you were greeted by a different face. 
“Lydia?” you groaned as you tried to sit up. She was there in an instant, trying to help you. You winced in pain as you tugged at your stitches.
“Are you in pain?” Lydia asked, worried. 
“It won’t last long,” you assured her as you finally got a good look at her. Her cheeks were pink, but she looked unharmed. You then glanced around and noticed it was just the two of you. 
“I saw him leaving with Gabriel,” Lydia said. “He’s helping with clearing the wall and gates.” You were surprised to hear that. 
“You met Negan?” you asked her, but Lydia was shaking her head. 
“Just saw him and asked Daryl who he was,” Lydia said. “Kind of hard to miss considering how tall he is.”
“Everyone always notices the height first,” you said with a small smile. Lydia nodded then as she picked at the loose threads of her gloves. You lay your hand over hers. “Are you doin’ okay?” She shrugged then, but when she looked back at you, tears were welling up in her eyes. “Ah, kid,” you said as you pulled her into your arms gently. 
Lydia leaned on your shoulder, careful of your injury as she cried. You held her back as tight as you could, smoothing down the bits of hair that escaped the hat on her head. “I should have told Ezekiel sooner,” Lydia said into your arm. “I should have known what she was going to do.” 
“None of this is on you,” you said to her, fighting your own tears. “Do not think that you had anything to do with this. Alpha did this and she did it to hurt all of us, but most importantly, she did it to hurt you. That is not what a parent is supposed to do. They are supposed to protect their children from hurt, not invoke it.” 
“She was all I had and now she doesn’t even want me,” Lydia said with a cough. You grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back so you could look at her. 
“She was not all you had, not anymore. I’m here, Daryl’s here, Michonne and the others too. Nobody is going to abandon you again. We care about you, Lydia.” 
“You don’t know that,” Lydia said as she wiped at her face. “I don’t even know if I’m able to care about someone anymore.” You frowned, taking a moment before deciding to tell her a story.
“I lost someone at the beginning of this whole thing,” you began. “I’ve never told anyone this, but it was one of my old students. His father used to beat him as your mother beat you. He didn’t think he was capable of having a family or anyone that cared about him enough to fight for him. I wasn’t going to let him think that he was that alone in this world. I got him out of his home when everything happened and I protected him when his father tried to kill us after he turned from a bite.
“What I didn’t know was that this kid, Elliot, had already been bitten by his father. He tried to comfort his dad when he was dying and his father turned too quickly. After everything that his father did to him, he still tried to show him just an ounce of love, even if he didn’t think he deserved it. Elliot was always capable of showing that he cared and that he had compassion. Even when he was dying, he tried to make sure that I was okay. You don’t lose that, Lydia. You were born with a kind heart and you’re not going to lose that.” 
Lydia was looking at you as you let the tears fall on your cheeks. You had never told that story to anyone, not even Carl or Rick. Thinking of Elliot dying in that school gymnasium opened up that hole in your heart again. It wasn’t long after his death that you found your way to the hills and met Carl and Daryl. Elliot had asked you to go find a new family and so you did. Now, it was time for Lydia to realize that she had now found hers. 
“Don’t give up on yourself, okay?” you asked, wiping away a few stray hairs off her face. Lydia nodded as she lay back down and curled up as she finally let herself rest for the first time in a long time.
Later that night, you were awake but Negan was asleep. 
Michonne and Gabriel had once again let Negan stay by your side for another night. It wasn’t permanent, but his cell wouldn’t be back to normal for a few nights. They kept the infirmary door locked at night and Laura or someone would remain on watch inside, but Negan was still there. 
His heavy winter coat was around your shoulders as you flipped through an old medical book in the candlelight of the room. You were getting to the section on breaks and fractures when footsteps came around the corner. Heavy boots that you immediately recognized as Daryl’s.
His eyes fell on Negan who was fast asleep in the bed next to yours, his arm tossed over his face. Daryl frowned, but then looked at you, and the tension in his body lessened. “Hey,” you whispered. 
“Hey, yourself,” he said, sitting in the chair next to you. 
“He sleeps like a log,” you said. “I don’t think an air siren could wake him up.”
“Just one more thing for me to find annoyin’ about him,'' Daryl said and you rolled your eyes. “I heard ya had an interesting night.” 
“Yeah, had to save your damn dog, didn’t she? Always the little hero,” you said with a small smile. 
“M’glad your okay,” Daryl said. 
“Me too,” you said, gripping his hand in the low light. He gripped yours back, feeling the solidarity between the two of you. “You were so stupid to go through their territory,” you said. 
“I know,” he sighed. “I guess we just gotta wait for the payback now.”
“I hate that she has this hold on us,” you said. 
“We’re gonna figure this out, (Y/N),” he said. “I ain’t gonna let her hurt anyone else.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you warned. Daryl sighed, leaning on the edge of your bed before looking behind him at Negan again. 
“So, you’re good, then? The two of you?” he said, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder. You nodded and then hesitated, not sure if you were going to tell him more, but Daryl could tell you wanted to and so he was patient.
He was a man of very few words, but a great listener. However, your relationship with Negan would be something you told Paul about and not Daryl. Then again, there is a first time for everything. 
“I told him I loved him,” you said quickly in a whisper. Daryl froze for a second before nodding and chewing on the skin of his thumb.
Now it was your time to be patient. You let him absorb the information you just laid on him and then you started to get nervous. Maybe this would be the final straw. He seemed to be fine with your feelings at first, but this was more than just glances through iron bars or the sharing of hot tea. 
Eventually, he spoke. “I see,” Daryl said quietly, finally meeting your eyes. 
“That’s all you’re gonna say?” you asked, surprised. 
“I ain’t mad if that’s what you’re gettin’ at,” he said. 
“Are you sure?” you asked.
“Mmhmm,” he said. Which from Daryl was as good as any promise. 
“You still gonna talk to me?” you asked. 
“Daryl,” you continued, “I want to assure you that if it came down to it, I would fight for this place and these people above everything. Even him,” you said. Daryl gave you a small smile before getting to his feet. From his pocket, he pulled out something you never thought you would see again. 
One of your rifle casings, one of the ones you once fired at the Sanctuary.
Daryl set it in your hand and you could feel the years of corrosion on the inner rim. It felt odd to hold in your hand, but oddly comforting. Looking back at him, you could see that he wanted to believe what you said but didn’t. 
“Daryl?” you asked. 
“Like you said,” he whispered, “don’t make promises ya can’t keep.” 
As Daryl left, you lay in that bed and thought of what was to come. That feeling was back in the air, the one your mother warned you about. Your people had crossed into enemy territory and you knew that what happened at the fair was nowhere near the end of it. 
Alpha wasn’t going to stop and you knew Carol too well to know that she wouldn’t either. A war was coming and as you held that casing in your hand, you wondered how many more lives were going to be lost because of the masked enemy. 
However, there was still the knowledge that all of you were survivors. 
You had survived the CDC, the farm, The Governor, Terminus, and the Wolves. You had even survived the Saviors and their brutal leader, the same leader who lay in the bed next to yours.
All those years ago, Negan had stood before you and your family and welcomed you all to the “New World Order”. If only he had known what that new world would produce and just how terrifying it would be. 
Turning to look at Negan, you could see the steady rise and fall of his breath and it gave you some solace, but not enough. Nothing was going to snuff the fear that crawled along your skin with every minute of wakefulness. The nightmares would be worse, but you did know one thing for sure. 
The day that Alpha made her move, all of you were going to be ready.
AN: And into season 10 we go. There will be a small time jump, but I will work it in as seamlessly as possible.
@lucillethings @stark-dreams @amaroho @thanossexual @yes-sir-hotchner @boom-bunny @delusionalteenagewhispers @scootankle @ritajammer21 @writteriguess @tea-atfive @jennydehavilland @waspyyy @yespleasejayhalstead @hoemadegrace @writingdeadangel @huffledor-able541 @pulplorrd @felicisimor​ 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Story Showrunner Hints: ‘It’s Now a June-Serena Thing’
Warning: contains spoilers for The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 finale.
From the Washington D.C. mouth-rings to Emily’s bandages to Janine’s missing eye, The Handmaid’s Tale has a knack for creating indelible, horrific images. The season four finale gave us another: the headless corpse of Fred Waterford strung up on a wall sprayed with the legend ‘Nolite te bastardes carborundorum’. It’s an image, showrunner Bruce Miller told The Hollywood Reporter, that June now sees every time that she closes her eyes. 
June was the one who put Fred on the wall. Betrayed by a legal system prepared to cut this founder of Gilead and serial rapist a deal, she and her fellow ex-Handmaids went outside the law to punish him. June knew the healthy choice was to move on and let Fred go, but she couldn’t do it. After seven years of Gilead, she did the only thing she could and chose brutal, Old Testament vengeance.  
What next? Season five won’t be with us until spring/summer 2022 at the very earliest, so until then, here are some of the hints Miller and actor-producer Elisabeth Moss gave THR’s Jackie Strause about the story to come…
‘We’re going to be seeing [Fred] again’
A major character since episode one, Joseph Fiennes’ Fred Waterford won’t just disappear from The Handmaid’s Tale now that he’s dead. “The character dying doesn’t mean Joe stops coming and being part of the cast,” Miller tells THR. “We do have quite a heavy flashback show.” Miller describes the heartbreak of losing Fiennes’ character as “neutered a little bit by knowing we’re going to be seeing him again.” 
What period will the season five flashbacks revisit? The first days of the coup d’état, Miller suggests. “I think the stories of Serena and Fred that we haven’t seen before, even in early Gilead, are fascinating.” 
‘It could push June to infamy or it could push her to prison’
The big question of the season four cliff-hanger is what consequences June will face for killing Fred. “She’s a refugee who did this but, on the other hand, who is going to know?” Miller tells THR. “Who was there and who is going to tell them?” Things could go one of two ways, suggests Miller, Fred’s murder could make June an infamous symbol of vengeance in the fight against Gilead, or it could harm the ex-Handmaids’ reputations as blameless victims. 
“Nobody really likes Fred at this point. Gilead doesn’t really like him either,” Elisabeth Moss tells THR. Yet “she has murdered someone, and regardless of what Gilead thinks, that’s illegal in most countries. So, June thinks she’s going to be in trouble.” 
‘It’s now a June-Serena thing’
June broke the news of Fred’s murder to Serena in suitably brutal style, by mailing her his wedding ring… along with his severed ring finger. How will Mrs Waterford react? With a “white-hot fever of revenge”, Miller tells THR. “Even though Serena didn’t like Fred and they have a complicated relationship, it’s now a June-Serena thing. She will want to find a way to metaphorically or realistically get June for this. June hit her house and she wants to hit her back. There’s that absolute toe-to-toe, woman-to-woman venom, but also, what is the relationship between two women where one killed the other’s abuser? It’s complicated.”
Read more
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 Ending Explained
By Louisa Mellor
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 Episode 10 Review: A Brutal Reckoning But Was Justice Done?
By Louisa Mellor
‘Does she have a future with Nick? Of course’
Another major question mark after the events of the finale is how June’s actions will affect her still-rocky domestic life with Luke and Nichole. June’s homecoming wasn’t smooth. The trauma of Gilead had changed her into somebody Luke didn’t recognise or understand. With Luke, June used sex aggressively as a way to deflect intimacy. On the few occasions she was reunited with Nick however, she was able to show real intimacy. Who will she end up with?  
Elisabeth Moss tells THR: “I wish June was the kind of person she used to be before Gilead who could live happily with Luke […] But the problem is that she’s not the same person who married him. I don’t think she can get past that. […]June and Nick are the wartime love. They’ve been in the same war, they’ve had the same experiences and that bond is a very difficult one to break.”
Miller is equally optimistic about June and Nick’s chances, despite the revelation in season four that Nick has now re-married in Gilead. “Does she have a future with Nick? Of course. Would you have expected them to have any future at all once she left the Waterford house? They’ve said goodbye permanently so many times, I absolutely believe there’s a way for them to see each other again.”
‘June would do anything to get Janine out’ 
The last we saw Janine, she was back in Gilead having been picked up after the Chicago bombing that separated her from June. Over the phone to Canada, Commander Lawrence told June that her friend was now at the Red Centre with Aunt Lydia. Janine had three meals a day, a roof over her head and was safe, he assured June, not understanding that there is no safety with the Aunts, even for Lydia’s favourite girl. Bruce Miller describes Janine (perhaps temporarily forgetting about her daughter Hannah) as “June’s heart in Gilead”, and says June feels responsible for Janine and Esther, and would do anything to get them out.
Moss concurs, telling THR, “She is all in. She wants to bring the whole system down, and with that would come saving Hannah, saving Janine and the proper revenge on Serena.”
‘I’m in no rush to end it’
Miller confirmed that work had started in earnest this past season to pave the way for planned spinoff series The Testaments, based on Margaret Atwood’s 15-years-later sequel to her original novel. “I have to be thinking about that as part of the universe because it shares characters. We’ve certainly already tried to lay it in this season. The Lawrence-Lydia relationship is about how Lydia starts to access the corridors of power.”
So, could season five be the end of The Handmaid’s Tale, ready for The Testaments to take over? It doesn’t sound like it. Speaking to THR, Bruce Miller emphasised how much he and the team loved making the current show and said he was “in no rush to end it […] I’m not going to shut it down while we have interesting stories to tell.” That sounds like a call for the story to extend at least into season six, and maybe beyond?
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The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 is available now to stream on Hulu in the US. It’s currently airing weekly on Channel 4 on Sundays at 9pm in the UK.
The post The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Story Showrunner Hints: ‘It’s Now a June-Serena Thing’ appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3wMTVez
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Birthday Girl
Title: Birthday Girl
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 2,487
Warnings: Oral (female receiving), Bondage (Handcuffs), Cursing
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @phoenixhalliwell​, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​
Teen Wolf Tag: @linkpk88​, @pure-ghost​, @awkwardnesshabitat​
Author Notes: This was inspired by the prompt  “When we get home I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore.” Because who doesn’t need kinky Stiles with handcuffs. Y’all I’m thirsting for Stiles lately. I struggled a little with this one so let me know what you think! Feedback is appreciated!
Gif Credit: Google
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You smile brightly at Denise as you walk into the Beacon Hills Sheriff’s Station. She smiles back and waves you through as you continue on to the door that leads into the bullpen of the station where all of the deputies sit. Your eyes dart around the room and spot your fiance sitting at his desk pouring over a case file. Adjusting your hand around the bag of fast food you nodded to the deputies that you passed before coming to a stop next to his desk.
         “Dad, I’m still going over the case file I haven’t finished yet.” he says distracted as he waves a hand to dismiss you. You smirk leaning forward to whisper in his ear.
         “I ain’t your Daddy, but you could be mine.” your tone takes on a sultry tone and your fiance jerks his head away to look up at you with wide eyes. When he recognizes you his eyes turn to a liquid amber color that heat with desire at your words.
         “You’re trying to kill me at work aren’t you?” he groans out to you and laugh brightly.
         “Actually I came to bring you sustenance, so quite the contrary.” you quip back to him with a smirk as you set the back of food on his desk next to the case file he’s got spread out. 
         “Have I told you I love you today?” he asks as his eyes fall onto the bag. You laugh again as he quickly collects all the papers for the case and stuff them back into the folder and sets it to the side.
         “Mmmm, only about ten times this morning when you woke me up with birthday-” you start to respond and he quickly cuts you off with a tender kiss to your lips that you reciprocate easily. When he pulls away he smiles as he sees your eyes still shut and lips still puckered.
         “You’re in a playful mood today aren’t you?” he asks sarcastically and you grin down at him before having a seat in the chair next to his desk.
         “It’s my birthday I get to be as playful as I want.” you quipped back and stuck your tongue out at him making him smirk and chuckle softly at you. You quickly divided up the food between the two of you and began sharing your meal as you chatted about what had happened during your day so far. 
         Not long after Noah, Stiles’ dad was calling him from his office doorway saying that they got a call and needed to leave. Stiles nodded and quickly helped you clean up with a sheepish look thrown your way.
         “I’m sorry I gotta cut lunch short with you babe. But duty calls.” he said regretfully and you shook your head waving away his apologetic look.
         “No worries sweetheart.” you said as you stood with him. You moved closer to brush off the crumbs from his uniform, his hands came to hold loosely at your hips as you leaned up on tip toe to press a kiss to his lips. “I’ll see you when you get home Deputy Stilinski.” you purr up to him and watch as his eyes darken with desire at your words. 
         “When I get home I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore.” he whispers into your ear making you shiver against him before he pecks your lips quickly and then side steps you. Leaving you in a haze of arousal all because of his words. “Bye babe!” he calls out over his shoulder with a wink.
         “Be safe!” you call out in response and he salutes you with two fingers and a smirk before he’s out the door of the station.
           It’s hours later and you’re pulling into your parking spot for your apartment complex after having dinner with Lydia, Malia, and Kira for your birthday. You don’t see Stiles’ Jeep and you’re slightly disappointed but you know that’s the life of a significant other for Law Enforcement. Your trek up to the apartment is silent as you think back on the lovely evening that you had with the girls. A smile is on your face as you come up to your apartment door and slide the key into the lock. You’re about to unlock the door when suddenly it’s flung open and you squeak loudly in surprise as Stiles grabs you by the upper arm yanking you into your apartment. 
         A loud moan falls from your lips as your back collides with the shut front door and his lips are instantly on yours as his body presses into yours. You can feel him hardening against you and your hands grab the belt loops on his jeans dragging him closer as you moan again.
         “Fuck babe, why don’t you take longer with the girls.” he gripes out against your lips and you chuckle softly at his impatience. His hands are clamped down on your hips and holding you against it firmly while his lips and tongue explore your mouth like it’s the first time back in high school.
         “Impatient as always Stilinski.” you tease and a low growl is filling your ears and you jerk back with wide eyes. An ever wider grin graces your lips and he rolls his eyes at you before he dives back in to begin kissing up and down your neck. His teeth graze gently against your skin and you mewl up at him as your hands slide under his arms to grip around his shoulders tightly. “Fuck that’s hot. You growling is so fucking hot.” you gasp out and he chuckles against your skin.
         “C’mon bedroom, now.” he commands and pulls you from the door, easily locking it before he’s guiding you down the hallway to your shared bedroom. He’s pressed up against your back and his hands are gripping around your hip bones as he walks you down the hallway. His lips are still dancing up and down your neck making you gasp softly as his tongue comes to drag along it wetly. “Did you have a good birthday babe?” he asks softly in your ear and you nod your head jutting your ass into his crotch and Stiles groans softly before you both stumble into the bedroom. “Fuck gonna be like that huh?” he asks huskily and you grin as you spin and face him.
         His large hands come to cup the sides of your face and his thumbs slide along your cheekbones before he’s pulling you forward into him hurriedly and his lips slant against yours. He backs you up to press your against one of the posts of your four poster bed. His hands slide around to your back and easily finds the zipper to your dress and slowly slides the straps of your dress down your body to your waist. He looks down and groans loudly when he sees that you didn’t wear a bra to dinner. “God you’re so gorgeous babe. Absolutely gorgeous. I’m fucking lucky.” he breathes out while his hands slide down the dress from your waist and hips. 
         You kick the dress away when it hits the floor and Stiles leans forward to flick his tongue against one of your nipples. You arc your body up towards him and he hums around your nipple making your hands come up to card through his hair and hold him against you.
         “Stiles, shit. That feels so good.” you whisper out in a breathy gasp. Stiles switches to your other nipple and sucks it into his mouth easily. You hum as your hands fall from his head to grip the bed post behind you thrusting your chest out towards him.
         “C’mon birthday girl get on the bed.” he says once he pulls away with a loud pop. You do as he says and step out of your shoes before crawling onto the bed. Wiggling your ass at him you yelp when he spanks it hard. “Lay on your back.”
         “Bossy tonight huh? I thought it was my birthday.” you snark back at him and he chuckles deeply.
         “Oh baby, what I’ve got planned for you. You won’t forget it’s your birthday tonight.” he teases you before he spanks you again. “On your back.”
         You gasp softly and roll onto your back for him getting situated by resting your head up on the pillows. He smirks as he quickly discards his shirt and jeans leaving him in only his boxers. You lick your lips absentmindedly as you spy the tent in his boxers before he’s moving up the bed and hovering over you. “Like something you see?” he teases as his hands begin to trail up your sides and he grinds down into you. You moan as you nod your head at him arching your hips up against him. 
         Stiles hands guide your arms up and with one of his large hands pins both of your wrists to the bed above your head. He’s smirking down at you before grinding his hips down against yours and dipping his head down for a sinful wet kiss that was all tongue. You lose yourself to the kiss and just let your desire for him take over your body that you don’t realize what he’s doing. But when you hear the clink of the handcuffs securing around your wrists and feel the cold metal resting against your heated skin you jerk against them and pull away from his mouth.
         “What the fuck Stiles?” you ask suddenly as you try to move your hands again. He’s straddling your body now, his knees on either side of you as he admires his handiwork. When he looks down at you a gasp is torn from your throat, his eyes have turned such a dark shade of brown that they’re almost black. Desire, lust and arousal are swirling in those usual bright amber orbs.
         “I told you once I got home I was gonna cuff you to the bed and eat you out til my jaw was sore.” he purred seductively at you. Your whole body clenches at his words and you’re instantly drowning in arousal.
         “Shit Stiles.” you gasp out softly and chuckles darkly before he leans down and kisses you passionately.
         “Only the best for the birthday girl.” he husks out against your skin as his lips blaze a trail down your neck to your collarbones where he nips and glides his tongue along to soothe the nip. His lips continue their path down your chest to your nipples once more. He circles his tongue around first one then the other before he’s blowing hot air against them making them harden. He grazes his teeth against them and you shiver in anticipation before he’s traveling lower down your body. 
