triskhellion · 9 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @dear-massacre
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Twenty-one. Twenty fics and one weird standalone soundtrack, lol.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Teen Wolf so far, but I maybe I'll get around to some ideas I have for The Sandman or something else one day.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Thunder (Sterek. 12.1k. Explicit. Depressed loner Derek meets on-the-run Werefox/Kitsune Stiles in rural Montana.)
The Cold Moon (Sterek, 40.6k. Explicit. Part one of a story where Stiles is forced across a mysterious boundary by Hunters and encounters a semi-feral Alpha Derek. My first published fic.)
Second Chance Strays (Sterek, 8.5k. Explicit. Mage Stiles, Derek, & Larem the deer alone in the wilderness. A Fuck or Die situation ensues when a darach attacks.)
CLAIM! (Sterek, 11.9k, Explicit. Misunderstandings and making up after Derek & Stiles meet at Jungle and hook-up.)
Customer Service (Sterek, 10.9k. Explicit. Surly barista omega Derek and human college student Stiles. Banter, vulgar latte art, and heat sex. Dominant Derek, Service Top Stiles.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Sometimes it takes a while, but comments are appreciated and I know I like getting responses.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess Amīca (Derissa) because it's an unresolved pre-relationship fic that's meant to be the first In a series. I've been a happy ending gal, so no real angsty ones so far. The angst is in the beginning and/or middle!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The rest of them? 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet. Knocks on wood.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Most of my fics have smut at some point, lol. Or belong to series that do/will.
Um, barebacking and creampie/breeding. Cum eating or play and marking in general, including hickeys and biting.
Virgin/first time bottoming, praise kink, light degradation, and knotting are also in a number of stories. Some spanking, bondage and pinning, and generally low-key dominance and submission. Chasing and claiming and a few omegaverse or just self-lubrication. (I have plans for more.)
All M/M or M/M/M so far, but I have WIPs and notes with other combinations. I have a bunch of Kinktober bits from 2022 to turn into fics that I'm both nervous and excited about. And lots of other ideas too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, but I have a summary for a Sterek Teen Wolf/The Sandman crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Sounds both fun and kinda scary.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Sterek is what finally got me into fanfiction and the whole shipping fandom thing a few years ago, so I gotta go with them. I enjoy a bunch of others from Teen Wolf too (especially Steter, Stetopher, and Sterek + various people) and from other fandoms.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I currently intend to finish all my WIPs, but who knows what the future will hold. I have 3 posted WIPs that I definitely plan to complete: The Wolf Moon, The Depths, and 15 Shades of Red. I have dozens of unposted ones that I also hope to finish...eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Apparently dialogue, world building, characters' inner thoughts, and being funny sometimes. Coming up with ideas.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Epithets. It's just tricky when the characters have the same pronouns and I hate writing their names over and over. (I don't mind when other people do it though, so 🤷🏽‍♀️. But then I'll be like, "I can't say Derek three times in this paragraph!")
I've started looking for ones to remove whenever I edit now (and I'm cringing thinking about earlier stories that I should re-edit at some point,) but I still use some and am self-conscious about it.
Also, sometimes I info dump, but that doesn't bother me so much. Boom, here's a bunch of background now let's get on with it, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've used a few words in Polish here and there in some stories, but I probably wouldn't try to write whole conversations in another language unless I was familiar with it or could ask someone about it.
There's some Patois/Patwah in Irie, which was interesting to write because there's no one set spelling of many words, so it was part looking at common ones and part "What did it sound like/how was it phrased when this relative or family friend said something like this?"
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I vaguely recall thinking up scenes, dialogue, background, etc, for a story with Byakuya Kuchiki/Shūhei Hisagi from Bleach approximately 5 billion years ago when I was a teenager, but I don't remember if I ever actually wrote anything. Definitely didn't finish or publish anything. So...Teen Wolf.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hmm. I can't say that I have a favorite. I only started actually writing from my list of fic ideas around 16 months ago, IIRC. Maybe if I look back on them all after enough time passes I'll be able to pick one out (though knowing me...still probably not,) but right now they're all just...floating around in my head and also mixed with the particular experiences of writing them, idk.
Here's a recent one that was fun to write:
Legs (Sterek, 4.3k. Explicit. Snark and smut after college students Derek and Werecreature Stiles cross paths at the mall.)
If you want to play along, tag, you're it!
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The Botched Execution of Jimmy Lee Gray
In January 1968, Jimmy Lee Gray committed his first murder at 18 years old. Whilst walking home from school with his girlfriend, 16 year old Elda Prince, they both became embroiled in an argument which culminated in Gray strangling Elda and cutting her throat. After he killed her, Gray concealed her body inside a culvert in close proximity to the Colorado River. 
When Elda did not return home later that day, her mother alerted the authorities and a search for the teenage girl ensued. Gray was very close with his girlfriend’s family, and even assisted in the search that night. However, police suspected him from the offset, and it did not take long for him to buckle under questioning. Gray led investigators to the scene where he had hidden Elda’s body, and he was ultimately convicted of second degree murder after standing trial. However, he only served six years in prison before being paroled, which was a decision largely protested by the previously presiding judge. His early release would later turn out to be disastrous.
