#desi kaeya is SO dear to me
babiexiao · 1 year
kaeya calls you "meri jaan" as a form of endearment. prefers "meri jaan" over baby, or babe and everything else sniffles :(((
you call out for him in another room and he's immediately going "yes, meri jaan?" you ask him for his opinion on a new outfit and he just "you look as beautiful as ever, meri jaan." when he needs to ask you something, he starts off the sentence with "meri jaan". when you're mad at him about something, crossed arms and eyebrows furrowed, he'd hold your chin gently and tilts your head up, "i'm sorry, meri jaan, forgive me?" even when he speaks to others about you when you're not around :(( when he wants to hype you up, he begins his sentence with "well, meri jaan–" and continues to talk about you
and andnndnd and jfdkfdgj whenwhe n w h e n you have your legs pinned to your chest n he's coaxing you to another orgasm, one on his cock this time and and and he jsjuttt GODDD "thaaat's it, cum f'me. just like that. so good for me..." leans down to rest his forehead against yours as you come down from your high, "always so good for me, meri jaan."
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watatsumiis · 2 years
ALL OF THE QUESTIONS!!!!!!! for ur ask game
Ohoho!!! excited beeps!!! Thank you so so much, im p excited to do this woo
Answers under the cut!
1. Who are your favourite character(s) at the moment?
I definitely have had some pretty strong Harbinger brainrot over the past few weeks (Dottore, Pierro, Pantalone and Capitano especially), but as always Ayato and Zhongli hold a very special place in my heart!! Yae Miko and Tighnari also got me going a bit feral right now ngl
2. Who are your least favourite character(s) at the moment?
There are definitely a few characters who I can't stand (female pyro vision wielders---) but I feel like that's more to do with how they've been written in the game, I feel like I could be convinced to like a lot of them once I've read some good headcanons and such!
3. Which character(s) do you lowkey despise but can't stop thinking about?
SCARAMOUCHE he's a gross little rat and i want to pull his hair -- also same with Al Haitham i just grrr bark (dont come for me i defo dont actually hate either of them asdjkhksdfg)
4. Which character(s) do you identify the most with?
I have pretty strong connections with a few characters throughout the series, but I vibe really hard with Xiao and Gorou (if you couldn't already guess--) and sometimes Sucrose! There's also something about Albedo that's got me like. Hm. Nods. Same hat.
5. What are your favourite headcanons you've come up with?
My appearance headcanons for Capitano are definitely right up there - if MHY disappoints/diverts a lot I think I've come up with enough original content and ideas for him to just make my version a fully fledged OC.
I'm also pretty fond of a lot of my neurodivergent headcanons for certain characters (OCD Pantalone isn't something I've seen around but it's definitely something I incorporate into a lot of my writing with him).
OH ALSO Adepti being empaths !! That's a very special headcanon I hold dear to my heart, I dunno why I came up with it but I really really like it, especially with Xiao.
6. Favourite headcanons belonging to other people?
I saw a Pyro Delusion Pantalone headcanon the other day that was really really super cool, I'd never even considered him having a delusion until I saw that and it vibed!!
Generally I enjoy any trans or ND headcanons for characters too, even if they don't line up with how I view them/characterise them it's really nice to see such a broad range of ideas for one character!
7. Do you have any self-ships (romantic or platonic)?
So many. So so many. I have a variety of 'sonas' for various AUs/timelines (though the one that I've made the most content for is. An arranged marriage AU with Ayato jkdskjhgf) and I make a lot of varying content for them (which I probably won't be sharing here because I'm shy but just know. I love them.) with all different characters and different relationship dynamics, I've been shipping myself (or versions of) with fictional characters for years and it's a huge comfort to me and such a fun fun way to experiment with writing different scenarios and such!
8. Thoughts on alternate universes (AUs)? Any favourites?
I LOVE AUs so much i have about a million myself and I adore seeing the kinds of things others come up with !! A lot of my writing tends to be done in a non-canon AU where the events of the game havent/don't happen just to keep things simpler hfkjhsdgk
I'm always an enjoyer of modern AUs, but at the moment i'm holding a particular fondness for the 'Fatui adopt Kaeya AU', which lowkey may have slightly inspired the last fic i started working on ehe
9. If you were from Teyvat, where would you live?
Mondstadt!! It just seems chill and nice and there's such a wide variety of people there, the vibe seems accepting and laid back and it seems like lots of people from different walks of life congregate there! Failing that maybe Sumeru just because mmm pretty
10. What kind of Vision would you have?
Anemo, probably! That's the one i most commonly write my sonas with! Though I don't think I'd be entirely opposed to a Dendro vision in some cases too!!
11. What weapon type would you use?
Hmm I guess maybe catalyst? (something something not another god damn anemo catalyst short model boy)
12. Favourite fandom tropes/goofs?
One i always find funny is like. siblings with big age gaps getting along great (Albedo/Klee, Ayato/Ayaka, Jean/Barbara, etc) but ones closer in age constantly trying to MURDER each other (Diluc/Kaeya, and Aether/Lumine r the only ones i can think of rn).
I also love the found family tropes I see around, and the Nahida and Scara content I've seen recently have been top notch!
13. Least favourite fandom tropes/goofs?
It's a common thing with a lot of games and characters where the fandom reduces them down to a core trait or two and act like it's completely canon, or take certain lines and such out of context and base their entire characterisation off of that - on a surface level theyre silly and fun but when it's literally everywhere
A few i can think of off the top of my head are like 'senior citizen zhongli' where he's reduced to nothing but a bumbling old boomer and the whole 'stalker/obsessive ayaka' bit.
14. If you could change anything about one characters design, who/what would it be and why?
I think some of the adepti should have more non-human traits (xiao deserves horns tbh) and as a general statement i'd love to see characters with facial/body hair and more variety in body types or at least skin tones! I understand it's not exactly like realistic but it would be nice
there was also an interesting detail with Zhongli's design that was fixed - he wore his vision backwards! I think it was super neat and an interesting reference to the fact that it's not a real vision, but sadly they fixed it :(
15. What's your favourite voice line from the game?
I know a lot of people joke about Zhongli's idle lines being really annoying (and while hearing the oSmAnThUs WiNe line 8 times in just as many minutes can get really irritating) but i find them kind of comforting - I play in English and really enjoy the cadence of his voice, it's super comforting to me, so most of his lines are big faves - I also find his 'disliked gift' line super funny where he tries to redirect the player by telling them stories ashkjgf
I also like how Kaeya teases you for standing around (though it kinda makes me wanna flick him), and Tighnari's "who ate a poisoned mushroom this time?" join line is fun!
Link to the ask meme!
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