         Your body is arching off the bed as his lips tease the skin on your lower stomach. His tongue darts out to trail wetly from your stomach down to first one hip bone then the other. Your chest is heaving at this point as every nerve ending in your body is keyed up to every movement Stiles makes. 
         “Fuck Stiles, please stop teasing.” you beg him softly and his eyes dart up to your as he comes to hover over your sex. 
         “I like it when you beg.” he says seductively and his tongue slips out to lick up your folds making you squeal loudly and high pitched.
         “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” you chant softly and try to thrust your hips up into his face making him chuckle. “Stiles I swear to- Oh my god!” you shout. Stiles mouth has completely covered your clit where he’s suddenly sucking like you’re his favorite lollipop. Your head falls back and your arms jerk making the handcuffs clatter loudly in the room. Stiles is sucking harshly on your clit and you’re gasping for air that’s not flowing through you. Your body is pulled taut and your stomach muscles are clenching as your orgasm builds and builds until suddenly it snaps within you.
         Your scream is so loud that you know you’re going to get a noise complaint from your neighbors but you don’t care. Pure bliss has surrounded your body and you’re benign launched into the cosmos by your fiance’s mouth. Stiles has let up as his tongue is now circling your clit and dragging down to thrust into your entrance. Your head is thrashing as your first orgasm doesn’t have time to settle over you before another is rearing up right behind it. “Oh shit, oh shit.” you gasp out before your second orgasm is crashing into you. 
         Moans are being torn from both you and Stiles at this point. Yours are from the pleasure that each orgasm has brought you and Stiles’ are from your taste that floods his mouth.He’s still licking and sucking at your core when he pulls one of your lips into his mouth and tugs it outward from your body. He’s then diving back in to thrust his tongue as deep as he possibly can into you. His tongue continues to fuck you as his nose nudges against your clit making orgasm number three start to rush forward. “Stiles, wait. I can’t. It’s too much.” you’re gasping out as you shake your head back and forth. Your body is covered in a layer of sweat and your thighs are trembling against the sides of his face.
         But Stiles hums against you as his tongue thrusts in one more time and your mouth drops in a silent scream as your vision starts to darken around the edges. Your body feels like it’s suspended in the air and you’re just floating when you come to. Stiles is laying on his side next to you smirking softly as he brushes a piece of hair away from your face.
         “There’s the birthday girl.” he coos at you softly and you smile dazedly up at him. “How’re you feeling?” he asks.
         “Fan-fucking-tastic.” you rasp out and Stiles chuckles proudly.
         “Good.” he says nodding his head as he presses a soft kiss to your lips. You wrap your uncuffed arms around him and drag him down on top of you as you return his kiss heatedly.
         “Give me like fifteen minutes and then we can help you with your situation.” you purr at him as your hand slides down to cup his erection. He grunts and shakes his head.
         “Tonight was all about you birthday girl.” he responds tenderly and you huff softly.
         “And what if the birthday girl wants birthday sex with her fiance, hmm?” you ask as you walk your fingers up his naked chest. 
         “Anything the birthday girl wants, the birthday girl gets.” he says grinning down at you before he pulls you closer to lay on his chest.
         “Best birthday ever.” you whisper softly against his chest and he chuckles happily at your words.
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Penelope spent her life writing love letters, which didn’t seem like a terrible idea until the letters were mailed out and Schneider received one of them. Hoping to fool their exes, they agree to fake a relationship. But are they lying to everyone around them, or to themselves? aka my To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before-inspired AU.
Penelope x Schneider, ODAAT. available on ao3 with extra author’s notes.
Chapter 6: Penelope and Schneider reveal their new relationship to Lydia and Alex, but Penelope decides not to tell Elena. When Schneider arrives to take Penelope out, he interrupts their videochat.
“Okay you two,” Lydia said before Penelope had even shut the door behind them all. She threw both arms out, a human barrier to any member of the family moving past her spot in the living room. “Tell me what is going on right now.”
“Abuelita? What’s going on?”
Alex’d had a good game, so while the silence on the way home was been tense, it didn’t prepare him for whatever was currently happening.
“That is what we are going to find out, Papito. Your Mami and Schneider, they are...I do not know what they are, but they are something. They have been keeping it a secret from us!”
“Keeping...what a secret?”
“They kissed! While you were at the bat.”
“Aw, man! I got a great hit off that last pitch. You missed it?” He looked at their guilty faces before catching up.
“Wait. You kissed?!? Like, the two of you?” He pointed to his mom. “You and Schneider?”
“Yes. Okay. Yes, we did.”
“We didn’t want the family to find out this way,” Schneider interjected, trying to take some of the pressure off her. She shot him a grateful look. Plus, what he was saying was true. Technically.
“Yeah. I know this might be a surprise, but Schneider and I are...dating.” She reached over and held his hand. “And I’m sure that you will both have lots of opinions about that, but we’re all free until dinner so you know what? Go for it. Let’s get it all out there.”
Schneider took the cushion next to her, their hands still clasped, and Lydia watched them for another moment before she shook her head.
Penelope gaped at her mom as Lydia waved her hands dismissively and went into the kitchen to fix Alex a snack.
Even more alarmingly, her son looked ready to follow her. “Alex!” Penelope gestured at him, then at the floor near the couch, calling him back. “You don’t have anything you want to ask, or say?”
“Not really.”
“Oh. Okay.” She stared at Schneider, eyes wide and helpless.
“You’re not, I don’t know, surprised?” he ventured.
“No. Should I be?”
Alex, with the usual level of cool radiating off of him, shifted in his baseball cleats and rolled his eyes. “You’re always hugging and stuff, and you’re already in the family. It kind of felt inevitable.”
Lydia was vocalizing in the kitchen to mambo music, but she waved a wooden spoon in agreement with Alex’s words before returning to the stove.
As soon as Alex headed to his room to change and her Mami’s back was turned, Penelope snatched her hand away. What the hell was wrong with her family? What was she supposed to do with that reaction?
Schneider looked as baffled as she felt, and sat silently beside her, scrolling on his phone until dinner.
Lydia waited until the food was ready before she returned to the subject.
“So, mija. Does Elena know?”
“About--oh.” Nice job, Penelope. If you’re going to have a fake boyfriend, maybe try to make it seem like you remember that. “No, Mami, I haven’t told her yet. I didn’t want to tell her such big news in a text. It can wait 'til the next time we videochat.”
It could wait forever, she thought, shrinking from the very idea of that conversation. Alex was perpetually in his own world--as long as the people he loved were okay, he was content to leave them alone and do his own thing. But Elena had opinions. She was affected by the lives and the choices of everyone around her, and this involved two of the most stable adult presences in her world.
It had seemed like a much better idea before Penelope really thought about how it could rock Elena’s foundations. Telling her that her mom and Schneider were dating? Lying to her, to tell her that?
It was horrible.
Unless...what if Penelope said nothing at all?
Elena didn’t have to be baffled and shocked, or upset over being kept out of the loop like her Abuelita, if she never knew it was happening. The contract could be over before she came home from her semester away; she would hear about it secondhand and Penelope could explain it then.
The only other kind way to handle it would be to tell Elena the truth, Penelope knew, to make her the one person who knew it was all a sham.
Hi baby, how’s London? Have you seen the big clock yet? Is it really that big? Oh yeah, by the way, I’m dating Schneider now, in case your brother or your Abuelita happen to mention that in one of your texts or conversations.
Yeah, I know that sounds crazy. You probably feel really confused, but I have good news for you, it’s all fake!!
That’s right. It’s an elaborate conspiracy that Schneider and I came up with over ice cream and baseball because I wanted to avoid Max and he needed to make Nikki jealous.
She sighed and shook her head, tucking that conundrum away until Sunday, when she and Elena had already planned to talk. Maybe when they got on the call, she would know what to do.
By the time her phone buzzed on Sunday evening, Penelope had begun to worry Elena wasn't going to call.
“Hey, Mom,” her daughter said, beaming through the tiny screen. “Sorry, I know I’m late. I just realized I got the time zones off--still working on that.”
“Baby, it’s fine. I'm just happy to see you. Tell me everything about your week. How are your classes? What have you gotten to see? What do you think of the food?”
Elena laughed. “Slow down! I can only answer one question at a time. Let’s see, my classes are good. Really interesting, a totally different style than I’m used to--but in a fun way. I’m still having to catch myself when I start to panic, about being so out of my element. I think I’m doing okay though.”
“That’s good. You’re supposed to have fun, not just try to ace your classes,” Penelope agreed. “Not that you should be aiming for less than acing your classes!”
Striking that balance between encouragement and adding to her daughter’s anxious tendencies was still a work-in-progress, Penelope thought to herself, smiling at Elena.  “I miss you, mija.”
“I miss you too--all of you. We went on a tour this week,” she added, with no attempt at a segue. 
It was refreshing to see Elena overflowing with excitement, unable to hold it all in--a welcome change from her glum mood since her breakup. Penelope nodded along. 
“A tour of what?”
“Oh, well, it was with my Religious History class, so it was a lot of old religious buildings, mostly. Landmarks and functioning spaces. Alex would have hated it, there wasn’t a single good selfie backdrop. But I had a blast. We saw Southwark Cathedral!”
“Ah. Cool,” she said, trying to remember if she should know what that was. 
“It’s from Doctor Who, Mom.” Elena’s quirked lips were patronizing, but only a little. “The Tenth Doctor was there in an episode, and I couldn’t believe how big it seemed even in person. You expect movie magic, you know? But it was just...really cool.”
The quiet awe in her tone carried through the videochat. Apparently her daughter was in fact picking up culture and independent experiences overseas, just like she was supposed to. Penelope ignored the pang of separation in response and focused on the pride underneath it. 
“So you went to a Doctor Who church, where else?”
“It’s not a Doctor Who church, Mom, there’s no such thing. Though if there were, I’d seriously consider joining. Sadly, none of the other spots on the tour were show locations, at least not today. I’m pretty sure the exchange student group events will do more of the classic tourist stuff while we’re here. Which should cover some Who basics. Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, London Eye...”
She trailed off, looking away from the screen. 
“Is somebody there? Do you need to go?”
“No.” Elena shook her head. “No, I’m fine. How are you, by the way? You aimed so many questions at me, I want to know what I’ve been missing.”
Penelope had already decided to keep the conversation focused on Elena, to avoid any slip-ups about her new arrangement with Schneider. But with the way Elena was focused slightly past her, eyes a little glassy, she had a good reason to now. 
“You’re not missing anything, everything’s boring and the same here. Your Abuelita may be planning to turn your bedroom into a shoe closet, but I’ll hold her off until you get back. Don’t try to change the subject though--I can see you, Elena. What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, Mom. I just had a second where, well...the London Eye is one of Syd’s bucket list items. They--we--talked about it a lot. Before. I think seeing it on the tour with the other exchange kids is going to be hard.”
She held back a sympathetic sigh, remembering how much it hurt to lose someone at Elena’s age. Even her last adult breakup was so hard that it was still haunting her.
“Oh, honey, I understand. Breakups come with moments like that, I promise. It’s normal.”
“I really would rather talk about anything else. Please.”
”Okay.” It had been so easy for her Mami to make Penelope’s relationship woes worse without even meaning to, when she was a teenager. Now that she was the mom, treading lightly was the best she could do. “Why don’t you tell me about the food, then?”
Elena was in the middle of describing a dinner she’d had at a pub called The Ivy House when Schneider opened Penelope’s bedroom door. 
”Hello, privacy!” she snapped at him, tugging a throw blanket over her toes as though he’d caught her in a compromised position. Really, she was just startled. Schneider never knocked on the front door but he still knocked on her door, most of the time. He wasn’t completely oblivious to boundaries.
”Hello, person who didn’t respond to my texts,” he replied, unfazed. “Hello, Elena.”
”Hey Schneider.” She waved across the continents, matching his grin. 
”In case it escaped your attention,” Penelope pointed out, “I haven’t replied to--or read yet--your texts, because we were busy catching up.”
”Well, it’s not like you told me,” he said. “Six messages, Pen. I thought maybe you were standing me up.”
She froze, aiming her coldest look his way but keeping it below a glare that Elena could catch long-distance and wonder about. 
“Ha, very funny. Of course I’m not standing you up,” she said, hoping Elena would interpret that to mean if I were, it could mean we’d planned a date, which is a funny and impossible idea while Schneider would know she meant something else entirely.
”Hey, gimme the phone,” he said, ignoring Penelope’s careful parsing of words and taking her pocket-sized daughter right out of her hands. 
”How’s life in jolly old England?” Schneider asked Elena, his gaze flicking to Penelope, who started gesturing wildly as soon as Elena was out of sight. 
Do. Not. Tell. Her. She mouthed, punctuating the words with a mimed zipping of her lips. He watched her and then went back to chatting with Elena with no reaction at all, leaving Penelope panicking. Leave it to Schneider to let the secret out. It would be even worse if Elena found out from him when Penelope had completely avoided the subject, wouldn’t it? Maybe she should come clean now, while he was there. Safety in numbers. 
”Yeah, your mom and I are gonna go grab dinner,” she heard him say, and she squeezed her hands into fists, calming down on purpose. “There’s this place on Sunset I wanna try.”
”It’s a vegan hipster place, isn’t it?” Elena fake-groaned through the phone, like he was still the most embarrassing adult she had ever met. “Schneider, organic local food is fantastic, but you have got to start looking outside the box for places that aren’t trendy. You know where I had dinner last night?”
Penelope took advantage of that moment to snatch her phone back. “And as I’ve heard this story already, I think now might be a good time to say goodnight, honey. You can talk Schneider’s ear off about the superiority of legacy recipes and family-owned bars another time. Preferably while I am very far away.”
”I’ll have you know, though,” Schneider interjected, leaning over so his face was partly in the frame next to Penelope’s, “that we’re getting Italian tonight. Your mom has very kindly agreed to give me her opinion cuz I’m still trying to find a new Italian fave ever since La Vite Blu had that little rat problem.”
”Ew, your old favorite place used to have rats?” Elena shuddered. 
”No, not rats like the animal. It had ties to the mob, apparently--somebody told the authorities, and bing bang boom, no more La Vite Blu.”
”You are so weird.” Elena swallowed hard, offering them a slightly trembling smile. “You guys have fun at dinner though, okay? If you like it, maybe I can come with next time, when I’m back. I miss you.”
”We miss you too.” Schneider put his arm around Penelope and she leaned back against it a little, comforted. Her baby was so far away, and not all the way grown yet after all. 
”Call or text if you need anything, okay? And keep checking in. I love you, Elena.”
”Love you too, Mom. Bye, Schneider.”
The screen went dark, before lighting back up to tell Penelope that she had six text messages.
”Jeez, you weren’t kidding. You know where I live, Schneider...obviously,” she added, gesturing around her bedroom. “There was no need to freak out because it took me a minute to get back to you.”
”I wasn’t freaking out.” He walked away, his voice carrying back to her as he headed for the living room. “I was just trying to make sure we were still on the same page.”
She followed him, still annoyed but unable to articulate why. Was it the barging into her room? Because that was rare, but not unprecedented. Was it the way he told Elena about dinner? Because Elena’s comment about joining them made it seem like she’d missed any possible date implications. And when Penelope thought back, all Schneider said was that they’d be eating dinner together. They did that all the time.
”Well, I have to get ready,” she said, emerging from the hallway to find him standing next to the dining room table. 
There were flowers sitting on it. Once he realized she was there, Schneider picked the bouquet up off the table and held it out. “For you.”
“Uh. Thanks.” She glanced around them, then stared back down at the flowers. “You know, nobody can see your romantic gesture, right? Kinda ruins the public effect.”
“Well, it would be a little weird if we walked into the restaurant together and then I handed them to you. But it’s our first date. It seemed appropriate.”
Now he was watching her, she could feel it. Trying to tell if she was about to get upset over his attempt at a nice gesture, Penelope guessed. Her temper tended to hit him harder than the members of her family who shared her quick moods. 
She gave in to the desire to lift them to her nose, breathing in for a long moment. They smelled like springtime, if it were springtime in a Disney movie. Sweet, but also earthy.
“I love them,” she said honestly. “Thank you.”
Schneider beamed, bouncing on his heels a little. “You’re welcome.”
“Okay,” she decided, “now I have to get ready and I have to put these in a vase. Give me a few minutes, okay?”
“No problem.” 
Schneider sat on her couch in her empty apartment, perfectly at home while Penelope arranged the flowers in the family’s only vase. She was already trying to decide what to wear, now that his flowery touch had her feeling a competitive need to up her own standards. Her mind was so focused on the contents of her closet that she didn’t stop to read the card tucked into the bright bouquet.
Whatever nerves she was now feeling about their first fake date night, it didn’t seem like Schneider shared them. Penelope was pretty sure that as she went back to her room, she heard him pulling up a video on his phone about London’s best lesser-known pubs.
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A Heart in Crisis
Summary: Angst, post Kara finding out the truth - The Monitor delivers a prophecy of Kara’s death, and Lena isn’t dealing so well. 
The irony was almost poetic. Not long ago, Lena had lied to Kara about seeing apocalyptic visions in her dreams. Now, she was living that reality. Every time Lena closed her eyes, she saw her world die.
It started with the visions she’d seen before but didn’t truly understand at the time. Nanobots consuming Supergirl in Jack’s lab. Kara crashing into the ground, bloody and broken and a breath away from death after her fight with Reign. Kryptonite infecting her body from her toes to her eyelids as the very air poisoned her, lighting up her veins with sickness.
It only went downhill from there. Lena started dreaming about her own simulations, watching Kara die by her own hand. When she awoke she would run to the bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach (which unfortunately did not include the crippling anxiety that seemed to find its home there). She had even shut Hope off entirely, dizziness overcoming her the second she heard that automated voice. Hope only ever inquired as to her well-being, but all Lena heard was a robot who had offered to kill Supergirl.
Finally came the images she’d never seen before. The Monitor with his hands around Kara’s neck. Anti-matter consuming only her, leaving the world untouched around it. And no matter which dream her mind chose from the lottery, it always ended with his voice. 
“In order for billions to survive this coming crisis, Supergirl must die.”
That was the message the Monitor had brought. They had all stood frozen - Alex, Brainy, Jonn, Nia, and Lena, until Kara flew off into the sky, not willing (or able) to look or talk to any of them.  It was Brainy who approached Lena, concern painting his features. She had not moved for ten minutes.
“I don’t think I have a big enough box for this,” she whispered to him. Brainy just stood awkwardly beside her, his own boxes not sturdy enough to stop the flow of tears. It’d been two weeks since that day, and they still hadn’t spoken. Whether it was because of Lena’s own lies or because of Kara’s impending doom - it did not matter. All that mattered was that each day was another day closer to reaching Kara’s fate, and every morning when Lena woke it was like a new setting had been added to her panic meter. Inside, Lena felt like there was a doomsday clock ticking on her heart. For whether they were best friends or worst enemies, that was exactly what Lena would lose. 
Her sole focus became researching anti-matter. She’d never been a religious person, so as far as she was concerned, God and his prophecies could go fuck himself. Just because she wasn’t speaking with Kara didn’t mean she couldn’t help. Alex, while wearing a harsh scowl, gave her bits and pieces of information, but it made no difference. There was not enough time in the universe, apparently, for her to fix or even understand this problem. She stayed in the lab for three days, avoiding dreams and barely eating. When she practically collapsed on one of her test tubes, Lena knew it was time to go home. Without the strength to make it to her room, Lena collapsed on the couch with the sound of the television in the background to hopefully block her dreams. Her rest doesn’t last long. She wakes in a sweat, the Monitor’s words still echoing in her ears. However, it’s when she sees Supergirl on the television, battered and bruised from her latest battle, that all thought of sleep flies from her mind. First, she has to pinch herself, squeezing her eyes together to try and wake up once more. Kara has a single cut on her forehead from the battle, but Lena knows how the rest of the story will go. When the news story changes three minutes later, Lena cries with relief. However, her tears turn hot and angry quickly, and before she can change her mind Lena hits the S on her watch, right before throwing it against the wall. Somehow it still shocks her how fast Kara arrives, even after everything that transpired between them. With a whoosh and a thud, Kara barrels into the apartment, scanning the area for immediate danger before focusing on Lena. Behind the look of panic in Kara’s eyes, there is only exhaustion. It is the look of a woman whose mind and body have not stopped moving for days. Lena recognizes the image like it is an old friend. With one hand, Kara rubs the worry from her face, replacing it with exasperation. 
“Lena, no matter what happens, I will always be here to help you. But the next time you hit that watch there better be a real--” The still bleeding cut on Kara’s forehead snaps Lena into action. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
The words are unexpected, and Kara doesn’t have an immediate response for Lena. Instead, Kara’s face scrunches and she stares at Lena as if trying to see inside her mind. Considering the x-ray vision, Lena guesses that with the intensity of her gaze, that could be exactly what Kara is doing. Lena tries to remain as stoic as possible, pushing her anger to the forefront and allowing it to seep into each muscle to hide everything else she is feeling underneath. Seeming to give up on observing Lena, Kara sighs. “What do you want from me?” “For you to stop being a moron.”
“Which would include, what, exactly? For me to stop saving people? To run away from this Crisis?”
“To act like you don’t have a death wish!” “No! You don’t get to do that!” Kara bellows, edging closer with her finger pointing right between Lena’s chest. “You don’t get to worry about my fate when you’ve been killing me inside your head for months.”
One more thing Lena had to thank Leviathan for: knowing what happened inside her simulations and making sure to tell Kara. Lena’s heart winced, and as much as she wanted to unleash on Kara, to accuse her in return and make her hurt as badly as she was, Lena had no time to be distracted from the issue at hand. “Haven’t you ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy, Kara?” Kara turned to leave, exiting out the balcony door. “I don’t have time for this.”