Gray managed to avoid any trouble for two years after his release from prison, until 25th June 1976. On this date, a three year old girl named Derissa Scales went missing from her parents’ home in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and they happened to live in the same apartment building as Jimmy Lee Gray. Gray was arrested in connection with Derissa’s disappearance after other residents last saw the little girl getting into a red car with a male matching his description. 
Again, during questioning, it did not take long for Gray to confess to his involvement in the disappearance. He explained that he had taken Derissa for a ride in his car and sexually assaulted her, after which point he threw her into a body of water located at Black Creek. Similar to his previous crime, he led detectives directly to scene, where they were able to recover the little girl’s body. A full autopsy demonstrated the sinister details of Gray’s actions. Horrifically, Derissa had been gagged and sodomized, and she died after her underwear had been forced down her throat and her face had been submerged into a muddy ditch. 
Gray was subsequently charged with sodomy and first degree murder, and it took jurors only one hour to deliberate and reach a guilty verdict. For this heinous crime, he was sentenced to die in the gas chamber.
After finishing a last meal consisting of Mexican food, strawberries and milk, Jimmy Lee Gray was transported to the gas chamber on 2nd September 1983. He was seated in the ‘death chair’ and a lever was pulled which combined cyanide capsules with a container of acid. The execution process began, but it did not go according to plan.
It was noted that a required head constraint was not used, and as Gray began to desperately gasp for breath, he succumbed to violently banging his head repeatedly against the metal pole situated directly behind the chair. With a total of fifteen witnesses present, all watched as Gray gasped 11 times and began to moan and vigorously fight against the restraints. Gray was still alive and suffering 8 minutes into the execution, which resulted in officials becoming concerned and clearing the repulsed witnesses from the room. The decision to remove witnesses from the room while the inmate was still alive faced much criticism, as doing so eliminates important monitoring by attending journalists, members of the public, and relatives. 
Prison staff attempted to claim that Gray suffered a heart attack and died 3 minutes after the gas was released, but numerous witnesses refuted this and argued that Gray was still convulsing 8 minutes later, just before they were removed from the room. Eventually, it was documented that all movement ceased 9 minutes into the execution, at which point Gray was pronounced dead. As anybody can imagine, this is a torturous amount of time to suffocate. His defense counsel later spoke of the scene, stating “Jimmy Lee Gray died banging his head against a steel pole in the gas chamber”  which resulted in “a painful death”. Conversely, Derissa’s father also provided his opinion on the execution, stating: ''Even in prison he had been able to talk, to breathe and to laugh and he had taken all these things from my little girl... He didn't have the right to continue living.'' 
After further investigation, it emerged that the executioner, Thomas Berry Bruce, had been drunk throughout the process of the execution.
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triskhellion · 1 year
Rated: General (1.5K)
Relationship: Derek Hale/Melissa McCall, Derek Hale & Melissa McCall
Characters: Melissa McCall, Derek Hale
Tags: POV Melissa McCall, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, Pre-Relationship
Summary: Melissa befriends Derek after Scott and the rest of the gang leave Beacon Hills. On the anniversary of the fire Derek comes over wrecked and comfort turns into kissing...and maybe eventually more.
Super Blue Moon prompts: Special, Unravel & Woman
It began with a forehead kiss. 
For months now they’d been enjoying each other’s company, light conversation over dinner a couple times a week or sharing stories about all the exasperating, but amusing and lovable teenagers they knew when he came over to fix some broken appliance or another. Sometimes they wouldn’t say much of anything at all, reading or writing in a comfortable silence.
A much different one than the quiet of absence in the house after Scott and the rest of the bunch went off to college or other endeavors out of town. For a while it had been refreshing not to have a gaggle of rambunctious troublemakers yelling and roaring about the place. Getting bloodstains on the furniture, mostly accidentally smashing things, and generally being underfoot when she was trying to get something done around the house. But eventually the novelty had worn off. She missed them.
One afternoon on her way to work she’d seen Derek broodily wandering on the side of the road and it occurred to her that he must be lonely too.
Not even Peter was around these days for dubious companionship and while some of the new kids remained — going over to Liam’s now instead of her place — they weren’t really part of his circle despite being the only Alpha actually in residence. So a few days later when she’d had a day off she brought food over to the loft for the first time figuring that he could use a home-cooked meal. Enchiladas de mole poblano with esquites and salpicon de res. 
Watching the play of emotions on his face, the surprise and confusion giving way to a cautious smile, had filled her with warmth and satisfaction. Melissa was just planning to drop it off, but he stiltedly invited her inside and offered her a beer. It was pretty awkward at first, but became less so and when Derek stopped by her house the following week to return the platter, bowl, and baking dish she told him he should come back the next evening for lasagna. He did, bringing a bottle of red wine, and they ended up watching some artsy movie he mentioned liking when she scrolled past it while looking for something to put on. 
