deargleannan · 10 years
songs of the people | open
There was something like playing the fiddle that always made Rhiannon feel at peace, no matter what else was happening. It reminded her of simpler times, simpler days. It reminded her of when she was still human, still young, and still in love. Back in those days, in the evenings, the townsfolk would gather together and play instruments and sing together. She had learned harp because it was the proper, ladylike thing to do, and she had always had a lovely voice. But the fiddle, that had been something she learned in secret, something her father would not have approved of. One of the many things.
Her hair was braided back from her face so as not to get tangled into the strings as she played, the fiddle tucked beneath her chin as she drew the bow back and forth. It was a lively tune, one that they would have danced to. She could remember the way it sounded as if it was yesterday, how it would have been with drums and other instruments, how the people would have danced. At some point, she would have stopped playing to dance. To dance with Seamus.
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Her fingers drew a sour note at the thought of her long-passed love, lips tucking down deep into a frown. However, she forced it out of her mind and continued to play, moving in a small circle.
The park was not crowded, not this close to sunset. Most did not frequent it so late, but this place made her feel calm. Cities were still so strange for Rhiannon, for someone who was used to something so small and so simple. Even years later, everything was strange.
The music rang through the park and Rhiannon found herself smiling a bit, even if a small one. The memories were enough to make her feel like she was something like a human again.
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dark-echo-roleplay · 10 years
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A New Orleans Native born to Brazilian immigrants, Javier has had a fascination with the supernatural from infancy. It was hardly a surprise, as his Mother was a Medium and his Father a church-sanctioned exorcist.  He grew up in a household where demons were discussed as frequently as the weather and where talismans, iconography and charms were commonplace.
Aged five he had seen a painstaking (and particularly difficult) exorcism that took nearly twenty nine hours to complete. The way the girl’s body contorted, the things that came out of her mouth...they were unnatural. Terrifying. But, his Mother assured him, he had no need to fear. They could protect him and, when he was old enough, teach him all they knew about defending himself from such horrors.
Watching his parents work, Javier could not help but be impressed. They were good people, pure of heart, who simply wanted the best for their community. They never gave up until a job was taken care of even when a case seemed impossible.
In his thirty five years, he has never once doubted the things he has witnessed.
When he came of age, he didn’t feel strong enough to take up his Father’s mantle as an exorcist and he was never bestowed with his Mama’s gift of sight. So he has contented himself with a life dedicated to the study, the examination, education and exploration of ‘The Other’.
Leading a class called simply ‘Supernatural Studies’ at the University of New Orleans has certainly raised eyebrows, but Javier is an expert in his field, the knowledge and consistency he has displayed time and again serving him well. There is very little he doesn’t know about mythology, the occult and supernatural law. Over the years, his name has repeatedly come up in various academic journals (along with meticulous articles) and he is very highly thought of in the scholastic community.
Although he believes in a thorough education for all of his students, and whilst he might be absolutely set on his own convictions, Javier is intelligent enough to know that he must come at his classes from a neutral (and purely philosophical) viewpoint. Even though he imparts valuable knowledge to those in his care (such as dispelling the notion that vampires have no refection, to cite just one example) he does not believe in claiming to have all the answers, or to be stating concrete fact.
It’s safer than way. The last thing he wants is to appear as some crackpot conspiracy theorist and risk jeopardizing the reputation he has spent the past ten years building from the ground up.  
With his easy charm, warm smile and friendly demeanour he is a favorite with staff and students alike. Recently though, the popular professor has been appearing worn out, if a little troubled. He has developed a fixation on Danse Macabre, the new underground theatre it’s almost impossible to get into.
Surely, the rumours must be mistaken. It can’t be that such a spectacle of the supernatural now exists out in plain sight can it? And, perhaps more worrying, if the tales are to be believed...what does that mean for the fate of mankind?
Passionate, focussed, well-educated, warm, charismatic, charming, mindful of those in his care, well-versed in the supernatural, above average intelligence, trustworthy, uneasy, driven.
ARIEL WINTER: (Acquaintance/Associate)
To say their relationship is explosive is putting it mildly. Just as his career was starting to take off, Ariel appeared demanding interviews, mocking his beliefs and twisting his words. Javier hoped never to have to deal with the vile woman again, but lately she turned up at his class appearing rather shaken. Against his better judgement, he agreed to help her on her quest to find definitive proof of the supernatural. Still, Javier plays his cards close to his chest, holding back the full extent of his knowledge. After all, fool me once...
From the first moment he met Katia, the very first year he gave his class, he knew there was something special about her. When she came to him, revealing she was a benevolent white witch, he was hardly surprised. After his parents returned to Brazil, it's a comfort to have such a good friend with whom he can talk openly about everything. Not to mention, she is a valuable resource and connection to the other world.
SIMON DUVAL: (Student)
Ah, Simon. So much passion, conviction and fire. Javier worries that the boy's somewhat obsessive behaviour, desperation to prove there is something out there, will land him in a world of trouble. So he often schedules one on one seminars, just so he can check in. After all, if the boy did something stupid and wound up dead, well...he'd never forgive himself.
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