Lena followed after her. “Croesus, the King of Lydia, asked the Oracle of Delphi in Greece if he should go to war with Persia. The oracle tells him that if he goes to war, he will destroy a great kingdom. So he does. But Croesus loses, and has to admit that it was his own empire he destroyed.” With a hand on the balcony’s edge, Kara faces Lena. “What’s your point, Lena?” “Believing that you are going to die might be the only reason you eventually do.” She throws the words into the air like punches. “The Monitor must know this and you are playing into his hands.” 
There was no flicker in Kara’s eye that told Lena she was learning new information. In fact, the words seemed to bounce of Kara like they were bullets that had been shot at her a hundred times before. In front of Lena’s eyes, Kara transformed. The invulnerable hero deflated like a puppet whose strings had been dropped. “Whether that’s true or not,” Kara began softly. “If the Monitor knows what we must do to defeat this Crisis...then that’s what we must do.” Lena could feel an eruption rise inside of her. Of what, she couldn’t be certain. Anger, despair, sadness, desperation...she had been blocking her own emotions for a lifetime and could barely identify them anymore. That’s why Kara was different. For three years, she had made Lena feel every day, Lena being unable to build a wall strong enough to block out the girl of steel. Even after learning of Kara’s betrayal, Lena was helpless against the Kryptonian, and that absolutely terrified her. But not more than her dreams. And not more than the crestfallen look on Kara’s face. 
“You’ve given up.” Kara clenched her fists. “We have to save the universe, Lena, no matter the cost.”
“You are my universe, Kara!” Without meaning to, Lena marches up to Kara, their faces inches away from each other. So close together, Lena could identify the wet blanket covering Kara’s eyes, though it becomes obscured when her own vision turns blurry. She ignores the tears, though it’s harder to ignore Kara’s sharp intake of breath or the newfound proximity of their bodies. She presses on regardless. “Why do you think I did it all? I was told that my entire universe was a lie. The very foundations of my life were taken from me. The one thing that made me believe in people, in goodness, in myself...” Lena trailed off, giving up on keeping her composure. 
Kara’s lips began to quiver. “Why didn’t you just tell me that? Instead of pretending you were fine?” The words come out as a squeak, slipping between sobs. Lena scoffed, though it came out as more of a hiccup. “And have an honest conversation? How was I supposed to do that when we’ve never had one before?” Kara brings a hand up to Lena’s cheek, stroking away her tears with her thumb. Lena doesn’t have the energy to pull away, nor does she want to. The soft comfort in Kara’s eyes is like a gravitational pull, barely allowing Lena to blink. “I wish I had the time to apologize one thousand times over,” she begins, something laced in her tone that Lena does not have the capacity to hear. “If it took the rest of my life, I would spend every day trying to convince you how sorry I am. Call me an idealist, but, even if that life is cut much shorter than I thought it would be...I still hope I can.” 
Every piece of armor fell from Lena’s body in a single breath. She raises her hand and places it over Kara’s, leaning her cheek against Kara’s palm. Her eyes shut as she tries to stop more tears from escaping, having lost enough over the past few months. “Please, Kara. Please, fight this.”
Kara presses her forehead to Lena’s. “I promise, I will always fight for you.” Kara kisses Lena so softly that it could almost have been mistaken for the wind. Lena can’t help but react immediately, pressing back harder and searching for more. She needs more. Time is ticking in her ear, the air getting thinner around her, and her breath dissipating from her lungs. But none of it matters if she can keep Kara on that balcony with her - not even the entire universe vanishing. But too much has happened. The mixed taste of tears on their lips remind them of everything that has transpired in the past months, the conversations they haven’t had, and the boxes Lena hasn’t opened. Kara pulls back first, their eyes meeting and glimmering with all those unspoken words. Lena swipes her finger slowly over the cut on Kara’s forehead, but the intimate gesture combined with longing stares becomes too much to bear for either of them. Without a word, Kara steps away. She keeps her gaze locked with Lena’s as she walks backward, one, two, then three steps. Lena becomes aware of nothing else in the world but the space between them. Somehow, even after the last few months, Kara had never seemed further away. “How could you think I would want you to die?” Lena rasps. Kara begins to float, hovering underneath dimmed stars. “It’d be easier if you did. I wouldn’t have to say goodbye.” In an instant, she vanishes, and Lena is left alone with her despair and the words that were left in the air unspoken. 
I hope you enjoyed! I am so excited for Crisis - is it too much to ask for Kara to temporarily die and for Lena to be present? Maybe? Part 2
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inspirationdivine · 4 years
Where the Heart is || Jared & Lydia
Timing: Before Mushroom Jared  Parties: @themidnightfarmer  & @inspirationdivine Summary: After Lydia’s injuries, Jared comes to check up on his friend, and learns a secret Trigger Warnings: Brief reference to domestic abuse, head trauma
Cap was covered with a blanket for the walk, Jared holding the Raiju under his arm until they were right up to Lydia's door and waiting for her to answer. Cap sat patiently on Jared’s feet as they both waited. Maybe Lydia didn’t want the extra help, but it was harder to deny it if it was already looking at you in the face with its adorable little face. Or at least this is what the nymph had told himself. And even if Lydia still denied Cap to stay with her, it was good for the creature to leave the farm now and again. Especially on more calm errands than the trip they’d taken to the ring last time. As soon as the door opened Jared smiled holding out a small basket of flowers. None of the blooms were typical for a bouquet, but rather they were usually sold to the magic shops and at the market for ingredients for things. But it was the best the nymph could do, he was -as always- strapped for cash. 
After Cece had left, Lydia had collapsed into her new couch, a futon that she could comfortably drape herself over without putting any weight on her wings. She wore a camisole with a low back to put as little pressure on anywhere as possible, and despite the entire White Crest anti bra brigade picking a fight with her, Lydia was in fact not wearing one at the moment. Her points about support and structure still stood all the same. She’d set aside her phone for the while being, lying in empty silence as she tried to ignore the call of distant mushrooms and the pain rocketing through her body. Her phone beeped as her doorbell let her know someone was looking to come in. Lydia looked at the camera image, and groaned softly, before speaking into the mic. “Door’s unlocked, you can come in.” 
Jared held out the basket in front of him the entire time he was entering the house, looking around each corner tentatively until he found who he was looking for. “Hey.” He greeted her politely, nudging Cap to sit patiently just out of her sight to be on the safe side just in case she really truly was upset at him for not taking her answer seriously. Not realizing she’d maybe had a camera system to see who was waiting at the door and had likely seen him already. He set the basket of odd flowers on a side table and tried not to be too obviously nosey and trying to figure out what had happened to his new fae friend. “How are you feeling?”
Lydia slowly shifted, enough to roll to face him a little, still staying mostly lying on the bed. With no glamour on and no desire to put one on, it was impossibly easy for him to see the pallor to her skin, the heavy bruising and swelling along the side of her face. One ankle in a cast and heavy bandage around her back. If he counted her wings - well. Lydia tried not to think about that. “Hey,” she said hoarsely. “Did I… misunderstand something? I didn’t know I was expecting anyone tonight.”  She didn’t answer his question, because her throat closed up the moment she tried to. 
He politely held back a sharp intake of breath at her condition. Even if Jared was very advanced at glamour, it didn’t help mask the expression on his face. He was at war with asking and simply looking. He wanted to know what had occurred but looking at her he also felt like he could see exactly what the answer would be. “Oh well uh.” he stumbled over his words for a moment before catching his stride. “Maybe I should have called, sorry about that I just wanted to drop off that something to hopefully cheer you up, and when you said you were going home I figured it’d be a good time...I uh….also wanted to maybe drop off someone else as well if you’d let me leave him. I know you said you didn’t want a guard Raiju, but…. surely, it’d help? He’s very good, he won’t bother you.”
Jared was many, many things, but he was never going to be good at poker, Lydia thought as she watched his face shift from surprise to horror. Already, in just seconds of him being here, it was too much to bear. Some fae believed it was better to be dead than to lose a wing, and for a brief moment, as Lydia looked away so she couldn’t see his pity, she agreed with them. What a shameful sign of weakness, to let someone hurt you like that. When it came on top of everything else - Lydia burned with a shame so heavy it physically hurt her chest. All the same, she slowly made herself sit up, or at least sit up enough so that she could lean her side against the couch, gesturing at the chair near her. Still not looking at him. “That’s very kind of you… I’m just, I’m just a little confused sometimes. You can sit. Your Raiju too, if he likes.”
Their minds were worlds apart. Whilst Lydia was dwelling on fae custom, and the reaction he must be having to her situation from that standpoint. Jared was taking a very human outlook; it was the only way he knew how to process the image of what he thought may have happened. And while he was horrified, it was more at the thought that someone would do something like this to such a lovely woman that was catching him up. He’d never seen someone so battered and bruised knowing that they hadn’t picked a fight or gone to do something dangerous. She’d only been at home. She’d been at home and this had happened to her. Jared sat down when she offered and put a hand down past his knees for Cap to run to and settle on his feet looking up at Lydia. “This is Cap……. I think we spoke about him before for a little bit uh…. Thought he might be good company for you?”
After a long moment, Lydia looked back at him with a practiced smile, made lopsided by the bruising and swelling on one side of her face. “Yes, I remember, my dear. Hello, little one,” she said to Cap, looking down at what at first appearance might have been a coyote, especially as Lydia had never seen a coyote either. But when she looked more closely, she saw tiny electric sparks in its fur. His fur. “This is the one that was domesticated, right?” She asked, remembering their conversation about wild things being left wild. “This is very sweet of you, but you don’t have to take care of me. We can just spend time together like normal- “Lydia winced and shut her eyes. “Or as close to normal, anyway.” Which wasn’t close at all.
Jared could sort of tell she was just trying to be polite and told himself as soon as she even remotely hinted that she wanted him gone, he would be. Cap shuddered like a chihuahua at being spoken to, his body shivering as if he was cold, the little electrical pulses in his fur increasing for a moment until the bought had passed. “He was used as a power source for things before I got him. But he’s friendly once he's introduced to someone. He can stun people easily if he needs to, and sometimes a little bit more than that. But he was sick a long time before I got him so he’s not incredibly dangerous…. And I mean I know you’re probably fully capable of taking care of yourself but...I don’t know I’m the dad friend sometimes. Not often. But sometimes. And I worry all the time. We don’t have to talk about it, I'd just really like if you’d let Cap stay. He’ll stay outside. I brought his blanket. I’ll come feed him. He won't be any trouble I pro- I really don’t think he will.”
Ever so tentatively, Lydia lowered her arm, extending her hand for Cap to interact with, like one would a dog, or a cat that would inevitably walk away regardless of what you did. She had to trust that Jared was right, like he had been about the bodenoggles. “It sounds like you’re lucky Jared found you,” Lydia told Cap softly, listening to Jared as she watched the unnerving little creature. She laughed, harshly and cruelly, at his words. “Does it look like I’m capable of taking care after myself?” As quickly as she’d laughed, tears had sprung to her eyelids, which she batted away furiously. “I’m sorry. It’s okay. I’m just- I want to show you so many things about our world. I wanted you to have the best possible introduction to fae life. Not this.”
Jared wiggled his toes under the Raiju when Lydia extended her hand kindly to Cap. The Raiju in response got to his feet and tentatively padded closer to the woman. The creature would always look alarming, his species dictated that, but his movements were always that reminiscent of a shy dog. He’d been tamed in an odd way and despite it being awful in Jared’s eyes, in this instance it might work in his favour. Cap liked having a job to do, something to be done. And while Jared refused to let the creature work on the farm doing anything other than being a companion and maybe herding cockatrice, standing guard with Lydia seemed right there with something he would enjoy. The nymph cringed as she laughed and recoiled a little in shame. He was always saying the wrong thing lately. “This ain’t your fault though, and the situation doesn’t mean you can’t look after yourself, it means that someone came prepared to hurt you. That’s different. And…” he trailed off, what could he say? Nothing that would help likely. She had been attacked; he couldn’t fix that.
It was terrifying, letting it cautiously move closer and closer to her hand. Once, a little spark of lighting ran across the fur of its mouth and Lydia flinched away momentarily, before lowering her hand back down. Was Jared sure Cap would behave once he was gone? He was the nymph of vicious beasts, not her, and Cap was looking more vicious the longer she looked at him. She looked back up to Jared when he cringed, immediately regretting her own response. “Oh, Jared-” She said softly, reaching out for his hand after a moment. Was it different? Did it matter now, when she needed a team of eight security guards just to keep her safe, especially when one was driving her around? When she fell asleep at the most random hours, but terror kept her awake most nights. “You’re so sweet. I wish I’d met you months ago.”
Cap sniffled at Lydia’s hand for a moment, his tongue darting out for a very brief moment before he backed up again to assume his comfortable position on Jared’s feet. He would stay out of her way, and so long as he was introduced to anyone else coming over, he wouldn’t cause them any issue either. He was an intuitive little creature and Jared was sure he could help at least a little. As she reached out to him, he did the same for her, taking her hand eager to offer her his apologies in any way that couldn’t turn into another verbal mistake. “Wish I’d -” he had to stop himself from saying something else insensitive by mistake. He wanted to offer support, and maybe they were just new friends, but he cherished the people he got along with, lately he was trying to do this a lot more than he used to. It was important to him to be compassionate with people just as he was with his kids. Everyone needed to feel safe and he just wished he could provide that. “I was a hermit months ago, literally on migration living with a herd. You’d not have enjoyed that.” he tried to joke lamely, but his tone fell flat. 
“No, maybe not,” Lydia replied with a huff of a laugh, less flat that his joke but still deflated at a sad balloon. “Where did you migrate through?” Now that she had his hand, she was loathe to let go, taking comfort in the presence of his warmth, and how his very presence made her chest ring soothingly as if she was being sung to, a blanket to guard away her icy fears. As Lydia sat there silently, focusing on his presence and warmth, she realised it wasn’t just her fear gnawing at her. Shit. Before Jared had gotten here, Lydia had told Chloe to bring a finished lyric set. Except she couldn’t while Jared was here. The double promise was eating at her. Shit. “Chloe, you can come over.” Almost immediately, the blond woman did, looking pale and exhausted as she handed over some sheets. 
“Followed a kerashag over the border. Just wanted to know more about them mainly.” Although his migration felt like it had been years ago rather than only this past winter. So much had happened since he’d gotten home, but that was how this town had always been. One thing after another to overcome. It was a wonder some families lasted as long as they did in this place. Jared didn’t let go of Lydia’s hand, he didn’t want to break that trust, if she needed him to hold her hand all night he’d stay. He always wanted to be someone his friends could count on. The arrival of someone he didn’t know didn’t even have him breaking that contact unless Lydia pulled away. He motioned to Cap that this person was alright and then looked up with a friendly smile. “Uh hi?” He shifted his eyes to glance at Lydia in question.
“Do you do a migration every year?” Lydia asked mildly, not really understanding what a kerashag was either. It could have been a single animal, a group of animals, a party, a species, anything, really, but she always liked listening to him telling her things, even when she didn’t have the faintest idea. She didn’t let go of him when Chloe arrived, but she did tense a little. He was the nymph of vicious beasts, surely, he’d understand. “This is Chloe,” she said for Jared’s comfort, taking the sheet from Chloe without sparing her much of a second glance. “She’s my dinner. Chloe, say hi.”
“Hi,” said Chloe. 
“Not every year, just the last three winters. I got lucky with species passing through. Not all species migrate either, so I imagine it’ll be harder the more I try and do it.” Jared spoke softly in return to her question. He would always be happy to share, especially considering she seemed to be just as kind with his own questions. He opened his mouth to greet the new face but instead sucked in a breath at Lydia's words. He floundered for a moment on what to say. He looked up at Chloe with his mouth uselessly open. This carried on for a few moments before he caught his breakings and he mumbled “Oh, hi.” His gaze dropped from the girl and to Lydia and His joined hands. “Dinner?” he asked quietly, he knew the answer was likely going to be no, but he asked anyway. “Like a guest?” Didn’t hurt to try.
 “You can go now,” Lydia said to Chloe, and as if her feet had been unglued from the floor, the bolted, down the hall and up the stairs. Oh, Jared frightened her too. All of Lydia’s friends did. Even if Lydia couldn’t quite meet his gaze as Jared fumbled. She wasn’t ashamed, she wasn’t, but maybe it had been too soon. Maybe he was still too human, too empathetic to them, maybe he couldn’t accept that Lydia couldn’t do anything but. That was what made it easier for most people to stomach. She couldn’t drink cow’s blood or eat cow brains, there was no vegan substitute. But even if there was, why would she wish to stop herself from tasting that kind of rush? “No, not like a guest. I eat human lifeforce, Jared. That’s what Leanan-Sidhe do. In return, she writes the most amazing music she could possibly write.”
He was still holding her hand. Jared didn’t want to let go, he didn’t know what to think about what he was hearing just yet, but he didn’t want to remove the comfort he’d come to give without hearing the rest. He finally looked up at her and caught her eye as she spoke. “You… to live you need to?” he asked. He just knew so little about anything. He was so behind, so out of the loop with everything from his own species that it hadn’t crossed his mind that any of them wouldn’t eat food like humans needed to for life. “Do you...eat normal food too or just...people?” It was an odd thing to ask, nothing he’d ever imagined having to inquire about in his life. But here he was, being fae truly was a whole new world. A world he was jumping into very late in the game. 
Once Jared looked at her, Lydia met his gaze, and barely even blinked, so unwilling to drop it. He was already beginning to understand. He wasn’t pulling away. She could talk him through this. “I have to,” Lydia confirmed again, watching for every little flicker, every little hesitation. Her lips quirked downwards as he accused her of eating people. Lydia never would unless it was an emergency, and even then, she’d only take the tiniest sliver. People didn’t deserve it, but humans were prey. “I can eat human food, and I can enjoy it, but it doesn’t provide any nutritional value anymore. I haven’t been able to live off anything but humans since I was a teenager.”
Have to was something Jared never argued with. It went hand in hand with what was in a species nature. And as such a big advocate for defending his kids for things they couldn’t help or that were ‘in their nature’ he’d been slowly applying his logic to people as well the more he found out about others. The divide between what he used to consider morally wrong and what he was becoming to accept as truly morally wrong was widening, but he didn’t notice. But he needed the clarification. She’d been so patient with him before now, he hoped she’d extend it now even if Jared was the one who had initially arrived to show her the support, he now needed from her. “How does it work?” he asks her. “Is it, specific to Leanan-sidhe?” 
“It is specific to us. I think it’s one of the reasons we’re so rare. Humans can’t stand it. Hunters would kill us as soon as looking at us.” Lydia’s headache was starting to return, so she let her head back on the couch, squeezing his hand to let him know she was still there as she closed her eyes so that the light could not hurt her. “It’s permanent. You can’t grow back life the way you can grow back blood or anything like that. There is no substitute. I can feed from just standing near people, but it’s like snacking on an apple, it isn’t enough. Mouth to mouth contact is how I need to eat, every few days.” Maybe her headache wasn’t the only reason she’d shut her eyes. Lydia held him even tighter now, like she was afraid he might leave. She was. “How does that make you feel?”
Jared knew the hunter mentality well and he didn’t like it one bit. He was biased against, in fact, far enough to truly despise the whole system of humans that trained to take out the beings he protected for simply existing. It wasn’t right. His beliefs were challenged by the upbringing he’d had, his ‘parents’ had raised him to believe every human should be allowed to live, but the whole balance of the earth defied that, an earth he was much more closely tied to than his human non blood related family. And yet it was hard to shake. He wasn’t like other fae, he’d grown up loving the humans around him and he still did. It was a hard pill to swallow, but he would. He squeezed her hand tightly and gave her a half shrug- not that she could see it. He combined his parents’ ideals and his own as he said “You’re part of the world, you deserve to be here just as much as anyone else. And if it’s natural to you…. If it's in your nature...who am I to say otherwise? It’d make me a huge hypocrite to advocate for balance, and then not support what you need to do to live…”
His words loosened up the temporary knot in Lydia’s chest. It would be a terrible thing, to love someone so much and to lose them so quickly to so pesky a thing as human morals. “Just like that, you’ve summarised something so few understand. I’m not wrong just for existing, no more so than any other predator. Hell, I do what the humans do.” Her victory speech was cut short by a sharply increasing pain in her back. Her face went pale as she looked up at him. “You’re a very good friend, you know?”
He gave her a small smile. She was teaching him about the world they were both part of, he trusted her judgement, and he appreciated her asking what he thought even if she wasn’t sorry about it. She gave him the time to decide and that would always mean something to the nymph. He wasn’t intelligent like others but given the time he could come to some alright conclusions. Jared noticed her face pale and he looked down at her soft look. “I’m sorry for barging in Lydia. I just wanted to contribute to your safety now that you’re home. Will you keep Cap here for me? Even if you don’t need him it’d make me feel like I don’t have to swing by every day, I’m sure that’d be annoying.”
“I will,” Lydia agreed, looking down to Cap again with a soft little smile, her nerves dissolving under his kind words. Maybe this was enough, for right now. Not talking about it, not trying to find words to describe the nightmares that ate at her, but instead leaning into the acceptance and comfort of her friends. They didn’t need to heal her, to be therapy for her, just this. Lydia took her his hand both of hers, tracing the veins of his arms idly. “You’re always welcome here, Jared. Always.”
Jared would think about what she’d said, but ultimately, he couldn’t imagine coming to a different conclusion about all she’d said. He believed in balance, and if her species existed and this was how they lived that was that. The earth had spoken. He was pleased also to find he was welcome; he’d surely be stopping in more often now he knew that. “I’ll take you up on that.” he hummed in response. 
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the-unshaped · 4 years
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"How's the first day back?"
Stiles Stilinski grinned as his oldest friend, Scott, slapped a strong hand on his shoulder. After what felt like a million years away from each other, he was back, his best friend standing beside him. It was a fantastic feeling.
Walking into the school was bizarre. He had felt nostalgia in the past but nothing to this extent before. Maybe it was because his last school was so much larger, but it seemed like every year they were making noticeable changes. Beacon Hills, on the other hand, was exactly how he remembered. The same white and black speckled linoleum floors, same painted mascot on the walls, same old lockers, same trophy cases lining the main hall.