And so it went, their friendship a bright spot in this new mother-of-adult-child stage of life and the dinners, movie nights, and occasional joint errands something to look forward to. They had more in common than she would have guessed, swapping books back and forth and sending each other music, but they were also very different in other respects, which led to some lively debates from the philosophical to whether pineapple belonged on pizza. (Yes, it does, Derek! Sweet & salty-savory is a time honored flavor combination.)
Sometimes he showed up when he was obviously troubled, but Derek usually didn’t want to talk about it. Melissa wished that he would, but at least her presence seemed to help and she was glad that she could do that much. 
Then the anniversary of the fire came around again and he was suddenly there at her door, shaking, and all those bitten-back words and bottled up tears starting coming out. 
She guided him over to the couch and sat down with him, wrapping her arms around him as he clung to her, the hint of claws making tiny holes in her blouse, but not causing any actual pain. Eventually Derek ended up partially cradled in her lap on his side facing away. She had one hand carding through his hair and the other lain across his torso. His eyes were closed, tear laden lashes in little peaks, and his breath slowed now that he’d calmed, but with the irregularity of wakefulness.
Melissa looked down at him then, this powerful yet vulnerable creature. Beautiful and broken and brave, special and so so warm, and she felt a fierce protectiveness and love for him. Tucking an errant strands of hair behind his ear, she smiled softly and leaned down to plant a kiss on his forehead. 
Glossy green-hazel eyes flew open and he froze momentarily before turning onto his back, staring at her anxious face and then lowering to her lips. Licking his own he then rose up slowly, eyes never leaving hers and giving ample time to pull away. She didn’t. 
Eyebrows raised and flushing, Melissa watched him get closer until her eyes unfocused and his mouth was meeting hers, at first clumsy, soft, and unsure and then vigorous and desperate. Heat flashed low in her belly as the kiss deepened and a large, strong hand fisted in her hair. When they paused for breath she was left panting, gripping his back and her head resting on his shoulder.  
Their eyes met when she straightened up and astonished smiles were exchanged, but when he aimed to go further, tentatively reaching for her blouse, she took his hand firmly in both of hers and kissed the back just below his knuckles. 
Derek averted his eyes and went to pull away, an apology clearly forming on his tongue.
“Shhh, it’s okay. We’re okay,” she said, gently squeezing his captured wrist. “You didn’t do anything wrong and I’m not…” — she lifted one of her hands and waved it around — “uninterested, as I’m sure you can tell. But I think we should think about this. Not rush into anything at such an emotional time and try to figure out what you, what we, really want. Okay?” 
Derek hazarded a glance at her and nodded. Melissa smiled and kissed his hand once more before letting go. She was worried that he would immediately run off, possibly out of the state or even the country, but after fidgeting a bit he chose to stick around while she grabbed the remote and put on some random black and white movie, sitting on the floor with his side against her left leg. 
At some point she fell asleep and when she woke up with a blanket over her he was indeed gone, but she felt somewhat better about the prospect of seeing him again. However this went she didn’t want to lose him. More importantly, she didn’t want him to lose a source of support and comfort either. Melissa sighed.
Now she had some decisions to make. They both did.
The next evening found her thinking in the kitchen while drinking coffee before her night shift. She looked at the pictures on the fridge of her son and then turned away. This wasn’t about him or anyone except her and Derek.
Melissa ruminated on her lack of intimate connection, her long dormant desire raising its head at the possibility of being allowed out of its constraints. How tightly wound she’d become, just begging to be unraveled. To flourish.
It wasn’t like Melissa was unaware of how attractive Derek was, she had eyes after all, but she hadn’t approached him with any such designs in mind. Had only occasionally gone there in the privacy of her mind and bedroom and mostly just kind of ignored it. Part of her was raring to leap at the chance to experience him, but she wanted nothing to do with hurting him more.
She thought about what she knew of his various relationships and entanglements, some of which she’d inferred on her own and some she found out from overhead or occasionally direct conversations with Scott and the others.
There was the tragedy with Paige and then of course Kate, who took advantage afterward, and used him in order to destroy — to murder — his family. That Jennifer Blake woman, the vengeful darach who tried to sacrifice her and used Derek yetagain. 
She had no idea about what happened in the intervening years in New York. If he couldn’t let down his guard down or had too much guilt and trauma to date at all or if he hooked up with someone new every week to try to the dull the pain, or something in between. However it had gone she was going to assume there hadn’t been anything meaningful. Derek had never given the impression that he left someone behind, though who could say for certain with how close he usually kept things to his chest. 
Finally, there was Braeden. She at least didn’t seem to have damaged him and as far as Melissa knew they had fun and companionship and parted on good terms, but she doubted he’d gotten what he clearly so desperately craved from the no-strings mercenary either. What he needed. 
And with that thought she made up her mind. 
Maybe he’d realize that his feelings got all muddled up and he didn’t really see her that way. Or that even if he did that it wasn’t a good idea to act on it, which would be completely understandable. Whatever reason he might give she would accept. 
Melissa wouldn’t push. God knows he’d had enough of that.
But she also decided that if he truly wanted to give something more between them a shot then she wouldn’t say no. And that whatever happened she would do her damnedest to at least make sure she left him better than she found him.
Now the ball was in his court.
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