Stiles was stoked.
Even the classes he'd taken so far, which would have ordinarily bored him since he'd learned a lot of what they were going over already, left him feeling almost giddy. The teachers didn't seem to share the sentiment, but fuck them. He wasn't going to let Finstock calling him Billinski a million times drag him down today.
Stiles and Scott had met up the day before, his dad surprising him with dinner and his childhood best friend as a gift for finishing all his unpacking, but it was even more exciting to know he was going to see him every day. They had talked at least once a week after Stiles finally broke and got Facebook eighth grade year and even more when they both had online gaming, almost every day. It was like they'd never stopped.
Stiles had been begging his dad to move back since the day they left, and he only got more persistent after his reunion with Scott, but no matter how hard he tried to convince him, no dice. That is until his dad's college friend, Adam Wilder, let him know that the Beacon Hills was offering full ride scholarships to the college of their choice to the top 5 graduates and was in need of a new sheriff. Not even John could refuse that kind of help. Despite his worry that he wouldn't be accepted as a transfer, he took a chance and put in an application. A month later and a million moving boxes later, Stiles was leaving his fancy Sacramento apartment and on his way home.
"Not bad, Scott. I've got Dad, my best bud, and my nightmares of a poorly-aged Lydia can finally be absolved because she is still as much of a goddess as the day I left, dare I say more. All is right with the world," he said, eyeing the lean strawberry blonde haired girl down the hall. Scott winced, and pulled at his lock, freeing it from the metal loop before opening it and shoving his math book inside. "I definitely missed this place. What more could I ask for?”
Scott scoffed and scuffed the toes of his shoes against the floor. "I can't imagine why anyone would miss this place."
Stiles eyed him, unsure if he was playing around or not. Leaving Beacon Hills, for him, felt like tearing off a limb, leaving something messy, jagged and bloody in its place. Sacramento hadn't been bad, per se. He made awesome grades and was in a club or two every year. He had some people that could pass as friends he hung out with occasionally, but it wasn't the same as the life he had in Beacon Hills. Also losing a limb, Stiles had survived the initial pain and adapted, but at the end of the day, he knew that it wasn't there and could feel the ache of its absence.
Stiles knew he was meant to be there. It was where he was born m. Where he learned how to tie his shoes and write his name. Where he and Scott made a terrible mess in the kitchen making treats for a fundraiser, and Melissa made them clean all day after school, scolding them even as she ate the last remaining cupcake. It was home.
The only difference between losing a limb and losing Beacon Hills was that there was always a voice in the back of his mind telling him that he could get it back, if only he could convince his dad. It was only a few hours away, and he would eventually be able to choose where he lived. Luckily he hadn't had to wait that long.
Stiles shrugged off Scott's dismissal. "I'm sure you'd miss it once you left."
Stiles closed his locker, and noticed Scott had gone quiet. He took a peek over his shoulder as he clamped his padlock shut and realized he had his eyes trained on an adorable brunette talking to a fierce looking blonde he had noticed earlier in their math class. Stiles looked between them a dorky smirk spreading across his face.
"You are so obvious, man. Your tail is practically wagging."
Scott's eyes shot up, eyebrows knit together. "What?"
"That girl. The brunette. You have your 'unrequited pining' look on your face," Stiles explained, shutting his locker door. Scott frowned, crossing his arms, even as he snuck another peek at her.
"It's not that obvious," Scott muttered.
"I've literally only been here for," he looked at her phone, then back up at Brennan, "three hours and forty-five minutes and I knew the moment you looked at her."
Stiles looked at Scott's downtrodden face then brightened. "Wait, is that Allison? Like love of your life, scary but amazing, Allison?"
The blonde glanced over at them, smirking at Scott. Stiles didn't seem to notice. Even if he had he would have no reason to suspect that she could hear anything he said, but Scott knew differently. He flushed, wrapping his arm around Stiles shoulder, whipping him around to face the lockers in a huddle.
"Dude," Scott hissed. "Keep it down."
"It is her! Holy crap," Stiles laughed. Scott just pouted, his eyebrows still pulled together.
"Yeah, yeah. You're brilliant. Can you shut up now?"
"Come on. You act like people are listening," Stiles said, craning his head around to look at the near bustling halls. "Trust me, we aren't that interesting."
"Speak for yourself. I'm plenty interesting."
"Oh yeah? Let my go ask how interesting you are," Stiles teased. "Yo, All-!"
Scott clamped a hand over his mouth, and Stiles was quick to retaliate.
"Did you seriously just lick me? How old are you? Stiles. Stop it!"
Scott dropped his hand with a scowl, wiping it on his dark jeans.
"I'll have you know, licking people could solve approximately 80% of the world's problems," Stiles said, hitting Scott suggestively. "Speaking of licking, how the hell did you get so built? I thought you sucked at sports."
Scott's scowl bled into a full blown grin, ignoring Stiles' sexual remark. "That was last year. A lot has changed. Now hurry up or we're going to miss lunch. And please try to control yourself a little, okay?"
Stiles gave him a questioning look, but didn't ask. He followed Scott through the halls, weaving through the people, trying to connect names to old familiar faces. Some people were easier to remember than others. He would catch flashes of memories from t-ball and baseball practices, or stories her dad had told him on the car ride here. He had only ever really been close to Scott before they left, but the familiarity was calming in a way he hadn't expected.
Stiles couldn't help but grin when they pushed through the heavy doors to the cafeteria.
The walls were a less than white white, dull and slightly grimy with age. They had long rectangular tables instead of the faux wood round ones at his old school, but honestly he liked these better, even if it was just a bit too much white all together for his taste. Too much like a hospital.
"Wow it hasn't changed at all," Stiles chirped. "I bet Mrs. Green still has that wild chin hair, too."
As if she could hear him, Mrs. Green looked up at him with a scowl. He waved at her excitedly, a lopsided grin painted on his face, and Scott shook his head in amusement.
"Hi, Mrs. Green!"
As they made their way through the food line, Stiles reminisced over the meatloaf and asked if they still had the breakfast pizza with white gravy and sausage balls he loved so much. Scott couldn't help but get secondhand excitement. It had been so long since he had felt normal like this. Not that he didn't like his life or that he didn't enjoy things the way they were, but having a friend that wasn't constantly caught up in his problems was nicer than he had expected it to be.
Stiles continued chattering excitedly up until the moment Scott sat down. At a table. With people. Very hot people. Stiles looked down at Scott with wide eyes, his mouth agape. Lydia Martin. Scott was friends with Lydia fucking Martin? How had this not made it into their text messages?!
Scott cleared his throat, obviously embarrassed.
"Guys, you remember Stiles, right? Stiles, that's Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Jackson, Boyd, and Erica. Cora normally sits with us but I think she-well, actually I'm not sure where she is today."
Stiles' eyes followed down the line, his face flushing. What the fresh hell? Scott was attractive in a totally platonic, nothing sexual way, and he would be blantantly lying if he said he hadn't noticed how fit he was now, but how the hell did they go from being the lanky dorks in class to Scott having supermodel-esque friends?
He immediately recognized some of the faces. Lydia, obviously. Scary hot blonde and Scott's crush, obviously Allison, from the hallway. Then, if his friends being hot wasn't weird enough, he realized with a start who the thin muscular guy was.
"Jackson. Jackson Whittemore? As in the Jackson Whittemore who shoved my Batman figure down the toilet?"
Stiles shook his head incredulously at Scott, like he had been personally victimized by the very thought of his seating partner, and Scott buried his face in his hands. Allison laughed, a musical sound that he had heard about in many different phone calls.
"You shoved his Batman down the toilet?"
Jackson smirked, shrugging slightly.
"Poor guy. So you were always a dick," Erica teased, peeking over the lip of her glass of water.
"We were like 6. I'm sure he's fine," Jackson said, leveling Stiles with a less than pitying glare.
Stiles muttered the contrary gruffly under his breath.
"You sure look tasty. Why didn't you tell us he was so fine, Scott?"
Stiles flushed at the blonde's words, not knowing how to comment to that. He looked to Scott for help, but he just shrugged as if to say, "she's always like this."
The man beside Erica, Boyd if Stiles recalled correctly, rolled his eyes, a knowing look on his face. He wrapped his arm around her and whispered something to her that made her giggle in delight, and Stiles was kind of scared to know what he said to make that noise come out of her.
Stiles, shifted back and forth on his feet, still standing awkwardly near the table holding his tray. He looked at the spot beside Scott, unsure. Out of everything he had prepared for today, this definitely wasn't it.
"You going to sit down Stilinski?" Jackson sneered.
"Actually I was thinking of enjoying my food standing up," Stiles shot back, biting into his roll dramatically. "I'd hate for anything else I love to end up in the toilet."
Scott grabbed the back of his jacket and pulled him down onto the bench with strength Stiles didn't know he had. He scowled but kept his mouth closed.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Stiles," Allison said. "Scott talks about you a lot. Like a lot a lot."
"Well isn't that a coincidence, because-" Scott jabbed him in the ribs as hard as he could under the table. Allison smiled bashfully and Lydia rolled her eyes.
"Ow! Stupid overnight muscles," Stiles muttered, rubbing his side. "Not fair."
"You know you aren't going to be eligible for Valedictorian or Salutatorian right?" Lydia asked suddenly, clamping her compact mirror shut. "The policy is that you have to be present for the entirety of your Junior and Senior year to qualify."
Stiles shrugged, trying to keep his overeager inner 9 year old self at bay. "Yeah my dad wasn't thrilled about that, but I told him I didn't care. My GPA is all that really matters. Well, that and my SATs and ACTs."
Lydia gave him an adorable half smile. "Its a shame. It will be nice to have some competition around, regardless. Scott says you're quite the diligent student."
Stiles gave Scott a look that he was too busy ogling to notice. That was strange. That was the second time they mentioned Scott talking about him, yet he knew nothing about any of them. "Is that right?"
Lydia quirked her head, looking between the two, and made a mental note of it.
The rest of lunch went by fairly smoothly, but Stiles couldn't really focus on the various conversations going on around the table, too busy trying to figure everyone out. He could tell that obviously Erica and Boyd were a couple, despite the remark about his attractiveness. Even surrounded by friends, and them frequently chatting with other people instead of each other, he could almost see the personal bubble they had around themselves, so thick it was almost tangible.
From what he could see, Allison and Lydia seemed to be best friends. He wasn't exactly surprised, pretty people always seemed to attract other pretty people, but the vibes they gave off were very different. They were constantly having silent conversations between themselves, checking for opinions as they listened to other people's stories and laughing at inside jokes together. Luckily for Scott, he noticed her eyes would stray over to him frequently, especially when he would start to laugh over something silly.
The most interesting observation seemed to be that while Stiles was away, Scott, Jackson and Isaac had gotten pretty close. Stiles didn't really remember much about Isaac, but he seemed nice enough. He was actually a lot like Stiles in that he was fairly smart, sarcastic, and generally nice to be around, but he had a air of newly self-built confidence around him.
Jackson was the opposite, but to Stiles' surprise, he wasn't as bad as he remembered. Jackson exuded cockiness, that he expected, but he could tell that Jackson was a lot less of a jerk than he used to be when he handed the rest of his food to Isaac before he even had the chance to ask for it. Stiles figured he would be the hardest one to understand, because nothing he said was actually what he meant.
Stiles' thoughts were interrupted when Scott tried to reel Stiles into a conversation about lacrosse, but Stiles was contented to listen to the three guys recap the season so far.
Stiles gradually started feeling a bit more comfortable than he had in the beginning, but something kept nagging at him in the back of his mind: why had Scott told his friends so much about him, yet Stiles was clueless about them? He had heard about Allison, mostly because that was all he talked about, but why hadn't he ever heard of his friendships with the others, especially after Stiles found out he was going to be moving back? They all seemed close. Really, really close. They talked about hanging out on weekends, going to movies, and playing video games all weekend, yet Stiles couldn't remember a single time Scott ever mentioned them.
It was strange. Stiles knew that it was crazy of him to make assumptions from a few passing comments, but something in his gut told him Scott was hiding something.
"Do you have any classes with us?" Isaac asked, holding out his hand expectantly. Stiles shifted so he could pull his schedule from his back pocket and handed it to him. Isaac and Allison looked over it intently, and Jackson snuck a peek, trying and failing to look like he didn't care.
"Chemistry with Scott and Isaac, Math with Scott and Erica, most of the classes with Boyd or Erica if not both, AP classes with Me and Lydia. How did you manage not to have a single class with Jackson?" Allison asked.
"Lucky I guess," Stiles grinned.
Jackson rolled his eyes and Scott elbowed him again. Stiles sucked in air through his teeth and rubbed it until the pain faded. #WorthIt.
"So Scott said your dad is the new Sheriff," Boyd said. It was the first time Boyd had spoken out loud.
"Yeah, he was a deputy here when we lived here before. I guess enough people remembered him from back in the day that when he was nominated, people accepted him."
"Did he tell you how the position opened up?"
Everyone at the table stopped, and eyes were on him. If they were trying to seem subtle, they had definitely failed. Fortunately, though, this Stiles had anticipated. He considered whether he should divulge his true opinions or keep his ideas to himself. After an encouraging nod from Scott, he shrugged.
"Dad told me what they are telling people happened, yeah," he said.
Boyd's flitted to Scott, then he forced a small smile.
"You say that like you don't believe the story."
"I don't."
Boyd looked at him expectantly, as if waiting for him to elaborate. Erica squeezed his arm gently, not tearing her eyes from Stiles, keeping her expression soft. Scott gave him a look and Stiles relented.
Stiles sighed. "My Dad is going to kill me." He looked up to the ceiling as if he were praying for strength to survive. "They are saying it was a mugging or something near the park. That the guy was at the wrong place at the wrong time, got his stuff taken and killed for his trouble."
"That's what I heard too. Sounds reasonable enough, right?" Allison asked, laughing nervously.
Stiles scoffed. "Sure, if he was getting mugged by Wolverine. I haven't seen the crime scene photos yet, but from the conversations I've heard the last few days about the absolute carnage left behind, I don't see how it could be just a simple mugging. They're missing something, they just don't want to admit it yet."
Stiles pretended not to notice Scott tensing beside him. It was no secret Scott wasn't a fan of blood, but he didn't want to embarrass him by pointing it out.
"What does that even mean?" Lydia asked.
"What does what mean?"
"Mugged by Wolverine?"
"Wolverine. You know. X-Men. Wolver-you don't-you don't know who Wolverine is?" Stiles asked, his hands flailing then falling flat on the table, his eyebrows furrowed in distress.
She gave him an incredulous look, her perfect curls bouncing as she shook her head. He ran his hand down his face.
Jackson handed Lydia his phone and her lips turned down. "Man in tights. Not bad."
Allison rolled her eyes and the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.
"Nice to meet you, again, Stiles," Allison said again, grabbing her bag and pulling it over her shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah, it was truly a pleasure. I need to borrow your calculator so let's go," Jackson said, ushering her away. Scott huffed beside him, and Stiles rolled his eyes. Scott was as oblivious as always.
Everything was messed up.
Cora honestly couldn't decide which was worse, living states away with a bunch of strangers that she couldn't get along with to save her life, or finally being able to come home and dealing with all the frivolous drama that came with it.
Don't get her wrong, she was glad that Derek allowed her to come back home. She loved him and she was really glad that finally someone was starting to treat her like an adult, but having to deal with school and her brother's complicated Pack dynamics was stressful.
Being back home was annoying. Living in South America was worse.
Being away from her home, the last bit of family she had left, it had almost killed her. She didn't want to eat. She couldn't sleep. When she did sleep, it was interrupted by nightmares. Often times she would wake up in the dark, thinking the smoke had enveloped her completely. If that weren't enough, she felt more isolated than she had in her whole life. She was the only human in the Pack, which she was used to, but at least when she was home she was bonded with her family.
She sat in the library, head in her hands, trying not to think about all of the homework assignments that were piling up. Derek had said school was one of the conditions to her moving back in with him, but what exactly did that mean? What was he going to do when she got her grades back? Was he going to ship her back off like Laura had? Would he even feel bad?
She sighed. That wasn't fair. Derek had never wanted her to go, but when Laura decided on something, there wasn't really anything anyone could do to change her mind. As much as Cora didn't want to, she was going to have to talk to him. Good thing talking about feelings was a Hale family specialty.
When the bell rang for lunch, she rolled her eyes. As if her brother and his Pack didn't have enough to argue about, Scott's token human friend was supposed to have his first day today. Not that she wasn't curious what all the hype was about, but she didn't understand why Scott was fighting so hard to let his friend in on all their secrets when he was constantly pointing out how dangerous it was to let Cora stay here.
So, just to spite him, she was here, continuing to work on homework she didn't know how to do, and was too stubborn to ask for help with.
Before she knew it, lunch was over with only a little bit of progress to show for it. She walked begrudgingly to Chemistry, knowing that Harris was probably going to pester her about her revisions from their lab the previous week.
Cora walked to her spot, sitting down, dramatically opening her Chemistry book. Her up and coming best friend, Nina, nudged her with her shoulder has she settled in beside her.
"Did you hear there was a new senior?"
"Unfortunately," She replied icily, pulling a snack from her bag. Nina gave her an odd look. She interpreted it as "what the fuck is up with you?" despite the fact that Nina would never actually use those words. "Apparently he's going to be hanging around my brother's group."
"Oh," Nina smirked, knowingly. "The Hot Hale Harem?"
Cora almost choked on her granola bar, making Nina's smirk grow to a full on grin. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"You love me."
Cora rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but laugh with her. Nina was different, but she honestly found it kind of refreshing. It was hard for her to remember to think about normal things like boys and shopping, but Nina didn't mind pulling her into her normie girl stuff.
"So, I was thinking," Nina started.
Cora took a deep breath. "No."
"You didn't even hear what I was going to say," she pouted.
"Fine. It'll still be a no, but continue."
"So you know how we have that test on Friday? I was thinking we could invite the guys to study with us."
(Find the rest on AO3 href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/27811303"><strong>The Unshaped</strong></a> (16100 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Infernal_panda"><strong>Infernal_panda</strong></a><br />Chapters: 2/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Teen%20Wolf%20(TV)">Teen Wolf (TV)</a><br />Rating: Not Rated<br />Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence<br />Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes<br />Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Peter Hale, Cora Hale, Laura Hale<br />Additional Tags: BAMF Stiles, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pining, Underage Drinking, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Romance, Friendship, Humor, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Supernatural Elements, mentions of abuse, eventually, Happy Ending<br />Summary: <p>After leaving Beacon Hills at age 8, Stiles never stopped feeling the indescribable pull, beckoning him back home. A new Sheriff position opening up gives him the chance to move back, and it’s everything Stiles ever wanted. He has his dad, his best friend, and he’s back where he belongs. </p><p>His first day back doesn’t exactly go as planned, and now he is finding that he was even less normal than he thought. </p><p>****</p><p>A Hale Pack fanfic with all of our lovable characters as they try to integrate Stiles into their wolfyhood and crazy monster-filled lives with Stiles as their unknowing magic friend, and a bit of intertwined fates to keep things interesting )
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Do you guys have any long slow burn AU fics to rec?
We sure have! 😊 Enjoy!
(Please not that this list only contains stories over 30k.)
Anchors by @thiamlife
Liam Dunbar has had enough of being out of control. So he decides to shut his wolf off for awhile… the only problem is it could end up getting him killed.
Theo Raeken had never been good with feelings. But he can’t fathom the idea of losing the little beta. So he makes it his personal mission to help Liam find his way back to the supernatural. Lines will be crossed and there may be no coming back from it.
[NR / 42.2k / complete]
Vargary by @lovelylittlegrim
Liam is worried everything will go to shit once the elder pack members leave Beacon Hills.
It does, of course, but he has Mason and Corey there to help him out.
He also, surprisingly, has Theo Raeken.
[TeenUp / 38.5k / wip]
Just too good to be true by @raekentheoryarchive
Liam has the worst luck when it comes to girls. Things just keep crashing and burning. Mason tries to convince him that maybe it’s time to come out, to date a guy instead, but his best friend won’t hear it. So he and Corey decide to find him the ultimate date, someone who’s exactly his type—snarky, tendency to punch people, and tough enough to put up with their volatile friend. Bad boy Theo Raeken is the perfect fit, despite his murky past and caustic personality. And the fact that he won’t do it for free. What could go wrong? // 10 Things I Hate About You AU.
[TeenUp / 56.2k / complete]
Midnight into morning coffee by @pettigrace
In an anger fit, Liam slashes his social studies teacher's tires. Enter Theo, who is an enigma surrounded by rumours, saving him. In return, he just wants Liam to pay his lunch. Easy, right? Liam would have never guessed the lane he starts walking by accepting the deal.
[TeenUp / 138.5k / wip]
On the same side by @teen-wolf-af
Liam is an FBI agent. Theo is an untouchable drug lord. There's a chase, some grudging trust, and finally the falling in love. It may seem unlikely, but in the end, they find themselves on the same side.
[TeenUp / 101.7k / complete]
Compared to the moon by @flyde
Theo Raeken is back in Beacon Hills. He is an outcast in a world where people show their true colors as actual colors beneath their skin, because Theo himself is a blank page. Joining the lacrosse team, he hopes for one last shot at finding a real place to belong. But things don´t start off too great, especially not between him and the team captain, Liam Dunbar.
[Explicit / 143.8k / complete]
Desolate by @glitter-cake20
Liam involuntarily becomes an Alpha. He refuses accept the new wolf and instead runs away, leaving Beacon Hills behind, and takes to a small cabin in the Colorado mountains for refuge, mostly from himself. He subdues the alpha wolf in him... Until one day when he has absolutely no choice but to let it out.
[Explicit / 60k / complete]
I can't not love you by @raekentheoryarchive
Liam's a little lost in life. His latest relationship has fizzled out, his best friends are about to be married, and he’s rapidly realizing he doesn’t want to be the best man without a date. So, inspired by their tale of rekindled romance, he decides to track down all his exes and figure out which one was right for him all along. The problem is that several have been out of contact for years, and he has no idea where they are. The solution? His promiscuous, struggling musician neighbor Theo, who happens to have dabbled in the police academy long enough to be good at digging up dirt and finding people. But time is running out, the wedding countdown clock ticking ever closer, and if Theo can stop flirting with him for maybe five seconds and find his former flames, he might have a shot at this. || What’s Your Number AU.
[TeenUp / 48.6k / complete]
Wilful Entrapment by @RedCoral
Theo looked at him from head to toe in the dingy bar they were at, his expression thoughtful and deadly serious as he said, "So tell me Liam. Are you sure you're not a parking ticket? Because you've got fine written all over you."
Liam laughed so hard, he almost fell from the barstool. "Oh my God. Is that what you're going with?"
"Did you know people are more likely to laugh at the jokes of people they're attracted to?"
[TeenUp / 41.9k / complete]
Tougher Than The Rest by @glitter-cake20
Theo is horribly self conscious about his body, but a pair of blue eyes sees him for what he truly is.
[Explicit / 44.1k / complete]
The Last Of Us by @raeken_09
A bizzare fungal infection breaks out all over the world, causing people to lose their minds and turn into infected monsters. The remainder of civilisation was quarintined in cities while soldiers kept a close watch on who goes in and out. The McCall Pack is fractured when it proved that the bites of the Infected were deadly to werecreatures. After a careless night out to just be normal teenagers Liam and Mason are bitten. So why does Liam live to see te morning?
[Mature / 50.3k / complete]
Vacancy Signs by @lovelylittlegrim
Theo and Liam are in Manhattan negotiating a pack allyship when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. Now, the two of them have to find their way back to Beacon Hills without getting eaten by zombies or killing one another.
[Explicit / 89.6k / wip]
Just like a tattoo, I'll always have you. by @mmmwddd
The pack has just defeated the Ghost Riders and for now everything is fine. At least until Liam’s sixteenth birthday when his soulmark shows up with a name that he was not expecting.
[NR / 31.4k / complete]
Happiness is a four-letter word by @glitter-cake20
Liam goes out looking for trouble, instead he finds the beginning of a road that could change everything for him.
[Explicit / 93.4k / complete]
Highway to Hope by @flyde
Theo has been obsessed with this youtube guy who posts videos of himself singing in his car. Watching every video there is of Liam, Theo finds himself falling in love. When Liam's songs get more and more sad and dark, Theo starts worrying. The shadows beneath Liam's eyes get darker in every new clip, his voice huskier, his driving a little too fast, a little too reckless. Paying close attention, reading between the lines, Theo can tell Liam is not okay. And then the catastrophe happens.
[Mature / 41.4k / complete]
Scepticism by @sweetest_thiam
Everyone told Liam to avoid the kid in the hallway, but that scrutinizing gaze was just too tempting.
[TeenUp / 50.9k / wip]
Red by @extrasteps and @ajp-37
Theo returns from hell but has lost all of his powers, including his chimera status, making him completely human. He also has a red string of fate wrapped around his left wrist, connecting him to Liam, the one who brought him back. When Malia attacks him, she nearly kills him, and Liam and Lydia step in, all but forcing Scott to bite him and make him a werewolf. Making Theo pack, and the growing connection between him and Liam, changes the whole outcome of season 6.
[Explicit / 134.1k / wip]
We Who Wait by @wolfenboyb
Liam is the son of a local preacher struggling to get good grades, to fit in, to live up to his father's expectations. Every spare moment is spent at the church or school, much to his best friend's annoyance. So when Mason drags Liam out to an underground all-ages punk rock show he's thrown into a world that frightens and excites him. Especially when he meets Theo, the pink haired, in-everyones-face vocalist that gives no fucks and causes trouble where ever he can. And he has a close eye on the preacher's son.
[TeenUp / 83.3k / wip]
The boy I shouldn't want to love by @dan13la-blog-blog
Liam comes back to Beacon Hills after years, when his mother decides to get remarried. His big shock is finding out that his new step-father's son is the same guy that back then in elementary school used to bully him, making his life a literal hell...
[Mature / 161.6k / wip]
59 notes · View notes
thedaughterofkings · 5 years
Written for @sterekweek2019​ Day 3: Outdoors!
“This was a shitty idea,” Stiles mutters. His teeth chattering is the only reaction he gets.
Then of course it had been Jackson’s idea, so really, Stiles should have known better than to let himself be goaded into this.
This being spending a night in the preserve, alone, without a fire or any other means of keeping warm.
Stiles has seriously underestimated how cold it gets at night out here.
And he has severely overestimated how well he knows the preserve.
In the search for some place that would offer him at least a little shelter if not some warmth, he has gone too far off the paths and is now completely and utterly lost. At least Scott knows where he is - roughly - so if Stiles doesn’t make it to school on Monday, he’ll sound the alarm.
Because yes, Stiles was extra dumb and decided to do this on a Friday night, telling his dad he was staying with Scott and not telling Scott as much. If he had told Scott, Scott would have wanted to come along - his need to prove himself might even outdo Stiles’ own feelings of inadequacy and he wouldn’t have wanted Stiles to be alone either way, but Stiles might be dumb (as evidenced by his current predicament), but he’s not dumb enough to take his best friend with severe asthma into the woods in the middle of the night to get lost and die.
That’s certainly what it feels like right now. He’s so cold that he can’t feel his toes anymore and some of his fingers have lost their feeling as well. If he remembers his biology lessons correctly, the next to go are his ears and then he’ll lose his nose. That will really make Lydia look at him. 
A strange sound makes him jump. It almost sounded like a howl, but there haven’t been any wolves in California for almost a hundred years, so it must have just been the wind. Still, Stiles tries to step extra lightly as he continues walking. He has decided to forgo looking for shelter - keeping awake and moving seems to be his best bet now, even though he has no idea where he’s going. When the sun comes up again, he’s going to choose a cardinal direction and go that way, but for now he goes where the forest leads him - along the path of the least resistance. 
Nevermind the road less travelled - if Stiles wants to get out of here without a broken neck he’s going to follow whatever paths he can find in the darkness. This one seems to be well used - not by humans, but by something big nevertheless, probably deer.
‘Or wolves,’ his brain helpfully suggests and Stiles scoffs out loud. The sound echoes through the silent trees and Stiles comes to a stop immediately, chiding himself internally. There might not be any wolves in these woods, but that doesn’t mean nothing here could harm Stiles. Over the last few years, the reports of mountain lions have become more frequent for example. 
When nothing attacks him, Stiles slowly starts to move again, starting with a full body shiver. He should have at least worn a thicker sweater. 
Under his feet, leaves crunch with every step, despite Stiles’ best efforts to tread lightly. He strains his ears to hear any noise above the one he makes himself, but the woods are silent around him.
Too silent.
The thought has only just crossed his mind when a dark shadow jumps out of the underbrush and Stiles stumbles backwards with a scream. He catches a glimpse of white fangs and electric blue eyes and then his head smacks against a tree and he knows no more.
Warm fur and then suddenly warm skin. 
Stiles slowly forces his eyes open and comes face to, well, not face, but very well developed pecs. 
“Oh, Derek, what did you do?” asks a woman and then Stiles can’t keep his eyes open anymore. The last thing he feels before oblivion takes him again is a hand curving around his head and the headache that had pounded there dissipating. 
The next time Stiles wakes up, it’s slowly. The first thing he notices is how warm he is. He stays in that half state between asleep and awake for a while, keeping his eyes firmly closed and his brain firmly shut off.
At least until a female voice says: “Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty!”
Stiles grunts and then slowly opens his eyes, squinting carefully until his eyes have adjusted to the low, flickering light the campfire next to him gives off. Across from him sits a woman - a very naked woman.
Stiles slams his eyes shut again.
“Am I dead?” he asks and the woman snorts.
“Not yet, but we can remedy that, if you want to.”
Behind him, Stiles’ warm pillow huffs and he jerks upwards with a gasp, eyes wide open again. Curled around him is a huge, black wolf and Stiles suddenly realises why he’s so comfortably warm. 
“Oh shush, Derek, you know I was just joking,” the woman says - to the wolf apparently, who huffs again and then shifts until its head is on Stiles’ lap. Stiles freezes and suddenly doesn’t know where to put his hands.
“He likes to have his ears scratched,” the woman supplies helpfully and Stiles grimaces at her wildly. He’d add in a few choice gestures, but he is half-convinced he’s going to get his hands bitten off - or worse any second now, so quick movements are out for the moment.
“Please, he’s a total teddy bear,” the woman scoffs, and then adds, again directed at the wolf: “Aren’t you, Derbear?”
That provokes another snarl from the wolf and Stiles has to concentrate really hard to keep his breathing somewhat calm and even when faced with so many teeth near his crotch. 
“Who the hell are you?” he hisses, and then adds, almost despite himself: “There are no wolves in California!”
It sounds desperate even to his own ears.
“You aren’t wrong there,” the woman says, smiling serenely. “But we’re not just wolves, so I guess the statistics still work. Werewolves do so seldomly turn up in those.”
“You’re what?” Stiles gasps and the woman blinks and upon opening her eyes again, they suddenly burn bright red. 
“Werewolves,” she repeats and then gestures to Stiles’ cuddle partner. “That’s Derek and I’m Laura. Now who are you and what were you doing that far into the preserve in the middle of the night?”
But Stiles barely even hears her anymore. Those names ring a bell, a strong one. He’s sure he’s heard them before, that he knows them, but it takes a moment until his brain offers up an explanation.
“Laura and Derek? Not Laura and Derek Hale? You should be dead!”
“Werewolves,” Laura says with a shrug, as though that should be explanation enough, and Stiles guesses it is. 
“Wait, was your family killed by werewolves? Is that how you got bitten? Did you kill them?” Stiles asks, his question almost tumbling one over the other as his heart speeds up at the thought that he might be alone with two murderers. Next to him, Derek growls and Stiles’ heart attempts to beat out of his chest.
“No!” Laura insists, looking rattled for the first time since Stiles woke up. “We weren’t bitten, we were born this way into a family of werewolves and hunters burnt the rest of us alive just for the crime of having been born!”
Stiles gapes at her. Hunters? There had been rumours that the Hale fire hadn’t been entirely accidental, but his dad had always assured him there had been no hard evidence for that, and the arson specialist had ruled it an accident anyways. But if what Laura has said is true, then it was murder. Premeditated, cold blooded murder. 
While his brain is running wild with possible scenarios, Stiles watches silently as Laura visibly controls herself, taking deep breaths until she is calm and smiling again.
“But enough about us, who are you, stranger?” she asks and although there’s a smile on her face, Stiles can’t help but think that if he answers this one wrong, he’s really going to be in hot water. Now if he only knew what the wrong answer was!
In the end he goes with the truth - who knows what kind of abilities a werewolf has! Perhaps she can smell when he’s lying.
“I’m Stiles,” he says. “Stiles Stilinski. My dad’s the Sheriff.”
He doesn’t add anything else, but Laura’s raised eyebrow and Derek’s huff show that the implied threat has been received loud and clear.
“And what were you doing in the middle of the preserve in the middle of the night, oh son of the Sheriff?” Laura asks, eyes twinkling and Stiles blushes. 
“I - it was a dare,” he admits after a moment of hesitation. “And then I got lost. And then someone jumped me and knocked me out. At least I’m not dying of hypothermia anymore.”
There’s some movement next to him and when Stiles turns, he comes face to face with a very naked Derek Hale, who is glaring at him. 
“I did not jump you,” he says and Stiles squawks. 
“You so did! I thought you were going to kill me! I saw my life pass before my eyes!”
“Can’t have taken long, what are you, twelve?”
“I’m seventeen!” Stiles insists and has to admit, sounds rather like a twelve year old while doing so. Derek seems to think so, too, because a smile plays at the corner of his mouth. Stiles tries to remain appropriately outraged, but this entire situation is too ridiculous and he starts giggling. There’s a certain amount of hysteria in his laughter, but that slowly dissipates, leaving just pure hilarity behind, especially once Derek and finally Laura start laughing, too.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” Derek apologises once they’ve all calmed down again. “I mean, I did want to scare you, scare you away from our den, but I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“And instead of keeping me out of your den, you brought me into it.” Stiles shakes his head mockingly. “You are a total failwolf, aren’t you?”
“I’ll show you failwolf,” Derek threatens and snarls at Stiles. It’s obviously playful rather than truly threatening, but Stiles still gulps. Those fangs look very sharp. 
“Speaking of injuries,” Laura interjects and Stiles guiltily looks back at her. He’d completely forgotten her presence. There’s a twinkle in her eyes that says she noticed as much and Stiles feels his cheeks heating up again. Next to him Derek shifts, but Stiles studiously avoids looking at him. “How are you feeling, Stiles? No headache or anything?”
“No, I’m actually feeling fine.” Stiles is surprised himself; sure, there are some scrapes and aches, but nothing really concerning. 
“I’m glad,” Derek says and sounds honestly relieved. Stiles smiles at him and they just sit there grinning dumbly at each other until Laura clears her throat.
“I’m sorry, but we have to talk about what we are going to do now.” 
If that doesn’t sound ominous.
“If killing me because I now know your secret, I strongly object,” Stiles says and Laura rolls her eyes.
“No one’s killing anyone here, seriously, Stiles. I’m a werewolf not a rabid lap dog! No, I’m talking about how you’re going to get home and what that means for us.”
“Do you not know the way back to Beacon Hills either?” Stiles asks before his brain catches up. “Oh you mean because everyone thinks you are dead!”
Laura rolls her eyes again and Stiles sheepishly ducks his head. 
“You don’t need to worry about that, though,” he promises earnestly. “No one even knows I’m in the Preserve and definitely no one ever needs to know I got lost, so if you can just bring me close enough to Beacon Hills, I can find my way home without anyone ever having to see you or know about you. And I promise I won’t tell.” He hesitates and then adds:
“But if you want to return, I’ll help you with that. I’m sure my dad would be happy to help, too.”
Neither of the Hales says anything and Stiles bites his lips nervously. When the silence drags on for far too long, Stiles decides he might as well go all in and says: “I think you should consider it. You deserve more than just a cave in the woods. And well, also for a very selfish reason - I’d hate to keep trudging through the woods for hours to meet you.”
“You don’t want to run away screaming?” Derek asks and sounds honestly surprised, which frankly breaks Stiles’ heart. 
“God no! This is the coolest thing that has ever happened in my life! You guys are werewolves! That is so awesome! And I really like you, too, you both.” Stiles can feel his cheeks burning and he studiously avoids looking at either of them. Next to him Derek sits stock still, while Laura shifts opposite of them. Some silent conversation seems to be taking place, because after a short while, Laura finally speaks up:
“Thank you, Stiles, we’ll have to think about it. It’s - it’s not easy, but I promise we’ll talk about it and really consider it. And we really like you, too, both of us,” she adds, eyes twinkling. 
“How about I show you where I live and perhaps if you’re feeling up for it we can have a talk with my dad, and then, when you’re ready, you know where to go?” Stiles offers and is relieved when Laura nods. 
“That sounds like a plan,” she says and then grins, teasing: “But what is your dad going to say when he hears you invited the big bad wolf into your home, little red riding hood?”
“He certainly won’t go get his axe, if you’re worried about that,” Stiles retorts. “At least neither of you has asked me to crawl into your bed!”
“Yet,” Laura says and next to Stiles Derek falls into a fit of coughing. 
Stiles sighs and pounds on his back helpfully while glaring at Laura who is looking rather unapologetic. At least this is going to make a better story to tell the grandkids than dying of hypothermia. 
And it’s only just the beginning.
You can find all of my Sterekweek fics here!
More full shift Derek can be found here (feral Derek) and here (cuddly wolf Derek) and more Laura can be found for example here (Neckz'n'Throats AU), here (Stiles meets the Hales in NYC under very suspicious circumstances), and here (S1 if Peter never attacked Laura)
Happy reading!
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thiamfresh · 7 years
Hey :) for the prompt thing - number 47 ?? I feel like that would be something Theo would say to Liam
Hey :) I used this for Day 3 of Thiam week.
(sorry my Thiam week is late, had a friend visiting)
Liam hated Theo.
He’d thought, maybe, just maybe there was some small redeeming quality about him, that somewhere deep down in his cold lifeless heart he’d be able to find the tiniest shred of humanity but no. Theo was pure unadulterated evil. He was the devil in disguise, he was hell spawn. He was a vicious, arrogant, manipulative cheater.
And he was winning.
“If you touch it I will kill you.” Liam growled. Theo’s eyebrows raised, lips curling into a smirk. Liam narrowed his eyes as Theo raised a finger to his lips brushing his tongue across it before he moved to flip through his fake money.
“Mason.” Theo sung, waving his newly counted cash at the boy. A low rumble rolled from Liam’s chest.
“Mason don’t you dare take that money.” Liam hissed.
“Please don’t bring me into this.” Mason said desperately, inching away from the table.
“It’s your job Mason. I want to buy bond stre-” Theo started.
“Don’t you dare give him that property!” Liam snapped.
“Maybe we should play something else?” Scott suggested, clutching his own paper money to his chest like a distressed damsel.
“We’re not playing anything else I'm going to beat him fair and square.”
“Yeah! Crush him Liam!” Stiles cheered.
“You shut up!” Liam gruffed. “This is your fault in the first place!” Stiles’s face twisted into a pout.
“Liam it’s monopoly. It’s not a big de-” Scott tried.
“You don’t get to talk either!” Liam screamed. Scott backed down. Lydia let out a shallow sigh from where she was curled on the couch.
“I told you we shouldn’t play monopoly.” Corey mumbled.
“I thought it would be fun!” Stiles said stiffly. “I didn’t realise they’d go all-”
“Liam, I get it.” Theo said calmly. “You don’t like loosing so if you want we can just call it a draw now and end the game.” Liam grit his teeth, anger burning through him.
“I’m not going to draw with you. You’re cheating!”
“No, I’m just winning.” Theo said, Liam felt his claws threatening to slide out as Theo looked back at him calm and smug, lips twitching into a smile and eyes fucking sparkling. Liam hated it, he hated him. He hated this stupid game and Stiles for suggesting it.
“I’ll tell my mom you’re a drug dealer and have you kicked out.” Liam threatened. Theo’s gaze fluttered in surprise before he started to laugh, loud and real and Liam hated that it left his heart fluttering.
“You’re going to kick me out because I'm beating you at monopoly?”
“Well, you’re obviously well versed in stealing properties from people!” Liam hissed. Theo only looked more amused, lips pulled back in a genuine smile.
“You know what. Alright, kick me out.” Theo said. “Mason. Give me bond street.” Mason, the traitor, took Theo’s money and replaced it with the new property card and a little house. “That won’t do. Give me a hotel.”
“You son of a bitch.” Liam said, seething as Theo placed his nice little red hotel onto the board with a flourish.
“You know.” Theo hummed, tossing the dice to Liam. “You’re cute when you’re angry.” The dice slipped through Liam’s fingers, landing on the table with a thud. Liam’s eyes flickered from the dice to Theo, eyes wide heartbeat galloping in his chest. Theo’s smile grew.
“Even someone I liked wouldn’t be able to distract me from this game. You have no chance.” Liam said, proud of how steady he kept his voice. Theo’s smile dropped, his jaw working as he grit his teeth together. Liam caught the scent of embarrassment rolling off of him.
“I’m gonna go pick up some food.” Corey said, standing up suddenly. “Theo can you give me a ride?”
“Lydia. Take over for me.” Theo said. Liam blinked in confusion. Theo never backed down when he was about to beat Liam at a game, no matter what threat Liam threw at him. He’d even claimed he’d send Theo back to hell during a tense game of snap (they were bored and it was four am) and Theo hadn’t stopped playing, sure he’d punched him, but he hadn’t stopped playing.
“Why me?”
“Scott’s still playing and those two-” Theo jabbed a thumb towards Stiles and Malia. “-would throw the game just to piss me off.”
“Just wait till the games over.” Liam said stiffly. If he was going to lose the dumb game he didn’t want to have to be a hand me down loss. That was just insulting like he wasn’t good enough for Theo to even beat himself.
“Lydia’s smarter than I am.” Theo said. “Let’s go, Corey.” Liam watched as Theo left mouth gaping open.
“We’re in the middle of a game!” Liam shouted. Theo didn’t reply. He heard the door to Theo’s truck close and the car pull away from the drive. “Stupid assh-” Liam froze when he saw all eyes on him.
“What?” Liam asked. No one said anything. Lydia moved sitting across from Liam at the table with an impassive face as she eyed the board critically. Scott lowered his money back to the table, eyes flickering between it and Liam. The room stayed in an uncomfortable silence.
“You know. I thought it’d feel nice to watch Theo get slapped down a peg but I’m actually feeling embarrassed for him.” Stiles whistled. “I mean Liam, dude, that was cold. Great, but cold.” Which did absolutely nothing to help clear things up for Liam.
“Corey’s got it.” Mason hummed. “Liam it’s still your go.”
“Corey’s got what?” Liam asked. “Why are you all acting like I just kicked a puppy?”
“You sort of did.” Mason said, shifting from his place on the floor.
“A murderous puppy but a puppy none the less.” Lydia said seriously.
“I think they’re talking about how Theo’s been flirting with you for months and you haven’t noticed and the moment you did you shot Theo down in front of everyone. Like nuclear, have no mercy, shot him down.” Malia said. “Can we play something else now I'm bored?”
“Once I win.” Lydia said. “Liam take your-”
“Wait what?” Liam asked. “I didn’t shoot him down. He was trying to distract me and-”
“Sweetheart, he’d won this game twenty minutes ago.” Lydia said sweetly. “He didn’t need to distract you.” Liam laughed, a small somewhat hysterical bubble.
“Guys, Theo wasn’t flirting with me.” Liam said slowly, urging them to understand. “He says dumb stuff like that all the time it doesn’t mean anything.” The looks that he got in return to his statement told him they felt very very different about that. “Maybe I pissed him off threatening to kick him out or maybe he was just really hungry. It wasn’t about that.”
“I bet you ten dollars he doesn’t come back tonight.” Malia said.
“You can’t be serious?”
“I’m with Malia. He’ll be licking his wounds.” Stiles said.
“He’s coming back.” Liam scoffed. “Let’s just play.” Liam rolled the dice.
He lost, both the stupid monopoly game. Lydia wiped the floor with him and Scott, and the bet that he didn’t actually agree to take part in. Corey came back alone with his arms full of pizza boxes and a small smile.
“Sorry.” Corey hummed. “Theo had to head home so I had to walk back and-”
“He went home?” Liam asked. Corey dropped the pizza’s onto the now finish monopoly game giving a small nod.
“Told you.” Malia said.
“Licking all those wounds.” Stiles garbled past a mouthful of steaming pizza. Liam’s stomach clenched.
“No.” Liam said. “He...No?” Liam looked to Mason for reassurance but the boy just gave a sad shrug. “But Theo isn’t interested in me. Not like that.” Liam was met with varying ‘oh honey’ looks that made his eyes widen. “No! I didn’t, he..he flirts with all of you how was I meant to realise he was serious?!” Panic settled in Liam’s stomach as he replayed earlier in his mind. Theo had called him cute and he’d basically laughed in his face. He knew Theo wasn’t the best with showing emotions, even after almost a year of living down the hall from each other Theo had only just started opening up to him about certain things.
And if Liam had just humiliated him when he tried to be more open.
“I need to go.” Liam said scrambling off of the floor.
He’d expected to come home to Theo crying in his room. Sure, he’d try to hide it, his cheeks would be clear of tear tracks and his eyes would hold no emotion but Liam would be able to smell the salt of his freshly wiped off tears in the air and see the redness around his eyes and he’d be able to say 'I like you too, sorry for sort of rejecting you in front of everyone.’ and then things would go back to normal, but better than normal. Because he could finally stop hating himself for the flutter in his heart whenever Theo smiled because he wouldn’t be living in pathetic unrequited…feelings, anymore. They’d argue and Liam would try to kill him over board games but it would be good.
Or maybe for Theo’s room to be clear of his things and his truck to be gone as he ran away realising that Liam and the pack weren't worth it and fled town.
He definitely hadn’t been expecting to find his Mom soaked from head to toe carrying boxes out from the basement as he heard Theo’s swearing reverberating through the floorboards.
“Oh thank god.” Mrs Geyer sighed. “This is the last of the boxes but I think Theo could really use your help fixing the pipe.”
“I need to make sure the pictures aren’t ruined and call an actual plumper and-” Theo let out another angry curse from the basement. “Please sweetie, I could really use your help.” Liam nodded dumbly, making his way to the basement. He stepped down the creaky stairs, Theo was easy to find, standing underneath a spraying pipe a torch dangling from one hand as his other span a bolt uselessly. The floor was up to his ankles in water. His jeans rolled up to his knee’s as if it would help keep him dry even as he stood beneath the spraying pipe spitting out water. The water sloshed around Liam’s foot as he stepped into the cool water. Theo’s head snapped round, eyes meeting his.
“You know anything about plumbing? I could use a hand.” Theo grumbled.
“Not really.” Liam admitted, inching closer. Theo sighed turning back to the pipe.
“Go on youtube or something. Your Mom doesn’t know how to turn the water off and I'd rather not drown so-”
“I like you!” Liam blurted. Theo froze for a moment before slowly turning back to look at him. Liam gulped wading through the water towards him. “A lot and I know I can get a bit…temperamental when we play games but I just..hate loosing and you’re always so smug and so when you said that I thought you were joking and trying to win and so I just..snapped back. If I thought you were serious I wouldn’t have, even though I thought I knew you weren’t my heart was still pounding at hearing you call me cute because like I said. I like you too and it scares the crap out of me because I was sure you didn’t like me back and I didn’t want to say anything to ruin the friendship we’ve built because I like being your friend. You’re an annoying pain in the ass who I'm sure cheats at most of the things we play but I do really really like you... I think I might even love you to be honest and I didn’t mean to upset you, or embarrass you and I never meant to reject you but-”
“Liam what the hell are you talking about?” Theo asked eyes wide, water dripping from his hair into the flooded basement with little splats.
“What do you mean what the hell am I talking about? I rejected you and you ran off with Corey then came home to lick your wounds!”
“What?” Theo’s brows pinched in confusion.
“You left with Corey tonight and didn’t come back!”
“I came home because your Mom called me and asked me to.” Liam’ next words died on his throat at Theo’s admission. “Did you just say you think you love me?”
“No. What? No.” Liam stuttered. “No you…You left with Corey. In the middle of monopoly-”
“Yeah, because I lost that bet last week. I bargained a month of playing chauffeur to Corey.” Theo said slowly. Liam felt himself paling as he remembered the stupid bet Corey and Theo had going on who could sneak up on Liam the most in one day.
“So uh..You weren’t-” Liam let out a nervous laugh. “You weren’t upset that I uh..rejected you then? Just everyone said that-”
“When did you reject me?”
“Oh my god.” Liam breathed.
This is not happening Liam was going to kill them all. How could he believe them, he’d been perfectly happy hiding his more than a crush for Theo for months. Why did he listen?
“Can we get back to the you lov-”
“No.” Liam said stiffly, heartbeat skyrocketing as embarrassment clawed through him making bile rise in his throat and his hands shake.
He made a fucking speech and Theo had just been being his normal asshole self. He couldn’t even feel happy that he’d been right in his first assessment because he’d been dumb enough to let the others sway his opinion.
“Liam.” Theo said, the water sloshed as he moved closer. Liam darted around him, eyes focusing on the stupid burst pipe as he tried to get his heart rate back to an acceptable level. He blinked tears of humiliation from his eyes as he scurried towards the water raining down from the ceiling. He couldn’t run away, that would be even more humiliating than staying.
The water was bitingly cold against his skin, drenching his top in moments as he fondled around to feel how big the break was. He swallowed the lump in his throat, forcing himself to focus n the task at hand.
“Have you tried using duct tape yet?” Liam said, voice only somewhat croaky.
“Are you really trying to change the subject right now?” Theo asked dryly.
“I got sent down here to fix the pipe. I’m not changing the subject, I'm doing what I came to do so-”
“Yeah, after randomly announcing your undying love for me.” Theo muttered. Liam growled spinning round. Theo was closer than he thought, the spray of the pipe catching him, little speckles of water landing on his cheeks.
“I didn’t say undying!” Liam hissed. Theo’s lips tilted in a smirk. “I said I think and you know what, I take it back you asshole. Everyone said that I rejected you and that you were sad and that you’d come home to lick things-”
“and that you had..feelings, for me and of course I didn’t believe it but then Corey came back alone and yeah, I’m an idiot and I got excited because I thought maybe you weren’t a totally heartless bastard and actually had feelings.”
“The others convinced you I had feelings for you?” Theo asked, head tilting like a confused puppy. Lips still pulling in the frustrating smirk that Liam had never known whether he wanted to punch off or kiss off. “How stupid are you?”
Definitely punch it off.
“I’ve not exactly been subtle about it.” Theo continued. “I’ve been flirting with you for months, obnoxiously at times.”
“Everything you do is obnoxious.” Liam grumbled, eyes skirting past Theo. Theo growled, grabbing Liam’s chin and forcing him to meet his eyes.
“Are you actually so stupid you don’t hear what I’m saying right now? Theo hissed. “I like you.” Liam’s breath caught in his throat. “I’m genuinely horrified you would question that for even a second let alone have to have that pack of idiot’s spell it out for you.”
“If you liked me why aren’t you upset about what I said earlier?” Liam asked suspiciously.
“I can hear when you lie. Your 'rejections’ don’t hold all that much weight when I know you’re not telling the truth.” Theo said. Liam tried to shift away but Theo held him there, fingers slipping round the back of his neck, carding through the wet hairs there as green eyes bore into his. “I wanted to call you out on it so many times.” the words came out fractured, like it hurt Theo to remember it. “I wanted to prove you were lying.” Theo’s eyes lowered, settling on his lips leaving Liam’s heart pounding and his hands curling into fight fists. “I wanted to kiss you until you admitted you like me.”
“Why didn’t you?” Liam asked, the words coming out in a little gasp of breath as he remembered breathing was necessary. Theo’s eyes moved back up, meeting his leaving Liam breath sticking in his throat again.
“You suck at losing.” Theo said softly. Liam let out a snort of laughter. “No seriously. You broke my arm when we played mousetrap. Can you imagine if I proved you wrong about your own feelings? You might actually kill me.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re a danger to my health when your competitive side comes out.”
“If that’s true then you should stop trying to sabotage me every time we play something.” Liam grumbled. He was sure that Theo was cheating somehow. Even if he could never prove it.
“I would, but I like to win and like I said, you’re really cute when you’re angry.” Theo hummed regretfully. Fingers still carding through the end of Liam’s hair
“Kiss me.” Liam barely had the words out before Theo was swooping in, lips brushing against Liam’s burning the chill of cold water away. Liam pressed into it, hands unclenching for a moment only to grab at Theo’s wet top, dragging him closer as every fiber of his body shivered in relief.
“I don’t want to ruin your moment.” Theo pulled back from the kiss slowly. Liam ducked his head cheeks burning. As he listened to the creak of the bottom step as Mrs Geyer shifted her weight on it.
“Mom, How uh..how long have you been there?” Liam croaked.
“Since 'kiss me’.” Mrs Geyer said. “Which again, not trying to ruin your moment, it’s very cute, I support it, i’m happy for you yada yada but that really can’t be sanitary and our home is still flooding so if you could fix the pipe like I asked rather than using it for your 'kiss in the rain’ moment that would be really fantastic.”
“We’ll fix it now.” Theo said. “Sorry for uh..getting distracted.” Liam let out a small whine.
“Get distracted all you want, just make sure the house isn’t flooding and I’m not in to hear it first.”
“MOM!” Liam screeched.
“Honey, I was a teenager once to I know-” Theo’s chest rumbled in a laugh beneath Liam’s hands.
“Please stop.” Liam begged. Theo smiled at him, soft and fond.
“I’m going, but do the pipe now. You can ask him to go steady later.” Mrs Geyer said, leaving with a slap of feet against the stairs.
“No one calls it that.” Liam called as Theo pulled away moving back over to the pipe. Liam watched as he twisted at the bolt again.
“You gonna help or are you going to go on another 'I love you so much’ rant?” Theo asked. Liam huffed, stomping the two steps to meet his side.
“I’ll say again, I said I think That’s totally different from an actual..you know-”
“You know I do too right? Think I do with you that is.” Theo murmured.
“Yeah?” Liam breathed. Theo’s eyes flickered down to him a small grin tugging at his face.
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golddaggers · 7 years
Reader x Stiles Stilinski
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Imagine: being in love with Stiles for ages but he never notices, until one day, after a run away from a party, he tells you how he feels about you and things get heated.
Warnings: SMUTTY (oh yeah) SIN, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, swearing and sex. Little bits of fluff.
Word Count: 3336
A dose of neat whiskey lied half empty in front of me as I tapped carelessly at the wooden table, observing the crowd dancing in front of me like there was no tomorrow. This whole thing was so not me! I had no idea why I let Lydia convince me it was going to be good to leave my beloved bed and the Star Wars marathon I was about to start to go to a party.
Oh, damn, who was I trying to fool? I knew why I had come. My dear best friend used the two magic words that could get me anywhere she wanted: Stiles Stilinski. Martin had said he would be there, meaning there was no slight hesitation on the loud yes I gave as a response.
Although it was embarrassing to admit, the pale, clumsy boy had been my crush, and one of my best friends, ever since we met, a few years back. It was not actually my fault that he had mesmerising honey brown eyes that seemed capable of burning my entire soul to the ground. Or that his weird personality matched mine somehow. However, despite my tiring attempts, Stiles just could not see how much I wanted to be more than his friend. Ultimately, that made me despise the feelings I had inside, hiding them away.
“Y/N?” A deep, masculine voice snapped me out of the trance I was in. Then, right after it, Stiles’ hand brushed my left shoulder, which made me look back, partially scared, partially confused. Seeing my sudden messy state, he gave me a cheeky smile and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t.” I shrugged, looking away from him as I finally gulped down the rest of my drink. It was my very subtle way to disguise the nervousness he caused on me. “What are you doing here, Stiles?”
“Uh, you had this awful boredom on your eyes and I thought I might be your saviour tonight.” His warm laugh made my heart skip a beat. Fuck. Definitely not a fair game, Stilinski. “Are you going to keep staring or are you going to say something? Because it’s kind of creepy. Not that I mind, though, I’m into creepy stuff, so-”
“For God’s sake, can’t you shut up?” The brown haired boy gazed at me in disbelief, his eyes wide whilst his bottom lip puckered up and formed an adorable pout. I was not able to hold the genuine smile that slipped at such sight. “That’s much better.”
“I was just trying to be helpful!”
“Okay, if you really, really, want to help me, then I guess you could give me a ride home? I’m done with this party.”
“Tell you what, I have a better idea.”
“I don’t trust your ideas, Stiles.” He scrunched his brows together, earning a soft chuckle from me. “They always lead straight to trouble.”
“I’m truly hurt by your lack of trust in me.” Both of us shared a giggle. “Come. Let me take you to my favourite place.”
“Can’t say I’m not scared.”
“Don’t be such a wuss, Y/N/N.” Stilinski muttered while I went back to my feet, feeling more ready than ever to leave that sweaty, filled with inconvenient people, room. “I promise you there won’t be any regrets.”
“I’m betting on it.”
Without any further words, he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, and dragged me out of that dreadful celebration. While running to escape, we bumped into a whole bunch of people who were making out at the dance floor, which got us several angry yells. Not that we cared, though.
Outside, the night seemed to be outstandingly beautiful. A shy, pale moon cut through the greyish clouds, shining dots scattered across the sky, the tall trees swung lightly to the cold breeze, crickets cricked happily… Simply the perfect scenario for the ending of a romantic film.
“Don’t you love this?” The question crawled out of my lips as I contemplated the complexity standing before me. “I mean… It’s so astonishing! So beautiful!”
“You are so cheesy!” Stiles joked, squeezing my hand, that still lied on his tepid one, and giving me a playful wink. “But I have to admit, it is indeed a gorgeous view.”
We stayed there for a minute, maybe two, just enjoying each other’s presence and the landscape. Our entire friendship was based on these moments, where he and I could just shut up and feel comfortable in the silence. It’s those times you just know you found someone special.
Clamping my bottom lip between my teeth, I dared to direct my eyesight to him, catching his blissful state. The eyes I loved so much seemed to be lost in thoughts, whilst his mouth hung open, somewhat curled into a smirk. I knew that face very well: his mind was working on something. A mischief.
“Oh no, Stiles.”
“What?” Now the naughty smile was wide on his face. That man could not disguise anything even if he wanted to. “Come on, we’ve stayed here for too long already. I want to show you something.”
That said, he walked towards his old blue jeep. Considering I moved in a much slower pace than him, Stiles got there before me and calmly leant against the passenger’s door, waiting patiently. Man, is it weird that I found it incredibly sexy? Because I did. All I wanted to do was rip his clothes off and hump his brains out against that bloody car of his until we both had lost our voices.
“Where are we going?” I quizzed, a while later, glancing over the window. The cold wind stung my cheeks, which should be, by now, red as a pair of tomatoes. “If you’re taking me to the woods, forget it. I want to go home.”
“Chill.” Stilinski laughed, his right hand landing sneaky on my thigh. “I sensed you needed a romantic date, so I’m taking you to a special place.”
“A date? Are you insane?” Stifling a chuckle, I pierced my eyes on him, investigating if this was some sort of joke. “And since when do you do romantic dates?”
“OK, this was Lydia’s idea.” He exhaled, his eyes never leaving the road ahead. “She said you were sad because some guy had blown you off.”
“She did?”
“Yep.” Nodding, Stiles glanced at you, his irises carrying a hint of anger. “I was stunned when she told me. I mean, how could a guy do that? It’s you, for fuck’s sake.”
“If you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly a big deal, Stiles.”
“What are you talking about? You are beautiful! No sane guy would be able to resist you.”
“Really?” My chest was suddenly heavy with hope for what was to come. “So, in that subject, can I ask you a question?”
“Are you one of those guys? The ones who wouldn’t be able to resist me?”
“Yes.” The brown haired boy stated, fiercely, stopping the car and locking his gaze on me, eating me alive with it. “Even I wouldn’t be able to fight against you. Especially me, actually.”
In a second, he shortened the space between us, crashing his soft pink lips on mine in a loving kiss without thinking twice. And if I were to be honest, I did not want him to.
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Moving carefully through the solid rocks, we found a spot that permitted us to observe the entire city, a remarkable sight. Stiles was not wrong when he said it was going to be a memorable night; the place was completely perfect, so was the declaration Stilinski performed earlier. 
I sat down, my legs bouncing back and forth, and watched him take a seat by my side, a goofy grin etched to his face. Surely I had the same one enlightening my traits, for I still could not bring myself to believe he had actually confessed to have feelings for me. Shoot, I would never forget this moment. Not ever.
“This is what you call a romantic date, Stiles? Bringing me to an old, dead end place?”
“Come on, Y/N, you have to admit it is unique! And lovely as well.”
“I’m just kidding.” The younger Stilinski snaked an arm around my shoulders, pulling me towards his chest, which I did happily. “This is wonderful. Just what I needed.”
“You should have told me sooner.” He whispered, a little later, stroking my hair smoothly.
“That I liked you? Yeah, I know. I should’ve, but I was so scared I was going to lose your friendship…”
“Listen to me: there’s no chance in hell you’re going to lose me. I’m the one who might not handle such a powerful woman like yourself.”
“My ego is skyrocketing right now.” A soft giggle fell from my lips as he squeezed me even tighter. It felt good to feel his skin’s warmth on mine. “I’m still surprised, though. I never saw this coming.”
“You didn’t? Come on! The signs were all over the place.”
“I was always with Lydia, so I thought it was because of her. Not me.”
Stiles, out the blue, pushed me away from him. Afterwards, he swiftly grasped my chin, raising it so we could look at each other properly. I was not going to deny: I did not stand a chance against the sinful brown that was staring at me soaked in tenderness. It broke down my every defense, leaving me completely vulnerable to him. However, there was no need for hiding any more: our feelings were a hundred percent mutual.
“Lydia was a huge part of my life, that’s true, but everything changed when I met you, this Y/E/C eyed beauty who came out nowhere and won me over.”
“Damn.” I muttered, wetting my lips as they curved into a shy grin. “I don’t know what to say, really.”
“Why don’t you just kiss me?” Stilinski had a naughty beam enlightening his traits once he placed both of his hands on each side of my neck, bringing us closer together. “The whisky taste on your mouth was incredibly delicious earlier.”
“That’s such a cheesy line!”
“Oh yeah?” Hesitantly chewing my bottom lip, I confirmed what I had said and his eyes darkened. “I’m going to show you who’s cheesy.”
Not bothering to reply, Stiles abruptly picked me up, put me on his shoulder and took me back to where he had parked his car. Once there, I was placed on the car hood, my legs wide so he could stand in between them. His mint scented breath fanned over my face, making me gasp, curling my toes. It was a mix of sensations I had barely experimented before.
“Ever since I met you” Stiles’ murmured hoarsely close to my ear. His digits slided down my belly until they reached the waist of my trousers, popping the button open, which provoked a surprised pant to escape from me. “I’ve been imagining what would you taste like. I bet you’re sweet.”
I groaned, blindingly trying to grasp any inch of his body and pull him to me. He chuckled at my attempts, pinning my hands up against the cold metal while stealing a quick peck. Thereafter warning me to stay still, Stilinski went back to my pants, getting them off alongside my panties in one pull.
“Look at that!” His fingers slithered through my inner thigh, dangerously near to my core. “Such a nice pussy you have.”
“Yes?” He hummed, now bent over me. It was hard to concentrate with fucking Stiles Stilinski’s face only inches away from the centre of my legs. Urgh, I wanted him to dive in on me once and for all so badly. “So wet, gorgeous.”
With those words floating in the air, a thumb glided across my entrance, earning a mellow moan from me due to the intimate contact. I never would have imagined that Stiles was this huge teaser, but there he was, licking his fingers clean from my arousal. Glueing my thighs together, I tried to create friction in order for me to ease the ache on my core.
“Easy, kitten. I don’t want us to rush things.”
“Are you trying to torture me?” I blurted out and, probably as way to punish me, he savoured a patch of bare skin awfully close to where I wanted his God damned mouth to be. “Because that’s exactly what you’re doing.”
“Fine.” Exhaling loudly, the boy shrugged and agreed. “If you want it so desperately, I guess I can give you a treat.”
“I do want it!”
Giggling, Stiles clutched my hips, bringing them towards his face and finally consumed the act, skilfully swirling his tongue on my throbbing clit, gaining a surprised heave. As the man worked his magic, I could not help the series of girlish groans that broke the established silence. Yet, he appeared to be enjoying them, for I could literally feel the smile against my slit as he pounded in and out of me.
A tension started to form on my lower stomach, making me gasp desperately. Without thinking straight, I gave my breasts, which were still covered by the black shirt I was wearing, rough squeezes, increasing considerably the blissful sensation. Everything was pushing me towards an intoxicating release. However, forbidding me to archive it, the boy simply stopped moving and I whined, thwarted.
“You see, gorgeous, I want you to cum around my cock, not my tongue.”
“Shit.” I cursed, gazing at him whilst wetting my lips; he grunted at the sight and I smirked, satisfied. “What are you waiting for?”
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so beautiful! So delicious. I wish I would have done this sooner.”
“It’s lovely. It really is, but I need your precious dick buried deep in my pussy.” Upon hearing my request, Stiles choked on his breath. “Uh, did I make the big bad teaser nervous?”
“Not at all, beautiful.”
“Then come on, do it already!”
Sighing, he pushed down his khakis, allowing me to finally see how excited he was. His length was hard underneath his black briefs, which got my mouth watering to have a taste. Although, by the looks of it, I would not have that chance. Not now at least. Ultimately, my beloved friend got rid of the last clothe piece keeping us from giving into the desire we both had within. A second later, Stilinski yanked my ankles, bringing my bottom half towards him, causing my back to fall on the cold hood. This sent jitters across my whole form.
“Excuse me?”
“I want you to beg for it, my dear.”
“Haven’t I begged enough, Stiles?”
“No.” A smug grin ghosted on his face and I grunted, sexually frustrated. To have my orgasm denied was a plainly awful feeling, because it made me crave his touch even more. “I decide when you have done it enough.”
“Pretty please? Urgh, I don’t know. Just fuck me. Hard. The kind of way it will leave me unable to walk for days.”  
“Is it what you want?” He stirred, sucking a purple mark on my Y/S/C neck.
“Yes, I do. Make me yours!”
“And that’s what I wanted to hear.”
Incapable of holding it back any further minute, he pushed his shaft inside of me and we groaned together at the raw contact. It was even more pleasurable than I had imagined; Stiles completed me. Fulfilled me. He was the very thing I lacked this entire time.
Considering the boy did not move, I had to take the first step, so I buckled my hips forwards, trying to get his attention and create a slight movement. In reality, moving was not that hard, taking into account that my pussy was slick from my arousal. The fidgety Stilinski grunted, pinning me down and starting to pound in a quick stride.
I wounded my legs around his waist, deepening the penetration and eliciting a mix of throaty moans. Never interrupting his bruising pace, his hands started to wander throughout my frame, stopping at my covered breasts and giving them a gentle clasp. At last, he, all of a sudden, ripped open my shirt, the small buttons flying everywhere, and revealed the pink mesh bra I had on. Albeit the destruction of my favourite top should have made me mad, the only effect it had was to leave me even honier.
Stiles tittered, lowering the pink piece and pinching your left peak, which, by the time, was already turgid. The pleasure was so fervent, I reached a point that I was not be sure if this was a blossom of my dreams or indeed reality; nevertheless, I did not care.
I guided my fervorous digits to my throbbing clit, swiftly uniting the unbelievable high tempo to the circling of figure eights on my bundle of nerves. Things started to get blurry as my body began to shake. It was getting harder and harder to control the spasms.
“F-fuck, babe.” I slurred, my voice hoarse and shaky. “I’m almost there.”
“Cum to me, gorgeous. I wanna’ see you come undone because of me.”
His raspy voice, alongside a deep thrust, had done it for me, urging me straight to an overwhelming orgasm. My toes curled while I arched my back, crying out his name over and over, the blissful sensation invading me in constant waves. I could not control the shaking nor the noises, the climax had won me over and all I could do was enjoy it.
“Such a nice little girl.” The brown haired Stilinski murmured, pulling my fingers into his mouth and sucking on them whilst he banged my brains out, not even offering me a chance to recover from my high. I yelled at the overstimulation and he smiled, circling the tiny bundle of nerves in between my legs. “Cum one more time for me?”
“S-Stiles, oh my God, please! I-It’s, shit, I’m going to…”
The man kept his wet hand working on me as he pulled out, breaking down and spilling his warm seed all across my belly and breasts. Despite the fact he was still grunting heavily from his ambrosial frenzy, he managed to get me off one last time. However, the second peak brought with it a pleasant surprise: a transparent liquid flow out of me, dripping frenetically down my thighs, dirtying him, his car… Everything close to me!
“Fuck, Y/N/N, did you just… Squirt?”
“I think I did.” My response fell from my lips breathlessly. “Shit.”
“Who’s cheesy now, huh? I made you fucking squirt!”
“Shut up! This has never happened before to me.”
“I’m glad I was your first, then.” Stiles laughed while helping me to stand up on my feet again, even though it was completely useless: my legs seemed to have turned into jelly. “Want me to pick you up?”
“I’d be happy if you did.”
In the meantime the honey brown eyed man collected my limp body, carefully placing me inside the car on the passenger’s seat, a phone rang at its fullest, startling both of us. He picked it up and I used the time to clean myself, using the shreds of my long lost shirt.
“Uh, yes, she’s with me. Alright, we’re on our way. Five minutes, tops. OK, bye.”
“Let me guess: Scott? Pack trouble related?”
“Yeah, he apparently discovered some clue on who the benefactor is, so…”
“I know, we have to go.”
“Tonight was wonderful, Y/N. I want you to know that.”
“It was for me too, Stiles. Luckily for us, we can have plenty of those.”
“I hope so.”
“I promise you so.”
With a goofy grin plastered on his face, Stiles ignited his car, ready to drive us back to reality. I could not help but think that, no matter what happened from now on, we would still have each other and, for me, that was more than enough.
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fandoms-writings · 7 years
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Isaac x Reader (Requested by http://nekodalolita.tumblr.com)
I was wondering if you could do a Teen Wolf Isaac Lahey femreader where she’s a mute ice fae. So she’s always cold to the touch and can freeze things/people. But she hides it from everyone till she’s out with Isaac for whatever reason and maybe Kali or Enid (or was it Enis lol) attack which causes her to reveal herself by freezing the attacker behind Isaac.
When you moved to Beacon Hills, you had a feeling you would fit in. You didn’t know why though. It was a town of humans and you were anything but. Sure, you looked like one, but you were something else completely.
When you were little, people would ask why you were always cold and you would tell them the truth, but you were so young they just thought you were playing pretend and would ask your parents instead.
As you grew up, you became better at lying. You had a list of lies in your head to tell people if they asked you anything to personal.
It wasn’t until you were in middle school did you tell someone the truth again. You thought you could trust them and let’s be honest, you had a small crush on them. You thought they’d like you if they knew. How wrong you were. Turns out, they were from a family of hunters.
That was the point in your life that made you mute. You had decided if you couldn’t think about what your big mouth was going to say before you said it, then you weren’t going to say anything at all. So you learned Sign Language and learned how to write fast so you could reply to people.
After your incident with the hunter family, your parents moved you out to Beacon Hills for a fresh start. You had heard about supernatural beings living throughout the town, but you weren’t sure on how true that really was. You had learned that the veterinary clinics doctor was actually someone who helped the supernatural. Your parents had taken you to him so you knew who to go to if there was trouble.
Not soon after, you started at Beacon Hills High School. You tried to keep your head down and stick to the shadows, but all of your teachers had to introduce you to the class. You had received strange looks when you started signing in your first class without realizing and had to stop to write what you wanted to say on the board.
“My names (Y/N) and no I’m not deaf.” Was what you had written. You looked to the class to see one kid who looked very intrigued. He was cute, you would gladly admit that, and it even caused a small blush to raise on your cheeks. You put your head down and walked to the only open desk that was next to the one kid.
When you sat down, he leaned over and stuck out his hand, “I’m Isaac, it’s nice to meet you.”
You stared at his hand for a moment before remembering that it was polite to shake hands with people, so you slowly grabbed it and grinned. You saw the moment his face scrunched in confusion and concern.
“Are you cold?” He asked, starting to take off his sweater, “Here, take this,” He tried to give it to you, but you just shook your head and wrote on his paper.
“I’m not cold, I’m just always cold to others. Don’t know why. But thank you anyways,” he read your note before looking to you.
“Are you sure?” You simply nodded with a small smile and it seemed to please him for now as he shrugged his sweater back on. You gave your attention back to the teacher as they began class. It was a few minutes until class was over when you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Isaac.
“Would you like to join me and my friends for lunch?” A confused look came over your face and he quickly tried to explain while fumbling over his words, “I think you’d fit in with them and they’d probably like you.”
You slightly nodded before following him out of the classroom when the bell went off. You had almost lost him in the crowd a few times and he had decided that he was going to make sure he didn’t lose you by holding your hand. You slightly blushed as he guided you through the halls to the cafeteria.
You two stopped at a table and you watched as he sat down next to two other boys and a couple girls. “Guys, this (Y/N), she’s new.” Isaac introduced you and you awkwardly waved to everyone.
“(Y/N) sit down by me?” Isaac asked and you shrugged your shoulders before gesturing to your stomach, hoping that was enough communication. His eyes widened as it clicked in his head, “Oh yeah! Food. . .” He got up and showed you where to get food and lead you back to the table where he explained to everyone else that you were mute.
That was how you became friends with them. And you’ve been friends for about six months now. They were starting to pick up on sign language so you didn’t have to write out everything, but they still struggled. It warmed your heart that they tried so hard for you though. You and Isaac had grown relatively close and he had taken you out a few times.
You liked him, but with being what you were, you didn’t think you two would ever go anywhere, so you kept your relationship with him platonic. But, tonight was one of those nights where he took you to dinner and a movie. You two were walking to the jeep - he borrowed it from Stiles every now and then - when you heard noises coming from the other end of the parking lot.
He pushed you behind him and you heard what sounded like a growl come from his chest. Your eyes widened when you saw a figure running out of the shadows of the parking lot. It was what looked like a woman, but her eyes were glowing red and her teeth were elongated and sharpened to a point. She had claws from her fingertips and she was barefoot, where there were claws from her toes.
Isaac went to push you from him so he could take the obvious coming blow but when you reached forward, past him. He looked to you, with his face pulled into a snarl, but he froze when he saw the whites of your eyes glow with a hint of blue and your lashes were covered with frost and looked to your hand that was outstretched, fingers wide.
The veins leading to your finger tips were bright blue and the next thing he knew was Kali was laying on the ground, covered in a sheet of frost. He looked back to you to watch as your veins went back to normal and your eyes too. You released a sigh as you put your hand down and looked to the ground.
“(Y/N)?” His voice was still raspy from being in the middle of changing. His face was still slightly scrunched up and his teeth still long. You looked up to him before taking his hand and gently playing with his claws. Your hands were colder than usual, but were obviously not warming up anytime soon.
“This is why you’re always cold?” His voice was back to normal and you watched as his claws shortened. You nodded before looking up at him through your lashes that were now dripping from the melted frost that was gathered there. You looked to the woman on the floor before dragging him to the jeep.
You both crawled into the car and he locked the doors as he watched you search for paper and a pen. “Why didn’t you say anything?” You quickly scratched down your answer.
“Last time I told someone I ended up being hunted down.” He looked to you with wide eyes.
“That’s why you stopped talking?” You nodded before writing your own question.
“What are you?” He looked down to his twiddling thumbs before muttering.
“A werewolf,” He looked to you, his head still down, “you?”
You looked down to the paper and set your pen down. You took a deep breath before sighing. You looked up to him to see his eyebrows pulled together in confusion, “It’s called an ice fae.” Your voice was a bit scratchy from not being used in so long, but once he heard it, his eyes went wide, “What?”
“Your voice. . .” Your brows scrunched together.
“What about it?” You asked in caution.
“It’s beautiful. . .” You blushed at that, “We have to tell the others!”
“No! What if one of them’s a hunter?”
“They aren’t! Well, one is but she’s knowingly dating a werewolf and they have a pact with the packs in town. But Scott’s a werewolf and Lydia is a banshee, as far as we’ve discovered. Stiles is human though.” He started rambling but your cold touch on his cheek made him stop.
“So, how did you become a werewolf?” You asked, and he told you his story, which was very confusing, but eventually you got all of it.
“How did you become an ice fae?” He asked, so you told him.
“You don’t become an ice fae, or any fae for that matter, you’re born one. My parents are both different faes, but I turned out ice.”
“Okay, okay, what else can you do?”
“You saw the most of it. There’s not much more I can do. I can’t get warm ever though, that kinda sucks.” He placed his hand on your cheek.
“That’s okay, I like a little cold,” He said before placing his lips on yours. Your eyes fluttered shut as you relished in the warmth of his face before he pulled away and you slightly giggled. He laughed in turn, “Please don’t ever go mute again, your laugh is adorable.”
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just-jordie-things · 8 years
Anchor - Lydia Martin
listen to the song here
Took the breath from my open mouth Never known how it broke me down I went in circles somewhere else
You were sitting in the library, eyes trying to memorize every word in the beastiary.  Since Allison had stolen it from her grandfather, you’d been going through it page by page, writing down the translations in a separate notebook.  All this kanima and werewolf shit just seemed to spiral out of control.  Your hands ran through your hair, then typed in your next translation.
“Anchor a domino vel a amicus potius in kanima searches” You turned, seeing Lydia standing behind you, and you smiled instantly.  “The kanima searches for a friend rather a master or anchor” Lydia repeated, but in english this time.
“My genius in shining strawberry blonde” Lydia crinkled her nose, before pecking the crown of your head, and sliding into the seat across from you.
“I can’t believe you’re still working on translating that whole thing y/n” Lydia sighed.
“Me neither.  I’ve barely made a crack in it.  At least it feels like that” You began writing again, copying word for word.  “I’ve been doing this for three weeks”
“Baby you need a break” Lydia said, taking the pen out of your hand, and intertwining your fingers.  “Let’s go out tonight”
“I’d love to Lyds.. but I can’t.  I’ve gotta finish this by Thursday and I have test corrections for Geometry, and I have to write my conclusion for English-”
“Give me your test”
“Your Geometry test, I’ll do it”
“Lyds that’s cheating, if you get caught we’re both in trouble”
“We won’t get caught just give me your test” You rolled your eyes, but smiled at her as you opened up your folder.  “I’ll have this done in seconds.  Want that conclusion too?” You giggled.
“Lydia Martin when did you become such a badass?”
“Since I resurrected a serial killer and was deemed crazy.  Sometimes you need to be a little kick ass” She winked and you giggled.  “But tomorrow? We could go out and try that new little diner in town?” You smiled at her, and nodded.
“Yeah I’d like that”
You and Lydia had been dating since the beginning of the year.  You’ve had a crush on her since you were kids, having pretty much grown up together.  But you’d kept your feelings hidden, in fear that she wasn’t into you, and would reject you, and that you’d lose your friendship.  When the angel named Allison Argent moved to town, and Lydia seemed to take an interest in her, the tables turned. The more Lydia would hang around Allison, the more jealousy would build up inside you.  Until one day it was all too much, and you ended up telling her how much you actually liked her… while waiting for your coffees at Starbucks.
But hey, when she kissed you, everyone clapped and you got free frappuccinos.
“Alright cool, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six.  But I’ll see you before then right?” Lydia asked, standing up and handing you your finished corrections.  She really was a genius.
“Course you will” You grinned as she walked over to you, zipping her coat up.  She leaned over and kissed you sweetly.
“Call me when you get home” You nodded, stealing one more quick peck.
“Will do” And with that she walked off.
Shook the best when your love was home Storing up on your summer glow you went in search of someone else
“y/n- y/n stop!” Lydia screamed, kicking and squealing.
“Or what?” You taunted, continuing your attack.
“Anything I’ll do anything just- please!” You hovered over her.  “Stop tickling me!” You giggled, sitting up, still straddled over her body.
“FIne fine, but you owe me” You said with a cocky smile.  Lydia raised a brow, a daring look on her face.
“Anything, your highness” She said, and her hands rose to rub up your arms, lightly pulling you down.  You smiled, lowering over her, and setting your forearms on either side of her head.  Her eyes stayed connected to yours the closer you got.  You moved to the side, placing a chaste kiss near her ear.  Then again to the other side.
“M-Mhm” Lydia nodded shakily.  You moved your head back to look at her again.
“Because we live in the world that we do,” Lydia giggled softly, and you smiled warmly.  Reaching a hand up to brush the soft strands of hair from her face.  “Was that consent?”
“It was indeed” She responded, a pink blush tinting her cheeks.
“Well, then I give you mine as well” You said.
“Alright” She murmured.
“Alright” You whispered back.
You didn’t know she had such a scream to her.
And i hear your ship is comin' in Your tears a sea for me to swim And i hear a storm is comin' in My dear is it all we've ever been?
“Look, all I’m saying, is that you have no reason to be upset with me!”
“Oh I don’t?” You yelled back, crossing your arms.  “You let this bozo stab his claws into the back of your neck Lyds!” You screamed, arm waving towards Scott on the couch.
“Trust me, stay out of it” Stiles mumbled, cutting off Scott’s protest.
“It was to help Stiles! Our friend!” Lydia said, her voice tight, trying not to show her anger.
This pack meeting had really taken a turn for the worse when Peter got all cocky about how his little prodigies have really turned out to be some badass kiddos.  You hadn’t known that Lydia had gone to the Hale loft with Scott Stiles and Allison.  You hadn’t known Scott did whatever it was that plunged them into Stiles’ mind.  Just that it involved him sticking his claws into your girlfriend’s neck, and that if he was even a centimeter off, she would be dead.
“Well great.  Good for you.  You nearly got yourself killed.  I’m sure he wouldn’t have meant it Lydia but Scott’s still new at this.  One slip and bam.  You’re dead, and my whole world is gone!” You were seeing red.  “I love you so fucking much! Do you know how devastated I would be if you died!?” Everyone silenced.  No more whispers between Stiles and Scott, and no more yelling between you and Lydia.
“You-you what?”
“Stiles! Allison! Help me with uh… in the kitchen!” In seconds, Scott had steered the others into the kitchen, giving you and Lydia your space.
“Lyds I-I’m… I’m sorry” She took a few hesitant steps towards you.  “Look I’m not mad I’m just… I’m just worried about you, you can’t heal like Scott and Isaac… I don’t want you to get hurt and I’m sorry I yelled but I really-”
“I forgive you” Lydia waved her hand dismissively and crossed the remaining space between you two.  She tugged the collar of your shirt, smashing her lips against yours.  Your arms instinctively wrapped around her pulling her closer.  “Did you mean-”
“Of course I meant it” You breathed, and her hands raised to cup your cheeks.
“Then I love you too” Lydia smiled wide.  So wide that it was difficult to kiss her.
“Lyds” You mumbled.  “Close your mouth” SHe let out an airy laugh.
“I can’t” She said through small giggles.
“Lydia I can’t kiss you when you’re laughing!” You exclaimed, settling for peppering small kisses over her cheeks.
“I’m sorry I can’t help it” Lydia wrapped both arms around your neck, shrugging away from your ticklish pecks.  She buried her face in your hair and neck, and you hugged each other tightly.  “Next time, we talk before either of us makes any supernatural based decisions” Lydia offered, and you nodded, squeezing her tightly.
“I can handle that” You whispered, and pressed a long kiss to her temple.
“Hey! Whenever you’re done making out we’d like to come back into the living room and you know, not puke our guts out?” You both ignore Stiles’ calls.
Caught the air in your woven mouth Leave it all i'll be heaving how you went In search of someone else
It was early in the morning, early enough that the sunlight that reflected onto Lydia’s face was an orange purple mix.  You hadn’t meant to wake up at this hour, but when you caught sight of her, you couldn’t find it in yourself to shut your eyes.  Her strawberry blonde hair looked warm, and her skin creamy.  You shuffled closer to her, stroking your fingertips ever so lightly across her cheek.
She moaned and stirred, eyes fluttering open to meet yours.  Her broken, green brown eyes.  Exactly how you’d expect to see them after she lost her best friend.
“I didn’t mean to wake you” You whispered, and she shook her head, inhaling a shaky breath.
“It’s okay, I wasn’t having the most pleasant of dreams” She murmured back.  You gave a sad smile, hand combing through her long locks of hair.
“You’re allowed to wake me up, if they get to be too much” You told her, and she nodded.  “Lyds…”  Her eyes flicked up to yours.  “Baby I just want you to know I love you so much” Lydia managed a small smile, kissing you softly and slowly.
“I love you too y/n” She nuzzled her face into your chest, and you readjusted the blankets to drape more over top of her.  “You’re my anchor.  Even if banshees are damned to walk the earth alone” You smiled warmly, and hugged her tight.
“I’m never gonna let you be alone” You promised, stroking her hair.  “Just get some sleep, alright?” She nodded, and when you heard her yawn, you flt some relief.  
“Can we talk in the morning?”
“Yeah of course, I’ll even splurge on Starbucks” A soft and short giggle sounded from her throat.
“Sounds like a plan”
You talked for a long time the next day.  Sitting at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper article about the ‘mysterious murder’ of the late Allison Argent.  Then again in the living room, watching the news reports.  Later in the afternoon, you took a walk, meeting Stiles in the park.  Scott stayed at home, and Isaac was missing with Chris Argent.  The three of you hung around in the grass, drinking more coffees, and talking about your favorite memories of the angelic girl.  You didn’t go home until it was dark.
Lydia cried herself to sleep for many nights before you learned how to calm her down.
Taught the hand that taut the bride Both our eyes lock to the tide We went in circles somewhere else
“Baby come here” You called, and Lydia turned on her heel, smiling at you from where she stood by the tide.  Her bare feet sunken into the damp sand.  You knew her toes were still painted a deep grass green, from your pedicures you’d gotten earlier.   She still had on her blue bikini top, with black stripes going across it, a bow tied behind her neck and her upper back.  But she’d pulled up a pair of (rather small) denim shirts to cover the bottoms.
You’d spent your whole day at the beach, a small celebration between the two of you for successfully finishing your first year of college.  You’d painted your nails, picnicked, talked, read, swam.  It was great.  Not a lot of people came, and right now it was absolutely deserted.  Just you on your blanket, still in your swimsuit and sunglasses perched up on your head, a book resting on your legs.  Though now you were just watching your beautiful girlfriend as she waded through the small waves.
Lydia gave you a bright smile, her hair being blown around her face by the wind.  You watched her giggle, twenty feet away, as she pushed it back behind her ears.  She waved at you, kicking gently around the water.  You shyly looked down at your bag, opening the small zipper, and pulling out a small object.
Then you got up and sprinted towards Lydia.  She turned just as you grabbed her, then lifted her up and spun her around.  The banshee squealed, her wrists crossing behind your neck as you placed her back onto the ground.  Then gave her a long and passionate kiss.
“Hm” She hummed happily in surprise.  “What was that for?” She asked, her fingers running slightly over the back of your scalp, through your still damp hair from earlier.  “Not that I’m complaining.  I thought it was sexy” You giggled softly, pressing another chaste kiss to your girlfriend’s lips.
“Am I not aloud to kiss my beautiful and genius and amazing girlfriend?” You said with a cheeky smile, and Lydia cocked an eyebrow.
“I like where this is going.  Go on” You licked your lips.
“Alright” You said, glancing behind her at the band being held in your fingers.  “I will then” You released her, holding your hands behind your back.  “Close your eyes” You whispered, and she gave you a look, but obeyed.  Eyes fluttering shut.  You sucked in a deep breath, and got down onto one knee.
“Can I open?”
“Lydia Martin, you are the first person I ever fell in love with that wasn’t Troy Bolton” Lydia giggled, opening her eyes.  Her smile softened when they landed on you, kneeling in front of her.  “And every day since being with you, the feelung never fades, not once, every day is just a new adventure.  Whether it be werwolves of college, or having to buy a new brand of Ramen because they were out of our favorite” There were tears welling in her eyes.  “And I want to live that way for the rest of my life, with you”
“y/n…” Her voice cracked.  You opened up your hand, revealing the small golden engagement ring.
“Lydia, will you do me the honors and marry me-”
“Yes! Yes! A million times yes!” She crashed down into you, pushing you onto the sand and hugging you tightly.  Then pulling back to kiss you, a rushed and love filled kiss.  One that promised a future.  “I love you, I love you so much I would love to be your wife” You sat up, onto your knees, and she did as well, both of you staring at her hand as you slipped the ring onto her finger.  “It’s beautiful”
“You’re beautiful” Lydia blushed, and leaned forward, kissing you slowly and softly.
“I’m so excited” She said, smiling into your kiss.
“I’m excited too, I’m excited to start a life with you” You stood up, holding your hands out and pulling her up too.  You walked back to the blanket together, sprawling out and star gazing on it.  Lydia turned her head, staring at you intently.  A soft smile on her lips.
“We could get a little house, after college, move out of that apartment” SHe whispered to you.
“Mm what else?” You hummed, laying your hand between you on the blanket.  She instantly linked her pinky around yours.
“I see… I see a garden in the backyard… not too big but… we could grow our own fruits and veggies” You giggled lightly, loving the idea of Lydia in a sundress, watering her flowers in the early afternoon.
“And a pet”
“Mhm, a big fat cat” You laughed more with her, and rolled onto your side, completely facing her now.  “And like… a lizard”
“A lizard!?” Your lips curled into a wide smile.  Again you pictured Lydia, dressed in a big rubber raincoat because it wasn’t fair you were always the one cleaning out Lizzy’s tank.  Screaming when it jumped on her.
“Alright, maybe a goldfish, or a turtle” You nodded, liking that idea.  “Our kitchen would be beautiful, leading right into the dining room and the living room.  We’d have a big couch, but you and I would always choose the loveseat”
“Mhm cause you always lay your head in my lap” Lydia nodded.
“And… and we’d have a guest room too, so Scott and Stiles and Malia and Kira and all our friends could stay over for a night”
“Yeah that’d be nice” You hummed.  “We could continue pack sleepovers” You said.  “Scott and Kyw would always take the bed in the guest room, maybe we could even get a bunk bed!” Lydia giggled.  “Yeah… and Stiles would sleep on the couch downstairs, and Mal would stay… I don’t know she always ends up sleeping somewhere different”
“I like this plan” Lydia murmured.  “For our future” You nodded in agreement.
“I do too Lyds” You said, wrapping an arm over her.  “I love you” You whispered.
“I love you too y/n”
And i hear your ship is comin' in Your tears a sea for me to swim And i hear a storm is comin' in My dear is it all we've ever been?
“Wise men say, only fools rush in”  You twirled Lydia around in your kitchen.  She giggled, kissing your nose, before releasing your hand, and walking back into the living room.  Where Stiles and Malia were yelling at the tv, and Kira was explaining to Scott how football worked.
“We’re out here, actually having fun, so whenever you two are done being all lovey dovey…” Stiles trailed off when you hit him upside the back of his head.  He whined and rubbed his hand over the pained area.
“It’s been six months, they’re still in that um… Kye what’s it called?” Malia looked over to the petite asian with a mouth full of nachos.  You sat down on the loveseat.
“Hon-ee moon stage” Kira muffled through a full mouth.  Malia clicked her tongue, and pointed a finger gun at you.  You rolled your eyes, but Lydia grinned.
“Credo semper fore ancoram” Lydia said, leaning over the back of your seat, and wrapping her arms in front of your collarbone.  I do believe we always will be, my anchor.  You may have picked up a little bit of archaic latin from your wife.
“mea quidem” Indeed, my love, you murmured back.
“Hoka no gengo no shiyō o yamete mo īdesu ka?” Kira whined.  Everyone looked to her for a translation.  “Can we please stop using other languages?” She clarified.
“Uh, si” Malia said, bouncing in her seat out of pride.  You had to laugh at her, whilst Lydia plopped onto your lap.  An arm hooked behind your neck, head nuzzling against your chest.
“Why do we always watch football? So boring” Lydia groaned.  This turned into a debate between the boys and the girls.
Later that night, you were pulling back the blankets to your bed.  Stiles had already passed out on the couch, and Scott and Kira were curled up in the guest room bed.  Malia was in coyote form, sleeping in a basket full of blankets.  A habit she’s come to form since you and Lydia had kept spare blankets in that basket.  In all honesty, everyone thought it was adorable.
“Hey uh.. Lyd” You said quietly, while she padded over to her dresser.
“Yes anchor?”
“So you know how Scott and Kira were talking tonight about uh… about wanting twins?” Lydia nodded, slipping off her top and jeans, then pulling a long sleeved cotton nightgown, then walked back over to you.
“Wanna be the cool aunts that let their kids do pretty much everything?” You giggled for a moment and nodded.
“Yeah yeah that sounds… that’s great but I wanted…” She looked up at you, tying her hair into a bun.  “I wanted to ask you if uh… if maybe someday…”
“y/n” Lydia got on the bed, shuffling across it on her knees, and standing up (still on her knees) on th mattress.  “I’d love to raise a baby with you some day”
And with that she pressed a sweet kiss to your lips.
You were going to have everything that you ever wanted.
Oh, anchor up to me, love
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Your comeplay tag is broken :(
I think it wasn’t broken, but empty. So here’s a list to start it. - Anastasia
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Laying Claim by OnTheTurningAway
(1/1 I 1,704 I Explicit I Sterek)
It's the evening of the matchmaking ball and Derek, second in line in the Hale hierarchy, is nowhere to be found.
At the moment, he couldn't care less about rights of succession or propriety. Not when Stiles is fucking him in earnest, his hands gripping Derek's hips so tightly they'd leave deep purple marks on any human.
If We're Talking Body (You Got a Perfect One) by alisvolatpropiis
(1/1 I 3,891 I Explicit I Sterek)
“What? Paint me?” At first, Stiles thinks that maybe Derek wants to paint a portrait of him, which is hella freaking weird, but then, judging by the heat he sees in his eyes, he knows that’s not exactly what Derek has in mind. Okay, so the guy is hot, talented, rude, and probably a little insane. Stiles is really regretting not running background checks on all of the building’s tenants before moving in. Laura Hale offered him such a good deal, he should have known there was a catch.
Like having to live underneath her obscenely hot brother who gets stoned and paints all night and says ridiculous things to the half-naked cop that barges into his apartment unannounced in the middle of the night.
Gordian Knot (Of Sex) by tourdefierce
(1/1 I 5,5859 I Explicit I Sterek)
Losing his virginity was hard enough when Lydia Martin was his sole focus. Now there are werewolves involved and this is way crazier. For one, there are a lot more dicks involved. (To be fair, in some of his fantasies, Lydia Martin had an impressive rubber cock.) Either way, Stiles doesn't know why he thought getting rid of his pesky virginity was going to be easier with Derek involved—the guy is practically allergic to doing anything the easy way and that includes Stiles. Being done. Because he's easy. What.
Don't Worry Baby by kalpurna
(1/1 I 20,276 I Explicit I Sterek)
"You know you're allowed to ask for vanilla sex, right?" he says, afterwards. "We can do whatever you want. That's kind of the point."
Derek doesn't respond.
I Ran (So Far) by thepsychicclam
(1/1 I 33,794 I Explicit I Sterek)
“But, you don’t run,” Derek pointed out, confused.
 “People can get new hobbies,” Stiles snapped. “Geez, if I’d known it was going to be this big of a deal, I’d have called you first. Want me to give you my workout schedule? That way you can coordinate your nose accordingly?”
In which Stiles' summer starts off so badly he starts running, gets pelted by paint balls, and decides he is, in fact, going crazy if he willingly wants to hang out with Derek Hale.
The Worst Thing I Ever Did by RemainNameless
(6/6 I 41,088 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles would say his relationship with Derek is about fifteen percent empty threats, thirty percent sass, ten percent avoiding violence together, and five percent eyebrows.If anyone asked, he would say the remaining forty percent is mutual orgasms.
It’s a good thing no one ever asks.
Already on My Knees by secondstar
(14/14 I 61,909 I Explicit I Sterek)
Contention arrives to Derek's bar & microbrewery when a werewolf wants to buy him out, but Derek refuses. He and Stiles' relationship is tested by distance and Stiles' new job in Sacramento.
between the click of the light and the start of the dream by thepsychicclam
(10/10 I 101,192 I Explicit I Sterek)
A twig snaps, and then Stiles hears breathing and the rustle of leaves. He strains to get a better glimpse into the darkness, but it’s pointless. There’s nothing but a black void.
It's Stiles' senior year, and he's trying to concentrate on normal things - like the lacrosse championship, spring break, prom, graduation (and definitely not Derek) - when he starts having nightmares and waking up in the middle of nowhere. Oh yeah, and he's being haunted by a hag. Great.
Fools in Love by Julibean19
(22/22 I 121 I 171 I Explicit I Steter I Rape)
“It was completely surreal. These kinds of things just didn't happen. His dad had made a joke about it months ago and they had brushed it off. Peter had sworn to him that he couldn't get pregnant, and now here he was, a walking, talking, teenage contradiction. He was a cautionary tale. Don't sit on your werewolf boyfriend's dick for too long or you'll get knocked up. Where was the helpful pamphlet about that little nugget of information?”
Or: In which Stiles and Peter go through a lot of drama and trauma trying to bring their little bundle of joy into the world.
Sell Your Body to the Night by Dira Sudis (dsudis)
(15/15 I 121,533 I Explicit I Sterek)
"No," he repeated impatiently. "I'm not a cop. I'm someone who wants to exchange my money for your sexual services. I was told you were in that line of work."
"I, uh, yeah, sorry," Stiles said. He glanced around again and then up--the full moon was almost directly overhead. Just one of those nights, maybe. "Yeah, I am. I do that."
all good things are wild and free by poetictragedy
(34/34 I 133,862 I Explicit I Scisaac)
Isaac is a young Alpha werewolf who lost his family in a brutal house fire years ago. Though werewolves and humans have been coexisting peacefully for a century now, there are still hunters and the Hale family was, unfortunately, a random target for them. So Isaac was forced to live alone in the world, to make a new pack and start his own family, and he didn't think things were going to get better...
But everything changes when Isaac meets Scott McCall.
Spark Me Up by CharWright5
(16/28 I 143,036 I Explicit I Sterek)
After the sudden loss of their dad, brothers Derek and Scott McHale are forced to move to California, where Derek shuts down completely. That is, until his brother's annoying best friend keeps showing up everywhere with his scent, forcing the elder werewolf to open up and deal with everything he's hidden
Settle Down by wearing_tearing, whatthehale
(19/19 I 153,181 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is a struggling author barely making ends meet.
Derek is a successful architect whose biological clock is ticking.
Enter a surrogacy agency, two packs, and a particularly sticky and toe curling heat week and you get a match made in heaven.
Iron Claws and Fragile Hearts by TVTime
(32/? I 158,227 I Explicit I Stiles/Isaac)
Friend or foe? Packmate or werewolf? Safety and security or excitement and danger?...Good or evil?
Unfortunately, not all choices are black and white, and sometimes heroes and monsters lurk where they don't belong.
As supernatural forces loom large and threaten to destroy his pack, Isaac has a choice to make: Stiles or Ethan?
Burn Me Till There's Nothing Left by halcyon1993
(25/25 I 185,114 I Explicit I Sterek I MCD)
Two months after the Nogitsune's defeat, Stiles is having trouble coming to terms with what he did while under its influence. When Derek's birthday rolls around, the pack plan a surprise party for their alpha, also hoping that the celebration will help raise Stiles' spirits. During the festivities, secret looks of longing shared between the two catch Erica's attention, and she bands together with Allison and Lydia and plots to get them to admit their feelings for each other. The plans quickly go awry, however, when a new antagonist appears in Beacon Hills with connections to Derek's past and Stiles finds that the Nogitsune left him with more than just guilt.
75 notes · View notes
just-jordie-things · 8 years
Scared To Be Lonely - Stiles Stilinski
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requested by @shannon-601 based on this song enjoy!
It was great at the very start hands on each other couldn’t stand to be apart closer the better
You walked into the McCall home happily, our hand intertwined with your boyfriends, your other hand holding a box of unpopped popcorn bags.  Movie nights were always the best.
“y/n! Stiles!” Lydia called happily upon your arrival.  You grinned, and Scott came over to take the popcorn box from your hand.
“Thanks! How’d you know we needed some?” Scott asked, already rushing to the kitchen to pop some.  You giggled.
“Because you never learn that you can’t just rely on what you have.  We always run out of popcorn and that makes this one crabby” You nudged Stiles, and he looked at you with a wounded expression.
“I’m hurt you’d say such a thing” Stiles said with a pouty lip.  You giggled, and stood on the tips of your toes to give him a quick kiss.
“EW!” Someone yelled
“Shut up Liam!” Stiles yelled back, and kissed you again before ou could completely turn away.
“Come on lover boy, let’s go take our spot”
You and Stiles got your own love seat couch.  Partially because you always stretched out, and partially because no one else liked to be around you when it was movie night.
Stiles settled down, stretching his legs across the whole sofa, and you crawled in between his legs, laying your back on his chest comfortably.
“What’s the movie tonight?” Malia asked, and everyone looked at Liam, because it was his turn to choose the film.
“Anchorman” He answered, digging into a bag of licorice.
“Is that movie really appropriate for your age?” Stiles asked, and you swatted his shoulder with the back of your hand.
“Leave him alone, I’m not dealing with you two’s fighting tonight” You mumbled, and Stiles sighed.
“Fine” Stiles grumbled.
“Thanks babe” Liam said, and you fell of the couch Stiles moved so fast.
“Listen runt-”
“Hey!” You stood up, brushing your jeans, and pushing Stiles back from where he was attempting to go fight the beta.  “Stiles.  Kitchen. Now.” You walked off first, and Stiles hesitantly followed.  The rest of the pack just watched silently, and once you were both out of the room, began awkward conversation.
“I’m sorry-”
“Stiles” You breathed turning to face him.  “You’ve been all on edge this whole night, and not just since we’ve been here, what’s going on in that crowded head of yours?” You placed your hands over his arms, rubbing them gently to calm his evident nerves.
“I’m..I’m kinda anxious”
“Yeah...” He found it difficult to meet your eyes.  But you waited patiently for him to continue.  Which never happened.
“Stiles what’re you-”
“I want to give you something” He cut you off, and you slowly nodded your head.
“Okay...” You said quietly.
“But I don’t want you to freak out about it” Again, you nodded.
“Promise I won’t” You said with a soft smile.  Stiles looked at you, relief written all over his face.  Then reached a hand down into his pocket.
“Close your eyes” You followed the order, lashes fluttering shut.  You heard shuffling, and him taking a deep breath.  “Okay, open”
You first looked at his eyes, wide with nervousness and hope, then they landed on what was in his hand.  A small blue velvet box, with white silky pillowing on the inside, which protecting the beautiful silver ring with little sapphires embedded in it.  Your hands flew over your mouth, eyes wetting as you looked from the ring to Stiles.
“It’s- It’s a promise ring” He told you, and you nodded, closing your eyes tightly to stop the flow of tears that threatened to leave your eyes.
“It’s b-beautiful Stiles” You told him, wiping your eyes.  He smiled big, pulling it out carefully, and opening his hand.  You placed your wrist in his hand, and let him slide the ring along your finger.
“So...so you like it?” You nodded quickly, looking from your hand up to Stiles, and stood on the tips of your toes, crashing your lips against his in a passionate yet needy kiss.
“I love it, I love you” You said, and he smiled softly again, giving you another gentle kiss.
“I love you too” You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he hugged you close.  “So much, so so much you don’t even know” You smiled into his neck, and pulled back a little again, pressing his lips to yours once more.  “And so, no matter what, I promise I’m going to love you, always, no matter what happens”
Now we’re picking fights and slamming doors magnifying all our flaws and I wonder why, wonder what for why we keep coming back for more
You were sitting on Stiles’ bed, tapping your pen against your notebook.  It had been six months since he’d given you the beautiful ring that was still put on your finger each morning.  Although the smile that would appear during the action, was no longer really an expression at all.  More of just a routine.  Brush hair, do makeup, put on ring, brush teeth, etc.  
It’s meaning, was gone.
You looked up at Stiles, who was busy on his... well you weren’t sure he didn’t really tell you when you’d arrived.  in fact, you hadn’t spoken since you’d shared hellos, then did your own things.  
“I think I’m gonna get going” You stood, collecting your things and putting them away in your bag.
“ ’kay” Stiles said, not turning to look at you.  You twisted the ring on your finger anxiously.  
“So I’ll see you tomorrow at school” You said with a sigh, walking out of the room.
Stiles didn’t say anything.
You weren’t sure what to do, what to say.  You were walking home, seeing that Stiles had driven you to his house, and didn’t bother to offer a ride home.  It was sprinkling, but not full on raining.
So, you called the only person you knew who could answer your questions.
“Hey y/n what can I do for ya doll?” The voice chuckled.
“Hey... Scott” You sighed, slowing your pace as you walked.
“Everything alright? Are you still at Stiles’ place?” He asked.
“Um.. uh no- no I left” Your voice cracked.  “I’m walking home”
“y/n what’s wrong?”Scott asked, voice full of concern.
“Scott I have to ask you a question... and it’s going to be very inconsiderate, and break all the rules of best friends, but I-I need to know”
“Yeah okay, what do you need?”
“Is Stiles out of love with me?” Scott’s silence was answer enough, and you sighed.  “Thanks, McCall” You said quietly.
“y/n I don’t.. I don’t know what to say”
“You don’t have to say anything” You whispered.  “I knew forever could only last so long” A few silent tears slipped onto your cheeks.  “I’ll see you in school”
“Yeah...” Scott breathed.  “I’m sorry” 
“See you tomorrow”
And with that, you hung up.  There was nothing left to say, nothing left to do.  What you and Stiles had was officially gone.  There was no more love, no romance, no passion, and there certainly wasn’t trust.  It was sad, not because you’d lost the boy you thought you would grow old with, but because you both knew it was happening, and neither of you cared to preserve it.  Just watched your relationship fall.  Not a crash and burn, but a gradual decline until eventually, it was so far gone, you couldn’t see it.
Is it just our bodies? are we both losing our minds? is the only reason you’re holding me tonight ‘cause we’re scared to be lonely? do we need somebody just to feel like we’re alright? is the only reason you’re holding me tonight ‘cause we’re scared to be lonely?
So what do two people do when they fall out of love? They break up.  There’s not a point in mending a relationship that neither person feels loved in anymore.  But the worst part about yours and Stiles’ fallout, was that there was nothing to it.  You’d gone to him, told him that you felt like there was nothing left in your relationship.  To which he replied with a nod, and a short statement of ‘i agree’.
“I guess this is the part where we break up” You said, in a soft, sad voice.
“I guess so” Stiles sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.  You half smiled, and put a hand on his shoulder, before reaching on the tips of your toes and placing a tender kiss on his cheek.
“I’m not gonna forget you though” You said, and he nodded, taking your hand from his shoulder, and kissing the back of it for a few seconds.
“I’m not gonna forget you either y/n”
But he did.  It’d been two months since that day in the school hallway, and he hadn’t said a mere word to you.  Which only made fucking everything that much more difficult and awkward.  You had moved to a completely different lunch table, seating only you Lydia, Kira, and sometimes Malia.
You were getting ready for school one morning, and your eyes landed on a small piece of jewelry that made your heart sink to your stomach.
The ring.
Tears brimmed your eyes, and you let out a small cry upon picking it up.  The small band that once symbolized so much love, an entire fantasized future of it.
You slipped it onto your finger, for the sake of nostalgia maybe, perhaps sad and broken memories, you weren’t exactly sure what brought you to do it.  But inspecting the glimmer of blue and silver next to your knuckle brought back so many memories.  So many thoughts and wishes, early morning ideas and late night conversations, long talks about college and careers, little banters on Star Wars, stolen shirts and late afternoons wrapped in white sheets, rides in the jeep and kisses you could still feel on your lips.  All of it, all of the fire, all of the ice.
It was gone.  And you were scared.
Scared of being this lonely, forever.
and there it is, i hope you liked it :)
tagged: @morganschiebel​ and @bunnyboo10154​
again, thank you for the follows love and support.  more big hugs! xoxo ~ jordie
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